Is a man able to leave the family. How to take a married man out of the family: the psychology of happy relationships. Do I need to continue the relationship with the married

If it falls to a woman to fall in love with married man, then for sure she wants to take him away from the family and take him away from his wife. For your happiness, of course, you need to fight, so below are some tips that will help you win an unfree man.

So, before thinking about how to take a married man away, it is worth finding out whether it needs to be done. There are many reasons and factors that may indicate that it is better to just forget about your beloved, find another and not even try to discourage your spouse. The main points of interest are listed below.

Do not forget that you cannot build happiness on someone else's misfortune, so, destroying a family, you need to be prepared for the fact that the ex-wife does not want to give up and will in every way interfere with the spouse's new relationship. Anything can happen. What if the abandoned woman loves her ex-spouse so much that she decides to commit suicide? Why take such a sin on your soul?

Very often, mistresses are turned on by men who love their wives very much and are not going to leave them. In this case, you should not try to do something, since all attempts will be in vain and in vain.

It is also worth remembering that if a man cheated on his woman, then where is the guarantee that he will not cheat on the one to whom he leaves his wife? Is the mistress ready for such a situation? Does she need it?

If a man has several marriages behind him, then this indicates his inconstancy. Such a person may be in constant search ideal or simply not capable of truly loving. In this case, it is also worth considering whether there will be happy union in that situation, if the beloved still leaves his wife and decides to build life together with his mistress.

If the spouse is belligerent and ready to do much in order to keep her husband, then this reduces the chances of the mistress to win in such a struggle.

If a man has children (especially young ones), then this means that he will periodically see them. And this means that he will also see his ex-wife. Is this acceptable for the one who wants to take someone else's husband away?

Love is an insidious thing, so winning someone else's husband can be very dangerous business in case the wife wants to try in every way to eliminate the rival. So it's worth thinking about it and assessing your strengths. After all, a married man is not the end of life. How many other free handsome men are around!

Of course, a connection, a relationship with a married man cannot last forever, so at a certain moment you will have to make a choice: leave or conquer. If it is decided by hook or by crook to discourage someone else's spouse from his wife, then several are proposed below useful tips that will help you do it faster and with minimal losses and effort.

First you need to study the situation in the man's family. He, of course, can say that everything is bad. But in reality, things may be different. Having scouted the situation, you can identify weak sides the man himself and his wife. And if you use them for your own purposes, then the chances of success will increase.

A lover is a kind of holiday for a man, and it is very easy to get used to it. So, the task of a woman is to make dates with a married woman as romantic, passionate and bright as possible, so that he understands what he refuses, continuing to live with his wife.

A woman should create an atmosphere for a man in which he will feel as good as possible. First, a married person should feel loved, desired, and smart. Secondly, if the mistress understood: “I love a married man” and decided to win him back from his wife, then she should realize that in the best scenario, she will play the role of that very wife. So it's important to show yourself as a good hostess.

Surveys have shown that about a third unmarried ladies is the mistress of married men. The ladies explained this choice by the fact that they like free relationship and lack of commitment. Also, some women noted that a man with his mistress behaves very differently than with his wife. There are no complaints, but this looks like an eternal candy-bouquet period.

In no case should you bother! So you never need to call a married man first, and even more so to chase him, going to work or sending messages through friends or acquaintances! Let the man make appointments himself and manage to miss his mistress. Excessive pressure can scare off a “married man” and force him to end such a relationship.

Sex is a very powerful weapon in the hands of a mistress. So you need to do everything so that in bed a man feels like a god and a beast, and also gets pleasure and satisfaction. Variety, passion and wild desire are what is required of a mistress. It is necessary to make the married man understand that he has never experienced anything better with anyone.

In addition, the mistress must certainly become better than wife in everything. Otherwise, why leave your wife if she is much better than a mistress? So you can subtly ask a man about his spouse to find out all her strengths and weaknesses, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

It is necessary to show that a man is not only a sexual object, but also a loved one, who is very dear and necessary. But this should be shown subtly, almost imperceptibly.

