What event is dedicated to September 1st. History of the origin of the holiday. Solemn line in honor of the day of knowledge

Today, September 1, many countries around the world celebrate the Day of Knowledge, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic celebrates Statehood Day, residents of the United States and Canada today celebrate Labor Day, and the Republic of Uzbekistan celebrates Independence Day.

Knowledge Day (international holiday)

September 1 is a sea of ​​flowers and white bows, the first calls and excitement, traditional lessons of the world, this is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge. Perhaps for some this is just a return of memory to the past, but for someone it is a new step into the future.
Today - the most long-awaited day will come for those who cross the school threshold for the first time.
September 1 is, first of all, the holiday of the beginning of the new academic year. In that holiday All schools traditionally hold solemn assembly lines. First-graders are greeted in schools with special solemnity.
This day is celebrated by the CIS states - Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova.

Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Russia)

Today, September 1, is the Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, whose capital is the city of Nalchik. Statehood Day, or the Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic was established on the occasion of the adoption new constitution in 1997. This date was not chosen by chance, since the Kabardian Autonomous Region was formed just on September 1, 1921 by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR and after that it became part of the North Caucasian Federal District.

Labor Day in the US and Canada (international holiday)

Today in the United States and Canada, as every year on the first Monday of September, Labor Day is celebrated in the United States and Canada. On September 1, Americans go out into nature and celebrate Labor Day.
Labor Day in America was first celebrated in 1882, initiated by the Central Trade Union. This holiday became a national holiday in 1894. Since then, every year the United States has gratefully acknowledged the contribution of American workers to the wealth and well-being of the country, which has become the property of the entire American people.
April 15, 1872 is considered the birthday of Labor Day. On that day, the Toronto City Assembly of Trade Unions organized the first demonstration for workers' rights.
In the US and Canada, this holiday is perceived by the population of these countries as an additional holiday. Americans and Canadians on this day simply arrange campsites all over the country, their favorite outdoor barbecues.

Independence Day of the Republic (Uzbekistan)

September 1 - Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The state independence of Uzbekistan was proclaimed in Tashkent on August 31, 1991 at the Extraordinary 7th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic, where the Statement and Resolution of the Supreme Council on the celebration of the state independence of this Republic on September 1 were adopted. Subsequently, the adoption of the Law on the Fundamentals of State Independence was planned.
Formally, Uzbekistan gained its independence in December 1991 with the collapse of Soviet Union. At the 8th session of the Supreme Council, on November 18, the State Flag of the Republic was approved, and on December 15 its Constitution was published, which was adopted at the 11th session of the Supreme Council on December 8, 1992.

Unusual holidays September 1

Today, September 1, we can celebrate unusual holiday- Autumn's birthday and those who wear glasses can celebrate Bespectacled Day.

autumn birthday

September 1 is a wonderful day. It's the first day of autumn, isn't it? autumn nature and the weather, it's time for the "eyes of charm" for many of us dearest of all. And even if the whole day is damp and cold, the mood on this day will still be festive, because “nature has no bad weather” ...

bespectacled day

Today, September 1st, is a holiday for bespectacled people! Imagine, the first age of the first lenses - 2500 years BC, they were found during the excavations of Troy! They wore them then, of course, only as decoration. And for the correction of visual defects, lenses began to be used hundreds of years later. The first glasses appeared in Italy in the 13th century.
Everyone looks smarter with glasses
Serious or mature.
All those who wore lenses
Let's raise a glass tonight!

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Thekla Svekolnitsa

Many Orthodox Christians know what today religious holiday. On September 1, they honor the memory of the three martyrs of Gaz - Timothy, Agapius and Thekla, who suffered for their faith in 304-306.
It is known among the people that Timothy had the gift of eloquence and studied Holy Bible from his youth, therefore he became a famous preacher of Christianity.
During the reign of the emperors Diocletian and Maximilian, there were strong persecutions of Christians. Once Timothy was brought to court, accusing him of crimes against pagan deities. The martyr, despite cruel tortures, did not renounce his faith, he delivered a sermon about love for all the people of Jesus Christ. For which he was sentenced to be burned.
Agapios and Thekla at the same time in Gaza also suffered for their faith. The pagans gave them to be torn to pieces wild animals.
Beets have been used in Russia since ancient times. On this day, the harvesting of this vegetable began. The people said: "On Fekla, the birthday girl is beets."
The peasants paid attention to Thekla - what kind of wind was blowing. It was believed that if the wind blows from the south, then next year there will be a large harvest of oats.
Name day September 1 with: Andrei, Nikolai, Timothy, Fekla

