How to make your child physically perfect. From birth to six years old, read online for free. The book "How to make your child physically perfect. From birth to six years" (official translation by Doman). Glen doman how to make a child physically with

The evil sorcerer confused all the paths in the forest to prevent the little witch from finding ripe fly agarics and a magic pot for a magic potion. We need to help the little witch and others fairy-tale characters living in the forest. It is necessary to lay the necessary paths, and then place all 9 tiles on the playing field - and the task is completed!
Each assignment has several solutions, one of which can be found at the end of the assignment book. But do not rush to look at the answer, because it is much more interesting to find a way out yourself!
Bondibon "Magic Forest" game has 48 tasks and 4 difficulty levels.
The notebook is conveniently fastened with a button, and its size allows you to take the game with you on any trip.

Logic magnetic game develops logical thinking, cognitive abilities, visual and spatial perception.

Dear Clients! We would like to draw your attention to minor changes in product design. Delivery is subject to stock availability.

591 rub

Soft cubes Crumbs "Little Houses" will help your child learn how to choose a home for each animal. The set includes 6 cubes different shapes, as well as two cubes with pictures, on the edges of which various animals and places where they live are depicted.
Your child will recognize and be able to remember:

  • primary and secondary colors;
  • two gradations of magnitude: "large" and "small";
  • voluminous geometric shapes a cube (cube) and a prism ("roof;
  • six of the most common animals and their habitats;
  • words with a general meaning ("animals", "pets", "forest animals";
  • features of the external structure of animals (number of limbs, color, sense organs, and so on).

    The cubes are made of high quality fabric and soft filling, which allows them to be absolutely safe in the game. A well-chosen size, color, vivid and understandable drawings develop thinking, coordination of movements and improve the motor skills of the baby's gentle fingers.
    2 cubes, 2 roofs, stand.

  • 250 rub

    Educational game Cheat sheets for mom "Finger gymnastics", for children, 1-3 years old

    To physical development the baby did not lag behind the norm, you have to play games with him that develop fine motor skills of hands. Finger games for children develop memory and teach the child to concentrate and correctly distribute attention, as well as contribute to the development of clear, rhythmic and vivid speech by activating the center of the brain. However, thick books and children's websites on the Internet are not always at hand, and it is inconvenient to look for finger exercises for kids there. Cards complex finger gymnastics can solve this problem. Buy cards for children "Finger gymnastics 1-3 years old", and you will receive 50 cards in which:
    - detailed description finger exercises for speech development
    - pictures of finger gymnastics for children
    - short and fun activities for hand motility
    Cards we develop fine motor skills of hands are conveniently stored at home and taken on trips. The child randomly chooses a card from the set. The flashcards will teach you how to develop your child's fine motor skills and speech!

    290 rub

    Educational game Cheat sheets for mom "The Lost", for children, 3-12 years old

    So that the child does not grow an absent-minded person, you have to play with it educational memory games for children. This will be very useful to him in life. Development is especially important visual memory in children. But, computer games this type is usually not designed for mother-child play. In addition, they harm the psyche and health of the child. Unlike board games with cards. Buy the board game for children "The Lost" 3-12 years old, and you will receive 50 playing cards with a board educational game on which various objects and animals familiar to the child are drawn. Place several cards with pictures of objects in front of the child. Let him remember the pictures and turn away. Remove one card, and let him, turning around, guess what is missing. Complicate the task by increasing the number of cards. It is convenient to store cards with an educational board game for children at home and take them out into the countryside and on a visit. Playing, we develop the child's attention and memory and prepare him for adulthood!

    290 rub

    Hobby World Board Game Potion Making Workshop Basic Set

    "Workshop on Potions" in an amazing, almost magical way fascinates a variety of people of all ages!

    The plot of the game is based on Potions making lessons at the infamous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each student (i.e. player) strives to create as many different elixirs, powders and potions as possible, using a dragon's tooth and a stone of blood, fern flowers and astral energy ... , create a Greater Elixir, Talisman or Creature ...

    So, get your friends and family together, call the kitchen a magic laboratory, and try to brew delicious magic potions for an hour or two!
    Set of cards (76 pcs.), 8 player chips, points counter, rules of the game in Russian, training game,

    790 rub

    Talking pen "Expert" - effective remedy learning for children and adults!
    The talking pen will help you in learning to read, count, and learn foreign languages. The pen reproduces various sounds - music, animal voices, human speech. The 2nd Generation Talking Pen "Expert" does not have a chip. All the information necessary for dubbing the book can be downloaded from the Internet portal. This talking pen has built-in memory and all information will be uploaded to a special folder. You can use the talking pen as an MP3 player. Dictaphone - new function which will help you record your voice and then listen to it, which is very useful when learning foreign languages.
    The kit includes a talking pen, charger (adapter), USB cable, strap, audio stickers and instructions in Russian.
    The pen is designed to work with books, posters and other products bearing the Talking Pen Connoisseur logo. Features: Built-in memory: 4 GB.

  • Material: plastic, metal, textiles.
  • Handle length: 15 cm.
  • Cord length: 50 cm.
  • Warranty: 1 year.
  • Packing size: 19.5 cm x 15 cm x 6.5 cm.
  • Manufacturer: China.
  • 4099 rub

    Place all the pieces of the puzzle on the game board, spin them as you like, because this logic game is a twist! Twist is a famous dance of the 60s. As in dance, the pieces of this puzzle swirl to take their places on the playing field. But be careful: only at first glance, everything seems simple! In the dance, you must always stand with at least one foot on the ground, in the game you must combine the color of the details with the color of the pegs-chips cleverly located on the field. Train your mind with this logic game! The game contains 100 tasks of varying difficulty. It is compact and fits easily in a pocket or purse.
    The game has 5 difficulty levels. The difficulty level of each task is determined by the number of parts that need to be placed on the playing field. It can be used to develop logical thinking and cognitive abilities, social development, concentration, memory training, imagination and fine motor skills.
    The set includes: a booklet with 100 tasks with answers, 8 colored parts, 7 tokens, a game board with a compartment for storing parts.


  • The size of the playing field: 14 cm x 2.5 cm x 9.5 cm.
  • Chips Height: 1.6cm
  • Number of players: from 1 person.
  • Packing size: 9.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 16 cm.

    Dear Clients! Please note that packaging can have several types of designs. Delivery is subject to stock availability.

  • 564 rub

    To all the parents that have ever existed in the world, who rejoiced, putting their children on their shoulders and saying: "Look at this world, baby."


    The most common method for studying the effect of weightlessness on the human body is to "sentence" a normal, healthy person to a full bed rest... The results of this forced inactivity - or the so-called hypodynamic state - are quite impressive. At least 72 hours later, numerous body systems begin to show the first signs of deterioration in their activity. As a result of changes in the movement of fluids in the body, hormonal changes occur and dehydration, the heart and blood vessels lose their strength and elasticity, and calcium begins to be washed out of the bones. Volunteers often complained about headache, back pain, constipation, boredom, lethargy and temporary disorientation.

    And what is the consequence excessive activity? Really, if the forced inaction for human body is harmful, is excessive physical activity beneficial? The facts are clear about this. More than twenty years of research has confirmed that increased physical activity has a beneficial effect on the heart, circulation, lungs, weight, muscle tone, chair, blood pressure, blood sugar and fat levels, stamina, well-being.

    However, the following question can be asked: if programmed activity is good for adults, can the same be true for children? And again the answer will sound: "YES" - everything that is true for adults turns out to be true for physically active children. But the most important thing lies in the beneficial consequences that a properly designed program physical activity has on the development of the nervous system of children.

    In this unique book, the authors present their intriguing and scientific-looking concept of brain physiology and functioning, explaining clearly and consistently how and how profoundly your child's physical activity program can affect the development and neurology of their brain. The authors also show how the consequences of these processes stimulate the intellectual and social growth of the child, not to mention his physical development. However, not content with theoretical explanations alone, they provide precise, consistent, publicly available guidance for your child to achieve these goals.

    Like most professionals doing their job the best way, the authors make it all look very simple. In fact, the greatest gift they give their readers and their children is the result of over forty years of research into the development of normal and traumatized human beings. Unmatched understanding of mobility and child development stems from an intensive search for answers to questions that were asked to authors in more than 100 countries and on all continents, including Antarctica. They crossed repeatedly Earth along the equator, visiting either the Xingu tribe (Brazil, Mato Grossu), or the Bushmen tribe (Kalahari desert).

    Being in a state of constant search, they penetrated deeply into the past, studying the movement patterns that ancient earthly creatures possessed, and into the future - when studying the influence of weightlessness on human mobility and development.

    Throughout this book, as, indeed, all their previous books, the authors constantly emphasize the following theses:

    The human brain grows thanks to its constant use, and this growth is actually completed by the age of six.

    Young children are much more capable of learning than anyone else.

    Young children are sure that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that adults give them entirely, especially dad and mom.

    The most the best teachers are the parents.

    They can teach their child absolutely everything that they know themselves, if only this knowledge is true and based on facts.

    In a sense, it is even strange that this book "How to Make Your Child Physically Perfect" was so delayed in its release, especially since the main author, Glen Doman and the staff of his institute, gained worldwide fame precisely because of their work with children with brain injury. These paralyzed babies gradually began to move, then crawl, then climb, and finally walk and run - just like healthy newborns do.

    Perhaps the most important point that the authors of this book have made so clear is that the passage of these stages on the path to physical perfection was accidental.

    But now there is an opportunity to pass them in a natural way, and not somehow, but in their natural order. Thanks to this, children will be able to achieve physical perfection, which will provide them with the widest opportunities for the desired development in adolescence and throughout life.

    Equally important is the fact that the development of children on the path to physical perfection is a process that can not only be a joy for both children and parents, but should be so for the sake of achieving success.

    And I realized that I had the right to write this preface for the simple reason that I saw with my own eyes how once paralyzed children did handstands and other gymnastic exercises.

    This new discipline has not only contributed to the deepening of knowledge in the field of human development, but has created a new direction, thanks to which it is now possible to understand and change certain human conditions.

    Ralph Pelligra, M.D. (space medicine)


    It may be best to start from the end, although hundreds of Philadelphia Human Development Institute staff members have dedicated their lives to precisely starting from the beginning. And yet, it seems to me, the reader has the right to know what this book is about from the very first pages.

    This book shows that being physically perfect is not only the lot of some gifted children with the innate inclinations of physical geniuses. She claims that every child from birth has a magnificent gift in the form of genes of Homo sapiens, and therefore the inheritance right to be physically perfect.

    This book praises the miracle of human mobility, which we have studied since 1940. Since that time, in days that lasted not eight working hours, but twenty; weeks that lasted not five, but seven working days; months during which we felt more joy than despair; for years, when we were sometimes amazed at the miracle of human mobility, then we went crazy, lost in conjecture why it was absent; we studied mobility in every possible way.

