The man refused the invitation. Girls, questions to yourself. How to politely refuse to meet with a potential business partner

While people are young, they have acquaintances that can develop into serious relationship... The only problem is that not everyone at this age needs a serious relationship. General principles that help with the oversaturation of life are the same regardless of gender.

The iron rule is that you must refuse a meeting politely.

If a person is unpleasant, you can ...

  • Postpone the meeting until he realizes that he is not interested.
  • Reschedule the meeting, referring to real employment.
  • Appeal to family problems.
  • Honestly about having a girlfriend / boyfriend. If the annoying subject has romantic plans, then he will go aside automatically.
  • Recommend a free boyfriend / girlfriend. Rough? Perhaps. But honestly, and an unlucky lover will not languish in the "reserve".

If the admirer is smart, he will understand that the girl who refuses him in this way is not interested in him. Men use direct methods when it comes to women. They start a conversation and say that they don't like the girl. Honesty is the best policy. If you play with a person, it offends his intellect.

How to politely refuse to meet with a potential business partner?

Personal relationships are important, but what to do if people apply for work time? This grief is also not difficult to help. Situation: offering a product or service. Reaction methods:

  • You can tell the "partner" that you own all the tricks and technologies of sales, so the product is not interested.
  • We would like to help, but at work rush, and the boss is furious.
  • The offer is interesting, but the busy schedule is not only work, but also personal life does not imply additional loads.
  • Don't be interested in this type of product or people. A dense line of business contacts with no gap.

We do not get tired of repeating that clever man he will immediately understand everything, stop annoying and switch to another "victim".

How can you refuse to meet?

People value their time. Time is an irreplaceable resource. They used to say that you can't buy health. Health can be bought, but time is not. Therefore, it is necessary to save seconds, minutes, and most importantly - hours. Let's talk about the principles of refusal that everyone should remember.

  • Appreciate your opponent's time. And it doesn't matter who he is - a lover or a business partner.
  • Respect the intelligence of the person you are talking to.
  • You shouldn't weave verbal lace. In the first minute, it is clear whether a person or a business proposal is interested or not.
  • Speak the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth.

Nobody stands on ceremony with potential business partners. Love is another matter. Here the girls think that they are hurting the guy, but a little pain and a lot of free time to search suitable option than languor in the "stock". The problem is that we ourselves do not know whether we want to let the gentleman go or not. It happens that men behave the same way. Do not follow the example of a dog in the manger - be able to let go.

The meeting will not take place. Say that you are very sorry about this and hope to meet later. Your friend will be pleased if you yourself invite him to visit when it is convenient for both of you.

Perhaps you assume that the visit will not be too much and you will be wasting your time. If you find it inconvenient to honestly explain the reason, refer to being busy - you don't have to go into details. If your friend insists, you can refer to some mysterious circumstances: "There are problems ... I'll tell you later - I can't." You have to come up with a version if your friend shows curiosity in the future.

If you are invited to a family celebration, be sure to call that day and congratulate your friends on a happy event. Reaffirm how you regret not being able to attend in person. If the reason invitations was the usual friendly party, call the next day and ask how it went.

After you have accepted the invitation, it will be very impolite not to visit. A good reason for a sudden refusal can be a natural disaster or the unexpected arrival of relatives. Be sure to warn the hosts that you won't be able to be and apologize politely.

You may have gotten a new, more interesting offer after accepting the invitation. If you want to refuse a visit that you already mentioned, think about the fact that you will let your friends down. They plan a budget and possibly a holiday and count on your presence. In addition, your refusal for this reason, most likely, will greatly offend them.

If you try to refuse a visit under a plausible pretext, it can come up at any time, especially if you have mutual acquaintances in the new company. If so, you run the risk of seriously screwing up with your friends.

Many of us feel uncomfortable when a situation arises in which it is necessary to give up invitations, since the rules of etiquette on this occasion are sometimes more than vague. Especially in the case invitations for some especially important events, for example, a wedding, many prefer not to answer at all, rather than to refuse. However, even if you are forced not to go to the event, you must warn the organizers about this in advance, so as not to hurt their feelings.

