"Development of physical activity." Description of the technology of experience. The role of outdoor games in the development of motor skills

Inna Medvedeva
Integration of cognitive and motor activity of children

« Integration of cognitive and motor activity of children»

Modern research has proven that health deterioration children is the result of the adverse impact of not only socio-economic and environmental, but also a set of pedagogical factors.

These primarily include a constant increase in volume and load intensity, premature start of systematic education at the preschool stage. The overload of preschoolers is not only due to the content of education and the use of school uniforms organization of training, but also the mode of stay in a preschool institution, inadequate age characteristics preschoolers: reduction of walking, daytime sleep, time for independent play and motor activity.

One of the directions of improving the education system is the transition to the continuity of this process. In our opinion, there are two main approaches to solving the problem.

The first is quantitative, involving expansion motor activity and decrease in incidence rates children through the allocation of additional hours for physical education and the introduction of health technologies, which is possible only due to the time allotted for cognitive activity within the educational process, which will lead to a number of negative consequences.

And the second - qualitative, in our opinion the most acceptable, can resolve the existing contradictions and, to a certain extent, solve the problem noted above - the search for new scientific directions in physical education children preschool age.

One of the mechanisms for solving this problem is integrated an approach to the organization of classes that allow you to flexibly implement various types of children's activities, as well as to reduce the number of classes in general and their total duration.

The search for forms, means and methods of education that are most suitable for the harmonious psychophysical and social development of preschoolers leads to the path integration different types of educational activities.

According to the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary (1989, integration is"The side of the development process associated with the unification of heterogeneous parts and elements into a whole."

Integration of cognitive and physical activity of children in the process of physical exercise contributes to the effective solution of both educational and health problems.

Scientists have established a direct relationship between the level physical activity of children and their vocabulary, speech development, thinking. According to the results of the latest research by scientists in the field of the brain, it is becoming clear that movement is the most important part of learning. The brain is activated during motor activity... Exercise strengthens existing brain cells and even stimulates the growth of new ones. It is also clear from research that sitting for more than 10 minutes without interruption decreases concentration. children's attention and, therefore, discipline problems often arise. Movement, on the other hand, dilates the blood vessels, which are designed to deliver oxygen, water, and glucose to the brain. In other words, when children move, more information goes to the brain. Thus, it is movement that becomes the key to learning. Exercise motor activity in the body increases synthesis biologically active compounds that improve sleep, have a beneficial effect on mood e children, increase their mental and physical performance.

Therefore, mental and motor development is two interconnected processes - “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I know " (Confucius).

It is necessary to look for optimal technologies that provide the greatest integration of cognitive and motor activity.

In preschool integration of motor and cognitive activity can be carried out on several directions:

1. Inclusion in games and relay races of tasks to consolidate the knowledge gained by children in other classes (speech development, mathematics, etc.).

2. Integrated classes on a specific topic, combining knowledge from various fields of preschool education.

3. Development and implementation integrative educational programs covering all activities of children in preschool.

Let's look at examples integration physical education and mathematics.

In physical education classes, children meet with mathematical relations: it is necessary to compare the object in size and shape or determine where is the left side and where is the right. Therefore, when offering children various exercises, it is necessary not only to give physical activity, but also to pay attention to different mathematical relationships in the formulation of tasks, to offer to perform exercises not according to a model, but according to oral instructions. Also, in addition to the objects that are usually used when performing physical exercises, it is advisable to use flat and volumetric geometric shapes, numbers, cards depicting characteristic signs of the seasons, parts of the day.

For example, exercising children in jumping, you can form and quantitative representation:

Jump two times less than days in a week;

Jumping from hoop to hoop, name the number of hoops of a certain color.

You can use Games and relay races:

"Digital series"

"Fold the word"

"Leaf fall"

"Mom and Baby"

"Healthy foods".

It should be noted that developing as integrated lesson and integrated the program as a whole is a rather complicated process. Often this work is carried out by the teacher intuitively, often components of the educational activities are connected mechanically based on a common theme.

It should be remembered that the implementation of specific age-related opportunities for physical and mental development occurs due to the participation of preschoolers in age-appropriate types activities.

In this regard, the teacher must take into account the need to dose the material depending on the physical condition of preschoolers, their level intellectual development and physical fitness, as well as the time allotted for exercise and rest, which determines the motor density integrated classes.

Integrated technology, implemented in the educational process at a preschool educational institution, will allow to master most sections of the program qualitatively at a new, more effective, accessible level for the child. Integration it will also contribute to the maintenance of internal well-being, will allow the preschooler to quickly adapt to changing psychological and pedagogical conditions, and can be aimed at maintaining the child's health.

1. Theoretical foundations of the development of motor activity in children 5-6 years old

.1 The essence and significance of physical activity for preschool children

Traffic- the main manifestation of life; creative activity is unthinkable without it. Restriction of movement or their violation adversely affects all life processes.

A growing body requires a particularly large amount of movement. Immobility is tiring for young children, it leads to stunted growth, delay mental development and reduced resistance to infectious diseases. In a huge number of movements of the child, a natural desire for physical and mental improvement is manifested. Various muscular activity has a beneficial effect on the physiological functions of the whole organism, helps to adapt to various environmental conditions. "

Active muscular activity, according to many researchers (I. A. Arshavsky, T. I. Osokina, E. A. Timofeeva, N. A. Bernshtein, L. V. Karmanova, V. G. Frolov, G. P. Yurko etc.), is a prerequisite for the normal development and formation of a growing child's body.

Physical activity- this is the basis for the individual development and life support of the child's body. It is subject to the basic law of health: we acquire by spending, formulated by I.A. Arshavsky. The theory of individual development of a child is based on the energy rule of physical activity. According to this theory, the features of energy at the level of the whole organism and its cellular elements are in direct proportion to the nature of the functioning of skeletal muscles in different age periods... Motor activity is a factor in the functional induction of educational processes (anabolism).

The peculiarity of the latter lies not simply in the restoration of the initial state in connection with the regular activity of the developing organism that has taken place, but in the obligatory excessive restoration, i.e. it is necessary to constantly enrich the hereditarily predetermined energy fund. Thanks to physical activity, the child provides himself with physiologically full-fledged individual development.

T.I. Osokina and E.A. Timofeeva note that “from systematic work, the muscles increase in volume, become stronger and at the same time do not lose their characteristic childhood elasticity. The increased activity of the muscle mass of the body, the weight of which in preschool age is 22-24% of the total weight, also causes the enhanced functioning of all organs and systems of the body, since it requires abundant nutrition (blood supply) and stimulates metabolic processes. The better a muscle is supplied with blood, the higher its efficiency. "

According to the authors, the growth and formation of muscles occurs simultaneously with the development of the child's skeletal system. Under the influence of physical exercise, the flexible, pliable bones of the child, containing a lot of cartilage tissue, become thicker, stronger, and become more adapted to increased muscle load.

It is extremely important, according to teachers, the influence of muscular activity on the formation of natural curves of the spine. “For good posture, the muscles of the trunk need to be developed evenly. Correct posture has not only aesthetic, but also physiological significance, since it provides correct position and the normal functioning of internal organs, especially the heart and lungs. " “That is why, as a result of movement, muscle mass develops, which ensures the growth of the body. But this is not just an increase in mass, it is a prerequisite (structural and energy support) for the performance of loads that are even larger in volume and intensity. "

)the kinetic factor that determines the development of the organism and the nervous system along with genetic and sensory factors (N.A. Bernstein, G. Shepherd);

Studies have shown that an increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity contributes to the improvement of the activity of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory); physical and neuropsychic development; development of motor skills.

Studies were reviewed: L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolova et al. On the use of physical exercises in the fresh air, aimed at increasing the physical activity of children; M. Runova on the optimization of the motor activity of children, taking into account the individual level of their development; VC. Balsevich about the conversion of selected elements, technology of sports training.

Physiologists N.A. Bernstein and G. Shepherd believe that “motor activity is a kinetic factor that largely determines the development of the organism and the nervous system, along with the genetic factor and the influence of sensory information of different modalities. Full physical development, the formation of correct posture, motor qualities, optimal motor stereotype through the developmental movement is inextricably linked with the harmonious consistent organization of the nervous system, its sensory and motor centers, analyzers. " Thus, according to scientists, the program of preschool education "Physical development and health" should be equally aimed at the bodily (physical) and neuropsychic development of the child.

V.A. Shishkina notes the extremely important role of movements for the development of the psyche and intellect. “From working muscles, impulses are constantly sent to the brain, stimulating the central nervous system and thus, contributing to its development. The more subtle movements a child has to carry out and the higher the level of coordination of movements he achieves, the more successful the process of his mental development is. The child's physical activity not only contributes to the development of muscle strength as such, but also increases the body's energy reserves. "

Scientists have established a direct relationship between the level of physical activity and their vocabulary, the development of speech, thinking. They note that under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body, the synthesis of biologically active compounds increases, which improve sleep, have a beneficial effect on the mood of children, and increase their mental and physical performance. “In a state of decreased motor activity, the metabolism and the amount of information entering the brain from muscle receptors decrease. This impairs metabolic processes in the tissues of the brain, which leads to violations of its regulatory function. A decrease in the flow of impulses from working muscles leads to disruption of the work of all internal organs, primarily the heart, is reflected in the manifestations of mental functions, metabolic processes at the level of cells.

Psychologists warn that a child does not act for the sake of the interests of an adult that are alien and not always clear to him, and not because "it is necessary", but because he thereby satisfies his own motives, acts by virtue of an internal necessity that has formed earlier or has arisen only now , even if under the influence of an adult. One of such internal necessities, in their opinion, is the “joy of movement” born in the form of an instinct.

Speaking about physical activity as the basis for the life support of a child's body, E.Ya. Stepanenkova points out that it is she who has an impact on the growth and development of the neuropsychic state, functionality and performance of the child. “During muscular work, not only the executive (neuromuscular) apparatus is activated, but also the mechanism of motor-visceral reflexes (that is, reflexes from muscles to internal organs) of the work of internal organs, nervous and humoral regulation (coordination of physiological and biochemical processes in organism). Therefore, a decrease in motor activity worsens the state of the body as a whole: the neuromuscular system and the functions of internal organs are affected. "

T.I. Osokina and E.A. Timofeeva also note in their studies that in the process of muscle activity, the work of the heart improves: it becomes stronger, its volume increases. Even a sick heart, they note, is greatly strengthened under the influence of exercise.

“The blood is cleansed of carbon dioxide and oxygenated in the lungs. The more clean air the lungs can hold, the more oxygen the blood will carry to the tissues. Performing physical exercises, children breathe much deeper than in a calm state, as a result of which the mobility of the chest and lung capacity will increase. "

The authors note that physical exercises in the fresh air especially activate the processes of gas exchange. The child, being systematically for a long time in the air, is tempered, as a result of which the resistance of the child's body to infectious diseases increases.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can note motor activity as a biological need of the body, the degree of satisfaction of which depends on the health of children, their physical and general development. "Movements, physical exercises will provide an effective solution to the problems of physical education, if they act in the form of a holistic motor regime that meets the age and individual characteristics of the motor activity of each of the children."

Many scientists (L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolov, M.A.Runova, V.A. individual typological characteristics of the central nervous system, state of health and largely depends on external conditions - hygienic, social, household, climatic, etc.

Studies have shown that an increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity during the day contributes to the improvement of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), physical and neuropsychic development, the development of motor skills (Yu.Yu. Rautskis, O.G. Arakelyan, S.Ya. Laizane, D.N. Seliverstova and others).

Particular attention is paid to the use of physical exercises in the fresh air in various forms - physical training, sports exercises, walking exercises in the summer, outdoor games (L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolov, O.G. Arakelyan, G.V. Shalygina, EA Timofeeva and others). The authors of these studies have developed the content and methodology of physical exercises aimed at increasing the physical activity of preschool children; they have shown the positive effect of the combination of physical exercises and the hardening effect of fresh air on the body of children.

V.G. Frolov, G.G. Yurko note that when conducting activities in the open air, children get the opportunity to show greater activity, independence and initiative in actions. And the repeated repetition of exercises in a larger space in the warm and cold seasons contributes to a stronger consolidation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities.

In the studies of M.A. Runova on the problem of optimizing the motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the individual level of their development, notes: "The optimal level of child's motor activity must fully satisfy his biological need for movement, correspond to the functional capabilities of the body, and contribute to improving the state of" health and harmonious physical development. "

On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the main indicators of physical activity - volume, duration and intensity, M.A. Runova divided the children into three subgroups, according to the developmental levels of DA (high, medium and low levels). According to the author, this will enable the educator to carry out differentiated work with subgroups and use an individual approach.

M.N. Kuznetsova, talking about the bilateral dependence between physical and neuropsychic development believes that more intense physical activity contributes to better physical development, and better physical development, in turn, stimulates physical activity and neuropsychic development.

1.2 Characteristics of the motor activity of preschool children

The concept of "physical activity" includes the amount of movements performed by a person in the course of his life. In childhood, physical activity can be conditionally divided into 3 components: activity in the process of physical education; physical activity carried out during training is socially beneficial and labor activity; spontaneous physical activity in free time. These components are closely related.

The characteristics of motor activity include such parameters as "level of motor activity" and "motor type".

According to the literature, there are three levels of physical activity:

High level. Children are characterized by high mobility, a high level of development of the main types of movements, a sufficiently rich motor experience, which allows them to enrich their independent activity. Some children in this group are characterized by increased psychomotor excitability, hyperactivity.

Children with an average level of motor activity have medium and high indices of physical fitness and a high level of development of motor qualities. They are characterized by a variety of independent motor activity.

Low level of physical activity - sedentary children. They have a lag in the development indicators of the main types of movements and physical qualities from age standards, general passivity, shyness, and resentment. Any regular changes in reactions are not detected of cardio-vascular system for physical activity.

The "motor type" is understood as a set of individual motor characteristics inherent in a given child. Each child has its own type of physical activity. Failure to identify this type and the imposition of an unusual type of movement, according to the author, leads to the fact that the child develops a dislike for this movement, and often for motor activity in general. An increase in the number of physical education activities that are not a necessary psycho-emotional discharge for the child and do not coincide, do not correspond to his type of physical activity, can lead to a sharp negative consequences, become a source of prolonged stress, contributing to aversion to movement. Individual motor characteristics are identified in the process of observing the child for a long time with the fixation in the diary of those types of movements that he prefers, performs with pleasure. L.M. Lazarev identifies the following motor types of a child:

Explosive. Children with this type of motor activity prefer quick, short-term movement;

Cyclical. Children with a cyclical type of physical activity are prone to long, monotonous movements (skiing, running at a long distance);

Plastic. Children with a plastic type of movement prefer soft, flowing movements;

Power. Power-type children prefer power loads.

Currently, the generally accepted criteria for assessing daily physical activity are: its duration, volume and intensity. Individual differences in these indicators are so great that experts recommend conventionally dividing children into groups of high, medium and low mobility. This provides certain guidelines for guiding the motor activity of children. However, these characteristics are based on an average approach, while the task is to determine the individual optimum of motor activity. After all, the great mobility of children, depending on their individual need for movement, can act as both optimal and excessive, and the average for someone may be insufficient. In this regard, the degree of mobility of the concept is more accurately characterized: optimal motor activity (considered as an individual norm), insufficient (hypomobility, or inactivity), excessive (hypermobility). The motor behavior of sedentary and hypermobile children coincides with the characteristics of "slow" and "hyperactive", which receive serious attention from physiologists, psychologists and doctors (MM Koltsova, VI Gabdrakipov, GG Garskova, M. Passolt), which further discourages the importance of assessing the child's level of mobility.

Thus, optimal physical activity should be considered the most important indicator of a preschooler's motor development.

1.3 The motor regime of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the FGT

An analysis of official documents, theoretical sources on this topic shows that a modern graduate of a preschool educational institution must have good health, good physical development, a high level of physical fitness, the ability to maintain correct posture, the need to regularly engage in physical education on their own initiative, the desire to improve their achievements, showing endurance, courage and initiative, high (according to age) working capacity (both physical and mental), which is especially important in terms of preparing him for school. The upbringing of a healthy personality in the broadest sense is the main requirement for the modernization of the education system.

One of the main factors in the improvement of children’s health is physical activity. The first seven years are years of rapid mental and physical development of a child, whose body and its functions are far from perfect and are easily exposed to various influences. That is why it is so important that during this period of development a pedagogically appropriate environment is provided for children. The child's state of health, the ability to control his movements, his dexterity, orientation, speed of motor reaction largely depends on his mood, the nature and content of the game, and in the future, achievements in educational and work activities.

accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children (mastering the basic movements);

the formation of the pupils' need for physical activity and physical improvement;

development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination).

