Articles about pets. Interesting facts about animals for children

We rarely think that there is another life around us. Fluffy, feathery, lever, meowing creatures live their amazing life. how many entertaining facts Scientists opened about animals! Here is some of them.


Dog Tail - Mood Barometer

Universal Pets - Dogs Mashed Tail is not chaotic, as some think, but quite consciously. This was confirmed by scientists, examining 30 dogs. It turns out, the dog, staying in a complacent mood, waves in the tail in right side. If the dog's day "did not define", if the PSU is sad, then the wave of the tail is more directed to the left.

Cat - Leak

Scientists have confirmed that the owners of "Murok" live for 10 years longer than people who do not have the houses of these fluffy. A man who strokes the cat is reduced by a pulse, headache passes.

Animals Belarus

Wise hare

The saying "trembles, like a hare tail" is very far from truth. Fluffy rouse wool on the tail eared is not at all from fear. This is a cunning strategic maneuver that the chess player would call the Gambit (sacrifice small to gain an advantage).

The pulling tail distracts the attention of the pursuer, which strives to push the runner of the paw precisely for this white tag. However, along with the skin, the fur fur is easily separated, helping the hare to win so important to rescue minutes.

Badger - designer

Badgers live big families. In a small hole, everyone does not fit. So you have to build underground courtyards of the palaces. Underground housings of badgers turn into complex labyrinths that many "rooms" appear miscellaneous destination: Bedrooms, living rooms, pantry.

Bobras - builders

Bobras build their underwater houses in the middle of the pond - away from predators and curious eyes. The height of their houses is greater than the meter, and the longest beaver dam reached 0.7 m. But no matter how reliably, the animals hid their shelters, they can be seen from ... Space! Yes Yes! Bobrov dams are the only animal facility noticeable from space.

Trunk bison

This huge bull has almost no enemies. But he does not like to graze in open places, on universal ferris. Therefore, he eats hastily, stomaching the stomach with almost indispensable grass. The bison learned to make a gum out of her. After grazing, the bull goes into a secluded place, tighten the rumble of the sword-shaped grass and cheers it. Herbal gum again swallows, but now in another department of the stomach.

Spare Mole

Nora Crowdes can with up to 6 floors, which are connected by a variety of storage rooms with different goodies!

Animals of Africa

Rhino - poor

Rhoreshed very hard because of their horns. For some reason, it is believed that these horn have a miraculous force and are capable not only to heal from diseases, but also to bring good luck and wealth. The deepest misconception! Rope horn - even not horn at all, but long beam Tightly contrived hair.

Giraffe - Sprinter

The long animal giraffe is completely considered awkward and vague. If necessary, it is able to accelerate to the "automotive" speed - 50 kilometers per hour.

Tiger and lion. Who is stronger?

The king of animals people read a lion, although this title is more suitable for another feline representative - tigra. It is much larger than a lion: weighs more than 300 kilograms, while lions weigh over 230 are rare.

In the fight Tiger with Lvom, a striped giant will be defeated: from all the predatory animals he has the most powerful teeth, and the experience of solitary hunting has more than a lion who is accustomed to live in a flock. Tiger rarely misses production: thanks to a good camouflage (striped skin) and a silent, soft gait, he imperceptibly sinking to the sacrifice and lightly inflicts her crushing blow.

Elephant - Akchistic

The badness and clumsiness of the elephant are greatly exaggerated. If he suddenly happens to be taught in the dishwasher, then, contrary to a matter of misconception, it will not cause its contents of any harm.

Careful and smoothly from the nature of the elephant before making a step, feeling the sensitive trunk space in front of himself - and only then puts the front leg to the ground. Having made the next step forward, it comes back the foot exactly in the trail left from the front. And the trunk of the giant is so flexible and clever, which is capable of carefully raise even the pin! What is there to talk about a porcelain cup or saucer?

More facts

Wonder filter

It was not people who came up with purified water at all. Filter unsuitable for drinking salted sea water Much earlier learned seagulls. Glands of these birds are arranged in such a way that they are filtered and crushed by sea water, making it quite suitable for drinking.

