How to increase human energy homemade. How to raise the life tone of the body, add strength and energy. - the easiest way to restore energy

Physical energy is energy that maintains the viability of the physical body. Physical energy is necessary to maintain a high tone of free (human energy).

To maintain a high level of physical energy, only 2 conditions are necessary:

  1. Good and full nutrition;
  2. Good and full rest.

The physical energy alone is not enough to maintain a high life tone. More free energy is needed. But before being taken to increase your free energyyou must have high levels physical energy. When do you sick, what do you want most? Sleep and relax. You can sleep 17-18 hours a day. And there is no no desire to work at all, and especially do something. Watch out for your physical body. If it is in sufficiency, you can engage in the development of free energy, if not, do it. Rest, sleep a lot, feel good. In general, dedicate a certain time Only rest. Take your vacation, go to the sea, in the mountains, to the cottage, in general, where you can relax perfectly.

So, let's say you have a sufficient volume of physical energy, and now it comes the most interesting moment: How to increase vitality. The first thing you have to do is determine your current level of free energy. If you are too lazy to get up, reluctant to go to work or study, if you are taking a dream after lunch, and you are clone to sleep, if you do not have other desires in the evening, except to get around the TV, then the level of your free energy is negligible. It may only have enough to keep the current state.

So whatever your energy level on this momentIt can always be enhanced.

There are 2 approaches to raising free energy levels:

  1. Reduce costs free energy;
  2. Increase arrival free energy.

First, let's talk about what is spent free energy:

  1. Any kind negative emotions. All that causes bad emotions, pumps out creative energy from you! In particular, the feeling of guilt, experience, fear;
  2. Stress. Any stress is caused by a sense of importance;
  3. Sense of importance;
  4. Artificial methods of increasing energy:
    a. Energy drinks;
    b. Alcohol;
    Artificial methods of increasing energy are very similar to the loan of money for interest (in other words, credit). You take energy now, but tomorrow or later give up much more. Therefore, try to use them and especially alcohol as little as possible;
  5. Cigarettes;
  6. Tract for trifles.

Tell me, in your life, priorities are clearly placed? If not, do it right now. It will save you from in vain waste of energy for trifles. Why spend your energy to work, which is not even listed in your list of priorities? For example, do you like football? Do you really have great importanceWhich team will win? Surviving, you spend energy because you are important.

Are you experiencing what happens in the country in the country's economy? If so, then again you spend energy. But notice that you can not change anything with your thoughts. As long as you do not earn a condition, you can not affect the economy. And is it worth giveing \u200b\u200byour energy to it?

But think, probably one of the highest priorities is your family, children. For their lives you are able to influence significantly. Maybe you should spend your energy to improve their life?

After you clearly put the priorities, you will understand that everything that is not on the list is not worth it that you spend energy on it!

Wash 80% of your energy to the first 3 points of your priorities: 50% - for the first, 20% - on the second, 10% - on the third, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200b- on all the others! Watting energy into little things, you give it irretrievably. Watting energy on really important things, you invest it, for which you get even more energy.

Well, now the time has come to talk about how to increase your energy level:

1. Dreams, goals

The presence of dreams and goals to whom you are afraid of day, gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this happens only when dreams and goals are yours, and not imposed to you by other people. When the soul and mind are one in their aspirations, you acquire a huge amount of energy in your use. No better feeling than the feeling that your dream moves to you. If you go to your own way, the universe will accompany you in everything and supply the necessary amount of energy always!

2. Vera

It does not matter what you believe in: in God, to the highest mind, in the universe, in superconscious or anything else, your faith in this higher essence should give you free energy in sufficient volume. If you do not feel it, then maybe. You should develop your faith. Very good affirmation: "My world cares about me." Repeating this affirmation, a few days later you will begin to feel absolute calm and a huge influx of energy, because you no need to be afraid. Your world takes care of everything. The phrase of my world can be replaced with what you believe, for example, "God cares about me."

3. Love

Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you are experiencing a huge enthusiasm and such a feeling that you can do everything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

4. Energy gymnastics

Energy gymnastics are exercises aimed at expanding energy channels. About this point Let's talk in the next mailing list. I will give one very powerful exercise in the next mailing.

5. Gratitude

How do you feel when you thank someone else for some kind of service? Try to be grateful for all the good things that you have. This will provide you with an additionally large amount of free energy.

6. Art

What kind of art do you like most? Arts excitement revives the soul. During information, art is moving into the background. It replaces the Internet. But do not forget to give time to art. It is important for the soul. In general, at the time of the information, more and more means and lessons for the mind appear, and all that for the soul is moving into the background. But do not forget that the mind only with the support of the soul can realize anything in this world!

7. Music

Music is energy in pure form. Turn on the music that you like. You can make a foothold so that the stream of energy was more, and take how much you can.

8. Hobby

Hobbies - nothing but a lesson for the soul. All you do for the soul. gives you energy.

9. Communication with people who have high energy

There are people who have a very high volume of energy. They grabs this energy with sufficiency and even shimmer through the edge. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily moves to the interlocutor. To such people, everyone feels great positive feelings. Sometimes they do not even know why. All successful people have a high level of energy, and therefore after communicating with such people you always go out in a high spirits. When they enter the room, it is simply poured by invisible light. There are also opposite people. The room is flooded with light when they leave it. Such people always take your energy from you.

10. Self-pressure

As you understood, with the help of self-sufficiency, you can achieve everything you wish. You can also increase energy levels. To do this, it is enough to use visualization and energy gymnastics. It is possible to use self-imposition in pure form to increase the level of energy.

11. Pets

I think there is no explanation here. When you looked at our favorites, they always cause pleasant feelings.

12. Exchange on physical energy

During sports, active rest You are tired physically, but your vital tone Always rises. Morning jogging, swimming, occupation in gyms Always gives you an extra energy supply.

13. Exchange for money

This is nothing but donations. You give money without waiting for the return, and instead the universe gives you energy.

14. Sex

The most powerful source of free energy.


You can forget everything that is mentioned above, but if you remember at least one phrase, then you have acquired a lot, reading this article:
You get energy when you are experiencing positive feelings, and you spend energy when you feel negative feelings.


88 ways to increase energy and become an almighty creator of their reality

What you read below will definitely help you with desire.

If you read my book, remember the step, where I tell how to raise the energy for the fulfillment of desires.

I want to remind you today and tell why this is important.

Thoughts like radio waves

The human body and consciousness have a certain level of energy, which has now learned to read with the help of sensitive medical devices.

Doctors noticed that, for example, people having illness of cardio-vascular system The brain emits very weak energy signals.

Important! If you have a disease, this does not mean that you are unable to fulfill your desires for the power of thought. Simply

The results of the study confirmed: if our brain and consciousness are weak and de-energized - the whole organism suffers, diseases appear in different parts Body.

But that's not all.

Thoughts of de-energized people can be compared with the music on the radio, which you barely hear. You cannot disassemble a word. A de-energized person, a man with low energy, cannot add his radio - no strength.

As you know, we are able to influence reality with their directed thoughts. We convey information to the universe, wanting to us to come to us what we ask.

