What to take to the camp for a girl: a complete list of things. ☀ You're in camp ☀

Well, the girls seem to have waited? Summer! Hooray! And soon you will have a trip to the camp and new friends! All that remains is to pack your suitcase! And we just made a list of things for the camp for you, so that you can check with it and not forget anything.

Find out more about the camp

There are a lot of camps now and in each of them the organizers come up with something special. If, for example, a sports, scientific or musical camp, you will need some special things. You can usually find out about this on their website or at a camp meeting (the organizers try to arrange them a few weeks before arrival). At the meeting, by the way, you can meet the guys. Maybe you will make friends in advance, and the ride will be more fun.

Choose a convenient suitcase or bag

Keep in mind that your parents will not be around, which means that you will have to carry your things yourself. Therefore, calculate your strength. It is better to choose a convenient suitcase on wheels and be sure to tie a bright tape or sticker stickers to it. Suddenly someone will have exactly the same - there will be confusion. And so you will immediately recognize him.

Make a list

Instead of happily shoving everything you find in the closet into your suitcase, make a list of the things you need and follow it clearly. Yes, and do not throw it away later, but take it with you - so you can check that you have not forgotten anything on the way back.

So, what exactly do you need:

Clothes (adjust the ratio of warm and light things depending on the weather forecast and the camp program)

    Cap or panama

    Jeans, trousers

    Sport suit


    Warm sweater

    Shirts / T-shirts



    Dress / sundress / skirts


    Flip flops

    Sandals (just do not take new ones, so as not to rub your feet)

If you think that you will be reluctant to wash, take more socks and underwear.

Personal hygiene

    Toothbrush and Toothpaste... Look for an option in a small package, or if you are traveling with a girlfriend, you can take one paste for two.

    Soap / shower gel / washcloth

    Shampoo and hair balm. It is convenient to pour them into small travel bottles.

    Sunscreen... If it gets hot, use it regularly.

    Regular and panty liners... Even if the trip to camp doesn't fall on your period, take a few just in case. Climate change and excitement may cause the cycle to shift slightly.

    So that your legs are always smooth and you feel confident.


    Cotton pads

    Decorative cosmetics(if you use it)

    Comb and hairpins

First aid kit

Most likely, counselors will have a standard first aid kit. But if you are taking any special medications, it is important to take care of this in advance. Ask your mom to help you put together a mini first aid kit. Put pain relievers, plaster, disinfectant and repellents in it (if there are mosquitoes and midges around the camp).

The documents

Collect all documents and make some copies. Put them in a safe place or give them to the counselor. Take as much money as you may need - no more.

You have decided to send your child to summer camp for the first time? Then the article is for you, because it is about: HOW to prepare the child and yourself before going to the camp, WHAT to talk about and WHAT words to choose for this.

  • Add eyeliner. Did the child want to learn programming or swim in the sea? Tell them you found the perfect place to do it.
  • Get interested. Show photos and videos of the camp.
  • Give an example. Tell us about how you yourself went to camp as a child, or better about how one of your child's classmates went to camp.
  • Do not persuade. Show that you treat this trip as a necessary event, and very joyful and important. Your child will treat the trip exactly the way you project that attitude.

What if…

Prepare for your first camp trip at least 2 weeks in advance. While you are shopping for things and discussing the camp, the child, like you, will have questions.

Child's questions and fears

1. "Why should I go to camp?"

Perhaps the most complex issue that a child can ask. At the beginning of the article, we already talked about how to tell the child that he is going to the camp. But sometimes that doesn't help either.

The child has no idea what a camp is. It is not clear to him what he will get there. If this misunderstanding is reflected not in the intriguing anticipation of something new, but in the negative and unwillingness to go, try to "surf" with the child on the camp website, but rather on social networks... Knowing that it’s fun and cool can change a child’s attitude towards the trip. And if in the camp they teach what your child has long dreamed of, then focus on this.

2. "How can I meet the guys in the camp?"

