How to start living your life and your mind in pleasure. Awareness - an important condition for a happy life

Life is written immediately without a draft, you want it or not.

An error can be corrected, and nonsense can be repeated.

In this life, no matter how you fall. It is important how you rise.

Young hostess: If you and my husband were invited to visit, and there will be unmarried ladies, Spell a couple of pieces of garlic.

And let we fall asleep in different beds - the main thing is that we fall asleep with the thought of each other.

And you write ... without reason. Just write.

It is very painful to be friends or love a pofigista.

She loves to cry, but will not say that she dreams, but only songs on the page will tell about her tears ...

The world belongs to the one who is happy with him.

The most beautiful I. happy people - These are those whom nothing annoys.

I do not intend to share you with anyone. You are either my or free. I need one who I will be in high roles. I did not subscribe to the crowd.

Both eyes close - the heart will become like an eye, the world is the other you cite, surrounding us. Refuse from personal claims - approved will follow the same hour.

I do not have a guy because I clearly imagine who I need, but I can not imagine on what planet to look for it.

If the day passed, do not remember about him, before the coming in fear, there are no steels, about the future and the past it is not sad, today's happiness of the price know! (Omar Khayam)

There are people to whom you want to approach and say "Self-esteem lower, do not correspond."

Wherever you were, who would not become, do not disgrace those who brought you up.

I respect the reasonable criticism, but not an imbalance that people are deprived or offended by something in this life

You just do not imagine, to what extent, no one except you need ...

He hugs, and you feel how you are starting to fool from happiness!

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of dreams impossible is the fear of failure!

Childhood does not leave. We are leaving him when we are trying to build such adults and steep.

Sometimes it is so important to just support a person, just like that, from the heart, so that he does not break from pain ...

One word can change your decision. However, the feeling can change your life ... one person can change you.

Only children know what they want. They eat hands, because so fun. They draw on the wallpaper, making their own room special. They do not want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult - remain themselves.

Sincere love can always be recognized by how much the person gets better, kinder and lighter.

Do not cling to the past, do not live inaccessible. Remember
good, do not envy anyone. All that the sky is sent to you, take it right. Everything that is done is for the better, no matter how difficult to you ...

Trust, it is like paper: only dubi her once, and she will never be like that before. Therefore, try to be a person worthy of confidence and never fail.

If you miss a person, it does not matter how long you know, it means it has already become a relative to you ...

The secret of success in life is to communicate with those who are better to fight those who are stronger, love someone you can not die where others die, laugh at life when she laughs at you ...

There are people who raise their self-esteem through an insult. In the life of such people, as a rule, nothing interesting happens, they are deeply unhappy and lonely. Such people want to regret, because those whom they humiliate are usually beautiful, successful and happy.

In my life, we want to achieve a lot, a lot of things have time, but we do not always understand that when we constantly chase for something, we do not live in the present, for us only imaginary periods of time remain. The future has not come yet, there is no longer any past, and then carry it past us. It is worth stopping and referring: if we live in life and How to start living with your mind and in your pleasure.

We ourselves miss the best moments of life, lost thoughts in the past and the future. And then complaining. Let's understand: only the present is really significant placeTo live here and now. It is now you can find what they are looking for.

Think about what other people talk about you, what is your opinion about your personal life, After all, binding tips on its arrangement: how to live, where and who to work - will not make you happy. There is only one true exit: You must and can make decisions yourself and live your life.- After all, you know what your lucky life should be

Perhaps the time has come to change something in your worldview and, you do not think so?

It is important to understand that life follows in the desired direction where the last word It remains for you, and not for someone else, you must listen first of all exactly. At the same time, you should not neglect the advice of knowledgeable and experienced people in difficult situations. It is necessary to learn from foreign errors, because Achief on your rake is much more painful. You can take into account good and useful advice. Learn to distinguish benefit from good tips and bad influence from the imposition of someone else's opinion.

The pursuit should be only for "his" dream

Each of us has a dream and not alone, and everyone is striving for her. It is necessary to ask the question at the same time, but is it exactly your dream, and not someone else? After all, very often people fulfill the dreams of their parents, brothers, sisters, and even friends. And then, for example, they suffer and suffer, for example, from an incorrectly chosen profession in life, when to work with a heavy heart and constantly force themselves.

