What date do you celebrate the day of btv? Tankman's Day is a professional holiday for armored forces

The profession of a tanker in Russia among military specialties is especially revered among the people, and the songs "Three Tankmen" and "Tanks Rumbled on the Field" are very popular in our peacetime. The tanker is a courageous, brave and strong warrior, a defender, therefore without special day there was no way around it.

From the history of the Russian tank

The British were the first to invent tanks, but already during the First World War, Russian designers tried to come up with something similar for our army. They made the Tsar Tank and another, the Porokhovshchikov's tank, but they did not participate in the battles.

The very first Russian battle tank was assembled at the famous Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod August 31, 1920. And even though it was very similar to French, the assembly and all the details were domestic.

In 1929, tank forces were called motorized units; in 1936 - they were renamed into armored vehicles, later they were renamed several times, until in 1960 the troops became tank ones, as they are today.

The most famous Russian tank is the T-34, the legendary one that brilliantly showed itself in the hard battles of the Great Patriotic War both at the Kursk Bulge, and in Stalingrad and beyond, during the liberation of Russia and Europe.

Today the Russian army has T-72, T-80, T-90 tanks. But this is far from last option, designers are developing new machines.

From the history of the holiday of tankers

In 1946, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by its Decree, established a Tankman's Day in honor of tank victories on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and for great quality machines made by our designers. Shortly before the publication of the Decree, on September 8, 1946, a parade of equipment from the Kantemirovsk division took place on Red Square in Moscow, which until today is considered the main one in the tank forces.

For many years, the holiday of tankers was celebrated on September 11, the day when the heavy Carpathian military operation was completed in 1944 and the enemy was expelled from the territory of Moldova and Western Ukraine.

In 1980, when Tanker's Day becomes an official holiday, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it began to be celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

In 2006, the Decree of the President of Russia "On the establishment of professional holidays ... in the Armed Forces" was issued, and the Day of the Tankman was finally legalized, however, it was celebrated without official documents.

How is the Day of the Tanker in Russia celebrated?

Immediately after the war, when the front-line victories of tankers were still well remembered, and the roads had not yet been repaired, in many cities Soviet Union on that day, tank parades were held, in the evening fireworks from all guns were arranged. Later, such a demonstration of military power was abandoned, keeping parades only in large cities and on the main holidays of the country. But the role of tankers in our army did not become less honorable because of this.

On the Day of the Tanker, the tank forces are festive events while demobilized tankers are looking for their old but beloved helmets and celebrating the date with family and friends.

When tank troops drove the enemy across the entire territory of a large country, not a single tanker thought that he was born on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus or Ukraine. All were a single tank crew. Remembering those heroic days, in Belarus and Ukraine, Tanker's Day is also celebrated on the second Sunday in September.

"TASS / Ministry of Defense of Russia / RIA" Army of Russia "Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

TASS-DOSSIER. On the second Sunday of September (in 2017 - September 10), annually since 2006, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate professional holiday- Day of the tankman.

Established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" dated May 31, 2006. It was originally established in the Soviet Union as Tankmen's Day, celebrated on September 11, according to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 11, 1946. Second Sunday of September as the date of celebration was originally established by the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 1, 1980 No.

From the history of tank forces

Before October revolution 1917 in Russian army tanks were not used, although there were projects (Vasily Mendeleev's super-heavy tank, 1911-1915) and armored vehicles were tested (Alexander Porokhovshchikov's tankette, 1914-1915; Nikolai Lebedenko's "Tsar Tank" 1914-1915, etc.). The tanks supplied by the Entente countries were used by the White Army during the Civil War of 1917-1922.

On May 28, 1920, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council, the formation of autotank detachments of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) began - the first separate military formations that used captured tanks as their main weapons.