    We studied human mobility practically, thanks to tens of thousands of newborns, children, adults and the elderly, starting with the very first forms of movement of the embryo in the womb, continuing with crawling, climbing, walking, running, gymnastic exercises, and ending with the extinction of this ability in old age.

    We have studied mobility theoretically, starting from its earliest forms, which emerged three and a half million years ago, when the two greatest kingdoms of living nature took different paths of development. The plant kingdom remained stationary, and the animal kingdom began to develop the ability to move from place to place.

    We have studied the development of human mobility in African Australopithecines, discovered by Professor Darth over sixty years ago. Then this discovery shocked the whole world of anthropology. When these ancient creatures straightened to walk on their feet and free their hands, one for a club as a weapon, the other for a stick as a tool of labor, then the opportunity arose for the emergence of modern man.

    Today this ancient club has become a nuclear weapon, and the stick has become a computer and other high technologies.

    After the first man switched to upright posture and freed his hands for tools, the use of these tools began to contribute to his intelligence. The more intelligent he became, the more he invented new and more complex tools of labor, learned to cognize and understand - this is how the modern rational man was born.

    Today man has become the most, smartest and most terrible of all God's creatures, and he is the only one who can destroy our planet - or make it that earthly paradise that he himself has always dreamed of.

    Highly developed intelligence originates in human mobility and hand activity.

    With each passing decade, human mobility and hand activity become more skillful, more beautiful, more complex and more frightening.

    Now this is no longer just a theoretical statement. At every Olympic Games, old records give way to new ones, and these records are the result of human mobility and hand activity. It is worth noting that most of the current Olympiad winners are noticeably younger than their predecessors.

    Where is the end of this?

    The current gymnasts in their teenage years perform exercises that gymnasts never dreamed of half a century ago.

    There will be no end to this.

    Human intelligence is inextricably linked with human mobility and hand activity.

    Indeed, as we already know, mobility and manual intelligence are two of the six types of human intelligence.

    But then what have we learned about human beings during all the time that the employees of our institute have devoted to the study and understanding of the causes of physical perfection? This knowledge can be expressed in a single paragraph.

    We are absolutely convinced that: every child at the moment of his birth has a higher mental potential than that which Leonardo da Vinci has ever demonstrated.

    This inherent mental potential includes and begins with physical functioning.

    This book will tell parents about how to make their child physically perfect, and why, after almost half a century of improving the physical development of children, the authors are firmly convinced of the need for it.

    A note to parents

    The staff of our institute have no prejudices. We love and respect both mothers and fathers, as well as their male and female children. Therefore, if in the further text we, speaking about the parent, will mention mothers, and speaking about children - boys, then keep in mind that this is done only for simplicity of presentation.

    Other related news:

  • "AND CAN AND EMBROIDER ..." - Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Inner Child - J. Mills, R. Crowley
  • Jung and the "Inner Child" - Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Inner Child - Mills J., Crowley R.
  • Erickson and the "Inner Child" - Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Inner Child - Mills J., Crowley R.
  • An "extraconscious" sensory system: a new perspective in theory? - Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Inner Child - Mills J., Crowley R.
  • How to make a child physically perfect - page №1 / 1

    To all the parents that have ever existed in the world, who rejoiced, putting their children on their shoulders and saying:

    "Look at this world, baby."


    The most common method of studying the effect of weightlessness on the human body is to "sentence" a normal, healthy person to complete bed rest. The results of this forced inactivity - or the so-called hypodynamic state - are quite impressive. At least 72 hours later, numerous body systems begin to show the first signs of deterioration in their activity. As a result of changes in the movement of fluids in the body, hormonal changes and dehydration occur, the heart and blood vessels lose their strength and elasticity, and calcium begins to be washed out of the bones. Volunteers frequently complained of headaches, back pain, constipation, boredom, lethargy, and temporary disorientation.

    What is the consequence of being overly active? Is it possible that if forced inaction is harmful to the human body, then excessive physical activity is useful? The facts are clear about this. More than twenty years of research has confirmed that increased physical activity has a beneficial effect on the heart, circulation, lungs, weight, muscle tone, stool, blood pressure, blood sugar and fat levels, endurance, and well-being.

    However, the following question can be asked: if programmed activity is good for adults, can the same be true for children? And again the answer will sound: "YES" - everything that is true for adults turns out to be true for physically active children. But the most important thing lies in the beneficial effects that a properly designed program of physical activity has on the development of the nervous system of children.

    In this unique book, the authors present their intriguing and scientific-looking concept of brain physiology and functioning, explaining clearly and consistently how and how profoundly your child's physical activity program can affect the development and neurology of their brain. The authors also show how the consequences of these processes stimulate the intellectual and social growth of the child, not to mention his physical development. However, not content with theoretical explanations alone, they provide precise, consistent, publicly available guidance for your child to achieve these goals.

    Like most professionals who do their best, authors make it look very simple. In fact, the greatest gift they give their readers and their children is the result of over forty years of research into the development of normal and traumatized human beings. An unparalleled understanding of mobility and child development stems from an intense search for answers to questions posed to authors in over 100 countries and across all continents, including Antarctica. They repeatedly crossed the globe along the equator, visiting the Xingu tribe ( xingu) (Brazil, Mato Grosso), the Bushmen tribe (Kalahari Desert).

    Being in a state of constant search, they penetrated deeply into the past, studying the movement patterns that ancient earthly creatures possessed, and into the future - when studying the influence of weightlessness on human mobility and development.

    Throughout this book, as, indeed, all their previous books, the authors constantly emphasize the following theses:

    The human brain grows thanks to its constant use, and this growth is actually completed by the age of six.

    Young children are much more capable of learning than anyone else.

    Young children are confident that the most wonderful gift for them, it is the attention that adults give them, especially dad and mom.

    The best teachers are parents.

    They can teach their child absolutely everything that they know themselves, if only this knowledge is true and based on facts.

    In a sense, it is even strange that this book "How to Make Your Child Physically Perfect" was so delayed in release, especially since the main author, Glenn Doman and the staff of his institute, gained worldwide fame precisely because of their work with children with brain injuries. ... These paralyzed babies gradually began to move, then crawl, then climb, and finally walk and run - just like healthy newborns do.

    Perhaps the most important point that the authors of this book have made so clear is that the passage of these stages on the path to physical perfection was accidental.

    But now there is an opportunity to go through them in a regular way, and not somehow, but in their natural order. Thanks to this, children will be able to achieve physical perfection, which will provide them with the widest opportunities for the desired development in adolescence, and throughout life.

    Equally important is the fact that the development of children on the path to physical perfection is a process that not only can be a joy, both for children and for parents, but should be so for the sake of achieving success.

    asked me to write a foreword to this essential book, I felt flattered.

    And I realized that I had the right to write this preface for the simple reason that I saw with my own eyes how once paralyzed children did handstands and other gymnastic exercises.

    This new discipline has not only contributed to the deepening of knowledge in the field of human development, but has created a new direction, thanks to which it is now possible to understand and change certain human conditions.


    It may be best to start from the end, although hundreds of Philadelphia Human Development Institute staff members have dedicated their lives to precisely starting from the beginning. And yet, it seems to me, the reader has the right to know what this book is about from the very first pages.

    This book shows that being physically perfect is not only the lot of some gifted children with the innate inclinations of physical geniuses. She claims that every child from birth has a magnificent gift in the form of genes of Homo sapiens, and, consequently, the inheritance right to be physically perfect.

    This book praises the miracle of human mobility, which we have studied since 1940. Since that time, in days that lasted not eight working hours, but twenty, weeks that lasted not five, but seven working days, months, during which we more often experienced joy than despair, for years, when we we were amazed at the miracle of human mobility, then we went crazy, lost in conjecture why it was absent, we studied mobility in all possible ways.

    We studied human mobility practically, thanks to tens of thousands of newborns, children, adults and the elderly, starting with the very first forms of movement of the embryo in the womb, continuing with crawling, climbing, walking, running, gymnastic exercises, and ending with the extinction of this ability in old age.

    We have studied mobility theoretically, starting from its earliest forms, which emerged three and a half million years ago, when the two greatest kingdoms of living nature took different paths of development. The plant kingdom remained stationary, and the animal kingdom began to develop the ability to move from place to place.

    We have studied the development of human mobility in African Australopithecines, discovered by Professor Darthom over sixty years ago. Then this discovery shocked the whole world of anthropology. When these ancient creatures straightened to walk on their feet and free their hands, one for a club as a weapon, the other for a stick as a tool of labor, then the opportunity arose for the emergence of modern man.

    Today this ancient club has become a nuclear weapon, and the stick has become a computer and other high technologies.

    After the first man switched to upright posture and freed his hands for tools, the use of these tools began to contribute to his intelligence. The more intelligent he became, the more he invented new and more complex tools of labor, learned to cognize and understand - this is how the modern rational man was born.

    Today man has become the most, smartest and most terrible of all God's creatures, and he is the only one who can destroy our planet - or make it that earthly paradise that he himself has always dreamed of.

    Highly developed intelligence originates in human mobility and hand activity.

    With each passing decade, human mobility and hand activity become more skillful, more beautiful, more complex and more frightening.

    Now this is no longer just a theoretical statement. At every Olympic Games, old records give way to new ones, and these records are the result of human mobility and hand activity. It is worth noting that most of the current Olympiad winners are noticeably younger than their predecessors.

    Where is the end of this?

    Today's gymnasts, in their teenage years, perform exercises that gymnasts never dreamed of half a century ago.

    There will be no end to this.

    Human intelligence is inextricably linked with human mobility and hand activity.

    Indeed, as we already know, mobility and manual intelligence are two of the six types of human intelligence.

    But then what have we learned about human beings during all the time that the employees of our institute have devoted to the study and understanding of the causes of physical perfection? This knowledge can be expressed in a single paragraph.

    We are absolutely convinced that: every child at the moment of his birth has a higher mental potential than that which Leonardo da Vinci has ever demonstrated.

    This inherent mental potential includes and begins with physical functioning.

    This book will tell parents about how to make their child physically perfect, and why, after almost half a century of improving the physical development of children, the authors are firmly convinced of the need for it.

    A note to parents

    The staff of our institute have no prejudices. We love and respect both mothers and fathers, as well as their male and female children. Therefore, if in the further text we, speaking about the parent, will mention mothers, and speaking about children - boys, then keep in mind that this is done only for simplicity of presentation.

    Prerequisites for Physical Intelligence

    Chapter 1 - The Most Outstanding People in the World

    Once, at the institute, one of the most charming events was held that we organize in order to admire how young children perform gymnastic exercises.

    On that day, the wife of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datin Seri, Dr. Siti Hazma (Hasmah), attended our event. By the way, both she and her husband are doctors.

    It seemed to me that everything was written on her face as she watched the adorable three-year-old baby, first performing a forward roll and then a wheel roll.