To do this, we visualize, presenting the images of our future. We think about what we wish, write our goals and so on.

Imagine that in order for the universe to hear our request, we need to loudly and clearly convey our thoughts.

Imagine that we are radio and with the help of voice, thoughts and emotions we send our desires to the world.

If the universe will hear us, she will answer us quickly. Man S. strong energy Get answers to the specified requests much faster.

But what happens to weak radio waves? They simply do not reach the addressee.

How it is manifested in everyday life? We visualize and visualize, but nothing happens.

Secret in power engineering

What is the strongest de-energizing agent? What does the body suffer from and our whole life?

This depression, stress, i.e. The state of consciousness in which we are bad, we are upset, offended, tricky, etc.

All states that can be called in one word are negative.

They really de-energize us, do you agree? It feels physically!

This can also include excessive excitability when a person cannot focus and unable to control his thoughts.

All this weakens us and dealers.

How to increase energy?

Strong human energy threatens to find:

  • canceled health
  • youth,
  • activity and toughness,
  • success in life,
  • good mood and positive,
  • easy fulfillment of desires!

Well, and what kinds of way, how to increase the energy?

I asked this question to you, my subscribers and received as many as 85 letters! Thank you very much to everyone who shared so valuable information.

Thanks to our common efforts, an impressive list turned out. Read, Keep bookmarks and repost the link to the article in my own networks \u003d)

88+ ways to increase energy!

1. Sport:

1.1. Run

In many evidence, desires are fulfilled during running.

I'm sure it's not enough.

More many runners notice such a phenomenon like happiness from running, they really kaifuve from it and feel an incredible tide of strength. Running unequivocally leads to the awakening of some power inside the body, capable of strengthening our mental flow at the universe at the time of the peak.

During the run, think about your desire, visualize his execution, and the energy received from running the Energy to the Universe for its implementation.

To increase the energy, you need to meditate while driving. Now I run on the 7th day and quickly go. During this, I imagine what I gone)))

1.2. Morning work-out
1.3. Pool

Hike to the pool perfectly tones the spirit.

Sometimes, as an additional practice, I do this:after completing the session in the pool, when I take a shower, I imagine how the water washes off all the insults, the whole negative, everything is bad that I ever happened to me.

Thus, after training, I go out with an energy filled with a positive attitude.

1.4. Physical exercises

No matter how strangely sounded, but sport, dancing and any other species physical activity Beneficially affect the increase in personal energy "broadcast".

In this case, it is important to choose your own kind of "activity" that would make satisfaction as much as possible, caused a tide of positive emotions, the desire to do more in the selected direction.

The secret is that in a similar way we are not only perfecting the body, and also customizable absolutely positively, we are exempt from negative thoughts, experiences, proceeding stress.

This is the universal case when we improve the mind through the body.

2. Body practices

2.1. Yoga

More than once it was proven in theory and in practice, and I am sure that it is no longer a secret for you that the condition that practices experiences during yoga practices allow it to achieve inner harmony, concentration, and at the same time, visualize your desire.

2.2. Tanet Kaoshiki (Kausiki)

In the yogic philosophy of Kaoshiki Shakti is a transcendental cosmic operational energy representing a causal matrix and the root cause of creation.

If it is advised to translate, then Kaoshiki means "dance for mental expansion, the dance of mind" and translated from Sanskrit the words "KOSA", means "a layer of mind and internal me."

The spiritual master of Anandamurti invented the dance as a holistic exercise to develop all layers of mind, known as braids, increase their vitality and relieve the light of the soul. Like most Indian classic dance Kaoshiki are based on wits, which are movements filled with deep spiritual knowledge. People practicing this dance have noticed how to increase the energy turned out to be completely easily, performing uncomplicated movements.

2.3. Eye of rebirth

This is a complex consisting of 5 exercises, the execution of which contributes to the rejuvenation and improvement of the body. This practice gives excellent energy feeding.

There is such a Tibetan gymnastics "Renaissance", a powerful system, though it needs to be done constantly and cannot be passed.

But the body after it always vibrates and feels power. Requires a large patience and willpower.

2.4. Cold and hot shower

3. Son.

3.1. Sufficient Son.
3.2. Early ascent

After I decided to normalize my sleep mode, I began to sleep for 7-8 hours and get up early in the morning, I found huge changes in my life.

My productivity has increased significantly. I realized that the case, which would usually occupy 2-3 hours, can be done in the morning for an hour.

I have appeared additional time for yourself. But this is so many opportunities to work on my desires! You understand what I mean?

In the early climb, the morning feeling will please you: a sense of vigor and clarity of thoughts for the whole day.

3.3. Meditation relaxation before bed

Do you know that you can save in different ways?

You can have enough to sleep qualitatively if you relax well before that. Then even nap It will be very high quality and deep.

3.4. Night sleep

Carlos Castaneda wrote in his book "Magic Passions":

Sleep at night, not the day, because at night Melotonin is produced, which manages the whole organism, otherwise the person will hurt and lose energy.

4. Food

4.1. Live nutrition

Strong human energy directly depends on how it feeds.

You need to try not to drink dead food, for example canned than fresh food, the better.

4.2. Lack of fast food and chemistry
4.3. Vegetarianism

It is believed that the meat bursts the brain. Myathers are harder than the practice of awareness, more often overcome negative thoughts and fears.

4.4. Source

A large amount of energy gives live food, checked!

4.5. No alcohol
4.6 drink plenty of water

5. Mental practices

When I asked you a question, my subscribers, what enhances the energy, a bunch of answers fell on me regarding precisely mental practices. I have already written about many of them in my blog, just click on what you are interested in and read the article:

5.1. Joseph Murphy Prayers
5.2. Practice for forgiveness
5.3. Practice thanks

How gratitude affects us find out from these articles:

5.4. Hooponopono method
5.5. Visualization of desire with emotions
5.6. Affirmations on energy

For example, this is so unusual:

To me, one person advised to do the exercise, which is to pronounce the phrase "I am a woman-ah-ah!", Speak at increased notes in every possible way end of aa-aaa. And you know? Helps!

5.7. Technique Review
5.8. Emotional freedom technique
5.9. Mooding George Sytin on Raising Energy

Setting Sotin - Method of emotional-volitional belief of a person to increase the energy and introduction of thought.

For example: "Strengthening self-timing strong health"," Divine strengthening of the feeling of love. "

5.10. Knowledge: deep study and understanding of any object

A knowledgeable person understands that if something failed, it means that the law coordination of the intention (Zeland V.) worked.

Which gives an understanding - either the time has not come to realize the intention, or after its implementation, something unfavorable may follow.

Conclusion: Understanding (awareness) gives peace of mind, and therefore energy.

5.11. Religious prayer

Good raises energy potential Religious prayer. Read the prayer 40 times "our own" and notice the result.

5.12. Positive thoughts

Very charges positive attitude.

At first, you can force yourself to notice and celebrate only positive in the surrounding reality.

I really helps another reading Little Prince:). Immediately so light and joyfully in the soul. Believe in the beautiful.

