Colored autumn leaves for printing. Beautiful patterns from leaves. version of the sheet with an accordion made of paper

We have collected the most unusual and bright ideas for children's creativity: what can be done from autumn leaves with children. Use it to your health!

With the onset of the time of "eyes of fascination" in kindergartens and schools, exhibitions of handicrafts are organized. Parents are racking their brains about what to do with a child in order to surprise and get into the top-best creatives of autumn crafts. We hope our tips will inspire you.

Crafts from autumn leaves

Autumn leaves are so beautiful that it is pleasant not only to admire them, but also to use them for creativity: to “spy” the combination of colors by Nature itself, to “eavesdrop” on the music of falling leaves and the rustling of an autumn carpet underfoot, to sniff at the scent of rotten foliage, generously mixed with the smell rain and wind.

Autumn leaves are suitable not only for herbarium, although sometimes they should be pre-dried, as recommended in the article ““.

1. Draw on the leaves

Invite the kids to turn the leaves into cockroach insects. It's so funny to draw faces and come up with names for insects that do not exist in nature.

To bring characters to life, use shifting toy eyes on the leaves.

2. We write messages on the leaves

Haven't you written a letter for a long time? Leave family members a vivid reminder or recognition in their most warm feelings, written on a piece of paper, not just paper, but very real and alive - autumn. Why not use this idea for greeting card or letters to granny ?!

3. Making garlands from leaves

Decorate the room (group kindergarten, class, scene) with a garland of autumn leaves. Dilute the scent of autumn with hints of citrus - and the blues will never peep into your home.

4. We embroider and knit on the leaves

On the leaves you can not only write and draw, you can also embroider and knit on them. Try it - unusual autumn crafts you are guaranteed, as are the admiring ooh-ahs of the audience.

It is better to pierce a sheet with a needle or an awl when it is fresh: then your "canvas" will not crumble and will withstand all creative experiments. Then the embroidered leaf should be put to dry in an old book so that it remains neat and even.

Not only applications and collages on paper are made from beautiful autumn leaves, they can be sewn directly to the fabric, adding embroidery or knitted elements to the composition. It turns out original.

5. We make paintings and collages from leaves

Take a picture of the child when he blows on something. Use your printed photo for a themed collage. With the kids, you can play the game "Blow a leaf from the tree" on a walk, and then remember how it was at home and make a collage.

6. "Draw" portraits with leaves

Autumn is an artist and a sorceress. Painting portraits with leaves and herbs is very exciting and unusual, be sure to try it. You can cut the face out of glossy magazine and decorate the hair with leaves, you can use photos of loved ones.

You can take a portrait pet using dried leaves.

7. Making holes in autumn leaves beautifully

Using a hole punch or special curly tools for scrapbooking, you can make in autumn leaves beautiful holes, and then use the leaves themselves and what you cut out for appliqués.

8. Do-it-yourself masks, crowns, wreaths of autumn leaves

A mask or crown can be made from either live or dried leaves. Use a cardboard template for the base.

It is convenient to assemble a wreath or crown on a frame. You can decorate a hoop or blank made of wire or flexible branches.

9. Owls from autumn leaves

Tatiana Perova

To make such leaves,need to cook: templates leaves(I found on the Internet, two-sided color paper, a simple pencil, scissors and transparent film - self-adhesive (texture) Ready? Then let's get to work! 1. From color paper cut out the one you like leaf.

2. Bend the cut sheet in half.

3. Near the edge simple pencil draw the outline leaflet.

4. Cut along the drawn line.

5. We open.

6. Prepare a self-adhesive film. Half of the film (on the sticky side) put cut leaf.

7. "Cover" leaf the second half of the film (leaf should be inside, like laminated).

8. Then (not very close) cut out sheet along the contour. Leaves are ready!

Such leaves you can decorate information corners, windows, or you can make an outboard mobile.

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Applique using facing technique. For the lesson we need: prepared sheets of paper (which we will divide into two halves, corrugated.

I bring to your attention not complex craft do it yourself. Module made from autumn leaves. Required material for the manufacture of the module: -Bilateral.

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GCD for young children "Autumn Leaves" Theme: Autumn Leaves Software Content: Artistic creation: - arouse children's interest in joint creativity - painting with paints.

Abstract of GCD for activity "Autumn Leaves" Tasks: Learn to draw from nature, convey the shape and color of autumn leaves. Learn to mix paints to get shades. Develop creativity.

Autumn leaves Synopsis of the joint directly educational activities activity centers with children 4-5 years old Theme: Autumn leaves Means: bouquet.

Finally, it turned out to be a fine sunny day in our rainy autumn, and I immediately got ready to spend the long-awaited theme day "Autumn Leaves". We always walk in the morning. I took with me Doman's homemade "Trees" cards (I made them like this: I printed out pictures and names, and then with back side- description) and a list of what needs to be collected: leaves and twigs of different size and color. We walked with our son and looked at the trees, their leaves, what they became in the fall. We collected the ones that we liked best.