Perhaps the child will not ask you this question directly, but he will definitely have it. This will manifest itself in excitement or even unwillingness to go. Talk about abstract topics. Ask your child how he met a friend, and point out how easy it was. And in the same way, in the camp, he will be able to meet new guys, the more mentors will conduct Interesting games, in which everyone will automatically meet everyone.

3. "Who are the mentors?"

It is important to convey to the child that a mentor is a person who can and should be contacted on any issue, and especially if something hurts. Often, children are embarrassed to talk about their problems to adults, to which they are not used. This problem occurs especially at the beginning of a shift.

4. "What if I don't like it?"

This fear and question is understandable. Especially if the camp is far away and you just can't get out of there. Remember how you went somewhere together (on vacation or even on a visit) and talk about how you need to get used to any place and any people should be given a chance.

5. "How to behave in the camp?"

A question that the child is also unlikely to ask you directly, but you definitely need to discuss it. Tell the child that at the camp he will live in a squadron, that there will be several more people in his room. Please note that the camp has a regime and rules, and they must be followed. And in the camp, you need not be afraid to be yourself, but at the same time respect the opinions and desires of others. Draw a parallel with the class at school (of course, if the child does not have any special problems in the class).

And it's also worth talking about the fact that in the camp you need to take care of your things and keep them in order, and also make the bed every morning, clean the room and put things. This is such a challenge to independence.

Parent's questions and fears

1. "How to communicate with the child during the shift?"

Often children's camps are located where there is no connection. This applies to both camps outside the city and at sea. Agree with your child at what time and how often he will call you. And if suddenly there is still no connection, then tell the child that in this situation he should turn to a mentor.

It is important that the child calls you himself. First, it is self-organization; secondly, in the camp, children are very busy at events, studies, squadron games, and the child can easily miss your call and not hear due to the fact that his phone is in the room.

2. "What to take with you to the camp from things and medicines?"

We have prepared for you a list of things that should not be forgotten in the camp:

  • A cap or other summer headwear
  • Sunscreen
  • Slides and sneakers (both important)
  • Bathing suit
  • Towel separately for the sea
  • Toothbrush and other hygiene items
  • All medicines will be in the camp at the first-aid post. If your child needs specific medications, pass them on to the mentors and give clear instructions on how to take the medications.
  • As much bright, interesting and unusual clothes will not hurt for sure! What for? A photo of a disco of one of the camp shifts will explain better than words.

3. "What you can't take with you to camp?"

It is strictly forbidden to take food products to the camp that quickly deteriorate or because of which the child may feel bad or even get poisoned. The list of such products includes chips, crackers, seeds, soda, sausage, dairy and sour milk products, and, of course, alcohol! And since such a "booze" has already gone, then, of course, cigarettes in the camp are strictly prohibited.

And as much as you want to give your child a separate bag of food with you, you shouldn't. The food in the camp is designed so that the child receives everything necessary for the body. Check out our camp menu and lick your lips.

4. "What if a child gets sick at the camp?"

Don't worry or panic. If you chose good camp, then for any ailment your child will be helped. On the territory of any camp, there must be a doctor who is fully responsible for the health of your child and timely assistance to him.

The most important thing for a parent

Sending a kid to camp is always a little exciting. And not only for the first time. But a good camp is a place where your child can learn to work in a team, communicate, be independent, be friends, be honest and grown up. This is a place where your child will receive as much new knowledge and emotions in 2 weeks as he does not receive in a month of ordinary life.

And the most important! In order for the camp to have an effect on your child exactly as we described above, approach the choice of the camp seriously and deliberately.

Imagine that you went to the camp. Find out how you spent your time there!