On August 31, 1920, the first ship went to sea trials. soviet tank"Freedom Fighter Comrade Lenin", created at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant (Nizhny Novgorod) by order of the Armored Directorate of the Main Military Engineering Directorate (GVIU) of the Red Army. He was a copy French lung tank Renault FT-17. Serial production of armored vehicles in the USSR was established in 1928 (T-18). In the 1930s. The tank-building industry of the USSR reached an advanced technological level, the "high-speed tanks" of the BT series were launched into a series, the production of multi-turret T-28 tanks and others was launched.

In the second half of the 1930s. the design bureaus under the leadership of Mikhail Koshkin and Joseph Kotin developed the T-34 and KV-1 tanks, which surpassed foreign models in their combat capabilities. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. tank troops acted as the main striking force in offensive operations, served as the basis for the stability of rifle units in defense. By the end of the war, all tank armies received the name of the Guards. 1 thousand 142 tank soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 16 people were awarded this title twice. More than 9 thousand tank builders who worked in the rear received state awards. During the war, the first tank armies were formed.

State of the art

Currently, tank formations are important element Ground forces Armed Forces of Russia (SV RF Armed Forces). Designed for conducting combat operations both independently and interacting with motorized rifle units, artillery, etc.

In 2011, according to the information of Anatoly Serdyukov, then the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, in Russian troops and there were more than 10 thousand tanks in reserve.

Currently, the Armed Forces of the RF Armed Forces are armed with various modifications of the T-72, T-80 and T-90 tanks. In 2016, the Ground Forces reconstituted the 90th Guards Vitebsk-Novgorod twice Red Banner Tank Division (Central Military District, Chelyabinsk Region), the arrival of new and modernized tanks made it possible to re-equip 12 motorized rifle and tank battalions. V Airborne Forces six tank companies were formed. In 2017, it is planned to supply the troops with 905 modern tanks and armored combat vehicles.

In 2019, large-scale production of the new Russian T-14 tank will begin on the Armata unified heavy tracked platform. According to the state armaments program, by 2020 the share of modern armored vehicles in tank forces should be at least 70%.

Since 2013, the annual combat training competitions for tank crews "Tank Biathlon" have been held at Russian military training grounds (since 2015 - as part of the first International Army Games).

On August 27, 2015, it became known that by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu, black berets were returned to the tank forces - field hats similar to those used in the Armed Forces of the USSR. This piece of clothing has become a badge of distinction. the best specialists of the armored service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - winners of specialized competitions and servicemen who distinguished themselves in exercises and maneuvers.

Military educational institutions

The training of officers for tank forces is carried out by the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces (Moscow; branches in Kazan, Novosibirsk), the Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute named after Marshal of the Soviet Union P.K. Koshevoy.

"Ministry of Defense of Russia"


Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (the department is the main customer and supplier of armored vehicles to the troops) - Lieutenant General Alexander Shevchenko (from 2009 to the present).

How the holiday is celebrated

On the Day of the Tanker in the tank forces dedicated to the holiday celebrations... The 70th anniversary of the establishment of the holiday on September 10, 2016 was marked by a thematic exhibition of battle banners of tank formations in the Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces (Moscow) and an exhibition of armored vehicles on the Suvorovskaya square of the capital.

Tank troops are one of the main forces in the Russian Federation, having repeatedly carried out complex missions and participated in the most famous battles that influenced the course of hostilities. The main tasks are to carry out defensive and offensive operations, to provide fire support for infantry units. Tank management requires high skill from each crew member. Tankers have a professional holiday, which at all times was considered one of the most revered days in the army. It is celebrated on the second Sunday in September.

history of the holiday

Tank troops appeared in our country about one century ago. The main impetus for this was the actions of the British, who for the first time used such combat vehicles. After that, all European states began to work on heavy weapons.

The first Russian tank was assembled at the Nizhny Novgorod plant, and in the next few years a powerful base was created, which served as the basis for the development of this type of troops. A special impetus was given by the Second World War, during which the number of tank units was rapidly increasing.

In 1946, a holiday was established, which appeared to emphasize the importance of these units in the difficult struggle against the fascist invaders. Long time this event had a certain date - the eleventh of September, but in 1980 it was decided to postpone it. In Russia, the holiday is official, this status he received it in 2006, the corresponding document was signed by the head of state.