The correct organization of children's motor activity in everyday life ensures the fulfillment of the motor regime necessary for the healthy physical condition of the child and his psyche during the day.

The motor regime is one of the main components of health. It includes not only educational and training sessions. The motor regime is exactly what Semashko said for sure "Physical education - 24 hours a day!"

The motor regime according to FGT is a rational combination of various types, forms and content of a child's motor activity. It includes all types of organized and independent activity, in which the locomotor (associated with movement in space) movements of children clearly stand out. In the literature, there are the terms "sufficient motor regime", "normal", "increased". All of them focus on ensuring optimal physical activity of children. However, this is a one-sided coverage of the essence of the motor regime. Its purpose is not only to meet the needs of children in movement. No less important is the content side - the variety of movements, types and forms of activity.

The duration of physical activity should be at least 50-60% of the waking period, which is 6-7 hours a day. The highest physical and physical activity occurs during the first walk (from 10 to 12 hours). Physical activity here should account for 65-75% of the time spent in the air. In addition, in the daily routine, other periods of moderate and appropriate motor activity of children are required - this is the time before breakfast and before class, especially if it is mental. You should be careful about physical activity immediately after naps. At this time, organized physical exercises are inappropriate. It is best to give children the opportunity to move independently by creating the conditions for this.

The forms of work on physical education with preschoolers are a complex of recreational and educational activities, the basis of which is motor activity. This complex includes independent motor activity and organized physical culture activities. Their percentage is different in the groups of early, junior and senior preschool age, however, independent movements of children of all ages should be at least 2/3 of the volume of their total motor activity. This can be explained by the fact that children's need for movement is most fully realized in independent activity. It is the least tiring of all forms of motor activity and contributes to the individualization of the motor regime. In addition, it is in independent activity that the child most demonstrates his motor creativity, as well as the level of mastering motor skills. The content of this activity is determined by the children themselves, but this does not mean that adults can ignore it.

Organized forms of physical activity include:

  1. physical education;
  2. physical culture and recreation work during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk, tempering activities);
  3. leisure ( physical culture leisure and holidays, days of health, vacations;
  4. physical education homework;
  5. individual and differentiated work (with children with disabilities in physical and motor development);
  6. section-circle classes;
  7. preventive and rehabilitation measures (according to the doctor's plan).

The main goal of the motor regime is to satisfy the natural biological need of children for movement, to improve their health, all-round physical development, to ensure the mastery of motor skills, skills and basic knowledge of physical culture, to create conditions for the versatile (mental, moral, aesthetic) development of children and education they have needs for systematic exercise.

A high interest in any activity, the manifestation of creativity to a large extent testifies to the psychological comfort of the child, because the interests express his specific attitude towards the object, due to the vital value and emotional attractiveness.

With careful observation of children, one can quite clearly assess their psychological well-being in a certain period of wakefulness using these criteria. If a child does not want to go to kindergarten, has difficulty parting with his parents, is inactive, is often sad, naughty, crying, quarrels with peers, is not active during the waking period, if he is squeezed, constrained, it means that psychological discomfort is present and urgent measures must be taken !

The forms of work in physical education for a specific group or kindergarten as a whole, according to V.A. Shishkina, are selected according to the principle of consistency. The state of health of children in a group, especially their physical development, age, general physical fitness, conditions of family education, professional and personal interests of educators, tasks of a preschool institution in the field of physical education for the coming period are taken into account.

Each preschool institution has the right to its own approach to physical education; The pedagogical staff of the kindergarten itself determines which forms of physical culture to give preference to, evaluating their effectiveness in terms of the dynamics of the health and development of children. Educators of groups can also, at their discretion, stop the choice on certain systemic and episodic physical culture events, subordinating them to the solution of the tasks put forward.

1.4 Means, methods and techniques for guiding the motor activity of preschoolers

For the development of motor activity in preschool children, various fundsKnowledge of the means of physical education and their characteristics allows the teacher, in accordance with the set pedagogical tasks, to use all types of means, select the most effective physical exercises, and develop new complexes. The modern system of physical education is characterized by the complexity in the use of means. The main means are physical exercises, auxiliary - the natural forces of nature and hygiene factors.

V.A. Shishkina singled out in her works; hygiene factors, natural forces of nature, exercise. In addition, the physical education of children is influenced by movements included in various types of activity (labor, modeling, drawing, construction, playing musical instruments, dressing, washing, etc.).

Each of the three listed groups, as noted by V.A. Shishkina, has specific possibilities of influencing the body of those involved, and combines a certain number of typical means on this basis. A variety of tools creates, on the one hand, great difficulties in choosing the most effective of them, and on the other hand, ample opportunities for solving any pedagogical problems.

According to V.A. Shishkina, all the variety of factors can be grouped as follows:

1. The personal characteristics of the teacher and children are the most important factors.

  1. Scientific factors characterize the measure of human cognition
    laws of physical education. The deeper the pedagogical, physiological characteristics of physical exercises are developed, the more effectively they can be used to solve pedagogical problems.
  2. Methodological factors combine a wide group of requirements to be realized when using physical exercises.
  3. Meteorological factors (air temperature, humidity, etc.) constitute that group of factors, having learned the laws, the effects of which can be determined optimal conditions to achieve the greatest effect from exercise.
  4. Material factors (sports facilities, inventory,
    clothing, etc.) to a greater extent affect the solution of sports problems, to a lesser extent - general educational and health problems.
  5. Scientific factors characterize the measure of human cognition
According to M.A. Rune main means of developing motor activity are physical exercises and games. Physical exercise called motor an action created and used for the physical improvement of a person. The concept of "physical exercise" is associated with the concept of human movements and motor actions. The author identifies several distinctive features of physical exercise:

1.Physical exercise solves a pedagogical problem
(figuratively speaking, physical exercise is directed "towards oneself",
for your personal physical improvement). 2.Physical exercise is performed in accordance with the laws of physical education. 3. Only systems of physical exercises create opportunities for the development of all human organs and systems in an optimal ratio.

The effectiveness of physical education and the development of physical activity is achieved by using the entire system of means, however, the significance of each group of means is not the same: the largest share in solving the problems of education and upbringing falls on the share of physical exercises. This is due to a number of reasons, notes L.P. Matveev:

1.Exercise as systems of movement express
thoughts and emotions of a person, his attitude to the surrounding reality.

  1. Physical exercise is one of the ways of transferring social and historical experience in the field of physical education.
  2. Physical exercises affect not only the morpho-functional state of the body, but also the personality of the person performing them.
  3. Among all types of pedagogical activity, only in physical education, the subject of instruction is actions aimed at the physical improvement of the student and performed for the sake of mastering the actions themselves.
  4. Physical exercise can satisfy a person's natural need for movement.
  5. It is known that the same physical exercise can lead to different effects and, conversely, different physical exercises can lead to the same result. This is proof that exercise by itself is not endowed with any permanent properties. Consequently, knowledge of the factors that determine the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises will improve the controllability of the pedagogical process.
There are several classifications of exercise. Let's take a look at some of them.

The classification of physical exercises is their distribution into interrelated groups according to the most essential characteristics. WITHWith the help of classifications, the teacher can determine the characteristic properties of physical exercises, and, therefore, facilitate the search for exercises that are more consistent with the pedagogical task. As the science of physical education is continuously enriched with new data, the classifications do not remain unchanged.

The existing classifications are characterized by some convention, but, nevertheless, each of them meets the needs of practice. M.V. Mashchenko offers the following classification of physical exercise:

Classification of physical exercises based on the historically established systems of physical education (gymnastics, play, tourism, sports). According to this classification, physical exercises are divided into four groups: gymnastic exercises, game exercises, tourist physical exercises, sports exercises.

2.Classification of physical exercises based on the characteristics of muscular activity: speed-strength exercises, physical exercises that require the manifestation of endurance (for example, long-distance running, skiing, etc.); physical exercises requiring the manifestation of coordination of movements with strict regulation of the conditions of performance (for example, exercises on gymnastic apparatus, jumping into water, etc.); physical exercises requiring a complex manifestation of motor qualities at constantly changing levels of efforts in accordance with changing conditions (games, martial arts).

.Classification of exercise according to its importance for
solving educational problems: basic exercises (or competitive), that is, actions that are the subject of study in accordance with the educational objectives of educational programs; leading exercises, that is, actions that facilitate the mastering of the main exercise due to the presence in them of some movements that are similar in appearance and the nature of neuromuscular tension; preparatory exercises, that is, actions that contribute to the development of those motor qualities that are necessary for the study of the main exercise.

  1. The classification of physical exercises on the basis of the predominant development of individual muscle groups provides for the allocation of exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, for the muscles of the trunk and neck, for the muscles of the legs and pelvis. Within this classification, exercises are subdivided into exercises for the ankle joint, for the knee joint, and the like; on exercises without objects and with objects, individual and paired, standing, sitting and lying; exercises to develop strength and flexibility.
Classification of physical exercise by type of sport. It is known that the same physical exercise can lead to different effects and, conversely, different physical exercises can lead to the same result.

This is proof that exercise by itself is not endowed with any permanent properties. Consequently, knowledge of the factors that determine the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises will increase the controllability of the pedagogical process.All physical exercises can be carried out without objects or with the use of various objects and apparatus (exercises with sticks, balls, hoops, flags, jump ropes, on a gymnastic bench, at a gymnastic wall , chairs, etc.).

With preschool children, only various types of sports are used (skiing, skating, sledging, cycling, swimming, etc.). Forming the foundations of the technique of these simplest sports types of physical exercises in preschool children, they solve the main problems of physical education, taking into account age characteristics. Outdoor games differ from other physical exercises by the peculiarities of organizing the activity of those involved and managing it. In play, the activities of children are organized on the basis of a figurative or conditional plot, which provides for the achievement of a goal in conditions of unexpectedly changing situations. Game activity is complex in nature and is based on a combination of various motor actions (running, jumping, etc.). Games are used when the movement is mastered and it is required to develop skills, apply motor skills in various situations. In addition, games are used to develop physical qualities, as well as to educate moral and volitional qualities.

Tourism allows you to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities in natural conditions. With preschool children, walks are organized using different ways movement (on foot, skiing, cycling, etc.). On the way, at stops, a variety of physical exercises can be used (for example, jumping off a stump, jumping over a groove, jumping rope, exercise with a ball, outdoor games, etc.). Walks are organized when the exercise is learned and fixed in normal conditions.

Methodsused in teaching children movements are collected according to their defining sources. To them, according to M.A. Runovoy, include objects of the surrounding reality, word and practical activity.

Carrying out the guidance of the motor activity of preschoolers, the following are used: visual, verbal and practical, game, competitive teaching methods.

The visual method provides the brightness of sensory perception and motor sensations necessary for the emergence in a child of the most complete and concrete idea of ​​movement, activating the development of his sensory abilities.

The verbal method helps children comprehend the tasks assigned to them and, in this regard, contributes to the conscious fulfillment of motor exercises, which plays an important role in the assimilation of the content and structure of exercises, their independent use in various situations.

The practical method associated with the practical motor activity of children provides an effective check of the correctness of the perception of movement on their own musculo-motor sensations.

The game method, close to the leading activity of preschool children, is the most specific, and emotionally effective in working with them, taking into account the elements of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking. It enables the simultaneous improvement of various motor skills, independence of actions, quick response to changing conditions, manifestations of creative initiative.

The competitive method in the process of teaching preschool children can be used subject to pedagogical guidance. This method is used to improve the already acquired motor skills (but not competition and struggle for the championship).

V practical work teaching methods are intertwined with children. According to M.V. Mashchenko, taking into account the content of the exercises, age capabilities and individual characteristics of children, the teacher in one case uses visualization as the starting point in teaching - the child's perception of the movement pattern in combination with explanations, on the other - a word, an explanation of the content and structure of the exercise. However, in the second case, the teacher relies on the life experience that the children already have and specific ideas about movements. After visual or verbal methods, the practical actions of children must certainly follow - the independent performance of movements under the guidance of a teacher.

The use of teaching methods in guiding the motor activity of preschoolers, notes M.A. Runova, is based on the interaction of the first and second signaling systems, which provides the most complete, reliable knowledge and correct practical skills.

Each individual method represents a certain system of specific receptions... In turn, the system is expressed in the totality of such techniques, which are united by the commonality of the problem and a single approach to its solution.

In the process of teaching children motor actions, methodological techniques are selected in each individual case in accordance with the tasks and content of motor material, taking into account the degree of mastering it by children, their general development, physical condition, age and typological characteristics of each child.

In this regard, teaching methods are combined in various combinations, which, on the one hand, provide a comprehensive impact on all analyzers in the perception of tasks by children and, on the other hand, the consciousness and independence of children's fulfillment of motor tasks.

When teaching children movements, the combination of techniques is determined by their interaction. The teacher's use of mainly visual techniques, for example, showing a pattern of movements at all stages of training and in various age groups ah (as it sometimes happens in practice), can cause a mechanical, little-conscious copying of them by the child.

Visual methodological techniques. When teaching children movements, various visualization techniques are used.

Visual clarity consists in correct, clear, beautiful demonstration - showing by the teacher a model of movement or its individual motor elements; in imitation, imitation of the images of the surrounding life; in the use of visual reference points when overcoming space; the use of visual aids - movies, photographs, paintings, etc.

Tactile-muscular visualization is used by including physical culture aids in the motor activity of children. For example, in order to develop the skill of running with a high rise of the knee, collars placed in a row are used. Raising the legs while running through these arcs helps the child acquire the skill of raising the knee high.

Auditory visualization is the sound regulation of movements. The best auditory visualization is music (song). It evokes an emotional uplift in children, determines the nature of the movement and regulates its tempo and rhythm.

Performing exercises in accordance with music (due to the formation of conditioned reflex temporal connections) promotes the development of coordination of the auditory and motor apparatus; the development of smoothness, accuracy of movements; fosters a temporal orientation - the ability to put one's movements in time in accordance with the different metro-rhythmic structure of a piece of music.

Performing movements with musical accompaniment, notes V.A. Shishkin, must obey certain requirements: move in accordance with the nature of the piece of music; start and end the movement with the beginning and end of it; change the nature of the movement in connection with a change in the nature of a piece of music and its individual parts.

) Verbal techniques. The word used in teaching directs all the activities of children, gives it meaningfulness, facilitates understanding the task and assimilation of new things, causes mental tension and activity of thought, promotes independence and voluntariness in the performance of exercises by children. Verbal techniques in teaching movement are expressed in a clear and concise explanation of new movements to children, based on their life experience and ideas; in an explanation that accompanies a specific demonstration of movements or clarifies its individual elements; in the instruction necessary when reproducing the movement shown by the educator or independently performing the exercise by the children. In a conversation preceding the introduction of new physical exercises and outdoor games, or during training, when an explanation of motor actions is required. Clarification of the plot of an outdoor game, etc .; in questions to children that the teacher asks, before starting physical exercises in order to find out the degree of awareness of the sequential performance of actions or to check the existing ideas about the images of the plot-based outdoor game, clarify the rules, play actions, etc.

In addition, verbal techniques also include a clear, emotional and expressive presentation of various commands and signals. For example, in the process of rebuilding into the desired stance, the teacher says: "Legs with a jump to the width of the shoulders - put them!" Or to end the movement: “If you are in place - stop.” “One, two, three - run!” etc. All this requires different intonation and dynamics, causing the speed and accuracy of the children's motor response, such as the distinct chanting of counting rhymes and the expressive utterance of play ideas, which are so rich in Russian folk art.

Thus, after analyzing the scientific literature, we came to the conclusion that:

one of the informative criteria for assessing motor development is the child's motor activity;

physical activity is one of the necessary conditions for the health and development of a child;

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that physical activity is considered as:

)the main manifestation of life, a natural striving for physical and mental improvement (TI Osokina, EA Timofeeva);

)the basis for the individual development and life support of the child's body; it is subject to the basic law of health: we acquire by spending (IA Arshavsky);

)the kinetic factor that determines the development of the organism and the nervous system along with genetic and sensory factors (N.A. Bernstein, G. Shepard);

)satisfaction of the child's own motives, internal necessity in the form of the instinct "joy of movement" (YF Zmanovsky and others).

2. Experimental study of motor activity of children 5-6 years old

Experimental work was carried out in the preschool educational institution "Ogonyok" with. Sovetskoye, Sovetsky district from 17.01.11 to 16.06.11, with children 5-6 years old, conditionally divided into two groups of 7 people. The study involved 14 children of the older group.