September 1st in history

A high-rise building of Moscow State University was opened in Moscow on the Lenin Hills
The first large-format cinema in Ukraine was opened in Kyiv.
For the first time on the TV screen appeared the program " Goodnight, kids!
Military coup in Libya (Al-Fateh Revolution) that brought Muammar Gaddafi to power
The world's first computer chess tournament opens in New York
Qatar declared itself independent state
A terrorist in the Mausoleum threw a bomb (the sarcophagus was not injured, several visitors died)
Approved new text anthem of the USSR, in which the words about Stalin were replaced
An American-French expedition at a depth of about 4,000 m discovered the wreckage of the Titanic liner that sank after colliding with an iceberg in 1912.
Sovereignty of Uzbekistan proclaimed
Previously unknown subatomic particles - "exotic mesons" discovered
US President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed an agreement to establish a joint data exchange center from systems early warning and missile launch notifications
US Vice President Al Gore and Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov sign an agreement to sell Russian plutonium to the US
A new Criminal Code came into force in Ukraine, in which capital punishment was replaced by life imprisonment
The management of the VGTRK holding changed the name of the RTR TV channel to the Rossiya TV channel
Capture of a school in Beslan (North Ossetia)

On September 1, the whole country celebrates Knowledge Day - the first autumn holiday marking the start of the school year. Solemn lines and peace lessons are being held in schools, revenues are already being calculated in flower shops, and a ban on the sale of alcohol is in effect in grocery stores. These are modern realities this holiday, but today we will recall its history and some especially popular traditions.

By tradition, Knowledge Day is celebrated in all educational institutions. For some, this is “the first time in the first grade”, or, as an option, for the first year, for others it is a meeting with classmates and classmates after summer holidays, for teachers - another professional milestone, for parents - new worries and expenses. However, everyone was once schoolchildren, so for the majority, September 1 is a special and solemn day.

Excursion into history

“The first of September is the first day of the calendar!” - now these lines from Marshak's poem cause some bewilderment, but we should not forget that once on this day in Russia it was customary to celebrate the beginning of the year (although the poet probably did not mean this at all), as well as the beginning of the harvest. exact date there was no beginning of the school year. Moreover, it remained "floating" until the mid-30s of the last century. In pre-revolutionary Russia, in many schools and gymnasiums, classes began in August, September or even October, and in rural schools - after the end of the field work season, in late November - early December. In the Soviet Union, the decision of the Council of People's Commissars was initially in force, according to which the child was to be enrolled in school in the fall, however, specific dates, again, were not installed. A unified beginning of the school year in schools was established by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of September 3, 1935. And in 1984 this day was recognized as a holiday.

Traditions old and new

On the first of September, a solemn line is held in all schools of the country, at which the administration educational institution congratulates students, parents and colleagues on the beginning of the school year. The symbolic “first bell” sounds, which is given by one of the first graders. On this day, there are no regular lessons at school - as a rule, everything is limited class hour and the so-called Peace Lesson, the theme of which is common to all Russian schools. IN last years holding such lessons has become one of the integral traditions of the holiday. In universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, there are usually no solemn rulers - on this day, classes go to normal mode, with the exception of events for first-year students.

One more beautiful tradition- give flowers to teachers. Sometimes it's completely simple bouquets from flowers grown in the country, sometimes - chic compositions worth half the teacher's salary, depending on the welfare and preferences of the student's family. Without flowers, only a few usually appear on this holiday. By the way, now it is fashionable to refuse a large number of bouquets from students. Instead, some prefer to give the teacher one flower each or one common bouquet from the whole class, and send the money saved - often a rather large amount - to charity.

Shadow of Beslan

The festive day is overshadowed by memories of a tragedy twelve years ago - a terrorist attack at school No. 1 in Beslan, which was captured by militants on September 1, 2004. The terrorists mined the school building and held 1,128 people there for two and a half days. As a result of the incident, 333 people died, including those who participated in the rescue of the hostages. Among the victims of the attack were 186 children. Memorial events dedicated to the memory of the dead are held on this day.

Innovations in legislation

From September 1, 2016, amendments to the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" come into force, which the President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed in July. Basically, they concern higher education. For example, in accordance with one of the amendments, the Ministry of Education and Science is deprived of the right to change the procedure for admission to study at universities for specialty or bachelor's programs, as well as to make changes to the list of entrance tests after September 1. In addition, the procedure for paying social scholarships is being changed - now only students who have been assigned social help from the state.