Many people want to know what to do if a man is married. The psychology of the stronger sex is such that they do not tolerate indifference towards them. So if the mistress will show that she is just playing as a man, then there is a high probability that he will want her love and will conquer and conquer the lady himself.

Men love to be listened to. So you should prepare your ears and constantly listen to the stories of your beloved, pretending that all these boring stories are incredibly interesting and instructive.

Do not use blackmail in any case! This will not help, but will only turn the married man away from his mistress. It is also not worth arousing jealousy, because all males are by nature owners.

Do not persuade a man to leave his wife. Persuasion can get boring, and this method is simply ineffective and useless.

You need to become an ideal for a man. You can ask your lover about what kind of woman he dreams of seeing next to him. Any comments in your account should not be taken with hostility, but adopted and used in pursuit of the ideal.

A man should not be allowed to consider his mistress a friend. In this case, he will never perceive her as his potential wife.

If the mistress understands that the only thing that prevents a man from leaving his wife is fear or indecision, then she can resort to at least a conversation with his wife. It is best to start by writing an anonymous letter, because it is possible that a lady will want to find a rival and eliminate her (jealousy is a terrible feeling that can provoke a person to the most cruel and crazy actions). Surely the lady will arrange an interrogation for her husband, during which the whole truth will be revealed, which will facilitate the fate of her mistress. Perhaps a personal heart-to-heart talk can take place. But if the wife knows how to keep the spouse, then it complicates things.

It remains only to add that to beat off a married man is only half the battle, because you also need to keep him, and this is much more difficult, since there is no guarantee that the beloved will not find another mistress and will not want to go to her. Therefore, you should think carefully about whether you need to take a man out of the family. But if there is between lovers strong feelings, then you need to fight for happiness, because in this case the spouses will not be happy anyway. In the end, you can wish the mistresses prudence.

As the song says: "According to statistics, there are 9 guys for 10 girls." So young, beautiful and free women be content with married men, so as not to be alone and feel that someone needs you. It happens that such a relationship lasts for years, and in order to accelerate the departure from the family, which, according to him, has become hateful, one has to think about how to take a married man out of the family from the point of view of psychology.

Weigh the pros and cons"

To begin with, the mistress needs to decide whether she needs such a companion in life and whether it is worth taking a married man out of the family, because it may turn out that life with him under one roof will not be as cloudless as it seemed. For what does she achieve her goal? If the main driving force is not the real one, then experts and experienced mistresses advise not to start any action. Even if the man leaves the family, the new relationship is unlikely to last long. Well, if you are sure that he is your soul mate, then you must first understand whether it is possible to take a married man out of the family at all, because most of them are satisfied with this state of affairs when there is peace, comfort, wife and children at home, and on the side of youth and passion.

This is possible only on the condition that life with an eternally dissatisfied spouse has become so disgusted that there is no longer the strength to endure. If a man, even before meeting his mistress, thought that it would be nice to finally run away, because the children have grown up, you can already talk to them in an adult way and explain everything. Well, if the mistress also correctly brings the man to this decision, then, of course, everything is possible.

How can you take a married person out of the family?

First of all, you will have to develop all the abilities of a good scout: to be patient, to be able to wait and separate the "wheat from the chaff." Control your behavior and your emotions, be able to get the information you need and, of course, listen. And you will have to listen a lot: how the shrew-wife got it, what a slob and clumsy she is, a frigid bitch, etc. The task of the mistress is to regret, caress, touch and prove that everything will be different with her. You need to give a man a fairy tale in which he would like to return again and again. But most importantly, he must trust his new companion.

If you want to know how you can take a married man away, never talk about money. Not a single representative of the stronger sex will exchange a family for a mercantile woman, so you need to reiterate to him that money is not the main thing in life, and love can work miracles. Praise your man, tell him how talented and extraordinary he is, and others are just fools that they could not see it. Take care of him, feed him delicious lunches, breakfasts and dinners, create coziness. Make plans for the future, but do not rush to talk about children. Most likely, a man will not want to have them yet, because everyday life and routine are the first things he is running from now and he has no intention of plunging into it again.

