How to understand the hidden feelings of a man. Psychology of a man in love and non-verbal signs that he wants a woman. Thinking about material well-being

Do you absolutely know that the young man is secretly not indifferent to you, but for some reason stubbornly hides his feelings? Or maybe it's just a fantasy? How to understand that he is really in love? We will talk about why men hide their sympathy so carefully. You will learn how to determine them by behavior, look, gestures and body language true feelings.

Here are some of the most common reasons why men tend to hide their feelings:

  • He has a girlfriend or wife. The most banal and common reason. The guy already has someone and he does not want to break off a comfortable relationship for the sake of another girl, even if he truly loves her. Articles that will be useful to you:,.
  • IN men's world It is customary to be restrained, to be able to control yourself and your emotions. Show your interest or love means for young man show your weakness. He has no right to be weak under any circumstances. Women are different. When a guy is interesting to us, we try to show it. A man, on the other hand, prefers to do everything sequentially and does not waste his strength on stupid fantasies. Even if the relationship does not go beyond the intimate, he will be restrained in showing his interest.
  • Unsuccessful experience. survived severe break, men do not seek to re-tie themselves in any way. It is much easier for them to meet without constraining themselves with any obligations. Some even become recluses.
  • A man lives alone for a very long time. He is independent, his own master. He's so used to it, he's so comfortable. Therefore, he begins to perceive a woman as something that can disrupt his established life. For her sake, the guy will have to change his foundations, habits, but he does not want to do this.
  • He is unsure of his feelings. Or maybe it's not love at all, but just a fleeting sympathy? Then why find it? It will pass and be done with it. And we, women, suffer, suffer, think about what is going on in his head.
  • The man is stereotyped. For some reason, in their male world, it is believed that the more restrained and colder a young man behaves, the more woman will fall in love with him. Actually this big mistake. Do not abuse indifference, no matter how persistent your principles may be.
  • The guy is afraid of being rejected. The young man thinks, is it necessary to take the first step? What if he's not good? Suddenly the sympathy is not mutual? Even self-confident men can be timid and shy at such a moment. In this case, they prefer to remain silent and pretend that the girl is indifferent.

The main signs that he is secretly in love

Of course, everyone is individual, but there are common signs:

The man began to actively monitor his appearance, take a shower more often, comb your hair, go to the gym, smell expensive or not very perfume - all this indicates a desire to impress a woman.

He is happy to talk about himself. A young man in love will never miss a chance to tell about himself, his hobbies and hobbies. He may even begin to brag about his accomplishments. In this way, he makes it clear that a woman matters to him, and he would like her to get to know him better.

Listens carefully. A young man will listen with pleasure, show interest in your words, life and needs. He has a desire to help, to show concern. Even if he does not shower you with expensive gifts, he will try to please you in other ways.

In addition, your fan will try to find out about you as much as possible. more information. But since he wants to hide his feelings, he will do it secretly.

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Manifestation of aggression possible sign love. It sounds paradoxical, but it's true. Sometimes a guy tries to hurt a woman as painfully as possible, even offend her. Thus, he is trying to get your attention.

Another reason aggressive behavior on the part of a man there may be excessive pressure and obsession on your part. A man perceives such behavior as an encroachment on his sovereignty and independence. If a man wants a relationship, thinks about them, then he seeks to manage the situation himself.

A man in love is betrayed by behavior. We have collected .

In addition, it is useful to take a closer look at it. They, too, can tell a lot of interesting things about his feelings.

A man in love is jealous. If one or more contenders for her heart begins to revolve around the object of his love, then he may also begin to behave aggressively. He will want to win you back from other fans. Whether this will happen openly or secretly depends on the man.

He actively flirts with others. In your presence, a man can easily flirt with another woman, thereby showing his indifference on the one hand, and trying to make you jealous on the other. A man, oddly enough, sometimes also wants to get proof of your feelings.

The guy shows indifference. In a general company, a man will not show attention, trying to avoid looks, meetings and common themes. It's simple: if he himself is not sure of his feelings, then it makes no sense to show them in the presence of other people.

