Cognitive and gaming leisure for children of the older group on the topic: “Visiting a fairy tale. Leisure for children of the senior group "Journey to the land of fairy tales

Program content:

  • Strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales.
  • Correctly evaluate the actions of heroes.
  • To form ideas about justice, kindness, friendship, courage.
  • Develop creative manifestations children, expressively convey game images (a cunning fox, a proud rooster, etc.).
  • Evoke an emotional response from children.

Event progress

Silhouette on stage fairy forest. A storyteller appears in her hands the big Book with the inscription "Tales".

Vasilisa. Hello guys!

Hello dear guests!

I am the storyteller Vasilisa,

Invited you to remember

Old tales and listen to new ones.

Today we are visiting fairy tales,

There is a swarm in the book of fairy tales,

This is where my friends live with me.

All the characters in every story

They love songs, games, dances.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

Tale in knock on the door,

Tell the guest to come in.

(The sad Masha enters)

Storyteller. Hello Masha, why are you so sad?

Masha. Aunt Vasilisa, brother Ivanushka disappeared. Wherever I just did not look for him in the forest, and in the garden, and went to Baba Yaga herself, he is nowhere to be found. Has Ivanushka got into trouble, what kind?

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, grieve. I will help you.

Here I give you a pen

After all, it is magical.

The feather will shine

Open doors to fairy tales.

Masha, your brother must have gotten lost in some fairy tale.

Look, what a big book with fairy tales. The kid will only knock on the children's book "Knock-knock-knock" and now you look, the pages will come to life. Wave, Masha, a magic feather and it will take you to any fairy tale.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

My dear brother, find yourself!

(Masha leaves).

The storyteller opens the book:

Grandma kneaded not a bun, not a pancake.

I took out of the oven neither a pie nor kalachi,

As I put it on the table

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Who runs without legs?

It's a round bun! (shows an illustration)

What fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Kolobok.

(Gingerbread Man, Wolf, Hare, Bear, Fox come out of the book, go in a circle, Gingerbread Man sings)

Kolobok. I'm sweeping the box, sweeping the barn.

I have a ruddy side, who am I, children - (kolobok).

Game "Kolobok".

Masha. Kolobok, have you seen my brother Ivanushka?

Kolobok. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Masha, a new fairy tale start.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. I wonder what fairy tale Masha's pen has now transferred to?

(Three little pigs run out to the music)

1 Piglet. We know a lot about songs, dances,

We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

We are three funny brothers

And our name is ...... (pigs)

Storyteller. Children, what fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Three pigs

2 Piglet. We are three funny brothers

We love to run and play

We invite you guys

Dancing together.

The song "Starting Krakowiak"

Masha. Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, have you seen my brother?

(the pigs answer that they have not seen and leave)

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Mashenka, wave your feather.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

(The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds in the recording)

Red Riding Hood. And here I left the picture, I carry the gifts in a basket,

Butter pot, yes a delicious pie.

Storyteller. Children, who is this girl and from what fairy tale?

Children. Red Riding Hood. (Sits down to the children. A howl of a wolf is heard).

Wolf. Where's she? Where's she? It must be here somewhere. My lunch will be delicious. Have you met her?

Children. No.

(Looks for her, finds her, drags her by the hand to the middle.)

Storyteller. Shame on you wolf!

Little ones began to be offended.

Isn't it a shame

They don't want to play with you.

Would you like us guest came,

Let us into the house both in the rain and in the cold.

It is very good,

If everyone plays together.

Enough, wolf, you growl,

Invite everyone to dance.

Dance "Polka". (Wolf dances with Little Red Riding Hood in the center)

Masha. Tell me, please, have you seen my brother?

Wolf. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Don't be discouraged, Mashenka, let's look some more.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. Cockerel with spurs

His tail is patterned.

This tale is about

Like a rooster saved by a cat. What kind of children is this fairy tale?

(cockerel runs out)

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko.

There is a fox nearby.

What should I do, that's the problem.

Hide me somewhere.

Storyteller. Don't be sad cockerel

Get into the bag quickly.

And don't be afraid, be brave

We will reconcile you with her.

(hides in bag)

Fox. Oh, it smells like cock in here!

Now we are hiring offal.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

Where are you, dear friend?