Of course, it is necessary to become for him best lover in the world. Being active and experimenting is just the postulates of happy and long-term people, and this must be remembered. But it is also very important not to dissolve in a person completely and completely, not to live his life. If a man is sure that you are waiting for him at the window every day, he will never leave his wife, but why? Be independent and confident, have, if not a job, then at least a hobby, spend free time with girlfriends, meet friends. Let him be sure that your life is full without him and then he wants to become a part of it. Otherwise, act according to the circumstances, but always keep face and respect for other people.

As vile as it may sound, your own happiness is always more important than someone else's. The villainess-fate now and then brings us together with those who cannot be loved. So, today we will talk about married men and ways to take them out of the family.

How to get a married man out of a family

If you see that everything in his family is going to pieces, then make him think about what could be better on the side, and that a new family nest can be created that will be stronger. Become a fresh breath of new sensations for him Let's be honest: if everything suited him in marriage, he would never go to the left to look for new sensations! If so, then this is a great tool to get hold of in the business of "confiscating" your lover from his wife. Become a sip of fresh water for him in the desert of marriage. He lacks sex - become for him a real sex bomb. Show that you are capable of much to satisfy his passion. His wife does not cook for him - learn to make his favorite dishes, and he is yours! In general, try to be better than his wife in everything - in sex, in food, in conversations .. The ability to listen to a person, and not just constantly demand something from him and itch in the ear is a valuable character trait. And he will notice it! Always be on top: beautiful and sexy As you know, men love with their eyes - and this is a great reason to sign up for a gym and a beauty salon. Always be moderately made up, beautiful, neat and stylish. Take care of your body too - it should attract, not repel. If you cannot lose weight, then just become a cute "donut". No one has escaped the female charm yet without paying attention to him. Become charming - and it's yours! Work on your voice. It should sound soulful, it should be pathetic, but without pretense. Work out in a theatrical circle: they will teach you to speak in such a way that you will be listened to and heard. Sexuality can also be conveyed through voice. One word, one sentence, and he's hooked. Sexuality and depravity are not the same thing. You should not behave dissolutely so that he understands that you are ready to belong only to him, and not in general to all other people's husbands. Do not be his mother or second wife, remain a desirable woman You are not in a position to replace these two women in full. And he won't be interested in it either. He needs your personality. You have to be an alternative to these two women. Show care, tenderness, passion A man should see that they are interested. Timely washed coffee cup at work offered on time wet wipe or given on occasion wise advice- all this will become attention to his person. The one and only. Gentle looks, timidity, meekness - this is so touching that it simply cannot be unnoticed. If you have already begun to develop a relationship, then show maximum passion, but not incinerating, so that he does not have the desire to return to his own " native camp ", because it is calmer there. Paradoxically, a man is a defender, and that is why he knows real price calmness. If he provided it, then he - good defender families. So passion is passion, but besides it, a person needs reliability. Do not interfere with his personal male affairs If you show a keen interest in his affairs, then stop in time. Those moments in which he does not want to devote you, leave him at the mercy. Addiction, jealousy are all bitter pills that are good in homeopathic doses. Surely he had already suffered from his wife all these "sticking his nose" into his own business, surveillance, "timing" of the way from work, etc. Leave him his personal space, and he will not hesitate to appreciate your delicacy. Let him feel that he is the most desirable man in the world Even if he is married, you can become his “priestess and admirer”. He will find in you what he lacks in his own family. And then you need to make it a fulcrum when creating a new pair. Men's opinion and advice Many men are actually cowards, but they are afraid to admit even this. In order to decide to change something in their life, they will always hide behind their responsibility to their family. Therefore, you need to be ready to become a mistress, not a second wife. Perhaps, over time, he will move to you, but will not marry. Agree to this compromise if you want to be with him. The desire to drag someone else's husband to the registry office - first for a divorce, then - for a new marriage - can be regarded as a desire to manipulate. It hurts male pride, so do not be zealous and do not press on a man. Do not try to get pregnant in order to press on a person's decency. Open blackmail can be perceived by a man as a betrayal of the high love that he felt and saw from you. Love is self-sacrifice, and a man should see that you are ready for it. Then he can show nobility and create with you new family... And relations from under the stick will not lead to good.

