How was the date. He walked you home. Did you find a common language easily?

Sometimes details can lead you to the right thoughts. Remember how the gentleman made an appointment: did he try to reschedule the meeting, which of you chose the place and date, was he late, etc. It is difficult to hide a genuine interest; a determined man is unlikely to cancel a meeting several times or dictate the conditions for where to hold a date.

Were you comfortable

Feeling awkward in the first minutes of a date is common. However, if you experienced tension during the entire meeting or suffered from long pauses in the conversation, things are bad - most likely, there will be no continuation. And if it does, then think about it, would you like to invest in a relationship, breaking through your own (or partner's) feelings of discomfort and tension? On the other hand, there are enough examples when persistent sympathy arose between people much later than the first dates.

Did you find a common language easily?

Do you like the same books and films, work in related fields or follow a similar lifestyle - all of this good sign... Availability common interests and a similar outlook on life is very close. However, do not forget about the rule of attracting opposites. In this case, the tone of the conversation about differing interests should alert you: if the gentleman was in a belligerent mood and argued loudly, proving his innocence, it is hardly worth preparing for a second date.

What topics did you discuss

Mutual sympathy often pushes us to talk about serious (and often personal) topics. If you have been discussing the weather, the past weekend or your jobs all the time, you shouldn't have high hopes for your "second time". The same rule applies to the situation if you or your partner did not part with your smartphone during the entire meeting - this is a good indicator of whether you are interested with the interlocutor (and vice versa).

What was his body language talking about?

To those we like, we unconsciously want to touch. Therefore, if on a date he used every opportunity to touch you - bingo! - there was definitely a spark between you.

However, you should not consider all this as a set of strict rules: what if you and your boyfriend are double introverts who simply did not immediately consider each other's "soul mate"? Some clues about whether a man likes you can be found

One, two, three, four, five!
Maybe slower to count?
You can quickly and again!
Five, four, three, two, one!
Perhaps I'll start the story!

The rule of five dates is mentioned very often in comedy films about love! But what do we know about him? And what have you heard about this? How relevant is it now?
5 dates:

First - turn your head!
And I would call it "Inspection", akin to what doctors carry out aunt-uncle!
The first meeting should take place in a relaxed atmosphere, because it is just a meeting, not binding. It doesn't matter where: park, cafe, car, shop, university. In just a couple of hours you can understand whether a second appointment is needed or are these just imaginary symptoms.
Attention, politeness, courtship, your goal in this case: to stir up interest, surprise, intrigue, but at the same time to understand yourself, but who is next to you !? Everything will count! But remember that it is not always worth discarding some option already at the first meeting, because sometimes they take place under strange circumstances, which will not allow you to give an objective assessment, and the person to open up to you to the fullest. You know yourself, the doctor presumably diagnoses and sends you to the test accurate analyzes, and everything will be confirmed already at the second appointment!

Second - digest!
Eating alone, you know, hurts the kidneys. It's time to meet at cozy place, order goodies and talk about nothing!
Such a meeting will give you a lot of reasons to make a final diagnosis. Many people manage to test it on a second date: a kind of check for a divorce for money, a line of behavior in a non-standard situation! Do not get carried away too much, because you remember the goal that you are pursuing!
The date is over, you involuntarily analyze the information received, it is not enough, you need to know more! And you involuntarily come to understand that you are attracted to this person! As your attending physician referring you to a specialist studying your crush, I report that your body has begun to produce phenylethylamine. It's not scary, it just means it's time to go on a third date!

Third is an adventure!
What will it be? I can only imagine! Your imagination has shown an excellent development result! You just had to arrange a date with a concept similar to the second, but add a touch of intrigue / drive / shock to it! What have you been awarded for! Light touches, gentle hugs, you are already closer! But don't flatter yourself, stop! You, as a surgeon, just outline the lines before the operation! All the most important is ahead! Therefore, do not behave like a wild man, why have you never seen a living person!

