Caovi major attention to the main things to download fb2. The main attention is the main things - Rebecca Merrill. Synergy and mutual relationship

This book is about how to organize your time so that everyone can do. The prescription of the authors seems paradoxical: not everyone needs to be time. What is the point as quickly as possible climbing up the stairs of success if it is not attached to that wall?

Developing the ideas of the famous bestseller "Seven high-performance people skills", the authors declare the former concepts and time management tools untenable. They offer truly revolutionary approaches to the organization of time, helping to overcome narcotic dependence on urgency and make most important things first.

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Main attention is the main things. Live, love, learn and leave heritage
Roger A. Merrill

Stephen R. Kovi.

Rebecca R. Merrill

This book is about how to organize your time so that everyone can do. The prescription of the authors seems paradoxical: not everyone needs to be time. What is the point as quickly as possible climbing up the stairs of success if it is not attached to that wall?

Developing the ideas of the famous bestseller "Seven high-performance people skills", the authors declare the former concepts and time management tools untenable. They offer truly revolutionary approaches to the organization of time, helping to overcome narcotic dependence on urgency and make most important things first.

Stephen Kovi, Roger Merrill, Rebecca Merrill

Main attention is the main things. Live, love, learn, leave heritage

Translator P. Samsonov

Editor R. Piscotina

Scientific Manager of the project M. Ilyin

Technical editor N. Lisitsyn

Project Manager N. Laufer

Corrector V. Murathanov

Computer layout A. Abramov

Artist Cover E. Shatalova

© Franklincovey Company, 1994

© Edition in Russian, Translation, Design. LLC "Alpina Business Buks", 2008

© Electronic publication. LLC "Alpina Publisher", 2011

Hello dear friends! I apologize for the long lack of posts on the blog, I will crash up. As you might notice, I really like the work of Stephen Kovi. On this blog, I have already made two reviews on his books, and today another book review called "Main attention to the main things" is added. The book made an indelible impression on me and became the second favorite job of Caovi after the book of "7 skills of highly efficient people."

By tradition, Dr. Caovi begins a story with problems that this book should decide. Here is some of these problems:

I do not have enough time!

I would like to make a greater degree of life. I turn like a squirrel in the wheel, and I never have time for myself.

I can't get a balance between personal life and work. It seems that I always do one at the expense of another, and this only aggravates the situation.

I have a lot of things, and all things are good. How to choose the main thing?

Stephen Covi Main attention Main things Download FB2, TXT, EPUB, PDF Formats

In a classic tutorial on time management, most of these problems are solved by increasing productivity and increase control over life. Stephen Kovi disagree with this. The author believes that to build happiness on the ability to control is an empty lesson. Covei has developed a different approach to time management based on principles. Such an approach is far exceeding traditional prescriptions "faster, harder, smarter and more."

So let's go through the most interesting moments Books "Main attention to the main things."

Clock and compass

Describing the daily activities of a person, Covi makes interesting figurative concepts - "clock and compass". The clock is our goals, tasks, everyday matter and so on. Compass - our worldview, value, principles, our destination.

The problems I listed above begin when we feel the difference between the clock and the compass, when our activity does not contribute to what we consider the main thing in life.

Live, love, learn and leave a trace

There are things without which human self-realization is impossible. If these basic needs are not satisfied, we feel emptiness and incompleteness. The need to live is our physical need, love - social needs, learn - intellectual need, leave a trace - spiritual need. If any of these needs remains unsatisfied, it becomes a black hole that absorbs all of our energy and attention.

Four human dating

People have unique abilities that generate higher shape human freedom: self-consciousness, conscience, independent will, creative thinking. Covi claims that any person has all these donations, we can only develop them.

Wholeness at the time of choice

The moment of choice is the moment of truth. This is an exam for our character and competence. Here are some factors affecting us at the time of choice:

  • urgency
  • social opinion
  • expectations of other people
  • our deep values
  • our scenarios
  • self-awareness
  • conscience
  • our fundamental needs
  • a wish

The main thing is to remember that the moment of choice is all the same our own choiceWhat would he be founded on.

Synergy interdependence

Communication with people is an important part of our life. Its quality is interdependent, so it is so important to change the old paradigm on interdependent reality.

Characteristics of the principle of centric people in the book Main attention to the main things of Stephen Kovi download The introductory version of which can be reference below:

The process of becoming a principle of a centric person is the process, the process is an endless, lasting life. But the more accurately we focus our life "strictly north", the more in us develops, characteristic of the principle of centers.

They are more flexible and immediate. They do not shove themselves with plans and schedules. Plans are important, but they are not most important than the rest. The principle of centric people look at life as an adventure. They are similar to the bold pioneers going on the expedition on the territory not applied to the map: they do not know what they will meet them along the way, but they are confident that it will be wondering that it will help them grow that they will open new lands and leave after themselves. Safety is guaranteed by the compass - their unique human dating, allowing you to confidently move along uncharted lands.