To steal someone else's husband, study the intricacies of family psychology and use it for your own good

You can overlap with a bunch of psychological literature, but at the same time do not understand how to act with a specific man... You need not only to act in accordance with the books, but also to keep your finger on the pulse, that is, to feel how your beloved reacts to you. Do not forget to analyze the response to your actions in order to choose a new level of interaction later on correctly.

Is it difficult for a mistress to fight off a married man

To consider here different situations... After all, if a man decided to go to the left, then he has his own motives. Based on them, we build relationships further. If he does not love his wife, but lives out of habit You need to become his second habit, he should not know how he can do without you, and then, when this happens, put the question bluntly: "Either move to me, or I leave." But the answer must be given time. Sometimes - a lot of time.

If he's a womanizer Purely theoretically, this case may be the easiest - most likely, the wife is not happy with it and is looking for a more reliable replacement, or maybe she goes to the left herself? But it seems so! In fact, most often among male womanizers, wives are well aware of all their infidelities. They know and tolerate. It is this quality that attracts their husbands to them. Although if family union took place recently, it is quite possible that she does not even suspect about his betrayal. In this case, it becomes easier to take him away. Provoke them with a scandal with your confession or throw him a couple of "clues" in his things - and his marriage is over! In most cases. It is possible that everything will turn against you, and they will reconcile, and you will be left behind, as he will guess everything and break off relations with such an unreliable lover. Another minus will lie in wait for you if you get him into your nets. After all, he is unlikely to stop at you. Chances are you are on his list broken hearts you will definitely not be the last. If you yourself are ready to endure, then marry him. And know that there are two types of womanizer:

    who are openly proud of their adventures and claim the rights to male polygamy; who carefully hide their adventures from their wife.
So, you shouldn't put up with the first type at all. You should stay away from such bumpkins, because they will demote you to the rank of concubine in the harem and will be proud of it. But the "guilty womanizer" is an option. To "cover up" his adventures, such a person will try to look after you beautifully, make gifts, and bring stunning bouquets of flowers home. He will not let you feel like a shattered trough. And what interesting tales will tell, wanting to justify himself ... Believe me, he would never have done this if you really would not have been dear to him. If such a man in his soul forgives his sins, then you can count on a good stable marriage and unprecedented care. If the family has children Here everything is much more complicated and dangerous - because if he has children, then he will see them. And that means, and with his ex-wife - too. And such meetings are definitely not good. It is possible that old love will be more tenacious than the new, and all efforts will be in vain. But it may be in another way: the roles will be distributed in a gentleman's way. The children will have a mom, a stepmother, a dad and a stepfather at the same time. That is, the small generation will not feel deprived, but on the contrary - with so many parents - even happier. The main thing is for you to learn how to be a good mother for other people's children. At least for the weekend. If he is financially dependent on his spouse This is a difficult option, and often the reason for this state of affairs is not disability or temporary difficulties with work, but male laziness. So think: why does a goat need a button accordion. Leave him in the role of lover if you are ready to receive meager gifts. And if you love a Spartan environment and asceticism, then this is your option. By the way, there is big risk to discourage a real greedy man from his wife, not a lazy one. Think! If there are small children in a marriage A married man with small children is a person with chronic expenses: diapers, toys, Kindergarten, school, savings for children's education, medicines and so on. Even if love overcomes a sense of duty to your family, can you survive such spending, unwillingness to have your own children (and after all, having children from previous marriage will be a big brake on the way to start your own). Add to this constant meetings with your ex-wife and the actual life of two families. In general, think hard, do you need such "happiness"? If your selflessness is at its best, then you can accept this option, and if a man is so dear, then you will bear your cross with pleasure, but then what? .. Isn't it better to immediately decide how you will live on, not only itself to make concessions, but also to force him to do the same?

