Upbringing and educational opportunities for play activities in preschool age. Pedagogical opportunities for communication and various activities - report

Play is one of the types of children's activities that are used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his educational and work activities, his relations with people will subsequently depend.

For example, in the game, such a quality of the child's personality is formed as self-regulation of actions, taking into account the tasks collective action. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also restructures his intellectual sphere in a significant way, since in a collective game there is an interaction of various ideas, the development of event content and the achievement of a common game goal. It has been proven that in play, children get their first experience of collective thinking. This circumstance is of fundamental importance, since the child's future is closely connected with socially useful work, which requires its participants to jointly solve problems aimed at obtaining a socially useful product.

By organizing a game of preschool, a modern teacher takes into account the specifics of its formation and the general laws of the development of children. Domestic psychologists (L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leont'ev, D.B. Elkonin) argue that a child's development occurs only if he himself is actively involved in different types of activity (subject, game, educational, labor) ... To each age period corresponds to the most accessible and important for education and psychological development Kind of activity. Only a child who knows how to communicate and actively learns the most significant features items, able to go to the game. V preschool age there are great opportunities for play to become the child's leading activity (10; 3).

The game has long been used for training and education. Domestic pedagogy skillfully used it to raise children of different ages... In some games, tasks came to the fore mental education, in others - physical, third - artistic.

In modern preschool pedagogy different types of games are distinguished, imparting certain knowledge and skills to children: didactic, active, dramatization games, music games- fun. In them, game actions are provided in advance by the rules of the game, toys.

In many of these games (games - dramatization, plot-musical, plot-didactic and plot-moving), the content of learning is, as it were, intertwined with a game plot that is interesting and close to children in their life experience.

The proposed game plot (theme of the game, sequence of events) provides for such behavior of children, which ensures the assimilation of new knowledge, skills, moral rules. Children, acting in an imaginary situation, solving game problems within a given game plot, imperceptibly for themselves assimilate the inherent in them educational material... So in outdoor game"Sparrows and cars" they learn to run without bumping into each other, to act on a signal. The narrative-didactic game "Let's teach a doll to undress" helps them remember the sequence of undressing, teaches them to carefully hang and fold clothes, encourages them to use the names of items of clothing and actions in speech. Having learned such games from their elders, children can play them themselves, repeating or creatively changing their content, but preserving their teaching basis and rules of the game. So, in educational games of a plot nature, children act in accordance with the rules within a predetermined game plot, assimilating specific material on mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education.

The game that children create themselves, reproducing in it what is close and interesting to them, has a special character. The theme of these games is based on life experience children. Such games are called creative, role-playing. They lay the foundation for collective action, game cooperation, communication and joint solution. game tasks, the transition to the display of human relationships in the game. Displaying life impressions in the game, the child consolidates, refines and expands knowledge about the environment. The value of such a game for the future mental development and harmonious education child is that

In the child's mind, the imaginary situation is being improved, with a gradual transition from "objective" play to games of an internal, mental plan;

The child in his development smoothly passes from individual games to collective games;

A new level of comprehension surrounding reality expand the creative possibilities of the child.

It is important to skillfully use all types of games in the educational process. Self story game closely related to educational games. Some types of games are mutually enriching for others.

Already in the children's play early age favorable prerequisites are created for the development of abstract thinking and speech, imagination and thinking develop, Creative skills, speech. Good game- pledge Have a good mood, good health.

In the early stages of development, the story game brings up moral and volitional qualities personality: the ability to arbitrarily control their actions, empathy, assistance. The first play together fosters a sense of friendship in children.

In games nearby, in the first business contacts, interest is brought up not only in actions, but also in the personality of another child. In individual and first joint games children transmit, consolidate and deepen their social experience that reflects relationships and communication different people, fairytale characters... In games, children show their attitude to reality, give moral and emotional assessments (the fox is cunning, the wolf is evil).

The game is school voluntary behavior(D.B. Elkonin) (4; 3). Let's try to make the child stand still - he won't stand even for two seconds. But if this action is included in the game context, the goal will be successfully achieved. Let's remember: “The sea is agitated - one, the sea is agitated - two, the sea is agitated - three. Freeze! " After all, even the most restless boys and girls freeze and stand, even on one leg.

