Men's seals - the history of appearance, purpose and difference from the ring. The difference between rings and rings. See what "Ring" is in other dictionaries

RING, -tnya, pl. -tni, -ey and -ey, m. Ring (in 2 meanings) (usually with a precious stone). Hands in rings (with many rings). || reduce ring, -nka, m. || adj. ring, th, th.

Watch value RING in other dictionaries

Ring M.— 1. A ring with a precious stone to wear on the finger.
Dictionary Efremova

ring- ring, m. Ring with some kind of. gemstone for the finger. They looked at the semi-precious rings on his hand, which patted the horse - fire splashed from the rings. A.N. Tolstoy.
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

ring- - tnya; m. Ring with some l. precious stone. Diamond p. Put on a p. P. with a ruby. Give p.
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

ring- This word is closely related to the noun, since it is also formed from the common Slavic finger - "finger". The literal meaning is "a ring worn on the finger".
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

ring- - in addition to decoration, it also served as a seal (Gen 41.42; Esf 3.10; Dan 6.17) for fastening (signing and sealing) letters, contracts, orders. (See printing, decorations)
Historical dictionary

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE OF A RING FROM A SIGNET? Ring - a ring with precious stones or minerals. Massive products of this kind belong to the category of predominantly male jewelry. The term itself is derived from the Old Russian word "finger", meaning "finger". The decoration has been known to the world since ancient times. At all times, the ring emphasized the status of its owner, his strength and power. Take at least the great Russian tsars. They were always depicted with all sorts of paraphernalia, and the rings were given Special attention. High-ranking persons wore rings with precious and semi-precious stones: agate, amethyst, carnelian, turquoise. Representatives were also not indifferent to decorations. creative professions, as evidenced by the portraits of great poets and writers. In addition to power and might, the rings were also attributed magical meaning. They acted as a kind of talismans, attracting good luck and protecting a person from troubles. The boyars wore rings with amethyst, which, according to popular beliefs, saved them from drunkenness. In the Middle Ages, tribal rings passed from one generation to another. Modern Jewelry They have a purely decorative function and are popular not only among men, but also among the fair sex. Signet - a ring with a massive top, on which various drawings, symbols, inscriptions are applied. Initially, the ring was not at all aesthetic, but functional. The history of its creation goes back to ancient Rome. In the Republican period, seals began to be worn by male riders belonging to the class of equites. A little later, such accessories became widespread among the noble Romans. On their fingers were the so-called chevaliers - rings with an imprint of the coat of arms. Thanks to the matrix top, privileged persons could leave marks on the sealing wax, which was used to seal important documents. However, during the Roman Empire, rings with symbols began to be perceived solely as decoration. Products were made mainly of gold. When the boundaries between classes blurred somewhat, seals were elevated to the rank of a universal accessory. This status retained by them to this day. The difference between a ring and a signet Let's talk about external differences jewelry. As can be seen from the definition, a ring is a ring with precious stones and minerals. Often they are expensive jewelry, encrusted with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, etc. In the middle of the upper part of the product is large stone, and smaller ones act as its frame. This accessory belongs to the category of status jewelry. As for the signet, it is a kind of ring that does not imply the presence of precious stones. But the product without fail decorated with all sorts of images, inscriptions and drawings. Often it carries a symbolic meaning. This is why some people prefer to wear seals by turning them over. front side down. Whereas rings with stones are usually flaunted. Another difference between a ring and a signet is that the first product is considered more refined. It looks very elegant on the hand. That is why rings of this type are popular among women. You can put them on any finger, guided by considerations of convenience. The seal is a more massive product. She acts purely male decoration, which from time immemorial has been customary to wear on the little finger.

