Rings: interesting facts. What is the difference between a ring and a ring? Ring and signet - features. What is the difference between a male signet and a ring? New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

Rings, rings, rings, "bolts" and "signets"as soon as they do not call various kinds of decorations on the fingers. There are millions of types and designs of rings: men's rough, women's delicate, even children's plastic ones - to decorate their hands, mankind began from the time of living in caves. If we talk about the very origin of the word "ring", then it is derived from the Old Slavonic "kolo", that is, a circle, a wheel. People believed that evil spirits could not overcome the magic circle, a closed line protected a person from evil forces.

Initially rings were worn as amulets and talismans, babies were bathed in a basin with a silver ring to protect him from illness and the evil eye, then the same ring was also placed under the pillow to ward off bad dreams and protect the baby when he was sleeping. In order for childbirth to be easy and without complications in the old days, women put on rings at the beginning of pregnancy and did not take them off until the end of the term, this gave more confidence to expectant mothers and set them in a positive mood. There was a belief that a husband walking or leaving the family can be returned by looking at him throughwedding ring.

And how many different kinds of divination existed using the ring, Magic force, enclosed in a small "golden rim" has always attracted and kept many secrets. For example, in order to see their betrothed in a dream, young girls put a ring under the pillow or put it on the finger of their right foot.In turn, in antiquity, not everyone could afford to wear a ring. The ring in those days was not so much a decoration of the hand, but rather symbols indicating status and social status host this decoration. Yes, in ancient rome, a special honor to wear Golden rings , only senators were awarded, the rest were allowed to wear only iron ones.It was also important on which hand to wear the ring. The right hand is a symbol of power, and the left hand is a symbol of the spiritual and the heart. Since ancient times, the ring finger on the left hand was considered associated with the heart and love, hence in the eastern countrieswedding ringsput on that finger. In European countries, newlyweds wear their rings on the ring finger. right hand. And the very tradition of giving rings when united by marriage originated in Ancient Egypt. The rounded and closed shape of the ring personified the inexhaustible eternity of love, and the expensive metal - the invaluable feelings of the spouses. IN ancient Rus' wedding rings could be worn by the future bride and groom long before wedding ceremonies. Not uncommon at all young age: the boy was put on a silver ring, as a sign of strength, and the girl - a gold one, as a sign of purity, beauty and purity.

As a rule, the engagement ring was presented by the groom during the engagement.Wedding ringbecame an official recognition of their relationship and love union in front of the family and relatives of both parties. In the original, the wedding ring is thinner than the wedding ring, possibly inlaid with stones or engraved, grained, filigree. But, for an engagement, it is customary to give a future bridea ring with a diamond, which will, symbolizes strength and purity love affair In addition, it is believed that diamonds bring happiness future family. Italians were the first to encrust engagement rings with diamonds. IN original form wedding rings were in the form of large seals with the family coat of arms. The usual barrel ring, which we are accustomed to as an engagement ring, in fact, is a wedding and the only traditional decoration of this ring are the names of lovers or love vows engraved on the inside. Spouses should not shoot wedding rings believing that the rings will keep them family happiness and save you from frustration.

Nowadays, rings have taken on many other designating or symbolizing functions. Western women prefer to wearmaternity rings, where the number of pebbles indicates the number of children the mistress of the ring has. In Britain there is strict ban medical staff to wear wedding rings. Since the area under the ring is not disinfected, it is sometimes difficult to remove the ring. Highlanders in the Caucasus in the XIX century. wearing large silver rings thumb right hand, to quickly and comfortably cock the tight triggers on the weapon. Many Russian officers woremassive ringsmade of cast iron, iron or steel with a gold lining, on which the name and surname of the owner of the ring was engraved. From the outside, base metals were specially used so that marauders would not remove the ring from the slain.

How to distinguish a ring from a ring?

Che m is still different ring from the ring? A ring is always a large and heavy product for decorating fingers. From time immemorial, a ring withwas read as a symbol of a high position in society, often passed down as a relic and family treasure. The ring is often a symbol of the power and wealth of its owner. The kings wore rings with huge precious stones on index fingers, which betrayed them to gestures of even greater power. Do not confuse a ring with a signet either. The signet is also a kind of "complex" rings, like a ring, but the front part of the signet is always perfectly flat.