Game is a school of morality in action (A.N. Leont'ev) (4; 6). You can explain to the child as much as you like at home, “what is good and what is bad,” but only a fairy tale and a game are capable of teaching through emotional empathy, through putting oneself in the place of another, to teach to act and act in accordance with moral requirements. Psychological research showed: if the "enemies" are included in the game interaction, in which they are forced to work together, taking care of each other, mutual dislike will soon disappear, and vice versa - for friends who have turned out to be gambling rivals, excitement and desire to win often turn out to be stronger than friendship.

Play is a leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of a child's intellectual, physical and moral strengths.

According to the Russian historian and philosopher Vasily Zenkovsky, “play is free creativity, the most important manifestation of the aesthetic principle in a person”, a means of penetrating into the sphere of meanings, comprehending the unity of the world and its Creator (7; 98).

K.D. Ushinsky noted how important it is to observe children's play in order to determine the general and intellectual health of children. If the child does not express interest in games; passive or plays stereotypically and primitively for his age - this is a serious signal for an adult: such a child requires special attention, this is a "special" child - maybe a genius, or maybe a dysfunctional (4; 8).

With the help of the game, the child's education is more effective, and the upbringing is more enjoyable. The game is a diagnostic tool mental state child, his personal development, but it is also an excellent method for correcting certain defects, deficiencies, and developmental delays. One of the youngest psychological methods is play psychotherapy.

Thus, the game, when properly formed, solves important problems of the mental, moral, aesthetic, physical development every child from an early age. In the game, from the first stages of its development, the personality of the child is formed, the qualities that he will need in educational activities, in work, in communication with people are developed. Good governance and value awareness play activities children at an early and preschool age reveals huge educational and educational opportunities for the mental and personal development of each child.

A focused professional activity school or out-of-school teacher educational institution, aimed at solving the problems of education, is called educational work.In other words, it is - purposeful activity of a teacher or teaching staff to organize the joint life of children and adults, in the course of which the assigned pedagogical tasks are solved.

In upbringing theory, they usually distinguish the system educational work school or other educational institution and the system of educational activities of the teacher ( class teacher). The system of educational work of the school consists of the following interrelated elements: education of students in the learning process; education of students in extracurricular activities; style, tone of relationships, moral and psychological climate in the school team. Education of students in extracurricular activities, in turn, consists of: extracurricular educational work; extracurricular educational work; interaction between school and family; organization of interaction in society.

The system of educational activities of the teacher(class teacher) includes a sequential set of different types pedagogical activity: goal-setting, prognostic, diagnostic, design, constructive, organizational, communicative, corrective, reflective (analytical) activities. Organizational activity of a teacher involves: organizing various activities of students; organization children's collective; organization of individual, correctional work with children, cooperation with parents of students.

Each of these structural elements of the system of educational work of a teacher (class teacher) involves the use of general or specific methods of education. For example, diagnostic activities are carried out through a set of research methods: testing, questioning, conversation, observation, the method of independent characteristics, the study of school documents, and others.

Educational work is not limited to interaction with the student, it involves taking into account the characteristics of the environment surrounding the child, active influence on this Wednesday, regulation of relations social institutions that have a significant impact on the child, etc. Based on general principles education in educational pedagogical literature highlighted principles of educational work as the main type of pedagogical activity (see diagram 54).

Scheme 54

Educational work of a teacher is the main component educational process... Its other most important component is the activities of the pupils.

4. Educational activities: requirements for its organization

The upbringing of the basic culture of schoolchildren occurs in the process of their joint activity with adults of various types and forms of value-orientational, cognitive and practical activities. The absence or predominance of any one type of activity makes the upbringing process ineffective. In addition, the activities of students themselves should be pedagogically instrumented as educating(see Figure 55).

We will reveal the requirements for organization such activities.

The inclusion of students in an activity is necessary, but not sufficient condition of their effective education... Involvement of the child in labor activity does not educate positive attitude to work, watching the play does not contribute to the aesthetic development of the child, and reading books does not contribute to future love to reading. In real teaching practice the activity of students is often devoid of personally significant motives or, conversely, is filled with other motives than the teacher suggests.

Children often perform actions prescribed by the teacher, and wherein do not realize object of its activity as the value of life . Only motivated activity is upbringing, since in this case the child becomes the subject of activity. As N.E. Shchurkov, it is not enough to answer the questions of children: “ What to do? "," Why to do? "," How to do? "... It is important for the child to pose and answer the question "Why would I personally do this?"... Any, even socially significant actions, must be brought to the personal meaning... Only by comprehending, together with the pupil, the personal meaning of what is happening, the teacher lives with the child value relationships to the world... It is equally important to organize the activity in such a way that it contributes to the formation of social motives.