They have more full-blooded and grateful relationships with others. They put another in the front of their plans. They clarify mutual expectations. They are not mocked in comparison, rivalry and criticism. They feel that they can trust other people that those will be honest, sincerely, that they will keep their Word, will fulfill their obligations. The principle of centric people are not inclined to react to negative behavior Others, on their shortcomings, to criticism in your address. They are easy for goodbye. They are not melted evil. They have no prejudice, they refuse to hang labels or classify them by category. They are sincerely rejoice in their successes and help them achieve these successes.

They believe in unlimited potential each person. They help create a climate for growth and development, for the emergence of all new features.

They are prone to synergies. They find that it is much better to work with others and implement a common perspective. They value disagreements. They believe in synergies alternative solutions. Working in the team, they learn to strengthen their advantages and compensate their drawbacks to the advantages of other people. Leading even in the most complex situations Negotiations with alleged opponents, they know how to separate a person from the problem, focus on the interests of the other side, and not stubbornly defend their position.

They are constantly learn. Knowing that somewhere there is a "accurate north," they constantly strive to open it and orient their lives to him. They become modest and susceptible to knowledge. They read a lot, comprehend the wisdom of the centuries. They constantly remove the lessons from their experience.

They are more focused on deposit. These people guide time and energy to a greater extent to contribute, rather than consumption, to give more than to receive. They try to serve, improve the quality of not only their lives, and others.

They achieve extraordinary results. Balanting production by the development of its productive abilities, they acquire the opportunity to produce much more in the future. They do not burn themselves at work. They constantly acquire new skills. They increase their ability to work with other people and promote highly efficient interdependent production. Whatever they do, they apply in practice the principles providing quality of life.

They strengthen their psychological immune system. They know how to cope with problems. They are not infected with psychological AIDS. Diseases, financial difficulties or disappointment sometimes knock them down from the way, but they find the strength to return. They strengthen the immune systems from their families, which allow family members to discuss acute questions and overcome problems, such as family Finance or raising children, with a support for the principles, and not on the script. They work on strengthening immune system His labor team, groups or organizations.

They themselves set the limits for themselves. They do not work until complete exhaustion, they do not spend money until the credit is completely depleted, they are less dependent on external factors, solving the question, when it is better to finish some matter and do others. Relying on the principles and common sense, they themselves establish a temporary framework that allow you to achieve maximum efficiency. They focus efforts when it is required to achieve a peak of energy and creativity. They leave their time to rest and restore forces. They wisely spend time and energy, while maintaining resources for future accomplishments.

They drive balanced image Life. They do not turn into workaholics, religious extremists, political fanatics: they do not sit on the depleting power of the diet and are not cleverly, they balance the work and entertainment. They are active in physical, social, intellectual and spiritual relationship. They live a full-blooded, synergistic life.

They are calm and confident. They are confident that life in harmony with the principles of "accurate north" will necessarily bring high-quality results, and then they are more patient and calm. Their sense of security is rooted not in work, connections, recognition, material property, public status or some other external factors. It comes from the inside, it is determined by the fact that they rely on the principles live according to conscience.

They are able to keep their word. They do not have conscious doubles, tricks or hypocrisy. They increasing the ability to fulfill their data and other promises. They support a positive balance on their "personal intelligence account."

They focus on their circle of influence. They do not spend time and energy on the circle circle. They focus on things that they are able to influence, and therefore can achieve improvements in almost any situations.

They cultivate a rich inner life. They draw strength in a regular spiritual update. They read literature of wisdom, think meditate or otherwise strengthen the context, meaning and purpose of their existence.

They emit positive energy. They are cheerful, pleasant, optimistic, positive, calm. They see everyone's favorable opportunities. They neutralize or remove powerful threads of negative energy: they charge the energy of weaker from their surroundings.

They rejoice more lives. They do not curse themselves for all error. They forgive themselves and everyone. They do not feel about yesterday's day and do not engage in empty dreams of tomorrow. They are sensually and happily live in the present, carefully planning the future and flexibly adapting to changing circumstances. They have a sense of humor, they are often laughing at themselves, but never act in harm to others.

The stronger it is developed in the person these qualities, the quiet and happy his life becomes. He begins to provide a powerful impact on the quality of his and someone else's life.

Of course, I revealed only a small part of the mainstream content of the main thing, but I hope that I was interested in reading this wonderful book.

Rating 10/10

Interesting about the book

This book is about why the gap arises between what we spend time, and the fact that it is really important for us, and why the desire for productivity does not bring satisfaction. The book denies a traditional approach to the organization of time: to work as much as possible, faster and inventive. Instead of the next hours, it offers a compass, because where you keep the way is much more important than how quickly you go.


Where is the output, if not to work stubborn, inventive and faster?

If you were seriously thinking about the main thing in your life - about three or four things that have for you the greatest value- What are you called?

Do you pay these things that attention and the time you actually would like to give them?