The man is constantly looking at you. If a man constantly casts glances at you, then he is in love. A man can take a sneak peek or, conversely, maintain a visual connection. It all depends on his temperament and self-confidence. More on this topic:

The young man began to appear more often in your field of vision? It definitely speaks of his interest. The reasons for its appearance can be the most stupid. For example, because his horoscope predicted so. He will not name the true reason for anything. After all, he still does not know whether the woman will reciprocate him.

Does a man try at every opportunity to approach or touch? This fact can speak not only about love. It is also an indicator that a man is showing to you. sexual interest. He will be very tactful in his manifestation, he will try not to offend. For men first intimate contact with a woman you love is just as exciting as for a woman.
Useful video on the topic:

What to do if you notice signs of love in a man

If you like a guy, then the surest step is. If the whole point is in some of his fears or complexes, then he will feel bolder and take the first step.

If you hinted to him, and he still keeps his distance, then he has some serious problems. Perhaps it should.

Men are not without mystery, just like women. True, upon closer examination, the veil of mystery melts away. For example, a man in love, but hiding his feelings, is an interesting object for analysis.

It is possible to understand that a man is in love by certain signs, but how to do this if he carefully hides his feelings? We'll figure out!

Why can he hide sympathy

There are not many reasons. He:

  • married;
  • does not want to look weak;
  • afraid of being rejected;
  • himself in shock from what happened to him;
  • thinks it's inconvenient at his age.

Of course, all guys are different - in terms of psychotype, horoscope, upbringing, education, habitat. This affects the behavioral aspect. But still there are common moments that betray the one who fell in love.

He is changing. Sometimes abruptly. Often awkward.

The bold impulsive handsome man suddenly becomes quiet and embarrassed. Sometimes blushes and hides his eyes.

A calm, quiet nerd, seemingly for no reason, begins to play tricks: he is ready to jump from the roof into a snowdrift, sing with a guitar, get drunk and light up in a nightclub.

Diagnosis one: fell in love.


Consider specific indications a guy in love pretending nothing is happening.

By look

Love makes the unfortunate always look at the object of your sigh. She attracts him like a magnet, and he is unable to resist. He cannot control himself.

Well, perhaps - he works in the secret services, has psychological training and great willpower. And still, sooner or later it will pierce. The call of nature is stronger.

Noticing how he looks, you can easily understand if a man is in love with you! Admiringly. This is visible from the side. The young man himself may not even realize that sparks of admiration flow from his eyes.

He examines the woman as a whole, in parts - admires every movement, the bend of her body. Often unconsciously look freezes on the lips. He watches, spellbound, as she says something, smiles, licks her lips. Look and experience bliss.

Some subjects, especially high level intelligence, they realize that it is indecent to consider their beloved with wide-open eyes.

They begin to “encrypt” - they cast sidelong glances, look at them from the sly. But since they do it often, they also give themselves away.

Do you want to know, ? A few tips for women facing this situation!

And let's talk about how to understand that a guy is cheating on you - clear signs and necessary psychological help in case of betrayal.

How to become happy woman even if you're alone? We know that will help change your attitude to life!

Clothing and appearance

Absolutely - falling in love, the guy begins to preen, often look in the mirror. More often than necessary, he splashes in the shower, examines his teeth, pimples, the color of the hairs on his mustache with passion.

The dude will buy himself a few more branded items, a scarf or a cool watch.

The one who has never given a damn about fashion and brands will definitely wash his jeans, take out new socks from the closet or think about buying a fresh shirt, jacket("the old one got lost").

The guy will polish the shoes (or wash last year's dirt off the sneakers and rub the former white inserts with toothpaste). Goes to the hairdresser.

Another bright sign is perfume. If the representative of the stronger sex suddenly smelled - toilet water, lotion, deodorant, cologne - a fact: he fell in love.

In an emotionally agitated state, both women and men almost always abuse perfumes.

