New Year. How to decorate a table for the New Year: decor ideas from natural materials

The New Year's table is not only a meeting place for relatives or friends, it can become the highlight of the evening, help complement the festive night and show your imagination. correct serving New Year's table can cause a storm of emotions and delight in guests.

In addition, as mentioned above, you can show your imagination and show creative thinking, good taste. Table setting is an important part of any meal, and in view of new year holidays she deserves more attention. Thus, from a simple gala dinner you will be able to create a masterpiece.

Modern approach

If you want to get graceful forms, like expensive and luxurious materials, for example, feathers decorated with rhinestones, furs, mirrors and crystal, then this option is for you.

The predominant color in this composition is white. And this is natural: it is a symbol of elegance, goes well with other shades and looks quite simple. Creating any mood with it is quite simple. Goes well with white pink color, you can additionally use blue or turquoise.

To properly arrange the table, you first need to decide where the Christmas tree will be placed. If it is located next to the table, you should start with it. Pick up toys that are made in white, pink, golden colors or transparent. Gifts wrap in paper of the same shades.

Having dressed up the Christmas tree, go to the festive table. The tablecloth should be white. In general, everything should look quite simple: napkins and white dishes. At the same time, you still have a lot of space where you could show your imagination and complement the composition with creativity, elegance and richness.

To add some zest to the design, you can make small Christmas trees from thick cardboard. Decorate them in golden and pink shades.

Take transparent glass jars in which you usually store cereals. They can be placed toys, in the form of small animals. If you sprinkle toys with flour or powdered sugar, it will give the impression of snow-covered animals. Such a composition will look great in the middle of the table.

Think in advance how you will seat everyone. This will help you make another interesting move: make name cards, for example, in the form of a symbol of the coming year and fix them near champagne glasses - this will pleasantly surprise your guests.

Scandinavian style

The name itself speaks for itself. Nordic restraint prevails here, natural objects, deliberate simplicity, but with all these features, this design is quite elegant.

If you choose given style serving, you will have to use White color in combination with other natural shades: the color of the spring sky, sea wave, turquoise, etc. At the same time, there are several rules, for example, the tablecloth must be white, and guests can put napkins in gray.

In order to create the right mood, for the center of the table you will have to perform the following composition: plant edelweiss flowers in a large dish. All this beauty can be decorated using moss and Pine cones. It will turn out quite original, and spruce branches are perfect as a runner.

Plates can be decorated with images of deer or snowflakes. Candlesticks and candles should also be placed on. The material for them can be any, but glass, wood, stone, etc. are especially suitable.

Take Christmas decorations and put them between glasses for guests. Name cards can be attached to them.


In this serving option, you need to show that all the items you use are made exclusively from natural materials. The basis of the design is to flaunt the natural texture. Well, if the table is made of wood, then you should not cover it completely with a tablecloth, but leave the edges in order to show the guests a beautiful natural pattern.

The rest of the items that you will use to decorate your idea can be made from fruits, shells, natural fabrics and other exclusively natural materials. At the same time, three mandatory colors must be present in the entire composition: beige, green and brown. Once again, we will clarify that literally all the items you used in the design should show their naturalness and natural origin.

With a wooden table, you may not even need a tablecloth - put everything directly on the table. The runner for such a table should be made of linen.

Giant white wax candles and branches of pine needles will look great in the center of the table. Don't overcrowd the design with too many elements: it can even be a little rough and simple. You can add decoration with bows.

Decorate napkins with burlap, and guests will love this little surprise like a little gingerbread you baked.

Classic style

For this option, you will have to spend some significant amount of money, because. this style is dominated expensive materials: crystal, silver, porcelain and gilding. This is a tribute Victorian era and the dominance of capitalism.

According to the established tradition, many housewives of our country begin preparations for the new year on the last day of the outgoing year. If December 31 falls on a working day, then there is very little time left to set the festive table. How to plan well holiday menu so that the guests are full and happy, and there are no leftovers, and at the same time the family budget does not suffer?
In this article, we will try to answer these questions, as well as compile sample menu for guests of 4-5 people. We will also pay attention to the decor of the New Year's table.

