Logical levels of personality. The magic pyramid of dilts for solving problems. Great, simple, working structure

The pyramid of logical levels by Robert Dilts will allow you to solve any life dilemma, find answers to long tormented questions and understand your purpose. As an expert in neuro-linguistic programming, this scientist at one time developed comfortable model to describe beliefs, habitual thinking strategies and abilities of a person, which will allow to influence his motivation, changing the goals of life and behavioral orientation.

The pyramid of Robert Dilts consists of six logical levels, where each question influences the higher-level answer. The questions relate to different layers of a person's life - from the world of material objects and behavioral habits to the disclosure of inner values, motives and worldview. the main task- change problem situation, which does not suit, using the correct leading questions... The highlight is that the result can be corrected only if the person changes the entire coordinate system. How to do it? Let's consider the Dilts scheme in more detail.

Human Realization Levels by Robert Dilts

1st level. "What do I have?"

The question at the lowest level concerns the realm of material needs, the environment and everyday concerns. He clearly describes a person's habitat, his work, social circle, the presence or absence of family, friends, career advancement. To change aspects that are not comfortable at this level, you need to rise higher, turn to your behavior and habits. The answer will be on step 2.

2nd level. "What am I really doing?"

Describes the actions of a person, the way and style of his activity, harmful and good habits... Our actions create our reality, the final result of life depends on them. Someone wants beautiful figure and for this observes strict diet, is engaged in gym and someone does nothing. Why is everything happening the way it is, how can it be changed? The answer will lie a notch higher.

Level 3. "What strategy do I use?"

It concerns the abilities and life strategy of a person, helps to make a choice, to act in the right direction, is a source of strength. How it works? A person can go through life with the motto "go with the flow, obey the wind" or "never give up, fight to the end." Both of these ideas provide different influences on his behavior and life decisions, help with self-realization or push away responsibility. To develop or lie like a roll in front of the TV - the chosen strategy of actions is responsible for this. You can change it if you turn to the 4th step.

4th level. "What do I choose to believe, why do I need it?"

At this level, the values ​​of a person, his intentions and beliefs, formed by society and the family in the process of growing up, as well as the accumulation of experience, are revealed. Beliefs are variable, there are positive, as well as destructive content, for example: “ the strong man will achieve a lot "," beauty does not mean anything "," all the best has already passed "," mistakes make us stronger "," get Good work it’s unrealistic without cronyism. ” It is the values ​​that determine the aspirations and the standard of living, make it possible to justify oneself or hate. However, they can be corrected if you go up to the 5th step.

5 level. "Who am I?"

A detailed answer to the question helps to know yourself more deeply, to identify your "I". At this level, there are hidden ideas of a person about his person, worldview and real relationship with the world. How do we see ourselves, how do we build communication with our environment, what is our soul aimed at? We can consider ourselves as failures, inexperienced students or martyrs, or we can see ourselves as geniuses, born to change the world and enter the pages of history. All these ideas shape our reality. If you manage to find a limiting worldview in yourself, you can correct it by turning to the last step.

6 level. "What am I living for?"

The answer to the question of the last level gives an idea of ​​the meaning of life, opens true purpose person. It can be difficult to give an intelligible answer to it, because the very mission of a person lies beyond his understanding, it is something that leads through life, as it were, against his will. This level suggests asking the following questions: "Why am I here?", "What is the meaning of my mortal life?"

The pyramid of Robert Dilts helps to better understand ourselves, our goals, why everything that happens to us is happening. It makes it possible to analyze problem areas, change habits and beliefs that do not bring joy and satisfaction. Its convenience lies in the fact that there is no need to work at 6 levels at once, it is enough to identify the source of discomfort and solve the problem at a higher level.

If you are not satisfied with the results of life, then you need to change your behavior. If action is the problem, the right questions will tell you which strategy is best to use. This is a kind of express analysis of the problem, which allows you to set an effective motivation for better progress in life. Try to apply its effectiveness to yourself right now!

Dilts pyramid ( Model of logical levels, Neuro-logical levels, Logical levels)

Great, simple, working thing.

The logical level model describes the structure of the organization of a living system, such as a person, a firm, or a society. These levels in the system (pyramid) are like shelves into which our inner world... The legs of this model grow out of NLP.