You will need

  • Sense of tact
  • Respect for loved ones


How many times has it happened that you ignored an invitation to a friendly lunch sent by SMS in the hope that you can always blame bad connection and lost. Only now mobile operators are becoming more reliable and soon it will not be possible to refer to such things. Therefore, respect for the inviter - notify him at least that you have received his message.

Don't worry about giving up invitations without having a worthy one for it. In this case, it is best to say: "Today I can't do it, it's a pity, but thank you very much for the invitation!" This way you don't have to make excuses, but it also shows your friends that you value them.

Refusing invitations, always show respect. Be sure to pay attention to him. An email, text message, or social media post makes this task incredibly easy. You sent a message, but you didn't need face-to-face.

Saying yes, if you mean yes, and no, you want to say no - important condition building healthy and strong relationships with loved ones. It is on honesty that mutual understanding and respect are based. So feel free to give up invitations in case you cannot accept it. It will definitely be appreciated, as opposed to the case where you just don't come without saying either.

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Sometimes it happens that after planning your schedule in advance, going to a certain day, you understand that you do not have time for anything. Questions have accumulated that require immediate solution... This forces you to postpone the cases conceived earlier. If the solution to pressing problems in this moment is more important for you, you will have to exclude tasks already included in the schedule. For example, abandon the planned meeting.


How to opt out meeting so that the date is not? If this is a business negotiation, find an opportunity to send a representative of your company to the meeting. It is desirable that the position of this employee is the same as yours, or higher. Otherwise, sending someone incompetent in business matters to negotiate, you can lower the prestige of the company. And the receiving side can regard this as disrespect for them as partners.

If business negotiations still break down and there is no way to send a replacement person, you need to warn about this in advance

Problems must be solved, not avoided. Show your respect for the boy. Talk to him frankly. It is better to do this not by phone, but in private. A person must see your emotions live, so that he is convinced of your honesty and sincerity. Because very often girls, with numerous refusals, try to warm up interest in their person.

Calmly explain young man that you will not accept his invitation. Needless to say, you already have a lover who, if something happens, will put the negligent admirer in his place. Say that your heart is already occupied by another person, and these feelings are mutual. These words are able to cool the hottest interest of the young man.

Refuse so as not to sow a shadow of doubt in the soul of your boyfriend. If you somehow show uncertainty about the correctness of your action, the guy will immediately feel it and regard it as good sign, a kind of flirting or game. Give him no reason to doubt your true desires... Forget about feelings of pity and do not give in to his requests.

If he asks you out on a date ex-husband or a boyfriend, but you are not going to go back in time, tell him about it directly. Explain that you are not ready to repeat your mistakes and do not believe in the revival of faded feelings, as well as the restoration of former trust. Say you live new life and are quite happy with it. Emphasize that you don't feel anything for him. Most likely your ex-lover feelings for you are still alive, otherwise he would not try to restore your relationship. Therefore, hearing from you refusal will be offensive and painful for him. Not if you are loved, and you cannot reciprocate to a person, you should not sacrifice yourself and "step on the old rake."

Do not express your antipathy too openly, do not push or insult him. Denying a date does not have to imply the end of all relationships. Save them at the previous level. By tactfully refusing your boyfriend, you will keep the person's trust and will not fall in his eyes.

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If a person you know or don't know was the first to take the initiative and ask you out on a date, he definitely has enough courage. However, it will not be easy for you if you do not have sympathy for him or do not share his desire to spend time together, as you will need to make a polite refusal.


Try to gently and tactfully refuse the person asking you out. At the same time, try to hide your antipathy towards him in every possible way, do not insult or repulse. After all, refuse to goodbye- this does not mean breaking off any relationship. Let them stay at the same level as they were. By making tactful refusal, you will not fall in the eyes of the person who showed sympathy for you, and keep his trust.

If the person stubbornly refuses to accept your polite refusal, you can do it in a more harsh way, but still you should not go beyond the bounds of decency. Do not make categorical statements such as "I never liked you" or "You are not my type." V best case if your refusal was addressed, you can get a slap from her in the face. At worst, by doing such an act, you can get hold of not very good fame among your mutual acquaintances.

In the world of business and startups, people make many appointments with the most by different people... These meetings are devoted to a variety of reasons, but more often of the two sides, one of the parties needs this particular gathering in the "Starbucks", and he wants to get something from his interlocutor. What to do if you are the one who takes the initiative, in principle, it is clear - by all available (preferably, remaining within the bounds of decency) ways to achieve your goal - meeting with the right person.