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The meaning of the word ring

ring in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


ring, m. Ring with some. gemstone for the finger. They looked at the semi-precious rings on his hand, which patted the horse - fire splashed from the rings. A.N. Tolstoy.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Tya, pl. -tni, -ey and -ey, m. Ring (in 2 meanings) (usually with a precious stone). Hands in rings (with many rings).

reduce ring, -nka, m.

adj. ring, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. A ring with a precious stone to wear on the finger.


ring, jewelry worn on the finger (finger); common in most peoples of the world. Bone pegs appeared in the Paleolithic era, while metal pegs appeared in the Bronze Age. IN Ancient Egypt the so-called printed P. with carved inscriptions or images were distributed. The impression of such P. served as the signature of the owner. Printed P. (gems ​​were often inserted into them) were then among the Aegeans, Greeks and Etruscans. In the Roman Republic, senators and horsemen wore gold caps, while ordinary citizens wore iron caps. Under the empire, this rule was abolished: from the 3rd c. all the freeborn were given the right to wear golden capes, while freedmen were given the right to wear silver caps. In ancient Rus', cities used gold and silver P. with images, and in the countryside, copper P. with geometric patterns. In subsequent epochs, gold or silver jewelery with precious or semi-precious stones were common. Catholic bishops P. have a sign of their power. Smooth without embellishments P. like wedding rings are used by many nations during marriage (began to be used in ancient Rome).

A. V. Artsikhovsky.



ring- a ring with some installed precious stone or mineral.

A massive ring with a stone is one of the traditionally male jewelry. Such products have been known since ancient times. They stressed social status owner. Golden men's rings with initials - "signets" were widespread in antiquity among the nobility. And in the Middle Ages, they were a sign of the noble dignity of its owner. In our time this species jewelry somewhat lost the status of an elite jewelry, but even now a massive ring with a large diamond, as a rule, indicates the financial condition of the owner.

Examples of the use of the word ring in the literature.

But a passer-by can extract a grain of sand from an eye or a bone stuck in his throat, - objected the old stork and put a thin golden one in front of Kappa. ring.

With difficulty, Saakadze took out the last valuable - a diamond ring, bordered with turquoise, a gift from Shah Abbas, and gave it to the executioner: - If you fulfill your promise, your son will grow up honest and faithful.

As they deepen into ring the rumble and shudder of the soil intensified, gradually becoming equal to the cannonade, as with good artillery preparation during the Second World War, audible from a distance of ten or twelve kilometers and without wind, and then, after another turn, ring finally parted, revealing its hidden core.

Portnov listened attentively to the rubbish Sasha had memorized, shone a glare from his ring and made a stern reprimand: Sashka, in his opinion, read the paragraph a little, and taught poorly, so the next lesson she will have, except ordinary material, do three more penalty exercises.

Today Beowulf showed me ring, which he gave me a week ago, and today he found, - Anna Sergeevna explained.

And Denis, unable to restrain his concern, asked: - And what, Tanya, ring that the Selyanin gave you was really jewelry, as Chumakov determined?

He takes the place of a Burmese who gives him a job, and after a few years returns home with rings on the fingers and bells on the shoes.

He politely kissed the humiliated rings the hand of his well-wisher, and at that moment it was as if someone invisible pushed him in the back.

Spout grunted - he also knew real price ring, and Bogushevich only sighed, but did not say how much he really costs.

Of course, you know, well, who doesn’t know that the Duke of Brabant had ring with the famous diamond.

Mangogul and the sultana who alone knew the secret ring, found that the Brahmin explained the chatter of treasures with the help of religion as well as Orkoth with the help of science.

He is a contractor, this Pedotsur, he builds houses, bridges, visited Japan during the war, brought a lot of money, rides fiery horses, in carriages with footmen at the door, with his own bathhouse in his house, with furniture from Paris, with a diamond ring on the finger, not yet old at all, single, real bachelor, prima!

Still, I wanted to know the cost. ring and I went to the diamond-setter, who valued it at three ducats.

I went to a diamond maker who calculated the cost of my ring red, and left with an old Spanish lady, who was going to Seville in a traveling carriage.

Pockets were stuffed with bagels of wedding rings, rings and a bracelet.