Fourth - Romance!
Most importantly, remember that during all previous dates, elements of romance must be present! But exactly in the fourth, romance should spill over the edge of the flask filled with your emotions!
And so he "appointed a spa-procedure" for you! Everything is for you, attention is only to you, all your desires are fulfilled, people around are all smiling, and the level of pheromones released in the air goes off scale! Don't you have a desire to generously reward his efforts! Look at the clock! Time for kissing!
I understand you, it is difficult to stop, but still worth it! Let's not show all our cards!

Fifth is the best.
Some time must pass before this responsible date! A week, two ?! This is not the point! You already know about each other, a bunch of different funny stories, saw your soul mate in different situations... Now it's time to get to know each other much closer! Well, we are no longer children, everyone understands what this is about! But! Let her want it herself, just herself!

Exists various variations of this rule.

Here is one of them - the most common.

First date.

Everyone knows what the very first date is.
Someone expects a lot from him, while others are much simpler. In any case, on the first date it is usually decided whether the second will take place.

Second Date: Curb Your Appetites
A date that you plan to have a good time on, go to a restaurant, to a party, or anywhere else but his apartment or yours.
This is the date that will end first with a tender, then a passionate promising kiss, with a hint of the next meeting. But there will be no continuation today. And he perfectly understands this, although he is trying to change it by any means.

Third date. destructive force
What to do? Run or stay? However, whatever you decide, the body will say everything for you, since the brain will still not be able to think. So just accept this fact and relax.

Fourth date. Romantic
When we talk about this type of date, we mean that romance is an integral part of it. Everything is done for you and for you.
He's been courting you for several weeks. Gives flowers, treats you tenderly. You are walking under the moon, and he talks about which constellations in the sky and which star were named in your honor. Yes, he's a hopeless romantic. And if you need it, then perhaps it is worth going beyond talking about the stars and the moon.

Fifth date. Oh how long has it been
You have known each other for a long time. Today he will come to your house for dinner, as often happens. Whether it will be a romantic candlelit dinner or just fun and funny, it's up to you. But the main thing is that you have been dating for a very long time, and he knows your every mole, every damn thing.
So it is quite possible to diversify the meeting and arrange a real surprise.

How often do we have the opportunity to use the allotted for this free time, after all, someone generally has the opportunity to see each other once a week, or even a month! And someone is pursuing other goals, not wanting to drown in the routine of a serious relationship! The sequence depends on you, in what order and rhythm everything will go and where it will lead!

There is and male version regulations.

First date: "External examination"

On the first date, a man thoroughly examines the appearance of his passion, looks if she has silicone lips, how crooked and thin the tights are, so to speak, are asking the price. On the first date, it is not customary to spend money, in general.
At the moment of the first date, the man decides whether sex with this a specific girl further material investments, if she passes this stage, then comes ...

Second date: "Check for a divorce for money"

Inviting a girl to an expensive restaurant does not mean at all that a man is ready to spend money on her, this is done with one main goal- to follow the tendencies of the girl's spending of his money. Ideally, the passion should reach for the account at the end of the evening.
Today, joint bill payment is becoming the norm for men, but the rules of etiquette seem to fade into the background. The rule "The inviting party pays the bill" is somehow inappropriate here.

Third date: "Check for lice"

To me this rule of conducting this meeting seemed completely delusional, but for you to judge for yourself.
The girl should be invited on a shopping trip, better expensive ones, very good - boutiques. The goal is to find a "special" tie for a "special" shirt. In this case, it is imperative to go through the perfumery department and see the reaction.
I don’t know what the person who made this program was thinking, but I’m not capable of imagining a woman indifferently passing by the signboard “cosmetics, new items, sale”: in my opinion, this is not normal at all.
Of course, on this so-called date (although for me it’s not an iota in the hike for a tie of romance) you need to assess how much the girl cares about appearance her companion, how much she understands fashion and how economical again.