To begin with, we will decide where and with whom we celebrate the New Year, and who will be responsible for the festive table. Will it be quiet romantic dinner for two or noisy family gatherings Or maybe it will be a trip out of town. In any case, this issue must be resolved in advance. After all, the New Year's budget is planned based on family (personal) financial capabilities so that it is not at the expense of the wallet. It is also worth considering that after New Year's Eve there is a series of New Year holidays and holidays.

So, we make a list of guests, taking into account taste preferences every guest. This will be a small guide for the next steps in planning. Next, we calculate the approximate budget for spending on the New Year's table and write everything down in a notebook. It remains to decide how much time we are willing to spend on cooking festive dishes. Ideally, for any woman, it will be the best thing to dedicate yourself to your beloved on December 31, pamper yourself, do your hair, make-up, take a walk and relax a bit. We will proceed from the fact that we would like to spend no more than an hour on cooking on December 31.

In preparation New Year's menu it is important to observe the measure. After all, it is still night, and we do not strive to overeat. We prefer low-fat foods. On the table, appetizers from seafood, lean meats will be appropriate. We make a menu based on 1 kg of food per person. In order to find out how much by weight to buy products, you can use the following standard data (per person):

1. assorted meat (from three types of meat or sausage) - 40 gr each
2. assorted fish - 40 gr
3. assorted vegetables (fresh or pickled vegetables) - 50 gr.
4. cheese plate(1-2 types of cheese) - 30 gr
5. bread - 50 gr
6. Olivier salad - 150 gr
7. hot - 200 gr
8. fruit - 200 gr
9. dessert - 150-200 gr
10. Non-alcoholic drinks (fruit juices, mineral water) - 0.5 l

If you want to put sliced ​​​​and peeled fruit on the table, then a set of canapé sticks is placed nearby so that it is convenient to take them. Bananas are not recommended to be cut for the festive table, as they blacken very quickly and lose their palatability.
There is also the issue of alcohol. Men, as a rule, prefer strong drinks (vodka, martini, cognac), women - softer ones (champagne, white and red wine, light cocktails). On average, they calculate 0.5 l alcoholic beverages per person.

We make a shopping list based on the planned menu, plan the dates for going to the store. Do not forget about the weekend, for which you also need to stock up on food. We also pay attention to those products that tend to end suddenly: salt, sugar, tea, coffee. We also add to the list the items and products necessary for table setting. And of course, we plan a trip to the store in advance, at least two weeks in advance, so as not to push in queues and sweep the remaining products from store shelves.

There is no need to be afraid that suddenly there is not enough food. It is enough to have some products in reserve: sausage, cheese, baked meat, as well as fruits. Even if unexpected guests come, you can always quickly arrange the cut and put it on the table. This will save you from unnecessary trouble in the kitchen, and you won’t have to give out after New Year’s Eve great amount leftover untouched food to guests and friends.

Since we don’t really want to spend the rest of the day at the stove, and we decided that we are ready to spend only an hour on cooking, we will select dishes taking into account their processing and cooking time. For example, for a salad like Olivier, you can boil, peel and cut vegetables in advance. Make it December 30th. Place everything in a container and refrigerate without stirring. Before New Year's Eve it remains only to fill with mayonnaise. If the festive table will decorate the cake of your own preparation, then the cakes for it can be prepared for the future even for a week. And on the eve of them, just soak them with cream and decorate. You can also prepare meat for hot dishes. For baking - marinate for a day and put in a cold place. Or prepare a semi-finished product and freeze in freezer. Hot garnish - at your discretion. Although for New Year's Eve, the side dish is likely to be superfluous. It will be enough to serve meat with fresh or pickled vegetables, decorated with herbs. If there are more guests, do not plan more dishes. It would be more correct to simply increase the volume of products used in the menu for the number of guests you are waiting for.