(ethnographic) - found in fairy tales, beliefs, songs and rituals. In Little Russia, a ring (sometimes a wedding ring) is held in front of a puerperal. The golden ring is found in conspiracies for childbirth. Ritual use of the ring at weddings is especially common. Ring exchange included wedding ritual ancient Hindus, Romans, ancient Germans, Anglo-Saxons and Slavs. In epics about Stavr (see Rybnikova, I, 250), the ring has the meaning of a symbol of the female genital organ. With this meaning, it appears in some conspiracies. In many songs of ancient origin (mainly in Lithuanian songs), the ring has the meaning of a symbol of the sun. In Latvian folk poetry the ring is a permanent accessory of the solar daughter. See Sumtsov, "On wedding rites" (76); "Cultural Experiences", 277; "A husband at his wife's wedding", 15, 20 (here the narrative motif of identifying a face by a ring is analyzed). Wed Art. Betrothal.

N. S-v.

rings or rings made in the old days with us necessary accessory male and women's jewelry; they were worn by kings and queens, princes and princesses, saints, boyars, boyars, living people, posadniks, peasants. Ancient spiritual testaments point to them as a family inheritance; in line records they take pride of place. P. were made of gold, silver, copper, damask steel, iron, tin, decorated various patterns, notches, niello, enamel, etc. Precious stones (often emerald) were inserted in the middle of them; various inscriptions, "human persons", birds, stamps, fan and other images were carved on them. P., worn on thumb, was called attacked and was comparatively more massive than the others; P. with a carved insert was called zhikovina or beetle(a word often found in letters, especially Crimean ones, of the 15th and 16th centuries). P. also served instead of seals. There was a belief that rings could be bewitched to the detriment of people: this was considered the magic P. of the Duma clerk Ivan Gramotin. The oldest P. - Kyiv (3), found in the ruins of the Theodore Church. In acts of news about them since 1503 ("Sobr. state. gram. and contracts.", Vol. I, No. 131).

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


See what "Ring" is in other dictionaries:

    Ring. Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Signet Signet ring with some set gemstone or mineral. A massive ring with a stone is ... Wikipedia

    See Decoration... bible encyclopedia Brockhaus

    RING, ring, man. Ring with some kind of precious stone for the finger. “They looked at the semi-precious rings on his hand, which patted the horse, the fire splashed from the rings.” A.N. Tolstoy. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    RING, tnya, pl. tni, her and her, husband. Ring (in 2 values) (usually with a precious stone). Hands in rings (with many rings). | reduce ring, nka, husband. | adj. ring-shaped, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    ring- ring, genus. ring; pl. rings, kind rings (not recommended rings) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    RING- The ring that you saw in a dream means that in reality it is waiting for you a pleasant surprise. Putting a ring on your finger - minor events will, however, bring you a lot of trouble and anxiety in reality. Fingers studded with rings mean ... Dream Interpretation Melnikov

    RING- Someone gives you a ring, you will achieve wealth and an influential position in society. Buy a ring to the expected profit. Lose the ring your dreams will not come true due to an accident. If you dreamed that you lost ... ... Big family dream book

    Tnya; m. Ring with some l. precious stone. Diamond p. Put on a p. P. with a ruby. Give p. ◁ Ring, nka; m. ● In Russian fairy tales, the ring has protective or miraculous properties: a hero can turn into a ring or ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ring- I dreamed of a ring - which means that in reality you often become the cause of family strife and conflicts. And all because you are still free and pose a threat to married couples. Trying on or wearing a ring in a dream - soon fall in love with ... ... Big universal dream book


  • Ring of the Levenskjolds. Charlotte Levenskiold. Anna Swerd, Selma Lagerlöf. Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf is Sweden's most famous writer, Nobel Prize winner, member of the Swedish Academy, honorary doctor of Uppsala University. She is the author of twenty ...