6. Practices of awareness

6.1. Stop internal dialogue

Expands the boundaries of thinking.

By stopping your internal dialogue, the brain is exempt from excess load and wasteing energy.

6.2. Consciousness

This skill is in the moment now.

Thanks to awareness, a person begins to get acquainted with his inner world And work with its energy, without wasteing it on external factors.

That's what I wrote one of the subscribers:

I would suggest a minute, two stop and look around yourself.

To see what had not yet noticed how the sun shines or the opposite there is snow.How birds sing. What people pass by, with what emotions.

And find something, because of what you want to smile and rejoice.

6.3. Stay in the body (energy)

This is a way to increase the frequency of vibrations of all of your energy field. As a result, everything that vibrates at lower frequencies is fear, anger, depression, and so on - remains behind the threshold of your reality.

And be sure to find in the moment of this.

Read more in the book by Eckhart Tolere "Power of this".

6.4. Meditation

During which you soothe and go on. Breathe and stop the internal dialogue.

7. Energy practices

7.1. Energy gymnastics (in Zealand)

Earth Energy and cosmos energy circulates in space in the form of two central flows - ascending and downwards, respectively.

Clear our energy channels and ensure their efficient work will help the energy gymnastics of Vadim Zelanda.

You imagine how the upstream and downstream energy flows flow through you, then they become fountains above their heads and, accordingly, under their feet.

These fountains are closed and you stand inside these fountains as it were in the egg (in form). You stand so for a while, then make a visualization of desire.

7.2. Bioenergy

This is a therapeutic practice based on the energy transformation process flowing inside the body.

This can also be attributed bioresonance method:

I encountered this method for another 4 years ago.Many, even the bulk of it does not believe. I experienced it for myself and my family, my life forced. After that, I recommend all adequate people.

The effect is positive.

This method is not only treated from many diseases, but also helps people withdraw from depression and so on.

7.3. Cosmoenergetic

This is spiritual practice allowing ordinary person simple enough, without many years of living in the monasteries, acquire in its use efficient tools - Energy of the widest range of action.

7.4. Work with prana

Prana is what leads to movement human body and consciousness. This is a universal vital energy. Yoga Ramacharaka writes that we can get this vital energy from water and air.

Breathing is one of the most important ways to obtain Prana.

7.5. Work with chakras (manipura)

Chakras are energy centers, developing which, it is possible to achieve spiritual perfection and equilibrium.

Manipura - Chakra, energy Center solar plexus.

It has been proven that the work directly with Manipura gives a large tide of strength.

Here are huge reserves of the body, which are clamped with different blocks. The removal of these blocks and the study of the manipuras is quickly increasing the energy.

7.6. Soap \u003d)

What is this magic "washed"?

In the ancient texts on yoga and tantra, this vibration is called "Visag Anusvara". In the sacred treatments it is said that foreverthe sound of "MMMMM ..." is the source of our universe and vibration capable of doing wonders.

Therefore, my dear, "MMMMY"! 🙂

Comprehend the mystery of the sound "M"

  1. Sit with a straight back and relax a little.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  3. At the exit S. closed mouth (loud), missing sound as if through the nose "rinse" "mmmmmm ...".

At the same time you can feel some vibration, passing through your body and bones (perhaps first you will feel the vibration micromotive only in the head), it is quite pleasant and cleansing.

So you need to "wash" from 5 minutes to half an hour and more.

8. Good deeds

8.1. Help close and other people
8.2. Charity
8.3. Financial assistance to another person

Making good actions, we begin to feel good, satisfied. This suggests that the energy industry increases inside us.

If you are engaged in charity, you understand what I mean.

I remember that day when I first decided to financially help those who need it. I transferred money in orphanage and helped financially one project for elementary school In a small town.

That feeling that filled me after this is indescribable. There was no self-examination or boasting, no. I felt in myself good, I felt that I want to help again and again, give great help. My body was filled with warmth and gratitude. I believe that it was the very moment when I raised my own energy.

Assistance to other people, financially, psychologically or other ways, definitely increases its own energy.

9. Interaction with other people

9.1. Embrace
9.2. Communication with loved ones, friends, those with whom communication brings joy

For example, hiking to theater with girlfriends.

9.3. Communication with the opposite floor, flirt, love

If a person has been attention to you, at least by means of a smile, gesture, you are interested in you, it is divided by its energy.

I think it really takes place to be.

10. Passing yourself:

10.1. SPA, sauna
10.2. Massage
10.3. Body Care, Manicure and Pedicure

I think girls will understand me. A visit to spa treatments, manicure, pedicure, massage, any other body care - not only increases self-esteem and gives excellent feeling, but also increases the energy.

10.4. Shopping shopping

Not to mention shopping. Having bought the same dress about which he dreamed of and was looking for so long, which attributes confidence, does it not increase the energy?

11. Creativity and Hobbies

11.1 Favorite Worth

This applies not only to the hobby, but in general, the case of life. For example, I adore writing articles in this blog. It charges me.

And even more pleased that you fulfill an important mission. And do not live wasted life. This will still be in 14 points.

11.2. Listening to the right music

Listen to Beethoven!

In general, the influence of music on us is very large, because it is part of our life from birth and to the end.

Listening to your favorite songs, we seem to go to another, magical and beautiful worldwhere there are no problems, sadness, pain, disappointment and unpleasant memorieswhere just good and calmly in the soul. Many music helps to survive difficult situations in life. She gives us joy, positive, energy and cheerful charge.

The subscriber sent me the following message:

I did, just turned on the music and danced, and sang trying at this moment from everything to turn off.

Here you can choose any convenient way, You can include at home music and dance, as the last time you can go with friends to the club, or sign up in the studio of dance in style the closest to your taste.

For example, I went to Latino-American, even if it was too lazy in the evening, I raised myself for the shaking and went. But returned on the wings, the dancing is great to raise the tone!

Singing of loved ones and positive songs, dancing, music, watching your favorite films and reading inspirational books, any motivating and funny video. Choose what you like the most and good mood will not make yourself wait.

11.3. Singing

Sake as often as possible, but only the right songs!

11.4. Dancing
11.5. View comedies and favorite films
11.6. Reading favorite book
11.7. Motivating videos, movies and books

12. Travel

12.1. Trip abroad

Message from one of the subscribers:

Certainly, increases the energy of the journey abroad, to the sea! In my practice it was the best! It is in another country where another language, culture.

And this sea is natural, just wonderful! Soothes emotions, removes negative, even very strong and just a minute!

12.2. Walking in Wild Places

This is my hobby, so I know what I'm talking about)

13. Nature, Flora and Fauna

13.1. Pet chat

Walking with your loved one, walking with your beloved dog)) Tuscan cat loved)))

13.2. Mountains, Forest - Nature!

I liked the same time to walk in the mountains and there, when you rising above and above and hug the trees, pines, ate and ask the nature itself or the same tree that you hug your energy and wisdom, after some time you start feeling the lift and seems that in you so much strength and energy that you can mask any distances!

I was lucky - I work in the forest near the reservoir. When you just need to recharge yourself into a lunch break into the forest. 5-10 minutes standing, leaning back to the birch.