Working in Covey Leadership Center, we communicate with many people around the world. These are active, hardworking, competent people who are committed to their work and seek to make our world better. However, these people constantly tell us about the incredible difficulties they face in everyday life, trying to pay the main attention really important things. And what you drew attention to this book, suggests that you probably share their feelings.

Why does it happen that the most important thing for myself is not doing first? For many years we are taught methods, practical techniques, provide information on how to effectively manage your life and control it. We are told that if we work even more stubbornly, if you learn how to make as many cases as possible, if we use some kind new technique Or tools, if you organize your life in a special way, you will definitely be able to achieve the desired one. And we buy new organizers, attend regular classes, read book news. We learn, we apply what they learned in practice, we try again and again - and what happens? Most people with whom we face are experienced only frustration and feeling of guilt.

The traditional approach to time management comes from the fact that, acting more efficiently, in the end, you will provide control over your life, and more control will bring you the world in the soul and satisfaction to which you are striving.

We do not agree with this.

Build happiness on the ability to control everything - ridiculous. Although we really determine the choice of your actions, we are not able to control their consequences. Do it universal laws, or principles. Thus, our life is beyond us,she obeys principles. We believe that it is this idea that makes it possible to understand the source of frustration of people of traditional views on time management.

In this book, we present a completely different approach to time management. This is the principle of a centric approach. He goes beyond traditional prescriptions to make faster, harder, smarter and more. It offers not another chronometer, but a compass, because it is much more important to understand where you go than with what speed.

The main thing is the main thing - Stephen Kovi (download)

(Book Foreign Fragment)

"Main attention is the main things. To live, love, learn and leave heritage" - This work will help you correctly and without excessive tension to plan your time so as to do everything to do. The book was written in 1994, translated into Russian in 2008 is designed for an extensive circle of readers.

Stephen Kovi, the owner of 7 doctoral degrees, mentor and professional management. Behind his shoulders Harvard and University of Breem Yang. It has many premiums and awards. He is also marked by a paternity premium, being the father of 9 children and grandfather's grandchildren. They are written a decent number of books that have become bestsellers. On the this moment He holds the post of deputy chairman of the Board of Directors of Franklincovey. Rebecca Merrill, co-author of many works on personal training, written together with Stephen Kovi, his son and her husband. Help management positions in many organizations aimed at social activities. Mother 7 children and grandmother 12 grandchildren. Roger Merrill, co-founder of the company created by Stephen Kovi. Business coach and consultant to many firms. He is the author of popular books on self-development. Its specialization for many years was the help of senior managers on leadership issues, as well as coach and linear management.

This book in many ways will help you to look at the long-familiar things. From day to day, we have committed the same actions so much in a certain life channel that no longer imagine other options for developing events. And this so-called "routine" often leaves after himself a feeling of dissatisfaction. The authors clearly show how you can plan your day so that everything important is fulfilled. As well as help to determine what exactly for you is really important in life.

Main attention is the main things. Live, love, learn and leave heritage Roger Merrill, Stephen Kovi, Rebecca Merrill

(No ratings no)

Title: Main attention is the main things. Live, love, learn and leave heritage
Author: Roger Merrill, Stephen Kovi, Rebecca Merrill
Year: 1994.
Genre: Foreign business literature, about business popular, Social Psychology, Management, recruitment

About the book "Main attention is the main things. Live, love, learn and leave heritage »Roger Merrill, Stephen Kovi, Rebecca Merrill

This work has three author at once. Stephen Covi, like his colleague Roger Merrill, is a real authority in matters of time management and competent leadership by people, the author of the world's famous work "Seven high-performance people skills". Rebecca Merrill manages many public organizations And he knows about the problems raised in the book "Main attention - main things", on our own experience.

This work will help to understand where the huge difference between what we do often appear, and the fact that in reality it matters. We strive to productive time distribution, but very often it does not bring any results or satisfaction. The book "Main attention - the main things" is annoying the usual approach to the division of time: work more and quickly. Instead of the usual hours, a group of writers offers readers a landmark, since choosing the direction of the path is much more important than to increase the speed of movement.

The authors deepen and develop the ideas of bestseller "Seven skills of highly efficient people", ruthlessly criticizing the nature of classical time management. Their original approaches to the time distribution make it possible to get rid of constant rush caused by urgency dependence.

The concept of the distribution of the time offered by the authors of this work allows you to completely change the attitude towards what you do. Think about how often we choose the next work of the working cases, and not such important moments With loved ones. As a result, we feel the feeling of guilt for what they did not. This feeling prevents us from enjoying what we managed to do. According to the authors, the awareness of this inconsistency can be a real drama. You will understand what they refused, paying more attention to the career, and not to strengthen relationships with close people.

The authors offer the original and effective concept of time management, built on the awareness of importance, and not urgency, as we used. The test in the book will help determine whether urgency has become something like dependence. If this happened, it's time to change your life for the better.

The book "Main attention is the main things. Live, love, learn and leave heritage "will suit everyone who is trying to understand what the time needs to be given in life to make her full and happy.

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