I brought for you

Both peas and wheat.

Rooster. You fox, don't rush

You find me first.

Fox. Here's a bag!

Maybe it has a rooster in it.

(Rooster jumps out, runs)

Rooster. Kitty, brother, help me out!

Cat. What's the noise, what's going on?

Who is screaming, who is being caught here?

Rooster. It's me, your cock

Help me out buddy!

Cat. You see, Petya, how many times

I gave you orders.

You didn't listen and ran away

And got into trouble again.

I'll save you this time

And I'll ask the fox:

"Be kind and kind

Let go of the rooster."

Fox. I agree to be

I will live peacefully with you.

Storyteller. Children, so that they never quarrel, let's sing a song to them.

Song about Friendship

(Mashenka asks about Ivanushka. The cat replies that he has not seen)

Masha. What to do, Aunt Vasilisa? This was the last story.

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, cry, there is one more sheet left in my book. Look who's pictured here.

Masha. Yes, this is my Ivanushka. Where are you brother?

Ivanushka. I am here, Mashenka, visiting the children in kindergarten.

Storyteller. So our journey to the "Land of fairy tales" ended. And now it's time for me. Goodbye kids!

Masha. Wait, wait! Thank you, Aunt Vasilisa, for your kindness. And now I invite you all to the table, I treat you with pies. Ruddy pies with butter, sour cream.

Tasks: to teach children to combine movements and speech, develop imitative skills, encourage improvisation; to consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them; continue to learn to act in accordance with the rules of the game.

Equipment: hats "penguins"; hats "polar bears"; garlands of flags for the image of the ship; hoop (floe); audio recordings of "Mammoth Songs", songs "Sounds of Nature" (wind).

preliminary work: talking to children about marine life: jellyfish, corals, fish, whales, starfish etc.

Leisure course

Garlands of flags are hung in the gym.

Children enter the hall to the music and line up in the center of the hall.

Instructor. Today, guys, we will go to extraordinary journey: It will be a sea trip around the world.

A ship is sailing on the sea,

And smoke comes out of the chimney.

Children perform the exercise: both of their palms are placed on the edge, the little fingers are pressed like a ladle, and thumbs raised up. Together with the instructor, they read the poem in a low voice (like a trumpet is buzzing) and sway from side to side:

For a long time our boat sailed,

He sailed to Antarctica.

Here on white slippery ice floes

Penguins walk in pairs.

Game Penguins on Ice.

Children in penguin caps walk on the inside of the foot, waddling from foot to foot, patting their sides with their palms.

Instructor. Penguins live near the sea and love to play with marine life.

The game "The sea is worried."

The sea is worried

The sea is worried two,

The sea is rough three

Marine figure freeze in place!

Children depict marine life.


We are on our ship

We swim to the icy land.

We will come to the Arctic

And we will meet white bears.

The game "Polar Bears".

An ice floe (hoop) is indicated. Two drivers stand on it - children in polar bear hats. The rest on the site are "bear cubs". At the signal of the instructor, the drivers, holding hands, run out to the site and catch the “bears”: they catch up with the player and take him into their chain. Other "bear cubs" they catch already together. The game continues until all the "bears" are in the chain.

Instructor. Guys, look, there is snow everywhere. He is light. Snow slowly falls to the ground, spinning. And when the wind blows, snowflakes fly in different directions.

Imagine that you have become little snowflakes and I am the wind.

The audio recording "Sounds of Nature" sounds - the wind.

Snowflakes scattered as if dancing (children depict the flight of snowflakes), at first calmly, smoothly and slowly fall to the ground. But then the wind rose, a blizzard swirled and swept a whole snowdrift. (Children gather in a tight group.) How much snow! Now let's play snowballs (children imitate a snowball fight).

Instructor. Our journey is coming to an end, our little boat is returning home!

The big ship sailed and sailed,

He circumnavigated the globe.

And we came back...

And where to?

Children. AT Kindergarten!

To the soundtrack "Mammoth's Song", the children make a lap of honor and leave the hall.

Sports leisure for children of the senior group "Journey to the Island of Health".

Target:form an idea about healthy way life;

consolidate the basic components of health, arouse the desire

Engage in physical education and hardening, perform

Hygiene rules.