I love a married man, how quickly you can take him away from another woman

Here it is important to prove yourself a psychologist and understand how his current marriage is living. Perhaps she just turned him around, and he really is not interested in her. You just need to dispel the aura of romance in his marriage. And give the same halo to your relationship with him. Somehow it is necessary to do so in order to open the eyes of a man to the fact that he was simply used. Keep in mind that this can lead to a collision with a very dangerous opponent. Such people sometimes even decide to throw acid in their face. So you have to make up also psychological picture the girl who caught your beloved. Maybe you will have to wait until she herself loses interest in the guy, and begin to act at that moment. If there are no children in the marriage, then it's easy - to get a divorce and start new life... When there are children, it is a little more difficult. And the point is not even the feeling of a long-term chosen one, but the fact that he actually loves children. In this case, it is good if you already have a child from an old marriage. If a man loves children at all, then he will become attached to your child. The main thing is, if he still decides to go to you, to allow him to see his children. More democracy in such a situation - and everything can work out. You just don't have to force him to choose between you and his kids. And if he - bad parent, then you need to think carefully about whether it is worth starting with him family relationships? The role of a lover will suit him better. It is not necessary to take a man away quickly. Here you need to be able to wait for the moment like a good hunter. And if you do not have patience, then this may not speak of the strength of feelings, but of your bad character, of incontinence and desire to receive all the blessings of the world without giving anything for it. Does such a wife need a man who already has his own family? Sometimes you need to work on yourself to become better, and then everything will be fine. As it is sung in a long-known song: "You just need to learn to wait ..."

Hello dear ladies! In this article, you will not see instructions on how to take a man out of the family. We will talk with you why there is an opinion in the world that a mistress is the devil in a skirt and she is the only one to blame, why men actually leave, what to do if there are children and what to fear from jealous wife... Let's understand the issue love triangle and we will answer the eternal question: what to do?

Who is right and who is wrong

Opinions on the topic of mistresses differ exactly as much as there will be wives and mistresses in the audience. Any spouse will consider a mistress a bitch who destroys a family, tries to take someone else's man away and covet someone else's happiness.

The mistress sees a suffering husband who is trying to escape from his tyrant wife into a happier relationship. She does not nag him, does not scold or quarrel. And the wife only does that constantly eats his brain.

Which of this is right and which is not, no one will ever tell you. Each situation is unique in its own way. There are stories in which the wife is absolutely wrong and ruined her marriage herself. And there are stories in which the mistress destroyed the happiness of the newlyweds for her own benefit.

We will not answer the question whether or not it is possible to take husbands away from the family. We will talk with you about why this is happening, how to be better than the wife of your beloved, what to do if you have children and what you can expect from a crazy wife.

Secret weapon

Why are husbands looking for connections on the side? The options are very diverse: from a lack of sex to finding more interesting woman... Which option is yours, I do not know. You know this better from what your man says about his spouse. How can you use this to your advantage?

For example, he says that his wife is completely wooden in bed. Here's a hint of what might get his attention. Learn to different techniques in bed, buy the Kamasutra and try something new together, often wear sexy lingerie with him.

A man hates how his wife prepares. Here is the field in which you must get around it. Go to cooking classes, go to a steak cooking workshop, men love meat, especially deliciously cooked meat. Try to make a varied menu, not just borscht, which you are the only one and know how to cook. Learn.

He cannot talk to her, they have different interests. All advice boils down to the fact that you should be interesting to your faithful. Take an interest in his hobby, find a hobby for two, read together, go to the cinema, to exhibitions. You should always have something to discuss. But it should be comfortable for the two of you to be silent as well.

A married man who has already gone to the left a couple of times is just enough to captivate. He needs to be given what his spouse does not give. This is your main advantage, you understand what he is unhappy with and give him what he needs, whether it be sex or philosophical conversations at night.