Another important trait pedagogically organized activities children are her creativity. The subject result of the activity should be of the highest quality in relation to the age and level of development of the children. The teacher describes in advance the product of the upcoming activity, comprehends its significance for a person's life in general and for the life of each participant in the activity.

For students to be actors, they need to understand its role in achieving the result... The teacher asks a question, offers to express an opinion, conducts a dialogue, but does not give ready-made solution... It creates conditions for the free manifestation of the "I" of each participant and the free choice of behavioral decisions.

Children's activities should be varied, it should contain different roles participants... Therefore, they are offered instructions, the amount of work is described, the time and areas of work are indicated, the best means... In the course of the activity, all cultural social norms (behavioral, hygienic, ethical, aesthetic, legal, etc.). The organization of each type of activity must obey the rules regarding the volume, place, time (dosing), etc.

It is important to objective activity students combined with their spiritual activities to reflect on life... This requirement can be met only if any kind of activity is organized as an expression of the appropriate attitude of students to the world around them. Not a single type of upbringing activity can do without elements of value-orientated activity. The latter, in turn, is impossible without the obligatory experience of the pupils positive emotions, including feelings of self-satisfaction and faith in their own strengths and capabilities.

As practice shows, the educational possibilities of activity increase significantly if it is organized as collective and creative, is aimed at meeting the needs of society and the pupils themselves, takes into account the interests of all its participants. Provided that all of the above requirements are met, not only the objective result of the activity will be obtained, but also educational in the form of ideal personality changes, that is, its intellectual, motivational-need, emotional-volitional sphere, as well as behavior and activities.

Requirements for a teacher are an imperative system of professional qualities that determine the success of pedagogical activity. The main groups of abilities are highlighted. Organizational. They are manifested in the teacher's ability to unite students, occupy them, share responsibilities, plan work, take stock of what has been done, etc. Didactic. Specific skills to select and prepare educational material, visualization, equipment, present educational material in an accessible, clear, expressive, convincing and consistent manner, stimulate the development of cognitive interests and spiritual needs, increase educational and cognitive activity, etc. Perceptual, manifested in the ability to penetrate the spiritual the world of the educated, objectively assess their emotional state, identify the peculiarities of the psyche. Communication skills are manifested in the teacher's ability to establish pedagogically expedient relationships with students, their parents, colleagues, and leaders of the educational institution. Suggestive abilities consist in the emotional and volitional influence on the trainees. Research abilities, manifested in the ability to cognize and objectively evaluate pedagogical situations and processes. Scientific and cognitive, which boil down to the ability to assimilate scientific knowledge in the chosen field. In the light of the requirements of the RF Law "On Education", the teacher must comply with the basic principles of state policy: humanistic character (priority of universal values ​​and free personal development), the unity of the federal and regional, cultural and educational space, accessibility, secular character, freedom and pluralism, democratic character education management. It is known that the main goal of the teacher's activity is the formation of personality. When shaping the personality, the teacher must, first of all, translate the educational or other task into the language of the task, understandable for the students, to achieve the fulfillment of these tasks with the help of certain means and methods. He must guide this activity of schoolchildren, analyze, provide it with the desired direction and evaluate it, at the same time, he must analyze his own activity - the nature of the students' activity depends on the content and methods of setting tasks, and this determines the process and content of personality formation. This is the general scheme of the teacher's work.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky in many of his writings noted that pedagogical activity is impossible without an element of research, because according to its logic and philosophical basis, it has a creative character. In the opinion famous teacher, each human individuality that a teacher deals with is, to a certain extent, a kind, unique world of thoughts, feelings, interests.

Given the fact that pedagogical process governed by objective laws, without taking into account and using which the teacher cannot succeed, it is very important for the teacher to know the basic laws of the process of teaching and upbringing, to constantly improve his pedagogical thinking. Theory provides a general orientation for action, offers specific models for solving pedagogical problems. But every time general provisions or the principles should be used taking into account the specific circumstances, the characteristics of the pedagogical situation.

In his work, the teacher has to achieve a lot, relying on his own experience, combine knowledge with intuition, analyze the results of tests, correcting mistakes. Even the fact that the methodological instructions present the content and methods of organizing the activities of students does not mean that the teacher has received a ready-made algorithm of pedagogical influence in his hands, which, when carrying out educational activities, the teacher, the educator must carry out the following labor actions:

Regulation of student behavior to ensure a safe educational environment.

Implementation of modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities.

Setting educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their abilities and character.