Here I will try to describe this model as briefly and simply as possible.

Each level of the pyramid is associated with others and affects each other with varying degrees intensity. The degree of influence depends on the hierarchy and the distance between levels. Changes at the upper level will inevitably cause changes at the lower levels. Whereas changes in the lower levels do not necessarily cause changes in the upper ones.

The formation of each logical level mainly occurs from the bottom up.

Logic levels: (in order from lowest to highest):

  • environment- reaction level
  • behavior- action level
  • capabilities- level of sources and directions
  • beliefs and values - the level of permission and motivation
  • identity- what social "role" am I playing, who am I?
  • mission- vision, meanings, spiritual level
    Description of levels

Each "shelf" of the pyramid is designed to store a very specific kind of information. That is, each logical level designates some of its own part of subjective experience. I'm talking about the levels from bottom to top.

Environment- conditions, habitat, the world, objects, people, places, dates, dates, and everything that surrounds us. This is what we face and manipulate in our daily activities.

Behavior -everything related to human activity (organization), the level that answers the question "What is it doing?" and is dedicated to information about changes and movements.

Behavior (actions) is, in fact, the very activity of a person. Since actions are performed on something (with something, somewhere or sometime), this logical level includes, as an integral component, the lower level - the environment.

Requests and demands, as well as the overwhelming number of official manipulations (orders from the management to do something, command, instructions, etc.) are at these two logical levels. Ultimately, it is on these two levels - behavior and environment - that our life takes place. At these levels is what most of our goals ultimately boil down to (having fun, experiencing emotions, communication, money, sex, learning something interesting).

Capabilities- the level of sources and direction of movement, the level of experience that lies behind our direct perception of the environment.

At this level, different algorithms and strategies are combined behind the behavior and answering the question "How?" Abilities determine the choice of behavior, a kind of - inner strength our behavior, sources of motion.

Beliefs and values ​​- NSthat is what a person talks about when he answers the question "why did he do it?" This is a deep level that structures the entire experience of a person, of a person as a person. They are formed under the influence different factors: family, school, environment, environment, culture, etc.

Identity -what personal role (the role that you mainly play - jester, mother, businessman, friend, lover, child, macho, teacher, etc.) or self-awareness is the problem or result connected with. Main question here - "Who am I?" What beliefs, values, abilities, and behaviors are associated with the different roles, and for what purpose are the roles played?

Mission -this isspiritual level. It refers to our sense of something that goes beyond our personal vision of ourselves and includes our vision of large systems that surround specific roles, values, beliefs, thoughts, actions or sensations ... This level refers to what can be a vision or the “spirit” of an individual, group, or organization. ”This is the strategic level that answers the questions:“ Why? For what? What's the point?".

What is the use of the Dilts Pyramid.

1. Solving long-term problems, getting rid of destructive habits.

No problem can be solved at the level at which it arose.

A. Einstein.

There are problems that we carry with us long time... We carry, but we cannot decide. And we seem to be aware of the reason, but we cannot get rid of the stupid habit of being late or learn the language.

It was noted that the solution, or that which can actively move the problem from the dead center to improvement, is 2 levels higher than the problem.


The habit of being late is at the Behavior level. This means that the solution must be looked for two levels higher - Beliefs / values. Those. from a dead point, the problem of delays can be solved by rethinking the value, for example, "Being a man of your word."

Difficulty communicating in certain people most likely originate at the Environment level. It is better to look for a solution not at the level of Behavior (to behave with them in a certain way), but at the level of Ability - to develop the skills of persuasion, involvement, argumentation.

If you believe that your difficulties with a foreign language are related to your Abilities, look for a shift in this issue in your Identity - in the role that you want to play, knowing the language. For example, I'm a super duper successful manager, who travels freely around the world without knowing obstacles.

Corporate problems can be dealt with in the same way.

While changes at the first three levels are common, at the top three are rare and painful. Try, for example, to estimate how much internal effort it will take to change your religion.

2. Technique "Integration of logical levels"

Everything is simple here. The bottom line is this: take your goal and walk with it from the bottom up, considering all parts of the pyramid in relation to the desired result. Those. your goal is laid out within you on the shelves - so put things in order on each.