Traditionally, on Knowledge Day on September 1, all children school age go to the solemn line, and students fill the audience. Preparation for the new school year begins in August in the form of noisy school bazaars and fairs, where you can choose brand new, bright and shiny school supplies. This day is exciting for everyone - and younger generation, and their parents - after all, what could be more important than the knowledge that we acquire in school and student years for the formation of a person's personality?

The meaning of the Knowledge Day holiday

Do you remember yourself on the eve of September 1st? All textbooks are wrapped with love, pencils are sharpened, clothes are ironed, notebooks are signed, the knapsack is assembled. This ritual has remained unchanged for more than a decade. Everyone is familiar with the excitement that accompanies preparations for the new academic year. Still - ahead of a new school year, new knowledge, new impressions and new experience!

The kids are too small to realize importance education for personal development, which we begin to understand much later - the school gives us knowledge and instills morality, on which the future fate of everyone depends.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the school team - it forms the character of each of us, under the influence of teachers, the talents and abilities of the child are revealed. At school, the first friendship is established and we experience love - a fantastic feeling, memories of which accompany the rest of our lives.

On the school fair you can buy everything you need for study - from stationery to school uniforms

The history of the Knowledge Day holiday

If you look back centuries, then history will tell you that September 1 coincides with the feast of the harvest in ancient Judea. Jesus Christ for the first time addressed the people, who were ready to absorb new knowledge, with a sermon on this very day. Three hundred years later, the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, who defined Christianity as the main religion, convened the first Ecumenical Council. One of the decisions taken by this council was the date of September 1 - from now on, the new year began with it.

Historically, in educational institutions Russian Empire September 1 was not the countdown for the new school year. In the 17th and 18th centuries, in gymnasiums and schools, it usually began in the second half of August or even later: in late September or early October. Rural literacy schools generally began to work from December. However, over time, schools operating at churches came to a single date for the start of classes - from September 1, that is, from the church new year.

F. Reshetnikov. Again deuce

Not everyone knows that in the first two decades of the existence of the USSR, or rather until 1935, schools and other educational institutions did not have due date the beginning of classes, except for the vague concept of "late summer or autumn." The first day of autumn as a single date for all schools and universities was introduced only in September 1935. Actually, it was then that the authorities obliged all institutions to start their studies on September 1, but the end of the year remained floating: within the first twenty days of June.

September 1 became an official holiday not so long ago. It was established in June 1984 in the last decade of the existence of the Soviet Union and is called the "Knowledge Day". Special meaning it is for first-graders, for whom school means the transition from a completely carefree childhood to a period of responsible study, and, of course, for their no less worried parents.

Do you remember the very first Day of Knowledge in your life?

Knowledge Day traditions

Like all holidays, Knowledge Day also has its own own traditions. September 1, all schoolchildren - from children younger age to high school graduates - they go to school for a solemn line with a bouquet of flowers, which is handed to the first teacher or class teacher as a sign of respect, gratitude and trust.

Many bouquets of flowers - distinguishing feature holiday. Whatever flowers you see: asters, dahlias, gladioli, gerberas, chrysanthemums, roses. This is a real riot of colors and aromas!

As such, classes are usually not held on the first day of the school year, and the holiday itself begins with a solemn line: schoolchildren read poetry and sing songs, and teachers and school leaders make inspiring speeches. Sometimes representatives of the local administration (city or rural) invite to such lines, and in large cities even leading politicians look at them.

Larger concerts are often held. At the very end of the festive line for little beginners, their first ever sound school bell. The first bell is a longstanding tradition that continues to be unchanged to this day. One of the seniors puts a first-grader on his shoulder, ringing the bell with all her might, they go through a lap of honor, and then he brings her into the school building - and it is with this call that the new one officially begins academic year. The rest of the high school students by the hand lead the newly minted schoolchildren to the first grade, where they are seated at their desks.

When all the students and teachers have gathered in their classrooms, it is time for the open lessons- "lessons of peace", "lessons of courage", "lessons of memory" or "defense of the Fatherland", at which the invited guests of honor communicate with the younger generation. As a rule, after all these celebrations, the children return home, but the next day a real school awaits them with lessons, grades and homework.

In general, the Holiday of Knowledge is rather the joy of meeting with classmates after the summer, as well as a lively exchange of impressions and news. And the very holding of the ceremony of the school "new year" is actually calling card any educational institution.

Holiday of knowledge in the countries of the former USSR and Europe

Due to the common history, the traditions of celebrating September 1 and other holidays still differ little in such post-Soviet states as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other former Soviet republics.

