Necessary equipment for brewing beer at home. Grain Home Brewing Equipment

Preserving the traditions of taste. How to make beer at home .

Equipment for cooking beer is one of the most important ingredients in the brewing process. Since ancient times, real beer has not undergone changes in only one thing - for its preparation, only high-quality ingredients and an approach with knowledge of the matter - "from the heart" are needed, which is possible only at home. The ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks brewed beer in pots, but it did not get worse from this - on the contrary, the use natural materials under tested conditions gave excellent results.

On the present stage home brewers try to adhere to ancient principles that go back centuries, but today a variety of tools come to the rescue, making brewing a comfortable and accurate process. Without changing itself the essence of brewing beer, quality equipment facilitates its implementation, giving true delight to connoisseurs of taste.

Making beer at home

You can easily make a real life-giving drink yourself, having bought everything you need from us - we offer affordable prices how quality equipment for brewing beer, the brewery, and the necessary ingredients.

What is the equipment for cookinghome beer? This is, first of all, in fact, a system of technical equipment, which serves for the production of unfiltered beer of various sorts. at home. Distinctive feature brewing beer at home is its undoubted naturalness and life-giving power of the drink. After all, it does not contain preservatives and does not undergo pasteurization, like its remote analogue of industrial production. Of the whole variety of offers presented in our Internet store, one can single out wort and mash-wort boilers and containers, various beer sets, camp tanks, filter vats, all kinds of fermentation capacities.

The complex of beer equipment includes: fermentation vats, lager tanks, stainless steel containers of various sizes with piping, boilers for cooking; breeding equipment, and for storage yeast, including isothermal containers;crusher, mill(mill) for malt that serves for grinding this component; wort and mash-wort containers; induction cookers, gas burners; filtration and hot water devices; pump for supply hot water, mash and wort, pumps for young and brewed beer, designed for bottling finished product.

With quality components brewing beer at home it gets easier. It doesn't matter which beer brewing recipe you use it - everything will turn out perfect.

Auxiliary equipment for brewing beer

In addition to the elements that are included in the set of a mini-brewery, it is necessary for successful production to buy containers for filling, transporting and storing beer. , and also resolve the issue of disinfection. It is worth considering v the brewing process all containers must be washed before each use, this is a reusable container. For disinfection, you will need special devices (brushes and drying racks), as well as disinfectant tablets.

For any beer brewing technology it should be noted that during fermentation, you will need an aerator and an air filter... Before use equipment for brewing beer it is necessary to purchase raw materials and other expendable materials based on the non-stop work of the brewery for at least a week. Thanks to this, the spending of funds will be the most optimal. For measurements required volumes flasks will be needed, and with the help of a thermometer you will know exactly the cooking conditions.
By using fully stocked equipmentfor brewing beer you can get up to one hundred liters of beer for one cookingbeer at home, despite the fact that it is possible to make three brews per day.

Brewing beeris a truly magical process, and the brewer is a wizard who possesses the secret of the magical taste of real home beer... Its aroma can never be compared to a regular drink on sale. Remember, with us you have an incomparable edge over other home brewers. Here you will find all necessary information for brewing beer at home, which will allow you to become a virtuoso in this area and make a truly delicious and natural drink.

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And everything would be nothing, except if it were not for:
[b] yes, I-in general solved the problem by buying oxygen in cans
it makes no sense to filter it and aeration takes place in 40 seconds)
The oxygen in it is clean, but the outlet of the valve is not. therefore - better through a bubbler (see below).

[b] it is all copper, but which copper? will any fit?, or look for food, or will a new one be suitable from an air conditioner ???
P.S. also for an immersion cooler what kind of copper is needed ???
Any clean - both in composition and on the surface. You should not take a tube with dried cockroaches inside and immediately dip it into the wort;). Well, so that it fits in size :).