1. Any word you can think of.

2. What? (drawings, dances)

3. What did you do? (delighted, surprised)

4. Any subject.

5. Which one? (beloved, white)

6. Took what? (clothes, feminine: jacket, T-shirt)

7. Put what? 3 important items for you, separated by commas (book, phone, headphones)

8. Which one? (red, torn)

10. Where? (in the house, in the yard)

11. Which one? (beautiful, beloved)

12. Number from 5 to 10.

13. What is it? (clothes: white T-shirt and red skirt)

14. Which one? (color: white, yellow)

15. In the form of what? (ball, pyramid)

16. Number from 2 to 5.

17. Your name (you can think of it)

18. Number from 10 to 16.

19. Number from 0 to 5.

20. What? Several (new friends, interesting events)

21. Number from 1 to 12.

22. Number from 12 to 30.

23. A number approximately equal to half the number from the previous question.

24. Female name. (Nastya, Zhenya)

25. Female name. (Marina, Ira)

26. Male name. (Sasha, Seryozha)

27. Which one? (kind, beautiful)

28. Female name. Whom? (Natasha, Liza)

29.3 female names. (Sonya, Dasha, Vika)

30. For what? (sea, mountains, bushes)

31. Where? (at sea, in the forest)

32. What did you do? You can have a few (sang, played, danced)

33. Which ones? (interesting, exciting)

34. Where? (to the mountains, to the forest)

In contact with


Comments (1)

    Hooray! You got a ticket to children's camp"Muhosransk". Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in the most different competitions, and finally, luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Inka competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you were very surprised and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw Error into the suitcase, then put White T-shirt and many more things. But the most important thing - Headphones, a phone and a gruel - you put in your favorite Red purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to spy on Blueberries for a bit> :) In the house.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your dirtiest dress. You reached the camp in 100,000 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in jeans and a T-shirt with a cat print came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful Blue Last-shaped building: D. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: I will not tell)))

    Age: 12

    What do you expect from the Muhosransk camp? Sansa's deaths

    There were 30 children in your detachment, among them 15 were girls. There were three counselors - Tori, Papyrus and Mirbi. You liked Tori right away because she was very Beautiful. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Ololoeva, you lived in the same room. Undyne, Alphys and Metatton also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with wonderful view from the window to the Bushes.

    The next day, you and the squad went to Hotland: D, where you had a lot of fun - Bili Sansa. Every day you had an event and they were all very Cool. Here are some of them: hike Into the woods, Competition: who will beat Red faster>: 3, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    Why do I need an Error in a suitcase? XD

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Chipmunk children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in various competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the drawing competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you were very surprised and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a pencil case into your suitcase, then put your favorite jacket and many other things. But the most important thing - a phone, a charger, a cat - you put in your favorite red handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to dance a little in the house.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your favorite dress. You reached the camp in 9 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a black T-shirt and jeans came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful black ball-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Akifieva Yana Yurievna

    Age: 15

    What do you expect from the Chipmunk camp? new friends

    There were 18 children in your squad, including 9 girls. There were three counselors - Gloria, Katya and Zhenya. You liked Gloria right away because she was very beautiful. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Lisa, you lived in the same room. Katya also lived with you. Gloria, Dasha. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view of the sea from the window.

    The next day, you and the squad went into the forest, where you had a lot of fun - playing with your phone. Every day you had an event and they were all very interesting. Some of them are: mountain hikes, dance competition, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    drove home.


    3 young man! trying

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Avada Kedavra children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the competition internal organs, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you laughed a lot like a villain and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw in a suitcase Magic wand, then put on a gorgeous skirt and a lot of other things. But the most important thing - the robe, the wand, the textbooks - you put in your favorite green handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you've decided to give some command to the Malfoy estate.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your most depressing dress. You reached the camp in 6 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a white T-shirt with a heart came up to you, blue jeans and a long dark robe and told to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful golden trapezoid building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Amelia Elizabeth Liner

    Age: 13

    What do you expect from the Avada Kedavra camp? joyful moments in a boring gray life

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 9 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 24 children in your squad, including 8 girls. There were three counselors - Eleanor, Granujala and Voldemort. You liked Eleanor right away because she was very sweet. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Isabella, you lived in the same room. Narcissa, Bellatrix, Andromeda also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the sun from the window.