For yourself, you can paint everything on paper, indicating the time for preparing each dish. Then it is more convenient to make some adjustments and outline on which day and what you will cook. We also include time for table decor in our plan.

Here is a sample menu with recipes for 4-5 people (products were selected taking into account the possibility of preparing them in advance):

1. Squid Salad:
200 g boiled squid (boil no more than three minutes in boiling water)
3 hard boiled eggs
1-2 fresh tomatoes
1-2 pickles,
bulb or green onion, 4 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise

Cut the squid into strips, eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes into thin slices. Chop the onion into half rings, pour over with boiling water. Mix, pour mayonnaise. decorate with greens and slices of vegetables.

Snack pie with herbs and cottage cheese.
Ready puff pastry - 500g. (2 sheets)
3 eggs (yolk for brushing)
3-6 garlic cloves
300-400g. cottage cheese
100-200g. hard cheese
onion, parsley, dill, cilantro

From half of the dough, roll out the sheet along the width of the baking sheet, taking into account the sides, plus 4-5 cm. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil and spread the dough. Prepare the filling: mix the cottage cheese, raw eggs, grated cheese, washed and chopped greens, peeled and finely grated garlic. Spread the filling evenly over the prepared dough sheet. From the remaining dough, roll out another sheet and cover the pie. We pinch the edges of the dough. Pierce the cake all over with a fork. Lubricate with the remaining yolk. Bake in a hot oven for 20 minutes until golden brown

Festive salad:
1 red onion, 1 Bell pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tomatoes, 2 pickled or pickled cucumbers, a can of canned beans (200g), 300 g of boiled veal, parsley, a sprig of basil, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 6 tablespoons of olive oil, ground black pepper, salt.
Remove the beans from the jar (do not pour out the liquid). Chop the onion in half rings, pour over with boiling water. Peppers, tomatoes and veal cut into cubes. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Cut greens finely. Cucumbers cut into small cubes, they give the salad a special piquancy. Mix all ingredients. Mix for the sauce olive oil, vinegar, pepper, lightly salt, add liquid from the beans. Dress the salad with the resulting dressing.

Braised meat (hot)

Pork (shoulder) - 800g
Onion - 1 head
Sleeve or foil for baking

Rub the meat with salt. Brush generously with mustard. Sprinkle with pepper. Stick cloves into the meat in places. Put the meat in the sleeve. Throw a small onion there, you can use a clove of garlic for flavor, greens. Pack sleeve. Put to bake in a preheated oven to 200-210 C for 1 hour. (In general, the proportions are approximately the following: 1 kg of a whole piece of meat needs to be baked for 1 hour and 15 minutes.) At the end of cooking, tear (cut) the sleeve, pour the meat with its own juice and let the crust bake on top (10 minutes). Serve hot.

Cake Istra.

For the biscuit:
2 cup flour
6 eggs
1 glass of sour cream.
1 cup of sugar

For cream: 1-2 cans of condensed milk, 200 g of peeled walnuts, 200 gr butter.
For impregnation, you need syrup.

Beat egg yolks with sugar white foam, add sour cream and mix thoroughly. Separately, beat the whites and transfer them to the prepared mass, stirring gently, pour in the flour. Bake at a temperature of 200-220 C for 25-30 minutes. Soak the cooled cakes with syrup.

Boil condensed milk for at least 2-2 and a half hours. Beat softened butter, mix with cooled boiled condensed milk. Layer the cakes. Decorate the top and sides of the cake with chopped nuts.