Fish with legs

There are fish that feel great on land. This is a tropical fish-rod anabas. If there are difficult times in their native reservoir (the river isleet or becomes too little food), the slider is selected ashore and goes into a hiking trip to other, more gracious places.

With the help of sharp spikes, the fish can not only move to move along the ground, but even climb on the trunks of the trees. A special gills allow anabas to breathe wet air oxygen.

Who is in the light of all larger?

The largest ground predator is not a tiger at all, but a polar bear. On average, it weighs about 500 kilograms, and large specimens pull on all 800! Moreover, half of the body weight falls on subcutaneous fat, which is like warm Tulup warms a bear in a junior arctic frost. Even when the thermometer shows 60 degrees, the beast is not cold. And the fat helps the white bear to swim by holding it in water, just a life jacket.

Foolish butterfly

Contrary to the problem of the butterflies, it is not at all the light source, but darkness. They are looking for the most secluded, the most darkened corners, but choose them, focusing just on the illuminated areas of the surface. Darkness in the "Babel Logic" is located directly behind the source of the light: here are silly moths on fire, puzzy tender wings.

The smartest bird

If the popular telephone "The smartest" was held among the birds, then grand Prize I would get a crow. It is not only quickly learning, showing the wonders of ingenuity in the mining of food, but also ... do not mind having fun!

One of the beloved fun at the Raven - skating on the gilded domes of temples. Shiny surfaces attract these birds. After unsuccessful attempts to pull into the nest "such a beauty" of the crows, other uses find another use. They use it as a slide for high-speed descent and move on a belly to the edge of the dome, braking with sharp curls. Of course, the domes of such games are applied tangible damage. But the raven themselves are delighted with such an amusement park.


Amazing beasts and birds! Watch them, love and do not hurt them.

Many of us keep pet pets: cats, dogs, fish, birds. But do we all know about them? These creatures keep a lot of secrets. Sometimes their capabilities exceed human.


These fluffy pets are incredibly clean. It is paid to climb a feller quarter of your time! But they care for themselves not only for cleanliness and accuracy. The cat licks a felt substance containing vitamin D, which is necessary for her health and livelihoods.

Getting to your home, cats can overcome huge distances. How they do it, it is not clear. But they have some natural mechanism that helps them in this. Of course, not any lost animal can take home from afar (there are consistent dangers in his way), but there are still such cases.

Cat has a surprisingly thin rumor. With it, it captures ultrasound and defines their source. Due to this, she can hunt mice and other rodents, presenting their appearance.

Cat has another very sensitive body - this is a mustache. They look like a radar with which the cat feels the movement of its victim even at a distance.


Margarita borodina /

Amazingly, but these animals are capable of smelling, whether there is a cancer tumor in the body.

Dogs are contraindicated with food, which contains chocolate (candy, a piece of cake, etc.). For them, chocolate is poison and can cause very strong poisoning.

Dogs possess an outstanding. For example, among huge number Apples packed in boxes, the dog is able to find a rotten fruit. That is why these animals are used in the border and customs services To search for forbidden substances.

Getting acquainted, dogs sniffed under the tail of each other. They do it not by sexual reasonsBecause there is iron there, which highlights the individual smell inherent in this animal only. Snow the place under the tail, they seem to read each other's bar codes.

A dog nose has a unique imprint - the same individual as the people have a pattern of lines on the finger.

Interestingly, Dalmatian breed puppies are born without characteristic stains. They appear with them as growing and growing.


Chayathon Wonganuchitmetha /

It turns out that the parrots have no voice ligaments. They make sounds with the help of beak and tongue.

There are parrots-deafness. This name is not happening by chance, the couple of birds is very predicted to each other. However, after the death of one parrot, the second should immediately find a new friend, otherwise he may not survive.

Very jealous. If the partner has changed, the female will mercilessly peck him, and she is very sharp. Therefore, males show their interest in other female, when no one sees.

The males and females relate differently to the offspring. The female feeds the kids in turn, and the male gives me a meal that screams louder to everyone (as if she tries to "shut up" his mouth faster).

The males conquer females with singing. As soon as the parrot hear the sweet singing of the male, she immediately takes the pose for mating.


Dmitry Maslov /

As part of survival are in the first place among all living things on Earth. They are able to survive in conditions that are unbearable for others and cause death.