If you feel that it is necessary to get rid of someone else's heavy energy, first standing at the running water, and then at the birch. It helps me.

13.3. Privacy in nature

I can say that it helps me 100% is solitude with nature, at least 30 minutes. To be alone in nature! I understand that this is not a mega discovery, but this is true!

13.4. Solar energy tan

I noticed that when I rest in warm countries, then the energy in me starts just to spill. From vacation to the sea I come with huge list New goals and plans for their implementation. And you?

13.5. Ocean

I once lived on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. And you know, the ocean has such powerful energy produces!

I remember that the favorite occupation in our town was just sitting and looking into the sea distance.

When I moved, I very much felt shutdown from this source of energy.

14. Awareness of the meaning and purpose of your life

14.1. Map of desires for 3-10 years ahead

14.2. List of 100 goals and desires per year

14.3. A big dream

Increases the power of the right concentration at its desire so that there is no energy dissipation.

Source Joe dispens "Supernatural Mind."

14.4. Knowledge of the meaning of his life

14.5. Planned

As you wrote above, stress, disorder, excitement and the like, very much absorb our energy. And so that it does not happen to "do what should be done."

I heard such a wording in one training. It may seem that the absurdity is written, but it seems to me, it is better not to say. Because everyone has their own list of what should be done.

I will give an example: someone has long been going to go to the gym, but for some reason it does not go, while constantly cins himself for it, thereby spending its energy for remorse.

And someone in general, this gym is not needed, but it is every day, passing by the mountains of the unwashed dishes, hees heavily and promises to wash himself tomorrow, etc.

Cases can be both global and every little thing. The main idea is to do immediately what we are "worrying" by the mind.

That's all.

And if you want to know my main secrets in the fulfillment of desires, come on. You can sign up

Describes well, a lot of ways to increase the energy. Take and apply! Write in the comments that you are working best.

Whether it happened to you that you didn't want to wake up in the morning, there was no strength to go to work, but did you want to go home and fall asleep at home? Did you think about what For some reason, forces and energy over the years, it becomes less and less ... and joy from life too. About why our energy weakens over the years and how to increase your energyRead in this article.

1. Why increase your energy

  • Yours desires are executed faster
  • Rises self confidence
  • Appears sense of satisfaction from life in general
  • Rises vital tone and performanceyou have time to do more

Man S. high energy Always cheese, energetic, he has enough strength. It realizes his desires quickly and easily. There is a feeling that he is lucky in everything, everything happens so easily.

A person S. low power It turns out everything "with creak", it meets obstacles and resistance. From this it becomes not very joyful and he falls into negative emotions and its energy is decreased even more. The circle closed.

2. Causes of low energy

There are several such reasons and they can be divided into two groups - external (manifested in the physical world) and internal (unmanifested in the physical world).

External reasons for low energy:

1. Improper nutrition

If a person feeds on unhealthy and inanimate food (fast food, semi-finished products, etc.), he gets very little of real energy From food. Such food even depletes the body, that is, lowers the energy.

2. Lower lifestyle

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he has energy begins to circulate and develop various congestive phenomena in the body, which requires much more energy to maintain.

3.Televisor, communication with people unpleasant to you

If you constantly spend time in front of the TV or in the company of people who are unpleasant to you, you do not relax and do not gain strength, but the passage of your precious energy is outside, instead of sending it to yourself, to your business, plans or tasks . You voluntarily give your energy and it will never return to you back.

4. Elegative emotions

Negative emotions like anger, fear, angerness, resentment, envy, disappointments, weaken the energy and take energy necessary for other useful things. You give your energy to nowhere.

5.Named business

Each unfinished business takes your energy, because there you left your attention. Where attention, there is energy. You still return there to attention, until it comes to this case or do not accept final decision Finish this case at the stage on which it is located. When you do this, immediately notice how you stop returning there with your thoughts, which means you can use this energy for something else.


Doubts take the lion's share of energy. People who cannot make a decision, often never accept it, until something from the outside will push them into one direction or another. That is, in this case, you do not make a decision, and it is imposed on you. In addition, while you doubt you spend your energy is wasted.

7.stress or uncontrollable thoughts

Stress, hurry, panic kidnap your energy. Remember yourself after the working day when you come home and you have forces only to fall into bed. Your strength went to cope with stress. If you are also constantly twisting some thoughts in your head or scroll through the conversations with the head or other people, then this process also devours your energy.

9. Alcohol, smoking, bad habits

Alcohol is a poison for the body, so the body throws all the forces on the neutralization of this poison. At the same time, your energy decreases.

10. Bad ecology

Bad ecology as well as alcohol and other poisons for restrictions. To live in big city - This is a large load for the body, especially if in this city there is a bad ecology. Well, if you have the opportunity to regularly get out of nature. In nature, you feed energy.

Internal reasons for low energy:

These causes are associated directly with the work. energy system.

The human energy system consists of the following elements:

Thin bodies

Thin tel several. Together they form a man aura. Essential body Consists of bioplazms allocated by a physical body.The astral body is associated with feelings and painted in the color of emotional states.

The mental body is associated with thoughts and intelligence, it increases when concentrated on mental processes. His boundaries go beyond the head and top of the body at a distance of 7-20 cm.

The karmic (casual) body is formed by a set of causal relations constituting the fate of a person. Usually its size is 70-100 cm from the body.


Meridians are located on all the body. Energy flows on them. On the meridians, the acupuncture points are usually located.


Chakras are energy centers, they do not have direct physical incarnation in the human body. The location of the seven major chakras corresponds to the main nervous plexus of the physical body. Each chakra broadcasts certain information about you into the outside world.

When occurs failure in thin bodies, meridians or chakras, That kind of energy decreases. Cause of failures - Negative emotions, wrong thoughts, distorted perception of themselves or reality. If you do not pay attention to faults and do not do anything about it, then distortion in the energy sector can lead to organs of organs in this place.

Diseases are first formed in thin bodies of a person, and then projected into the physical body. Even those diseases related to incorrect leaving For a physical body, as for example, we sat on the draft, did not wear the weather, the virus was picked up at work from a sick colleague, etc. Also originate in thin bodies.

The power failure is felt as a general depressed state of or aggressive reactions, painfulness in some organs, etc.

3. Methods of increasing energy

There are a lot of ways to increase the energy and can also be divided into two groups - external(through physical actions) and internal (through work with their thoughts and emotions).

External methods (through actions):


Sports in any form fills the body with energy. It is very important that regular classes are very important, 1-2 times a week, and not less than a hour. It is also important that you like the sport you like.

2.Banya, hardening, water treatments

Saucer cold and hot shower, Morning and other water treatments fill the human body with energy and bring much benefit for general well-being. The easiest type of hardening is a contrasting shower, when you alternate hot and cold water.

3. Healthy sufficient Son.

If a person always sleeps his norm of hours, it adds to him forces and energy. Everyone has its own sleep. Someone is enough 6 hours, and someone and 10 are few. But the good news is that when your energy is raised, then your need for a dream is reduced. I, for example, before was the norm of sleep 8 hours, and now it is 5-6 hours.