The professional holiday Tanker's Day 2018 is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of the first autumn month. The holiday appeared immediately after the Second World War as a symbol of the feat of representatives of the profession during the Battle of the Kursk Bulge and in other tank battles.

Tank Forces are an integral part of the Ground Forces. They provide fire support, defensive and offensive operations, and the actions of infantry units. The armament of the tank has great power and unique tactical and technical characteristics. Employees have their own professional holiday.

When celebrate

The event does not have a clear due date... Tanker's Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of September. It is not a weekend. In 2018 it falls on September 9th. Celebration in Russia at the official level began with the publication of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin.

Congratulations on the day of the tanker read

Who is celebrating

The celebrations are attended by employees of tank divisions The armed forces RF under the contract and conscription, officers, cadets, teachers of specialized educational institutions. The holiday is celebrated by everyone who has ever been in the ranks of this kind of troops, designers, engineers, workers of factories and research institutes that develop armored vehicles. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people join the events.

History and traditions of the holiday

Tanker's Day in Russia dates back to Soviet times... In 1946, the holiday was instituted as a tribute to the profession and to give importance to these units in the victory over the Wehrmacht (army of the German Empire) in World War II. For a long time, the event had a clearly defined number.

The current date was determined by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 "On festive and memorable days". In some cities, it was customary to hold parades on the streets to demonstrate technology. V Russian Federation the tradition of honoring tankers has been preserved.

On this day, celebrations are held in which employees take part, support staff... Officers, cadets, their relatives, friends, acquaintances and relatives gather for festive table... Toasts, clinking glasses, congratulations, wishes of peace and health sound. The command presents awards, medals, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, grateful notes in the personal files of tankers. Those who have distinguished themselves are promoted in positions and ranks.

On Tanker's Day 2018, concerts are held in cultural institutions of the Ministry of Defense, where performances by creative teams with musical and song numbers are held. TV and radio stations broadcast programs and films dedicated to the history of the development of armored vehicles and tank forces. The programs contain stories and memoirs of servicemen, participants in the events of the formation of the Russian army.

About the profession

This military profession is one of the most important and dangerous. When the enemy uses high-precision weapons, the survivability of the tank is no more than 2 shots, after which it will be detected and destroyed. This is an easy target for aircraft and even enemy infantry.

The path to specialists in armored vehicles lies through the service of a conscript or a contract soldier, or higher educational institution... During this time, armament, control of a vehicle, crew or subunits is mastered. The personnel of the tank includes the commander, gunner, driver, loader. They report to the platoon leader. Everyone has a strictly designated range of responsibilities. The actions of tankers are regulated by the charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


Happy Tanker Day, I congratulate you!
And I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart
That I only wish you the best
And let everything be on your shoulder.

I also wish you good luck.
And in the service, and in life is simple.
Let all your tasks be solved,
And let the world pleases with beauty.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Tankman!
I wish that even in hilly terrain
The tank did not lose its speed,
The gunner should shoot without a miss.
To always have strong armor,
And so that your hand remains firm.

Your tanker will cheer up.

In Russia, Tanker's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in September. The holiday was established in order to revive and develop domestic military traditions, increase the prestige military service and in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

History of the Tankman's Day

The holiday was established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 11, 1946 to commemorate great merits armored and mechanized troops in the defeat of the enemy during the Great Patriotic War. Also, the date marks the merits of tank builders in equipping the Armed Forces of the country with armored vehicles.

In the Russian Federation, since 2006, the holiday has been called the Day of the Tankman. The date of the celebration remained the same - the second Sunday in September.

Tankmen in the history of Russia

Tankers are the main striking force of the Russian Ground Forces. They are mainly used in conjunction with motorized rifle troops on the main axes and perform the following main tasks: in defense - to provide direct support to motorized rifle troops when repelling an enemy offensive and delivering counterattacks and counterattacks; in the offensive - by delivering powerful cleaving strikes to great depths, developing success, defeating the enemy in oncoming engagements and battles. The basis of the armament of the tank forces is made up of tanks of various types.