    Firstly, our guest was Malaysian, and this, we believe, means two things, and both were clearly read on her face. Her face, like that of other Malaysian women present in the hall, shone with happiness and at the same time retained an unapproachable expression.

    Second, it maintained an almost royal serenity, which is quite natural for the wife of a prime minister of one of the most important Asian nations.

    While she watched the little girl, her eyes literally shone with maternal pleasure - after all, she also has a child. This maternal pride for all children in the world continued to shine on the face of Mrs. Datin Seri, Dr. City Hazma, as the children joyfully and proudly demonstrated their physical splendor by performing the most sophisticated and sophisticated gymnastic exercises. The smile on her face grew even wider when she saw how the five-year-old child easily performed a wheel somersault with one hand.

    And finally, I read professional intrigue in her gaze, since Lady City Hazma is also a doctor.

    Why did our distinguished guest spend her time watching a three-year-old girl perform gymnastic exercises?

    Over twenty years ago, one of the world's most respected geniuses gave us advice that we have been following ever since.

    Dr. Jonas Salk, to whom tens of thousands of parents owe the health of their children, after spending one evening at our institute, said the following: "Now the most outstanding people in the world will strive to get into your institute. And when they get here, tell them everything only once. because those who want to understand will understand the first time, and those who do not want to understand will not understand even after a thousand repetitions. "

    This phrase turned out to be not only sound advice, but also an accurate prediction. Soon, some outstanding people visited our institute and from the first time they understood what we were telling them about. And then a small number of people who did not want to understand anything - they did not understand.

    If it is true that all young children, with the help of their parents, can become physically, intellectually and socially perfect, then why not smart people come and see everything with their own eyes?

    There are many high-ranking officials who are interested in more and more physically, intellectually and socially perfect people in our world. Social excellence implies humanity, good breeding, politeness, kindness, and a sense of humor.

    So what is surprising in the fact that these dignitaries began to come from all over the world to our institute to see beautiful children willingly demonstrating everything that they are capable of?

    In a quarter of a century, many of the most outstanding people visiting our institute stayed here for a day, or even a week. Others were unexpectedly delayed for a month or even a year. And some of them could not leave here, becoming employees of the institute.

    Firstly, among the visitors of the institute were those brilliant representatives of the most different spheres life of society, who are trying to make our world healthier and more humane, and are convinced that this can be achieved by raising healthier and more humane children.

    Even the Nobel Prize winners were among these world geniuses. They were professionals and non-professionals. There were ministers of education and health of many countries. Among them were Latin American ministers and the wives of Asian prime ministers. There were European foreign ministers and Scandinavian legislators. Among them were NASA scientists and doctors, engineers, anthropologists, biologists, educators, lawyers, businessmen, programmers, astronauts, psychologists, mathematicians, US vice presidents, publishers, UN officials, and a huge number of gifted parents.

    These people not only worried about humanity, but were willing to work to improve it. And in the children they all saw the reflection of tomorrow.

    It is not surprising that they wanted to take with them the knowledge that the staff of our institute provided them with and which was partly the fruits of many years of effort, and sometimes even instant insights.

    In the vast majority of cases, they returned back to one or two children who were waiting for them at home. But sometimes the children of the whole nation were waiting for them "at home".

    It is difficult to remember a day when in our institute it was impossible to meet the parents of half a dozen nationalities and dignitaries of one or two countries, not to mention journalists and representatives of various television and radio companies. And these journalists were solving one difficult problem, whether it is wonderful that children learn to be more perfect physically, intellectually and socially, or, for some mystical reasons, this is not good for the children themselves. In the end, most of the media agreed on the first opinion.

    All other people who came to our institute and stayed here for a while to meet with children and parents from the Evan Thomas Institute, made two conclusions for themselves:

    1. Being physically, mentally and socially perfect is wonderful.

    2. All children who are given this chance love to be physically perfect.

    Chapter 2 - All Children Can Become Physically Perfect

    Eighty parents who took the How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence course for a week were surprised. Obviously, they were shocked by the next two discoveries.

    The first and most illustrative - performances of young gymnasts as an illustration for the course "How to make your child physically perfect."

    The youngest of these gymnasts was two-week-old Tegan Hegi, who, with the help of his parents, demonstrated that a regular floor is the best gymnastic platform in the world, the eldest is five-year-old Mark Mihai Dimanescu.

    Mark Mihai performed to music. He began with three somersaults from a standing position, continued by sitting on a split, then balanced on one leg, made a series of rotations and somersaults from a sitting position, demonstrated the third ballet position, two somersaults - with a wheel - the fifth ballet position, etc. etc. He ended up doing a spectacular roll, landing on his feet and causing a storm of applause.

    And how amazing it was to watch four-year-olds who ran around the institute camp for three miles without stopping, or six-year-olds who only needed thirty-six minutes to cover the same distance.

    Then the parents saw a two-year-old child who twice climbed a ladder, which was hanging almost two meters above the ground, with the help of grasping with his hands. Then, as soon as the five-year-old finished climbing from one flying trapeze to another, a cry for help was heard from the top of an old oak tree growing in the center of the institute camp.

    There, in the branches, at a height of almost six meters, was four-year-old Brandai Katz. However, how she got there - and remained a mystery. And her six-year-old brother Sian Katz rushed to her aid with a rope on his shoulder. Dexterously climbing a tree, he made a rope noose, tied his sister under the armpits and deftly lowered her to the ground.

    The parents were amazed. The beautiful gymnastic exercises, so elegantly performed by Mark Mihai, were just one exercise that all five-year-olds in the first grade of the Evan Thomas Institute International School can do. This institution is part of the Human Development Institute and its programs in more detail ahead. The parents were simply fascinated, watching what little children did with such pleasure, easily, naturally and skillfully. The parents were especially impressed by the six-year-old Robert Greer, who did not just climb the stairs hanging above the ground with the help of interception with his hands, but each time he made a full turn.

    It was on the fifth day of the course, which consisted of a one-week course for eighty parents who came from Europe, Asia, South America and the USA.

    Before that, they saw and heard how young children read in several languages ​​and performed advanced math exercises, how children gave a violin recital and demonstrated their encyclopedic knowledge of the arts and sciences.

    But today they admired the way the children showed their gymnastic prowess. Yes, this sight was delightful and amazing, but this was already the second stage of the surprise. At first, the parents were surprised that the young gymnasts turned out to be the same children who:

    1. read and spoke with pleasure in two or more foreign languages;

    2. have fun solving complicated mathematical problems;

    3. possessed encyclopedic knowledge and at the same time really wanted to know more;

    4. played the violins in such a way that they caused tears of affection from the parents watching them.
    And the same "orchestra" of violinists, with the same ease with which he played Lully's gavotte, performed backward jumps with support on his hands.

    And this was the most amazing discovery.

    Janet Doman, director of the institute, was bombarded with questions.

    "But you will not claim that these are the most ordinary children?"

    "Of course not," answered the director, "ordinary children cannot read at the age of three, and in two languages ​​and without the slightest effort. And, of course, ordinary children cannot do everything that you have already seen."

    Then one French woman, a pediatrician by profession, asked another question: "But didn't you tell us that at first these amazing children were the most ordinary children?"

    She was supported by one very pretty mother from Milford: "Indeed, you said that when these children started studying the program, they did not have any special training? For example, the same Robert Greer. Was he anything different from other children? "

    All the staff members of our institute who were in the audience smiled, and the director calmly replied: "Yes, indeed. It was this child who was noticeably different from other children before starting his program."

    Robert Greer was a New Zealander and his parents brought him to us when he was four years old. But he did not study at the Evan Thomas Institute, but at the Institute for Children with Brain Injuries. When he started his studies two years ago, he suffered from functional blindness and was semi-paralyzed.

    So who were those kids? And how did they achieve their amazing success? Are these children with outstanding genetic inclinations, born into families of Olympic champions or circus acrobats?

    Nothing like this. Most of them were born in "middle class" families, some in less affluent families, and only a very few of them come from wealthy families.

    These are newborns, who, of course, are simply not yet able to do all the exercises; these are two-year-old babies who are just starting; these are three-year-olds who already know how to do practically everything; these are five-year-olds who already know how to do everything very well; and, finally, these are ten-year-olds who have achieved outstanding results.

    In short, all these children have in common the following:

    1. Amazing harmony of spiritual and physical development.

    2. Charm.

    3. Enthusiasm.

    4. Studying at the Evan Thomas Institute.

    5. They have extraordinary parents who have provided them with extraordinary opportunities.
    In fact, all these children are the most ordinary children.

    However, they managed to become unusual in every sense of the word, because they received the opportunity from their parents to reach their full potential. And their parents were trained within the walls of our institute.

    But what is so special about these parents?

    Chapter 3 - Parents and Priorities

    It was one of the happiest of our days - the day when we were able to observe for several minutes the "big" children (from five to ten years old) at the International School of the Evan Thomas Institute, who were engaged in a gymnastics class. It was a magnificent sight, and the children were worthy of the highest praise. However, the main problem was that the children were clearly bored with the usual exercises.

    The gorgeous Michelle has just finished her performance. One cannot help falling in love with her: she is seven years old and she is so charming. However, like all the children of the International School!

    We've never seen her do the "air" exercise before, and just a month ago she really didn't know how to do it. However, a year ago we ourselves did not know what gymnasts call "air" exercise.

    But this exercise is such an amazing sight that it is difficult to believe in the possibility of performing it by at least someone, especially a seven-year-old girl. This is a hands-free wheel roll!

    If you can imagine a beautiful skinny baby running a few steps, and then taking off into the air and doing somersault in the air, and even so that her golden hair almost touches the floor, then you will understand the full extent of our admiration and surprise.

    But we remembered Michelle Gauger when she was very little and her mother first brought her to us. Then she was only eighteen months old and she seemed very fragile and very awkward. It was her awkwardness that worried us the most.

    However, her own mother, calm and confident that she could teach her daughter everything, quickly convinced us. That being said, we didn't even discuss our concerns about her daughter with her! Moreover, Mrs. Goger was able to convince the staff of the Zwan Thomas Institute to accept her daughter - and when applying, it is not the child who is examined so much as his parents. There are two reasons for this. First, the program early development of this institution is that we teach parents to teach their own children. Secondly, we have not yet met a child who could not be admitted to the program, because we are firmly convinced that every child can achieve physical perfection, and Michelle Gauger is an excellent confirmation of this.

    Now she has become a great gymnast with the grace and agility that are the natural consequence of great physical development.

    When we observe physical perfection, we often tend to think that it is accompanied by intellectual squalor. And what can you say about this about the same Michelle, and about all the other children of the Evan Thomas Institute? They all swim, dive, run long distances daily, are excellent gymnasts and are in great physical shape.