Determination and adoption of clear rules of behavior by students in accordance with the charter of the educational organization and the internal regulations of the educational organization.

Design and implementation of educational programs.

Implementation of the educational capabilities of various types of child's activities (educational, play, labor, sports, art, etc.).

Designing situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (culture of experiences and value orientations of the child).

Help and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies.

Creation, maintenance of the lifestyle, atmosphere and traditions of the life of an educational organization.

The development of students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, the formation of civic position, the ability to work and live in conditions modern world, the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle among students.

Formation of tolerance and behavior skills in a changing multicultural environment.

Use of constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, helping the family in solving issues of raising a child.

To carry out the listed functions, a teacher, educator must have necessary skills: Build educational activities taking into account the cultural differences of children, gender and age and individual characteristics.

Communicate with children, recognize their dignity, understanding and accepting them.

Create in study groups(class, circle, section, etc.) children and adults of different age communities of students, their parents (legal representatives) and teaching staff.

Manage study groups in order to involve students in the process of teaching and upbringing, motivating their educational and cognitive activities.

Analyze the real state of affairs in the study group, maintain a business-like, friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Protect the dignity and interests of students, help children who find themselves in a conflict situation and / or unfavorable conditions.

Find the value aspect educational knowledge and information to ensure that learners understand and experience it.

Possess the methods of organizing excursions, hikes and expeditions, etc.

Collaborate with other teaching staff and other professionals in solving educational problems.

have required knowledge:

Fundamentals of legislation on the rights of the child, laws in the field of education and the federal state educational standard for general education.

History, theory, patterns and principles of construction and functioning of educational (pedagogical) systems, the role and place of education in the life of the individual and society.

Basics of psychodidactics, multicultural education, patterns of behavior in social networks.

The main patterns of age-related development, stages and crises of development and socialization of the individual, indicators and individual characteristics of life trajectories and their possible deviations, methods of their diagnosis.

Scientific understanding of the results of education, ways to achieve them and methods of assessment.

The foundations of the methodology of educational work, the basic principles of the activity approach, the types and techniques of modern pedagogical technologies.

Regulatory legal, guiding and instructive documents governing the organization and conduct of events outside the territory of the educational organization (excursions, hikes and expeditions).

The book is given with some abbreviations.