The fourth date: "Intellectual-emotional test"

To this end, it is necessary to watch some kind of intellectual and emotional movie, such as "Mind Games", "Knockin 'on Heaven", "Veronica Decides to Die" and other films, frankly speaking, for an amateur. With the help of such pictures, a man assesses the IQ of his companion: does she like the movie, how she understood its essence, whether she fell asleep while watching it.
The method, of course, is controversial, but male brain- mystery.

Fifth date: "Pool"

It is supposed to invite the girl to a place where it is easy to appreciate her body, while not giving a hint of sex. Men are sincerely sure that after sex a girl acquires a kind of neurotic attachment to her partner, that she has a desire to constantly call, write, and further down the list.
So, before you sleep with her, you need to make sure that you don't go wrong.

After completing a course of familiarization with the technique, study the side effects:

Butterflies in the stomach!
It won't hurt. Neither me nor you!
This rule says: exactly five dates, the most optimal time to receive maximum pleasure no loss! No long strong ties! "No romance, everything, hello!"

Attachment hormone! - It's the opposite!
As we are promised: In five dates, you can captivate a person in serious relationship! Everything is calculated up to the number of hours, you can bind a person forever!
Hence the conclusion, whether your falling in love will turn into a chronic stage or fly by without touching your senses, depends directly on you, your attitude and the attending physician! After all, he may make a wrong diagnosis, but do not be discouraged here, there will be another who will cure your love torments! Or maybe he will prescribe you a long-term course of therapy, following which you will go straight to the registry office!

The first date is an exciting but interesting meeting. And while the girls are picking up perfect outfit and hairstyle, the guys are pondering the topic of conversation and looking for moves on how to show themselves with better side... Even at the preparatory stage, we are too different. And after you've spent time together, how do you know if a guy likes you after the first date? Kismia has collected obvious signals that everything went as it should, and it would be time to wait for an invitation to the next one.

First, let's consider real example from the life of lovers. Anya and Oleg found each other on a dating site. In the correspondence, the guy talked very lively about the trip to Hungary, joked about the everyday work of the therapist and answered wittily to Anya's message. It was only on the first date that Anya felt a complete dissonance: Oleg was closed and answered her questions briefly. After the date, the guy and the girl went home in complete dissatisfaction with the meeting.

Anya spent the whole evening thinking about what had happened and thought that Oleg did not like her at all. real life, so he behaved like that. But in the morning the girl received a message in which Oleg explained the situation. It turns out that the day before he found out that his mother was ill, but did not want to burden the date with his problems, because, in his opinion, this was not a topic for conversation at the first meeting. After that, Anya breathed out a sigh of relief, and Oleg organized the perfect “first date”. Even on the second try.

To avoid in the future similar situations, today we will tell you how not to make hasty conclusions and correctly interpret all the signals.

How to know if a man likes you after a first date: 10 important signals

We've rounded up 10 signs that your first date is perfect. If most of them are about you, be sure that this relationship will continue.

He asked you out on the next date.

And this means nothing more than your common interest ...

The fact that both went on dates at the right time indicates that they are interested in each other. Only a woman is allowed to be late. And then, quite a bit.

It is also worth paying attention to how the partner behaved when asking for a date. Was he nervous? it sure sign that he likes you. After all, nothing excites a man so much as a date with a woman he likes.

Smile throughout the date

Now let's try to sort out your date. This is another way to find out if a man likes you after a first date. One of the obvious signals of a successful meeting is a smile on the other person's face. Remember how you look when opposite the person you are crazy about. I just want to melt into a smile for no apparent reason. And it doesn't matter what he talks about: the state of the economy in the country or about love.

He constantly looked into his eyes

Did you notice that during the date, the guy kept looking into his eyes and sometimes it even made him uncomfortable? Do not be afraid! This signal is characteristic of people who are interested in the interlocutor and want to become closer to him, let's say to look into the soul. But if a man did not dare to touch you, sit closer, then he was simply afraid to be rejected and did not proceed to such actions on the first date.