    But, in addition, Michelle reads excellently, surpassing her usual peers, but not classmates in this.

    1. She (like all her classmates) perfectly copes with a Mac computer.

    2. She plays the violin superbly (like all of her classmates).

    3. She is convinced that studying is the greatest activity of all. (And her classmates are of the same opinion.)
    Who taught this previously awkward little girl to do breathtaking gymnastic exercises, play the violin, read Japanese and many other things that she does with obvious pleasure?

    Mrs. Gauger with the help of Mr. Gauger.

    At the same time, when they started the process of teaching their daughter, they were by no means gymnasts, did not speak Japanese, and did not play the violin.

    But then what are the parents of these amazing children? Everyone - from the poorest to the richest - is united by one mood: the most important thing in family life are their children. Therefore, it is natural that the interests of the child are in the first place for them. And they all want their children to start their lives from the place to which they themselves have reached.

    The question of the priorities of family life is the question that all parents must decide for themselves. And not all of them decide it in favor of their own children.

    Obviously, the entire adult population can be classified into those who do not know how to handle children, and those for whom children are the most important thing. Well, between these two poles, there are many shades.

    The employees of the institute, who spend almost their entire adult life in the company of parents and children, are ready to fight for every adult to have the right to determine his attitude towards children.

    Generally speaking, every adult should behave with children exactly according to their feelings. This will be best for the children.

    Someone once asked W.C. Fields how much he loved children. His answer was short and complete: "Boiled." Fields was a great comedian, so we can't tell if he was joking or not. However, if he was serious, then we can only hope that he did not have children.

    People who don't know how to handle children shouldn't have them. They make disgusting parents.

    People who consider children to be the greatest miracle in the world should have them. They make great parents.

    But there are also those who are between these two poles. Let's take a closer look at all three groups and start with those who don't know how to handle children.

    Our advice to them is to avoid children. It will be better for everyone. However, we are aware of some exceptions - young people who did not like children, but who by chance had to acquire them, suddenly begin to experience genuine parental feelings... Dislike and cynicism instantly give way to awe and surprise.

    The second group of people are those who love children, but are skeptical of their potential, and therefore fill them up with a pile of toys, caresses and orders.

    Then there are people who love and respect children, but do not regard them as the most important creatures in the world. They make excellent parents who prioritize the interests of their children quite high on the list of priorities, although not in the first place.

    Only parents who consider children to be the highest meaning of life can be called parents in the full sense of the word. For them, the interests of children always come first, especially when their children are at their most precious age - from birth to six years.

    We call these parents "professional" fathers and mothers. They can be doctors and steel workers, lawyers and teachers, truck drivers and secretaries, scientists and astronauts. These people have the most extensive interests, but among all interests, their children are in the first place. And these children turn out to be the most capable and amazing children in the world.

    But how do their parents do it?

    All children at the Evan Thomas Institute begin their lives the same way as everyone else. However, many of them register with this institute even before their birth, since prenatal studies show a risk congenital diseases... Therefore, we can believe that our children are children of the most ordinary parents who can be born physically weakened, and maybe absolutely healthy.

    But then how, by the age of six, they achieve such remarkable success in physical, intellectual and social development? Could this be the result of being taught by professional gymnastics and swimming coaches, art professors and eminent academics, as is the case with the children of royalty?

    Nothing like this!

    But then some ambitious parents who set out to make their children superstars in various fields may be to blame. human life, and therefore paid crazy money for their education and upbringing?

    Not at all.

    The Evan Thomas Institute's Early Childhood Development Program is absolutely free for its International School.

    Well, how did the children achieve their outstanding results?

    Obviously, first of all - thanks to their wonderful parents. The second reason is the Evan Thomas Institute.

    Chapter 4 - The Evan Thomas Institute and Its Capabilities

    Ellen's mother walked to the base of the stairs to call her daughter downstairs. Ellen, 3, wore only her pajamas, but barefoot. She slipped on the smooth steps and tumbled down at the feet of her shocked mother.

    After that, Ellen jumped to her feet, stretched out her arms, stood on tiptoe, demonstrating the final position of the Olympic gymnastic exercises... Mother could only applaud frantically.

    When we first heard this story from employees of our institute, we thought about how smart both mother and daughter turned out to be. It was thanks to their foresight that the latter managed to avoid a terrible injury.

    However, this is not her only victory. Ellen, like other children, never looked at the learning process the way adults do. It took us a long time ourselves to realize the fact that children, who, thanks to their parents, received the joyful opportunity to learn everything in the world, view the learning process in a completely different way than everyone else.

    How did Ellen herself view him?

    Young children will prefer learning over food or play. However, they think that learning is a game. However, unlike most professionals, they will never think otherwise: that all games are learning. This is why most adult games for children are terrible nonsense. And there are no fools among children.



    The younger the children, the more they enjoy the learning process and the easier they learn. The older we get, the less we believe that learning is a joy. On the contrary, we become convinced that this is torture. Moreover, we are even sure that there is no learning without torment. But this is not how little children think.

    As adults, we believe that learning is divided into subjects: music, geography, mathematics, biology, history, etc.

    Indeed, if one of us switches from history to mathematics in conversation, he will be immediately accused of having "changed the subject." Young children see it very differently. They hear musical notes in the noise of refrigerators or car horns. We see the math, and they see the solution to the problem. We see gymnastics as an object, and they - as the movement of the human body. This is how Ellen sees everything. Skillfully managing her body in the process of falling down the stairs, she probably only thought about how to more successfully take the final position.

    It's amazing how right kids are to have such a joyful, healthy, and wholehearted attitude towards the world. But how do they develop this attitude? Thanks to my parents and the staff of our institute.

    During the first five years of life, parents teach them according to the early development program, which was drawn up at the Evan Thomas Institute. Parents register their children at this institute sometimes even before their birth and up to four and a half years. At the age of five, all children who successfully complete an early childhood development program are enrolled in International School at the Evan Thomas Institute and from that moment, in addition to their parents, the staff of the institute began to teach them. Children live at home and attend school at the institute.

    None of the parents of these children had ever been a gymnast, played the violin, or knew a word of Japanese before starting this program. Nevertheless, these wonderful, joyful, physically perfect, educated children managed to perfectly learn all of the above from their parents.

    How did the parents manage to teach them? Yes, thanks to the fact that they themselves underwent preliminary training at the Evan Thomas Institute. It is one of the most important institutions in the network of institutions that form the Institute for Human Development, which is located in the Philadelphia suburb of Chestnut Hill.

    Parents who come here from all over the world except Antarctica take a weeklong course called "How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence." This course is presented by the Best Child Institute. Then they are divided into those who enroll their child for the program in the institute itself or outside it.

    Dozens, maybe hundreds of thousands of parents taught their children from books written by the staff of the institute. Until the publication of this book, only five hundred to six hundred families knew how to make a child physically perfect, that is, those who completed a week's course at the Evan Thomas Institute.

    However, thanks to this book, the relevant information will become available to millions of parents who did not take this course, but read the previous books of the staff of our institute and gently but persistently urged them to write this one too.

    The most important asset of the staff of the Institute for Physical Excellence is hundreds of thousands of letters from parents who are proud of the success of their children, whom they have managed to educate either through their own training at our institute or thanks to our books. Thousands of such letters come to the institute every year.

    The main thing is that these letters are the greatest in human history an example of evidence for the thesis that young children are capable of achieving intellectual and social excellence. It is also important to note that the overwhelming majority of parents who write letters to us know about the work of our institute only from books and teaching materials.

    How did hundreds of thousands of children manage to learn to read, count, encyclopedic knowledge and receive physical perfection? Thanks to parents who see them as the highest meaning of their lives.

    Of those parents who took this course, over a thousand applied and were admitted to the program of the Evan Thomas Institute outside the walls of the institute itself. They were qualified to do so through their Professional Parent certification in the How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence program.

    Thanks to the knowledge gained at the institute itself, and methodological materials developed by his staff, they are in best position as they return home to teach their children under the constant guidance of the staff of the Evan Thomas Institute. All results of the learning process are carefully recorded and then parents communicate them by mail or by phone to the staff of the institute. And the results are amazing.

    And, finally, a relatively small number of children (about forty) become students and begin to carry out the program within the walls of the Evan Thomas Institute itself.

    All these children live near the institute itself and are in constant contact with his staff. Obviously, they are of great benefit to this institution, as they demonstrate their abilities to those parents who take the weekly course "How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence." However, they themselves, like their parents, enjoy this great pleasure.

    This program, run within the walls of the institute itself, is absolutely free. Obviously, this is the most unique school in the world, which clearly demonstrates the main discovery of the staff of the institute:

    Every child at the moment of his birth has a higher mental potential than that which Leonardo da Vinci ever demonstrated.

    And this truth can be repeated endlessly.

    We will soon see that physical intelligence is the first and most basic type of human intelligence.

    Having spent all my life in daily and close contact with the most different children and having succumbed to the enchantment of the vast majority of them, we can confidently declare that the boys and girls at the Evan Thomas Institute are the most adorable and gifted children we have ever known.

    They are charming and gifted not in spite of, but precisely because they show amazing abilities in their physical, intellectual and social development.

    And these abilities are by no means the result of the wealth, privilege, or giftedness of their parents. This is the result of parents giving their children unlimited opportunities for development. Moreover, the earlier children begin to learn, the easier and more successful they do it.

    Like many other parents, you can teach your 2-year-old to ski, ice skate, play golf, speak five languages, read Japanese, play the violin and, in general, absolutely everything in the world that you yourself can do. ... The earlier you start, the easier it will be for you to learn it. Give him the widest possible opportunities, do it with joy and love, and then step aside,


    Susan Aizen, director of the Institute for Intellectual Excellence, wrote the following about the Evan Thomas Institute:

    All families who signed up for the program within the walls of the institute begin their home programs with reading and physical training. After this, new intellectual and physical programs are gradually introduced and this continues until the entire course is exhausted. All "professional mothers" with great pleasure and respect for the abilities of their children, act as teachers.

    Physics program includes crawling, climbing, running, climbing stairs with hand grabs, and swimming. As a means of improving coordination, they are complemented by playing musical instruments, writing and drawing.

    Every day the child, in addition to intellectual stimulation and physical exercise, gets the opportunity to improve in the implementation of the program social development... Even one year old child has certain responsibilities at home, and even a four-year-old is simply obliged to perform many such duties, and not only in relation to his household, but also in relation to environment and society.

    Together with their children, parents regularly visit the institute to listen to lectures, meet with its staff and receive additional programs for further development your child. Between two and three years of age, the children, together with their parents, begin to attend classes at the institute itself once a week. The primary goal of these sessions is to educate parents and enable children to put into practice the information they have already received at home. Children develop their social skills successfully.