Children enter the festively decorated hall and stand in a semicircle.

Leading.Hello guys! Guys, if we say hello to someone, what does it mean?

Children:We wish him well!

Leading.What is health?

Children's answers:This is strength, beauty, dexterity, purity, flexibility, good mood.

Leading.Today I want to invite you to go on a trip to the island of "Health". Do you agree?


For you to be beautiful.
To not be whiny.
So that in the hands of any business
It was arguing together, it was on fire!
To sing songs louder.
Live to be more interesting!
You need to be strong and healthy.
These truths are not new.
Just answer me:
The path to the mysterious country.
Where is your health.
Does everyone know?
Let's say together...

Children answer:"Yes!"

Leading.Then we'll hit the road. Take your seats on our magical train.

The children stand one after another in a train, leading in front and to the music “It's great to travel” they follow each other around the hall, the leader changes direction (in a circle with a snake, etc.). They stop near a makeshift station. The host loudly announces the name of the station.

Leading.Zaryadkino station. How to start your day to be healthy.

Children: With charging!


Early in the morning early in the morning
Come out to the clearing.
Straighten your back together.
Let's do a workout
We woke up early in the morning.
Stretched, smiled.
It's time for everyone to get up.
To recharge the kids.

(Children do exercises to the music, “If you are kind ...”)

Leading.Let's go further! ( The children are on the train.)

Leading.Chistyulkino station. (A loud cry is heard outside the door.)

Leading. What happened?

(The disheveled Dunno enters with dirty spots on the face and hands. The shirt is buttoned up.)


The blanket is gone.
The sheet flew off.
And the pillow is like a frog.
Ran away from me.
I'm for a candle, a candle in the stove!
I'm for a book, she run
And jump under the bed.
I want to drink tea.
I run to the samovar.
But pot-bellied from me
Run away like fire.


Dunno only wets the nose.
He does not want to wash.
What is it called guys
The one who doesn't wash well?

Children's answers:Dirty, slob, etc.

Leading:Guys , and you know what items are needed in order to take care of your appearance.

(children's answers)

Leading:We will check this now.

1. Relay "Transfer hygiene items"
Children are divided into teams. Opposite each team, against the opposite wall, there are tables on which there are various items(soap dishes, toothbrushes, combs, toys, etc.) Children need to run up to their table one by one, choose a hygiene item and go back. The team that completes their task faster and without errors wins.

Leading:Well done guys, you did a very good job with this task, and I made sure that you all know the rules of hygiene. Dunno, go wash yourself well and join us.

Leading:Guys, today an unusual letter came to our kindergarten from the distant island of Health. Let's read it. (reads the letter).

"Hello guys! I know that you want to be strong, agile and healthy. On our island, pirates have hidden a treasure that will help you become the strongest and healthiest. Do you want to find it? Then go. On the island you will find my clues.” "Parrot Fast Wing".

Leading:Our team of the strongest and most courageous guys is ready to hit the road. But first you need to pack a backpack - take some items with you.

2. Relay race. "Get your backpack."

Each team member chooses one travel item and explains what it is for (binoculars, mug, spoon, rope, lifebuoy, first aid kit, toys, etc.)

Leading:Well, here we are ready, we’re leaving. (The team makes a lap of honor to the music, they sit astride a gymnastic bench and depict rowing with oars on a boat - music sounds - (water noise).

Leading: Well, here we are on the island. Be careful, the parrot left us clues. Look for them.

2. Relay "Cooking borscht and compote".

Two children are selected from each team. One team is instructed to select the products necessary for the preparation of borscht (vegetables). Another team to prepare compote (fruit).
The team that completes their task quickly and without errors wins.

3. Relay race. "Crossing".

Walk along the log in pairs with an added step.

4. Relay .. "Tunnel".

Go through the tunnel, grabbing 2 balls (magic coconuts) from it.

5. Relay "Caterpillar".

(Children are divided into two teams. The relay race participants in each team line up at a distance of straightened arms, legs shoulder-width apart. The participant closing each column begins to crawl forward on his stomach between the legs of the players of his team. Then the rest are crawling behind him. The first participants who have reached their guide columns, take the given initial floor.The following participants perform the same actions).