There is an interesting practice for the separation of needs for their own and other people's rather simple at the level. little child: Exercise "Why?" - Scientific term I do not know. Thanks to her, just asking himself questions "Why do I want it?" And "Why do I need it?" You can get to the source of any or imposed aspiration. Read more in the article:

  • How to distinguish your desires from imposed - Exercise "Why?"

Many of us, sometimes, can not find or understand what their dream is, such people only at old age can come insight. So that this does not happen, you need to look for yourself, go small steps to understand and start with the little things. You can start doing something that I like, with your favorite hobby, for example, just a few times a week to pay a little time. Suppose you know how to draw and you like it, so why not make a favorite thing and spend just a couple of hours to become happier. Gradually, your life will be filled with meaning, and.

Make sure they strive for your dream, and not to someone's desires imposed on the part!

Pursuit of stability or fear of change

We all want stability in life to be a family, apartment, car, work, etc. In addition to stability, also reliability, safety, but not always that is what you need in life. Behind stability can hide fear of change. It is very unpleasant to realize that for many years you have lived with an unloved person, and made such a choice yourself, afraid of loneliness. Or work that was afraid for a long time Change, took a lot of strength and health.

Everyone has its own purpose in life, and most of this is not aware, because often we strive to meet someone's ideas about what we need. Think about whether you want to live like that and eventually recognize that somewhere did not risk and have not changed your life to a more interesting and better true and future. Maybe it makes sense to quit and start traveling, and maybe, on the contrary, return from the peak of the downshift and throw all his talent, for example, in science.

In our case, the choice made in favor of independent travel in our country, and in Asia, therefore, for possible like-minded people, we want to offer a couple of tips:

For visible stability, the fear of changes that prevents important steps To life in his pleasure

Pursuit of money or material values

We live in a society where everything is sold and bought for money, without them we could not comfortably exist. But let's talk, we learned from TV series on TV, that the rich is also crying, and often do not find their happiness in money or expensive things. Many of us only think that we will be happy if we live in big HouseWear corporate clothing, We will have a new car.

Big money is always a big difficulty They are stored and the danger of losing. True small money or their complete absence - The problem is not less. Think about what we get happier, not when we spend money on the purchase of a specific subject (a ticket, a ticket to theater, TV), and to satisfy your desires, for example: unforgettable impressions from traveling around the world bright emotions From the campaign to the theater or, simply, the joy of acquiring a new TV.

Put the right goal and strive for it, remember that money can not be the goal, they are only a means to achieve it, do not be lazy to read the article:

Go to your dream or goal, and you will not stay without livelihood. If you chase only for one money, you will lose your dream and remain in the end devastated. Believe it easier to money, do in life what you loveWork on interesting for projects. And the money is totted with pleasure, not only for yourself, but also on loved ones and friends, do it easily in the soul, and you will be in good mood everyday.

Money is just a means of achieving a goal, treat them easier, because there are a lot of ways to achieve goals

Work in your pleasure

Work in your life should not be a heavy non-stopping test, the more linger at work, the more nervous, you work without vacations, the less health you have.

Scientific studies show that the employee who came from vacation works much more productive than who have not seen this vacation for many years. The rested person starts working with new forces, with freshly looking, He is able to make more affairs in less time. Make a step to a meeting with change and find a lesson in the shower, change your boning work for more interesting. After all, there is nothing impossible in our lives, and we ourselves put the barriers when you can actually conquer any vertices. And your favorite job can enjoy.

Many believe that they do not just go to work on the Internet, and this is only units. We are now preparing a whole cycle of stories and suggestions on the topic of remote work, but for now I recommend reading an article about online earnings:

Find a lesson in the shower, stop working and start working in your pleasure.

Pursuit of external beauty and youth

Very large pressure goes now from the media about beautiful appearance Different celebrities that made a large number of plastic operations so as not to smooth out wrinkles for a long time, or increase breasts, or make expressive eyes. But there are no guarantees that you will save your health and do not lose it.