© Sputnik / Maxim Blinov

Tankers went through a heroic path of formation and development - from light tanks with small arms to modern ones equipped with missile and cannon armament, from separate armored units of the Red Army to tank armies of World War II and tank formations modern formations Of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The origin of domestic tank building dates back to the second decade of the last century. The first Russian example of a new type of weapon, later called a tank, was the Vezdekhod four-ton armored wheeled-tracked combat vehicle.

After the October Revolution, the armored forces of the Red Army were created on the basis of the old Russian army.

By order of the Main Armored Directorate of the Red Army, the first domestic tank was created at the Sormovsky plant in Nizhny Novgorod and went on sea trials. Soon the serial production of armored vehicles was launched.

Tankers during the war

Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, tank building continued to develop and increase production capacity. The design bureaus under the leadership of Mikhail Koshkin and Joseph Kotin created the new generation T-34 and KV tanks, which significantly surpassed similar foreign models in their combat capabilities, and the legendary T-34 tank was later recognized as the best tank of the Second World War.

By the beginning of World War II, a large tank park (about 16 thousand vehicles) was created, the basis of which was light T-26 and BT tanks, medium T-34 (1229) and heavy KV-1 (636).

© Sputnik / Samariy Gurari

The war became a severe test of the courage and skill of tank warriors, tank builders, the strength of the armor of domestic tanks, the effectiveness of their combat use. On the battlefields and battlefields, tankers acted as the main striking and crushing force in offensive operations, were the basis for the stability of rifle units in defense. Their role was especially great in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, in the operations to liberate the Right-Bank Ukraine, in the Belarusian, Jassy-Kishinev, Vistula-Oder, Berlin and Manchurian operations. For military merits, almost all tank and mechanized corps were awarded honorary titles and orders.

For the courage and dedication shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, 1,142 tankers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and 16 people were awarded this title twice. The heroic and selfless labor of the tank builders was also appreciated by the Motherland. More than 9 thousand of them were awarded high state awards.

In the post-war period, tankers more than once had to participate in local wars and conflicts, where they honorably completed the assigned tasks.

Tankman's day today

Today, the tank forces are based on tank brigades and tank battalions of motorized rifle brigades, which are highly resistant to the damaging factors of nuclear weapons, firepower, high mobility and maneuverability. They are able to make the most of the results of fire (nuclear) destruction of the enemy and in short time achieve the ultimate goals of combat and operations.

© Sputnik / Vadim Zhernov

The combat capabilities of tankers' formations and subunits allow them to conduct active fighting day and night, crush the enemy in oncoming battles and battles, cross vast zones of radioactive contamination on the move, cross water obstacles, and also quickly create a solid defense and successfully resist the offensive of superior enemy forces.

Further development and enhancement of the combat capabilities of tankers is carried out mainly by equipping them with more advanced types of tanks, which optimally combine such important combat properties as high firepower, maneuverability and reliable protection.

Currently, the tank units and formations of the Russian Armed Forces are armed with T-72, T-80, T-90 tanks and their modernized models.

In 2016-2017, the T-14 tank on the Armata platform entered service with the tankers.

© Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresensky

Tank T-14 "Armata"

As the Day of the Tankman is celebrated

In all tank formations and military units, solemn events will be held, dedicated to the Day tanker.

On this day, celebrations are held in which tankers and support personnel take part. Officers, cadets, their relatives, friends, acquaintances and relatives gather at the festive table. Toasts, clinking glasses, congratulations, wishes of peace and health sound. The command presents awards, medals, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, gratitude notes in the personal files of the tankers. Those who have distinguished themselves are promoted in positions and ranks.

On the Day of the Tanker, concerts are held in the cultural institutions of the Ministry of Defense, where performances by creative teams with musical and song numbers are held. TV and radio stations broadcast programs and films, dedicated stories development of armored vehicles and tank forces. The programs contain stories and memoirs of tankmen, participants in the events of the formation of the Russian army.