    During the year, mothers, fathers and children participate in five courses "How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence" and help to demonstrate how to teach a child to read, count, acquire encyclopedic knowledge, develop musical ability and achieve physical perfection. Children choose their favorite books, math problems and pieces of music and look forward to the moment to demonstrate their abilities. This necessary element training programs for thousands of other parents who come to the institute from all over the world for the early development program developed by the Evan Thomas Institute.

    In the course of the program, parents and children can enter the International School if they are able to achieve higher excellence. Children who enter the first grade of this school often read at the third grade level, or even better; can, at a minimum, maintain a simple conversation in a foreign language; compose musical compositions, play the violin or piano and study in depth history, natural sciences and geography. Physically, they are already so strong that they are able to climb a long staircase without stopping with the help of interception with their hands, run three miles, and swim on their own. As a rule, these children are already five years old.

    First-graders of the international school attend it five times a week and study Latin and Greek roots, analytical geometry, Japanese language and culture, computer science, natural history, gymnastics and ballet.

    During its existence, many distinguished guests have lectured at this school, for example, Buckminster Fuller; Dr. Ralph Pelligra (NASA); Richard Norton, David Melton, Chatham R. Whit; Professor Raymond Dart is the discoverer of Australopithecus africanus dartii. Favorite teacher - Glenn Doman, who specializes in development baby brain... Thanks to such lectures, the students not only got acquainted with outstanding world experts in various fields, but also made friends and advisers.

    Guest instructors such as mathematician Donald Burnhouse and Project Seed founder William Jontz taught mathematics at the school for several months.

    The last week of June is marked by the end of the semester and some sort of exams. This year, children undergoing the early development program, as well as students of the first, second and third grade of the International School took part in the Day of Human Development. Two- and three-year-olds competed in crawling and climbing; children of four to five years old - in crawling and climbing stairs with the help of their hands; children six or seven years old - in the same, but for a while and for a greater distance.

    During this day, fourth grade students provided coaching advice and encouragement to their younger peers, and also acted as officials. In the evening, the first graders donned caps and robes for the official ceremony. Some of the successes they achieved were as follows:

    1. self-writing stories

    2. writing computer programs

    3. concerts on musical instruments

    4. reading, writing and speaking in a foreign language

    5. successful solution of problems in analytical geometry

    6. running 8 kilometers without stopping

    7. rope climbing

    8. performing standard gymnastic exercises on mats

    9. successful teaching of younger students

    10. successful development of social skills
    On the next morning the older students competed in the team triathlon (0.4 km of swimming, 8 km of cycling, 4 km of non-stop running). In addition, in a week they built a pontoon raft capable of carrying twelve people to sail on the Delaware River.

    Students and their parents came to the International School to participate in this program from the Americas, Europe and Asia. Thanks to this, the school itself continues to be enriched with a variety of languages ​​and cultures.

    We look forward to continuing this tradition and welcome new members to join our programs.

    Once, at the institute, one of the most charming events was held that we organize in order to admire how young children perform gymnastic exercises.

    On that day, the wife of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datin Seri, Dr. Siti Hazma (Hasmah), attended our event. By the way, both she and her husband are doctors.

    It seemed to me that everything was written on her face as she watched the adorable three-year-old baby, first performing a forward roll and then a wheel roll.

    Firstly, our guest was Malaysian, and this, we believe, means two things, and both were clearly read on her face. Her face, like that of other Malaysian women present in the hall, shone with happiness and at the same time retained an unapproachable expression.

    Second, it maintained an almost royal serenity, which is quite natural for the wife of a prime minister of one of the most important Asian nations.

    While she watched the little girl, her eyes literally shone with maternal pleasure - after all, she also has a child. This maternal pride for all children in the world continued to shine on the face of Mrs. Datin Seri, Dr. City Hazma, as the children joyfully and proudly demonstrated their physical splendor by performing the most sophisticated and sophisticated gymnastic exercises. The smile on her face grew even wider when she saw how the five-year-old child easily performed a wheel somersault with one hand.

    And finally, I read professional intrigue in her gaze, since Lady City Hazma is also a doctor.

    Why did our distinguished guest spend her time watching a three-year-old girl perform gymnastic exercises?

    Over twenty years ago, one of the world's most respected geniuses gave us advice that we have been following ever since.

    Dr. Jonas Salk, to whom tens of thousands of parents owe the health of their children, after spending one evening at our institute, said the following: "Now the most outstanding people in the world will strive to get into your institute. And when they get here, tell them everything only once. because those who want to understand will understand the first time, and those who do not want to understand will not understand even after a thousand repetitions. "

    This phrase turned out to be not only sound advice, but also an accurate prediction. Soon, some outstanding people visited our institute and from the first time they understood what we were telling them about. And then a small number of people who did not want to understand anything - they did not understand.

    If it is true that all young children, with the help of their parents, can become physically, intellectually and socially perfect, then why not smart people come and see everything with their own eyes?

    There are many high-ranking officials who are interested in more and more physically, intellectually and socially perfect people in our world. Social excellence implies humanity, good breeding, politeness, kindness, and a sense of humor.

    So what is surprising in the fact that these dignitaries began to come from all over the world to our institute to see beautiful children willingly demonstrating everything that they are capable of?

    For a quarter of a century, many of the most prominent people visiting our institute have stayed here for a day or even a week. Others were unexpectedly delayed for a month or even a year. And some of them could not leave here, becoming employees of the institute.

    Firstly, among the visitors of the institute were those brilliant representatives of various spheres of society who are trying to make our world healthier and more humane, and are convinced that this can be achieved by raising healthier and more humane children.

    Even the Nobel Prize winners were among these world geniuses. They were professionals and non-professionals. There were ministers of education and health of many countries. Among them were Latin American ministers and the wives of Asian prime ministers. There were European foreign ministers and Scandinavian legislators. Among them were NASA scientists and doctors, engineers, anthropologists, biologists, educators, lawyers, businessmen, programmers, astronauts, psychologists, mathematicians, US vice presidents, publishers, UN officials, and a huge number of gifted parents.

    These people not only worried about humanity, but were willing to work to improve it. And in the children they all saw the reflection of tomorrow.

    It is not surprising that they wanted to take with them the knowledge that the staff of our institute provided them with and which was partly the fruits of many years of effort, and sometimes even instant insights.

    In the vast majority of cases, they returned back to one or two children who were waiting for them at home. But sometimes the children of the whole nation were waiting for them "at home".

    It is difficult to remember a day when in our institute it was impossible to meet the parents of half a dozen nationalities and dignitaries of one or two countries, not to mention journalists and representatives of various television and radio companies. And these journalists were solving one difficult problem, whether it is wonderful that children learn to be more perfect physically, intellectually and socially, or, for some mystical reasons, it is not at all good for the children themselves. In the end, most of the media agreed on the first opinion.

    All other people who came to our institute and stayed here for a while to meet with children and parents from the Evan Thomas Institute, made two conclusions for themselves:

    1. Being physically, mentally and socially perfect is wonderful.

      All children who are given this chance love to be physically perfect.

    Chapter 2 - All Children Can Become Physically Perfect

    Eighty parents who took the How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence course for a week were surprised. Obviously, they were shocked by the next two discoveries.

    The first and most illustrative - performances of young gymnasts as an illustration for the course "How to make your child physically perfect."

    The youngest of these gymnasts was two-week-old Tegan Hegi, who, with the help of his parents, demonstrated that a regular floor is the best gymnastic platform in the world, the eldest is five-year-old Mark Mihai Dimanescu.

    Mark Mihai performed to music. He began with three somersaults from a standing position, continued by sitting on a split, then balanced on one leg, made a series of rotations and somersaults from a sitting position, demonstrated the third ballet position, two somersaults - with a wheel - the fifth ballet position, etc. etc. He ended up doing a spectacular roll, landing on his feet and causing a storm of applause.

    And how amazing it was to watch four-year-olds who ran around the institute camp for three miles without stopping, or six-year-olds who only needed thirty-six minutes to cover the same distance.

    Then the parents saw a two-year-old child who twice climbed a ladder, which was hanging almost two meters above the ground, with the help of grasping with his hands. Then, as soon as the five-year-old finished climbing from one flying trapeze to another, a cry for help was heard from the top of an old oak tree growing in the center of the institute camp.

    There, in the branches, at a height of almost six meters, was four-year-old Brandai Katz. However, how she got there - and remained a mystery. And her six-year-old brother Sian Katz rushed to her aid with a rope on his shoulder. Dexterously climbing a tree, he made a rope noose, tied his sister under the armpits and deftly lowered her to the ground.

    The parents were amazed. The beautiful gymnastic exercises, so elegantly performed by Mark Mihai, were just one exercise that all five-year-olds in the first grade of the Evan Thomas Institute International School can do. This institution is part of the Human Development Institute and its programs in more detail ahead. The parents were simply fascinated, watching what little children did with such pleasure, easily, naturally and skillfully. The parents were especially impressed by the six-year-old Robert Greer, who did not just climb the stairs hanging above the ground with the help of interception with his hands, but each time he made a full turn.

    This was on the fifth day of a one-week course for eighty parents from Europe, Asia, South America, and the United States.

    Before that, they saw and heard how young children read in several languages ​​and performed advanced math exercises, how children gave a violin recital and demonstrated their encyclopedic knowledge of the arts and sciences.

    But today they admired the way the children showed their gymnastic prowess. Yes, this sight was delightful and amazing, but this was already the second stage of the surprise. At first, the parents were surprised that the young gymnasts turned out to be the same children who:

      read and spoke with pleasure in two or more foreign languages;

      have fun solving complicated mathematical problems;

      possessed encyclopedic knowledge and at the same time really wanted to know more;

      played the violins in such a way that they caused tears of affection from the parents watching them.

    And the same "orchestra" of violinists, with the same ease with which he played Lully's gavotte, performed backward jumps with support on his hands.

    And this was the most amazing discovery.

    Janet Doman, director of the institute, was bombarded with questions.

    "But you will not claim that these are the most ordinary children?"

    "Of course not," answered the director, "ordinary children cannot read at the age of three, and in two languages ​​and without the slightest effort. And, of course, ordinary children cannot do everything that you have already seen."

    Then one French woman, a pediatrician by profession, asked another question: "But didn't you tell us that at first these amazing children were the most ordinary children?"

    She was supported by one very pretty mother from Milford: "Indeed, you said that when these children started studying the program, they did not have any special training? For example, the same Robert Greer. Was he anything different from other children? "

    All the staff members of our institute who were in the audience smiled, and the director calmly replied: "Yes, indeed. It was this child who was noticeably different from other children before starting his program."

    Robert Greer was a New Zealander and his parents brought him to us when he was four years old. But he did not study at the Evan Thomas Institute, but at the Institute for Children with Brain Injuries. When he started his studies two years ago, he suffered from functional blindness and was semi-paralyzed.

    So who were those kids? And how did they achieve their amazing success? Are these children with outstanding genetic inclinations, born into families of Olympic champions or circus acrobats?