These animals breed with incredible speed. The rat hits the rats for three weeks, while it is born to 10 kids. For a year, one pair, taking into account the reproduction of their offspring, almost a million rats can approach.

Rats are able to easily recognize products that deteriorated, so they never touch them.

Aquarium fish

Igor kovalchuk /

Females some aquarium fishWhen he saw danger, stick to the kids to her mouth. And when it comes again calm atmosphere, produce them to the will.

The females of some fish give birth certainly in the presence of "spectators", that is, other fish. The more observers, the more fools appear on the light.



These animals are squeezing and for nothing will pinch grass where the cow pellets recently lay.

Watch out for their relatives and learn from them. For example, if one of them struck the current from the electrostation, others cannot fit close to it.

If the cow has eyes closed, it does not necessarily sleep, even if it lies at this time. Most likely, she just dorms. For these animals, most importantly - relax.

Cows do not like to sleep at the bottom, as pigs do it. They prefer to lie separately. In general, these animals look out for themselves appropriate place. In the dirt cow will not fall.


Dmitry Kalinovsky /

It turns out, pigs are good swimmers.
Also, they have a strong sense of smell, they distinguish many odors. Therefore, in some countries, the pigs work in customs, for this they are pre-trained.

They also showed themselves well as hunters and rescuers. For example, a pig may feel game at a distance of about 40 meters. It is capable of finding a man lying under the snow.

And what are the pig champions - it is in sex. Orgasm in the female continues for about 10 minutes, and the male is at once he eves up to 0.5 liters of seed.

Humanity knows about the existence of a multitude of animal species, but some of them still remain unknown. They differ among themselves with dimensions, colors, habitats issued by sounds., Food diet, but most importantly - in the presence of unique qualities. Some animals look for us charming, other disgusting. Some are friends for us and indispensable assistantsAnd others are pests or constitute a danger. We bring to your attention the most incredible about animals.

Incredible about animals

1. Bobrov's teeth never stop their height, so to manage their length, animals are forced to constantly nibble trees.

2. Humpback whales make the most loud sounds Among all living organisms. The sound they published can be heard at a distance of 800 meters.

3. Elephants may teach the smell of water at a distance of about 3 miles. They are also one of the three mammals who are exposed to menopause - two others are humpback whales and women.

4. Turritopsis Medusa is a unique inhabitant of the seas, which is able to rejuvenate itself by regenerating cells of his body. Scientists nicknamed her "immortal."

5. Some African rain Worms Reach lengths more than 6 meters.

6. Rats breed so quickly that in just 18 months, 2 rats could create more than 1 million relatives.

7. Unlike people, sheep have four stomachs, each of whom helps them to digest food that they eat.

8. Even when he closed her eyes, he could still see through the eyelids.

9. On average, the flies live no more than 2-weeks.

10. You will not believe, but about 50,000 spiders live on small herbal lawns. To see them is difficult because of their green colors.

11. The bats are the only mammals that have the ability to fly.

12. Alligators can live more than 100 years.

13. Snow leopards feed on not only sheep meat and goats. They can also use various vegetation as food.

14. Tarantulas can live without food more spirit.

15. When dogs are very hot, the sweat begins to stand out through the pillows of their paws. Therefore, they sometimes fall on the floor to cool faster.

16. There are existence different kinds Zebras, each of which is characterized by its number and location of black bands on the body.

17. Dogs have significantly better vision than a person, but at the same time they do not recognize as a bright color palette.

18. Pigs and people are the only living creatures capable of sunbathing.

19. Snails can sleep for three years without food and water.

20. Elephant is the only animal with four knees.

21. Albatross can fly all day, having waved only once with its wings.

22. All pet cats do not like the smell of any citrus.

23. Chameleon's eyes can rotate independently of each other, which allows them to watch simultaneously in all directions without turning their heads.

24. Tigers striped not only fur, but also the skin.

25. About 80% of all animals on Earth are insects.

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Our team is interesting to different questions from the world of animals and so that they do not remain open with us or you, we always light them and discuss with the users of the social network. This time we will tell you what to do with already born puppies, for care for them, as well as how to take care of a dog that has not yet become a dog. First of all, you need to decide that you, the owners of the pet, will do with future puppies, as you do - leave everyone, thereby tell me with my mother, or give friends, familiar, thereby,? The question is quite complicated. Per...