At the ascertaining stage, work was carried out to study the development of motor activity in older preschool children.

At the formative stage, the content of the pedagogical work was selected. Aimed at the development of motor activity in older preschool children.

At the control stage, the effectiveness of pedagogical work was assessed.

2.1 Research of the level of development of physical activity of children

In the previous chapter, the role and characteristics of the motor activity of preschool children were considered. To test the effectiveness of the developed motor regime and methods of controlling the motor activity of children, a pedagogical experiment was carried out.

Purpose: to identify the level of development of motor activity in children 5-6 years old.

To carry out the experimental work, the following tasks were set:

1)select diagnostics for the study of the motor activity of children;

2)to diagnose the motor activity of children according to the chosen method;

)analyze the results obtained.

The assessment of physical activity is carried out on the basis of a set of indicators :) the time of physical activity of children determined using the method of individual timing;) the volume of motor activity (number of movements - locomotion) using the pedometer method;) the intensity of motor activity is the number of movements per minute. It is calculated by dividing the volume of physical activity (number of movements) by its duration (minutes).

Conditions: in a normal environment during the daytime (from 8.00 to 17.00).

The quantitative measurement of physical activity was carried out using the pedometry method, which makes it possible to measure the volume of physical activity (for a description of the technique, see Appendix 1). With the help of the Zarya pedometer, which was placed in a special pocket and attached to a wide belt on the side of the child, the number of steps taken by the child during the day was determined. The pedometer allows you to record the basic movements in which most large muscle groups take part (steps when walking and running, squats, jumps, bends, etc.), without registering the movements of individual muscle groups (shoulder girdle, arms, legs).

The measurement of the duration of physical activity of children during the day was calculated using a stopwatch. The intensity of motor activity was determined by dividing the number of movements by its duration in minutes (Appendix 2).

A qualitative study of motor activity was carried out with the help of pedagogical observation. The diary recorded the activity in the process of physical education; physical activity carried out during training, socially useful and work activities; spontaneous physical activity in free time (Appendix 3). The behavior of each child was analyzed in comparison with the indicators of physical activity. Depending on the degree of mobility, children were divided into three main subgroups (high, medium and low mobility).

I am a subgroup (High mobility). They are very mobile, but do not differ in special dexterity and coordination of movements, they are often not attentive during physical exercises. Impulsive, disorganized, excitable. They do not know how to perform motor tasks at a moderate pace and sometimes do not bring them to the end, make a lot of irregular movements (swaying, half-squatting, bouncing, etc.). Attention deficit disorder makes it difficult for them to concentrate, listen to an adult's explanations, and consistently perform elements of various types of movements.

I am a subgroup (Average mobility). Have a good level of development of physical qualities. They are characterized by a variety of independent motor activity, saturated with games and exercises of varying degrees of intensity, their purposeful alternation. They are distinguished by balanced behavior, good emotional tone. These guys are active, mobile, show creative inclinations, strive to be leaders. Even when performing difficult tasks, they do not turn to the teacher for help, but try to overcome the obstacle on their own. However, these children do not always succeed in completing the task correctly and with high quality; they do not have sufficient mastery of the technique of movements.

I am a subgroup (Low mobility). These children are characterized by a monotonous sedentary activity with a predominance of a static component. Often they are not sure of their capabilities, they refuse to complete difficult tasks. When difficulties arise, they passively wait for help from the caregiver, are slow, touchy.

After the diagnostics, the following results were obtained:

average the volume of locomotion in the experimental group was 13244 steps, in the control group - 14533 steps, which is 1289 steps more than in the experimental group;

the average indicator of the duration of physical activity in the experimental and control groups was 210 minutes;

the average indicator of the intensity of movement per minute in the experimental group was 63 steps, in the control group - 69 steps, which is 3 steps more than in the experimental group.

During the ascertaining experiment, it was noted that children with a high level of physical activity (Vova Sh., Pasha M., Andrey B., Polina R.) are characterized by monotonous activity, with a lot of aimless running. These children are dominated by games and exercises. high degree intensity (running one after another, running jumps, football). These children are distinguished by their inability to perform movements at a moderate pace and a reluctance to engage in quiet activities. These children are characterized by excessive mobility, fussiness, aggressiveness.

For example, Vova Sh., Several times a day approaches the sports corner independently, without the initiative of the educators. Impulsively takes sports equipment (balls, pins), without having a clear idea of ​​their future use. Acts chaotically, using these items for other purposes (knocking with pins, carrying the ball in a basket, swinging a rope, etc.). Loses interest in small inventory quickly. He does not put objects in place on his own, only at the request of the teacher. Runs often, likes to go up and down stairs. Attempts to reproduce the exercises that the teacher teaches in the course of physical education. Loses interest just as quickly. Motor activity is accompanied by separate cries that have no semantic content.

Children with a low level of physical activity (Lena L., Nastya B., Andrey D.) are also characterized by monotonous activity, often interrupted by a static pose. These children were dominated by games and physical exercises of a low degree of intensity - role-playing games, games with small objects, with sand, which accounted for most of the time. These children showed no interest in group games, they preferred to play alone or together. These children often found it difficult to choose games; they often watched the games of their peers. They showed a fairly steady interest in role-playing games, the plots of these games are monotonous and all actions were performed while sitting on a bench (swinging a doll, preparing dinner, etc.) They are characterized by indecision, shyness, withdrawal, tearfulness, resentment.

For example, Nastya B., on her own, is practically not suitable for the sports corner, only if the educators suggest. More often than not, he simply observes the actions of other children. Doesn't run in the group, ignores morning exercises. He perceives speech instructions of adults and does not always perform them correctly, he does not comment on his actions. He prefers to deal with small inventory, more often he just goes through items. He puts everything in place, at the request of educators or imitating the actions of other children.

Children with an average level of physical activity are characterized by a variety of activities, saturated with games and sports exercises, their appropriate alternation. They widely use various physical training aids, confidently performed well-known exercises. Such children often united on their own to perform motor tasks: they threw a ball to each other and caught it, etc. The children showed a balanced, good mood, restful sleep, and good appetite.

For example, Lera D. does not work in the sports corner more than once a day. Runs a little in the group. One can do it for a long time. When working with small equipment, he shows independence, approaches classes with imagination. Imitates the actions of the teacher, commenting on their actions (“take the ball and do like this”). General developmental exercises quickly turn into the category of entertainment (does not complete the sequence to the end, does not show interest in correct execution). During classes on the stairs, he uses additional means (throws the rope over the crossbar; sitting on the crossbar, plays a ball on an elastic band). Tries to involve other children in the activities (“let's do it like this”). After class, he puts all the items in place.

Thus, it was found that in the control group at the time of the study, the average level of motor activity prevailed, and in the experimental group, a low level. This provides a basis for work aimed at regulating the motor activity of children of different mobility.

2.2 Methods of improving work on the guidance of physical activity of children

Purpose: to regulate the physical activity of children of the older group of different mobility.

)to develop motor tasks and pedagogical techniques for regulating the motor activity of children of different mobility;

)to realize and test their impact on the development of motor activity in older children.

Physical activity is one of the necessary conditions for the health and development of a child. An increase in motor activity has a beneficial effect on the functional state of all body systems, including the brain. It is believed that by the beginning of schooling, a child should develop a need for movement corresponding to the age, individual needs of the body and the type of nervous system, and even a certain style of activity, manifested in the volume, duration, intensity and content of motor activity.

Little is needed in the development of motor activity - and hypermobile children.

The data of diagnostics and prognosis of the nearest zone of motor skills of each of the children indicate the directions of work on the development of motor activity.

According to the basic program "Praleska" in the formation of children's physical activity, the following tasks should be solved:

-foster a steady interest in organizing outdoor games and simple competitions with peers on their own initiative, the need for physical activity;

-create conditions for the development of psychomotor abilities, creativity, initiative in independent motor activity;

-develop a culture of movements, enrich motor experience;

-to enrich the active vocabulary of children with the names of types and methods of movements, sports exercises, games;

-develop the ability to correctly show this or that movement at the request of an adult;

-to form optimal motor activity, the desire to comply with the motor regimen.

Establishment of levels of formation of motor activity and compilation on their basis of psychological and pedagogical characteristics for children made it possible to carry out differentiated work with subgroups of children, taking into account these levels and within each of them to use an individual approach. The tasks of the differentiated guidance of physical activity consisted in increasing the physical activity of children with low mobility to the average level, fostering their interest in outdoor games and sports exercises, the ability to use the motor skills obtained earlier in the classroom in their independent activity. In children with high mobility - in the development of the ability to control their activities and education of endurance, interest in games and exercises that require precise execution.

At the very beginning of the experimental work, the most rational play techniques and methods used by the educator were timely assistance to each child in choosing aids, a place to play, as well as the use of various stimulating actions; showing exercises by the teacher or child. Throughout the entire work, a significant amount of time was allotted by the educator to the individual guidance of the children's motor activity. Every day, during a walk, the teacher worked out with the children the movements and exercises that were not mastered during physical education classes.

As a result of the analysis of the literature and our own observations of the motor activity of children, two main groups of pedagogical techniques were identified:

) the same - general methods of guiding the motor activity of children with high and low mobility, acting, however, in different ways on their activity;

) distinctive techniques used depending on the level of mobility of children.

A common technique in the management of physical activity was to attract children to help adults in the preparation of manuals and equipment for independent activity, the development of interest in labor activity; performing assignments that caused active actions in sedentary children (sweep the veranda), and in children with high mobility - precise, slow movements (collect colorful cubes in different boxes, place the pins at a certain distance).

An important technique in the management of physical activity was the introduction of plots requiring active locomotion into the independent play of children, which contributed to an increase in the physical activity of sedentary children and introduced a goal, a certain conscious focus in the aimless running of children with high mobility. The plot orientation of the games, as shown by observations, was facilitated by the use of various physical education aids, which prompted children to take targeted actions (going up the ladder to the steamer - walking on an inclined board; “rescuing drowning sailors” - children jump from the gymnastic bench directly into the hoops, etc. etc.). An indirect influence on the course of independent play was exerted by various physical education aids, which forced the children to perform various movements (for example, I suggested: “Ira, go to the store for groceries on a bicycle, it will be faster this way”).

The general group of techniques included the unification of children of different mobility in joint games.

For example, Pasha M. (6 years 2 months), as indicated, is an overly mobile boy, always keen on running so much that he does not notice any obstacles in his path, runs into various buildings, often breaks them, pushes children away.

Lena L. (5 years 6 months) is a sedentary girl, prefers playing with sand, with small objects, sitting or standing for a long time, watching the games of her peers.

We found out that both children do not get the same movement - rolling the hoop along a narrow corridor, throwing the ball into the basket. We began to target children for these types of exercises, combining these children and connecting them to another girl, Lera D., who was a model in performing these exercises. Pasha and Lena practiced together for a long time, they had a need for communication, sharing and other exercises: Pasha taught Lena to ride a bicycle, and she taught him to jump rope. At the end of the experiment, bright qualitative changes in the motor activity of these children were noted. Pasha's motor behavior became calmer, more purposeful, and a desire for accurate exercise performance appeared. Lena, became much more mobile, fell in love with ball games and other sports exercises.

Table 1. Calendar plan work with children with different levels of physical activity

Date Development of speed of movement, concentration of attention. 01.03.11. 2 half of the day Formation of attention and voluntary regulation of one's own activity. 02.03.11. 1 half of the day. Play exercise "Cheerful exercise" Control with rules "Fire" Development of attention and motor control. Formation of attention and voluntary regulation of one's own activity. 03.03.11. 2 half of the day. Play exercise "Fun exercise" Exercise "Catch the hoop" Development of attention and motor control. Development of speed of movements 03/04/11 1 half day Development of speed of movements 03/07/11 2 half of the day Control "My triangular cap" P / game "Horse-fire" Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. Development of quickness of reaction. 10.03.11 1 half of the day Control "Dragon" Control "My triangular cap" Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. 03/11/11 2 half day finger urotherapy Control "Dragon" Overcoming disinhibition and training perseverance. Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. 03/14/11 1 half day finger ugrotherapy Development of attention and speed of movement. Overcoming disinhibition and perseverance training. 03/15/11 2 half day Individual work with Vova Sh. And Pasha M. Game "Buttons" Development of perseverance, voluntary attention. 03/16/11 1 half day "," Who is faster to the cord "," Who is quicker to wind the cord "Development of speed of movements. 03/17/11 2 half a day Control" Hands and feet "Control" Turtle "Development of concentration and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. Development of motor control. 18.03.11, 1 half day. Control "Bee" Control "Turtle" Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. Development of motor control. 03/21/11 2 half of the day Control "Bee" P / game "Who is faster" Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. Development of reaction speed. 22.03.11. 1 half dayP / game "Who is faster" Relax. ex. "Fire and Ice" Development of reaction speed. Development of muscle control, elimination of impulsivity. 03/23/11 2 half day Relax. ex. "Beach" Control with rules "Shaluns" Development of muscle control, elimination of impulsivity. The development of voluntary regulation. 03.24.11. 1 half day. Control with the rules "Shaluns" Elimination of impulsivity, development of interaction skills with peers. 03/25/11 2 half day Individual work with Lena L., Sasha T. and Nastya B. Exercise games "Who will throw next", "Catch the hoop" Development of speed of movements and accuracy of their implementation .28.03.11 1 half day Unit "Goldfish" Unit "Teapot with a lid" Development of interaction skills and motor control. Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. 03/29/11 2 half day Control "Goldfish" Control "Golovomyach" Development of skills of interaction and motor control. Development of cooperation and motor control skills. 03/30/11 1 half day Control "Parade" Control "Golovomyach" Development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. Development of skills of cooperation and motor control. 03/31/11 2 half day Control "Parade" Control "Siamese twins" Development of concentration and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. 01/04/11 1 half day Unit “Siamese twins” Unit “Centipede” Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. Development of skills of interaction with peers. 04/04/11 2 half of the day Control "Turtle" Control "Hands and feet" Development of motor control. Development of concentration and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. 05/04/11 1 half day Relay games Set of exercises No. 1 Development of quickness and dexterity. 06/04/11 2 half day Unit "Game gymnastics" Game "Forbidden movement" Development of internal inhibition. 04/07/11 1 half of the day Control "Blooming bud" Control "Stork" Development of skills of joint activity and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. Overcoming disinhibition and training perseverance. 04/08/11 2 half day Individual work with Vova Sh. And Pasha M. Exercise "Talking with hands" Teach children to control their actions. 04/11/11 1 half day "The game" Chants-whispers-silent "Training of attention and control of motor activity. Development of observation, ability to act according to the rule, control of motor activity. 04/12/11 2 half of the day Control "Broken doll" Control "Ship" Development of muscle self-regulation. Development of the ability to regulate muscle tone. April 13, 2011, 1 half day. Development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers. 04/14/11 2 half day Control "Buratino" P / game "Fishing rod" P / game "Hold the ball" Overcoming disinhibition. Development of endurance and coordination of movements. Development of quickness and dexterity. 04/15/11 1 half day "Rock climbers" Control "Sea waves" Concentration of attention, control of impulsive movements Teach children to switch attention from one type of activity to another, to help reduce muscle tension. Find your cube "Game" String with a needle "Teach children to switch attention from one activity to another, help reduce muscle tension. Development of attention Development of motor control, dexterity and skills of interaction with peers. 04/20/11 2 half of the day Individual work with Lena L., Sasha T. and Nastya B. Exercise games "Don't drop the ring", "Who has more", " Catch the hoop "Development of speed of movements, dexterity and precision of their implementation. Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. 04/22/11 2 half day Relay games Set of exercises No. 2 Development of speed, dexterity and team abilities. 04/25/11 1 half day muscle tension from the hands, allow children to move at a free rhythm and pace. Development of concentration and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. 04/26/11 2 half of the day Control “Mumbling-counts” A game with a change in the tempo of movements “Flower top” Development of concentration of attention. Development of attention and speed of reaction. 04/27/11 1 half dayP / games with competition elements "Run and jump", "Who will reach the middle sooner", "Take care of the bag" Development of speed of movements. 04/28/11 2 half day Individual work with Vova Sh. And Pasha M. Upr-e "Speak!" Game "Yeralash" Development of the ability to control impulsive actions. Development of stability, concentration and attention span, sedation of excitability. 04/29/11 1 half day Control "Bee" Game "Chants-whispers-silent" Development of motor control and elimination of impulsivity. Development of observation, the ability to act according to the rule, control of motor activity.