Activity is expressed in human actions. It is actions with objects, with tools and materials, actions that include re-motor acts of various complexity and structures - movements that constitute the external expression or the external (visible) side of human activity. To judge the inner side of a child's activity, it is necessary to be able to “read the book” of his behavior.
For achievement desired result a person in a certain way controls the performed physical actions, using various mental operations: selects the most suitable techniques, organizes them in the desired sequence, performs them at the right pace and with the strength and focus that meet the goal.
This mental side of activity can be completely separated from practical actions and turn into the mental side itself, thinking activity... For example, long before the holiday in kindergarten a music worker, educators plan its content and organization: they distribute roles between groups of children in advance, think over funny surprises and the role of each adult in the upcoming celebration.
In child development special meaning have the time and forms of the inclusion of mental activity in practical and the restructuring of the latter.
Any activity is aimed at a specific goal clearly perceived by a person. Therefore his activities are intelligent. A developed person knows what he wants. His actions are purposeful. He acts consciously. The goal set is certainly fixed in the speech: "I will study", "I will go to the store", "I need to read this book."
In any activity of a mature person, "a rational goal as a law determines the method and nature of the action" (K. Marx). This rationality is formed in the process of education.
The goal can be set by the child himself or suggested to him by other people. But under all conditions, achieving it is desirable for himself acting person... This desire can be caused by various motives (impulses). The most important thing is that the child wanted to achieve a goal in the activity that he was doing.
Any human activity requires the use of certain movements and modes of action, that is, skills and abilities. Skills are usually simple moves or actions with an object, instrument, instrument. Due to the repeated repetition of the same actions under the same conditions, they are performed by a person faster and faster, more and more perfectly and require less and less nervous labor from him. Let's give an example. The movements required to write the letter mark are very difficult for a first grader. But, repeating from day to day, they become more free, light and consistent. By the end of the first year of study, a small student writes graphically correctly and beautifully, and later these movements are automated: a person performs them as memorized movements, mechanically, they do not require constant control over them by an acting person. Only in those cases when something interferes with the performance of memorized movements, attention, control is turned on, and a person bypasses or overcomes an unexpected obstacle. An adult no longer thinks about how to write everything the letters you want that make up a word. His attention is occupied with what he writes. The actions themselves he performs as a chain of memorized movements. These movements, automated by repeated repetitions, are called skills. Physiological basis a skill is a dynamic stereotype developed by repeated repetitions.
The vast majority of everyday activities and movements performed by an adult and a child are skills. These include household activities: sewing, buttoning, operations with a knife and fork while eating; special sports skills: running, jumping, etc. There are skills and mental activity: reading skills, spelling, computing, etc.
Any activity is carried out by a system of special skills. Any skill is developed by repetitions and is destroyed when repetitions stop.
At the same time, any intelligent activity is not limited to a skill. A person must be able to independently use entire systems, or sets of skills mastered by him, he must critically evaluate the result obtained, check the success of his actions, that is, in addition to physical actions, he must also perform a whole system of mental, mental operations. The repetition of such complex numerous mental actions leads to the development of skills, that is, the development of methods of action.
There is something in common between skill and ability: both categories of actions are developed as a result of repeated exercises and constitute the executive side of any activity. At the same time, skills differ significantly from skills.
1) Most often physical action.
2) It is produced by repeated monotonous repetitions.
3) Draws up the technique of activity.
4) Quickly achieves perfection.
5) Termination of the exercise leads to decay, extinction of the skill.
6) The development process proceeds as shown on curve A.
1) Complex mental action for the use of developed skills.
2) It is developed in a variety of exercises with different content.
3) It is a method of activity.
4) It is produced slowly. It can improve endlessly.
5) When high level generalization becomes in a general way actions. It is preserved as a personality trait.
6) The development process proceeds as shown in curve B.
The development of skills and abilities in children in their relationship is the most important task of the teacher at any stage of the child's development. In any activity, the attitude of a person to it appears. The attitude can be directed towards the end result or product of the activity. It can be caused by the process of activity itself. However, most often the activity causes satisfaction in a person both by its process itself and by the results obtained. A schoolchild does well when he is interested. He is pleased with good grades and the fascinating work that his educational activity requires. Without joy, without positive emotions, no type of activity can influence the development of promising aspects of a child's personality.
The developing role of any meaningful and pedagogically correctly organized activity is that it becomes a certain form human practice. Exercise is performed in it, and therefore the development of all those physical and mental powers, abilities, character traits that this activity requires.
The development of the child takes place in his active and varied communication with the objective and social world. Initially, the infant's biological activity is transformed under the guidance of adults into different types of his activities. From what the child is doing, what he thinks about, what he perceives, what he does, and how this activity is organized by the elders, its result also depends, that is, shifts in the development of the child.
However, each type of activity has its own characteristics. The activity of the child in sports and play activities, in work and in pioneer life is used in different ways. In order for the teacher to be able to maximum effect to use the educational and educational opportunities of this or that activity, it is necessary to know the nature of each of them.
To characterize the developmental value different types the child's activities will focus on the most basic: play, study, work, and especially on the child's activities in everyday life.

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We proceed from the fact that the reality around us is the interaction of two worlds: the natural world (natural) and the world of society (social). Interaction (impact) in natural and social world are different. Natural interactions do not have a conscious goal, and the impact of society (a person on natural objects and his interactions with other people) are conscious - these are social influences. In society, in the course of interaction between people, relationships arise. Relationships facilitate the implementation of interactions, which, in turn, implement the emerging relationship. Since the emergence of society (society), social impacts on natural world and the world of society does not stop, which allows us to define them as a process of socialization. The peculiarity of the socialization process is such that everything that has experienced the influence of society is socialized, that is, it retains traces of the social. Subsequently, from these social and conscious actions and influences developed social phenomenon- activity. It is activity that makes it possible to establish differences between the types of social phenomena.

The society consists of adults and children, they interact with each other. This - obviously... When interacting, children master the spiritual and practical experience of adults (knowledge, the ability to use them and the necessary personal social qualities) and, already at the rank of adults, use the experience of their predecessors. Children who find themselves outside the limits of interaction do not master the skills and abilities of adults. This suggests that only interactions between adults and children provide children with ownership of the adult experience. This is also obvious, but the discovered fact does not allow us to say that there is a transfer of experience. To establish this phenomenon and solve this problem, it is necessary to take a closer look at the relationship between adults and children.