The relaxation of the muscles of the whole body is useful for the body. During relaxation, try focusing all your attention on your body, carrying attention from one part of the body to another and relaxing it. At the same time there should be no thoughts in the head. In such a state, your body gains energy. Use the relaxation of minutes for 20-30 when you come home after work and see how your condition will change and forces enough for another evening.

Relaxing is also useful before bedtime, immediately before falling asleep - Then your muscles will be relaxed throughout the sleep, which means you will rest well for the night and wake up full forces and energy. It is very important that when you fall asleep your brain be completely calm, and did not twist some thoughts, otherwise your dream will be restless.

5. Meditation

Meditations relax, and also harmonize. After meditation, a feeling of calm, peacefulness, purification appears.

6. Silent exercises

If you want to increase the energy and increase performance, then you must need to engage in breathing exercises - yoga, qigong or others that you like. I recommend starting my day with respiratory gymnastics, it activates your energy right in the morning.

7. Special exercises on the accumulation of energy and concentration of attention

There are such exercises in qigun, yoga, oriental martial arts And they act as follows: you concentrate on some harmless object, such as your own nose or point on the wall, stop the thoughts, stay in this state for some time, say half an hour. And during this time, your energy is increasing, because attention is within you and it is not distracted by different thoughts, and where attention is there and energy. You are drinking energy and besides, you train the concentration of attention.


what to raise energy alone only external ways May be dangerous. Because if some kind of chakra broadcasts some kind of destructive information (for example, you have an internal aggressor, etc.), then if you pump up such a chakra with energy, it will translate the same in quality (i.e. aggression ) But many times more. And then from the outside world on you can also shave. therefore work with chakras you need from the inside Through understanding what kind of informationthey broadcast from you to the outside world and changing this information, Cleaning the negative.

Internal methods (through work with thoughts and emotions)

Internal methods of increasing energy assume mainly work with the energy system.

Work with meridians directly complicated. But the work of meridians is improving when you shoot blocks on the path of meridians.

Blocks are a kind of stones that interfere with energy freely flow.

What block in power engineering? This is some building energy that prevents energy, blocks it in some place. This energy building appeared as a result of some situation on which a person had happened emotional reaction. Than more often this situation repeated or what stronger man reacted, the stronger or the more this block.

Blocks do not give energy fluently flowing through the body. Blocks are liquefied a huge part of your energy. Moreover, blocks manage your reality, When you can no longer respond differently in similar situations. As soon as a similar situation arises, or with the same person, then you react to the same way. It looks like a program that you yourself prescribed, without suspecting it. The basis of this program is a certain thought (idea, waiting), prefeed by negative emotions. These negative emotions are experiencing every time the situation is repeated.

Example. You can fight for a long time with the fear of public speeches, but if you remove the reason - Emotional charge from the first situation, when this fear appeared - then you have a chance to experience other emotions (except fear) from your public speeches. As long as the fear is sitting inside you, he controls you, and hence your reality.

This exercise will help you reveal your blocks and work with them:

1. Take a sheet of paper and write out everything that causes you strong emotional reaction - as negative (irritation, anger, hatred, aggression, apathy, pity) and positive (for example, admiration for any qualities of other people) - in other people.

For example, "I am infuriated when you are drunk!", Or "I want to root when my voice is raised at me," or "I can't stand when they command!" etc. Or "Well, what is he cool, as he all has time!"

Write at least 100 such statements.

2. Work with this list To remove blocks that cause these emotions. To do this, take each statement and work with it as follows. For example, approval from the previous paragraph "I infuriates me when other mothers."

Then sit down, close your eyes, focus your attention inside yourself, remember the situation when you yourself are sick. After that, you will no longer have grounds for complaints of ladies.

How this method works: in each of us there are things that we do not want to know about themselves and once outed in shadow part us. Why iz out? Because they considered that it is impossible to do so, or they explained this in childhood or even cut off for it. We now consider that it is impossible to do so and cannot admit that we do it. Thereby deny part of itself, which is being reborn. You did not stop the fool? But you think that it is impossible to do. Then our subconscious takes attention to other people who do it. "They can, but I can not".

The main indicator of the "shadow side" (what you do not want to see in yourself) is an emotional reaction to others.

Having done this exercise qualitatively, you can remove many blocks and clean your energy.

How to work with chakras

How to work with chakras There are a lot of information. But in order to change the quality of your life, it is enough to know what information blank healthy balanced chakras and compare it with what are yours broadcastchakras.

After all, chakras are energy centersthat translate certain information about youforeign world. In depending on what you broadcast outside, then you attract in your life. "What inside, then outside."

But often a person does not even know what he is inside.

But if you scan your chakras and consider the information they broadcast to the outside world, you can understand what to expect in the near future and if you don't like it, then work with chakra and remove what you do not like. Work on ahead. And at the same time to increase its energy.

Energy is increasing for the simple reason that you remove blocks from your chakro energy is released from blockswhich has held there all this time while there was a block, and which you can now use for yourself.

4. What you need to know about chakras

(taken from the site Alena Starovoitova)

1st chakra - Molandhara, root chakra

This is the basis of the entire energy system. Located at the base of the spine, the crotch. Affects your career and manifestation in the material world. Responsible for stress resistance and will to life. Related to the instinct of survival and self-preservation.

Balanced chakra broadcasts vitality, confidence in the world, security, love for money, financial welfare, prosperity. Emotion, destroying chakra - fear. Every time you feel fear, you destroy the root chakra.

healthy Balanced Root Chakra:

  • I feel comfortable in physical body.
  • I have the right to be and have.
  • I appreciate everything that I get from life.
  • I am grateful for how money support me.
  • I am always supported in all spheres of life.
  • I live and flourish.
  • I have healthy, loving relationships.
  • I play a significant role in this world.
2nd chakra - Svadchistan, Sacred Chakra

This is the energy center of sexuality and vitality, the center of passion, pleasure, feelings, intimacy, desires, movement and change. Located in the bottom of the abdomen, below the navel. The task of this chakra is to force the energy to move, the pleasure starts the stream of energy.

Balanced chakra broadcasts sexual satisfaction, physical pleasure, pleasure life, intimacy in the relationship, making movement and change. Emotions that destroy the chakra - shame and wines. Every time you experience these emotions, you destroy the sacred chakra.

This is what information is broadcast healthy Balanced Sacred Chakra:

  • I creates a creature.
  • I express my creative potential.
  • I create excellent experiences in my life.
  • I create a beautiful intimate relationship.
  • I am satisfied with my sexuality.
  • I am comfortable to get love.
  • I am comfortable in my relationship.
  • I love the one I am.
3rd chakra - manipura, solar plexus chakra

It affects your self-esteem and authority. Located above the navel. It affects your personal strength and ability to broadcast it into the world. This is the center of the force of will, individuality and your uniqueness. The task of this chakra is to transform the inertia of matter and movement in a conscious direction to the volitional action.

Balanced chakra broadcasts confidence, good self-esteem, welcome challenges and tests, balanced will, responsibility, sense of personal power. Emotion, destroying chakra - shame. Each time you have shame, you destroy the chakra of solar plexus.