What is happening at this level now? What should be changed, what points should be improved, what to get rid of and not remember?

For me, for example, the study of my relationship with my daughter (she was then 8 years old) became very revealing. I found in myself and in my attitude towards her so much rubbish and garbage that I was on guard.

Simple technique, but it helps well.

I Think Too Much [How to Use My Super Efficient Mind] Petikollen Kristel

Pyramid of logical levels

Pyramid of logical levels

The personality has several basic qualities that give rise to many beliefs, which, in turn, give impetus to the development of even more numerous skills, expressed in different types behavior and helping to adapt to different environments. This is how the pyramid of logical levels arose. To make it clear to you, you can again turn to the example of Sunday rest on the beach: there is only one Kristel, but there are many beaches.

Pyramid of logical levels

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Dilts' logic pyramid consists of six levels of questions, each of which allows for a better understanding of the situation a specific person.

As you know, no problem can be qualitatively solved at the level at which it was created. That is, in order to find a way out, we need to rise to a higher level. That's when it will be possible to understand best scenario development of events.

The situation is similar to wandering in a labyrinth in search of light. It is almost impossible to find a way out without a map or a clue. But if you go higher, then all the entrances, exits and paths will be visible.

This is why it is so important to be able to ask yourself questions that push you to the right answers. V ordinary life we are almost incapable of asking ourselves and getting answers that will change everything. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at the Dilts pyramid.

Dilts' pyramid of logical levels

  1. The first level answers the question “what do I have”.

    This applies to all aspects of life: material wealth, opportunities, families. For example, what is your business now, how much do you earn, what is your relationship with your parents, is there a family. This issue affects all aspects of everyday life and Everyday life, material well-being and relationships.

  2. The second level of the pyramid asks the question "what am I doing".

    That is, you can understand something about your reality if you ask a question about personal actions. For example, a person complains that he does not have enough money. He cannot honestly admit to himself that he simply does not work much, does not work and does not devote time to professional development. If you ask him head-on about what he does every day, it turns out that the work shift lasts only 4 hours, although any other person works 8 hours.

    Dilts's logical pyramid makes it clear that laziness does not allow you to double your income. You too can ask yourself a question about what you do and what you get. When the answer is obvious, then the understanding of why we have what we have is much clearer. And gets up more specific question: is life this way or do we add it this way?

  3. The third level answers the question "how do I choose."

    The third level of the pyramid is about strategy. The Dilts pyramid model allows you to analyze your attitudes in detail and get to the bottom of the reasons for failure in life.

    Some prefer to work hard in order to save up for housing or study in another country. Someone chooses to marry successfully. A person can bet on finding a job or starting a business. You can choose to study languages ​​and exercise after work, or drink beer in front of the TV.

  4. The fourth level asks the question "what do I believe in."

    This question touches on beliefs and values. Agree that it is impossible to become an entrepreneur if a person considers himself honest, but is convinced that entrepreneurs only steal. Or the applicant believes that a place in a university can be obtained only through pull, and therefore there is no need to even try to pass exams. At this level, patterns and stereotypes of perception are revealed that do not allow getting what you want.

  5. The fifth level of the pyramid asks the question "who am I".

    Odin is sure that he is a brilliant artist and designer, and therefore he can handle any exhibitions, contests, competitions and shows. Another considers himself a failure and a mediocre person. Self-identification is the determining factor for success in life.

  6. The sixth level of the pyramid asks about your mission.

    This level helps to realize the importance and value of a particular person on the scale of the universe. For example, Japanese companies are based on the principles of values ​​and a mission that will remain relevant in 100-200 years. Your life is likewise not made to be wasted, is it?

Pyramid of logical
Dilts levels:
how to work with her?

The questions allow you to understand step by step where you have a substitution of concepts, where you have gone astray. They are like a funnel that determines at what level you are stuck.

Not satisfied with financial support, relationships with family or colleagues? Then something is clearly wrong with your actions. If the actions seem to be correct, but there is still no result, then you need to figure out the strategy, beliefs (and further on the list of questions). Learn to use the Dietles pyramid and apply the answers received in life.