    Nothing like this. Most of them were born in "middle class" families, some in less affluent families, and only a very few of them come from wealthy families.

    These are newborns, who, of course, are simply not yet able to do all the exercises; these are two-year-old babies who are just starting; these are three-year-olds who already know how to do practically everything; these are five-year-olds who already know how to do everything very well; and, finally, these are ten-year-olds who have achieved outstanding results.

    In short, all these children have in common the following:

      Amazing harmony of spiritual and physical development.



      Studying at the Evan Thomas Institute.

      They have extraordinary parents who have provided them with extraordinary opportunities.

    In fact, all these children are the most ordinary children.

    However, they managed to become unusual in every sense of the word, because they received the opportunity from their parents to reach their full potential. And their parents were trained within the walls of our institute.

    But what is so special about these parents?

    Chapter 3 - Parents and Priorities

    It was one of the happiest of our days - the day when we were able to observe for several minutes the "big" children (from five to ten years old) at the International School of the Evan Thomas Institute, who were engaged in a gymnastics class. It was a magnificent sight, and the children were worthy of the highest praise. However, the main problem was that the children were clearly bored with the usual exercises.

    The gorgeous Michelle has just finished her performance. One cannot help falling in love with her: she is seven years old and she is so charming. However, like all the children of the International School!

    We've never seen her do the "air" exercise before, and just a month ago she really didn't know how to do it. However, a year ago we ourselves did not know what gymnasts call "air" exercise.

    But this exercise is such an amazing sight that it is difficult to believe in the possibility of performing it by at least someone, especially a seven-year-old girl. This is a hands-free wheel roll!

    If you can imagine a beautiful skinny baby running a few steps, and then taking off into the air and doing somersault in the air, and even so that her golden hair almost touches the floor, then you will understand the full extent of our admiration and surprise.

    But we remembered Michelle Gauger when she was very little and her mother first brought her to us. Then she was only eighteen months old and she seemed very fragile and very awkward. It was her awkwardness that worried us the most.

    However, her own mother, calm and confident that she could teach her daughter everything, quickly convinced us. That being said, we didn't even discuss our concerns about her daughter with her! Moreover, Mrs. Goger was able to convince the staff of the Zwan Thomas Institute to accept her daughter - and when applying, it is not the child who is examined so much as his parents. There are two reasons for this. First, the early development program of this institution is that we teach parents to teach their own children. Secondly, we have not yet met a child who could not be admitted to the program, because we are firmly convinced that every child can achieve physical perfection, and Michelle Gauger is an excellent confirmation of this.

    Now she has become a great gymnast with the grace and agility that are the natural consequence of great physical development.

    When we observe physical perfection, we often tend to think that it is accompanied by intellectual squalor. And what can you say about this about the same Michelle, and about all the other children of the Evan Thomas Institute? They all swim, dive, run long distances daily, are excellent gymnasts and are in great physical shape.

    But, in addition, Michelle reads excellently, surpassing her usual peers, but not classmates in this.

      She (like all her classmates) perfectly copes with a Mac computer.

      She plays the violin superbly (like all of her classmates).

      She is convinced that studying is the greatest activity of all. (And her classmates are of the same opinion.)

    Who taught this previously awkward little girl to do breathtaking gymnastic exercises, play the violin, read Japanese and many other things that she does with obvious pleasure?

    Mrs. Gauger with the help of Mr. Gauger.

    At the same time, when they started the process of teaching their daughter, they were by no means gymnasts, did not speak Japanese, and did not play the violin.

    But then what are the parents of these amazing children? Everyone - from the poorest to the richest - is united by one mood: the most important thing in family life is their children. Therefore, it is natural that the interests of the child are in the first place for them. And they all want their children to start their lives from the place to which they themselves have reached.

    The question of the priorities of family life is the question that all parents must decide for themselves. And not all of them decide it in favor of their own children.

    Obviously, the entire adult population can be classified into those who do not know how to handle children, and those for whom children are the most important thing. Well, between these two poles, there are many shades.

    The employees of the institute, who spend almost their entire adult life in the company of parents and children, are ready to fight for every adult to have the right to determine his attitude towards children.

    Generally speaking, every adult should behave with children exactly according to their feelings. This will be best for the children.

    Someone once asked W.C. Fields how much he loved children. His answer was short and complete: "Boiled." Fields was a great comedian, so we can't tell if he was joking or not. However, if he was serious, then we can only hope that he did not have children.

    People who don't know how to handle children shouldn't have them. They make disgusting parents.

    People who consider children to be the greatest miracle in the world should have them. They make great parents.

    But there are also those who are between these two poles. Let's take a closer look at all three groups and start with those who don't know how to handle children.

    Our advice to them is to avoid children. It will be better for everyone. However, we know of some exceptions - young people who did not like children, but who, by chance, had to acquire them, suddenly begin to experience genuine parental feelings. Dislike and cynicism instantly give way to awe and surprise.

    The second group of people are those who love children, but are skeptical of their potential, and therefore fill them up with a pile of toys, caresses and orders.

    Then there are people who love and respect children, but do not regard them as the most important creatures in the world. They make excellent parents who prioritize the interests of their children quite high on the list of priorities, although not in the first place.

    Only parents who consider children to be the highest meaning of life can be called parents in the full sense of the word. For them, the interests of children always come first, especially when their children are at their most precious age - from birth to six years.

    We call these parents "professional" fathers and mothers. They can be doctors and steel workers, lawyers and teachers, truck drivers and secretaries, scientists and astronauts. These people have the most extensive interests, but among all interests, their children are in the first place. And these children turn out to be the most capable and amazing children in the world.

    But how do their parents do it?

    All children at the Evan Thomas Institute begin their lives the same way as everyone else. However, many of them are registered with this institute even before their birth, since prenatal studies show the risk of congenital diseases. Therefore, we can believe that our children are children of the most ordinary parents who can be born physically weakened, and maybe absolutely healthy.

    But then how, by the age of six, they achieve such remarkable success in physical, intellectual and social development? Could this be the result of being taught by professional gymnastics and swimming coaches, art professors and eminent academics, as is the case with the children of royalty?

    Nothing like this!

    But then maybe some ambitious parents are to blame for this, who set out to make their children superstars in various areas of human life, and therefore paid huge sums of money for their education and upbringing?

    Not at all.

    The Evan Thomas Institute's Early Childhood Development Program is absolutely free for its International School.

    Well, how did the children achieve their outstanding results?

    Obviously, first of all - thanks to their wonderful parents. The second reason is the Evan Thomas Institute.

    Chapter 4 - The Evan Thomas Institute and Its Capabilities

    Ellen's mother walked to the base of the stairs to call her daughter downstairs. Ellen, 3, wore only her pajamas, but barefoot. She slipped on the smooth steps and tumbled down at the feet of her shocked mother.

    After that, Ellen jumped to her feet, stretched out her arms, stood on tiptoe, demonstrating the final position of the Olympic gymnastic exercises. Mother could only applaud frantically.

    When we first heard this story from employees of our institute, we thought about how smart both mother and daughter turned out to be. It was thanks to their foresight that the latter managed to avoid a terrible injury.

    However, this is not her only victory. Ellen, like other children, never looked at the learning process the way adults do. It took us a long time ourselves to realize the fact that children, who, thanks to their parents, received the joyful opportunity to learn everything in the world, view the learning process in a completely different way than everyone else.

    How did Ellen herself view him?

    Young children will prefer learning over food or play. However, they think that learning is a game. However, unlike most professionals, they will never think otherwise: that all games are learning. This is why most adult games for children are terrible nonsense. And there are no fools among children.




    The younger the children, the more they enjoy the learning process and the easier they learn. The older we get, the less we believe that learning is a joy. On the contrary, we become convinced that this is torture. Moreover, we are even sure that there is no learning without torment. But this is not how little children think.

    As adults, we believe that learning is divided into subjects: music, geography, mathematics, biology, history, etc.

    Indeed, if one of us switches from history to mathematics in conversation, he will be immediately accused of having "changed the subject." Young children see it very differently. They hear musical notes in the noise of refrigerators or car horns. We see the math, and they see the solution to the problem. We see gymnastics as an object, and they - as the movement of the human body. This is how Ellen sees everything. Skillfully managing her body in the process of falling down the stairs, she probably only thought about how to more successfully take the final position.

    It's amazing how right kids are to have such a joyful, healthy, and wholehearted attitude towards the world. But how do they develop this attitude? Thanks to my parents and the staff of our institute.

    During the first five years of life, parents teach them according to the early development program, which was drawn up at the Evan Thomas Institute. Parents register their children at this institute sometimes even before their birth and up to four and a half years. At the age of five, all children who have successfully completed the early development program are enrolled in the International School at the Evan Thomas Institute and from that moment, in addition to their parents, the institute's staff begin to teach them. Children live at home and attend school at the institute.

    None of the parents of these children had ever been a gymnast, played the violin, or knew a word of Japanese before starting this program. Nevertheless, these wonderful, joyful, physically perfect, educated children managed to perfectly learn all of the above from their parents.

    How did the parents manage to teach them? Yes, thanks to the fact that they themselves underwent preliminary training at the Evan Thomas Institute. It is one of the most important institutions in the network of institutions that form the Institute for Human Development, which is located in the Philadelphia suburb of Chestnut Hill.

    Parents who come here from all over the world except Antarctica take a weeklong course called "How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence." This course is presented by the Best Child Institute. Then they are divided into those who enroll their child for the program in the institute itself or outside it.

    Dozens, maybe hundreds of thousands of parents taught their children from books written by the staff of the institute. Until the publication of this book, only five hundred to six hundred families knew how to make a child physically perfect, that is, those who completed a week's course at the Evan Thomas Institute.

    However, thanks to this book, the relevant information will become available to millions of parents who did not take this course, but read the previous books of the staff of our institute and gently but persistently urged them to write this one too.

    The most important asset of the staff of the Institute for Physical Excellence is hundreds of thousands of letters from parents who are proud of the success of their children, whom they have managed to educate either through their own training at our institute or thanks to our books. Thousands of such letters come to the institute every year.

    Most importantly, these letters are the greatest example of proof in human history of the thesis that young children are capable of achieving intellectual and social excellence. It is also important to note that the overwhelming majority of parents who write letters to us know about the work of our institute only from books and teaching materials.

    How did hundreds of thousands of children manage to learn to read, count, encyclopedic knowledge and receive physical perfection? Thanks to parents who see them as the highest meaning of their lives.

    Of those parents who took this course, over a thousand applied and were admitted to the program of the Evan Thomas Institute outside the walls of the institute itself. They were qualified to do so through their Professional Parent certification in the How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence program.