[b] Just for kondishnov there is no food, and in the copper there is ATTENTION! Fluorine is an extremely reactive non-metal and the strongest oxidizing agent, which in turn is unacceptable in contact with wort! (There will be sour)
Heresy. It is not found in copper, but in a polymer coating, like Teflon-like in pans. Teflon in pans doesn't scare you, does it? A Toothpaste? There is also calcium fluoride, horror, horror! By the way, if the fluorine were there in an active state, the copper of the khan would have come first of all, even in the air conditioner store. Another thing is that it is better to take without it, and if you already took them, then boil them in soda - I agree here. Another thing is that the pipes may contain not copper, but bronze or brass ... but also not fatal.

[b] I will not say anything about the water filter, here I am not in the subject, but it seems to me that it will not save from microbiology, except from large particles, such as dust. all the more, it is not entirely clear how to implement this when air is not drawn in, but pushed (by a pump)
Will save. Only it is necessary to pass it not through water, but through a solution, well, at least baking soda, and ideally - potassium / sodium hydrogen sulfate. How is this actually implemented in wine fermentation (this hydrosulfate is poured into a water seal, where it is required, because after active fermentation, the wine can begin to suck in air. So that young wine does not suck anyone, this sucked air passes through this solution. Checked; as with to do this with beer - you know better, but it seems to me that it is exactly the same as with wine).
Yes, just the same. In the simplest budget case - a can with 2 pipes different lengths, on the long one we put on a LITTLE piece of cotton wool / foam rubber. Pour the solution into the jar so that the long tube goes under the level of this solution, and the short one is above it and does not get wet with it. Everything, we pump through the long air, from the short one it is fed into the tank. Cotton wool / foam rubber is needed as a divider to increase contact with the solution. The air is cleaned of mechanics and decontaminated. More serious option- buy a "gas trap" in glass, or a desiccant. The second is cheaper and is in plastic, the first resembles a water seal, but is equipped with 2 Schott filter plates (sintered glass powder), which allows you to do without any cotton wool, foam rubber and other things (however, it is fragile, like all glass).

[b] Copper. Everything is completely foggy here. In India, at the beginning of the century, there was an outbreak of cirrhosis of the liver among the population. However, he did not fit into the usual framework. alcohol addiction as the children were ill. There is only one reason - copper dishes. Of course, technologies have stepped far and such a thing as food grade copper has appeared. But she still remained her. However, there are two negative factors associated with copper. The first is selection harmful substances with mechanical action + heating (for example, stirring with a spoon during cooking). Remember the copper jams?
Further, copper is oxidized. Any. And this will 100% affect the taste - the only question is whether you can feel this difference. Do not know.
So what? And all distillates (whiskey, cognac, armagnac, grappa, calvados, etc.) are driven only and exclusively through copper. This is a fact, Monsieur Duke (c);). What are the harmful substances? In addition to copper, nothing can stand out - for there is nothing else there. And so that it does not stand out, it should oxidize (not to green growths, but darken), because the oxides are slightly less soluble than nothing. Therefore, a freshly cleaned basin / alambik / chiller / something else is boiled down, and good. In short - less fears, all frets. Cirrhosis of the liver was due to the constant rubbing of copper dishes for cooking, but the main thing was that there was unrefined copper, and there was nothing like impurities there ... Food grade is simply pure in impurities.

[b] Chiller and filter system - in all sources the filter system is soldered with tin + special. paste. (Why do I solder, by the way, I don’t know - it’s easier to make a team - and there is less crap - and it’s easier to wash). And then I dripped a little deeper than I wanted. It turned out that the solder (ordinary) contains lead, which is certainly not needed not in beer - not in the body. Solder for food grade copper should consist of tin or copper and silver (price from 3000 to 23000 per kg !!!) and the price varies from% silver content (2% -30%).
Plus all of the above (negative) about copper.
I also noticed that 90% of the cooking equipment sold on various sites does not use copper. Mazai you have seen a lot of breweries - how are they doing there ??
All of the above is the words of chemical technologists. Not mine - I just share.
Of course, solder - close attention, but besides copper-silver, you can also solder with pure tin (it is quite simple to distinguish pure tin - pure tin is harder than alloy, boiling water can withstand easily, and [b] must crunch when bent. Wood alloys also crunch. , but they cannot be used at all: they contain cadmium and / or bismuth, and besides, they melt from boiling water), it is on sale too. Why they solder - I also do not understand well.
Copper is not used for a banal reason - after cooking it must be cleaned. Copper in such a time wears out more, and secondly, it must then be boiled before use.