This is what information is broadcast healthy balanced solar plexus chakra:

  • I am in Lada with my power.
  • I have a comfortable relationship with my strength and with myself.
  • My power leads to change in the world.
  • I express my power in pacification.
  • I change my life and the life of other people.
  • I encourage my environment to use your own strength.
  • I broadcast confidence wherever I go.
4th chakra - Annhat, Heart Center

This is the center of love, relationship, making yourself. Located in the center of the chest.

Balanced chakra broadcasts love for people and peace, compassion, empathy, love, altruism, balance and peace, a good immune system. Emotion, destroying chakra - sadness. Every time you experience sadness, you destroy the heart center.

This is what information is broadcast healthy Balanced Heart Center:

  • I am a loving, gentle creature.
  • My heart is healed. My heart is open.
  • I am free to express love.
  • I love myself and other people.
  • I am a guide of peace, love and joy.
  • My heart is huge.
5th chakra - Vishudha, throat chakra

This is the center of your "genuine voice." Affects your self-expression. This ability to exercise love in creativity, unintelligent. Located on the throat, responsible for creative, spontaneous beginning in man. The task of this chakra is to show your image to the outside world, tell about it.

Balanced chakra broadcasts the urnee listen, good feeling time and rhythm, clear communication, creative self-expression, a resonant voice. Emotion, destroying chakra - false. Every time you lie, you destroy the throat chakra.

This is what information is broadcast healthy balanced throat chakra:

  • I express my truth.
  • I express my truth with ease.
  • I am supported in the expression of my truth.
  • I comfortably express my truth.
  • My thoughts are clear and I can easily express them.
  • I respect the people who express their truth.
  • My throat chakra is open.
  • I am grateful for the ease with which I express myself.
6th chakra - Ajna, Chakra Third Eyes

This is the center of manifestation of love in the ability to form images, which then become reality. Acts your internal compass. Filters all the information, here are all your beliefs. Located in the center of the forehead.

Balanced chakra means good intuition, high susceptibility, good imagination, good memory, symbolic thinking, ability to visualize.

This is what information is broadcast healthy Balanced Chakra Third Eye:

  • I trust my inner knowledge.
  • I have a good intuition.
  • My inner vision is clear and I trust him.
  • I go on my spiritual path.
  • I listens to my intuition.
  • I keep me, support me.

7th Chakra - Sakhasrara, Crown Chakra

This chakra of Divine Consciousness, affects your connection with the source. Located on the painter. The task of this chakra is to merge with the divine consciousness and realize your genuine nature.

Balanced chakra means the ability to perceive, analyze and simplify information, awareness, thoughtfulness, openness, spiritual connection, wisdom, wide world view, the ability to question. The attachment and rigid framework destroy this chakra. Every time you tightly tied To something, you destroy the crown chakra.

This is what information is broadcast healthy Balanced Crown Chakra:

  • I am connected to the Divine.
  • Every moment of every day I supports Divine Love.
  • I am one with the universe.
  • I live my divine nature.
  • I get inspiration, insights, revelations.
  • I am in contact with my divine "I", with my divine wisdom.

Check yourself

Read the above approval-affirmation of healthy balanced chakras and track your inner response to them - how much they resonate you or cause resistance. If there is a reaction reaction or voltage, then maybe your chakras are not in the balance sheet and broadcast something else into the world.

Why is the balanced work of the entire energy, and not separate chakras

For proper work The entire energy system needs active operation All chakras. If you are engaged in only one particular chakra, then in your energy and in your life there will be a skewer.

For example, increasing the power center of the cardiac center when the chascra of solar plexus and the root chakra, other people will use your kindness and step on your personal boundaries, and you cannot stand up for yourself.

Or, if you increase the energy of the sacral chakra, but at the same time you closed the root chakra and the heart center, then you will certainly have a relationship with men, but they will not arrange you, to put it mildly.

Conclusion is simple - engage increasing the energy of all chakras,and not some separate.

See the video in which I give an exercise to activate the chakras. Exercise will help to fill the chakras of energy.

So, I only told you about several ways to enhance your energy. But even these ways are enough to improve the work of your energy system and with it - your life. Try all these ways and choose most suitable for yourself, and practice them constantly. And the effect does not make himself wait long. If you have a serious case, you can ask for help and sign up for a consultation

People with high energy are faster than dreams are fulfilled, they are always in good moodThere are no lack of financial resources, are popular with representatives of the opposite sex, feel cheerful and active. If in your life everything happens exactly to the opposite - it is worth paying for this issue of increased attention and learn how to increase your energy.

Human energy is represented by two varieties:

  • physical;
  • and free (or vital energy).

Due to physical energy, there is a normal life human organism. It is also necessary to support high tone free energy.

So you always have a lot of physical energy, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  • fully feed high quality food;
  • well rest ( a huge role Plays healthy sleep);
  • practice high physical activity;
  • regularly visiting the baths and saunas, in which negative energy dissolves;
  • it is more often in nature;
  • yoga and oriental martial arts are very shown.

But to maintain a high vitality, one physical energy is not enough. It is important to have a sufficient amount of free energy. But before being taken for its increase - take care of the physical body. When it feels good - only then begin to raise your free energy potential.

But first determine at what current free energy level you are. Symptoms will be testified about the lack of vitality:

  • reluctance to perform any actions;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • it's hard to get up in the morning.

The increase in the level of free energy can be carried out by 2 ways:

  • due to the reduction of spending energy;
  • due to the increase in its free energy potential.

But before you tell how to increase the energy, we will talk about what we spend our free energy.

Where the free energy goes

Life forces leave us at such moments:

  1. When we suffer from any negative experiences. All of them actively deprive you of creative energy (especially the feeling of their guilt, anxiety, feeling of fear).
  2. With stressful experiences.
  3. When we feel a very important person.
  4. Unnatural ways to increase their energy potential (at the expense of alcohol, energy drinks). These methods of increasing energy balance have a great similarity with a loan of money under a high percentage. You take the energy today, but tomorrow (or later) it will have to return and in much larger quantities. Therefore, it should be resorted to these methods as less as possible.
  5. When we smoke.
  6. Upse yourself to the little things. Ask myself a question: "Do you stick to clearly arranged priorities?". It is worth doing this in order not to spend your vitality in vain.

You spend your energy on any experiences, often even on those who do not imagine much importance (worry about the life of celebrities, the economic condition of the country, winning their favorite football team and so on).

Pay attention only to your most close people (relatives, close, friends - all those in whose life you are able to influence). You can even make a special list, which makes the case of the first importance and place what can wait.

At the same time, it is important that 80 percent of your vital forces were consumed by three first sub-clauses in this way:

  • 50 percent - the first item;
  • 20 - second;
  • 10 - the third;
  • the remaining 20 percent is the rest.

Remember that energy upset over trifles will never return to you back. Therefore, invest it better in more important things to subsequently returned to you by Storm.

Observing S. energy spentNow let's turn to the methods of increasing energy.