The guy tried to "stretch" the date

This item is the most the right way how to find out if a guy liked you after the first date. If he is in no hurry to order dessert, and after the cheesecake has been eaten, he also orders a sorbet, this does not mean that he has not eaten anything all day before (although everything can be on his nerves). Most likely, he does not want your meeting to come to an end, so he is looking for reasons to extend it.

Hidden sexuality

On the first date, not everyone is ready to go to intimacy, but if the partners are interested in each other and sympathy is felt between them, then hints of sex cannot be avoided. In such cases, women can lick their lips, play with their hair, and men can convey their attraction with a glance, looking at the companion's neckline, then at the lips, then in the eyes. And if you felt this spark, then the first date definitely went off with a bang.

He tried to touch you all the time

If a guy likes you, then he will not miss any opportunity to touch you. You may try to sit closer, hand you a napkin and touch your palm, straighten your hair, etc. These gestures read flirting and sexual attraction... So on good date such fluids cannot be avoided.

He was not shy about expressing his admiration

Another sign of how to understand whether a man likes you after the first date is his genuine interest in your personality. Agree, a guy who doesn't like his interlocutor is hardly interested in what grade she graduated from music school and what was the name of her first dog. So if he wants to get to know you better, that's a good sign.

Invasion of the comfort zone

Our sensations when a person sits closer speaks volumes. If someone unpleasant to us breaks into the comfort zone, then we immediately want to change seats away from him. Well, if you sit next to nice man, then I want to become even closer to him. If your partner tried to get hooked all the time during the first date, then he definitely liked you. Now remember your feelings, what it feels like when he is near. Surely this feeling was mutual.

He walked you home

If the first date was successful, then the young man will definitely want to take you home. Well, if he offers to call a taxi, and he gets there on his own, then the meeting turned out to be not in our favor. Well, or a man urgently needs to go home. So, his concern about you after the date suggests that you can count on the next meeting.

The man could not say goodbye in any way

Did you notice what the guy was doing when you came home? He embarrassedly watched you, and when he left, he turned around? Congratulations! The date was more than successful, and the young man can't wait to see you again.

The first date, no matter where you exactly met, it is important that it goes well, although at this moment the fears take their toll, the girls want to look as attractive as possible, and the guys are prettier!

Preparing for the first date:

1) Before you go on a date, and especially the first one, make sure that you are not going with a maniac, but that, you know, anything can happen.

2) If you are sure that he is not a maniac, but maybe the guy of your dreams, or future husband, who knows how lucky someone is, because you will be sure of this later, but first you should set aside one day for this, preferably on weekends, even if you do not succeed, you can rest the next day and bring yourself and your thoughts in order.

3) Be sure to agree on a time, this is very important, on the first date in no case, do not walk until late, maximum until 12 at night! Well, tell me, you are not a mommy to forbid us! I agree, BUT, if you let him know that you are ready to come off the whole night on the first date, then he will do so, will come off with you for one night and you will not see him again! Of course, if that suits you, please!

And so you will make it clear that you would be happy to hang out with him all night, but you are so tired that you prefer to go to bed earlier and the point is not that you did not like him, you just have so many things to do for tomorrow! On the first date, it is common to be late, girls, but not like guys, excluding everything possible, a car broke down, a pedestrian ran over, etc. and then girls know when to stop, maxims for 15-20 minutes no more, respect his time! If he is late, maxims wait 20 minutes and leave, because you have more important things to do than wait for him!

Another one big mistake , lays down on the first date in pastel, remember no matter how sexy it is, no matter what hunger you have, do not do this, unless of course you want a guy for one night, then go ahead, and if you are determined to find that one, then I I do not advise you, it lays down not only on the first date, but also during subsequent dates!
Ask why, I will answer you, when you quickly give what he ultimately wants from you, his spark fades and he realizes that you are a one-night-old girl, but the most offensive thing happens if he also asks, “you are doing this with all? ", I think now it is clear!

Okay, then how much to endure? You ask, I answer, as much as you can, at least a month, so that he understands that you are special and that he needs to try hard to go to bed with you! Well, if he deserves it, then he will consider sex with you simply divine, because you made him wait!