By the way, about the heating elements - then it is still better to heat on a hotplate with as wide a "pancake" as possible, nevertheless, any submersibles can "burn" if handled inattentively.

Wise folk proverb reads: "If you want to do something well, do it yourself." If you want to try delicious beer cooked to the conscience, cook it yourself. At the moment, everything you need to make homemade beer, all useful information about brewing technology, ingredients, equipment for home brewing can be found on the Internet. On any thematic forum or website you will find a dozen, or even more tips making homemade beer. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the beer recipe. You just need to follow a few basic rules. Choose the finest ingredients and follow the technology relentlessly. Of course, it is also advisable to choose high-quality home brewing equipment, that is, equipment that will facilitate the process of home brewing.

Mini brewery buy

If you are in doubt about the choice mini brewery, buy which can be specialized store, or are you interested in microbrewery, price which will not exceed a certain limit, do a little research before buying. mini brewery buy, price which would not be transcendental, visit the online store "For the Brewer".

Microbrewery price

Here you will find not only microbrewery, price which will pleasantly surprise you, but also other equipment and aids for home brewing.

Modern industry produces a large number of brewery different types... When purchasing them, the question arises as to which installation is better to buy. Among the proposals on the equipment market, there are imported and Russian home breweries. Their price can go up to several tens of thousands of dollars. When buying equipment, you should always remember that you can brew high-quality beer in any mini-brewery. It all depends on the professionalism of the master.

Which setting is better?

Each master decides on his own what to brew beer at home. The first step in choosing a setup is to determine your purchase budget. It depends on the financial capabilities of everyone a specific person... One of the main selection criteria is the size of the installation. When buying a home brewery, you need to consider such a factor as the free area for installing equipment.

Equipment for mini-breweries with a production volume of up to 3 thousand liters per day occupies an area of ​​up to 40 square meters. meters.

The volume of the finished drink and the method of its preparation depend on the size of the installation and its design. The most convenient for home brewing are mini-breweries small size equipped with electric heating elements.

Homebrew GRAINFATHER Review:

When purchasing equipment for brewing beer, you need to take into account the fact that its cost is influenced not only by quality, but also by the brand of the manufacturer. Promoted brands, with the same technical characteristics, will always cost 15-20% more than similar installations from unknown manufacturers.

Before choosing a home brewery, you need to carefully study and compare the offers on the market. For the production of a hop drink only for your own consumption, a small installation is sufficient. The cost of such equipment starts from 3-5 thousand rubles. For the arrangement of beer bars, you need to purchase professional equipment. It costs an order of magnitude more. The difference between conventional and professional equipment lies not only in price and performance, but also in service life. Simple equipment is not designed to work all the time. With round-the-clock operation, it can deteriorate very quickly.

Which homebrewers do the producers offer?

The smallest brewery can take up as much space as is required for installing a coffee machine or food processor. The brewed beer is kept in a warm place for a while, and then placed in the refrigerator. There are installations equipped with a cooling "jacket". The finished product can be stored in such equipment.

The duration of preparation of the drink is from 1.5 to 2 weeks. Even in the most spacious apartment, it is difficult to find a place to accommodate a large brewery and a fermentation tank.

The easiest installation for home production beer is a vacuum container. A intoxicating drink is prepared in it on liquid wort, which can be bought at the store. There are prefabricated and one-piece structures. They are equipped with a foam trapping and overpressure relief system.

Installations are subdivided into full-cycle and with a short production period. The first type of equipment requires rather large areas for placement, therefore it is used to equip mini-breweries for the production of a drink in bars and pubs.

The set of equipment for a short cycle of beer production includes:

  • digester and fermentation tank;
  • filters for cleaning drinking water and a device for sterilizing liquid.

Very convenient to use for homemade drink compact brewery.

Pros and cons of breweries

Beer Machine... The American brewery has five designs. On it you can

prepare about 50 types of beer. One cycle of production of a drink lasts 12 days. The installation looks like a barrel. Dry ingredients are used to prepare the drink.