With a careful, detailed analysis of the interactions between adults and children, one can find that one part of adults does not involve children in their activities and tries not to have direct contacts with them. The other part - attracts children to their activities, but does not help them to master the experience. The third one attracts and helps; the fourth helps. Naturally, children who were helped to master spiritual and practical experience, mastered it much faster and more fully than those who were not provided with such help. This could not remain unnoticed in society, and over time, the desire to provide assistance and real help children in mastering the experience of adults form an activity, the purpose of which is the transfer of experience. This activity can be called an activity of transferring the experience of adults to children, or pedagogical activity. When helping children in mastering the experience of adults, or when performing pedagogical activities, new relationships, initiated by adults, arise and are realized between them - this is a pedagogical relationship.

So, advancing from the emergence of society to the emergence (separation) of pedagogical activity, we managed to do without the use of the common words "teaching" and "education". And, in our opinion, there is no place for training and education until phenomena are discovered that would need to be designated by the corresponding linguistic signs (one could call these words). It can be assumed that if there is an activity to transfer the experience of adults to children, then, obviously, both upbringing and training should take place in this activity. Maybe. But then, in the activity of transferring experience (in pedagogical activity), we must discover and highlight something, some phenomena that could be called education or training.

Experience transfer assistance has evolved in a peculiar way. Those aspects of pedagogical activity (assistance), which allowed children to quickly and confidently acquire knowledge about the world around them and the ability to apply this knowledge, received very fast development, which led to the emergence of a special type of pedagogical activity - educational activity. The highlighted educational activity was formalized in the form of rules for conducting educational activities, educational institutions, classes for conducting classes, its performers (teacher and student), academic subjects, curricula, fixed study time. In this regard, there appears and the new kind pedagogical relationship - educational relationship.

Observations of children completing and completing educational activities showed that children, in addition to possessing knowledge and skills, also have many personal social qualities. This situation completely satisfied society and meant that personal social qualities and possession of knowledge and skills are the results of educational activities and that there are no special relationship providing education for children of the necessary personal social qualities.

Learning relationships that arise in the interaction of children and adults in the implementation of learning activities are not the only relationship... Possession of the experience of adults, represented by knowledge and the ability to use them, is the result of educational activities, and almost all children possess the same knowledge and skills. Learning activity, if it participates in the formation of personal social qualities, apparently, should lead to equally positive social qualities in children. In reality, however, social qualities are different for each child, they can be negative. This allows us to assume that educational relationships that provide educational activities do not participate in the education of equally positive personal qualities in children. It is obvious that in the interaction of children and adults participating in educational activities, in addition to educational relations, there are also those relations that have a significant impact on the formation of personal social qualities in children.

Isolation of interactions and relationships that affect the formation of the necessary personal social qualities of children, and the independent activity, the purpose of which would have been the formation of proper social qualities, did not happen. Firstly, it did not happen, because society did not feel an urgent need for the formation of positive personal social qualities in future citizens. Secondly, the isolation required highly developed means of analysis, and, thirdly, because the identified relations did not allow one to see a direct connection with the emergence of one or another personal social quality of the child.

Thus, those interactions that led and lead to the formation of personal social qualities in children were not identified and did not receive formalization (as happened with learning activities) as an independent type of pedagogical activity, which can and should be called educational activity. These interactions remained outside the organizational and forming factors: there was no specific content of educational programs, educational subjects, performers, educational groups, educational institutions... Society did not develop to the realization of the need to single out the type of educational activity, its performers (educator and pupil) and training professional specialists(educators). And personal social qualities, representing the experience of adults, continue to be a consequence of spontaneous and uncontrollable socialization.

Education will be viewed precisely as an activity, and not as a process, not as an impact and not as an interaction. The approach to education as an activity allows, firstly, to distinguish education from all other social influences and processes that are not activities, and secondly, it becomes possible to define education as some kind of professional activity on a specific subject and purpose of this activity.

Educational activity as an activity has all the components of the activity: the performer, the goal, the object, the means, the set of actions, the result. We only have to highlight the special features of the components that will make it possible to distinguish educational activity from other types of activity.

Let us define, first of all, the goal for the sake of which educational activities should be carried out. The purpose of teaching, according to our definition, is a person who owns a part of culture (a set of spiritual and practical experience) represented by compulsory programs in the form of knowledge and skills to use them and in the form of the highest moral qualities.

The purpose of educational activities as a type of pedagogical activity is more specific, namely: a person who has the necessary personal social qualities and acceptable forms of their manifestation, which constitute a part of the culture allocated for upbringing.

Since the goal precedes the beginning of educational activity, and a person enters this activity who does not have the necessary personal social qualities and forms of their manifestation acceptable in society, then upon completion of educational activity, as the result must be goal achieved, that is, a person who possesses these qualities and forms of their manifestation acceptable in society. So, the goal and the result, as components of educational activities, are highlighted.