  • RING in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    ring, jewelry worn on the finger (finger); common in most peoples of the world. Bone P. appeared in the Paleolithic era, metal - in ...
  • RING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (ethnographic) - found in fairy tales, beliefs, songs and rituals. In Little Russia, a ring (sometimes a wedding ring) is held in front of a puerperal. Golden ring...
  • RING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -tnya, pl. -tni, -ey and -ey, m. Ring (in 2 meanings) (usually with a precious stone). Hands in rings (with ...
  • RING in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (ethnographic) ? found in fairy tales, beliefs, songs and rituals. In Little Russia, a ring (sometimes? a wedding ring) is held in front of a puerperal. Golden ring...
  • RING
    ne" ring, ne" ring, ne" ring, ring" th, n" ring, ring "m, n" ring, n" ring, n" ring, ring "mi, n" ring, ...
  • RING in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ne"dry, ne"dry, ne"dry, ne"dry, ne"dry, ne"dry, n"dart, n"dry, n"dry, n"dirty, n"dry, ...
  • RING in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    ring. Cm. …
  • RING in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    ring, marquise, ...
  • RING in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
  • RING in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    ring, ...
  • RING in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    ring, ...
  • RING in the Spelling Dictionary:
    ring, ...
  • RING in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    ring N2 (usually with a precious stone) Hands with rings (with many ...
  • RING in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    ring, m. Ring with some. gemstone for the finger. They looked at the gem rings on his hand, which patted the horse, ...
  • RING in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    m. A ring with a precious stone to wear on the finger ...
  • RING in the Big Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    m. A ring with a precious stone to wear on the finger ...
    A ring with a 62.02 carat sapphire (ledged) and a diamond was sold on February 20, 1988 at Sotheby's in St. Moritz for …
  • THE MOST EXPENSIVE RUBIES;"RING WITH RUBY" in the 1998 Guinness Book of Records:
    The record price per carat for a ruby ​​is $227,300. This is how a ruby ​​ring was valued at 15.97 carats, sold for …
  • DECORATIONS in the Bible Dictionary:
    - they are mentioned in the following places: Gen.24:22,47 (earrings, wrists), Gen.35:4 (earrings), Gen.38:18 (seal, bandage), Gen.41:42 (ring, gold chain), Ex. 3:22; …
  • RINGS, RINGS V bible encyclopedia Nicephorus:
    (Genesis 38:18 etc.). Rings and rings are often mentioned in the Holy. Scriptures as ornaments. In ancient times, they were often used as ...
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Theodotus of Ancyra (+ 303 - 304), innkeeper, martyr. Commemorated May 18, June 7…
  • LK 15 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. New Testament. Gospel of Luke. Chapter 15 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • ESF 8 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Book of Esther. Chapter 8 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 ...
  • ESF 3 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Book of Esther. Chapter 3 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 …
  • GENERAL 41 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Being. Chapter 41 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
  • GENERAL 38 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Being. Chapter 38 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

RING, -tnya, pl. -tni, -ey and -ey, m. Ring (in 2 meanings) (usually with a precious stone). Hands in rings (with many rings). || reduce ring, -nka, m. || adj. ring, th, th.

Watch value RING in other dictionaries

Ring M.— 1. A ring with a precious stone to wear on the finger.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

ring- ring, m. Ring with some kind of. gemstone for the finger. They looked at the semi-precious rings on his hand, which patted the horse - fire splashed from the rings. A.N. Tolstoy.
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

ring- - tnya; m. Ring with some l. precious stone. Diamond p. Put on a p. P. with a ruby. Give p.
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

ring- This word is closely related to the noun, since it is also formed from the common Slavic finger - "finger". The literal meaning is "a ring worn on the finger".
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

ring- - in addition to decoration, it also served as a seal (Gen 41.42; Esf 3.10; Dan 6.17) for fastening (signing and sealing) letters, contracts, orders. (See printing, decorations)
Historical dictionary

Today we will consider a male ring and a signet, as two completely different types jewelry for the stronger sex.

You will learn:

  • How to wear a ring and signet?
  • What do astrologers say about choosing a finger for jewelry?
  • Interesting facts and some history.
  • On which finger do men wear a signet, and what does this mean?
  • On which hand is the ring worn?
  • Which ring will become a talisman for its owner?