Every day, reading verse, story, fairy tale, showing pictures, Mom introduces a child with a diverse animal world! This is an elephant - it is big, and the highest - giraffe, a very beautiful parrot bird can learn up to a hundred words.

To stories about animals have become more diverse and more interesting so that the child not only could distinguish the panther from domestic cat, but make up interesting stories about unusual opportunities Animals and to hit the peers and teachers, the administration of the site "Your child" for several months will acquaint you with animals of our planet. Every week will be published new topic Cycle stories "Interestingly about animals." In the articles will be published interesting information about the animal world interesting facts about animals.

/ Animals Arctic

Ice Arctic

It seems incredible that there, where the temperature does not rise above - 10 o C, the animals of the Arctic can live and multiply. And nevertheless, even the coldest and inhospitable parts of the earth are inhabited. The fact is that some animals have adapted to preserve heat in a special way own body. For example, the body of penguins under the plumage is thick covered with a warm ohm, and the skin of white bears is very thick and waterproof. In addition, all polar animals under the skin there is a dense layer of fat.

Life for animals in Antarctica is possible only on the coast. The inside of the mainland is uninhabited.

Polar bear.

At the end of autumn, the white bear female roets in the snow berry. In December - January is born, as a rule, two bears, but only in the spring they will come from the burgold for the first time.

The young of the polar bear appears very small, blind, deaf and completely defenseless. Therefore, he lives with his mother for two years. The skin of this bear is very dense, waterproof and absolutely white colorThrough what he can easily find asylum among the whiteness of the surrounding ice. It floats wonderful - this contributes to the membrane, which is interconnected by the pads of his paws. The polar bear is the largest predator in the world.

The polar bear usually weighs from 150 to 500 kilograms. The mass of some representatives exceeds 700 kilograms.


On cold earth and endless floes drifting in the Arctic, various types of lastonovy live; These include seals, seals and walruses. By origin, these are terrestrial animals that have mastered the marine environment: during the evolution, their body has adapted to life in water. Unlike cetaceous, lastonodii, this adaptation was changed only partially. So the front paws of the sea seals turned into the flippers to which they can rely on land to lift top torso; Ties learned to move on the ground, crawling on the belly.

With lastonous huge nostrils, and for a short time They can inhale the amount of air needed to stay under water for about 10 minutes.

The laston-eaten is powered not only by fish, but also crustaceans, molluscs and a kille, consisting of the smallest shrimp.

Fur seal Looks like a sea lion, but it has a thicker skin, and the muzzle is shorter and sharper. The male is much larger than the female and can weigh four times more.

Sea Elephant. The largest type of lobs in the world: the mass of the male can reach 3,500 kilograms. It is easy to distinguish him from the female on the blow on the head, similar to a short trunk, because of which he got his name.

Sea Leopard. This seal is reminiscent of the predator of the Feline family, whom he borrowed his name. The sea leopard is very aggressive and sometimes can eat even fellow seal if he is less than him.


This mammal with long fangs dwells in the Arctic seas, making short seasonal migrations. Morzha male is huge: it can weigh 1,500 kilograms, while the female weight rarely reaches 1000 kilograms. The walker has a massive wrinkled body covered with rare bristle.

The strong voice of the walrus reminds both the roar of the lion, and the bull fell; During sleep, on the ice or in the water, it sounds dirty. Maybe we can rest for hours, lounging in the sun. The walrus is irritable and stopping, but he will not slow down to help his fellow who attack hunters.

Long fangs are not replaced in the life of a walrus: he uses them, protecting against enemies and rude sea \u200b\u200bbottom; With the help of fangs, the walrus boils to the shore and moves along the ice or land. Long fangs major representatives reaches one meter!

Little boys are fed by the mother for two years, and during the next two years they remain under its protection.

Under the skin of the walrus thick layer Fat, which serves to him at the same time and protection from the cold, and the backup reserve in case of hunger.