Subject educational activity will be the selected set of necessary personal qualities and forms of their manifestation acceptable in society.

By means, with the help of which educational activities are carried out, are natural properties and qualities belonging to a person, the presence of social qualities and aids: literary texts, television and film fragments containing and representing a set of necessary personal social qualities, teaching aids, writing materials, various tools etc., the use of which allows you to achieve the goal of educational activities.

The next component of educational activities is set of actions... But when trying to isolate this set of actions, it turns out that it consists of two activities: adult activities and child activities... Thus, the totality of actions that must be performed in educational activities turns out not to be actions, but two activities and cannot be performed only by one of these types of activities.

Each of these activities has its own features of the components that distinguish them from each other, but they do not go beyond the features of educational activity. Let's highlight these components.

One of the components of the activity is socially educated person j. The activities of an adult and the activities of a child are carried out by socially educated people. But the activity of an adult is carried out socially educated person who also has a special pedagogical education, that is, an educator; and the child's activities are performed socially educated person who does not have special education, i.e. a pupil... Now we have reason to say that the activity of an adult in educational activities is the activities of the educator, and the child's activity is pupil activity.

The words "educator" and "pupil" are widely used in pedagogy, and it may seem that the two types of educational activity identified have long been known in pedagogy. But it is not so. In pedagogy, no one established these facts, and the words "educator" and "pupil" were and are used only as names of people, usually an adult and a child, interacting with each other or participating in the activities of an educational institution, without trying to establish the essential meaning of the words used. We have distinguished the activities of an adult and the activity of a child, which under certain conditions can become types of educational activity. And then the adult performing this type of activity becomes the educator, and the child becomes the pupil. The use of the same words (educator and pupil) also creates the illusion of coincidence of meanings, but there is no coincidence. In our case, the educator and the pupil designate the subjects of educational activity. In pedagogy, the activity of the pupil is not represented in any way; instead, it is usually the activity of the pupil or student. A pupil, a student and a pupil are different social subjects, but in modern pedagogical practice and theory, sufficient signs of difference have not been drawn between them, and the words representing these subjects are used as synonyms.

The next components of the activity are the goal and the result. Since the activity of the educator and the activity of the pupil are types that make up educational activity, the goal and result of the activity of the educator and the pupil, obviously, should coincide in content with the goal and result of educational activity. The difference lies only in the nature of the focus of the activity: purpose educator- this is helping the pupil in mastering the necessary social personal qualities and forms of their manifestation acceptable in society, that is, his actions are directed, as it were, from himself to the pupil. A pupil's goal- This is the possession of social personal qualities and forms of their manifestation acceptable in society, that is, his actions are directed towards himself, towards himself. The result of these two activities is a pupil who possesses the social qualities presented by the educator and the forms of their manifestation.

Let's turn to the subject of activity. The subject of the teacher, on which he affects, is a part of culture, which is represented by a set of social qualities and forms of their manifestation acceptable in society.

In practical activities, the educator deals not with the entire part of the culture intended for education, but only with the part that is determined by the educational programs for a particular group of pupils. For each educator, depending on the program, the subject of his activity may differ in quality content from the subjects of activity of other educators. But no matter what qualitative differences these objects have, they will represent the same thing - the object of the teacher's activity.

The subject of the pupil's activity is the product that the educator prepares for him, but the content of the subject of the teacher's activity and the activity of the pupil is the content of the subject of educational activity, or a part of the culture, determined by the program.

Facilities which are carried out activities of the educator and pupil, the same what educational activities are carried out: natural properties and qualities belonging to man: sense organs and musculoskeletal system; social qualities(the ability to understand, understand, use knowledge and skills), which are developed and can be perfect in the educator and less developed and perfect in the pupil, as well as auxiliary means: various kinds of tools, including books, writing utensils, etc.

Let's move on to the selection set of actions, the fulfillment of which in the activities of the educator and in the activities of the pupil leads to the achievement of the goal of educational activity, or the goals of the educator and pupil. Here we again encounter a similar situation: upon closer examination, it turns out that the one whom we call the educator and the one whom we call the pupil perform not one activity, but several. Therefore, in order to carry out educational activities, the educator and the pupil must perform not a set of actions, but several activities. Let us single out and consider these activities in the sequence, the observance of which allows the implementation of educational activities.