We decorate the festive table

Before decorating the festive table, it is important to prepare and decide how you will decorate the table. In which color scheme what cutlery will be on the table. Tall glasses of transparent or red shades, ordinary fruit vases, glass plates are suitable for decoration. various forms. We also select decorations and "fillings" for vases. It can be Christmas balls small diameters, preferably matched in one color scheme, artificial twigs of spruce or pine, as well as golden decorations made of foil such as garlands or rain.
If you do not have suitable candlesticks in your house, then you can use inverted glasses by placing them on the stem of the glass (on the bottom).
You can pour cubed sugar onto a wide glass dish, and put frozen fruits on top of the sugar. Any that you like and that will go well with champagne. So frozen strawberries will look very impressive on sugar cubes. Along the edges of the plate, you can throw a few sprigs of needles or a little red or silver rain. Such a tasty and decorative plate can be safely placed in the center of the festive table.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2016 will be the year of the Red Monkey, whose element is fire. The monkey is considered a very fastidious creature, therefore, in order for 2016 to be successful, housewives need to properly appease the patroness of the year and surprise her with an impeccably laid and bright festive table.

Color scheme for the New Year 2016

The Red Fire Monkey prefers warm rich tones, therefore, when decorating the New Year's table 2016, you need to use as much as possible decorative elements red, scarlet, bright orange and yellow (gold) colors.

Scarlet and gold tones go well with natural wood elements. dark shades. If you have a massive oblong-shaped wooden table at your disposal, then it is not necessary to cover it with a tablecloth, it is enough to stretch a piece of red fabric through the center, leaving the edges on which the plates will be located free.

fans classical style can be used as base color design is white, placing bright red accents on it. Cover the table with a white tablecloth. Place a piece of red fabric in the center or openwork napkin. Another option is to place a wreath of spruce branches in the center, decorated with gold and red toys. Give preference to white dishes by complementing each set with a beautifully folded red napkin. Pay attention to chairs. They can be decorated with white cloth or scarlet bows tied on them.

buffet table

Since the Monkey loves everything non-standard, then the table setting for the New Year 2016 can be unusual. For example, instead of the usual table for guests, you can organize a buffet table. When serving it, remember the following ground rules design:

  1. The buffet should be located against the wall. Using supplies and boxes, the buffet can be arranged in several tiers. The tablecloth should cover it completely, to the very bottom.
  2. All dishes should be arranged in sectors: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, sweets. When using tiers, sweets and desserts are placed on the highest level, and snacks are placed closer to the edge. Drinks can be poured directly into glasses or left in jugs to save space.
  3. Clean dishes, cutlery, and napkins should be located at both ends of the cupboard.

Do not forget to put a second table next to the main table small size where guests can leave already used dishes.

Required decor elements

Decorate the table new year's eve it can be done in different ways, but since the element of the coming year is fire, this is what should be on the New Year's table 2016 without fail:

  1. Candles. Preferably, red or its shades. Candles will not only bring good luck and success to the house in the coming year, but will also help in creating an atmosphere of celebration and comfort. Carefully select the shape of the candles, depending on their location. Tall candles are suitable for a large table, but if you have little space at your disposal, give preference to small, stable candles.
  2. Garlands and tinsel. The monkey will be happy with the abundance and even an overabundance of bright, rustling elements, therefore, when decorating the house for the 2016 meeting, feel free to use the entire available supply Christmas decorations warm shades from gold and red to pink and purple.
  3. Use bananas and oranges as table decorations and how Christmas decorations. a bold decision will replace the traditional Christmas tree or pine with a tropical palm.

In addition, the Monkey loves money very much, so decorating Christmas tree, hang a few large bills on it. This will bring you profit and material well-being in the New Year.

Dishes on New Year's Eve 2016

Table decoration for the New Year 2016 should consist not only in the use of decorative elements, but also in the features of the dishes served. Since the Monkey is an omnivore, fruits and meat should be in equal quantities. Dishes that combine meat with tropical fruits are welcome. Variants of such dishes:

  • chicken salad with pineapple;
  • duck with prunes and apples;
  • rice with chicken and mango;
  • beef liver salad with tangerines;
  • beef or pork under bananas and kiwi;

When choosing a dessert, give preference to light curd creams that go well with fruit, and don't forget the chocolate-banana dessert.