Psychology of behavior

Behavior may become unstable. He is either thoughtfully sad, or tenderly lyrical, or excitedly relaxed. Suddenly he will remember Blok, Tsvetaeva, or, at worst, an excerpt from "Eugene Onegin" learned at school.

Intricately and masterfully describe some theorem. He will talk about the high - opera, ballet, the philosophy of the ancient Greeks ...

And then, as if nothing had happened, he will tell a couple of obscene anecdotes, replacing obscene phrases with interjections.

Be attentive to the lady of your heart. Will soulfully delve into all its little content maxims.

And if she is smart and informative, she will google the incomprehensible phrases she has dropped in order to “be in the subject” in the next conversation.

If a lady, unfortunately, has a deep inner world, starts reading the classics, gets carried away fine arts. She can skate or ski, if her beloved spends her leisure time like this.

More often than before, he finds reasons to be close to a woman from whom he is blown away. He comes up with joint business, offers to help with the housework, accompany him to the tire shop with the car, go for seedlings. He suddenly has two tickets for a ballet, a concert, a biennale.

But then he can suddenly disappear for several hours or even days. He doesn't write, he doesn't call. By the way, as the most unpleasant option, - drinks. Then he comes out of the binge, washes, shaves, irons his jeans. The woman is surprised. Becomes softer and more attentive. He needs it very much, he spreads his wings again.

Sometimes it is important for a person to touch the object of adoration. But this is not always possible. You can also understand that a man has fallen in love by this sign - he finds a reason, as if by accident, to touch his arm, shoulder, waist.

Body and gestures

They can also betray a lover, no matter how he tries to disguise himself. Often his body is tense or even shackled.

Pay attention to the hands excitement will give out a tremor. The lover's hands often tremble with excitement or embarrassment. The palms become wet.

He crosses his arms over his chest - an attempt to "close". And then, on the contrary, he suddenly opens up, straightens his shoulders and showing off her whole body- that's how handsome I am.

And, really, at such a moment, the women nearby involuntarily gasp - oh, good! Hands, as a rule, at such a moment the guy is holding on to the belt or belt of his trousers.

It is important for him (often unconsciously) to demonstrate a significant part of his body, male foundation basics. And women involuntarily “read” this.

If adrenaline goes off scale, and the time has not yet come to open your feeling, he will sign up for a rocking chair. However, almost every second will decide to pump up muscles - I really want to be attractive.

Do you believe in love horoscopes? Learn all about character outward signs and his behavior!

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Always in love filled sexual energy . She literally bursts it and spreads around.

If a woman is not observant, but has good intuition, she will definitely feel it. Male Energy makes her worry for no reason.

She will become anxious, call her relatives, in search of the cause of her anxiety. He will not find the reasons, he will begin to get annoyed, even angry. Then he gets tired.

But anxiety will not pass while the lover is in her information field. Some especially emotional instances and at a distance are able to broadcast their powerful energy.

Just like some ladies are able to read it, being away from a loving knight.

These states, it must be emphasized, are rather uncomfortable. It is especially difficult when you do not understand what is actually happening. This problem is solved in only one way - the guy will reveal his feelings, and everything will happen between them.

What is a woman to do

If you notice in a man - a friend, colleague, neighbor, just an acquaintance - the above signs, take a closer look and simply accept the fact that someone has a crush on you.

If you allow the relationship to develop, pay attention to.

Do not allow- married, do not like the subject, not up to love - anyway, do not offend the man, do not hurt with rudeness and callousness.

On the one hand, men are very vulnerable.

On the other hand, just think: you are loved!

Let hiding the feeling, let it be hopeless. But, my God, it's such a happiness to be loved.

Not everyone is so lucky. Feel it, rejoice. And support the man whom Cupid kissed.

Surely every girl at least once in her life thought about why a man hides his feelings for a woman. When a man is truly in love but hides it, it is important to remember that he is afraid of being rejected or ridiculed. That is why in such situations men become gentle, sensitive, vulnerable and indecisive. Let's try to figure out how a man hides his feelings for a woman.

Signs that a man is hiding his feelings

In order to determine the attitude of a man, it is important to observe how he behaves with the object of sympathy.