    The next day, you and your squad went to the mountains, where you had a lot of fun - you killed with the Avada Kedavra spell. Every day you had an event and they were all very wonderful. Some of them are: a hike to the sea, a magic competition, a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the trouser leg children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the competition of laughter, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you hugged me very much and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a sock into the suitcase, then put your own nail file and many other things. But the most important thing - money, phone, headphones - you put in your beloved green handbag... So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to get some sleep on the bed.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your blackest dress. You reached the camp in 7 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a Chanel dress came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful blue star-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Selezneva Anna Viktorovna

    Age: 15

    What do you expect from the leg camp? money, electronic robot

    There were 29 children in your detachment, including 14.5 girls. There were three counselors - Dinara, Violetta and Nikita. Dinara you liked right away, because she was very nice. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Milena, you lived in the same room. Ira, Lina, Vika also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the sands from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went home, where you had a lot of fun - eating, living, not grieving. Every day you had some event and they were all very serious. Here are some of them: a hike in the eyes, a feast for the belly, a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.


    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Stars children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the singing competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Learning about this, you jumped a lot and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a book into your suitcase, then put a silver T-shirt, tops, Gucci, and many other things. But the most important thing - a book, a phone, a laptop - you put in your favorite multi-colored handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you have decided to read a little on a tree branch.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very best dress... You reached the camp in 5 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a silver T-shirt and jeans came up to you and told you to follow her. You have come to a beautiful golden oval building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Kaufman Anfisa Antonovna

    Age: 13

    What do you expect from the Stars camp? a lot of interesting

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your detachment - 12 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 24 children in your detachment, including 12 girls. There were three counselors - Molly, Luan and Jud. You liked Molly right away because she was very awkward. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Zoya, you lived in the same room. Lana, Lisa, Leni also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the mountains from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the mountains, where you had a lot of fun - telling horror stories. Every day you had an event and they were all very cool. Some of them are: hiking, singing competition, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Mukhomor children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Parties competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you were very happy and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw the Fridge in your suitcase, then put Black Pajamas and many other things. But the most important thing - a phone, a book, headphones - you put in your favorite normal purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to eat a little in the universe.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very Purple dress. You reached the camp in 8 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in black came up to you ripped jeans and a red checked shirt and told to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful pink cube-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Tiara Reykalaya Titania

    Age: 14

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 0

    What do you expect from the Mukhomor camp? new constipation, nocturnal fever

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 1 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 24 children in your detachment, including 12 girls. There were three counselors - Ekaterina, Valeria and Arkasha. You immediately liked Catherine, because she was very like that. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Masha, you lived in the same room. Irina, Marina, Vera also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view from the window to the summer, flowers, headphones.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the sea, where you had a lot of fun - partying. Every day you had an event and they were all very Stupid. Some of them are: Hike In the Mountains, Faceshot Contest, Disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the "Tent" children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the music competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you laughed a lot and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a chair into the suitcase, then put a fluffy cap and many other things. But the most important thing - your phone, headphones, keys - you put in your favorite Favorite bag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to listen to some music in the dining room.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your most torn dress. You reached the camp in 8 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a pink shirt and jeans came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful Blue Cube-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Kotikova

    Age: 12

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 4

    What do you expect from the tent camp? Tasty food

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your detachment - 12 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 12 children in your squad, including 6 girls. There were three counselors - Sonya, Masha and Fedya. You immediately liked Sonia, because she was very Smart. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Lisa, you lived in the same room. Dasha, Katya, Vika also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view from the window to the Steps.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the mountains, where you had a lot of fun - crazy. Every day you had some event and they were all very Scary. Here are some of them: a trip to the factory, a concert, a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Kakashka children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Song competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Learning about this, you really crumpled up and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a pencil into the suitcase, then put the blue bra and many other things. But the most important thing - Phone, Cat, Toilet - you put in your favorite Pale bag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to pee a little at the cinema.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very different dress. You reached the camp in 9.10 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a blue T-shirt and gray jeans came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful blue triangular building. Going inside, you went up to the 4.10 floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Plakina Diana Konstantinovna

    Age: 11

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 0

    What do you expect from the Turd camp? Interesting stories

    There were 19 children in your squad, including 9.50 girls. There were three counselors - Masha, Bogdana and Shit. You liked Masha right away, because she was very Smart. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Karina, you lived in the same room. Karina, Masha, Bogdana also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the Tree from the window.