When the child slept during the day, I prepared hard. But the surprise did not come to the end - he woke up early. I had to think a lot on the go, so I just tell what I played, but how it went in sequence - I will not repeat, I did it spontaneously. You can simply adapt to your child, or better yet, divide these games into several days.

Game: Blowing on the leaves

First option: Hang a few pieces of paper (real or cut out of paper) with strings. Say, “The wind often blows in the fall. The wind blows on the leaves, the leaves sway. " Blow on the leaves with your child. I cut out the leaves from paper according to templates (they are in the download link). I folded several colored double-sided sheets of paper at once and cut out. I hung it up from the chandelier by strings.

Second option: lay the leaves on the table. "The wind blew and blew off the leaves." Help your child blow the leaves onto the floor.

Logics: All tasks can be downloaded.

Find the same leaf (from 12 to 2 of each type)

Spread out large, medium, small (with words)

Sort by color: red, yellow, orange, brown, green (with words)

Finger games.

Place small fingertips with birch (yellow), aspen (red), maple (orange), oak (brown) and a green Christmas tree needle (green) on your child's fingers. And tell the rhyme.

Autumn, autumn has come to us
And brought as a gift
A birch leaf is one, (fold your little finger)
An aspen leaf is two, (fold the nameless one)
A maple leaf is three, (fold the middle one)
Oak leaf - look! (fold your index)
On a green Christmas tree (pull your thumb slightly
Not leaves - needles. and fold it)

Maple leaf lacing. Made it like an apple from semolina and cardboard. But the painting method is slightly different. View and do


Autumn book (from maple leaves) leaves and text

Poem "Maple"

Cubes with the names of trees and their leaves. Here she told how she did it and When the child collected, or rather picked them up together, she read a poem from cards about the corresponding trees.

When we collect the halves of a leaf, we get its name (we find the same tree from Doman's cards). I made them like puzzles: I printed them out, glued them to cardboard, let them dry, and then laminated them. Then I cut it out around the office and divided it into two halves along the dotted line.

Clothespin games. Put clothespins on the tree (red, yellow, pink, green). Description and patterns

Autumn leaf prints (gouache and real leaves). I smeared the sheet with paint from the side of the veins, and the baby spanked them on the sheet. What color to paint he said.

Compare and fold cards with leaves.

Presentation cognitive and mathematical "Autumn Leaves" Here you can see, and you can download it with all the materials together. autumn leaves from LeoEvg

Physical education. Leaflets

We did it to the music "Dance of Autumn Leaves" music by P. Filippenko. And they just danced and circled like leaves.

We are autumn leaves, (Smooth swaying of hands above the head.)
We sit on the branches.
The wind blew - flew. (Hands to the side.)
We flew, we flew
And they sat down quietly on the ground. (Sit down.)
The wind came running again
And he lifted all the leaves. (Smooth swaying of the arms above the head.)
Spun, flew
And they sat down on the ground again. (Sit down.)

Flannelegraph theater:

Fairy tale "Autumn leaf" by V. I. Miryasova
I played out this fairy tale with the help of sketched heroes and a flannelgraph. You can just use pictures and play a fairy tale in front of the child.
Characters: author, golden leaf, goat, cockerel, hedgehog.

And they also remembered the names of the heroes. and laid out the cards - names.


This is the topic of conversation while walking:

Now autumn - It "s autumn
Leaves are falling off the tree
On bushes leaves turn yellow too
And the fir trees stay green - And pine trees stay green
It is a birch tree
Maple - It is a maple tree
Oak - It is a oak tree
Ash - It is a ash tree
Rowan (tree) - rowan-tree / mountain ash
Poplar - It is a poplar tree
Let's collect some beautiful leaves
Leaves rustling under feet
Look what a bunch of leaves! - Look, what a pile of leaves!

I spent it in the form of a game. Took paper leaves yellow, orange, red, green and brown.

Yellow leaf, yellow leaf Yellow leaf, yellow leaf
Twirling "round and" round
yellow leaf, yellow leaf
falling to the ground

Orange leaf, orange leaf
twirling "round and" round
orange leaf, orange leaf
falling to the ground

Red leaf, Brown leaf, Green leaf Yellow leaf, yellow leaf Yellow leaf, yellow leaf
Is spinning around
Yellow leaf, yellow leaf
Falls to the ground

Orange leaf, orange leaf
Is spinning around
orange leaf, orange leaf
Falls to the ground

The same: red, brown and green sheets

We also listened to a song about autumn leaves. Click on the picture to go to the desired page.

and read the story in the form of an interactive book in English "Autumn Leaves".

You can download all the finished materials here.

Elvira Ramaeva
Lesson summary " Autumn leaves»


1) Expand the knowledge of children about changes in nature with the arrival autumn.

2) Foster a love of nature.


Consolidate the idea of leaf fall;

Give to children elementary representations about autumn changes in nature;

Introduce children to images autumn season;

Fix the names of the colors;

To educate accuracy in working with paints;

Develop fine motor skills, speech, imagination.