  1. Opened in . If a man is in confidential contact with a girl, talks freely about his life or family, he is clearly not indifferent. Girls are advised not to miss this great chance get to know him better and get useful information. When a person feels that they are showing interest in him, he opens up faster.
  2. When a man is interested in a girl, he becomes very attentive listener and tries not to miss a single detail.
  3. Flawless appearance. Buying new things, perfume, playing sports, a carefully selected image are signs of a man falling in love.
  4. Another sign of love is care and attention from male side. When a man is passionate, he tries to help the object of sympathy.
  5. A man in love begins to think about increasing income and additional sources earnings.
  6. He tries to please his passion.
  7. Of course, you can notice courtship from a man.
  8. A man suffering from passion tries to spend as much attention as possible with a girl, looking for reasons to meet.
  9. Also, a man can "give out" his sympathy with gestures and facial expressions. For example, during a conversation with a girl he likes, he will touch the belt or put his hands on his hips. Unconsciously shortening the distance and even violating personal space also applies to such behavior. In addition, the look of a man will tell a lot, he rarely takes him aside and is completely absorbed in his interlocutor.

Why do men hide their feelings?

Men differ from the fair sex in their behavior. By their nature, they are rational, not emotional. From childhood, many parents raise their sons in such a way that real men do not cry, they need to remain strong in any situation, and tears, like tenderness, are a sign of weakness and “girlish” behavior. That is why a man in love often hides his feelings in relation to the object of sympathy and love.

Rigidity of character is a kind of defensive reaction of a man. He's just afraid to show his weakness, he's afraid to be vulnerable. Often, the representatives of the stronger sex are worried that after hearing a declaration of love, the girl will simply lose her interest. In addition, a man can hide his because previous failed relationship inflicted psychological trauma, remained an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul and at present he is afraid to reveal himself and plunge into a new relationship. This fear can haunt a man for a long time.

I want to give next tip representatives of the stronger sex: if you are really in love, do not be afraid to take a chance and show your feelings to the object of love. Women love decisive men. At least after the girl realizes that she is not indifferent to a man, it will become clear whether one can hope for further development relationship, or she will make it clear that you will not become "the hero of her novel."

"Love does not love?" - since ancient times they have been guessing on chamomile. And the last petal with its final "yes" decided everything. But is it right in such important issue rely on the usual botanical accident?!

Love will come unexpectedly

Love is such a special feeling that you cannot confuse it with anything else. But, despite its uniqueness, and perhaps precisely because it is so unique, it is not possible to talk about love in terms and concepts. In any case, no one has succeeded so far. Precise definitions there is no love. But there are thousands of associative-figurative ideas about it. Naturally, we are talking about art. All painting, poetry and prose, music, architecture and sculpture, dance are permeated with a feeling of love.

To the inexplicability of love is added its suddenness. No matter how much we wait for it wonderful feeling. Love comes unexpectedly, unpredictably, with the same "suddenly" that takes any person by surprise. And no matter how later we try to comprehend and explain exactly when we fell in love, we will not find any more accurate designation of the moment than “suddenly”.

Love is also all-encompassing and total. She takes over all of us. And overflowing us, she is looking for any way out of our inner peace outside - in emotional experiences, in emotions, in mood. In love, complete unity is important for us: both spiritual closeness, and emotional response, and attraction of bodies. The things we do when we love are often not motivated. common sense, but necessarily 100% motivated by the desire for reciprocity. When we love (whether we are a man or a woman), it seems to us that it is impossible to live without each other, and we want to be close to the object of love every second. Such insatiability is the eternal foundation true love. But…

All men are "stirlits"

Men are used to being strong. Strength is considered their distinctive and positive characteristic. And love deprives men of their usual strength, makes them lose their mind and control over themselves, become dependent on love, on their beloved. Not a single man can cope with the power of love, therefore, in order to preserve the face of an all-conquering macho, men diligently hide their true feelings under the guise of indifference or even rejection. And we must give them their due - it turns out they are quite professional.