    Thanks to the knowledge gained at the institute itself and the teaching materials developed by its staff, they are in the best position as they return home to teach their children under the constant guidance of the staff of the Evan Thomas Institute. All results of the learning process are carefully recorded and then parents communicate them by mail or by phone to the staff of the institute. And the results are amazing.

    And, finally, a relatively small number of children (about forty) become students and begin to carry out the program within the walls of the Evan Thomas Institute itself.

    All these children live near the institute itself and are in constant contact with its staff. Obviously, they are of great benefit to this institution, as they demonstrate their abilities to those parents who take the weekly course "How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence." However, they themselves, like their parents, enjoy this great pleasure.

    This program is absolutely free. Obviously, this is the most unique school in the world, which clearly demonstrates the main discovery of the staff of the institute:

    Every child at the moment of his birth has a higher mental potential than that which Leonardo da Vinci ever demonstrated.

    And this truth can be repeated endlessly.

    We will soon see that physical intelligence is the first and most basic type of human intelligence.

    Having spent our entire lives in daily and close contact with a wide variety of children and succumbing to the charm of the vast majority of them, we can confidently declare that the boys and girls at the Evan Thomas Institute are the most adorable and gifted children we have ever had. knew.

    They are charming and gifted not in spite of, but precisely because they show amazing abilities in their physical, intellectual and social development.

    And these abilities are by no means the result of the wealth, privilege, or giftedness of their parents. This is the result of parents giving their children unlimited opportunities for development. Moreover, the earlier children begin to learn, the easier and more successful they do it.

    Like many other parents, you can teach your 2-year-old to ski, ice skate, play golf, speak five languages, read Japanese, play the violin and, in general, absolutely everything in the world that you yourself can do. ... The earlier you start, the easier it will be for you to learn it. Give him the widest possible opportunities, do it with joy and love, and then step aside,


    Susan Aizen, director of the Institute for Intellectual Excellence, wrote the following about the Evan Thomas Institute:

    All families who signed up for the program within the walls of the institute begin their home programs with reading and physical training. After this, new intellectual and physical programs are gradually introduced and this continues until the entire course is exhausted. All "professional mothers" with great pleasure and respect for the abilities of their children, act as teachers.

    The physical program includes crawling, climbing, running, climbing stairs with hand grabs, and swimming. As a means of improving coordination, they are complemented by playing musical instruments, writing and drawing.

    Every day, in addition to intellectual stimulation and physical exercise, the child gets the opportunity to improve in the implementation of the social development program. Even a one-year-old child has certain responsibilities at home, while a four-year-old is simply obliged to perform many such duties, and not only in relation to his household, but also in relation to the environment and society.

    Together with their children, parents regularly visit the institute to listen to lectures, meet with its staff and receive additional programs for the further development of their child. Between two and three years of age, the children, together with their parents, begin to attend classes at the institute itself once a week. The primary goal of these sessions is to educate parents and enable children to put into practice the information they have already received at home. Children develop their social skills successfully.

    Throughout the year, mothers, fathers and children participate in five courses "How to Strengthen Your Child's Intelligence" and help demonstrate how to teach a child to read, count, acquire encyclopedic knowledge, develop musical abilities and achieve physical perfection. Children choose their favorite books, math problems and pieces of music and look forward to the moment to demonstrate their abilities. It is a necessary part of the curriculum for the thousands of other parents who come to the institute from all over the world for the early development program developed by the Evan Thomas Institute.

    In the course of the program, parents and children can enter the International School if they are able to achieve higher excellence. Children who enter the first grade of this school often read at the third grade level, or even better; can, at a minimum, maintain a simple conversation in a foreign language; compose musical compositions, play the violin or piano and study in depth history, natural sciences and geography. Physically, they are already so strong that they are able to climb a long staircase without stopping with the help of interception with their hands, run three miles, and swim on their own. As a rule, these children are already five years old.

    First-graders of the international school attend it five times a week and study Latin and Greek roots, analytical geometry, Japanese language and culture, computer science, natural history, gymnastics and ballet.

    During its existence, many distinguished guests have lectured at this school, for example, Buckminster Fuller; Dr. Ralph Pelligra (NASA); Richard Norton, David Melton, Chatham R. Whit; Professor Raymond Dart is the discoverer of Australopithecus africanus dartii. Favorite teacher - Glenn Doman, who specializes in the development of children's brains. Thanks to such lectures, the students not only got acquainted with outstanding world experts in various fields, but also made friends and advisers.

    Guest instructors such as mathematician Donald Burnhouse and Project Seed founder William Jontz taught mathematics at the school for several months.

    The last week of June is marked by the end of the semester and some sort of exams. This year, children undergoing the early development program, as well as students of the first, second and third grade of the International School took part in the Day of Human Development. Two- and three-year-olds competed in crawling and climbing; children of four to five years old - in crawling and climbing stairs with the help of their hands; children six or seven years old - in the same, but for a while and for a greater distance.

    During this day, fourth grade students provided coaching advice and encouragement to their younger peers, and also acted as officials. In the evening, the first graders donned caps and robes for the official ceremony. Some of the successes they achieved were as follows:

      self-writing stories

      writing computer programs

      concerts on musical instruments

      reading, writing and speaking in a foreign language

      successful solution of problems in analytical geometry

      running 8 kilometers without stopping

      rope climbing

      performing standard gymnastic exercises on mats

      successful teaching of younger students

      successful development of social skills

    The next morning, the older students competed in the team triathlon (0.4 km swim, 8 km bicycling, 4 km non-stop running). In addition, in a week they built a pontoon raft capable of carrying twelve people to sail on the Delaware River.

    Students and their parents came to the International School to participate in this program from the Americas, Europe and Asia. Thanks to this, the school itself continues to be enriched with a variety of languages ​​and cultures.

    We look forward to continuing this tradition and welcome new members to join our programs.

    Chapter 5 - Physical Intelligence

    We humans are surrounded by miracles that we observe every day and are not at all surprised. This does not mean that we do not want to see them; we simply do not know that we have a miracle before us, especially if we see it every day.

    One of these miracles is the human body and especially the brain. This book will constantly praise these miracles, and will also show how (precisely because of the understanding that this is a miracle) we can provide our children with all the opportunities to become physically perfect. But you can lose a miracle! Not recognizing it as such.

    Want some examples?

    If you are currently pregnant and you know about it, take a moment to look at your watch. What happened during those sixty seconds? And the fact that during this time the number of brain cells in your child has increased by 250,000.

    Do you want to know what capabilities his little brain will have at the moment of birth? Its capabilities will exceed ten times the capabilities of all US national archives. What does this mean in terms of intelligence? Imagine you live in Chicago. When your child is born, English will be as foreign to him as any other. And for a child born today in Paris, both French and all other languages ​​will be foreign. And then a miracle happens. By the age of three, and without any teachers, the child will be fluent in his language. All computers in the world connected together will not be able to communicate fluently in English at the same level as a three-year-old English-speaking toddler.

    In a physical sense, this is another miracle. The American army, like most other armies in the world, spends millions of dollars trying to build a machine that is bipedal and thus travels in any terrain. However, to this day it has not been possible to come up with not only a two-legged, but even a four-legged machine that would successfully cope with this task. Therefore, to this day the infantry remains the most mobile type of troops. The infantry traverses deserts, climbs over ditches, crosses rivers, makes their way through the jungle and climbs mountains.

    It is interesting to note that the English word for infantry is infantry comes from the word infant- child.

    The main problem is not how to create a bipedal machine that would mimic the movements of human arms and legs, although this is an extremely difficult task. The main thing is in the invention of a control mechanism that would control a bipedal machine. A similar mechanism governing the supermobile human body is called human brain.

    Mobility and intelligence are directly related, and this connection is especially important in early childhood... In human beings, the need to move is second only to the need to breathe. Movement is the foundation for all other human abilities.

    Ability to move; the age at which we are allowed to move; types of movement - it all plays important role both in the life of the most diverse societies - from primitive cultures to modern civilizations - and in the life of individual individuals within this or that society. We will talk about all this further.

    If mobility plays such an important role in our life and culture, why don't we pay more attention to it? Someone's villainous intent is clearly not to do with it - we just ourselves do not know the answer to this question.

    But then how did the employees of our institute come to their conclusions on this score? By the time the Second World War ended, we still did not have even the most vague ideas about how to make children physically, intellectually and socially perfect. And if someone asked us to do this, we would look at him as if he were crazy. However, what we decided to do, in the eyes of those around us, made ourselves crazy at that time.

    We tried to treat children with brain injuries, ranging from the most serious, accompanied by paralysis, blindness, deafness, dumbness and idiocy; and ending with minimal - problems with movement, speech, vision, hearing and learning. Some children had a full set of these problems, others only one.

    We decided that we must do something for them, we must help them to become as healthy as other children - and it is to this problem that we will devote our lives.

    However, some people tried to solve this problem even before the Second World War. But they had to do this almost secretly, since the attitude towards such problems has practically not changed since the time of Christ.

    "God, who committed sin - this person or his parents - and why was he born blind?"

    Even in our age, if a person tried to look at this matter differently, he faced the same condemnation that Christ faced when he successfully healed a blind man.

    Just before the war, Dr. Temple Fey, the founder of modern neurosurgery, and his collaborators succeeded in changing attitudes towards this problem. Thanks to their work, brain injuries have come to be seen as physical trauma, rather than as an innate punishment for previously committed sins.

    By the time the war broke out, according to mainstream opinion, brain injuries continued to be considered an incurable disease, although some of the victims of such injuries could sometimes be made more or less viable disabled. This seemed to us clearly not enough.

    Rather than turning non-viable disabled people into viable ones, it is infinitely better to rid them of their disability altogether. In the late forties, such a conclusion still seemed heretical.

    Where should we start?

    If we were going to heal children with brain injuries, then we should first of all understand the concept of "normal child". And, although it looks incredible, no one knew what it was!

    Arnold Gesell, Louis Bates Ems and Francis Ilg, and their Yale group, have undertaken the first major research into what a normal child is, what he can and cannot do at any given age. This study became a classic and we used its results as the basis for our own research, which continues to this day.

    They tried to find out what children do from birth to five years old. However, in order to do normal child with a brain injury, there was a lot more to know.

    Of everything that normal children do as they develop from birth to six years of age, what is most important? Or, in other words, what are the causes and what are the consequences? Without what children cannot develop normally?

    Take regular walking as an example. If we start with a newborn who can only move his arms and legs, and end with a six-year-old who walks, runs and jumps beautifully; which of all these physical actions - movement, wiggling, rolling, crawling, tumbling, climbing, grasping, climbing, etc. - are the most important? Without which a child will not learn to walk? Suppose we forbid him to sit down. Will this affect his ability to walk normally? And if, on the contrary, we encourage him to sit as much as possible, will he learn to walk faster and better, or will he develop a curvature of the spine?