First of all, the educator must prepare material for the pupil. By processing an object that is part of the culture that makes up educational program, the educator selects certain elements from it and turns them into a specific product. Let's call it educational material (BM). The manufacture of such a product is a goal organizing the first activity of the educator (A), and the prepared educational material is the result of this activity, coinciding with the goal. This product is the goal and the result.

The educator must present the produced product (educational material) to the pupil. This can be done if the process of presenting the product made by him becomes the subject of the teacher's activity. To do this, he must carry out another special activity in which the manufactured product is presented. Completed presentation and will result second activity of the educator (B).

When carrying out the second activity of the educator, at the same time, first activity of the pupil (s), the purpose of which can be the experience, awareness and understanding presented by the educator. The presented educational material in in this case becomes the subject of the pupil's activity. The activity of the pupil in the experience, awareness and understanding of what is presented by the educator ends when the activity of the educator ends with the presentation of educational material. The process of experiencing, understanding and understanding the material can continue, but already outside the educational activity (the activity of the educator and the activity of the pupil), but as an educational process caused by the changes in the pupil that arose with participation in educational activity. Completing the presentation of educational material containing elements of culture, we can conclude that the perception of this material and the experience of it by the pupil does not mean that the pupil has mastered this element of culture and possesses it. (If the presentation of educational material were sufficient, then the very existence of the culture in the environment of which the child lives, its perception and experience would be sufficient to possess it. In such a situation, education as a social phenomenon could not appear. There would be no need for its appearance .)

By presenting his product, the educator organizes the student's practical activities with this product. The teacher's activity in organizing this activity of the pupil is the third type of activity of the educator (B)... Its purpose is to organize the activity of the pupil, and its implementation is its result. The activity of the pupil with educational material, which becomes the subject of his activity, is the second activity of the pupil (b)... The result of this activity should be a product made by the pupil. In this case, the expression "the product made by the pupil" is somewhat arbitrary, the product of the pupil is specific, it is not made, as is the case in the activity of the pupil, but represents those changes or those formations that occurred with the pupil himself, when he performed activities with educational material ... This is not an external product, but something that has appeared, formed by the pupil. In an appropriate situation, this product manifests itself in the actions of the pupil in the form of a social quality contained in the material for education.

The product of the pupil, or the result obtained, must go to the educator and become the subject of a new type of activity for the educator - processing. By processing this product (object), the educator can judge the level of the pupil's possession of the cultural element represented by him, he gets the opportunity to plan and carry out his subsequent activities, allowing the pupil to lead to possible level possession essential element culture, and also to evaluate the manifested quality as a result of the pupil's activities. That's what it is the fourth type of activity of the educator (D).

Highlighted activities ( tab. 6) constitute the basis of educational activity and actually exhaust education. If at least one of its types is not carried out, then, from the point of view of theory, educational activity cannot be recognized as having taken place.

Table 6

Activities that make up educational activities

Educator activity

Student activities

A. Preparation of educational material (BM) based on the educational program.
B. Presentation of VM and organization of work with it. a. Perception, experience, awareness, memorization, understanding of VM and work with it.
B. Organization of the pupil's activity in the manufacture of an educational product. b. Making an educational product based on the presented VM.
D. Processing the product of the pupil (analysis and evaluation).

“Where there is a relationship, it exists for me . The animal does not "relate" itself to anything and does not "relate" itself at all; for an animal, its relation to others does not exist as a relation. "

The help of an adult to a child is very diverse. From the moment of birth, a child is not able to master the experience of adults: he needs the help of an adult, without which he simply cannot survive. This is help in ensuring biological life. It cannot be considered as a help in mastering the experience of adults. But it is this that is usually called education (from food, nourish, nourish, educate), although from the position we have developed and proposed, this is not justified. In this case, there is an interaction of a socially unformed being (child) with a socially educated person (adult), consciously influencing the creature in contact with him - this is socialization.

This empirically established fact and subsequently formed the basis of the concepts that appeared in pedagogy, claiming to be the theory of upbringing education.

Modern pedagogical theory does not have as terms a pupil, a pupil. In the "Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary" (chief ed. B. M. Bim-Bad. - M .: Bolshaya Russian encyclopedia, 2002) there are no dictionary entries for the concepts "pupil" and "pupil", the educator is defined as "a person exercising upbringing", And the teacher as" teaching profession and position ".

In pedagogy, the understanding continues to exist that the educator is a subject influencing the pupil, and the pupil is an object (subject) experiencing these influences. Such an understanding is a delusion, since the educator influences the subject of his activity. And no arguments can prove otherwise.