  • Reliability in work and available spare parts base.
  • The ability to use ingredients from different manufacturers.
  • Low cost of the finished product, availability of natural and artificial carbonization and adjustment of the duration of the beverage preparation cycles.


  • For the production of the drink, special cans of carbon dioxide are required, which is used to increase the pressure in the keg.
  • After preparing a drink, the installation must be disassembled for washing.
  • High installation cost.

Inpinto. Brewery Czech manufacturers... Has five versions. The beverage production cycle takes 21 days. The equipment can brew more than 50 types of beer. Liquid ingredients are used to brew beer.


  • Ease of operation;
  • Affordable price.


  • High cost of the finished product;
  • The impossibility of using any other mixtures for preparing a drink, except for the base one.

Mr. Beer. American brewery with a 21-day cycle. The lineup consists of 4 types of installations. Beer prepared in this equipment can be stored for up to 1 year.


  • The ability to brew a wide variety of beers.
  • Ease of operation.


  • Before preparing a drink, the brewing mixture must be boiled.
  • The highest prime cost of a finished product of all breweries on the market.

Any brewer can avoid mistakes when buying equipment if he heed the advice of more experienced colleagues. What you need to know:

- Boilers with a capacity of 30 liters are optimal for brewing beer at home. During the cooking process, the product is boiled down, therefore, most recipes designed for 1 tab of raw materials contain 25-30 liters of drinking water.

- In order to avoid the ingress of microflora, harmful for beer, into the drink when brewing it at home, the equipment is equipped with a chiller. This is the cooling system that is located inside the digester. When brewing beer in a saucepan, the drink is cooled with ice. It has to be poured from one container to another, which can lead to the ingress of bacteria into the product that can change the course of fermentation of the drink and its taste.

- You should never skimp on the filtration system. It is best when the homebrewery is equipped with an automatic siphon. Such a filter is a telescopic system with an "auto-suction". This improves the quality of the product and saves the effort and time required to operate the filtration process.

- When buying a brewery, you need to pay attention to whether it has a wort aeration system or not. After cooking the product, very little oxygen remains in it, which is necessary for yeast cells to activate the process of fermenting sugars. If the design of the brewery does not provide for the installation of such a device, then an additional compressor can be purchased to supply air of the type that is used in aquariums.

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BULLDOG BREWER home brewery review:

Wait, you exclaim, but what about iodine? Iodine is also possible, but not needed. The fact is that the iodine solution, which is sold in the pharmacy, is already a solution in optimal proportions, but its use will simply paint all our equipment, and if you dilute it with water even more, then the sense from it is 0. And this has been tested and proven on practice. So alcohol is better.

Now a little more specifically about the equipment for brewing home beer.

Equipment for brewing home beer.

A pot for brewing beer.

First thing you need to do is a saucepan. Moreover, its volume should be greater than the volume of the planned cooking. For example, for brewing 5 liters of beer, an 8 liter saucepan is suitable for you.

A thick-bottomed stainless steel pot is best for you. You can also take enamel. You should not take an aluminum pot for brewing beer. The aluminum will oxidize and ruin the taste of the beer.

Mashing spoon.

To mash the malt, you need a long-handled spoon. Just a wooden one will do.


Enough important thing, without it, you will not be able to determine the pause temperature when mashing, and skipping the pause will not get the necessary enzymes, as a result, your beer will not be what it should be.

Sieve and gauze.

After mashing the malt is over, strain the mash and separate the grains. To do this, use an ordinary sieve and cheesecloth folded in 2-3 layers.

After the grains have been washed and the wort is drained back into the pot, it should be boiled.

At the end of boiling, the wort is cooled down and poured into a jar or other container for fermentation. A water seal is installed.

Using glass jars, you can simply stick the dropper into the plastic cap, and lower its other end into a jar of water.


That is, perhaps, all that can be said about minimum set equipment for brewing beer at home.

Of course, gradually you will come to the conclusion that you will buy hoses, siphons, tanks, bags, etc., but this is enough for a start. simple recruitment... Brew delicious beer and good luck!