How many conversations go about female cunning and wisdom. Can you call yourself one? If not, if you doubt your abilities, then be sure to read the article "". In addition, I bring to your attention the article "How to interest a married man."

If there is a child

This is a very acute and dangerous question. When your loved one has a child with a wife, you need to be extremely careful and delicate in this matter. Naturally, in no case should you forbid him to see the children. Of course, you will think that while he is seeing his son, then his wife is spinning there and trying to get him back. Forget your jealousy. A child and a wife are two different people.

Ideal - if you find mutual language with his kids. This is a very difficult task. Children blame not only their parents for the divorce, but also the new person who happened to be next to mom or dad. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the children of your man will not love you the first time.

There is an excellent film on this topic: "Stepmother" with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon. This film perfectly reveals the theme of the stepmother and difficult relationships with children from former marriage as well as relationship ex-wife and current wife.

Are you expecting a child from a married man and do not know what to do? First of all, remember, do not manipulate your pregnancy in any way. it worst case developing your relationship.

What is the danger

A common fear of a mistress - since he once left his wife for me, then he can leave me for another woman. But human psychology is different: we leave when we feel bad. Therefore, you should not initially think so about your beloved.

Once he once left for you, this does not mean at all that he will leave you as well.

Is your relationship permanent? You can, if you build them, work on yourself, talk and look for compromises. As long as both people are willing to do something in the name of the relationship, it will last forever.

The consequences of your appearance in the life of a married man can be different. One of my clients left his wife for another woman. They live happily ever after, raising beautiful children. Ex-wife found her man and is also happy in marriage.

But there are also sadder examples. When a man left the family, but after a while he still returned. Or found a new woman. There is no way to predict. It is impossible to tell quickly whether your relationship will be long and lasting.

For this, time must pass, you must face certain obstacles and difficulties. Only then will you understand what your relationship is really worth.

If you are very afraid that the faithful will leave you too, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article "". Forewarned is forearmed.

Wife reaction

I have seen very different outcomes of such stories. One woman, in revenge through the court, took all the property, sued almost the entire salary for the maintenance of herself and her children. And the mistress did not need a penniless comrade and she also left him. So the poor man was left without a stake, without a yard.

A woman is sometimes ready for terrible deeds, just to win the man back from a rival. Magic, sentences and love spells, surveillance, threats and intimidation, manipulation, suicide attempts and much more are also used here.

Your beloved's wife may start to manipulate children. Get ready for this. Almost everything is solved very simply through the courts. In addition, she may start to threaten you. Sometimes everything is done only with messages in social networks... But it also happens that an angry woman comes to your work or home.

I advise you not to mess with similar cases, do not provoke her, do not aggravate your situation. It is best to simply ignore it whenever possible. If she starts to row, then feel free to call the police.

One of my acquaintances fell victim to such attacks from the ex-wife of her faithful that they had to move to another city, so the woman turned out to be inadequate.

Another option is to get depressed. Many women are very fond of manipulating these things. In this case, advise the man to send his wife to a psychotherapist who will help her cope with the situation and start a new happy life.

Remember, she is not your enemy. Do not try to belittle her dignity in front of a man, do not speak ill of her, do not do nasty things to her. This way you will not conquer the man. Throw all your strength on yourself and on the faithful.

Why do marriages fall apart? What are men running from? Did your boyfriend leave you for another girl? Can an ideal wife leave a mistress?

Be happy!

Problems with husbands sometimes arise from scratch. It seems to have been normal family, lived on the knurled, without quarrels: home, work, children ... And then on you: got ready and left. Why? [discussion]


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This question plagues many abandoned wives. Men explain everything with routine. But it sounds somehow unconvincing. But there is one pattern - the age of prodigal husbands. Most often, they part with their families and start a new one around 30, in the region of 40 - 45 and 50 years.

Psychologist and sexologist Inna Chori claims that these are critical years for men. At these three ages, some of them have a strong desire for change. But if your husband is dear to you, you can prevent leaving, the psychologist is sure.