6. Relay "Kangaroo".

(Children are divided into two teams. In front of each team, there is a basket, 6-7 from the starting line, a swivel stand is installed. The first participants have a ball between their knees. On a signal, the first participants jump on two legs to the swivel stand. Then they return with the ball in their hands. to their teams, passing the ball to the next participant, stand at the end of the column.The following participants perform the same actions).

7. Swamp.

Go through the "swamp" with the help of bricks.

8. Put down the fire.

Collect twigs for the fire and fold. The children sit around the fire.

Leading:Guys, you know that you can’t burn a fire unnecessarily. Here we are now crossing the swamp, everyone is wet and cold, we can dry our shoes and clothes by the fire (a conversation about the benefits and dangers of fire). Why do you think we were able to overcome the obstacles on the island? (Answers: because we are friends, we are together).

They perform Shainsky's song “If you went on a journey with a friend”.

9. Riddles.

Leading. The treasure chest can open if we solve the riddles.

To not be frail, lethargic,
Didn't lie under the covers
Didn't get sick and was fine
Do every day...


Gnawing steel pipes
If you clean...


Declared a fight against bacilli:
Wash my hands clean with...

(with soap)

He guards in his pocket
Roaring, crying and dirty,
They will wipe away the streams of tears,
Don't forget about the nose.


There are fruits and vegetables.

Children need to eat a lot.

There are more pills

Tastes like candy.

Taken for health

Their cold season.

For Sashuli and Polina

What is useful? – ... ( vitamins

That's so miracle-miracles!
There are two wheels under me.
I spin them with my feet
And I roll, I roll, I roll. (Bike)

Both in heat and in ice
I want - and it will rain,
Noise above your head
The rain will come to my house. (Shower)

There is a stadium in the yard
It's just very slippery.
To rush there like the wind,
Learn to skate.(rink)
Leading: Guys, look, we guessed the riddles and the chest opened. (Children find apples in it). Here VITAMINS are bananas. children sit astride a gymnastic bench and depict rowing with oars on a boat - music sounds - (the sound of water).

Leading: Well, here we are at home. Well done boys. You managed to overcome all obstacles and find the treasure. Why?

Children:Because we are strong, agile, healthy and friendly.


I'm very happy for you today
And I will give you such advice -
Mornings and evenings!
And for our happy holiday
I thank you all.
(To the cheerful music, the children leave the hall).

Galina Mikhalchenko
"Moscow Golden-domed" (leisure in senior group).

To the song "Clean Ponds" children enter the hall.

caregiver: Guys, we live in a very beautiful huge country,

which is called Russia.

The song of Solovyova and Struve "Russia" is performed:

1. My Russia has long pigtails,

My Russia has bright eyelashes,

My Russia has blue eyes -

On me, Russia, you are very similar.

2. For me, Russia is white birches,

For me, Russia is morning dew,

For me, Russia, you are the most precious -

How much you look like my mother.

3. You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,

You, my Russia, know how to sing songs,

You, my Russia, are inseparable from us -

After all, Russia is ours - it's us with friends.

Chorus: The sun is shining,

The winds are blowing

Downpours pour over Russia.

Colored rainbow in the sky

There is no more beautiful land!

caregiver: We have our own flag, which has three colors - white, blue,

red - tricolor.

White color means the color of the Virgin - holiness, purity,


Blue - the color of the sky - nobility, greatness.

Red - the color of glory - victory.

We have our own anthem.

The Russian anthem sounds - everyone stands up.

Child: The Kremlin stars are burning above us.

Everywhere their light reaches.

The guys have a good homeland

And better than that There is no motherland!

caregiver: K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "We call Russia the Fatherland, because

our fathers and grandfathers lived in it.

We call it homeland, because we were born in it, they say in it

our native language, everything in it is native to us.

Mother Russia is called because she feeds us with her bread,

waters with her waters, teaches us her language and how mother protects and

protects us from all enemies.

Much in the world different countries, but the homeland of a person, like a mother -

Child: Goy you, Russia, my dear,

Huts - in the robes of the image.

See no end and edge -

Only blue sucks eyes.

. If the holy army cries:

"Throw Russia, live in paradise!"

I will say: "No need for paradise,

Give me my country!" (S. Yesenin)

caregiver: Russia and Moscow are inseparable because our city is

the capital of Russia.