How to increase human energy

Dream, put goals

Dreams I. real goalswhich you try to achieve, fill you with a very significant amount of free energy. But it will work exclusively, if the dreams and goals are invented personally, and not another person imposed you them. When the soul and the mind are in harmonious relationship With each other for your own purposes, you get a lot of free energy for the realization of conceived.

If you go on your way, the Universe will help you in every way and will ensure the necessary energy fullness always!


At the same time, the object of your faith does not play a significant role: it may be God, the highest mind, the universe, the superconscious or something else. The main thing is that thanks to the faith you will also fill sufficient number free energy.


Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When she overwhelms you from the inside, you perceive everything with great enthusiasm and begins to seem that you can conquer any vertices! Love is a very strong source of vitality.

Practice energy gymnastics

This is a set of exercises whose execution contributes to the expansion of energy channels.

Thank you

When you express your gratitude, you are experiencing positive emotions And with this filled with free energy.

Engage in art

Which of the types of art most of all do you like? Thanks to art, your soul comes to life.

Now, in the information age, art is undeservedly turned out to be in the background, replaced by the Internet and television. It is worth paying his time if you want to always maintain a sufficient balance of energy and disclose your inner potential.

Listen to the music

Music is pure energy. Therefore, it is so important to regularly listen to the compositions of your favorite musical performers. The louder you will make music, the more energy flow will increase, fill with music to the edge!

Find a hobby

The hobby acts as an occupation that is done for the soul. Any hobby fills you with additional free energy.

Communicate with people having high energy

Some people have a very large energy potential. They themselves consume this energy themselves, and excess it goes out. Contacting with such personalities, you get a particle of their energy from them.

People with strong energy unconsciously cause surrounding positive emotions. Often, people can not even explain their cause.

For all successful people Characteristic strong biopole, so, after contacting with them you feel much better in emotional plan. When such people enter the room, it seems to poured the invisible light.

Practice self-confederation

You probably know that self-sufficiency will allow you to get everything you can only dream of. It is quite realistic to increase your energy, for this it is important to regularly enjoy visualization and resort to energy gymnastics. You can also apply a clean self-hypanosis for this purpose.

Get home pets

Animals always cause positive emotions from their owners, every time your look falls on a cute animal.

Exchange physical energy on free

When you practice sports and active types of recreation - comes physical fatigue, but there is an increase in life tone. Thanks to regular jogs in the mornings, swimming, fitness, dancing you fill yourself with an additional amount of free energy.

Exchange Finance Free Energy

Now we are talking about money. When you give them up and do not expect that they will return to you back, the universe fills you with life forces.

Do you have sex!

Sex is the most powerful source of free energy, therefore it is worth increasing its energy potential due to this pleasant and useful classes.

Supporting your body in good physical form and resorting to the methods described above the increase in the number of free energy, you will significantly strengthen your biofield and due to this your life will start changing for the better.

How to increase your energy? First you need to figure out what it depends. Of course, sleep and nutrition, stress and physical exercise. But that's not all.

We often indicate places and people magic words "Good energy" or " bad energy"When we mean not only vital energy, but also the common vibrations of our house.

The house is our defense. We always take place in it after hard work, calm down, relax or just want to be alone. But if we completely exhausted the house will not be able to protect us.

In scientific terms, energy is described as high or low depending on your strength, speed, general well-being and even vibrations of your home. In this article we will try to figure out how to increase the vital energy at home .

The higher the energy of the person or the place in which he lives, the better we feel. And the higher the vibration of our house, the better we feel in it. The house becomes our shelter, the space for charging our life and raises our spirit.

Here are 30 ways to raise the vitality and vibration of your home for health and happiness:

1) Remove mess

Elimination of disorder, extra unnecessary things and elements in your home that does not apply, easily free the place, and will leave you a feeling of freedom and convenience.

Cut your wardrobe. Dump trucks "Just in case" you will never get used if you don't like it. Always choose quality over quantity.

Other ways to eliminate mess in the house include borrowing, not purchases, using reusable products and smart spending based on experience, and not just to buy a new "thing".

Perhaps some people calm down when they make purchases. But think well, is it necessary this particular thing? What to buy a bunch of baubles is better to accumulate money for the long-awaited trip and calm your nerves on vacation, and not in the store!

2) grass burning

Burning grass, the practice is very well-known and used thousands of years to clean the air from impurities, such as bacteria and viruses. Some nations use burning as a traditional mystical ritual, change spiritual state, cleaning the ambient air. But you must comply with some caution rules, because it is better not to joke with fire. And remember that not only the combustion process itself, but also smoke, which is formed, has healing properties to increase vitality.

Take the dried bug of herbs and burn, and then quickly put out the flame, allowing smoke to diverge in the house. AND healing propertiesAnd the aroma of herbs falls directly into the air. Sage today is the most popular herb, but also pine, rosemary, lavender is also good options.

This technique is good to use to increase the vital energy and clean the space:

  • When moving to a new home;
  • When switching to new job or career;
  • Unwanted guest leaves your home;
  • Before meditation;
  • When you just quarreled or suffered from severe disease.

You can also use herbal mix By mixing together ground herbs and leave small pieces on the top of your chicken.

Sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, mint, pine needles, incense or patchouli perfectly clean the air and your space.

3) diffuse essential oils

Essential oils help relax, clean your home and give a feeling of light due to their unique and pleasant aroma at home. Many of them also have powerful antimicrobial properties that eliminate viruses and bacteria in the air.

How to raise vital energy and vibration in life space using roses, basil oil, cypress, incense, juniper, lavender, Mirra, Salfa, mint, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosemary and eucalyptus?

Mix 1 tbsp. l. Vodka, 6 tbsp. l. filtered water and from 10 to 40 drops of any essential oil Your choice in a small sprayer. Bear well before each use.

Spray just into the air, on the pillow half an hour before sleep, near the workplace, but away from the technique. They give a feeling of peace and peace, light mind and energy.

4) Turn on the salt lamp (from the Himalayan salt)

This soft luminous salt lamp is a natural source of fresh clean air - Just what you need to increase the vibrations and clean the air in the house, providing a strong aura of calm.

Because they attract water, lamps have incredible power Remove dust, pollen, smoke and other impurities from the air. The lamp of the Himalayan salt also emits negative ions, which increase the energy level, remove static electricity, neutralize electromagnetic radiation, stimulate good dream And improve the overall mood.

Well, a rather impressive list!

5) Music

Music is more than easy entertainment or artistic form. It has a soothing effect on your entire body and changes vibrations in any space that it fills.

The correct type of music ensures the relief of pain, benefits the heart, blood and immune system, Strengthens learning, fights fatigue and promotes a healthy dream.

Of course, its ability to improve our mood is no doubt. For greater activation of mood and positive oscillatory effects, choose classic, jazz, folk, orchestra, brass or opera music. If such genres do not help you, change the music on the one that will make you feel good.

6) Plants and Live Flowers

Reunion with nature and everything that can offer true way Enjoying positive vibrations, attentiveness and in the raised mood is love for leaving the living beings. Ecotherapy even attracted the attention of the scientific community: many researchers believe that with its help you can overcome depression and improve mental health And well-being.