Children with high motor activity were offered motor tasks with a clearly defined task, with an increased gradual complication in the difficulty of performing movements for attention, coordination, dexterity, requiring accuracy of performance ("Hands and feet", "Buttons", "Naidi your house", etc. ).

Children with low motor activity were given a variety of motor tasks for the same motor quality, which did not require performance accuracy. These are games-exercises for quick reaction, speed and quick switching from one type of activity to another (“Take care of the bag”, “Who is faster to the line?”, “Catch the hoop”, etc.). Sedentary children were offered relay games, games of a competitive nature. Beforehand, individual work on the development of movements was carried out, special attention was paid to those movements that they could hardly succeed in (running at speed, long jumps, etc.). When doing the exercises, we have always encouraged these children, giving them the opportunity to believe in our strength. All of the listed pedagogical methods of an individual approach to children were based on taking into account the child's interest in games and different types of activity, in various physical education aids.

Let's give an example: M. Pasha preferred running games, holding a pistol or a machine gun. These games were monotonous: Pasha ran all over the site, then sat on the gymnastic wall, firing a pistol, then jumped down and ran again ... We gradually attracted the boy to use different movements, achieving accurate execution, taking into account the interest in military topics, we explained to Pasha, what soldiers should be able to do different exercises and invited him to fulfill them. This is climbing up to the top on a gymnastic wall, throwing a ball into a basketball hoop, walking on a boom, etc. actions, sports exercises.

During the walk, the real capabilities of each child (organization, activity, independence) were most clearly manifested. Children with an average and high level of physical activity assimilated the physical exercises and physical tasks that were offered to them faster than the sedentary ones. Sedentary children developed a more tense state, lack of confidence in their abilities, which negatively influenced the assimilation of exercises. Therefore, with sedentary children, they often repeated the same exercise, always creating a calm, familiar environment. These children learned more quickly physical exercises based on imitation, that is, using a demonstration method (by a teacher or a child).

For children with medium and high levels of physical activity, the most important was clarification and persuasion using words.

2.3 Analysis and discussion of research results

Purpose: To determine the dynamics of the level of development of motor activity in children aged 5-6 years.

) to re-diagnose the level of development of motor activity of children in the test group;

) processing of diagnostic data for the control experiment;

) make a comparative analysis of the results of the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment.

At this stage, the same diagnostics was used as in the ascertaining experiment. Research protocols in the appendix 5.6.

After re-diagnosis, the following results were obtained:

the average indicator of the volume of locomotion in the experimental group was 14664 steps, in the control group - 15373 steps, based on this, it can be concluded that the increase in the volume of locomotion in the experimental group was 1420 steps, in the control group - 840 steps;

the average indicator of the duration of physical activity in the experimental and control groups did not change and amounted to 210 minutes;

the average indicator of the intensity of movement per minute in the experimental group was 70 steps, in the control group - 73 steps, based on this, it can be concluded that the increase in the intensity of movements per minute in the experimental group was 7 steps, and in the control group - 4 steps.

Research results physical activity of children showed that in the experimental group a low level of physical activity was noted in 14% of children and in the control group - in 14%. The average level in the experimental group - in 86% of children and in the control group - in 71%. A high level of development of motor activity in the control group was noted in 14% of children, and in the experimental group - children with a high level of development of motor activity 0%.

Thus, the results of the ascertaining and control experiment showed that in the experimental group the average level of motor activity of children increased by 58%. Low level - decreased by 29% and high level decreased by 28%.

In the process of experimental work, the phenomenon of transfer of motor skills and abilities was discovered. Acquired by children in organizational forms of work on the development of movements in an independent activity. The transfer of sports games and exercises was most clearly manifested in children with an average level of physical activity.

Children began to creatively use a variety of physical education aids in their games. Communication between children in the process of jointly performed movements in games has become longer. Constant passion, ability to get busy quickly interesting thing, a great interest in sports games - all this was typical for children experimental group.

All experimental work carried out in the older group had a positive effect on all three indicators of physical activity (number of locomotions, duration, intensity).

The independent motor activity of children has become much richer in content, they have a steady interest in games of a sports nature (badminton, basketball, tennis, small towns) and sports exercises. Creative games began to be purposeful with the use of a variety of movements and physical training aids. In children of the experimental group, all three indicators of physical activity (the number of locomotions, duration, intensity), as well as indicators of physical fitness, significantly increased.

Experimental work was carried out in the preschool educational institution "Ogonyok" with. Sovetskoye, Sovetsky area from January to September in 2010-2011 academic year with children 5-6 years old, conditionally divided into two groups of 7 people.

The diagnostic study was aimed at identifying the level of physical activity in the test group. To achieve the set goal and tasks, the pedometry method was used, which makes it possible to measure the volume of motor activity. A qualitative study of motor activity was carried out by observing children during classes and free time.

The results of the study showed that in the experimental group, a high level of development of motor activity in 28% of children, an average level of development of motor activity in 28% of children, and a low level in 43%. In the control group, a high level of physical activity was in 28% of children, an average level in 57% of children and a low level in 14% of children.

Establishment of levels of formation of motor activity and compilation on their basis of psychological and pedagogical characteristics for children made it possible to carry out differentiated work with subgroups of children, taking into account these levels and within each of them to use an individual approach.

Pedagogical techniques and methods of motor activity management were based on the gradual involvement of sedentary children in active mobile activity. In children of high mobility, they were directed towards a gradual switch of their activity to more calm types of activity.

An important technique in the management of physical activity was the introduction of plots requiring active locomotion into the independent play of children, which contributed to an increase in the physical activity of sedentary children and introduced a goal, a certain conscious focus in the aimless running of children with high mobility.

In addition to general pedagogical techniques, children with high and low mobility during a walk, on days when there was no physical education, were offered motor tasks specially selected and developed by us in the form of games - exercises.

In the process of experimental work, the phenomenon of transfer of motor skills and abilities was discovered. Acquired by children in organizational forms of work on the development of movements in an independent activity.

The carried out individually differentiated work had a positive impact on the content of independent activity of children in the experimental group, on their behavior. General balanced activity throughout the day, good mood, interest in various activities were noted.

In the experimental group, the number of children with medium mobility increased, the number of children with high and low mobility decreased. In the control group, the changes were insignificant.

Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed pedagogical methods for regulating the motor activity of older preschool children had a significant impact on the rational use of various physical exercises by children in independent activity, as well as on the increase in the motor activity of children of medium and low mobility.


Our work is devoted to the formation of optimal motor behavior in older preschool children.

In connection with this goal, the first chapter examined the motor activity of older preschool children from the point of view of modern pedagogy and found out that motor activity is one of the necessary conditions for the health and development of a child.

Thus, motor activity should be considered the most important indicator of the motor development of a preschooler. For the implementation of optimal motor activity of children, it is necessary to correctly and competently organize a motor regimen, the purpose of which is to satisfy the natural biological need of children for movement, to improve the level of children's health, to ensure the mastery of motor skills and abilities.

Knowledge of the features of children's physical activity and the degree of its conditioning by upbringing and training is necessary for the correct construction of the process of physical education of children.

Then, in the practical part, the analysis of the state of motor activity of older preschool children in the experimental and control groups was carried out. In the course of the ascertaining experiment, we identified 3 levels of children's motor activity. The high level was in 28% of children in the experimental group and in 28% of children in the control group. The average level is in 28% of children in the experimental group and in 57% of children in the control group. The low level was in 43% of children in the experimental group and in 14% of children in the control group. Establishment of levels of formation of motor activity and compilation on their basis of psychological and pedagogical characteristics for children made it possible to carry out differentiated work with subgroups of children, taking into account these levels and within each of them to use an individual approach.

After the work done, the independent motor activity of children became much richer in content, they developed a steady interest in games of a sports nature and sports exercises. Creative games began to be purposeful with the use of a variety of movements and physical education aids. In children of the experimental group, all three indicators of physical activity (the number of locomotions, duration, intensity), as well as indicators of physical fitness, significantly increased.

Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed pedagogical methods for regulating the motor activity of older preschool children had a significant impact on the rational use of various physical exercises by children in independent activity, as well as on the increase in the motor activity of children of medium and low mobility.

One of the important tasks in working with children is to ensure that the hours free from completing school assignments are filled reasonably, it is interesting that they are an effective means of raising children. To a large extent, this depends on the educator, his ability to captivate children with an interesting work, give out their energy, provide everyone with the opportunity to fully express themselves, to realize their abilities.

Based on the analysis of the experimental work, it is possible to draw conclusions about the correctness of the hypothesis put forward and the construction of experimental work on the formation of optimal motor behavior in older preschoolers.


preschooler activity motor guidance

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“For any movement training

it's not the hands that are exercising, but the brain ... "

N. Bernstein

Topic: "Formation of cognitive and physical activity of pupils through plot-play lessons in physical culture."

Today health is a socially significant element that most sharply determines the specifics of the current state of society.

In the last years of my work, I am concerned about the problem of an integrated approach in the physical education of children in a multi-age (family) group. Most modern preschoolers are characterized by weakened attention, underdeveloped fine motor skills, fatigue, and slow switching from one type of activity to another. Along with the general somatic weakness, such children are characterized by a lag in the development of the motor sphere, which is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in the performance of metered movements, a decrease in the speed and dexterity of physical exercises. The greatest difficulties are revealed when performing movements according to verbal instructions. Considering all this, the need arose for the development of experience in the integration of cognitive-speech and physical activities of children.

Relevance experience is visible in the contradiction between the need to raise healthy children and the low level of physical and mental health of the younger generation.

These contradictions made one think about the need to search for new forms of organizing physical culture lessons, in which motor activity would alternate or be combined with cognitive activity.

Currently, studies are known concerning the implementation of an integrated approach in the physical education of preschool children. It is impossible to limit physical education as a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of only motor skills and abilities, the development of a person's physical qualities. The relationship between physical and mental education, based on the principles of communicative and cognitive activity of children, is important.

Target experience of my teaching activities:

The use of plot-game lessons for the formation of cognitive and motor skills and abilities, knowledge of the surrounding space, the world of people, animals, plants.

Tasks, contributing to the achievement of this goal:

Study and analyze scientific and methodological literature on the topic;

Contribute to the formation of sustainable interest in the world around us through motor activity;

Promote the preservation of a positive psycho-emotional state of children;

To include each pupil in active, practical, useful activities for him in physical education classes;

To determine the effectiveness of pedagogical activity on the formation of cognitive and motor activity of pupils through plot-game lessons in physical culture.

Duration of work on the experience:

From 2008 to 2013, in my work, I practiced plot-game, integrated lessons. This period was diagnostic, prognostic and practical. I gained experience in using techniques and methods in teaching children, which encourage pupils to teach themselves to create conditions for physical activity, to lead to self-fulfillment complex motor actions, to form and develop skills of self-organization in the use of various movements and to foster interest and desire for active actions, thereby providing a basis for interesting and meaningful activities in everyday life.

The guiding idea of ​​the experience:

Any motor action is remembered better if it contains information that connects the child with the world. Effective use in the classroom of a set of various exercises in combination with music, helps to increase the functional mobility of nervous processes and improve the functioning of the central nervous system. The physical fitness of preschoolers, the level of development of their mental processes, as well as knowledge about the world, will increase significantly, provided that physical culture lessons based on motor and cognitive activities are used in the integral pedagogical process of the institution of preschool education, based on plot lessons and didactic material of the curriculum of preschool education in educational area "Child and Society".

Experience technology description

I started my work by expanding the developmental environment of the gym. Designed and manufactured elements of scenery for the plot and game lessons "In a forest clearing", "Sea kingdom", "Africa", "Olympiada", "Cartoon Country" and others, small-sized and fairly universal non-standard equipment (color landmarks, targets, "pigtails "," Tracks ") The equipment is easily transformed when minimum costs time and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Children are attracted unusual shapes equipment and colorful decorations, which contributes to the increase in children's emotional tone and interest in various types of physical activity in the classroom, increase in physical activity, development of children's independence, the formation of the need for movements.

A plot lesson is one of the organizational forms of conducting physical education classes in our kindergarten, contributing to the education of children's interest in the process of performing physical exercises.

Unlike the classes I previously conducted in the traditional form, all the means of physical education used in the plot lesson are subordinate to a certain plot (for example, in the "The Adventures of Maya the Bee" complex, breathing exercises are used: "Breeze", "Bees are buzzing", etc. ., general developmental exercises "Flowers", "Medusa", etc., outdoor games "Bears" and others, dance "Penguins", circular training "Bees collect honey together", etc.) Use of techniques of imitation and imitation, figurative comparisons correspond to psychological characteristics younger preschoolers, facilitates the process of memorizing, mastering exercises, increases emotional background classes, promotes the development of thinking, imagination, creativity, cognitive activity.

The idea of ​​a plot lesson is, in principle, not new. However, the disadvantages of many plot activities, including those published in special literature and used in the practice of preschool education institutions, include low motor density, excessive subordination of exercises to the plot to the detriment of the development of motor qualities, insufficient physical activity that does not provide a training effect. Physical education classes in a plot form, I begin with an emotional story, in which I set an imaginary situation. The conditions for accepting the role are revealed to the children, the sequence of the exercises and their content is reported. In the age group, I use a variety of play motivation techniques that encourage children to engage in physical exercise enthusiastically. When choosing exercises, I take into account the age characteristics of children, I also take into account their level of physical fitness.

Khukhlaeva G.V. believes that effective reception is a description of an imaginary situation in which a hero, well-known and beloved by children (it may also be a character in a fairy tale familiar to them, for example, "Kolobok") finds himself in a difficult or dangerous situation, and children can act as a helper or protector.

Acting in an imaginary situation, children rush to the aid of their beloved hero. They strive to help him out of trouble, overcoming difficulties and obstacles on the way. They run as if on a narrow bridge, step over "pebbles", "puddles", walk over "bumps", step over a "stream", imitating the appropriate movements, choosing the method of their implementation depending on the proposed conditions. The success of actions in physical education classes brings children joy and satisfaction. The imaginary situation in this case is a necessary background for the deployment of actions. In the absence of it, repeated execution of them loses its meaning. Expressing sympathy for the game characters, they are faced with the need to master various movements, in fact they find out their expediency, and also, on their own initiative and desire, show real physical and moral-volitional qualities.

To arouse children's interest, I present to their attention an imaginary situation presented in a vivid figurative form and associated with the unusual conditions in which they must act. For example, adventures while "traveling" along the river. These conditions encourage children to find new characteristics of movements for them. Accepting the play circumstances suggested by me, the children perform smooth, slow movements, as if while rocking on the ship, imitate climbing the ship's tackle.

Developing the imagination of children, I propose to take a fresh look at physical education equipment. So, gymnastic sticks in the hands of children turn into "horses", then into "branches and snags" of a dense forest, from which children build boats and even a "ship".

Part of the classes is devoted to travel through the seasons, they reflect natural changes, labor and sports activities of people. The plots of the lessons are close to children, their impressions and experiences, contain material for acquaintance with those around them (for example, "Red Summer", "In a Forest Glade", "Postmen" and others). Also, travel and walks are carried out at an average and slow pace and include certain game exercises in order to improve the necessary movements.

When teaching movements, I also use the role behavior of children. If children can play a role and they can take it upon themselves, while repeating various actions, striving for accuracy, correctness, and their sequence in accordance with the role assumed, then children who own only play actions can cope only with elementary role-playing tasks. They jump like sparrows, run along the paths, flap their wings like chickens.

Under the conditions set by an imaginary play situation, determined by a role-playing task, children independently find optimal ways fulfillment of basic movements, perform imitation exercises more expressively, find their variants in the course of the game.

Movements associated with any image or plot captivate children, the image pushes them to perform imitative movements, which are very fond of preschoolers. This is one of the reasons for the widespread use of subject physical education classes based on literary works in the practice of parole. Such activities develop creativity, fantasy, imagination in children. Literary heroes teach children to overcome motor difficulties in achieving goals, to navigate problem situations. This type of activity is valuable because children open up on them from an unexpected side, for example: artistry, musicality, independence, or, conversely, helplessness, constraint are manifested. Frequent change motor activity with different physical activity disciplines children, relieves stress. The lesson is fun, and time flies by.

For children, it is advisable to prepare symbols to denote roles that help them quickly and easily enter the role. These can be simple pictures, pieces of fluff or fur, cotton balls for "chickens" and "mice". Transformation into an image can also occur with the help of a piece of a silver garland. The teacher puts it on the child's head or simply touches the hair with it. This is enough for the newly-made "sparrow" to take off confidently. In the classroom, it is also suggested to use symbols of place and space. For example, the panel "Forest", "Meadow".