Penguins - These are birds, but their wings are not adapted for flight: too short. With the help of Penguins wings float, like fishing fish for fins. Penguins are found only southern Hemisphere. Live big colonies on land, but some species can make long migration in the open sea.

As a rule, only one egg is postponed. Penguins are refuge from the cold in the lower folds of the parent abdomen. The plumage of Penguin Chicks is usually dark brown, over time they acquire a characteristic black and white color, like adults.

In the colonies of the Imperial Penguin, sometimes there are 300 thousand individuals.

/ Interesting Facts About Savannan Animals and Prairies

Among herbs savannah. In the savannah there are periods of drought, when there is a lack of food. Then numerous herds of animals are sent to search for more favorable conditions. These migrations can continue weeks, and only the most endless animals manage to achieve the goal. Weaker are doomed to death.

The savanna climate favors the growth of high and lush grass. Trees, on the contrary, are rare here.

Baobab is not a very high tree, but the diameter of its barrel can reach 8 meters.


An African buffalo on a row with a hypopotam is considered one of the most dangerous animals of Africa. And truth, if the buffalo is injured or feels danger to himself or a young, he does not hesitate to attack the aggressor and kills him with powerful horns. Even the lion tries to avoid meeting him, because it is not confident in the outcome of the battle. Therefore, only buffalorates who bathed from herd, or old and sick animals that are not able to defend themselves are attacked predators.


Zebra skins are original and easy to recognizable. At first glance, all zebras seem the same, but in fact the drawing of the bands for each animal is yours, like fingerprints in humans. Countless attempts were made to tame Zebras (domesticated like a horse), but they always ended unsuccessfully. Zebra does not tolerate saddles or other loads on the cereal. It is very buggy, and it is difficult to approach even the reserves.

Zebras are devoid of horns and other means of protection, they save from predators by flight. Once in the environment, they are protected by teeth and hooves.

How to notice predators? Vision at ZEBR is not very sharp, so they often graze next to other animals, such as giraphs or ostrichs that are able to notice the approach of predators.

The pursued zebra can at 80 kilometers per hour, but not a long time.

On the strips on the skull of the zebra, you can pour various types of zebras. Especially significant in this sense, the strip on the cereal.

The lion prefers open spaces where it finds a coolness in the shadow of rare trees. For hunting, it is better to have a wide review, so that it has been published to notice the herds of grazing herbivores and develop a strategy, as it is better to approach them unnoticed. Externally, this is a lazy beast, which is dull and idle. Only when the lion is hungry and is forced to pursue her herbivores or when it should protect its territory, he comes out of a stupor.

Lions do not hunt alone, unlike hepdads and tigers. As a result, all members of the Lviv family will live together and the grown lion will not be expelled from it, unless the conditions for hunting territory are not critical.

Usually a female group is sent to the hunt, the males are rarely joined. The hunters surround the sacrifice, rushing in high grass. When the animal notices the danger, it covers panic, and it is trying to escape by a gallop, but most often it falls into the paws of others, unnoticed by him of the hidden lioness.

Characteristic feature Lion is a thick mane of males, which is not in other representatives of the Feline family.

The lioness usually give birth to two lining. To become adults, they need about two years - all this time they adopt the experience of parents.

Lion claws can reach 7 cm.


In an effort to survive, all animals evolved so as to ensure their own kind of sufficient food. The giraffe can feed on the leaves of trees, which are not reached by other herbivores: thanks to six-meter growth, it is above all other animals. The giraffe can take food and from the ground, as well as drinking water, but for this he must spread the front legs to lean. In this position, it is very vulnerable for predators, because it can not even rush to flight.

The giraffe has a very long, thin and soft tongue, adapted to tear acacia leaves. Lips, especially the top, also serve this goal. The giraffe breaks the leaves growing at a height from two to six meters.

The most beloved food of giraffes - the leaves of trees, especially acacia; Her tricks apparently do not cause an animal anxious.

Giraffes live with herds divided into two groups: in one female with a young, in another - males. To win the right to become the leaders of herd, males are struggling, causing shocks with her head.

On the run, the giraff is not very fast and deft. Running from the enemy, he can count on the speed of only 50 kilometers per hour.