Why not bring a particle of nature to the room and attract positive energy into your home? One way to do this is to fill your living space by plants in pots and fresh flowers: bright colors And the flavors will also contribute to your home corner.

According to experts, some plants are better than others to promote positive energy and improving well-being. This is a cactus, bamboo, jasmine, lavender, miniature roses, rosemary, mint, chrysanthemum, aloe vera and orchids. And others are fine.

7) Choose several crystals

The use of crystals for healing and positivity goes back to deep antiquity. Suchmers made magic potions from quartz, the Greeks wore amethyst as amulets, and the Chinese used jade in medicine.

Try to find the place of these popular crystals for your home, and they will give you numerous advantages:

  • Turquoise - Master Healer, is highly valued for its protective properties.
  • Heliotrope - Powerful antidepressant, increases enthusiasm and emotional state.
  • Smoky quartz - Helps let go of negative energy.
  • Pink Quartz - opens and treats the energy of the heart.
  • Cornelian - Attracts good luck and encourages creativity and motivation.
  • Quartz - balancing the body and clears the mind.
  • Kesetin - Removes stress and inspires happiness.
  • Citrine - helps you adapt and live in the present life.
  • Aventurine - attracts new opportunities.

Even if you do not have a special faith in the healing forces of crystals, they will add some chic to your home, will reassure your view, which is guaranteed to improve your mood!

8) Choose colors that have a positive effect on the mood.

The colors used in the house are a direct reflection of our personality and can affect the mood and our thoughts at the most unexpected moment!

Our reaction to color is unique in choosing what we really feel. Let's affect common colors:

  • Red - raises the energy level and increases adrenaline in the blood. But for some people it can be too stimulating and cause certain problems with the mood.
  • Brown Causes feelings of wrath and hostility.
  • Yellow - Raises the mood, he captures the joy of the sun and the signals of happiness. Too much yellow can cause a feeling of disappointment and anger.
  • Blue - soothing, relaxing and calm, but can also cause sorrow feelings.
  • Green - The most calm color for the eyes, it contributes to comfort, calm and career growth.
  • Purple - Dark tones are associated with luxury, creativity and sharpness. Bright versions also bring peace of mind as blue, but with greater warmth.
  • Orange - causes excitation, enthusiasm and energy.

9) ignite candles

Candles were used for thousands of years to ensure light, convey calm and allocate the celebration. Their dark yellow glow acts as sleeping pills, reflects and coordinates the center for meditation.

15) Create a vacation space

IN hometown You must feel the way in a place where you can relax and enjoy the silence or comfort, cutting at least a small asylum in the room, a chamic or corner. Appreciate your space and enjoy the time you spend personally at least ten minutes every day.

You can use this time to read, meditating, yoga or something else that will revive you and increase your energy!

16) Train

To increase the vitality, you must get up from the sofa and go to your body. Training - the best way Increase energy levels in a natural way.

Healthy adults with a seating lifestyle that are engaged in sports at least 20 minutes three times a week, increase by 20%. energy level and reduce fatigue by 65%.

Go out by fresh air For easy running coward, fast walking or cycling.

17) Make a break for the liver

If your liver cannot function in the measure of its abilities, it will lead to a variety of problems, one of which is chronic fatigue. It occurs because the body works with a large load, trying to remove excess toxins.

18) Pour at night

This is one of the hard tasks. If you do not have enough energy, make sure that you are well hidden for the body to restore and rejuvenate yourself overnight.

Unfortunately, not everyone can fall asleep as the head touches the pillow! Millions of people in the world suffer from random or long-term problems with sleep.

19) take 15 minutes

If you feel too exhausted, quickly take off 15 or 20 minutes in the afternoon, so you reset your system and get a tide of vigor.

Studies show that 20 minutes of sleep well for general vigilance and learning skills; from 30 to 60 minutes of sleep will help the decision-making skills; And from 60 to 90 minutes of sleep, it is necessary to create new connections in the brain and solving creative tasks.

20) Cut sugar from the diet

Short donuts or chocolate bar is exactly what most of us want after 3 pm.

The study on rats showed that those that were fed with fats, sugar and flour were more obese and less ready to work for remuneration (i.e. lazy) than rats received a balanced diet.

Avoid such sweet pleasures and go to healthy alternatives.

21) Moisturizing

Water does not contain calories, and, therefore, does not give energy, but it facilitates the course of all reactions in the body, and therefore dehydration may cause fatigue.

Do not forget that herbal teas and coconut water are also counted as fluid consumption

22) Exchange coffee on green tea

When we are exhausted, coffee can further lead to headache, nervousness, anxiety and a lot.

Try to change your latte on a cup of green tea. It also contains caffeine (albeit in smaller quantity than coffee), which will give you an instant impulse. Moreover, regular use Powerful antioxidants, so-called catechins prevents fatigue.

23) Refuse alcohol

Alcohol with a high sugar content can cause stress, anxiety and depression, so it is not surprising to hear that the drink is one of the main leaks of energy.

Alcohol leads to sleep disruption, which in turn causes drowsiness in daytime and general lethargy.

24) Spit well

Food - fuel for the body, so increase the vital energy without food is simply not possible. But some products are definitely better than others relative to providing sustainable vigor.

Make sure you eat enough complex carbohydrates that infect you with energy. These include whole wheat bread, brown rice, winch, buckwheat, lentils and beans.

Do not neglect fats - this is the most concentrated source of energy for the body. Choose "good fats", such as avocado, walnut oil, olive oil and coconut oil.

When it comes to snacks, choose nuts and chia seeds, pumpkins, almonds and walnuts.

25) Do not drink power drinks

Energy can come in liquid form. Forget about those energy drinks with sugar, and focus on cool drinks made with healthier ingredients.

26) do not overeat

Overbinding can cause drowsiness, because your body should direct your energy to digest food. Therefore, always eat everything in moderation.

27) Cock the sun

The sun reduces the level of chemical melatonin in the body, which causes drowsiness.

This is only one of the reasons why we feel more energetic during the summer months.

We also get vitamin D from the Sun, the absence of which causes a breakdown, problems with thyroid gland, frequent infections, concern and anemia, all this leads to fatigue or decrease in the level of vital energy.

28) deep breathe

Sometimes everything you need to activate your consciousness is a few deep breaths! Deep breathing Improves the inflow of oxygen in the blood, which charges you with energy and keeps in combat readiness.

Try and see for yourself!

Inhale quickly and deep through the nose, counting to four, and then take a pause and quickly exhale through your mouth.

Do from eight to ten rapidly, deep breaths per minute for three minutes at a time (but stop if you feel dizziness).

29) yawning

Scientists believe that the yawning helps to cool the brain, stop it from overheating, which reduces the alertness.

When we are tired or we are bored by the main brain temperature grows, and the yawns are one of the ways to combat this effect!

30) Mark

How to increase vital energy with constant dull condition? We must understand that laughter is the best way to improve the mood.

When we laugh, the muscles of our face and body are drawn up, the pulse is expelled, arterial pressure Increases, breathing increases, sending more oxygen to the brain.