Drinks can be very diverse, but it is better that they are natural. Use fruit juices, compotes, make smoothies from bananas and other fruits. With alcohol, meeting the year of the Fire Monkey, be especially careful.

Basic serving rules

In order for the festive New Year's table 2016 to be flawless, it is important to remember the basic rules that apply to the design of any themed holiday table. The main ones are:

  1. Maintaining a unified style. A mixture of opposite styles often ends in failure and looks awkward, so first of all, decide on the style direction of the evening and its color solution.
  2. Notice the tablecloth. She will become important element decor and the main background for all dishes. The tablecloth should not dominate and draw too much attention. At least 20 and no more than 40 cm of fabric should hang from each side.
  3. choose tissue napkins to match the tablecloth or contrast it (according to the color scheme of the whole holiday). Beautifully folded napkins are placed on a snack plate. paper napkins may also be present, but they should not be visible.
  4. Always start serving with the arrangement of porcelain and faience. After that, lay out the appliances, and then the glass and crystal.
  5. Spoons and knives are on the right, forks on the left. The cutlery should be with the convex side down, and the knife edge should be directed towards the plate. Glasses, wine glasses and glasses are placed in front of the plate on the right.

In addition, in order to avoid difficulties with the arrangement of dishes, start placing large dishes first, placing them closer to the center. Try to alternate vegetable, fish and meat snacks. Place gravy boats and small vessels in the remaining free space.

If you want 2016 to be successful, do everything to appease the mistress of the year - the Red Fire Monkey. To do this, take care of as much light and shine in your home as possible, as well as the abundance and variety of holiday dishes. Meet the New Year cheerfully, in a big, noisy and bright company and in a good, high spirits.

In this article, we have collected for you the most important recommendations on preparing the New Year's table for the New Year's Eve 2016: how to decorate and serve the New Year's table, what dishes to include in. Here we share the most delicious and simple recipes drinks, snacks, hot meals and pastries New Year so that each housewife can not only feed her loved ones heartily, but also manage to put herself in order for this wonderful event of the year. We are sure that your guests will appreciate your efforts!

In 2016 by Eastern calendar patronage passes into the hands of the fiery Monkey. As is customary among many peoples of the world, they prepare for the New Year in advance. Buying gifts, decorating the Christmas tree and choosing a New Year's outfit are not all the preparations. Of particular importance is the New Year's menu, which, of course, should be special and unique. And the monkey should be happy with everything that is on the tables, poured into glasses. Table setting is also important. But what to do so that your table will certainly please the Monkey, we will definitely tell you.

New Year's table 2016

Everyone knows that the monkey is a lover natural products. This means that New Year's recipes should be light, contain less smoked, fatty, semi-frozen food.

Delicate appetizers, fresh vegetables, salads and fruit desserts perfect composition new year table 2016.

Remember also that the monkey is a playful animal, nimble, loving variety. Therefore, focus your attention not on the volume of dishes, but on their quantity. The more dishes, the better! Cold appetizers, dessert dishes, fruit and vegetable cuts should be taken as a basis - this is what the monkey likes the most.

Of course, you should pay attention to the design of these dishes. Usually sliced ​​dishes are not the highlight of the table. beautiful decorations, original servings, expensive salad bowls and vases - that's what will attract the attention of the monkey. The decoration of the entire table should also be at a height. Based on the fact that everything shiny attracts the monkey, let there be a lot of tinsel and compositions with balls on the table. Remember that the monkey is a herbivore, so it would be most logical to make the New Year's menu completely vegetarian, but some people may not like this solution, so focus on the lightness of the dishes.

Remember what you feed the monkeys at the zoo? This is what should form the basis of the New Year's menu for the meeting of 2016: fruits, berries, sweets, crackers.