    We didn't know it, but we felt we should find out. However, we were faced with thousands of such questions to which there were no answers. Someone said that if you want to do something, you have to start doing, and we decided to follow this advice.

    At that time, we did not yet know what we were actually learning - normal abilities, abnormal abilities or super-normal abilities, and what caused this, the other or the third.

    It took us ten years to realize that these abilities - impaired, average and outstanding - are what is usually implied when it comes to "intelligence."

    During the first ten years, we studied children everywhere and everywhere, using every opportunity to do this. We studied ten-year-old, fifteen-year-old, four-year-old, eighteen-month-old, eighteen-week-old, eighteen-day-old, eighteen-hour-old newborns.

    We studied young women who were just hoping to become mothers, we studied pregnant women at various stages of the nine-month period; we talked with women preparing to give birth to their first child and preparing to give birth to their twelfth.

    We studied newborns ten minutes after birth and as they mature. We studied babies in cribs and bathrooms game rooms and nurseries, kindergartens and classrooms. We studied our own children and the children of our relatives and neighbors, children with brain injuries and their own children. We studied children of American and Mexican, Canadian and French, German and Italian, Brazilian and Argentinean, Australian and Chinese, Japanese and Iranian, in short, we studied children from over a hundred countries of the world. We studied rural and urban children, jungle and desert children, poor children and rich children, and the list is endless.

    So what have we learned?

    We received answers to most of the questions that interested us. Perhaps the main discovery was the presence of the most direct connection between mobility and intelligence. We saw the difference between how something appears to a person and how it can appear. The distance between "is" and "maybe" turned out to be enormous.

    We have come to the conclusion that the way something can be is exactly the way it should be by nature.

    By the end of the 1950s, we had studied the main human functions. By the end of the 60s, they learned to measure them, although they still did not even assume that these means of measuring human abilities are also means of measuring children's intelligence.

    We have found that there are six functions that make humans stand out from all other creatures. They are all a product of the cerebral cortex. Only man possesses this neoplasm, sometimes also called the "neocortex", and, thanks to it, is capable of performing six functions that are inaccessible to any other creatures.

    Three of these functions are motor in nature and are completely dependent on the other three, sensory functions.

    Motor functions are:

      Walking, running, jumping in an upright position, in which the opposite limbs move together ( right hand, left leg - left hand, right leg).

      Speech, in the form of an artificially invented, symbolic sound language based on certain conventions.

      Writing, in the form of an artificially invented, symbolic visual language based on certain conventions.

    All of these unique human abilities are the product of his unique cerebral cortex. They are based on three unique sensory abilities.

    Sensory abilities it:

    1. Vision, thanks to which we can read the writing of an invented, symbolic, visual language based on certain conventions.

      Hearing, thanks to which we can understand the sounds of an invented, symbolic, sound language based on certain conventions.

      Sensation through which we are able to identify objects without resorting to sight, taste or smell.

    All of these unique human abilities are the product of his unique cerebral cortex.

    It seems that there are only six simple functions - and how much a person differs from all other living beings!

    Suffice it to say that after working for many years with thousands of children of all tribes and peoples, we found next thing- by measuring these six functions, we measure the very human essence.

    Basically, the same six things are measured by neurologists when they test a patient for normality. It is tested for:

    1. Motor skills (walking).

      Language skills (conversation).

      Manual skills (letter).

      Visual skills (reading and observation).

      Hearing skills (listening and understanding).

      Tactile skills (sensation and understanding).

    The better these skills are developed, the more success in school.

    We came to the conclusion that if a child has these skills on an equal basis with his peers, then he can be safely sent to school. If he copes with tasks worse than his peers, then he may have problems. The less developed it is, the larger they will be. If a child is not at all able to cope with any of the similar tasks, he will have to be sent to one of the educational institutions designed specifically for such children.

    1. If a child is completely unable to move by the age of six, he is placed in a school for the disabled.

      If a child is completely unable to speak by the age of six, he is placed in a school for the dumb.

      If a child does not know how to use his hands by the age of six, he is also placed in a school for the disabled.

      If the child cannot see anything, he is placed in a school for the blind.

      If a child does not hear anything by the age of six, he will be prevented from going to a school for the deaf.

      There are very few children in the world who feel absolutely nothing. They are completely paralyzed because without sensation there is no movement.

    The most important thing is that if a child performs six of these functions better than his peers, then he can be considered gifted. And the more he surpasses his peers, the more gifted.

    In short, it is the implementation of these six functions that serves as a life test for underdevelopment, normality, giftedness. Moreover, excellence in performing these functions will almost inevitably lead to excellence in life.

    We found that if an individual copes well with almost all functions and, nevertheless, suffers failures in life, then these failures are most likely associated with the function that is not given.

    And if an individual barely copes with almost all the functions and, nevertheless, succeeds, then his success is probably connected with the function that he succeeds in.

    It took almost ten years of painstaking work, but now we at least know what exactly needs to be measured. However, we still have not received an answer to one the most important question.

    How to achieve the most accurate measurement these six functions?

    Since a normal child acquires these skills only by the age of six (and by this age, brain growth is almost complete), how to measure the child's abilities younger age unless he had managed to learn it earlier? When we encountered such children, we found that they can be considered the more gifted the sooner they learned everything.

    Children who were able to perform these functions at the age of five were considered outstanding, four-year-olds were almost geniuses, three-year-olds had an IQ of 200 units. What about younger children?

    We will save the reader's time and will not tell him about all the questions that arose before us and about all the dead ends in which we buried our noses. We will not talk about horses, camels, dog sleds, jeeps, taxis, helicopters, Boeings, canoes, catamarans and other means of transportation by land, water and air that took us to the solution of our problems.

    But thanks to these years of hard work and intense searches (and some of us, such as Raimundo Veras, Adele Davis, Evan Thomas, May Blackburn, Temple Fay, Edward Levin and others, did not live to see the end of the road), we were able to answer many questions, including how you can measure these functions almost from the very moment of birth.

    We found that each of these six functions goes through seven stages of brain development in its life path from birth to six years. And we began to study each stage in detail.

    We found out that of these six, only human species intelligence, the basic is motor intelligence.

    Our most surprising discovery was the fact that superiority in each of these six types of intelligence is not innate, as was commonly thought, but acquired. And the happiest discovery was the fact that since these functions are a product of upbringing, every child whose parents want to see him physically perfect should move as much as possible.

    The six human functions are distinct from one another.

    However, they are completely interconnected and very interdependent on each other, and at each of their seven stages.

    For a clearer understanding, it is helpful to think of these six functions as six balls. Now imagine that these balls are connected by a meter chain, forming a circle.




    The correct physical development of a child worries every parent. If you strive to make your baby healthy and active, then experts recommend paying attention to Glen Doman's upbringing methods.

    The system is based on the connection between the motor activity of children and their intellectual development. Therefore, special exercises that do not restrict children in movement, time and space.

    Glen Doman: what is the essence of the technique?

    The development of physical skills based on the teachings of Glen Doman allows early manifestation of all the capabilities of the human body. The guys who practice this method swim great by the age of five, go in for ballet or gymnastics. The pace of their development is several times higher than the achievements of their peers.

    In the process of researching Glen Doman's system, it was revealed:

    • All 6 functions of the brain are interconnected, that is, in order to achieve success in intellectual work, you need to constantly improve your physical body.
    • All functions go through 7 stages of development.
    • TO seven years old a person has a fully formed brain.

    Glen Doman insists that a child's physical development directly affects his mental capacity.

    Doman practice

    In order to make a child adapted to the stresses in the learning process, it is necessary to engage in his development from the first days of life. You can start classes according to the Glen Doman program up to 6.5 years. Before doing each exercise, you need to tell the baby what you are going to do.

    Motor skills

    It is necessary to create favorable environment for baby mobility:

    • Glen argues that in animals, offspring almost never lie on their backs. So little man should spend more time on the tummy.
    • Forget swaddling! You fetter locomotor activity newborn and prevent him from fully developing.
    • Children who are engaged in the method of education of Glen Doman begin to crawl from birth. The exercise consists in the fact that the newborn spends a lot of time with his parents on the floor (the carpet is removed beforehand). Any movements of the crumbs are encouraged. Doman's tracks have gained particular popularity, the structure can be made independently: a board (1 m long, 40 cm wide) with sides upholstered with foam rubber (height 15 cm), rises up on one side. The kid is crawling up the hill. An excellent indicator - a baby at the age of 2.5 months crawls a distance of 60 cm in 10 minutes, at 3 months the baby becomes on all fours. After the child has learned to crawl, the space is expanded, and bright objects are placed around the room so that the baby is interested in getting to them.
    • Walking. It is recommended to take the first steps barefoot, and after the little man understands how to walk, it is necessary to complicate the task and create small obstacles and grooves. Every day you need to go up and down the steps at the entrance for 15 minutes. Note that Glen Doman's teaching on physical education does not accept holding children by the hands when they are learning to walk, as this negatively affects balance and coordination of movements.
    • Go for a run. They pass to this stage of classes only when the children are walking confidently. In the first week, it is enough to do up to 20 runs at 90 m, and by week 24 you can reach 900 m. Classes should be conducted in the same place so that the baby is not distracted. By the age of four, the pupils of the Glen Doman system run 5 km in 40 minutes.

    Manual development

    The following techniques are used:

    • Grips that get harder with age. The beginning of classes is based on development grasping reflex in a newborn. 10 such exercises are done per day: objects are put into the baby's palm. After a few months, buy a bar (45 cm) made of wood, and also put crumbs in your palms so that it clasps around it. Keep your baby safe and choose a sleek product that won't hurt you. Then lift the bar a short distance. Gradually increase the lift so that the baby learns to hold a certain amount of weight. Then move to the fully hanging position. Be sure to hold your baby by the hips. The child should hang for 5 seconds, at least 15 times a day.
    • Climbing stairs. Adults are obliged to set an example for children! Therefore, choose a horizontal ladder that can support your parents' weight. Lesson scheme: first rearrange the baby's legs and arms along the ladder, then teach to grab only with your hands, improve over time physical fitness and move on to difficult grips.


    It develops with the help of such exercises:

    • Rock the baby in your arms, in a rocking chair, lift in different sides, jump and dance with him.
    • Carousels. When the baby grows up a little and gets used to all types of swaying, you should move on to the carousels in the hands of the parents. Take turns in different directions, laying the crumb with his stomach on his shoulder. You can also toss the baby by turning it to face you.
    • Log. The first exercises are carried out on a 10 cm wide strip painted on the floor. When the little athlete has mastered this lesson, make a rag boa and teach the baby to walk on it. After that, take a wooden log (5x10 cm) and ask the child to walk on it (the 10 cm side is chosen). You don't have to help him, but always be there for insurance. Over time, teach him to walk with his back and lift the log to a height.

    Additional lessons

    Parents need to encourage the child's accomplishment. Exercises recommended by Glen Doman.