But what if it is you who are offered to spend your time on some non-obvious conversations over coffee? Quora just recently discussed the question "How to politely refuse a meeting?", And the most comprehensive answer to it was given by the famous tech blogger Robert Scoble. Here are 11 of his tips.

It so happens that I receive such a number of requests for a meeting that, with all the desire, I can not stomach. Here's what helps me in cases when I need to refuse a person:

Auto Reply in Gmail

I set up an auto-reply in my Gmail inbox, in which I directly stated my right not to reply to emails. It says so directly - “if I didn’t answer you, it automatically means“ no ””. This is a mega-letter that allows me not to respond to uninteresting offers and at the same time not be an asshole.
Thanks for taking the time to email, I am very sorry that I cannot answer.

Now I receive so many mails that I physically cannot answer everyone. This is an auto-reply to your letter sent to the mailbox [email protected]

I will make every effort to be able to answer you, especially if your message is about some cool technology that can change the world, or if you create contextual software or services - I wrote a whole book on this topic in collaboration with Shel Israel ( Shel Israel).

Also, thanks to my position at Rackspace, I am interested in various services that help people do business on the basis of cloud infrastructure.

I read all letters without exception, but I can answer about five percent of them, I apologize. Therefore, if I have not answered you within three days, unfortunately, this is the same as hearing "no".


You should have your own philosophy, that is, everyone should be aware of your interests. For example, I am a fan of contextual computing, so if you are completely zero in this area, you will not be particularly interesting to me. This gives me the possibility of a polite refusal: "Sorry, in 2014 I am only interested in communicating with a certain type people, unfortunately, you do not belong to him. "

Having an evil boss

In cases where you need to refuse an appointment, having a strict boss who has a bunch of ideas about how you would spend your time helps a lot. The boss doesn't have to be someone from work. For example, my children and wife manage my life and my time as well as other people. Therefore, say something like, “My wife and I have already planned something for these dates, so I will not be able to perform with you,” or “I haven’t seen my children for a month, I have to spend time with them, and I don’t I’ll be able to be at this dinner ”is a perfectly normal answer. And it works just as well as saying "My boss at Rackspace is sending me to speak at another conference at the same time."

Life priorities

You need to know what you want from life. I'd love to dine at more three-Michelin-starred restaurants, so if you make an appointment with me at such a place it will be pretty hard to refuse. It would also be interesting to talk to the creators of some cool new product, especially if it is a company with a team of a couple of people.

Desire to help in a different way

Even in the event of refusal, it is not at all necessary to behave aggressively and defiantly. You can simply try to help the person in some other way than by spending your own time on him.
Hey, there’s no way to do the interview that you would like, because this week is already packed, but I can give you the contact of other journalists who can handle it just as well. Is this an option?

Suggesting ways to be successful

Ask the person not to invite you for coffee, but to organize a meeting for a pitch - he probably planned to do this anyway, he just wanted to be polite, so he called to "drink coffee." However, busy people are not at all inclined to waste time on gatherings with just anyone, but an offer that can potentially promise some kind of benefit is another matter.

Meeting at the event

It also happens that someone managed to interest you enough, but it is still inconvenient to set aside time on purpose and do not want to. In this case, you can offer to chat at the upcoming event. Something like "Hi! I'm going to Vegas here for CES, maybe you can be there or at SXSW in March?"

Fair employment

If you're really busy, what can you do here? For example, my calendar is usually packed one month in advance. I can show the Google Calendar screenshot as proof. So the phrase "Sorry, until February in any way" may well turn out to be true. And if so, then this is quite a polite way to refuse a person.


Not everyone is easily rejected. At the same time, you probably have a friend or colleague who refuses easily and does not see any problems here. For example, I have a producer Rocky Barbanica - this guy is much more inclined to say "no" than I am. Therefore, when I do not really want to refuse a person myself, I redirect him to Rocky, and if you managed to break through him, then this is a good application for getting into my calendar.