Different roles for children are different motor tasks. For example, children - "mice" - look out of their holes, walk with small steps, children - "kittens" - arch their backs, catch their tail, play with a ball, while the "mice", frightened, watch them.

Children really like the plot of physical education, reflecting the seasonal phenomena in nature. These classes open up wide opportunities for working with children, create favorable conditions for improving the basic movements, contribute to the mental and physical development of the preschooler, stimulate physical activity, regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child.

Constant contact with children, his direct participation in the lesson, his interest, help, emotional friendly tone activates children.

The cognitive development of preschoolers is assessed unobtrusively, in the game. So, in the lesson "Walking in the autumn forest" children know that the squirrel makes reserves for the winter (nuts, mushrooms), that it has more than one pantry, but several. At the classes "Bear is cold in the forest", "Spring has come, let's wake the bear from sleep", children will learn that a bear is a forest animal. In the fall, he goes to bed in a den until spring.

Variety in the class of standard and non-standard equipment, hats, availability and use natural material promotes better organization, increased physical activity of children. Music plays an important role. So, during the game "The Sun and the Rain", children run away when they hear the sound of rain (gram recording), and go out for a walk when the birds are singing.

Scene classes in the open air are very interesting in different time of the year. These activities are more effective. A feasible physical activity and fresh air strengthen the health of children, increase their efficiency, and contribute to the development of knowledge about nature. These are such activities as "Where did the sparrow dine", "The goose was gone." They have a positive effect on the emotional state of children, help to strengthen willpower, develop courage and independence.

The play actions formed in the classroom can be transferred under the influence of the educator into the independent play of children, which contributes to an increase in the motor activity of children in role-playing games.

When conducting physical education classes, the teacher constantly remembers that the course of the game must not be disturbed. Monitoring the quality of movement performance, assessing the activities of children - all this is carried out through the role, on behalf of the game character, through an imaginary situation. The teacher and the children play together. Absorption in the game helps to see in the line drawn by chalk, the real obstacle, in the gymnastic bench - a large hillock behind which you can hide from the evil wolf.

When some experience has been accumulated, children already show more independence in physical education, they can, as reminded by the teacher, choose an object for exercises and outdoor games and actively act with it.

The characteristic features of such classes are: a pronounced didactic orientation; the leading role of the educator; strict regulation of children's activities and dosage of physical activity; the permanent composition of the trainees and their age homogeneity.

Requirements for classes: each previous one should be connected with the next one and make up a system of classes; it is important to ensure optimal physical activity for children. Classes should be appropriate for the age and level of preparedness of the children. They must use fitness equipment and musical accompaniment.

Thus, subject-based physical education classes allow you to independently find the optimal ways to perform basic movements, general developmental exercises, contribute to the development of physical qualities, the development of creativity, mental processes.

Effectiveness and effectiveness of experience

Subject-play lessons open up wide opportunities for working with children, create favorable conditions for improving the basic movements, contribute to the mental and physical development of a preschooler, stimulate physical activity, regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child, contributes to the development of the versatile abilities of children.

The use of plot lessons in their work has shown its effectiveness:

The functional and adaptive capabilities of the organism have increased;

Static endurance stabilized;

There was a synchronous interaction between movement and speech;

There was an interest and a need for systematic physical exercises;

Children began to memorize the sequence of actions;

There was a speed of reaction to verbal instructions.

Conclusions and perspectives

It is also quite obvious that, thanks to the plot, it is easier for a child to comprehend and perform movements. And it is the plot lessons that to a large extent contribute to the interpenetration of teaching moments into a single process. An important advantage of plot-type activities, I believe, is that, by and large, they allow avoiding, minimizing the mechanical assimilation of the technique of movement, children learning only "rigid stereotypes" of movements, which deprive children of the possibility of "constructing" new options by adding, complicating constituent elements.

It is valuable that the periods of "hard stereotypes" in plot activities are relatively short-lived, and during the transition to creative activities, these samples remain sufficiently flexible, which makes it easier for children to make their voluntary changes. And already at the stage of training, the plot is the semantic side that facilitates the mastering of the movement, and contributes to the reduction of the terms of its learning. V further work over movement, children are not afraid to deviate from the learned patterns and come up with their own options for movements.

We widely use the surrounding world and nature, literature, music, works of fine art as sources for the birth of motor samples. For practicing a particular movement, fairly simple and accessible subjects are selected.

The plot of the lesson is closely related to the tasks of teaching movements and gives the lesson features of dramatization, brings it closer to the role-playing game, which, according to L.S. Vygotsky, is "the root of any children's creativity."

Subject physical education helps to provide each child with constant training of positive emotions, feelings, experiences, imagination. The child's satisfaction with the product of his own activity leads to the formation in him of the need to repeat positive experiences of joy from the result, which provides him with the opportunity to exercise important personal mechanisms that entail changes in the development of the child. A plot that "tells" about any specific events with the participation of interacting characters familiar to the children makes the lessons exciting and interesting. Their content allows you to conduct classes emotionally positive contact a teacher with children satisfies the child's needs in cognition, vigorous activity, in communication with peers, encourages the child to be creative, self-expression, relieve stiffness, emotional stress.

From practice I can say that the work that I systematically carried out in this direction is effective, the results are proof of this. Coordination of movements improved, creative activity intensified, self-esteem and self-confidence increased. These positive changes in the physical and intellectual development of children allow us to speak about the effectiveness of this experience. Subject lessons create feelings of joy, freedom of movement, evoke a joyful response to music, and convey a brighter perception of life.

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240 RUB | UAH 75 | $ 3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR," #FFFFCC ", BGCOLOR," # 393939 ");" onMouseOut = "return nd ();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Bondarenko Elizaveta Vladimirovna. The influence of physical activity on the development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren: Dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.07: Stavropol, 2002 240 p. RSL OD, 61: 03-19 / 64-5


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects studies of the influence of physical activity on psychomotor and cognitive development of a person.

1.1. The problem of optimization of physical activity and development of the younger generation. 17

1.1.1. Motor activity as a biological need of the body. 19

1.1.2. Medical and hygienic aspects of the optimization of physical activity 23

1.1.3. Impact of the modern educational process on the health and development of students 28

1.1.4. Paleo-psychological possibilities of preserving and improving the holistic mental and physical health of a person 32

1.1.5. Physical education and sports as factors affecting physical and mental health and human development 36

І.І.b. Normalization of physical activity of students in the conditions of the modern educational process of school 39

1.2. Impact study different forms physical activity and sports activities for psychomotor and cognitive development of a person. 50

1.2.1. The relationship of psychomotor and intellectual in the harmonious development of students 50

1.2.2. The development of psychomotor abilities of schoolchildren involved in sports and not 58

1.2.3. Research of the influence of physical activity on the cognitive development of children of different ages 66

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the influence of physical activity on the development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren.

2.1. Organization and methods of experimental research.

2.1.1. Organization of a psychological and pedagogical experiment 75

2.1.2. Methods for studying psychomotor abilities 79

2.1.3. Methods for the Study of Cognitive Abilities 85

2.1 A Methods for studying physical activity of students 89

2.2. Investigation of the influence of physical activity on the development of psychomotor abilities of students of different ages and specializations.

2.2.1. Analysis of the results of ascertaining diagnostics of the level of development of psychomotor abilities of students at the first stage of the psychological and pedagogical experiment 97

2.2.2. The dynamics of the development of psychomotor abilities of students of the main age groups over the period of the annual natural experiment. .. 105

2.2.3. Dynamics of development of psychomotor abilities of students during the academic year 113

2.2.4. The dynamics of the development of psychomotor abilities of students during the summer holidays 119

2.3. Study of the influence of physical activity on the development of cognitive abilities of students of different ages and specializations.

2.3.1. Analysis of the results of ascertaining diagnostics of the level of development of cognitive abilities of students at the first stage of the psychological and pedagogical experiment 126

2.3.2. The dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities of students of the main age groups during the period of the annual natural experiment ... 133

2.3.3. The dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities of students during the academic year 146

2.3.4. The dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities of students during the summer holidays 152

2.4. Analysis of the results of studying the volume and intensity of physical activity of students in classes of different specialization 162

2.5. Research of the correlation dependence between indicators of motor activity and the level of development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of students 171

Conclusion 185

Literature 189


Introduction to work

One of the features of modern society is the protracted reform of its social and production sphere, which deeply and not always positively changes the entire way of life, work and everyday life of a person, especially of students.

The complication of school curricula led to a significant limitation of the physical activity of students, to a decrease in their health level, efficiency and an increase in morbidity. One of the dominant in modern research as domestic (Lebedeva N.T., Fomin N.A., Vavilov Yu.N., Filin V.P., Kuindzhi N.N., Sukharev A.G., Antropova M.V. , Bondarevsky E.Ya., Tertychny A.V., Kadetova A.V., Skrebets V.A., etc.), as well as foreign experts, the problem of hypokinesia of student youth remains.

Modern educational activity is characterized by an increase in the amount of information, on the one hand, and, at the same time, by a low level of motor activity, monotony of a working posture. In this regard, many scientists and practitioners are trying to resolve the issue that it is necessary to balance the increased loads in mental activity and optimal physical activity.

In modern conditions of development of society, the attention of scientists is drawn to the search for the most optimal doses of physical activity. Revealing only the upper and lower limits of physical activity is not sufficient for the majority of population groups, especially for those engaged in any kind of sports activity. The lower limit - "minimum" - allows only to compensate for the forces expended in life. The upper limit - "maximum" - leads to overstrain and increased body fatigue. It is important to determine the "optimal" dose of physical activity, which would compensate

the forces expended by a person in life and would contribute to the further improvement of the personality (173).

Interest in the problem of the influence of various types of motor and physical activity on the mental development of a person arose long ago, reflecting the desire of scientists for the holistic knowledge of a person in the unity of his physical and mental development. The foundations of scientific theoretical and practical research in this area of ​​the problem were laid in the works of such founders of Russian science as I.M. Sechenov, P.F. Lesgaft, B.G. Ananiev and others.

THEM. Sechenov first tied motor functions with the functions of the higher parts of the central nervous system. He noted that "... All the infinite variety of external manifestations of brain activity is finally reduced to only one phenomenon - muscle movement." (147.102).

By their psychological research P.F. Lesgaft proved that in the process of mastering physical exercises, a child learns not only to control his movements based on muscle sensations, but also learns to analyze his impressions and sensations, compare them and combine them into single ideas and concepts (97). The physical and mental development of a person is inextricably linked in a single process of personality development, starting with the birth and intrauterine development of a child. In turn, the harmony of physical and mental qualities is achieved by sufficient motor activity characteristic of healthy, physically developed children.

In modern psychological and pedagogical studies, it is also noted that the selection and use of exercises, accompanied by a variety and increased motor activity, ensures the unity of the child's mental and physical development (27). There is evidence that the efficiency of these processes increases in the case of

simultaneous fulfillment of specially selected exercises and solving a number of intellectual problems (Vallon A., Goloshchekina M.P., Ageevets V.U., Vydrin V.M., Karpov Yu.V., Venger L.A., etc.).

Foreign studies have also * studied the influence of various physical education programs on the mental development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren (Klanderman J., Turner E., Eason E., David R., Hirst C,

c Fischer T., Lipton E., Schlungs M. et al.).

It should be noted that most of the above works are devoted to the study of the very possibility of the influence of various forms of physical education and organized physical activity on the mental development of a child in preschool and primary school age, the search for purposeful methods, means and various techniques of such influence. In addition, the main emphasis is traditionally placed on the consideration of the positive impact of physical and physical activity on the development of the child, without taking into account the factor that increased or excessive physical and motor loads also play a negative role in the harmonious mental and physical development of the child. Even less studied is the problem of optimization of motor activity in the conditions of the modern educational process, including in a school where students are already in various modes of motor loads, for example, in a general education school with specialized

# sports classes.

Insufficient consideration of psychological knowledge on the organization of the educational process and physical activity of schoolchildren, neglect of the valeopsychological principles of physical education, underestimation of the role and importance of physical activity causes serious damage to the physical and mental development of the child, leads to a misunderstanding of the goals and objectives of education and upbringing of the younger generation.

The need to optimize the content, forms and methods of the educational process and physical education of schoolchildren involved in sports activities and physical culture is determined by an increase in the interest of practitioners and scientists to the problem under consideration, which is reflected in the increase in scientific and dissertation psychological and pedagogical research in this direction.

A number of studies are devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the use of educational tasks for the ways of improving the general qualities of their motor sphere in children (Abyzov M.M., 1981), the definition of psychological conditions for the formation of motor abilities in senior students (Zhivoglyadov Yu.A., 1988), the identification of psychological conditions for the effective formation of voluntary control of their movements in physical education lessons in junior schoolchildren (Ozernyuk A.T., 1994), substantiated the methodological foundations for the development of coordination and intellectual abilities of primary schoolchildren on the basis of age-related patterns of the organization of movements (Fedyakina L.K., 1998) ...

In the works of G.M. Kasatkina (1982) revealed the patterns of age dynamics and structure of motor and mental development of preschoolers, identified ways and means of physical education that contribute not only to motor, but also mental development of preschool children; ON. Fomina (1996) studied the organized influence of the means of rhythmic gymnastics of a plot-role orientation on the sensory and motor systems of preschool children with the aim of accelerated and integrative development of their motor, intellectual and psychomotor abilities; L.E. Simoshina (1996) formulated the concept of a complex training system that harmonizes the motor and sensory organization of the motor activity of preschool children through physical

outdoor activities aimed at improving their physical fitness, creative motor abilities, to reduce the incidence of colds.

In the studies of A.A. Antonova (1997) substantiated the original method of using the elements of outdoor games in physical education for older preschool children for mutual influence and increasing the level of cognitive activity and the level of physical development; A.B. Lagutin (1997) proved that an increase in the motor activity of older preschool children due to integrated use available funds basic gymnastics can significantly improve their physical condition and develop the ability to master new forms of movements; A.N. Lotarev (1998) developed and experimentally substantiated a program for physical training of female students of a higher educational institution in combination with additional exercises to ensure a possible complete compensation for their deficit in motor activity.

In general, the analysis of the works studied by us can be systematized as follows: firstly, there is a large number of studies, mainly in the field of sports and pedagogical sciences, devoted to physical activity, in which it is proved that the higher the physical activity, the more sports loads, the higher their relationship with the physical and mental development of a person, which in general confirms the idea of ​​physical culture and sports as the main factors of health promotion.

Secondly, quite often there are works devoted to the study of the influence of physical activity and sports on the psychomotor of a person (Danilina L.N., Oya SM., Puni A.Ts., Semenov M.I., Gubman L.B., Kossov B B., Ozerov V.P.), but these studies are mainly associated with the contingent of young or highly qualified athletes.

Thirdly, there are much fewer works that talk about the influence of motor or physical activity on the psychomotor abilities of children who do not go in for sports (Kossov B.B., Ozerov V.P., Skrebets V.A., Yarmitsky Yu.D. and etc.).

Fourthly, studies that studied the influence of physical activity on the intellectual sphere, on the development of cognitive abilities of children, are quite rare (Guzhalovsky A.A., Silla R.V., Ruban V.N., Milerian V.E. and etc.), there is practically no analysis of the interaction or ratio of these components, and in some cases the research data carry conflicting assessments. It is noted that with very high activity and intensity of loads, they may not have a positive effect on the development of both the physical and mental spheres of a person, especially the younger generation.

Thus, it can be noted that today the problem of optimization of motor activity and harmonious development the child's cognitive-motor and cognitive-intellectual spheres are not fully resolved.

There is a number of studies, mainly in the field of medicine, saying that, in general, optimal physical and sports loads have a positive effect on maintaining and strengthening health, somewhat less is said about their effect on psychomotor skills, and the effect of physical activity on the cognitive development of students has been studied least of all. We have not found systematic comprehensive studies of the influence of various forms of motor activity on all the main psychomotor and cognitive mental processes of students.

On the basis of the above, we have determined the purpose of the study: to study the influence of physical activity on the development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren of different ages.

An object research: psychomotor and cognitive abilities of students.

Subject research is the process of development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of students of general education and specialized sports classes of adolescence and adolescence.

Hypothesis: optimal motor load contributes to the harmonious development of the psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren.

In accordance with the purpose, object, subject and hypothesis of the research, the following tasks:

    To study and analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of optimization of motor activity and the development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities.

    Select and modify express methods for diagnosing the development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren.

    To investigate the level and dynamics of the development of the main blocks and components of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren studying in general education and sports classes.

    To develop questionnaire methods for the study of the volume and intensity of the main and additional physical activity of students in classes of various specializations.