Chase for beauty natural way, namely; be in equilibrium with your inner world - Is it not the norm? When a person found his destination, she is engaged in loved and interesting things for him, does not forget about health and travel, then such a person will just shine from the inside. None of us will never be so old to stop dreaming, set themselves new goals and implement them, you just need to believe in yourself.

If there are still several extra kilograms on your sides, I recommend the next cycle of articles on weight loss and work on the Bodiflex method:

Follow the health, but do not bend a stick, just give a little time to exercise and nutrition

No need to prove anyone

Always remember that you do not need anyone to prove anything. If the surrounding people cannot accept your world as you created it - it's time to move on. You live your life and build it like that you yourself want it. Many people are only on the mortal shower understand that it was necessary to listen to their true feelings And boldly live on them, and do not chase over someone's opinion about yourself.

You need to learn how to determine the difference, and fear of those people who are trying to manage you that can make you feel without guilt to blame, or make doubts. People like vampires are absorbed domestic powers, bring a feeling of devastation from communicating with them. They put pressure on pity, in honor of your promises, while manipulating you.

It is important to realize now that you are not obliged to anyone, only yourself

People and relationships with them

We all have friends and acquaintances, and we know that we can share our innermost secrets only with several people who are very trusted. People distinguished from you, you need to learn not to keep, because all those who want to communicate will remain and will be near. It is important to realize that not all relationships are healthy.

To communicate, choose people who can always listen to which you can trust with which you can be yourself. And in, which sometimes a pair of old bore, which you long years considered friends. Remember the law of banks with crabs, when those who remain from the bottom hold those who want to get free - with people it works even more efficiently. Do not be afraid to escape from people crabs

Do not hold for old links - your loved ones should not pull you on the bottom,

Where to look for your love

Love is that the feeling that is painting us, staining life in bright colors. It must be mutual. If this is not and you are constantly fighting for someone's attention, you can ultimately get injured. Need to let such a relationship then true love He herself will knock on your door. Pay your attention to yourself, to take yourself as it is, take your mind interesting deeds and discoveries. Find a hobby that will endure, and will expand the circle of your communication, where you can find like-minded people, acquaintances, friends and our love. For example, sign up for classes on modern art or join the group that goes hike. This will increase your chances to meet with interesting people And to meet their half among them.

Love is a big driving force, but do not chase after her, she will find you herself as soon as they release the situation.

8 simple steps on the way to a happy life

Let's summarize the whole thing that you have to do or not do to not depend on the opinions of other people's people, start living your own and with a happy life:

  • Stick your dreams, and not the one imposed you, look for it, carry out and enjoy. Remember what to dream and look for your goal is never late.
  • Do not be afraid of change, they are only for the better, they will make your life more interesting and rich and you will never regret what they did not.
  • Money is not a goal, but only a means. Go to your dream and you will not stay without livelihood.
  • The work should be interesting and if it is not, then there is nothing no possible to change and fix it.
  • Beauty should be natural, tell me plastic operations No, or to old age will not face, but a mask. First of all, think about keeping your health.
  • Remember that in this life you do not need to prove anyone.
  • Attitude with people around you should be without any viperism. It is necessary to keep the connection only with those with whom you are really comfortable and with whom you can be yourself.
  • If you have not met your half, or chase an unrequited attention, then release everything, find a new hobby, wherever you can meet with new people in interest, and do not notice how love will find you.

Create your life that you will love now, today, with your own hands, and live in the present. Just see how beautiful and diverse the world and how much interesting placesthat are still waiting to accept you.

Be sure to tell about us friends


    So easily speak. Change work. As if you are waiting for everywhere and take. It is necessary to work where you can manage, and of course seeks for the better. But not everyone work at work on which they would like, just because they do not want to take them there.

    1. This is the root of the wrong and falniac desire. Specialists are waiting at any work. Moreover good specialist Sooner or later, governing positions are offered. But for this you need to truly love and appreciate your work. And if you do not favorite things, then all work comes out of the stick. Therefore, it is imperative to decide what you want to do. For example, at one time I rode between the manager and system administratorBut as a result, the passion for computers rearranged. And now my skills allow me to engage in including my hobby - this is this blog. Where we are trying to show with Nastya on your example to show that you can live a little differently.