The "secret weapon" of Chepada serves its flexible body with a durable spine, curved, like an arch of the bridge, and powerful clawed paws, allowing to fully rely on the ground. This is the fastest beast of African savanna. No one can imagine an animal running faster cheetah. In short moments, he develops speed over 100 kilometers per hour, and if he had not been tired quickly, he would be the most terrible predator of Africa.

Cheetah prefers to live in small groups from two to eight - nine individuals. Usually such a group consists of one family.

Unlike other representatives of the Feline family, the cheetah claws are never drawn, just like dogs. This feature allows the beast not to slip on the ground when running; does not concern the land at the same time only claw thumb.

The cheetah climbs on the trees and overlooks the savanna from the height to discover the herds of grazing herbivores that could become its prey.

Not always hippard skin is covered with stains, sometimes they merge, forming a strip, like a royal cheetah.

A long tail It serves as a steering wheel - they can quickly change the direction of running, which is necessary during the persecution of the victim.


African elephant threatened the extinction and because of the hunt, the victim of which he became at the beginning of the XX century, as the demand for products from ivory (from the tallery), and because of important changes made by man in its habitat. Now elephants live mainly in giant national parks, where they are studying zoologists and guard the guards. Unfortunately, this is not enough to prevent the destruction of elephants poachers. Differently is the case with an Indian elephant, which was never in danger, as a man of centuries used him on various works.

An African elephant is different from Indian. He is larger, he has more ears, and the beer is much longer. In Southeast Asia, elephants are domesticated and used in various works. African elephants are not amenable to teaching due to its more independent nature.

Like a giraffe, the elephant prefers to eat with the leaves of trees, which breaks the trunk from the branches. It happens that he pours a whole tree to the ground to get food.

Talnia and trunk are two miraculous tools for the survival of elephants. Elephant's legs are protected from predators and uses them during the drought period to accoverate the land in search of water. A very movable trunk he breaks down the leaves and dials water, which then sends into the mouth. The elephant loves water very much and at the first opportunity climbs in a reservoir to refresh. It swims perfectly.

Elephant willingly hide in the shadow, because his huge body With difficulty is cooled. For this purpose, the huge ears are served, which he rhythmically foams to cool.

As the children hold the hand of the mother, so walked, keeping the trull for the tail of the elephants.


The natural environment in which ostrich lives, determined the final adaptability of this bird, the largest of all: the mass of ostrich exceeds 130 kilograms. Long neck Increases the growth of ostrich to two meters. Flexible neck and excellent vision allow him from this height from afar to notice the danger. Long legs Give an ostrich opportunity to run at a speed of up to 70 kilometers per hour, as a rule, sufficient to escape from predators.

Ostress prefers open spaces where he is all seen from afar and there are no obstacles to running.

Frams live not alone, but groups of different numbers. While the birds are looking for food, at least one stands on guard and looks around the neighborhood, in order to notice enemies, primarily hepardians and lions.

Ostrich's eyes are surrounded long eyelasheswho protect them both from the African Sun and from dust raised by the wind.

Ostrich build a nest in a small depression, pulling it out in sandy soil and sticking with something soft. The female rands eggs in the afternoon, because her gray color is well merged with environmental; The male with predominantly black feathers is engaged in reaching at night.

The females are postponed in a common nest from three, up to eight eggs, and each of them take turns rapid eggs in turn. One egg weighs more than one and a half kilograms and has a very durable shell. To break the shell and hatch from the egg, an ostrich is sometimes required for a whole day.

The beak at the ostrich is short, flat and very durable. It is not specialized for any special food, but it serves to draw the grass and other vegetation and grab insects, small mammals and snakes.


This huge fat animal lives in both Africa and South and Southeast Asia. In Africa, there are two types of rhinos other than Asian. African rhinos are two horns, and adapted these animals to the habitat characterized by large spaces where very few trees. Asian rhino has only one horn and prefers to live in the forest chains. These animals are on the verge of extinction, because poachers ruthlessly hunt them to get the horns who are in great demand in some countries.

Despite its mass, African rhino is very moving and can do cool turns on run.