    To investigate the relationship between various forms of motor activity and the level of development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of students.

psychologists, teachers and trainers working with students of general education and sports classes. To solve the set tasks, the following set of methods was used:

theoretical analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature;

psychological and pedagogical experiment;



methods of primary and secondary mathematical and statistical data processing.

Methodological framework research is the concept of a holistic and systematic approach to human mental development (B.G. Ananiev, B.B. Kossov), an integrated approach to the study of abilities (B.M. Teplov, V.A. P. Ozerov); principles of development (L.S.Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.V. Petrovsky), personality activity in the process of life (B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodalev, V.P. Zinchenko), determinism as dependence mental phenomena from the factors that generate them (S.L. Rubinstein, A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky).

Scientific novelty research is as follows:

    For the first time, the paper proposes a complex system of psychodiagnostic tests that reveals the features of the development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren of different ages in order to identify the dynamics of mental development on the model of sports and general education classes.

    The structure and features of the development of cognitive-intellectual and cognitive-motor components in

students studying in classes of various specializations: general education and sports.

    For the first time, the features of the development of the main components of the cognitive abilities of students engaged in sports sections were studied, with such a wide apparatus of diagnostic methods that it contributes not only to pedagogical, but also to sports psychology.

    A specialized questionnaire has been developed, with the help of which it is possible to determine the level and volume of motor load per day, week, month, year, expressed in minutes in one scale.

Theoretical significance consists in the fact that as a result of the dissertation research, the influence of various types of motor activity on the dynamics and characteristics of the development process of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren was revealed; new specific information was obtained in the field of educational psychology and developmental psychology to optimize motor and intellectual loads, which increases the efficiency of solving the main valeo-psychological problem high school- strengthening the health of children.

Practical significance the research is that the theoretical provisions and experimentally substantiated conclusions can be used to improve the educational and sports training process in a school with specialized sports classes:

1. The psychomotor diagnostic methods tested and modified in the dissertation research can be used in the practice of the CYSS and the general education school to increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical selection of students and young athletes with

the aim of more correct scientific manning of specialized sports classes for children.

    The use of the proposed set of cognitive tests in work with young athletes will allow the teacher and coach to control not only sports achievements and psychomotor development of the child, but also take into account how this process affects the harmonization of the mental development of students.

    The developed and tested questionnaire methods for the study of the main forms of regular and additional physical activity, as well as academic and sports interests and inclinations of students can be used by teachers and coaches in general education and sports classes.

    According to the results of the study, practical recommendations have been developed, the introduction of which into the educational and sports-training process can contribute to an increase in the success of students in both general education and sports classes.

Reliability and validity of the results research is provided with a sufficient sample of subjects; using a set of methods adequate to its goals and objectives; the use of reliable and proven diagnostic techniques; the implementation of mathematical and statistical processing and analysis of the data obtained.

The main provisions for the defense:

1. A complex approach in the study of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of students with different motor activity allows you to more accurately study the features of their

development and determine the ways and methods of their improvement and optimization.

    The use of express methods for diagnosing the psychomotor and cognitive abilities of schoolchildren, developed and tested in the North Caucasus Laboratory for the diagnosis and formation of students' abilities, allows in a short period of time to study large groups of schoolchildren with different motor activity and reveal the level and characteristics of their development.

    The study of the level and dynamics of the development of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of students of younger, older adolescence and adolescence reveals the main age characteristics and clarifies the regional curve of the mental development of schoolchildren.

    Peers who have a different volume of physical activity and are engaged in general education and sports classes have significant differences in the level and characteristics of the development of both psychomotor and cognitive abilities.

    There is a positive relationship between various forms of regular and additional motor and physical activity of students and the level of their psychomotor and cognitive development.

Testing and implementation of research results.

The main provisions of this research were highlighted in the reports at the scientific and methodological seminars of the Department of Practical Psychology of SSU (1998 - 2001); at the educational, methodological and pedagogical councils of the secondary school № 42 in Stavropol; at scientific and practical conferences: - "Personality: culture and education", Stavropol, April 1999

international conference "Cognitive paradigm", Pyatigorsk, April 2000

"Modern problems of education: experience and prospects", Stavropol, April 2000

international scientific-practical conference "Modern psychosocial technologies: problems of development and use", Moscow, May 2001

interregional scientific and methodological conference "Problems of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions", Rostov-on-Don, June 2001

All-Russian scientific conference "Theoretical and applied problems of psychology", Stavropol, October 2001

Research results and content scientific work published in 6 abstracts.

Experimental base research was the secondary school № 42 of Stavropol with specialized sports classes.

Physical education and sports as factors affecting physical and mental health and human development

Physical culture occupies one of the most important places among the factors that allow maintaining the required level of health and high efficiency person.

Growing in modern world limitation of mobility contradicts the very biological nature of a person, disrupting the functioning of various body systems. The more progress frees a person from hard work and unnecessary movements, the more the need to compensate for motor activity grows. Under these conditions, the role of the development of mass forms of physical culture is obvious (153).

Systematic sports activities for children and adolescents have a positive effect on the development of their body as a whole, on the general physical condition, causing positive changes in the development of most mental functions. Numerous studies of young athletes indicate a significant improvement in their physical development.

In a number of works (Gubman L.B., Baychenko I.P., Makarova T.N., Shlemina AM, Lebedeva N.T., etc.) it is proved that systematic physical exercises improve the activity of cardiovascular, respiratory, vegetative , neuromuscular systems and especially the central nervous system, increasing their activity. Under the influence of sports, the strength and mobility of nervous processes, the efficiency and endurance of the nerve cells of the cortex increase, and differentiation inhibition improves. As a result, it turns out that schoolchildren who go in for sports have a number of advantages in their formation in comparison with their peers who do not go in for sports (Danilina L.N.).

According to Fomin N.A., Filin V.P., sports activities restrain age-related involutional changes, contribute to the lengthening of the period of active creative life. People involved in sports have a high level of physical and mental performance lasts much longer than in non-working people (179, 4).

The results of special observations of the health status of children who systematically go in for sports show that they have a decrease in the frequency and severity of colds. Favorable changes in the state of health and adaptation to physical activity are observed in children and adolescents who have a rich motor regime at school. In order to significantly increase working capacity (both physical and mental), to create reliable prerequisites for strengthening health, it is necessary to engage in at least five times a week (179.5).

It should be emphasized that the development of mass physical culture and sports not only ensures the preservation of health and an increase in working capacity, but also contributes to the filling of leisure time and the distraction of the population, especially adolescents, from bad habits - smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

V.P. Ozerov notes that “... the results of numerous studies have made it possible to understand the role of muscle activity as a stimulator of the processes of vital activity of tissues, to explain the mechanism of the protective action of physical activity in relation to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Physical exercises and sports enhance motor-visceral reflexes, normalize metabolism and energy, the activity of the cardiovascular system, and prevent the very possibility of health disorders ”(117, 5).

The most effective means of combating human hypodynamia are various means of physical culture and sports. Morning exercises help a person to quickly switch from sleep to wakefulness, rhythmic gymnastics helps to increase efficiency, creating not only "muscle", but also emotional joy. Cycling and rowing forms a set of functional reserves in all vital centers of the body. Cross-country skiing heal nervous stress better than any medicine. Running is the basis of the "queen of sports" - athletics, it is not a fashion, but a vital necessity. Walking is the most accessible and ancient way of transportation that does not require special training. Running and walking allows you to exercise regularly at any time and in any weather.

It is no coincidence that Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote the words that many outstanding thinkers of different times agree with: “Walking to a certain extent enlivens and inspires my thoughts. Remaining at rest, I cannot think, it is necessary that my body be in motion, and then the mind also begins to move ”(117, 7).

According to A.S. Solodkova, E.B. Sologub, the use of various forms of health-improving physical culture solves many social problems - general educational, cognitive (tourism), rehabilitation (remedial gymnastics), recreational, entertaining (games), professional (industrial gymnastics, professionally applied physical training) (153, 353).

Means of physical education contribute not only to increasing the functional capabilities of the body, maintaining health, but also the development of professional psychophysiological characteristics, which solves the important problem of preparing and adapting the population to professional activity.

Numerous medical, psychological, pedagogical studies of a number of such authors as A.G. Sukharev, E.P. Ilyin, N.T. Lebedeva, N.N. Kuindzhi, V.I. Ilyinich, A.S. Solodkov, E.B. Sologub and others.

In the work of Kuindzhi N.N. noted that in special studies the study of the relationship between the shape of the daytime curve of physiological functions and the level of physical activity of pupils for the day as a whole and during classes at school was carried out. For this, the level of physical activity (using a pedometer), body temperature, and heart rate were recorded 4 times a day in 45 children from a boarding school 10-11 years old. The last two functions are referred to as volatile. According to the level of physical activity, the subjects were divided into 3 groups. At first, according to the laws of statistics, students were identified with an average level of physical activity (it fluctuated in individual schoolchildren in the range of 10670-12170 steps, and its average value was about 11.5 thousand steps per day). The rest of the students were divided into having elevated level physical activity (about 15.0 thousand steps per day) and decreased (about 9 thousand steps per day).

The first thing that was established: in all observed schoolchildren, the maximum level of physical activity falls on 12 hours, that is, it coincides with the time of school hours.

Dynamics of the development of psychomotor abilities of students of the main age groups during the period of the annual natural experiment

In order to determine the dynamics of the psychomotor development of schoolchildren, we carried out the second stage of diagnostics of the level of development of cognitive abilities of students in the September 1999 academic year.

V pilot study schoolchildren of middle and senior age took part. We continued to work with students of the 5th and 8th general education and sports classes, selected at the first stage of diagnostics in October 1998, who became students of the 6th and 9th grades. In addition, in connection with the analysis of the results of the previous stage of the study, we included in the diagnosis additionally experimental 5th grades, which in the 1999-2000 academic year were selected more qualitatively, in accordance with scientific criteria and psychological and pedagogical recommendations for organizing the selection of young promising athletes in specialized classes. We determined the goal - to identify the level and characteristics of the development of the psychomotor abilities of these students, as well as to find out whether our conclusion at the first stage of the experiment was correct that students of the sports specialization of adolescence are ahead of their peers in psychomotor development.

Due to the fact that in this academic year, students of primary school age during the transition to the 5th grade were selected in accordance with different sports specializations, two classes were completed: children involved in athletics and swimming.

We assumed that different sports specialization can influence the dynamics of the development of psychomotor abilities in different ways. In this regard, both sports classes were chosen by us as experimental.

At this stage of the psychological and pedagogical experiment, the following tasks were identified:

1. To study the annual dynamics of the development of psychomotor abilities and their individual components in middle-aged and older students (grades 6 and 9) of different specialization.

2. To study the level and features of the development of individual components and blocks of psychomotor abilities of students of younger adolescence (5th grade), studying in classes of different sports specialization.

3. Compare student results different groups and identify characteristics that depend on age and specialization.

The results of diagnostics of this stage of the experiment are presented in Table 7 (and in Appendix 2.1).

A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the development of the main indicators of psychomotor abilities and differences in the results of students of different ages and specializations is presented in tables 3, 4, 5 (in Appendix 1).

The average group indicators of the level of development of psychomotor abilities of students in 1998 and 1999 are reflected in the histogram in Figure 2.

It can be seen that in most of the groups there were minor changes in the results. The largest increase is noted only in the 9th general education grade, which amounted to 15.35%, and in general they are ahead of their peers by 4.23%. Students of this age of sports specialization, in comparison with the primary diagnosis, slightly decreased their results by 2.46%.

Among 6 grades, the indicators of the average group level of development of psychomotor abilities of students of sports specialization are higher in comparison with the results of the previous diagnosis (by 7.59%) and the results of peers (by 4.17%). General education students

The dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities of students during the summer holidays

In order to determine the dynamics of the cognitive development of students under the influence of active rest during the vacation time, we carried out the next stage of diagnostics of the level of development of cognitive abilities in September 2000.

In connection with the analysis of the results of the previous stages of the study, we continued to work with adolescent students (5th and 6th general education and sports classes) participating in diagnostics (in 1998-1999-2000), who became students of 6 and 7th grade.

At this stage of the psychological and pedagogical experiment, we set the following tasks:

1. To investigate the level and characteristics of the development of individual components of the cognitive abilities of adolescent students studying in sports and general education classes.

2. Investigate the dynamics of the cognitive development of students in control and experimental classes during the summer vacation.

3. To compare the results of diagnostics of pupils of different groups and to determine the peculiarities of the dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities, depending on age, specialization and experience of sports activity.

The results of diagnostics of the level of development of cognitive abilities and their individual components are presented in Table 13.

The dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities and a comparative analysis of differences in the results of students in the 6th and 7th grades of different specializations are reflected in tables 19.20 (in Appendix 1).

Comparison of the results obtained in May 2000 with the indicators of the level of development of cognitive abilities in September 2000 made it possible to determine the dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities of students and their individual components during the summer holidays.

Figure 14 shows the arithmetic mean indicators of the level of development of cognitive abilities of students of the main age groups in May - September 2000.

Based on the data obtained, we can note the unevenness of the growth rate of the level of development of cognitive abilities in the results of students of different ages and specializations.

Analyzing the results of students of various specializations, it can be noted that the highest growth rates were demonstrated by students of general education classes: 11.77% at an older age (grade 7) and 6.61% in grade 6.

Among their peers with a sports specialization, changes in results are less significant: 9.32% among students in grade 6 (athletics), 0.15% among students in grade 6 (swimming) and 0.51% among students in grade 7 sports class.

If we analyze the features of the development of individual components of the cognitive abilities of students in grades 6 of various specializations, it can be noted that the most uniform growth rates of results for all indicators are observed among students of the general education class (from 1.28% to 24.12%). Their peers with a sports specialization (athletics) demonstrated higher growth rates in the development of all components of thinking (from 11.11% to 21.03%), semantic and visual memorization (11.31% and 15.09%), attention (9.81%). Pupils of the same age in the sports class (swimming specialization) show uneven growth rates of individual components of cognitive abilities: the highest results in terms of logical thinking (105.85%), semantic and visual memorization (26.6% and 6.62%), perception (7.64%), while for other indicators there is a slight decrease in results (from -3.18% to -30.56%).

It should be noted that, in general, the level of development of the cognitive abilities of 6th grade students (see Figure 14) increased during the summer holidays and amounted to 5.19 points in the general education class, 5.29 and 5.48 points in sports classes, which corresponds to the age norms of development (5-6 points).

An analysis of the developmental features of individual components of the cognitive abilities of 7th grade pupils made it possible to establish that the highest growth rates are observed in the general education class: in terms of thinking (from 6.57% to 61.88%), semantic memorization (43.89%), perception (23 , 97%) and attention (13.8%). It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the students of the sports class showed high rates of increase in results only in two indicators: perception (10.78%) and thinking (53.49%), in the development of other components there is a slight decrease in results (from -1.33 % to - 6.5%).

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The relevance of research. At present, the questions of searching for effective forms and methods of physical education of students, optimization of their motor activity are very topical.

The problem of school physical education has always attracted and continues to attract the closest attention of specialists in various fields. Low physical activity (LA) of modern schoolchildren, including primary school students, is observed everywhere. At the same time, the reasons are called: great mental and psychological stress at school, difficult socio-economic conditions in the country, which do not allow many families to fully meet the needs of their children, deterioration of the environmental situation in the world, which entails a variety of diseases, change of interests children, their widespread reorientation to computer games, etc.

Physical education of students is an integral part of the entire educational work of the school and plays an important role in preparing students for life, for socially useful work.

Work on physical education at school is distinguished by a large variety of forms that require students to display organization, initiative, initiative, which contributes to the development of organizational skills, activity, and resourcefulness. Implemented in close connection with mental, moral, aesthetic education and labor training, physical education promotes comprehensive development schoolchildren.

Physical education of younger schoolchildren has its own specifics, due to their anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics, as well as the fact that, coming to school, students find themselves in new conditions to which they need to adapt, get used to. With the beginning of studies, the volume of mental work of children increases significantly, and at the same time, their physical activity and the ability to be outdoors are significantly limited. In this regard, correct physical education at primary school age is not only a necessary condition for the comprehensive harmonious development of the student's personality, but also an effective factor in increasing his mental performance.

There is a contradiction between the need to increase physical activity in children of primary school age at physical education lessons and insufficient methodological development of pedagogical conditions for the successful solution of this problem.

The problem of the research is what are the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the increase in the physical activity of students of primary school age at the lessons of physical culture.