Men are encrypted as real scouts. And if you do not learn how to display them "on clean water", then it can show that they are impenetrable for Cupid's arrows. But, as you know, each intelligence has its own counterintelligence. To get to the truth, women need to look for evidence, indirect evidence, set invisible "traps", thereby declassifying men, and correctly interpreting the manifestations of their feelings and their actions.

Stars are indispensable

First of all, you need to understand that the general stereotypes of the behavior of a man who loves are dictated by the stars. zodiacal sign predetermines the temperament of your chosen one and character traits, and hence different tactics of behavior are born.

If the man who loves you belongs to the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), then you should know that these are the most skillful "ciphers". The changeable and mobile nature of these signs helps them hide their feelings for quite some time. Gemini is so insidious that, even experiencing the strongest love, they can show you their dislike. Ever-doubting Libra will act on the principle of "1 step to the manifestation of love, 2 steps to indifference." And the indefinite Aquarius will try to keep you in the dark, showing a friendly disposition, then tender feelings.

Earth sign men (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) tend to express their love through deeds rather than words. Taurus will literally do something for you, help you with his personal participation. Capricorn, for whom such a concept as status is not in last place, will provide you with prestigious signs of attention: an invitation to a fashion exhibition, dinner at a new restaurant, expensive decoration as a gift. Virgo men, with all their earthly essence, romantics - they will try to show originality in a gift and will not wait for an event, but will make a surprise.

Loving men of the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) will immerse you in an atmosphere of drama, action and adventure. It will be a firework of events in which they are the main characters, and certainly supermen. The lion will fluff out his tail and mane in front of you if you have to a large number spectators. Sagittarius will want to show his heroism in something extreme and drag you, for example, to conquer Everest. Aries will certainly begin to conquer you from a distance, dispersing all existing and non-existent competitors.

Unpredictable water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will watch you for a long time, study you. Crayfish will escort you home, Pisces will carry you away in some way. common hobby, Scorpios will seek to provoke you to betray your feelings and make you suffer.

17 little things

But regardless of what is laid down by the sign of the zodiac and personality specific man, there are at least 17 little things that betray a loving man.

1. He always readily and gladly agrees to any of your suggestions.
2. He guesses your thoughts and desires, and understands you from the floor of the word.
3. He strives to always be there for you.
4. He uses every opportunity to touch you.
5. In your presence, he is always energetic, cheerful and cheerful.
6. He is interested in everything that concerns your life.
7. He introduces you to his friends.
8. He graciously forgives you even when you are wrong.
9. He is the first to take a step forward after a quarrel.
10. He gives you flowers for no reason and always in accordance with the specific moment.
11. He knows how to surprise you.
12. He always appears next to you when you feel bad, as if feeling that you are in trouble.
13. He does for you what is unusual for him.
14. He takes care of his appearance.
15. He calls you under any plausible pretext.
16. He listens to music more often, looks into the distance in thought, talks about leisure, and not about work.
17. He is ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of meeting you.

And endless intuition

It is clear that manifestations male love are not limited to these little things. And, if every time you look in the actions of a man for external manifestations them hidden essence, then you can find other evidence confirming love. Connect your intuition, arrange it like a net and you will understand that your skillful countermeasures will expose the most skillful "Stirlitz". Moreover, subconsciously any man is waiting for exposure, if only it was mutually pleasant.

And finally. loving man necessarily spreads around him the energy of love, which is attractive, like magnetic waves. And if you are the one to whom this love is addressed, then you will feel its power without any words or evidence. Feel, but do not understand, catch the difference ?! And you need nothing for this - turn off your brains and open your heart.

The right to initiate relationships since ancient times belongs to the guys. In practice, this does not always happen. If you think about how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings, then it becomes possible to declassify his intentions. It is enough to focus on manners and gestures. Knowing his date of birth will be an advantage, because depending on this, behavior can be radically different.

In contact with

Every guy who feels sympathy for a girl shows some signs against his will. If before he was not afraid of anything, but now he looks down, then this can say a lot. Sometimes, if a man hides his feelings, he becomes overly talkative or, conversely, not a word can be pulled out of him.