Social network

You can also redirect people to social networks... I like to do this because I am always for the scalability of everything and everyone, and answering a conditional question on Quora can help thousands of people, while answering one email will only help the sender. So to say something like "ask a question on Quora" is good way refuse to meet. Smart people use Facebook to understand when I'm online - chatting is often easier for me than answering an email.

Things are more interesting

Once a friend of mine, Loic Le Meur, refused to meet with me, saying: "I will be on Necker Island at that time" (and this island belongs to Richard Branson). This can be described as a rejection, when you really have plans that are much cooler and more fun than some kind of meeting.

It is quite difficult to refuse a man without offending or ruining a relationship with him. The guy reacts sensitively to the girl's refusal, especially if she calls strong feelings... Therefore, it is better to show tact and restraint when refusing a date, especially if a man is a boss at work. Even if he is not married, but the woman does not consider him as a potential partner, it is worth informing him about this delicately.

Reasons for the lack of reciprocity

The reasons why a girl may be unpleasant with a guy can be:

  • sloppy appearance;
  • manner of speaking;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • repulsive external features;
  • some habits;
  • different interests;
  • different social status.

Even if he is almost perfect, the girl can still feel that this is not the person with whom she will be happy. He has to refuse or not give a chance for rapprochement. But his opinion on some issues is important and I don't want to break off friendship. But after the refusal received, there is a risk that he will be offended and withdrawn into himself.

If you can't hint a guy that he doesn't like him, then you have to talk about it directly, at the risk of inflicting psychological trauma that will affect his relationship in the future. Refusal will lower self-esteem and not the best way will affect the ability to meet worthy girl.

How to invite a guy for a walk

How to politely refuse a guy

The most important thing is to refuse him in private. Take a walk and talk. Without witnesses, he will more easily bear the refusal and will not feel humiliated. You need to speak in a quiet but convincing voice, firmly looking into his eyes. It's hard, but right. A man will perceive an uncertain refusal as doubt and will not stop courting. You should follow the recommendations of psychologists during an important conversation:

  1. 1. Be confident in your words.
  2. 2. Show firmness.
  3. 3. Avoid insults.
  4. 4. Be laconic.
  5. 5. Give a good reason.

In conversation, it is necessary to avoid hackneyed phrases and not resort to deception. The words that the girl is not ready for a relationship will greatly offend if he sees her with another. Remaining friends will no longer work.

If you need to part after long relationship, you will have to be even more inventive in order not to become enemies, so that he does not spread rumors because of resentment. It must be explained that the reason is not in the guy, and it is not his fault that the feelings have passed. You can refer to your bad luck and frivolous attitude to life.

In a conversation with him, you should behave politely and convincingly. A few routine phrases can serve as the beginning of a conversation. I must say that the girl appreciates him as a friend and wonderful person and flattered by his attention, but he will be happier with another girl who will have sincere feelings for him.

Don't keep the guy in reserve. He can meet a worthy girl who will reciprocate his feelings.

What you can never tell a man

How to refuse a date

In a meeting, you have to refuse not only a longtime acquaintance, but also a man with whom a woman barely knows when she is invited on a date, on a visit or on a trip.

Having agreed, at the end of the meeting, the woman realizes that no miracle happened on the date, and the guy did not make the proper impression. When parting, you do not need to make promises, and if you cannot speak directly, then you should not answer phone calls, and the guy will understand everything himself. When you receive a message from him, you can politely write to email, thereby not offending him and thank him for a good time. To say that now is not the time to meet with young people.

Refusal to date unfamiliar men on a dating site is usually easy. If a meeting is asked politely and beautifully, good communication, then it is necessary to refuse in the same format. When a stranger is too intrusive and talks about sex, you should first refuse the invitation to visit, and then block it.

If young girl invites an adult man to spend time with him, she can politely reject the offer to meet, saying that she feels more comfortable with her peers or she likes such and such a young guy. A married boyfriend stalking at work can be apologized for his misbehavior that caused him to think he had a chance of a connection. To say that she respects the institution of the family and marriage is sacred to her.

If the boss is persistent, you need to delicately explain the situation and express concern for your place at work. After all, a girl runs the risk of losing her job if the connection is cut off on her initiative, or she gets bored with the man and he switches to another. If the leader in exchange for intimate relationship promises a promotion, the girl should be thanked and said that she is ambitious and wants to achieve everything herself.