The purpose of the research is theoretical and practical study of pedagogical conditions, contributing to the increase in motor activity of younger schoolchildren at physical culture lessons.

The object of the research is to increase the physical activity of younger schoolchildren at physical culture lessons.

The subject of the research is pedagogical conditions for increasing the motor activity of junior schoolchildren at physical culture lessons. motor physical school lesson

Research hypothesis: increasing the physical activity of primary school children will be more effective if:

1) the means of physical education were identified, selected and systematized, taking into account the morphological and functional characteristics and the level of physical fitness of the trainees;

2) introduced various modes of physical activity in the process of physical education;

3) a stage-by-stage objective assessment of the morphological and functional characteristics of students in physical education classes has been implemented;

4) the interaction of program-methodical and medical-biological support of the process of increasing motor activity is ensured.

Research objectives:

1. To study the essence of the concept of "physical activity".

2. Analyze the specifics of organizing and conducting a physical education lesson in primary school.

3. Identify pedagogical

conditions for increasing the motor activity of primary school age children at physical education lessons.

Research methods: psychological and pedagogical analysis in the aspect of the chosen topic, observation, conversation, testing, survey, pedagogical experiment, mathematical methods of processing research results.

Research structure: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of increasing the motor activity of primary school children at physical education lessons

1.1 The essence of the concept of "physical activity"

Movement is the main manifestation of life; creative activity is unthinkable without it. Restriction of movement or their violation adversely affects all life processes.

A growing body requires a particularly large amount of movement. Immobility is tiring for young children and can lead to stunted growth, mental retardation and reduced resistance to infectious disease. In a huge number of movements of the child, a natural desire for physical and mental improvement is manifested. Various muscular activity has a beneficial effect on the physiological functions of the whole organism, helps to adapt to various environmental conditions. "

Let's consider several definitions of the concept of physical activity:

Locomotor activity is a type of human activity in which activation of metabolic processes in skeletal muscles ensures their contraction and movement of the human body or its parts in space. Simply put, physical activity is the total value of various movements over a certain period of time. It is expressed either in units of expended energy, or in the number of movements (locomotions) performed. Motor activity is measured in the amount of energy expended as a result of any activity (in feces or J per unit of time), in the amount of work performed, for example, in the number of steps taken, in terms of time spent (number of movements per day, per week);

Motor activity (activity) - a set of motor acts;

Motor activity is the main function of the muscular system of animals;

Human motor activity is one of the necessary conditions for maintaining normal functional state a person, a natural biological need of a person. Normal vital activity of almost all human systems and functions is possible only with a certain level of motor activity. Lack of muscle activity, like oxygen starvation or vitamin deficiency, adversely affects the developing body of the child;

A motor action is a purposeful motor act (a behavioral motor act, consciously carried out in order to solve a motor task). They consist of movements (both unconscious and inappropriate mechanical movements of the body or its parts) and postures.

Active muscular activity, according to many researchers (I. A. Arshavsky, T. I. Osokina, E. A. Timofeeva, N. A. Bernshtein, L. V. Karmanova, V. G. Frolov, G. P. Yurko etc.), is a prerequisite for the normal development and formation of a growing child's body.

Physical activity is the basis for the individual development and life support of the child's body. It is subject to the basic law of health: we acquire by spending, formulated by I.A. Arshavsky. The theory of individual development of a child is based on the energy rule of physical activity. According to this theory, the features of energy at the level of the whole organism and its cellular elements are in direct proportion to the nature of the functioning of skeletal muscles at different age periods. Motor activity is a factor in the functional induction of educational processes (anabolism).

The peculiarity of the latter lies not simply in the restoration of the initial state in connection with the regular activity of the developing organism that has taken place, but in the obligatory excessive restoration, i.e. it is necessary to constantly enrich the hereditarily predetermined energy fund. Thanks to physical activity, the child provides himself with physiologically full-fledged individual development.

T.I. Osokina and E.A. Timofeeva note that “from systematic work, the muscles increase in volume, become stronger and at the same time do not lose the elasticity characteristic of childhood. The increased activity of the muscle mass of the body, the weight of which in preschool age is 22-24% of the total weight, also causes the enhanced functioning of all organs and systems of the body, since it requires abundant nutrition (blood supply) and stimulates metabolic processes. The better a muscle is supplied with blood, the higher its efficiency. "

According to the authors, the growth and formation of muscles occurs simultaneously with the development of the child's skeletal system. Under the influence of physical exercise, the flexible, pliable bones of the child, containing a lot of cartilage tissue, become thicker, stronger, and become more adapted to increased muscle load.

It is extremely important, according to teachers, the influence of muscular activity on the formation of natural curves of the spine. “For good posture, the muscles of the trunk need to be developed evenly. Correct posture has not only aesthetic, but also physiological significance, since it ensures the correct position and normal activity of internal organs, especially the heart and lungs. " “That is why, as a result of movement, muscle mass develops, which ensures the growth of the body. But this is not just an increase in mass, it is a prerequisite (structural and energy support) for the performance of loads that are even larger in volume and intensity. "

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that physical activity is considered as:

1) the main manifestation of life, a natural striving for physical and mental improvement (TI Osokina, EA Timofeeva);

2) the basis for the individual development and life support of the child's body; it is subject to the basic law of health: we acquire by spending (IA Arshavsky);

3) a kinetic factor that determines the development of the organism and the nervous system along with genetic and sensory factors (N.A. Bernstein, G. Shepherd);

4) the satisfaction of the child's own motives, internal necessity in the form of the instinct "joy of movement" (YF Zmanovsky and others).

Studies have shown that an increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity contributes to the improvement of the activity of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory); physical and neuropsychic development; development of motor skills.

Studies were reviewed: L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolova et al. On the use of physical exercises in the fresh air, aimed at increasing the physical activity of children; M. Runova on the optimization of the motor activity of children, taking into account the individual level of their development; VC. Balsevich about the conversion of selected elements, technology of sports training.

Physiologists N.A. Bernstein and G. Shepherd believe that “motor activity is a kinetic factor that largely determines the development of the organism and the nervous system, along with the genetic factor and the influence of sensory information of different modalities. Full physical development, the formation of correct posture, motor qualities, optimal motor stereotype through the developmental movement is inextricably linked with the harmonious consistent organization of the nervous system, its sensory and motor centers, analyzers. " Thus, according to scientists, the program of preschool education "Physical development and health" should be equally aimed at the bodily (physical) and neuropsychic development of the child.

V.A. Shishkina notes the extremely important role of movements for the development of the psyche and intellect. “From working muscles, impulses are constantly sent to the brain, stimulating the central nervous system and thus, contributing to its development. The more subtle movements a child has to carry out and the higher the level of coordination of movements he achieves, the more successful the process of his mental development is. The child's physical activity not only contributes to the development of muscle strength as such, but also increases the body's energy reserves. "

Scientists have established a direct relationship between the level of physical activity and their vocabulary, the development of speech, thinking. They note that under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body, the synthesis of biologically active compounds increases, which improve sleep, have a beneficial effect on the mood of children, and increase their mental and physical performance. “In a state of decreased motor activity, the metabolism and the amount of information entering the brain from muscle receptors decrease. This impairs metabolic processes in the tissues of the brain, which leads to violations of its regulatory function. A decrease in the flow of impulses from working muscles leads to disruption of the work of all internal organs, primarily the heart, is reflected in the manifestations of mental functions, metabolic processes at the level of cells.

Psychologists warn that a child does not act for the sake of the interests of an adult that are alien and not always clear to him, and not because "it is necessary", but because he thereby satisfies his own motives, acts by virtue of an internal necessity that has formed earlier or has arisen only now , even if under the influence of an adult. One of such internal necessities, in their opinion, is the “joy of movement” born in the form of an instinct.

Speaking about physical activity as the basis for the life support of a child's body, E.Ya. Stepanenkova points out that it is she who has an impact on the growth and development of the neuropsychic state, functionality and performance of the child. “During muscular work, not only the executive (neuromuscular) apparatus is activated, but also the mechanism of motor-visceral reflexes (that is, reflexes from muscles to internal organs) of the work of internal organs, nervous and humoral regulation (coordination of physiological and biochemical processes in organism). Therefore, a decrease in motor activity worsens the state of the body as a whole: the neuromuscular system and the functions of internal organs are affected. "

T.I. Osokina and E.A. Timofeeva also note in their studies that in the process of muscle activity, the work of the heart improves: it becomes stronger, its volume increases. Even a sick heart, they note, is greatly strengthened under the influence of exercise.

“The blood is cleansed of carbon dioxide and oxygenated in the lungs. The more clean air the lungs can hold, the more oxygen the blood will carry to the tissues. Performing physical exercises, children breathe much deeper than in a calm state, as a result of which the mobility of the chest and lung capacity will increase. "

The authors note that physical exercises in the fresh air especially activate the processes of gas exchange. The child, being systematically for a long time in the air, is tempered, as a result of which the resistance of the child's body to infectious diseases increases.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can note motor activity as a biological need of the body, the degree of satisfaction of which depends on the health of children, their physical and general development. "Movements, physical exercises will provide an effective solution to the problems of physical education, if they act in the form of a holistic motor regime that meets the age and individual characteristics of the motor activity of each of the children."

Many scientists (L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolov, M.A.Runova, V.A. individual typological characteristics of the central nervous system, state of health and largely depends on external conditions - hygienic, social, household, climatic, etc.

Studies have shown that an increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity during the day contributes to the improvement of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), physical and neuropsychic development, the development of motor skills (Yu.Yu. Rautskis, O.G. Arakelyan, S.Ya. Laizane, D.N. Seliverstova and others).

Particular attention is paid to the use of physical exercises in the fresh air in various forms - physical training, sports exercises, walking exercises in the summer, outdoor games (L.V. Karmanova, V.G. Frolov, O.G. Arakelyan, G.V. Shalygina, EA Timofeeva and others). The authors of these studies have developed the content and methodology of physical exercises aimed at increasing the physical activity of preschool children; they have shown the positive effect of the combination of physical exercises and the hardening effect of fresh air on the body of children.

V.G. Frolov, G.G. Yurko note that when conducting activities in the open air, children get the opportunity to show greater activity, independence and initiative in actions. And the repeated repetition of exercises in a larger space in the warm and cold seasons contributes to a stronger consolidation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities.

In the studies of M.A. Runova on the problem of optimizing the motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the individual level of their development, notes: "The optimal level of child's motor activity must fully satisfy his biological need for movement, correspond to the functional capabilities of the body, and contribute to improving the state of" health and harmonious physical development. "

On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the main indicators of physical activity - volume, duration and intensity, M.A. Runova divided the children into three subgroups, according to the developmental levels of DA (high, medium and low levels). According to the author, this will enable the educator to carry out differentiated work with subgroups and use an individual approach.

M.N. Kuznetsova, speaking about the bilateral relationship between physical and neuropsychic development, believes that more intense physical activity contributes to better physical development, and better physical development, in turn, stimulates physical activity and neuropsychic development.

1.2 The specifics of organizing and conducting a physical education lesson in primary school

Physical education lessons in primary school are mandatory components of any learning process. Therefore, they are annually improved and supplemented with useful exercises, according to the Ministry of Education.

In general, a clear distribution of exercises, as well as dividing the lesson into parts, is the most correct. Both methodological support and correct implementation of many elements are required. In general, according to the modern methodology, the lesson should be divided into several main parts. So, first comes the introductory part. All the necessary organizational issues are resolved here. This part is one of the most important. This is especially true for primary school. The teacher must take the children to the gym by himself, help prepare for the lesson, and also teach them to teams. In this case, construction is meant. Children should understand that their main task is to become clearly in height, from the highest to the lowest.

The specificity of the upbringing of younger schoolchildren is due to their anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics - this is slow growth of growth, high excitement of the nervous system, increased reactivity and, therefore, the heart rate of a 7-year-old child is 88 beats / min, 10 years old - 79 beats / min. The blood pressure of a 7-year-old child is 85/60, a 10-year-old child is 90/55. The mass and size of the heart is less than in adults, the ossification of the skeleton has not yet ended, muscles are poorly developed, especially the muscles of the trunk, insufficiently strong ligaments and tendons, which contributes to deformation when the ridge is loaded. Overloading can lead to stunted growth of the child.

With the beginning of studies, the volume of mental work of children increases significantly, and at the same time, their physical activity and the ability to be outdoors are significantly limited. In this regard, correct physical education at primary school age is not only a necessary condition for the comprehensive harmonious development of the student's personality, but also an effective factor in increasing his mental performance.

Rationally organized physical education activities during the day expand the functional capabilities of the child's body, increase the productivity of mental work, and reduce fatigue.

The tasks of physical education of primary schoolchildren are as follows:

1) improve health and promote proper physical development;

2) to form motor skills and abilities;

3) equip students with knowledge of physical culture, hygiene, and the rules of hardening;

4) develop motor (physical) qualities;

5) to form an interest in physical education and the need to do it;

6) educate positive moral and volitional qualities;

7) prepare students for passing the norms of the TRP complex.

A successful solution to the problems of physical education of primary schoolchildren is possible only if it becomes an organic part of the entire educational process of the school, a subject of general concern for the teaching staff, parents, the public, when each teacher performs his duties in accordance with the "Regulations on physical education secondary school students ".

Health promotion and the promotion of the correct physical development of pupils is an important task of primary school. The physical condition of the child, his health is the basis on which all his strengths and capabilities, including mental ones, develop.

Correct physical education of students is a necessary condition for the normal development of the whole organism. Thanks to physical activity, the development of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs is ensured, metabolism improves, and the general tone of vital activity increases. It is known that when children move little, they lag behind in development from their peers, who have the correct motor regime.

Outstanding teacher V.O.Sukhomlinsky great importance gave to the activities of the school, teachers, aimed at improving the health of schoolchildren, especially primary school students. He believed that taking care of the health of children was the most important task of a teacher.

The task of strengthening the child's health involves hardening his body. For this purpose, physical education should, if possible, be carried out in the air, and when conducting them indoors, adhere to hygienic requirements.

An important indicator of the normal physical development of a child is correct posture, which predetermines the normal position and functioning of internal organs. The formation of the correct posture depends on many conditions, namely, how the student walks, stands, sits, does morning exercises every day, physical exercises in the classroom, games and exercises during recess. Exercise is the primary means of developing correct posture.

The motor activity that a child carries out in the process of physical education is a necessary condition for the normal development of his central nervous system, a means of improving analyzers and developing their interaction. No wonder they say that the muscle raised the brain, the nervous system. There is a close relationship between the child's motor activity and its mental development.

Purposeful motor actions fulfillment takes an important place in the life of children of primary school age and is one of the effective factors in the development of their emotional-volitional sphere, a source of positive emotions. II Pavlov called the pleasure that a person receives from motor activity, "muscular joy."

Formation of motor skills and abilities in primary grades is carried out in accordance with the curriculum, which provides for teaching students the exercises of basic gymnastics, athletics, games, ski training, swimming.

The effectiveness of teaching motor actions depends on the methodology of conducting lessons, on how the cognitive activity of students is activated in the learning process, language and thinking are included in this process, how consciously they relate to the mastering of motor actions.

Mastering the correct technique for performing exercises is an important task of physical education. As you know, exercises have a positive effect on the body only if they are performed correctly. In addition, a rational technique for performing exercises contributes to the formation of correct skills of vital movements, develops in children the ability to appropriately distribute effort and effectively carry out various movements, fosters their readiness to quickly learn new motor actions.

When developing vital skills and abilities in students, appropriate attention should be paid to developing their ability to quickly and accurately perform small movements with their fingers, skillfully interact with both hands, and quickly reorganize movements in accordance with conditions. The development of hand movements in schoolchildren, this main organ of human object-related actions, is an important task of primary education. The development of student's hand movements is influenced by different types activities: writing, drawing, manual labor, self-service, physical education. It should be emphasized that physical education plays a specific role in the development of hand movements and, in particular, in the development of their voluntary regulation. It is in these classes that tasks for the development of accurate and coordinated hand movements in students are set and performed using exercises with objects (with large and small balls, with a rope, with sticks, flags, etc.), as well as with the help of special exercises for development differentiated movements of the fingers.

The founder of the scientifically grounded theory of physical education, P.F. The totality of the above qualities determines the level of the child's "motor culture". The high development of such skills and qualities is necessary for training, for many modern professions, as well as for everyday activities and military affairs. The development of the ability to effectively carry out motor actions is an important component all-round harmonious development of the personality.