4) We agreed on the time, and nowwhere to go? Of course, this is everyone's business, for which there is enough money (be sure to take money with you, you never know, maybe he is a swindler, you do not know this yet), if you want to go to the cinema, then be sure to call before the meeting, and find out what is going on and what movie would you like to go to, in case you ask “ where are we going? ", And he will answer<<ну не знаю», только не думайте, что он не подготовился для свидания, он ведь тоже нервничает, может он растерялся, и вы тогда предложите свое, а там он уже расслабится и вы пойдете туда, куда он вас пригласит! Но в любом случаи, у вас должен быть запасной план, куда пойти, а не сидеть как два дурака и думать над этим, вы же не для этого встретились!

5) We chose a place, agreed on a time, allocated a day, that's good, let's get down to the main thing, choose what to wear, well, as always, the wardrobe is large, but there is nothing to wear. Of course, I am not a master of pointing out what and how, but I will say one thing for sure, this should not be vulgar, firstly, you go on a first date, not a prostitute, and secondly, modesty is the sister of talent, everything should be in moderation, not dress up like a Christmas tree, otherwise it will run away and you won't have time to blink, thirdly, the clothes should correspond to the style, and not be one from the official, and the other from dances. And then, if you have stylists in your circle, ask them, and if not, then there are friends and mothers who will gladly help you with this.

6) Get dressed, healthy! Now cosmetics, well, of course, do not overdo it, I repeat once again, everything is in moderation. And that is, girls who put on makeup so that when their guys see them without makeup, they are just hysterical! As you know, what should be painted under the clothes, how they color the clothes and the shadows, BUT there is one thing, but if you have a red blouse or top, do not paint with red shadows, do not scare him, it is better to replace with black, it will be much better , it is not necessary very brightly, reduce your colors, on the first date you do not need, and then you can already surprise him with this! Most of all, they love it to be closer to the natural, but absolutely without makeup, it is also impossible!

7) The hairstyle, what it should be, depending on where you go, for example, to the movies, bumps or chic hairstyles obviously will not work, firstly it will interfere with others, and secondly you! Then decide for yourself, the flight of fantasies is endless!
Well that's all, it's time to go on a date! Moving on to

There is hardly an event in a person's life that can be compared with the first romantic date ... Agonizing state before, excitement during the meeting and painful reflections after. Almost every one of us went through this.

There is a perception that the first date simply cannot go perfectly. After all, people know each other little, worry and focus on their own feelings, often not noticing the partner's reaction. While from this reaction, you can most likely understand how successful the date was .

Here are some signs by which you can determine the success of a first date:

Communication time. If partners communicate continuous time and at the same time deliberately delaying the moment of parting, then this testifies that the date was successful. And if one of them starts to get distracted, look at the clock or show noticeable anxiety, you should think about breaking up.
Touches. Light, as if by chance, and at the same time both partners feel quite comfortable, they also indicate that the date is going well.
If partners fit together, then communication during a date develops naturally: topics for conversation arise by themselves, words for communication are not selected, but are easily found by themselves.
It is a good sign that both share some plans for the future, dreams. By allowing each other into their personal space, they thereby demonstrate mutual trust.
Views. People who are unpleasant to each other will never make eye contact. On the contrary, if the two of them are good and interested, then they openly look at each other and are afraid to miss any little thing in the image of their partner.
The first date is characterized by a slight tension. This is due to the excitement that should pass after a while. But if during the entire meeting a person sits "on pins and needles" and feels uncomfortable, then this is a reason to find out what exactly is going wrong.
The success of the first meeting can also be told by how did it end ... If both say goodbye warmly, discussing a new date, it means that they are happy with the time spent. And if the meeting ends abruptly, because someone remembered an unplugged iron or a sick grandmother, then this can only speak of one thing - the partner seeks to leave as soon as possible.
An important criterion is an invitation to see you next time. If you are invited to meet again, then you left very pleasant experience .