The rhino female brings, as a rule, one young every two to four years. The kid remains long with his mother, even when grows and becomes independent. A newborn young one after an hour can follow his mother on his feet, and, besides, it usually goes or ahead of it, or on the side. Mother milk It feeds on a year, and during this time its mass increases from 50 to 300 kilograms.

Males of rhinos, like many other animals, are struggling for the right to become a leader. At the same time, they use a horn as a stick, that is, they sound sideways, not the edge. It may happen that during the martial arts the rog will break, but then he will grow again, although very slowly.

Vision at rhino is bad, he sees only near, like a short man. But it is the finest sense of smelling and rumor, he can from afar to feel the smell of food or enemy.

RO / Interesting facts about jungle animals and rainforest

In the Amazonian forest.

Tropical forests are characterized lush vegetation; Under the trees with high barrels, despite the fact that their crowns are missing little light, grows thick undergrowth. In it reigns high humidity - The sediments are frequent here and favorable the development of plants of any type. This environment is almost ideal for maintaining the lives of countless animals, which in abundance is found there. Naturally, this environment is especially favored by animals of small and medium sizes, which in more often can move with agility.


This bizarre bird with a characteristic beak is found on all continents and, depending on the habitat area, has small differences in the form and sizes. The most typical environment of its habitat is the sea coast and lakes. Feeds with water animals, predominantly fish. These birds catch fish special method When lowing. They are going to groups and beat all together with wings on the water, scaring fish and forcing her to swim towards the shore, where it is clearly visible, and her maneuverability is difficult. Fish becomes light prey for pelicans; They fill their beaks, at the bottom of which are stretched thorny bags. Prey are attributed to the nest and calmly eat.

Pelican - highly big birdThe length reaches 1.8 meters, and it is up to 3 meters the wingspan. In search of foods are able to dive to the depth.

Pelicans - Public birds, live by numerous colonies, together mining food and build nests.

American White Pelican lives most of the year in the southern part of the United States of America, Mexico and Central America. During the breeding period of birds living in more northern areas, move to the south, where the climate is softer and more favorable for the development of chicks. Pelican's plumage is almost completely white, only on breasts and wings have light yellow spots.

Pelican's nest is a cumbersome building from a cantham, drying and feathers. When adult birds bring food for their chicks to the nest for their chicks, they pull her to the beak from the pharyngeal of parents already semi-earlier, which makes it easy to assimilate food.

The female lays two or three bluish or yellowish eggs and rake them about 30 days. Chicks are born completely naked. Operation grows over the next 10 days. The female in size is slightly less than the male.

Lenivity Named so for the emergency slowness of movements resembling movements in slow motion filming. Constantly the wet skin of the slogans serves as a nutrient medium for microscopic algae, which is why animal wool acquires greenish tintmaking them almost not noticeable among foliage.


An animal similar to the leopard, but larger; It is also characterized by a special pattern on the skins: ring-shaped dark spotswithin which the specks are smaller. Jaguars are hunting alone and mostly on Earth, although they are well crawling along the trees and swim. Catching prey, a predator usually hides it somewhere in a secret place and then eats in parts.

Jaguara Move into the light of two or three young. Like all predators, they teach their growing kids to hunt.


The most common South American view - land tapir, Lives near reservoirs. It is perfectly swimming and can cross rather wide rivers; Sometimes tapirs even dive to get the stalks of aquatic plants that serve them.

A lot of a variety of wild birds lives in the thick foliage of Amazon forests. A red-brown Goacin and Crested Serim walking here, in which the paws are better adapted for running than wings for flight. Cvezal builds a nest inside the meter and termites do not cause him any concern. Filin, a night predator with a long crest on his head, lives in the most impassable places, and therefore the ornithologists still failed to figure out his habits.
This tiny bird (size from 5.7 to 21.6 cm; weight from 1.6 to 20 gr.) With a long curved beak, it is capable of waving the wings so often that she can almost motivate in the air, sucking nectar from the flower. This is the only bird in the world capable of flying back.

Hummingbird swamp. Flowing, this bird makes more than 50 crawled wings per second. So it can be motionless to frozen in the air or fly at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour. The beak of the dreams is very long and straight, while other hummingbirds it is curved.

rhino can reach 1.5 meters long.