The monkey also loves:

Bell pepper

New Year drinks and cocktails 2016

The main alcoholic drink should be wine, even if it leads the table. The logic here is simple - the monkey loves to eat grapes, and this is what wine consists of. There should not be too strong alcoholic drinks on the table. Champagne, of course. It seems that even if the monkey did not categorically love him, this drink cannot be thrown out of the menu, because the New Year is associated with champagne, chimes and fun. However, the champagne would have cheered the monkey too.

But the monkey treats drunk people very badly, so it's best not to abuse it with alcohol. Children can put milkshakes, compotes and juices from fruits and berries, fruit drinks on the table.

Ideally, adults should also switch to soft drinks. New Year's table 2016 may well be decorated with unusual cocktails that a monkey would definitely appreciate.


oranges - 2 pcs.
still water - 700 ml
sparkling water - 500 ml
lemon - 1 pc.
sugar - 150 g
tangerines - 3 pcs.


We peel all the fruits and grind them with a blender. You can strain from the bones with the help of chintz. Remember that you need to peel the fruit so that there is no white peel left on them, because they will add bitterness to the drink. The zest from the fruit is mixed with the resulting juice, sugar and boiling water. For five hours, the mixture should be placed in the refrigerator. After that, it is filtered and poured into a glass.


Monkeys love bananas and the “Queen of 2016” will really like a banana drink.

bananas - 3 pcs.
oranges - 2 pcs.
mint syrup - 2 tablespoons
mineral water (carbonated) - 1.5 liters


Peel bananas and oranges, cut into slices ceramic knife. Remove all pits from the orange. Then grind the fruit in a blender. Pour mineral water, add mint syrup. Pour into glasses, garnish with a sprig of mint.

For those who do not know how to relax and enjoy life without alcohol, let's try to cheat a little (after all, monkeys are very cunning and dexterous!) And prepare alcoholic drinks.


This drink is prepared in advance - 1 month before holiday, because the mixture should be infused.

vodka - 0.5 ml
pine nuts (unpeeled) - 200 g
sugar - 80 g


Sugar and nuts are poured into a jar, all this is poured with vodka. In a dark place, the tincture should stand whole month closed. After that, the tincture must be filtered and poured into a bottle. Preferably cedar liquor is prepared for men.


And here is female version alcoholic drink for the New Year's table. It also needs to be prepared in advance - 1 month in advance.

vodka - 0.5 ml
berries - 1 kg
sugar - 200 g


Berries can be used both fresh and frozen (currants, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries). Pour your favorite berries into a jar of sugar, pour everything with vodka. Close the lid tightly and store in a dark place for 1 month. Then strain the infused drink and pour into a beautiful bottle.

Garnish with a cherry or lime wedge before serving.

The downside of both of these recipes is the cooking time, which comes down to one month. That is, already at the beginning of winter, you need to take care of the alcoholic side of the table. For those who didn't have time, we have the most delicious recipe pineapple punch, ready quickly, drunk even faster.


pineapple (fresh) - 1/3 part
dry white wine - 150 g
champagne - 1 bottle


Pineapple must be peeled, cut into cubes and chopped in a blender along with wine. If there are large pieces left, strain through a strainer or leave it like that to make the cocktail natural. We pour the pineapple into a flat container and put it in the freezer so that it freezes and takes on the consistency of half-frozen ice cream.

Put the resulting pulp in a glass with a spoon and fill it with champagne. A piece of pineapple can decorate a glass. Usually such a drink is the forerunner of the whole event.

Before moving on to recipes New Year's dishes, you need to talk about what the New Year's table setting should be.

As mentioned earlier, boring and everyday options unsuitable. We need to create truly holiday decoration, which will attract the monkey, and with it good luck and happiness in the new 2016.

For those who are anxious about preparing the New Year's table, we will give a few important tips How to decorate the New Year's table. Give preference linen napkins. The tablecloth should also be made from natural materials, such as cotton. Crockery - the more beautiful, the better, painted and bright sets, with a golden border - that's what you need. Vases, dishes and trays with paintings are also a priority.