Equipment: leaves made of colored cardboard; illustrations autumn phenomena of nature; gouache of red, yellow and brown colors; napkins;

Preliminary work: reading poems about autumn and leaf fall viewing illustrations on autumn theme, conversations on autumn themes , observation on walks autumn changes in nature observing leaf fall, collection leaves.

The course of the lesson.

Children enter the group, sit on high chairs.

Educator: Hello guys! Today we will talk about such a wonderful time of the year called autumn

Q: If in the trees leaves turned yellow,

If birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy. If it rains

This time of year called in autumn.

Q: Guys, look what I have (shows pictures with picture autumn) ... What time of year is shown in the picture?

D .: Autumn.

Q: Right. How did you know what it is autumn? What happened to leaves? Children's answers

V .: Guys, you are all great! You know everything about autumn... Now, guys, let's take a walk and collect multi-colored leaflets!

We approach the multi-colored pre-laid out on the carpet leaflets... (the game « Leaf fall» )

Q: Guys, will you help me collect and leaflets and put them in baskets?

Q: Then the red ones leaflets we will put in this basket, and the yellow ones in this one.

(children collect leaflets and put them in baskets)

V .: Oh, what good fellows you are! So quickly coped with the task. Let's go, sit on the chairs and check if you have laid out everything correctly. We have completed a difficult task, it would be time to rest. Now we ourselves will be leaflets... We stand on our feet together.

Physical education.

We autumn leaves(smooth swaying of hands above the head)

We sit on the branches.

The wind blew - flew (Hands to the side)

We flew, we flew.

And they quietly sat down on the ground (sat down)

The wind came running again

AND I picked up the leaves(smooth swaying of hands up above the head)

Spun around. Flew

And they sat down on the ground again (children sit down).

Q: Now look at what beautiful tree drawn, and no leaves, blew strong wind and ripped everything off leaves from a tree... Now we will draw with you leaves are red, yellow, brown and our tree will be bright and elegant again (drawing with pins made of clothespins and a sponge)... First, let's prepare our fingers.

Carrying out finger gymnastics before the start work:

"One, two, three, four, five,

We will to collect leaves.

Birch leaves,

Rowan leaves,

Poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

Mom autumn bouquet we will refer"

(Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb, squeeze and open your fists.)

Q: What a fine fellow you are! Look how beautiful we have got a tree.

Related publications:

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Making autumn leaves from paper.

The master class is designed for older children preschool age, students, educators and parents.

Appointment: interior decoration, gift making.

Imperceptibly stealthily, the beauty of autumn approached. I love the way the leaves fall from the trees - like golden rain.

Signs of autumn:

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.

If the cranes fly high and sing, it will be a good autumn.

Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.

Until the leaf from the cherries has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

The clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.

If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

Birds from the yard and mushrooms at the stump - the autumn time has come.

In autumn, the goose flies towards the rain, and the swan towards the snow.

Proverbs and sayings about autumn

Autumn is a reserve, winter is a trick.

Autumn will command, and spring will say its own.

Autumn is the uterus: jelly and pancakes; and spring is a stepmother: sit and look.

Grumbles like a thin fly in the fall.

In the fall and the sparrow has beer.

In autumn, the crow has a head, not only the black grouse.

In autumn, the crow has a head of bread.

Spring says: I will curtail, and autumn says: as I want.

Leaves are falling, whirling

And they lie at my feet.

I will hold out my palm

And I'll take one sheet.

And then another and a third ...

They are good, believe me!

Hello from autumn

I will put it in a big bouquet!

To work you need: colored office paper, scissors, PVA glue, pastels, hot glue, A3 paper, stapler, sponge, watercolors, quilling strips 3 mm, quilling tool, voto vases.

Step-by-step workflow:

1. Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half. Trace the template along the fold line maple leaf... It turns out two blanks from one sheet

2. Cut. With a sponge and watercolor paints toned sheet. If the paint is liquid, nothing will work. You need to take a thick one.

Spatter (dotted droplets-splashes) is used to age the product. Usually it is combined with scuffs, so it looks interesting. Some people use a regular bristle brush for spraying - brush the top of the bristles with a finger and spray. At the same time, the splashes are rather uneven, in large spots, they do not fall evenly. Or you can even smear the product or drip paint on it. It takes skill.

3. When the workpiece is dry, fold it in a 1.5 cm accordion.

Important: start the fold from the widest part.

4. Fix in the center with a stapler. Smear the longest edges of the leaf with glue and glue.

5. Cut off strips with a large fringe 1.5 cm wide from office paper. Using a quilling tool, twist the strip into a tight roll yellow color... Without removing the roll and the tool, we begin to glue the fringe, periodically smearing the strip with glue. Fluff up the flower.

6. Shade a sheet of paper with pastels. Glue the photo of the vase on the PVA. Proceed with hot glue assembly.

First we fix the chrysanthemums, and then the leaves.

7. In the end it turned out like this, but it seemed to me that something was missing. Added bunches of real mountain ash.