      And by the way, when they do not want to take and chase on the door, you just need to climb the window, so I was taught on one of the interviews - the truth to work I did not get it there. But the experience got

    1. In fact, there is both the problem of children who are also afraid to offend parents or not to justify their trust, friends and others and others. As a result, the life of a highly soloral person comes down to a pile of restrictions and not willing to offend someone. But it takes a little more friend To trust a friend and let go

      1. It was hoping that in the future my sister will take care of the elderly mother (Mom now 78 and she lives separately and with everyone until he copes), but the sister has discovered breast cancer, soon the operation and I do not know her chances.
        I plan to move to permanent permanent abroad, i.e. it turns out that in fact I leave my mother one at that age. Mom definitely will not go anywhere and I do not know who could look after her. I feel remarks of conscience, but I really want to live your life. I would like to hear your opinion, as if you enrolled in this situation.
        P.S. RF Mom is decorated for sister

        1. Good day.
          Yes, the question is not very simple. On the one hand you will not quit elderly parentsAnd I have a lot of familiar with similar thoughts. On the other hand, you can devote all my life to the family and carry it as an eternal cross, but in this, in my opinion, not a lot of advantage. Devote yourself to someone unless, you can only having sincere desire, and if somewhere there are dreams of dreams about abroad, and since the question arises in generally the choice is - it means that the mother's ministry will not bring anything good. You just start slowly fading, and angry at native man - It will not be good for anyone. Your life is first of all your dream, and it is your parents who wanted and wish you the most best of Fate. At the same time, feeling that it stands on the way to your dream, your mother may also begin to get quiet.

          Any true mother wants good to her child and ready for any unrequited victims - in this feature of motherhood. Wishing happiness, not asking anything in return - this is true love. Of course, many of us were told to many of us that "here even do not serve water in old age," but such words are obtained only due to the desire to raise a decent person. Once you have a question to go or not, then you are a decent person.

          I repeat, the situation is not very simple, but you should not lower your hands and destroy your dream - so that then I didn't have to regret everything about everything. Want to make the most correct and good? Live and be happy, let your mother sees that everything is fine with you, share with her joy. Come to her visit from abroad, communicate on the network - the benefit is now allowing. When your mother need help, hire a nurse, let him go every day and helps. If it is very difficult to take it to myself, not now, and in the future, when she really needs your support. Believe me, knowing that your life managed and seeing your success, your mother can be much longer to be with you and rejoice with you.

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Wise is not the one who knows a lot, and the one who understands a lot. After all, you can know without understanding, but it is impossible to understand not knowing.

God has no better dwelling on Earth than a clean soul.

Why again and again scroll through unpleasant thoughts,

when can I just throw them out of your head?

This cycle will teach us to be honest in advance and others, understanding where our area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, and where is someone else's. Awareness that if you blame for someone who happened to someone, then the problem will not be solved.

Perhaps several strategies:

1. Find the perpetrator and hang all the dogs on him, even if he is not to blame, and his beloved is considered the victim of circumstances.

2. It is hard to go through the heads, for the sake of achieving their goals, not to be considered with the interests of others.

3. Find common interests from different people And together to achieve the desired.

4. Good time To get rid of negative programs Subconscious. Can be applied different techniques Cleaning negative beliefs. But it is important to do something, not stand still, just a picking in itself will not help.

Old Indian tells his grandson:

Inside each person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, egoism, ambitions, lies .. Another wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ..

Little Indian wondered for a few moments, and then asked:

And what wolf wins?

Old Indian smiled:

Always wins the wolf you feed.

Hurry up - rush people. There is a risk of getting into a stupid situation want to get fast resultBut it is not always justified. It is important to be consistent in your actions and not violate the technology, otherwise you can allow an offensive error that ruptures the whole thing. The situation is likely that all the details are not specified in the treaties, trying to snatch the best, Avos will not notice. As a result, you can spoil a good deal due to greed and dishonesty. A good time to design tables and structuring information, it is good to get rid of superfluous. Or, on the contrary, if you give yourself the will, you can also soak the resource very quickly.