An abundance of flowers, white bows and ribbons, dark bottom and a light top, a solemn ruler in the schoolyard, solemn speeches and lessons in courage. The same excited first-graders and their parents, and the same self-confident and "wise" high school students with some condescension in behavior.

For some, this is the first day of school, for others, the first day of the last school year, and for others, the sad day of the end of summer fun and the return to strict schedule And homework. Already "experienced" schoolchildren on this day receive information about lessons, subjects and the curriculum, and newcomers enthusiastically study the new environment.

In the days of the USSR, the very first, obligatory lesson on September 1 was the so-called peace lesson, at which children were told about the Second World War and the Great Patriotic war, and the price paid by the citizens of the USSR for this world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, post-Soviet countries still celebrate Knowledge Day on September 1, and it is still official holiday. Moreover, employers are advised to give schoolchildren's parents a day off so that they can devote it to their children - accompany them to school and visit the solemn line.

There are also differences in celebration - in Belarus, September 1 became an official holiday in 1998, and in Kazakhstan - in 2001.

Knowledge Day in European countries

September 1 is considered and called international day knowledge, but European countries The school year starts on different days.

For example, in UK most schools open their doors in the first week of September.

France adheres to the date of September 1 - on this day, a gala school lunch is held for beginners, at which students and parents get to know the school.

In Bulgaria The school year starts on September 15 solemn ceremony they raise the national flag, the director makes a speech, and older students prepare a concert for first-graders.

In Germany each school (in agreement with the federal authorities) itself sets the day the classes start, usually in August or September, and first-graders go to their first lesson not with a bouquet, but with a bag in which parents put sweets and small gifts.

In Spain educational establishments students are accepted from September 1, but there is a strict rule - all of them must sit at their desks no later than October 1.

School years are a difficult and responsible time. They become truly happy for children only thanks to the efforts of smart and responsible teachers, whom we remember with gratitude for all subsequent years and thank them for the good that they instilled in us. The Day of Knowledge!

In our country, every year on September 1, the Day of Knowledge is celebrated. It got its name due to the fact that it is the first day of autumn, when the new academic year begins in all Russian schools, as well as secondary and higher educational institutions.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for all students, students, their parents, teachers and teachers, as well as all those people who are somehow connected with serving schoolchildren and students.

Most of all, Knowledge Day is enjoyed by those who go to school for the first time on this day. We can say that September 1 for first-graders and first-year students begins completely new life. This day is very exciting and memorable for them.


In all settlements of our country on September 1 you can see a large number of smartly dressed first-graders walking with a bouquet of flowers to school. There, on the Day of Knowledge, they hold solemn lines dedicated to the beginning of the school year, as well as peace lessons that have already become traditional. For first graders, their first school bell rings. Draw for them school wall newspapers, songs about school sound. Students from other classes also have a reason to rejoice, because they meet again with their beloved teachers and schoolmates.

Of course, in different schools Holiday "Day of Knowledge" celebrated in its own way. And in recent years, some schools have begun to celebrate September 1 on a large scale: parties are held in nature or in cafes. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, solemn lines are usually not held. For freshmen pass solemn meeting, but senior students are already studying.

history of the holiday

It is worth recalling a few historical facts concerning this day. Initially, all nations celebrated this day as a harvest festival. In our country, even during the time of Peter the Great, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on this day. But then the New Year was decided to be postponed to January 1, following the model of European countries.

Now September 1 is a public holiday called "Knowledge Day". Do not confuse this day with teacher's day, they are currently separate holidays.

It should be recalled that officially the Day of Knowledge began to be celebrated in the USSR since 1984. Before September 1st Day got the status public holiday, he was school day. Although this day began with a solemn line, but then ordinary lessons were already held.

On September 1, the first persons of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on the Day of Knowledge. Various educational institutions are visited by representatives of the administration of districts and cities.

It can be said that there is no person in Russia who would not remember with joy the day of the first call, his first teacher and school friends.


The holiday on September 1 - the Day of Knowledge - is not only for teachers and students, it is also intended to emphasize the importance of education.

The academic year in modern Russian schools begins on September 1 and continues until the end of May. It is divided into quarters, between them holidays are provided. At the end of each quarter and at the end of each year, students receive final grades in all subjects studied.

In our country, education in grades 10 and 11 is not compulsory. After the end of the 11th grade, the student is issued a Certificate of full general education. After that, he can enter a secondary or higher educational institution. After the 9th grade, you can only enter a secondary specialized educational institution.

Almost all schools today work 6 days a week, the day off is Sunday. 4-7 lessons are held daily, the duration of each lesson is 45 minutes. Between lessons there are breaks of 10-20 minutes. There are also music, art and sports schools in Russia.