On the table there should be souvenirs created either from bamboo or wood. What should they be? Any, most importantly, to the theme of the holiday. For example, you can put wooden figurine Christmas trees or Santa Claus.

Be sure to make a dish that looks like a monkey or its face. If you try, it's not that hard to do. For example, cold cuts can turn into a work of art. A little imagination - and the highlight of the table is ready. Of course, you can’t do without the figurine of the hero of the occasion, put it at the head of the table.

It must be borne in mind that this is the year of the fiery or red monkey. Therefore, when serving, give preference to red and yellow. Let these colors be the main ones, you can also add shades such as cream, beige. This allows you to smooth out the contrast between colors, but does not spoil all the brightness and saturation. By the way, these colors should be used not only when decorating the table. When decorating your home, keep these facts in mind.

Dishes can be porcelain or ceramic, but for a perfect table design, they must be in tune with the rest of the elements. Napkins and decorations for table setting must be purchased before the New Year's feast.

Pay attention to the shine of the dishes. The monkey loves everything shiny, so all cutlery must be polished to a shine.

New Year's salads 2016

As mentioned earlier, the main dishes of the New Year's table 2016 are cold appetizers and salads. As you know, there are many of them and it is sometimes very difficult to choose the one that is most suitable for the holiday. Great experimenters are monkeys, so hostesses with original taste they look forward to 2016 with open arms.


1 can of cod liver
3 pcs. eggs
canned corn - 150 g


Preparing a salad is not difficult. Boiled eggs are rubbed on a coarse grater, the liver is cut into pieces. Salad should be laid out on a dish in layers, each of which is smeared with mayonnaise. The sequence should be as follows: cod liver, eggs, corn. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and garnish with herbs.

Seafood can also be holiday table Therefore, they can also be added to salads.


shrimp - 300 g
eggs - 3 pcs.
Red caviar
potatoes - 2 pcs.


Shrimps, potatoes and eggs need to be boiled. Pass the potatoes and eggs through a grater, and cut the shrimp. Salad is laid out in layers and smeared with mayonnaise. First shrimp, then layers with potatoes and eggs, red caviar and parsley serve as decoration.


The salad is prepared quickly and easily, and most importantly, it is very healthy and rich in vitamin A.

carrots - 300 g
processed cheese - 2 pcs.


Raw carrots are grated. Mixed into garlic (squeezed), mayonnaise and curds. Together with carrots, it is mixed and decorated. Despite the simplicity of the salad, it is, as they say, “on topic”, because the monkey loves carrots, and besides, it will look very bright on the festive table. It's up to you to decorate it. original way, laid out in the form of a carrot, for example, or put on a beautiful dish.

New Year's snacks 2016

The variety of possible New Year's snacks in the new year is not even worth talking about. We have selected the simplest in execution:


An excellent snack will be canapes, which are based on red fish.

cream cheese - 200 g
trout or salmon - 1 pack


Grated cheese is rubbed with mayonnaise and chopped herbs. The fish is cut into thin strips. Circles for canapes should be cut out of bread and spread with a mass of cheese. All this turns into red fish, and is decorated with greenery on top. Puff pastry is also suitable as the basis for such canapes. Sliced ​​circles of puff pastry are first baked in the oven, and then only they need to adjust the cheese mass. In a word, any canapes are perfect for the festive table.


Tartlets are another favorite snack on holiday tables. You can buy tartlets at any grocery store, and prepare the filling as you wish. We propose to cook the royal version.

eggs - 5 pcs.
fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.
potatoes - 2 pcs.
king prawns
salt pepper


Pre-boil shrimp, eggs and potatoes, remove the peel from the cucumber. Grind everything except the shrimp and mix with mayonnaise. Salt, pepper. Fill the tartlet with the resulting salad. Top with king prawns.

Hot dishes for the New Year 2016

Salads are salads, but you still want to eat a hearty hot dish on New Year's Eve. Prepare these simple, but very tasty dishes and they will become your signature dishes.