Personal boundaries are under the blow, the capture of other people's territories flourishes. At the same time, it is possible that there is no strength to use it, but so I want to consider yourself the authorities of huge possessions. The main rule: we are responsible for those who have tamed, because it is not desirable to take more than we can take care of it. Calculate your strength and opportunities. You should not wear other people's masks and play other people's roles. It is better to honestly admit the problem than to portray that everything is calm.

On the one hand, the dreamability may come wonderful ideas that should be implemented. But at first it is necessary to think well and analyze, and then build serious objects. Can come to us unique informationFirst, I free the place for her, and only after something we are taken. It is better not to slow, it is necessary to act, stagnation leads to serious mistakes. Good moderate loads, without them there is no movement when the movement stops, much becomes invisible, forgotten. We try to manage everything everywhere without buying on one thing.

Possible strong bindings To people whom we consider close friends and partners, and they are essentially not so. We open the soul for them, and they hurt them with their inattention. It is important for us to be honest in front of them. To be honest to pronounce their discontent and change their relationship. We remove them from yourself to a comfortable distance. It is important for us to find our place and your circle and build relationships so that we are comfortable and people in them. Friendship friendship, and rolls apart.

We can feel extremely uncomfortable from the choice that it seems to us, it is difficult to determine which way to go. It is terrible to remain alone, much may seem strange, and we can feel ourselves to anyone. The situation is changing and have to manifest itself in a new capacity, and we do not feel professionals in this. Where we seemed indispensable, the need for us disappeared, and requires the development of new skills, and it is hard. There is a tendency to hang in uncertainty. Remember that there are no road, you just need to go ahead.

It is important for us to learn to negotiate with people on mutually beneficial conditions so that everyone is good and convenient. A unique information that needs to be used on purpose can come to us, rather than put in a long box. We can sense yourself with no one needed, only from the fact that we do not allocate as much as we expect. But at the same time, we ourselves can be passionate about something and not take care of close to the extent that we did before. Therefore, we try to be more attentive to your loved ones so that they feel our love.

We can be somewhat surprised by a strange turn of the events and may have the impression that we fell down on my heads and we are lost, we do not know what to do about it. We try to find original solutionsBut do not run away from yourself. There may be a militant mood, defend your interests, but do not fall on a fight.

Success to us!

Morning ... this is a small beginning ... to each person, and not only a person, but also the world as a whole is given a certain amount of of their dawns. You need to be able to appreciate it ...

Whenever you are angry or upset

this means that you still have something to learn.

Live in the center of your life, and not on the side of someone else's.

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My phone: +7 903 092 61 42

Hello, my friends!

Today's article will answer the question that I asked me. The question is wonderful and very correct. Here it is.

"Many who deal with self-development issues fall into a trap. Live more dreams, live in the perfect world, and most importantly - all the time they are preparing to live, and do not live here and now. How not to zombid? "

Let's deal with.

If you analyze what people think about, it becomes clear that only very, very few live in a state "here and now." All others live either in the past or in the future. I say "live" because it is the thoughts of a person determine where he is in this momentwhere the focus of his attention is directed. Surely you noticed that it is worth thinking about something (for example, to remember something from the past and start worrying again that moment, especially if the experiences are supported by emotions), you seem to fall out of reality - you are there in the experienced moment. There are your thoughts, your emotions. And here seems to remain only physical shell, inertia making anything. It is so, in this mode "not here", most people live.

There are those who are diverted on the past. In principle, even no matter what kind of memories have a negative or good. He goes into them and lives there, in that last Life. Surely you know such stories - a person had a huge love, the world seemed fairy tale and wings grew behind his back. It was the time of happiness and euphoria. Then love passed (no matter how, the main thing is that this particular period of life ended). Compared to what was usual life It seems a man gray and bladder. Well, it is natural - the contrast is too strong. After such an enchanting heat of feelings and emotions, the current state is felt as devastation and complete insaneness. Madly I want to return the former fortune when the world sparkled and shine. And the person begins to live with his memories. His current life maybe quite good - interesting job, the attention of new applicants for his heart, etc. But he no longer notices anything, he is all there, in his excellent memories. Man as if immersed in a dream, he dwells in Gree, not noticing nothing around. There are people who live so years. There are those who live so all their lives. It turns out that these people refuse themselves to have more such moments in their reality. Colding at one moment of your life, they do not see any new features that appear in reality, nor. It turns out that with this approach, as it were, you say: "I already had the best." This means that you are programming your life so - "Better than then there will be no". And there will be no, the Universe always absolutely performs any order that you give her.