    The next day, you and the squad went to the forest, where you had a lot of fun - Pisyali. Every day you had an event and they were all very Cool. Some of them are: Hike At Sea, Hunger Games, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.
    Where is how many years and full name There everything about me is real! +3 Test!

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the locker children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in various competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the scarf competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you laughed a lot and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw the door into the suitcase, then put fashion blouse and many more things. But the most important thing - notepad, pencils, phone - you put in your favorite dumb handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to have a little meal in the attic.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your dirtiest dress. You reached the camp in 8 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a blue jacket and yellow shorts came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful blue parallelepiped building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Aristova Alena Andreevna

    Age: 12

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 3

    What do you expect from the locker camp? winged dreams

    There were 17 children in your detachment, including 8 girls. There were three counselors - Cyrus, Sasha and Cyril. You liked Kira right away because she was very funny. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Sima, you lived in the same room. Emma, ​​Nina, Alina also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the flowers from the window.

    The next day, you and the squad went to the beach, where you had a lot of fun - you suffered from garbage. Every day you had an event and they were all very stubborn. Here are some of them: a trip to space, a birthday party, a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Krakazyabra children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the computer competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you laughed a lot and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw Russian into your suitcase, then put a purple T-shirt and many other things. But the most important thing - phone, food, money - you put in your favorite black handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to paint a little in the park.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very little dress... You reached the camp in 6 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a white T-shirt and denim overalls came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful blue square-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Illuminatina Marina 22vosemnovna

    Age: 14

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 1

    What do you expect from the Krakazyabra camp? cute kitties

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 8 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 16 children in your squad, including 10 girls. There were three counselors - Sonya, Violet and Ilya. You immediately liked Sonia, because she was very sociable. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Tanya, you lived in the same room. Galya, Olya, Sasha also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view of the sea from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the river, where you had a lot of fun - singing, painting, sculpting. Every day you had an event and they were all very loved. Here are some of them: hike in the bushes, in summer New Year has arrived, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!
    +2 a lot of questions

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the children's camp "dream". Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the dance competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you were very surprised and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw the key into the suitcase, then put your favorite T-shirt and many other things. But the most important thing - a book, a player, a diary - you put in your favorite torn purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you have decided to read a little in the house.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very Nice dress... You reached the camp in 4 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a white T-shirt and blue jeans came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful pink cube-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Hayley Kay

    Age: 14

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 3

    What do you expect from the dream camp? new friends, interesting events

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 10 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 16 children in your squad, including 8 girls. There were three counselors - Sonya, Masha and Vlad. You immediately liked Sonia, because she was very kind. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Dasha, you lived in the same room. Vika, Tasya, Alisa also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view of the sea from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the forest, where you had a lot of fun - dancing. Every day you had an event and they were all very nice. Some of them are: hiking, baking competition, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and drove home

    In the style of " X-Files»:
    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Zuzya children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the X-Files competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you clapped your hands very much and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a Poster into your suitcase, then you put My cute Jacket and many other things. But the most important thing - a poster with the words "I want to believe", a walkie-talkie, a bag - you put it in your favorite Evil bag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to Think a little In the yard.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very Favorite dress... You reached the camp in 8 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a gray jacket and pants came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful Green Building in the shape of a Pistol. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Dana Scully

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 4

    What do you expect from the Zuzya camp? New murders

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 10 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 28 children in your squad, including 14 girls. There were three counselors - Izya, Nastya and Fox. You immediately liked Izya, because she was very sweet. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Lisa, you lived in the same room. Sonya, Dasha, Maria also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view from the window to the Railings.