History of printing. IN ancient times valuable jewellery worn by both women and men. They were golden chains big rings with stones, earrings, pendants, with which the nobility was hung from head to toe. Such an abundance jewelry emphasized power and wealth. Over time, the stronger sex stopped wearing several jewelry at the same time, thereby changing fashion for many centuries.

If earlier the ancient Egyptian priests believed that male signet has the properties of an amulet and protects its owner from the evil eye, then over time the purpose of such jewelry has changed dramatically.

Just a few hundred years ago, a mirror print of a seal was considered a personal signature. Such decorations were used for sealing letters, and the men's ring itself was passed down from generation to generation from father to son.

IN this moment the male signet has a more aesthetic function, because almost no one uses paper letters, and even more so by sealing the envelope with an important document with wax. Although, tribal seals still wears The Royal Family in the UK, the Pope, as well as many celebrities, the top of society.

Why should you wear a seal?

  • Modern
  • Fashionable and stylish
  • Supports status
  • It is a great family heirloom

Agree, many men do not wear jewelry at all, except for a wedding ring. This is uncomfortable for some, some believe that this is kitsch. But remember that a properly selected stylish seal will only emphasize your status. After all, there are a lot of design options, and you will surely find the ring that suits you perfectly.

If there was a mirror engraving on the signet earlier family coat of arms, initials or another symbolic drawing, now this print has been replaced with more modern versions. These can be abstract drawings, or signs of the Zodiac, inscriptions in Latin.

Fashion trends have not bypassed men's seals, and in jewelry world made a revolution. Masters work wonders with perfection with men's rings, combining several types of gold in jewelry, as well as encrusting a signet with small diamonds.

Another modern version- to make to order a semi-antique men's signet. Master using various methods, artificially ages the surface of the ring, thereby giving this piece of jewelry the look of a long-term family heirloom.

The nature and peculiarity of a person Purpose of the ring What decoration
ThumbEmotional, energetic menRestrains temperament and pacifies aggressionSignet with red or yellow gold, without inlay.
ForefingerMen with low self-esteemIncreasing luck and self-confidenceRing or seal with white gold, platinum
Middle fingerMen Facing Insurmountable SetbacksHelps to cope with difficulties and problemsFamily name seal. Metal color doesn't matter
ring fingerAesthetes. lovers beautiful jewelry seeking fame and fortune. Also, free people(worn on the left hand) who want to find their soul mate.Will help achieve great success in love, universal fame and acquire significant capital.Ring from yellow, red gold. A combination of several colors is possible, as well as inlaid with diamonds.
Little fingerMen who directly connected the profession with communication with other people: politicians, speakers, psychologists, businessmen. As well as lovers of extreme sports and gambling.Improves oratory, helps to reach out and find mutual language interlocutor.Gold signet or ring with

Did the advice of an astrologer help you when choosing which finger to wear a signet on? A year ago, this topic was raised in more detail on the Centaurus Journal blog, and you can learn something interesting there for yourself, and decide exactly on the finger and hand -

A few facts about which hand to wear a signet on:

  • The signet ring is most often worn on the left hand - on the little finger.
  • French men wear this ring on their left ring finger.
  • Family family seal: the head of the clan is worn only on ring finger left hand, and the rest of his male relatives - on the little finger or ring finger of the right hand.

Let's start the review of the men's ring

Do you know what is the difference between these two men's jewelry? If the signet is made of gold, platinum or silver, and can be inlaid with several small precious stones, then in men's ring there is always one big large stone tapeworm. It can be either precious or semi-precious.

E it's fashionable. For several years now, the fashion for gold rings with onyx has been holding a leading position in men's jewelry. Astrologers explain this by the fact that the powerful energy of this stone gives determination and inspiration to its owner. A stylish black deep color pairs perfectly with any color of gold or platinum.

Looking for a ring but can't stop with a design? Be sure to look at the version of the ring made of 14 karat gold and onyx solitaire. In our workshop you can make such a ring to order.

Weight 15 grams - price 16000 UAH.

Order a ring! Press!

How to choose and wear a ring?

  • Decide on the color of the metal. If your hand already has wedding ring or a bracelet, then opt for a ring made of a similar precious metal.
  • The size of the male ring and stone plays a big role. If this is your first decoration, do not immediately take a massive option. You may feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable to wear. Pay attention to simplified models with a minimum of elements.
  • Don't forget about your casual style clothes. A massive ring with a large stone rarely fits a business suit.
  • Put on the ring, clench your fist, wave your hand. If it is convenient for you, the ring does not press and does not fly off - this is your option.
  • On which finger you want to wear a ring - you choose yourself. But about the most popular stones in these decorations we will tell below.