28 - 32 years old

No longer like thin ones

Irina and Eugene got married when both were 23 years old. At 25, Ira gave birth to her first child, at 28 - her second child. She sat at home with the children, did not go out, Zhenya worked a lot. And he earned very good money. When the youngest was one year old, Zhenya packed his things and, having informed that he would support the children, went to live with his parents. He came once a week, brought food and money. And he left again.

Eh, Irina did not know what the psychologist told her later at the training - about thirty men can radically change their erotic views. Instead of brunettes, they start to like blondes, instead of skinny ones - donuts. And his proposal to get fat (lose weight), to dye, to change the style of clothing should be taken very seriously. Listen to wishes and agree to changes.

Precisely, he asked several times: “Ira, can you grow your hair? Maybe you should change your hair color? A light one would suit you… Let's go buy you a dress… ”I didn’t pay attention: short hair is more comfortable, and a dress, when you walk with two kids, is uncomfortable, jeans are much more practical,” Ira recalled later.

She heeded the coaching advice. The gray hedgehog on his head was replaced in a few months by a still short, but already blond bob, dresses with a neckline were bought, the right bras and moderate heels. In general, it blossomed. I called recently, shared: my husband returned, everything is fine.

By the way, you will have to change at least externally for the rest of your life in order to deceive male polygamy.

Men, they are so arranged: I changed my dress and shoes - already some other, changed my hairstyle, besides, turned on the playful mood - that's all, new woman in his house, the coach assures.

35 - 45 years old

I'm still damn young!

At this age, men go reassessment of what has been achieved.

The first signs of this condition are that a man changes his behavior, says the psychologist. - He begins to look younger, renews his wardrobe and perfume, starts listening to other music in the car. Casanova's syndrome turned on. For a man now it is important to prove that he is still very, very much in every sense! And his wife, unlike other ladies, no longer looks at him with admiration ... Do not miss this call in any case! Get young with him! Spend all your free time with him, do not leave him alone. If you do not want to lose your man, settle for his erotic fantasies, but at least for role-playing games... And keep in mind - almost no man is able to leave the family if his wife does not let go!

Here are my friends - Misha and Lena. At the age of forty, Misha - a financier, a respectable family man and a father of two children - suddenly became carried away by a colleague at work, a young and cheerful young lady. And to his wife Lena, under a family dinner with cutlets, he said: I'm leaving, I'm tired of it! And he even hit the table with his fist.

But he didn't go away. There is no second apartment, and Lena did not expel from the existing one. She looked at him longingly and good year grieved. And then suddenly she took up the device personal life... And I got so carried away that then Misha told me:

It was changed as it was. Laughs all the time. I used to walk around the house in a dressing gown, and if it was necessary to go to the store, in sweatpants and sneakers went. Now all the time in the parade. Someone she likes ...

In general, Misha is now worried. Looking for opportunities to "start all over again" with the new Lena. And Lena wonders if she needs the old Misha.

And talk?

This age is the easiest from the point of view of psychology. The children have grown, the nest is empty. It's time to strike a balance, to understand what you have achieved, because if your career goes further, then it will crawl, not like at thirty.

At this age, for men, sex is no longer in the first place. Spiritual closeness is more important to them. And if a wife has become dear, if she has become a friend, the man, most likely, will not leave her, even if he is in love with a young woman. It is scary to lose stability, both domestic and psychological. But if the relationship is not achieved, alas, the man does not see the point in such a family, - explains Inna.

But what if the wife at this age finds out about the betrayal? I saw such a couple of acquaintances on vacation. Valya read the message from her mistress while Sergei was washing in the shower. It was at the beginning of summer, in Cyprus, on the day of the 25th anniversary of marriage - such a marriage that everyone seemed indestructible. I cried for a month and went to sunglasses, hid the circles under the eyes. He curled around like a moth: “Valyusha, maybe some water? Valyusha, maybe I can put you an umbrella, ultraviolet is so harmful! "

Yes, it's too late for me to take care of youthful skin! - she scoffed in response.