Our Moscow very beautiful city! Hero City!

Tell me what is the area Moscow is the most important?

That's right, Red.

What does red mean?

That's right, beautiful.

Holiday parades are held on the main square of the country.

Child: You have no equal in the world,

Ancient Moscow!

Shine of days, forever glorious,

You will always be alive!

Expanding, growing

All in palaces and all in gardens,

You stand, Moscow, saint,

On their seven hills! (V. Bryusov)

Child: Zes Kremlin,

Here Sparrow Hills,

And the Red Square is visible,

So big, old City,

My country is proud of him.

He is the head of all cities!

Capital of the Motherland - Moscow! (Vyazemsky)

caregiver: Guys, do you know why our city was named that way, and not

otherwise? Moscow. There are many legends. one for you I will tell:

"AT ancient times lived and ruled on the land where now

stands our city, Prince Mosokha. And he had a wife named Kwa

(something like the Little Mermaid). They lived together, loved each other deeply

friend. They were so inseparable that if someone spoke of the prince, then

be sure to mention the name of his wife. Gradually two names -

Mosokha and Kva united into one and began to call the region where they

ruled - Moscow. This is, of course, a fairy tale, but very beautiful!

Child: Wonderful city, ancient city,

You fit into your ends

And landings, and villages,

And chambers, and palaces!

Belted with a ribbon of arable land,

You are full of colors gardens:

How many temples, how many towers,

On your seven hills.

in your churches vintage

Trees grow.

The eye will not grasp the long streets.

This is mother Moscow!

caregiver: Guys, our Moscow has its own coat of arms - the image of a rider,

spearing serpent (George the Victorious).

Have Moscow and its anthem.

The anthem is being played Moscow(music by Dunayevsky, lyrics by Lisyansky and Agranyan) -

children sing along.

caregiver: Moscow is the place where we were born is our little Motherland.

And the Motherland must be cherished, children.

The song "Crane" is performed:

1. Heat left the fields

And a flock of cranes

The leader leads to the green overseas land.

The wedge flies sadly

And only one is cheerful

One of the cranes is unintelligent.

2. He breaks into the clouds,

Hurries the leader

But the leader tells him severely:

"Though that land is warmer,

And the Motherland is sweeter

Miley - remember, crane, this word.

3. Remember the sound of birches

And that steep slope

Where mother saw you flying

Remember forever

Otherwise, never

My friend, you will not become a real crane. "

4. We have snow,

We have a blizzard

And somewhere far away

Curling cranes -

They are cursing about the snowy Motherland.

Child: Hear the song of the stream -

This is your homeland!

You see the stars of the Kremlin -

This is your homeland!

Kindergarten, where are your friends, -

This is your homeland!

Your mother's hands

The noise of branches and the sound of rain

And currants in the forest -

This is also homeland

caregiver: And at the end of our meeting - conversation, I want to ask you

draw your favorite place in Moscow.

Drawing competition "My city".

Leisure activities for older children "Magic Journey".

Program content:
Continue to develop in children sensory standards through games.
Continue to develop analyzers in children: visual, auditory; mental processes: memory, speech, thinking and imagination. Develop motor coordination in children. Continue to develop children's imagination, use in work different colors. Develop motor activity. Cultivate friendly relations with colleagues. To develop in children a sense of friendship and empathy. Learn to enjoy others and your own success.
Equipment: Magic wand, handkerchief, easel, whatman paper, toned in blue, paints, cloud patterns, jars of water and lids, a doll in a colored outfit, crumpled paper, wet wipes, CD with music, tape recorder, magnetic board.
Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? (winter) what can we often see in winter? (children's answers) Children, do you like to travel? (Yes) Where would you like to travel in winter? (children's answers). I suggest you be in unusual country, a country where only snowflakes live. But to get there, we also need to become snowflakes. Every inhabitant of this country has snowflakes painted on her hands. Children, do you want to turn into snowflakes? What do we need to do for this? Let's draw snowflakes on our hands. What color are snowflakes? (White) Yes, but when the snow sparkles on the bright winter sun, then it shimmers in different colors. Therefore, you can also choose the color you like. Snowflakes can be of any shape, as there are no identical snowflakes in the world.
Children draw snowflakes on their hands.
Educator: You are great! How much colorful snowflakes! All real snowflakes know a lot different colors and shades. And now I will check whether you are real snowflakes or not. Do you want to play the game "Colors".
Target: consolidation of knowledge of color.