Arming students with knowledge of physical culture, hygiene, with the rules of hardening. In primary grades, students should have an idea of ​​the correct motor regime, be aware of the importance of morning hygienic gymnastics, physical culture, outdoor activities outside school hours, know what clothes and shoes are needed for physical exercise, monitor the correct posture, know the rules of hardening, the content of the initial degree of the TRP complex "Ready to start".

Pupils gaining knowledge of physical culture is a prerequisite for the conscious mastery of educational material on this subject, instilling interest and the habit of systematically engaging in physical exercises. A special role is played by students 'knowledge of physical culture in the formation of their skills to independently perform physical exercises, in the development of students' beliefs about the need to systematically engage in physical education, to temper the body by using natural factors(sun, air, water). All this contributes not only to the physical development and health improvement of students, but also fosters in them the correct attitude towards their own health and the health of other people, helps to prevent or eradicate unhealthy habits.

The development of motor (physical) qualities is to develop students' speed, strength, agility, endurance in the process of physical education. This process is closely related to the formation of motor skills and is due to the volume and nature of the child's motor activity. The results of such natural movements as running, jumping, throwing, swimming, etc. depend on the level of development of motor qualities.

At primary school age, the natural physiological development of motor qualities has its own characteristics: agility and speed of movements develop more intensively than strength and endurance. For the methodology of physical education, it is important to take into account the fact that the muscle as a sensory organ matures earlier than as a working organ. Children from 7 to 13 years old show the greatest shifts in the development of motor coordination. Taking this into account, it is important to correctly determine the content and methods of physical education, which would contribute to the development of motor qualities in children in accordance with their age characteristics.

The formation of interest and habits in physical education is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of physical education of schoolchildren.

At primary school age, interests and habits are actively developed. Every student should be instilled with the desire to engage in physical education. Only if students are interested in physical education lessons, on their own initiative attend classes in groups from the TRP complex or in sports sections, at home they perform exercises and procedures aimed at hardening the body, can they achieve their comprehensive physical development and health promotion.

The family's position on this issue is of great importance for instilling interest in physical education in schoolchildren. Interest arises and will become persistent if parents involve children of preschool and primary school age in physical education, create the necessary conditions for this.

The upbringing of positive moral and volitional qualities is one of the important tasks, which is carried out in the process of physical education. A. S. Makarenko in his "Lectures on the upbringing of children" wrote: "A disciplined citizen can be brought up only by the whole amount of correct influences, among which the most prominent place should be occupied by: broad political education, general education, book, newspaper, labor, social work and even such seemingly secondary things as play, entertainment, relaxation. "

The specificity of the influence of physical education classes on the upbringing of moral and volitional qualities is that students, in order to achieve success in performing physical exercises, reveal purposefulness and will, discipline, the ability to mobilize the right moment your physical and spiritual strength. At the same time, in physical education classes, collective activity prevails. Students learn to identify a sense of friendship, acquire the skills of a culture of behavior, collectivism, and the like. One should strive to achieve such a level of consciousness that in the process of classes, competitions between teams, classes, the student received moral pleasure not only from his dexterity, but also from the fact that he did it in the interests of the collective, in the name of the collective. In the process of joint practical activity, children learn to behave correctly in accordance with moral norms. Correctly organized performance of exercises in groups, team games, participation in competitions contribute to the child's entry into the team and instilling in him the habit of living in the interests of the team.

During exercise, students often have to exercise volitional efforts to overcome insecurity and even fear. As a result of constant training, students develop courage, determination, and perseverance. Together with volitional qualities, the moral traits of the individual are simultaneously brought up, and moral education is impossible without the manifestation of volitional efforts.

The constant fulfillment of physical exercises leads to the development of a system of habitual actions and emotional and mental states. When a student begins to study an exercise, especially a difficult one, he often feels uncertainty, fear. In the process of mastering the exercises, these feelings disappear, instead there is a pleasure from the ability to perform the learned actions. However, the very system of habitual actions and emotional-mental states does not yet ensure the moral development of the individual. To achieve this, a moral consciousness is formed in students, which determines the direction of their activities. Using the acquired knowledge and skills during the competition between teams, classes or schools, the student experiences pleasure not only from his effective practical actions, but also from what he has done in the interests of the team. This organization of the case puts all students in conditions of personal responsibility for the success of the team.

Preparing students for passing the norms of the TRP complex. The initial degree of the GTO complex "Ready for starts" is designed for children 7-9 years old. The tasks of this degree are for children to acquire the skills of performing physical exercises, develop dexterity, courage, coordination of movements, and acquire an interest in sports. In grade 1, students prepare for passing the norms of the initial degree, and in grade 2, they continue to prepare and pass these norms. In the 3rd grade, they prepare for passing in the 4th grade of the 1st degree norms - "Courageous and dexterous".

For boys and girls, the norms of the degree "Ready to start" are the same.

Most of this grade is part of the Kindergarten and Grades 1-3 Physical Education curriculum. In this regard, part of the work on preparing schoolchildren for passing the norms of the complex is carried out in physical education lessons, systematic extracurricular activities are also conducted. The latter is desirable to cover all students. Students' physical culture activists, the physical culture team of the school are involved in this work.

Physical education lesson, especially in grade 1, should be entertaining. Amusement in a physical education lesson is one of the ways to bring the content of educational material closer to age opportunities children, to ensure the continuity of the preschool and school periods of the child's development. Speaking of amusement, we do not mean the amusement of children with empty amusements, but the amusement of the forms in which physical exercises are clothed.

Pedagogically justified entertaining is intended to attract and strengthen the attention of children, to activate the physical activity of students. The children get bored with the boring schematism of standard lessons, routine exercises. Amusement in this sense always carries elements of a game mood, makes the lesson emotional and intense.

In this regard, it is worthwhile to carry out physical exercises under the teacher's poetic texts. Each exercise has a story character, and the children independently imitate the movements. In this case, the exercises take the form of a game. This technique develops curiosity, imagination in children, stimulates the imagery of movements.

1.3 Pedagogical conditions increasing the physical activity of primary school children at physical education lessons

There is an opinion that the possibility of unloading students should be sought not in reducing the load, but in greater orderliness, better organization study and rest regime, in particular their motor regime. This will allow schoolchildren to possess the volume of knowledge, improve academic performance, as well as improve their health and physical development.

Parents should also be naturally interested in ordering the motor regime of schoolchildren. Teachers should inform parents about the knowledge that their children are gaining and make sure that it is followed. So exercises for agility and strength can be used as an addition to morning exercises; exercises that prevent and correct various deviations from the normal development of the bone-ligamentous apparatus can be performed during physical education. Other exercises can be combined with walks, being on the site.

Correct, regular performance of physical education assignments has a beneficial effect on the student's health.

Positive emotions play an important role in increasing the health-improving effect of classes. Positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the functions of the most important internal organs, on the well-being and on the very behavior of children.

It is known that hardening is of great importance in improving the health of schoolchildren, increasing the defenses of a young organism in overcoming various ailments. Hardening should become a special section of the work of teaching teams with parents and students. Hardening means increasing the body's natural ability to adapt to the external environment and develop its defenses. Seasoned children are less susceptible to colds, sore throats, flu and many other diseases, they are easier to tolerate diseases.

For schoolchildren, the correct organization of changes is especially important: the opportunity to go out into the street in order to actively move there and relieve mental and static physical stress.

Sleep is of paramount importance to all children. Children younger age should sleep 10-11 hours a day.

When controlling the behavior of a child, it should be remembered that the division of labor into mental and physical is conditional. In each type of work, components of physical and mental stress are provided. However, in the practice of work, the teacher, as a rule, plans and takes into account only mental loads - the amount of written work, the number of examples, tasks, etc., and the physical component (muscle work) in general education lessons remains out of his field of vision.

This one-sided approach to the organization of the lesson contributes to fatigue, developmental delay, and sometimes loss of health in schoolchildren.

As you know, schoolchildren sit for the most part of their studies, i.e. their body is immobilized (4-6 hours of schoolwork and up to 2-3 hours of homework). If we add to this the time spent on additional reading, board games and watching TV, it turns out that most of the time the children do not move.

Analyzing the literature data, one can come to the conclusion that the prolonged stay of children in this position may be a factor that significantly limits the development of the child's functional capabilities.

The goals of physical education are the promotion of harmonious physical and mental development, satisfaction of the needs for movement and play, promotion of the overall development of the individual in the intellectual, emotional, behavioral, social, as well as in the bodily and motor areas.

Physical activity of students at school should be organized with a complementary combination of two areas:

* physical education lessons and the work of sports sections after school hours (the so-called large forms of classes);

* small forms introduced into the structure of the school day to maintain a high level of efficiency of schoolchildren during the entire period of study.

Small forms include: introductory gymnastics before training sessions; physical education and physical training pauses; exercise during an extended break; micro sessions of individual exercises. Due to small forms of physical education, it is possible to satisfy the monthly need for movements and realize about 40% daily allowance motor activity.

Gymnastics before lessons (introductory gymnastics) for 5-10 minutes does not replace, but complements morning exercises. It has its own purpose - to prepare the child to maintain a working posture, deepen breathing, and focus. The complexes should be changed 2 times a month.

Outdoor games are held at small breaks and dynamic breaks. The latter, in suitable weather, is best done in the school area after the second or third lessons. The duration of a dynamic break is 20-40 minutes.

The term "physical education" is usually used to denote short-term series of physical exercises, used mainly for active rest in the classroom. Each teacher should be able to spend physical education in their lessons, taking into account the specifics of their subject. They usually involve doing 3-5 physical exercises during the lesson. It is advisable to use musical accompaniment, elements of self-massage and other means to help restore operational efficiency during physical education minutes.

The time for the beginning of the physical education minute is chosen by the teacher himself, focusing on when a significant part of the students begins to show fatigue. During the lesson, it makes sense to spend 1-2 physical education minutes. They are required in the third and subsequent lessons.

Conducting physical education should solve the following tasks:

a) reducing fatigue and reducing the negative impact of a monotonous working posture;

b) enhancing the attention of students and increasing the ability to perceive educational material;

c) emotional "shake-up" of students, the ability to throw off the accumulated (for example, during a survey) burden of negative emotions and experiences.

The exercises performed should give a load to the muscles that were not loaded when performing the current activity, and also contribute to the relaxation of muscles performing significant static or static-dynamic loads.

Physical education should be carried out in a bright, clean, well-ventilated area. At the same time, it is unacceptable that the air in the classroom is stale. Before starting the exercises, you should open the windows, stop the current work and invite the students to prepare for a physical education minute. To increase the interest of students at the initial stages of the introduction of physical education minutes, you can use any challenge prize, which will be awarded, for example, the best row.

To implement continuity between physical education minutes conducted by different teachers in the same class during one school day, the physical education teacher needs to draw up an approximate program of physical education minutes, which should be correlated with the lesson schedule.

Good results are obtained by conducting physical exercises by the schoolchildren themselves (starting from the 6-7th grade). This is the responsibility of the "health duty" and is supervised by the teacher. Students should be specially prepared for their implementation in physical education lessons. It is appropriate to develop a set of physical education minutes on days of the week.

The activity of students largely depends on many factors, the main of which are: the correct formulation of the tasks of the lesson, the creation of a positive emotional background, the optimal workload of schoolchildren in the lesson.

The creation of a positive emotional background is of exceptional importance in the classroom, including physical education lessons. As a rule, it is formed in schoolchildren even before the start of the lesson and should be maintained throughout its entire duration. However, the emotional background can change during the lesson. It depends on the well-being of the students, their interest in physical culture as a subject, in physical exercises, a specific lesson or the personality of the teacher, on the assessments of their activities, mood, behavior and well-being of the teacher.

There are several main factors that contribute to the emotionality of the lesson and make students enjoy the exercise.

1. The environment in the lesson and the teacher's behavior significantly affect the emotionality of the class, sometimes turning the whole thing into a joke. A physical education lesson always brings satisfaction and joy if the students move and do not sit bored on the benches, if they see the teacher in a good mood, understand his jokes, know and clearly feel the results of their work. Excessive excitement of the teacher (fussiness, noisiness), as a rule, leads to an increase in the disorganized activity of students. You should not make schoolchildren laugh and entertain, joke with them endlessly. It is important that the severity, accuracy and clarity of the teacher's actions are interspersed with smiles, words of encouraging students for their successes, encouraging them in case of temporary failures.

2. The use of play and competitive methods, due to their psychological characteristics, always evokes a strong emotional reaction in schoolchildren. It should be remembered that often this reaction can be so strong that it becomes almost impossible to complete learning tasks. Powerful emotions by their nature, they fade out for a long time after the end of the game or competition, therefore, these methods should be used in the lesson, having determined their place, form and measure.

Play is a familiar form of activity for schoolchildren. For children of primary school age, this is not only entertainment, but also a way of development ( age feature). With the help of games that require the manifestation of physical activity, students learn the rules and norms of rational forms of movement, develop mental and physical qualities, and communication skills. In lessons with younger students, it is important to use story games, while the teacher, creating a certain game plot of activity for the students, includes programmatic educational material in the content of the lesson. Applying this method, the teacher himself must become a participant in the game, believe in the reality of the images he creates and fulfill the role corresponding to the plot. With the increasing age of schoolchildren, games should be used that are more and more realistic. It can be a variety of sports games, at first with simplified rules and conditions for implementation, then fully corresponding to real requirements.

3. A variety of tools and methods used in the lesson. It is known that monotonous physical activity leads to the development of unfavorable mental states: monotony, mental satiety.

There are many ways to diversify the means and methods of teaching lessons: use frontal, group or circular organization of lessons; include various new physical exercises (for example, different exercises in content can be used to develop the same physical quality); change the environment, the conditions of the lesson (the transition from the gym to the air, musical accompaniment of walking, running, general developmental exercises in the introductory part of the lesson).

Correct formulation of the tasks of the lesson. Researchers of the problems associated with the study of the manifestations of the activity of schoolchildren in physical education lessons, note a decrease in educational activity among students due to the fact that the teacher makes mistakes in setting the tasks of the lesson. The most typical ones are the following:

§ the teacher lists the exercises that the students will perform in the lesson, instead of setting a problem to be solved;

§ the task that is set by the teacher is significant for him, and not for the students;

§ the teacher sets a non-specific task ("learn to throw", "we will learn to play basketball");

§ the teacher sets unattractive tasks for the students; a specific and well-formulated task does not always lead to the desired result. It is important that the learning task is related to the interests of the students and their needs;

§ the teacher sets a task for the students that is unattainable within one lesson. This gives the students the impression that the efforts they will spend in this lesson are in vain.

The optimal workload of students in the classroom can be achieved by a number of special organizational and didactic measures, the main of which are:

1. elimination of unnecessary pauses in the lesson, which is carried out in several ways: by providing all members of the study group with sports equipment; performing preparatory and leading exercises with students in pauses; instructing students to monitor the quality of classmates performing exercises;

2.implementation of constant control of the teacher over the students during the whole lesson (students are warned that all their actions and behavior will be assessed, and not only the level of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by them in the lesson is assessed, but also their activity, attentiveness and discipline) ;

3. inclusion in the educational activity of all students, even those who are exempt from physical exercises. The liberated, present at the lesson, are given the task to carefully monitor what the others are doing, to mentally perform all the exercises. It is known that ideomotor training not only contributes to the formation of motor skills, but also develops (to an insignificant extent) physical qualities. Released students should be involved in judging, used in the role of assistant organizers.

Chapter 2. Practical study of the problem of increasing the motor activity of primary school children at physical education lessons

2.1 Methods of studying the motor activity of primary school children at physical education lessons

We are faced with the task of conducting an experiment to identify the level of motor activity of junior schoolchildren, therefore, for this we need to determine the general level of development of motor qualities of children.

Research objectives

1. To study and analyze the degree of theoretical and practical elaboration of the problem under study.

2. To investigate the level of physical activity of primary school children at physical education lessons.

3.Based on the results of the study, to determine the main factors and psychological and pedagogical conditions for increasing the motor activity of primary school age children at physical education lessons.

To solve the tasks, the following methods were used:

Study of literary sources.

Pedagogical observations (conversation, questioning).

Pedagogical experiment.

Pedagogical control tests.

Statistical methods of processing research materials.

The analysis of literary sources was carried out throughout the entire work. Literary sources were studied and analyzed on the following issues:

characteristics of modern pedagogical technologies

formation of motor skills and skills

psychoregulation in sports.

We studied direct and indirect data related to the research topic. In total, more than 20 sources were studied and analyzed.

This method contributed to the determination of the target setting, the construction of a hypothesis, the development of a plan, program and research methodology. As a result of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and literary data, practical experience, contradictions and the problem of research were identified, its relevance and level of development were established.


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