A couple of months passed. Valya underwent a course of psychotherapy - she was taught how to forgive her husband. The marriage seems to be perfect again on the surface. After all, Valya still loves Sergei. Sergei has become silk, he is in a hurry home after work, promises to take him to Cuba next spring.

In general, indeed, in all couples where the man still left the family, there was a moment: the wife let go. And those wives who returned the prodigal to the family, they understood, got married - went on the warpath. And the wealthier and more successful husband, the more the war will be.


On our site, this material has already collected more than 1,500 responses. Here is some of them.


I have a similar situation. The husband came to the first line. Gone. Has not lived for a month. He says that he cannot be with me. Hard. Says that I must change. At the same time, he does not want to work on himself, claims only to me. Much does not suit me either, to which he told me - I got married, so bear with it.


It was generally accepted that men change after the wedding, there is no courtship, flowers, candy, cinema and theaters, etc. what he says to her husband. The point of the program has been completed, a tick has been put in the form of a stamp in the passport, we move on to another point, career, children, apartment, dacha, car ... And then surprise and tears, he went to another or he does not pay attention to me at all. Do not change yourself, remain brides, and the husband will be the same, he will look after and give flowers!

Simple Russian man:

In order for a man not to want to leave a woman, two factors must be observed:

1) A man should marry her AT HIS BEST WISH (and not her).

2) A woman should not shake the nerves of a man.

And all other factors (presence or absence attractive appearance, the ability or inability to manage the house, the presence or absence of children, etc.) do not matter to the peasant and cannot keep him.

Yaroslav, 29 years old:

I came to the first line. It can be tough at times. Much has changed, goals, views, tastes. There is a car, an apartment, good job... We live normally. I often pamper my children and my wife. But my wife became cold to me. He says that he loves and cannot live without me, but the intimacy is less and less. It's a shame, all sorts of bad thoughts come to mind. Often depression, fear appeared. Thoughts cannot be expelled so easily. She is young, beautiful. The hostess is excellent. Of course, I value her because I love her. But without sex it's hard in marriage. I feel something is wrong. And what? How to continue to be? Pretend it's okay? Just endure and see what happens? But that's a lie! And lying to yourself and your family is the last thing.

Men in recent times positioned in various women's broadcasts like brainless domestic animals, which women must endlessly please, invent something to keep them, interest them, etc. And what about the men themselves? Few of them are fighting for their woman, they believe that since she married him and have children, then she will not go anywhere.

The guest:

She lived with her husband for 30 years. Conclusions: 1. Everyone changes, everyone, believe me. 2. If he wants to leave, nothing can hold him back, but, as a rule (according to statistics), women are the first to file for divorce, by the way, they often regret it later. 3. Why change the awl for soap, your own is already dear, and a new one will come - a stranger, you still need to get used to it, and will he find a common language with the children (if any). 4. Who said it would be easy? Family is daily work, if you do not learn to maneuver, not notice, forgive, endure - you will live alone, and whoever likes what, let him choose for himself.


I wonder why only a woman always has to, should? .. I have been married for almost 40 years and now I do not understand what I liked about him then? But I still love my husband, we are like family, and I don’t understand how I could leave him! And men at 30, 40, 50, etc. ... leave anyway, there would be a reason! Either I wanted to be younger, then something else does not suit me. At the age of 30, my virtual love began, but it all took place in front of my eyes, in a common company, so I was able to stop it all! You know how, I just made all his friends fall in love with me! And she showed his love in all its glory! And he understood everything very quickly! And on the 25th wedding anniversary he said that I am the best ... in every way! So be able to stand up for yourself!


My dear began to cheat on me at 33 with a young girl (even a child - she was 23). She cried, begged him to change his mind - but no ... I deceived, said that he had abandoned her, I naturally believed. And then she pulled herself together, began to take care of herself and ... found herself a lover 7 years younger. The husband walks on his hind legs - whatever one may say, they feel it.

Let's discuss!