Rings, rings, rings, "bolts" and "signets"as soon as they do not call various kinds of decorations on the fingers. There are millions of types and designs of rings: men's rough, women's delicate, even children's plastic ones - to decorate their hands, mankind began from the time of living in caves. If we talk about the very origin of the word "ring", then it is derived from the Old Slavonic "kolo", that is, a circle, a wheel. People believed that evil spirits could not overcome the magic circle, a closed line protected a person from evil forces.

Initially rings were worn as amulets and talismans, babies were bathed in a basin with a silver ring to protect him from illness and the evil eye, then the same ring was also placed under the pillow to ward off bad dreams and protect the baby when he was sleeping. In order for childbirth to be easy and without complications in the old days, women put on rings at the beginning of pregnancy and did not take them off until the end of the term, this gave more confidence to expectant mothers and set them in a positive mood. There was a belief that a husband walking or leaving the family can be returned by looking at him throughwedding ring.

And how many different kinds of divination existed using the ring, Magic force, enclosed in a small "golden rim" has always attracted and kept many secrets. For example, in order to see their betrothed in a dream, young girls put a ring under the pillow or put it on the finger of their right foot.In turn, in antiquity, not everyone could afford to wear a ring. The ring in those days was not so much a decoration of the hand, but rather symbols indicating status and social status host this decoration. Yes, in ancient rome, a special honor to wear Golden rings , only senators were awarded, the rest were allowed to wear only iron ones.It was also important on which hand to wear the ring. The right hand is a symbol of power, and the left hand is a symbol of the spiritual and the heart. long time ago ring finger on the left hand was considered associated with the heart and love, from here in the eastern countrieswedding ringsput on that finger. In European countries, newlyweds wear their rings on the ring finger. right hand. And the very tradition of giving rings when connecting by marriage originated in ancient Egypt. The rounded and closed shape of the ring personified the inexhaustible eternity of love, and the expensive metal - the invaluable feelings of the spouses. IN ancient Rus' wedding rings could be worn by the future bride and groom long before wedding ceremonies. Not uncommon at all young age: the boy was put on a silver ring, as a sign of strength, and the girl - a gold one, as a sign of purity, beauty and purity.

As a rule, the engagement ring was presented by the groom during the engagement.Wedding ringbecame an official recognition of their relationship and love union in front of the family and relatives of both parties. In the original, the wedding ring is thinner than the wedding ring, possibly inlaid with stones or engraved, grained, filigree. But, for an engagement, it is customary to give a future bridea ring with a diamond, which will, symbolizes strength and purity love affair In addition, it is believed that diamonds bring happiness future family. Italians were the first to encrust engagement rings with diamonds. IN original form wedding rings were in the form of large seals with family coat of arms. The usual barrel ring, which we are accustomed to as an engagement ring, in fact, is a wedding and the only traditional decoration of this ring are the names of lovers or love vows engraved on the inside. Spouses should not shoot wedding rings believing that the rings will keep them family happiness and save you from frustration.

Nowadays, rings have taken on many other designating or symbolizing functions. Western women prefer to wearmaternity rings, where the number of pebbles indicates the number of children the mistress of the ring has. In Britain there is strict ban medical staff to wear wedding rings. Since the area under the ring is not disinfected, it is sometimes difficult to remove the ring. Highlanders in the Caucasus in the XIX century. they put on large silver rings on the thumb of the right hand in order to quickly and comfortably cock the tight triggers on the weapon. Many Russian officers woremassive ringsmade of cast iron, iron or steel with a gold lining, on which the name and surname of the owner of the ring was engraved. From the outside, base metals were specially used so that marauders would not remove the ring from the slain.

How to distinguish a ring from a ring?

Che m is still different ring from the ring? A ring is always a large and heavy product for decorating fingers. From time immemorial, a ring withwas read as a symbol of a high position in society, often passed down as a relic and family treasure. The ring is often a symbol of the power and wealth of its owner. The kings wore rings with huge precious stones on index fingers, which betrayed them to gestures of even greater power. Do not confuse a ring with a signet either. The signet is also a kind of "complex" rings, like a ring, but the front part of the signet is always perfectly flat.