If you fill on, which was in the past, I also don't care anything good. Negative in itself can not give anything good. And then there is also a departure from reality in the past, and even stay in a constantly oppressed or irritable state due to bad memories... In general, you do not wish anyone.

Another extreme is life in the future. Dreams, plans, fantasies on the topic "How will It's great when ... "Yes, really, this mistake makes many who begin (and not only begins, but continues :)) personal growth etc. I'm not an exception. I also had a period when I was all left with my head in the thought of what would ever be. It lasted for a while, while at one fine moment I did not understand that I did not live. I skip through myself the worldlike water through a sieve, without lingering on nothing without seeing without feeling. I am all already far ahead and only a hurry time "I would soon come, then the" beautiful distant "!" I remember that moment of awareness when I suddenly came to me that, in fact, life passes by me! I am preparing to rejoice at what will happen "then", as if she decided that it would start to live when everything was fulfilled, but now I am just in standby mode. At that moment I "woke up." It really looks like awakening from sleep, when you suddenly start full program feel environmental reality And you realize that the world is beautiful that it is not to perceive that all that is around is the greatest stupidity and simply condemning yourself.

So, here we come to the most important thing. What you need is not to get into dreams, not to prepare for life, but to live here and now, and at the same time, work on your goals and desires, to engage in visualization, representing the paintings of your realized goal. Need awareness. What is awareness? And this is just that the very fortune when you "wake up" and clearly realize yourself here and now.

Try to do it right now. Say what you mean, who are you and where are you? What do you think you are aware of? Why do you think about it? Not "why", namely, "why". You know that it is our thoughts that determine what we have in our reality. And be in a state of awareness, this is also constantly keeping the focus of his attention on what you think and what these thoughts can lead to.

The overwhelming majority of people live just in the state of "sleep in reality" when the thoughts do not pay attention.

A person who lives consciously controls his thoughts. In particular, the negative does not allow them, perfectly understanding what consequences for his life can have negative thoughts.

In a state of awareness, you can engage your goals. At the same time, you are well aware of why you do it, to which result you want to come with this. I hope the difference between uncontrolled dreams, leading from reality, and conscious work Over the creation of an image of a goal clear? Visualizing the goal, presenting yourself in this picture, we continue to realize themselves here and now, we do not become a "just a shell" with which the mind ran somewhere far away. We understand that you do actions aimed at the realization of the goal, we understand why we need it.

And, of course, if a person lives consciously, he tracks everything that happens to him in reality, here and now. Naturally, it gives him the opportunity to see, hear, feel all the shades and nuances of the surrounding world, and, as a result, getting more pleasure from all this! (here tell me when you last enjoyed the picture of the sunset? I did not see a glimpse, duty angry "beauty!", namely, enjoyed, savoring the shades of the color and overflows of the colors of the evening sky ... And when the kayf was obtained from the flavor of freshly jammed grass, only dropped snow, Fresh baking? And this is all with you, in your world, only few people notice it all. People look, but do not see). But that's not all. Consciousness makes it possible to notice in time, see changes in your reality, speaking that your world began to move towards your goal. It is very, very important!

This is just that the most work on the formation of its reality, which has nothing to do with the aimless dreams and care of the world of His Great. Man who has chosen request life, never "zombid". He is not preparing to live, he lives here and now, while driving his thoughts, and therefore managing his life.

But I really like this condition. If you compare with driving a car, this is the condition of the driver, not the passenger. You yourself choose the destination, you yourself take over all responsibility. But you are going exactly where you want, and not there, where you are "carrying"! :))

Do not let life pass by. Going to your goal, try to get maximum pleasure From this journey! :))

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Ecology of life: Stephen Covi said: "We control our actions, but the consequences that follow these actions are controlled by the principles."