A guy in love tries to contact a girl more often. He is looking for a reason to talk, turns out to be nearby, as if by chance, calls with or without reason.

In the absence of a woman, a man who hides his feelings is upset, indifferent and less active. But when a lover appears, he laughs loudest at jokes and reacts to any of her remarks.

Girls dream to immediately distinguish sincere feelings from fleeting attraction. Sometimes the representative of the stronger sex does not realize the depth of his affection. How to understand that a man is in love? The surest criterion is to evaluate participation in life.

A guy who hides his feelings, but loves a woman, will not allow her to freeze, carry heavy loads or remain hungry. He will be gallant, polite. A lover will always help you get out of the car, open the door in front of the lady and will not refuse to fix the tap.

Despite the numerous knowledge on how to understand that a man is in love with you, this is not easy to do. You need to show not only observation, but also have good intuition.

How to understand that he is in love according to the sign of the zodiac?

The behavior of a guy depends on the astrological period in which he was born. in you, he is able to behave differently. What is familiar to one sign is fundamentally unacceptable to another.

To understand if a man is in love, it is worth remembering the features of male psychology

Aries - fire sign and hiding the truth is not for him. He is characterized by impulsive and unconscious decisions. How to understand that a man is in love, but hides if he is an Aries? In every possible way emphasizing his dignity in front of the girl, praising his character and boasting of his achievements, he will give himself away. Aries will be jealous of friends and colleagues, which means they can suddenly break loose on other men. Aries is capable of strange acts and compliments with rude wording. He does not tolerate failure and will achieve his goal under any circumstances.

Taurus are afraid of change, so they are able to hide their feelings to the last. They can resort to anonymous messages of romantic content, send a huge bouquet of roses without a signature, or call to listen to a voice. If a man is in love with you, he will help you in any endeavors, intercede if necessary and protect you from adversity.

The already active Gemini becomes even brighter if he hides his feelings. He regularly seeks contact on the most absurd occasion. He tells a lot of jokes interesting stories and read the best poetry. How to understand if a man of this sign is in love with you? Special attention Gemini gives to his appearance. He buys himself new things, enrolls in a gym and runs to a hairdresser.

Features of men born under the sign of Gemini

Vulnerable and impressionable Cancer is one of the most secretive signs of the Zodiac. He is aimed at creating a family, so he will not dedicate to his true intentions until he is convinced that he is the only one in front of him. Until that moment, he will be very polite, gallant and circles the girl with unobtrusive care. Cancer, who hides his feelings, will still give the lady a jacket on a cold evening and bring oranges if she gets sick.

These regal cats are great lovers of showing their dignity. How to understand if a Leo man is in love? Listen to his words. He will constantly emphasize his pluses, wealth and social status. In addition, Leos are very generous. They give the most expensive gifts but in such a way that everyone knows about it.

The detached and dry guy Virgo becomes more tender and caring when in love. If he hides his feelings, he still cannot deny himself the pleasure of looking at the girl, touching her with his hand. Romantic notes that no one had noticed before will suddenly appear in his behavior. Virgo tries to joke more, to do secret gifts and meet regularly with the lady.

It is very easy to understand that Libra is in love with a woman. Representatives of the sign begin to fuss, show excessive activity and develop vigorous activity. The Libra guy is ready to fulfill any desire of his beloved, which gives himself away with giblets. If a girl manages to give him ease of communication, shows her cheerful character and readiness for any adventures, then Libra will tell about her love himself.

How to understand that a man is in love with you if he belongs to this sign? Remember all the signs of sympathy. If they are completely absent, but deliberate indifference is enough for two, then it is likely that Sagittarius is in love. Yes Yes. The guy will emphasize in every possible way that the girl is not interesting to him. He will not extend his hand, will not ask about the mood.

Features of men born under the sign of Sagittarius

If Scorpio hides his feelings, then reveal it true face- an overwhelming task. This guy is always focused on winning, but if he is ready to give the championship to you, then he probably has a lot of sympathy. If Scorpio is in love, but hides his feelings, then he will still spend a lot of time with a girl. He will pay special attention to long heart-to-heart conversations.