History of education in Russia

It should be noted that education in Russia has a long history.

In Russia, the first educational institutions were called schools. The word “school” itself began to be used only from the 14th century. In those days, schools were not just educational institutions, but also real centers of culture, in which translations were made and manuscripts were copied.

After the Tatar-Mongol invasion, education in Russia fell into decay. It was possible to preserve and disseminate it only thanks to the activities of Orthodox monasteries.

The system of vocational education in Russia was created during the reign of Peter the Great. In Moscow since the middle of the XVII century. schools began to open, based on European grammar schools.

In 1714, Peter the Great declared education in Russia compulsory for children of all classes. The only exceptions were the children of peasants. During the reign of Peter the Great, the Academy of Sciences was also created. Under her rule, the first Russian university was opened in St. Petersburg. Under him, a gymnasium was established. A similar university was opened in Moscow in 1755.

For system general education schools there was a need to train teachers. In St. Petersburg, for this purpose, the Main Public School was founded in 1783. A few years later, the teacher's seminary separated from it, which became the prototype of the pedagogical institute.

After the revolution of 1917, the government began to carry out the nationalization of educational institutions of all types. The school was declared not only obligatory, but also free and public. Measures to eliminate illiteracy have led to the fact that in the cities almost all children were covered by education.

In the period from 1943 to 1954 in our country, education in schools was conducted separately, schools were divided into men's and women's. At the same time, a compulsory school uniform was also introduced.

Higher education institutions began to accept students, regardless of their social status and origin. However, the very content of higher education was under the strictest control of the party and the state.

At the end of the 80-90s, an education reform was carried out in our country, education approached the one we know it today.

In 2001, in the schools of some Russian regions passed an experiment on the introduction of the exam. Since 2009, the USE has become the only possible form passing final exams at school and the main form of entrance exams in universities.

Many children wonder why the school year starts on the first of September? Why isn't another date selected, such as January 1st, as the start of a new year? But the holiday of the first of September as a day of knowledge is loved and respected by schoolchildren and students for the last 20 years.

The history of the origin of the holiday

In Russia New Year celebrated on September 1, according to the decree of Constantine the Great. Since there used to be a lot of church Christian schools, where education according to the church began on September 1st. To this day, a prayer for well-being in the New Year is read in churches on September 14th. On the same day, the annual tax collection was collected in the village, since this day was considered the beginning of the year. The holiday of the first of September takes its origin from the time of Peter 1, it was during this period of history that the first educational institutions appeared, and training began in the fall. Since in the summer and spring the children helped their parents in rural work. The revolution did not bring about fundamental changes in education, and in 1930 the Council of People's Commissars adopted an order that all children, upon reaching the age of 8, should be taught to read and write in schools. Despite the difficult situation in education, children were still taught, despite the lack of staff and general devastation. But the celebration of the New Year, he issued a Decree, according to which the year began on January 1, as in European countries. IN further holiday celebrating the beginning of the school year on September 1 remained untouched. In the Soviet Union, the date of September 1 was officially established - as the beginning of a new academic year in all educational institutions.

The reasons for the start of the school year on September 1 were:

1. Climatic. After weighing all the climate conditions, scientists decided to give preference to holidays on summer time, since it is heat, and not cold, that will help heal children on summer days and bring many benefits so that the child returns to school, full of strength and energy for the entire school year.

2. It's convenient to spend everything in summer repair work that have accumulated during the year (painting, whitewashing, plastering, disinfection, etc.). since the school is free from visiting children, it is possible to do all the work in two months.

3. According to the Holy Scriptures, September 1, the day of the first sermon read by Jesus Christ. The sermon is considered great knowledge, awareness of something new. Therefore, all the rulers in Russia honored this day. In Christian schools until today, the academic year begins on September 14, according to the Julian calendar.
Despite the fact that September 1 is today considered the International Day of Knowledge, not all countries start the academic year from this date. In the United States, there is no clearly defined start date for the school year, where each district sets it independently, and the school year lasts differently everywhere. The Japanese start studying in March and finish in April. Germans start studying at the end of October, and Australians in general in February.
September 1st has always been solemn holiday, educational institutions were filled with smart children, girls with gorgeous white bows, and boys in white shirts with ties. Flowers were given to teachers and solemn rulers were held in honor of the new academic year.
September 1 is an important day in the life of every schoolchild and student. Years of study run fleetingly, and sometimes you don’t have time to enjoy them at all. Just lived a little independent living, you begin to understand that the years of study are the best and wonderful years in life.