For a long time we did not have publications on the topic men's jewelry. It's time to catch up. And do not think that jewelry for a man is not comme il faut! On the contrary, graceful and carefully selected Men's Watch, cufflinks or, will give a man a special charm. In addition, the dandy style just implies a restrained tone in clothes, but with the addition stylish detail. such as silver or golden men's signet. Indeed, the signet ring was and remains one of the purely masculine jewelry, strict and elegant. With all this, men's seals are clearly visible, due to their rather large size.

Today's article is the beginning of a small series of publications completely devoted to such an interesting and important topic like men's seals. We will tell you where they came from and what purposes they served in the past. We shine in detail the question of how to correctly and sensibly choose and buy men's gold seals, as well as men's silver seals. In addition, you are expected good advice, high quality photos and a lot of interesting things. You will learn which finger to wear a signet for a man and a lot of other useful information.

Men's signets - origin story

It is worth noting that the signet ring has an interesting and rich past. Let me tell you a little about him.
The history of men's seals originates in ... Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt! In Mesopotamia men's signet rings were a symbol of power and high social status the face of the wearer. Signets sealed (hence the name) messages and they also put an imprint on important documents, thereby assuring them. Men's gold seals were worn around the neck, threaded through a string, or on a finger.

In addition, in ancient Egypt, male seals acquired a special occult role, protecting their owners (according to Egyptian beliefs) from evil spirits. The seals were decorated with special symbols and precious stones. The man who wore the signet ring acquired special status, it was clearly not an ordinary person.

Antique office premium men's signet

In the Middle Ages, men's seals made of silver or gold served as a kind of personal signature. The nobles wore male seals (photo of which can be seen below), on the upper side of which their personal coat of arms was engraved. The coat of arms was applied to the ring in a mirror image, so that the print would be in a direct image. The official seal on a golden male signet was applied either directly to metal surface ring, or on the surface semi-precious stone(such as amethyst).
Kings, dukes and counts, if necessary, to seal a letter or certify an important document, held the ring over the flame of a candle and put an imprint of a golden seal on sealing wax.

The male signet served as a personal seal - it was imprinted on sealing wax, sealing a letter or certifying a document.

One of the most famous men's seals in history is the "Ring of the Fisherman" - one of the attributes of the Pope. Signet " Fisherman's Ring» weighs about 35 grams and is made of beautiful white gold. The ring has a stone insert depicting the holy Apostle Peter fishing with a net. This golden male signet (until the middle of the 19th century). The Pope put a personal seal on his letters. Moreover, when the Pope was dying and a new one took his place, the old ring was destroyed and a new one was made!

The famous signet "Ring of the Fisherman" is one of the attributes of the Pope

In our time, the male signet has lost the function of a "personal signature", although it can still be used for its intended purpose. Nevertheless, even today, jewelry men's seals (for example, from gold 585) - important attribute modern man, emphasizing its style and status, as well as a chic car like the .

What is the difference between a man's signet and a ring?

Before we start choosing a signet and start telling you how to buy a men's signet correctly, let's understand the terms so that there is no confusion. What is the difference between a ring and a seal? A ring and a signet, are they the same thing? You should know all this when you go to the store for a men's signet made of gold or silver.

The ring may be without any decorations. Its varieties are a ring - a ring with a stone, and a signet - a ring with a "seal"

Ringjewelry, which is a metal frame. Rings are worn on the fingers as a symbol of marriage or simply as decoration. The ring can be either smooth (with an engraved inscription or without anything at all), or with a stone. The varieties of rings are rings and men's seals, see photos of all these varieties below.
ring- a ring with a semi-precious or precious stone.
Signet- a ring without a stone. The signet may have a massive upper part, a platform on which the inscription, initials of the owner, coat of arms or drawing are applied. But in no case can a signet be decorated with, say, a diamond! Men's seals with stones are not seals, but rings.
Now you know how a man's signet differs from a ring. Next time we will start telling you about how to choose the right signet for a man, what you should pay attention to, which is better - gold or silver.
To be continued!

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