Pork cooked in a special way can become the central dish.

pork - 1 kg
honey - 2 tablespoons
lemon - 1 pc.
lingonberry jam - 2 tablespoons
salt, pepper - to taste


First you need to prepare the jam sauce, lemon juice and honey. All this must be thoroughly mixed. We make cuts in the meat and carefully coat it. Wrap in foil and place in preheated oven. After an hour, unfold the top of the foil and put it back in the oven until golden brown.


For chicken lovers, there is also unusual option- chicken with a secret.

cheese - 150 g
chicken - 1 carcass
onion - 2 heads
garlic - 3 cloves
champignons - 350 g
sunflower oil


Mushrooms and onions are cut and fried in a pan with the addition of sunflower oil. Cheese is grated, parsley and garlic are finely chopped. We mix all this together. Stuff the chicken with minced meat, spread mayonnaise on top and send to the oven for baking. Cooking time 1-1.5 hours.

New Year's desserts

Desserts, which the monkey loves so much, occupy a special place on the festive table.

New Year's desserts and pastries can be at their most different options, and there are no restrictions here:



We offer you to cook your favorite Rafaellas by yourself.


coconut flakes - 200 g
condensed milk - 1 can
butter - 150 g
nuts - 100 g (almonds, peanuts)


Coconut flakes (150g) are mixed with condensed milk and softened butter. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to set. Then roll into small balls, in which you need to put nuts inside. The resulting balls should be rolled in coconut flakes and placed in the refrigerator until the moment when they finally thicken. The delicacy will turn out indescribable for both adults and children.

Don't forget fruit. For convenience, cut them into pieces and put at the head of the table. It seems that the perfect New Year's table 2016 is ready. A little more creativity and imagination from each hostess, and you can celebrate the upcoming New Year 2016!

And we wish you all goodness, abundance and good luck!!!

Natalia Denisenko

New Year 2016 - year fire monkey. Therefore, it should please not only guests, but also the hostess of the year. In this article, we will look at the most modern options New Year's serving and imagine photo options.

The colors that should prevail on the table are bright red, burgundy, orange, gold.

Before deciding on the New Year's table setting for 2016, you need to know how many guests the holiday is designed for or will it be just a family gala dinner.

Family New Year's Eve Dinner 2016

The celebration of the New Year most often takes place in the family circle, when relatives come together. The atmosphere of the holiday should be held in light golden tones.

But for children it is best to cover separate table so that they can chat among themselves and not interfere with adults. In addition, as a rule, children eat more sweets and various goodies than meat and vegetable dishes. You can make cookies different shapes, while using mastic of different colors.

But adults should take care of the crown dish 2016 year - stuffed pike or baked goose in the oven. The number of salads should match meat dishes. It is better to lay them out in small bowls so that you do not have to reach far for them.

Napkins are best bought in red or bright gold. You can attach small spruce twigs with good wishes.

New Year's table setting 2016 for a corporate party

On corporate party people still split up into groups of like-minded people, so it's better to set several tables. And make it all better in the form of a buffet.

Decorations should be not only on the tables, but also on the walls and on the ceiling. Let everything shine in New Year's tinsel. Do not forget about the monkey and, of course, hang it in the form of a poster or place its figurines on the tables.

Romantic New Year's dinner for two

If you decide to spend new Year's Eve together with your loved one - then you need to create the most intimate setting. For this it is worth buying more candles, red napkins, a beautiful white tablecloth, a bucket for champagne and beautiful glasses for it. There should be as many sweets and fruits on the table as possible.

It is better to decorate a room together - this will not only bring you even closer, but also bring bright little chores that will only benefit.

correct New Year's table setting 2016- this is the most the main task for every hospitable hostess. We hope that photo presented in our article will help to make festive serving Right

The meeting of the New Year should always be associated with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Do not forget to write a letter to Santa Claus on December 4, even if you are not from childhood. Let such nice little thing will provide you with a lot of pleasure.