Game progress:

Educator: "Touch the yellow - one, two, three!"
Each player tries to touch an object of a given color, a piece of clothing, a part of the body as quickly as possible.

The teacher repeats the command with a new color.
Educator: What good fellows you are, you know all the colors!
And let's remember what shape snowflakes have? (children's answers)
Since you are now real snowflakes, then you should be able to take any form. Shall we try? Let's play the game "Square - oval - triangle."
Target: consolidation of knowledge of basic forms, development of general movements.
Children join hands.
The teacher gives the command: Square!
Children are arranged in a square.

caregiver: A circle! Oval!


Children, you are great! You all know how and we can go to the country of snowflakes.
Get ready! Turn right, turn left - fly in the country of snowflakes!
Children whirling, flew to the carpet to the music and sat down, formed a snowdrift.
And then someone meets us. This is the snowflake princess. Let's sit down on the carpet and listen to her story:
In a white country, in a white palace she lived - there was a little princess. And her name was Princess Be. In the mornings, white birds flew to the windows of the white palace and woke up Princess Be with their gentle singing. The princess woke up, opened the window and fed the white birds with white crumbs. Be was a kind, but very capricious girl - everything was wrong for her: they would bring her White dress- the princess stomps her feet: "I don't want to!" They put white porridge for breakfast - the princess cries, sobs: "Oh, I don't like it!"
Only one thing pleased the little princess - a garden in the courtyard of the white palace. Be was very fond of walking in her white garden. Grew there in the beds white bow, white daisies bloomed in the flower beds, white apples, clusters of white grapes hung from the trees. Little Princess Be took a white watering can and watered her garden. Everything in this country was white color: both houses, and trees, and food were white, everything that surrounded them was white. Children, are you and I the same as in this country? That's right, everything has its own color. Let's play the Confusion game and tell the princess what color our objects are.
Game: Confusion.
Target: develop attention and sensory standards.
Educator: I will call you an object and its color, if an object of this color exists, clap your hands:
- purple apple
- Red fox
- blue cucumber
- purple eggplant
- green potatoes
- pink bunny
- purple dog
- silver car
- Red Apple
- ruby ​​peas.
Educator: What good fellows you are! How attentive! I think now the princess knows that in other countries it is not like hers.
Children, what do you think, where is the country of snowflakes? (in the sky) What do you often see in the sky? (clouds) Do you like to invent what they look like? (Yes)
There is a blue sky on the easel, but there are no clouds. It’s bad for us without clouds, because it is from them that snowflakes come to us on earth.
Iso-game "Magic Clouds".
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to draw with crumpled paper.
Educator: I have a lot of clouds. But they are all kind of sad, uninteresting. How to make them fun? (Children's answers) That's right, they need to be painted in different colors!
Children paint clouds with crumpled paper, and the teacher attaches them to the sky.
Educator: Children, look what a fabulous sky we got! You like?
Can you tell me what snowflakes are made of? (out of water) What color is the water? (transparent)
Do you want the water to change its color? I will tell you a secret that I am a sorceress, and now I will make this clear water colored.
Hey, water is water, white as hoarfrost, become you water not transparent, but blue.
Hey, water - water, you are our beautiful friend, become - you, water, not transparent, but red.
Hey, water is water, you are our cold friend, become - you water is not transparent, but green.
Three jars with a lid clean water. The teacher conjures jars with a wand, shakes, the water turns red, yellow, green.
Educator: Here the sun peeps out, snowflakes sparkle in the sun and let out sunbeams in all directions.
Game "Sunny Bunny".
Target- removal of emotional stress.
Game progress.
Educator: A sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further along the face, gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke him gently so as not to frighten him away. Stroke your head, neck, arms, legs... He climbed onto his tummy, stroke him there. The sun bunny loves and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him. So we made friends with the sunbeam, and now open your eyes and hold hands. Look at each other with warmth sunbeam smile at each other. It's good that we all met here today! What a pleasant trip it was!