You do not control the results in your life.

You do not control the reactions of other people at you.

You do not control the state of your health.

You do not control the number of money earns.

All this makes principles.

Principles control everything

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Stephen Kovi said: "We control our actions, however, the consequences that follow these actions are controlled by the principles."

If you constantly use harmful foodYour body will not be healthy. Your body is a natural system that is managed by the principles.

If you do not make efforts to develop your mind using sequential learning, It will become faded and foggy. Your mind is a natural system that is managed by the principles.

In his book, "7 habits of highly efficient people" Stephen Covi defines the principle of "natural law like gravity. It differs from value. Values \u200b\u200bare subjective; Principles are objective. Gravity ... If you drop anything, gravity controls the fall process. "

Most people during college training are preparing for exams in last moment. And if you were a farmer? What would happen if you didn't plant anything in the spring, lazy all summer and only in the fall were taken for work?

Nothing. The farm is a natural system that is managed by the principles.

As well as you.

The crop law is always valid. What goes around comes around. Moreover, the fact that you sew constantly, ultimately will give you an exponential harvest.

As a rule, you do not immediately experience the consequences of your actions.If you smoke one cigarette, you will not get sick with cancer. If you spend 10 dollars every day for coffee, it will not shake your financial stability. However, in the long run, these habits may have serious consequences.It turns out that 10 dollars at a 5% complex rate after 50 years are able to become 816 thousand dollars. Your love for coffee can cost you a lot of money.

What would you prefer: one million dollars in your pocket right now or a cent, which doubles in price every day?

Most people would have chosen a million. Nevertheless, after 31 days, cent will turn $ 10.7 million. Most of the growth occurs at the very end, and many people simply lack patience to wait for great returns. Modern culture "Live Moment" prevents people to invest.

That's where the concept of "success in one night". Anything on an exponential curve looks small at first. When you just start learning the habit, the effect seems insignificant. However, over time, he becomes weighty.

Thus, it would seem, someone appears from nowhere on stage. You do not notice the years of consistent training, which led this person there. The thing is in principles.

But right and the opposite. Obesity, debts, identity crisis, destroyed marriages. These things are regulated by the principles, and are also due daily decisions and erroneous assumptions.

The fact that once was small will inevitably become big.

Your whole life is preparation

It is for this reason that everything you do is matters. Principles control everything. You can't avoid them. People with whom you communicate. The method with which you save money. What you spend on them. Food you eat. The information you consume.

You control your behavior, the principles control the results.And although many can disagree with me, I find this reality completely liberating. Your task is to apply the correct principles.

And although you do not control the results, you can become skillful in predicting the results of your behavior. So you are a designer of my own destiny. You choose the effect that will provide you guidelines. Do what is right, and then the consequences will be appropriate.

If you cultivate the correct habits every dayYou can be sure that you get a satisfactory harvest.

If you read every day good books Over time, you can observe exponential changes in your thinking.

If you go to bed early every day and get up earlyOver time, you can observe exponential changes in your energy level.

If you eat every day correctly, Over time, you can observe exponential changes in your body.

If you do every day what brings you to your big dreamsWith time, you can observe exponential progress towards achieving your goals.

If you work every day to improve your relationshipWith time, they will become incredibly beautiful.

Constancy and sequence - here is the key

According to the second law of thermodynamics, the natural trend of any isolated system is to be reborn into a more disordered state. Thus, if you do not continue to improve or maintain the current state, you will certainly degrade.

Weeds will always grow in the abandoned garden. Similarly, your natural trend is atrophy and dying - physically, spiritually, materially and in any other respect.

Who you are at the moment - this is a product of principles in action.

Do you become better?

Do you degrade or cultivate?

Today you worked better than yesterday?

Have you been more attentive and concentrated?

Did you eat only useful food?

Have you been more kind and polite?

Fire inside you flares or fuck?

Without aware of these things you will naturally degrade.

Every day is a practice.The spheres of your life are interrelated, so improvements in one of them will have a positive effect on all others.

© Benjamin P. Hardy, Pyerevod: Rosemarina.