He will be jealous of you for everyone you meet, for a work colleague, for a childhood friend or a salesman from a hardware store. His sparkling jokes and exciting stories will not let you get bored, and meetings will be memorable. However, Capricorn not only talks a lot himself, but also listens with pleasure to his companion.

Extravagant representatives of this sign will arrange a real performance in front of the girl. They will put on better outfits, will do the most weird hairstyle and will spout a stream of jokes. If a man is in love and hides his feelings, then jealousy will betray him anyway.

Romantic representatives of this sign become very gentle and sensitive. They are enthusiastically ready to meet sunsets, read poetry until the morning and give huge bouquets roses. They hear every word, respond to every movement and are ready to fulfill any girl's whim.

Based on scientific knowledge, you can also get an answer to a question of interest. The most commonly used for this is psychology.
How to understand that a man is in love with you, from the point of view of a specialist:

  1. Action according to generally accepted rules. From childhood, society imposes that a man should start relationships first, be the head of the family and become a support for a woman. If such behavior is not characteristic of a guy, but he does everything to meet expectations, then he is in love.
  2. non-verbal expressions. Dilated pupils, turned towards the object of sympathy, wearing shoes, hands in the belt area are signs of feelings.

Not everyone manages to identify these criteria without proper experience. It is not at all necessary to be a psychologist, but certain knowledge about relationships is simply necessary.

Can you see love in the eyes?

For young guy who has not yet learned to control himself at 100, it is almost impossible to hide feelings in his eyes.

When a man hides his feelings, he averts his eyes if he realizes that he has been noticed. He tries not to miss the opportunity to look at the lady of the heart. His eyes shine, they are filled with interest, liveliness. Sometimes the view, on the contrary, is blurred.

Indifference to the object of sympathy is quite understandable. When an adult mature person is in love, but hides his feelings, this speaks of his desire to take a closer look at the girl. He wants to know her better, to understand her character and hobbies. Young people, on the contrary, experience fear when communicating with a girl. Lack of experience, including sexual experience, can frighten a man.

It should be noted that ignore the woman on early stages relationships are common to almost everyone. However, prolonged ostentatious indifference is not the norm and can scare the girl away. Such behavior indicates the immaturity of a man or his complexes, which will be difficult to get along with.

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon. Feelings for two women at the same time are not always equivalent. Occur against the backdrop of problems, in the absence of vivid emotions or in the event of a crisis. If a man is in love, but hides his feelings, this may indicate that he is not free or married. As a rule, feelings only for the only one pass the test of time.

How to understand that a pen pal is in love with you?

Modern realities lead to the fact that communication is increasingly tied to virtual space. How to understand that a man is in love, many girls are interested. In these cases, the guy regularly initiates the start of a conversation.

He writes, comments, puts “I like” marks on every photo. The guy asks about hobbies, family, friends and beloved cat. He is attentive to what was said, seeks to support in a difficult situation.

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

Revealing sympathy online is easier than in real life. However, this is quite risky. How to understand that a pen pal is in love with you if he hides his feelings? It's enough just not to get in touch. certain time. This will cause anxiety for a lover, and he will begin to look for a girl outside the network. Often it is enough just to wait, and the man himself will tell about his intentions.

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The feeling of falling in love inspires - you want to sing and dance, scream with delight and tell everyone about your feelings. This is how a woman falls in love... But what about a man? Everything is much more complicated here - he skillfully knows how to hide his emotions and feelings. Therefore, every girl begins to convulsively puzzle over whether she is loved, especially if she herself is interested in this man:


  1. Impatient girls are constantly interested in how to find out what a pen pal feels and whether the neighbor in the stairwell is hiding the truth. Using the advice of experienced ladies, psychologists and astrologers, it is quite possible to get an answer to the question.
  2. However, if a man is in love, but hides his feelings, then you should not put pressure on him. It's better to give the guy time to show his love.