    The next day you and your detachment went to the sea, where you had a lot of fun - Chitali. Every day you had an event and they were all very Funny. Some of them are: Hike Into the Woods, Killing Doles Rones, Disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home. test is wonderful

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Duck children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Zhratva competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you became very interested and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw Physics into the suitcase, then put the Bright Blouse and many other things. But the most important thing - the Book, the phone, the tablet - you put it in your favorite Dirty purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you've decided to Try a little in Hell.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your sweetest dress. You reached the camp in 7 hours. When you got off the bus, you were approached by a woman in B pale pink blouse with short sleeve and jeans and said to go after her. You have arrived at a beautiful Black Triangle building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Hermione Jean Weasley

    Age: 12

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 3

    What do you expect from the Duck camp? New interests

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 11 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 20 children in your detachment, including 10 girls. There were three counselors - Lena, Kira and Mirik. You liked Lena right away, because she was very Nice. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Varya, you lived in the same room. Sonya, Sveta, Julianna also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view from the window to the Grass.

    The next day, you and your detachment went to the Mountains, where you had a lot of fun - Tupili. Every day you had an event and they were all very Long. Some of them are: City Hike, Vocal Competition, Disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.



    “Every day you had an event and they were all very crazy. Some of them are: going to sea, establishing colonies, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp! "

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Pan children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Drums competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you ate a lot and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a Spoon into your suitcase, then you put My T-shirt and many other things. But the most important thing - Phone, headphones, a chocolate bar - you put in your favorite Nyashnaya purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to Lie on the roof for a while.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very yellow dress... You reached the camp in 6 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in Jeans and a T-shirt with tops came up to you and told you to go after her. You have arrived at a beautiful blue compass building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Liza Louduchtszh EYZHPZHYZovna

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 5

    What do you expect from the Pan Camp? Cool stories

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 6 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 16 children in your squad, including 8 girls. There were three counselors - Katya, Valya and Sasha. You liked Katya right away, because she was very sweet. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Masha, you lived in the same room. Kira, Natakha, Vasya also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view from the window to the beach.

    The next day, you and the squad went to the roof (!!!), where you had a lot of fun - you lived. Every day you had an event and they were all very intelligent. Here are some of them: going to Azkaban, Sochi 2014 Olympics, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home.
    it would be sad to leave this camp itself: with

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Ksutsy children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Paint competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you fell very much and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw the Fork into the suitcase, then put the Cute Flash Drive and many other things. But the most important thing - Phone, headphones, pencil case - you put in your favorite Vezhlevy purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you have decided to have a little lunch in the kindergarten.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your smartest dress. You reached the camp in 7 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in your favorite T-shirt came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful Red Heart-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Animeshnaya Friday Horoscopovna

    Age: 12

    What do you expect from the Ksutsy camp? Cool things (events)

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 4 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 25 children in your detachment, including 12.5 girls. There were three counselors - Vika, Alina and Kolya. You liked Vika right away, because she was very sweet. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Valya, you lived in the same room. Karina, Nastina, Shina also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view from the window to the cinema.

    The next day, you and the squad went to the store, where you had a lot of fun - had fun and played. Every day you had an event and they were all very strange but cool. Some of them are: Camping Hiking, KFC Opening, Disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and went home. , well, you tried, 2+

    Name: SOFA KAKA MKAnnnn

    Age: 15

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 11 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the macaque children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the fun competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you were very crap and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a mat in your suitcase, then put a cute T-shirt and many other things. But the most important thing - your phone, headphones, charging - you put in your favorite torn purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you have decided to WAY a little bit in UNCLE BORIA'S shawarma dish.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your cutest dress. You reached the camp in 10 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in clothes came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful white pyramid-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: SOFA KAKA MKAnnnn

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 0000

    What do you expect from the macaque camp? AMELIE AND NASTYA

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 11 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 25 children in your squad, including 0000 girls. There were three counselors - Amelie, Nastya and kakakakak. You liked Amelie right away because she was very cute. Soon you already found yourself a friend - amli, you lived in the same room. Still lived with you, WHO GOT ME. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the bushes from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went into the forest. , where we had a lot of fun - in the future. Every day you had some kind of event and they were all very disagreeable. Here are some of them: a trip to the forest, I'm gone (Hurray), a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and

    And this is what happened as a result:
    Hooray! You got a ticket to the children's camp "cat". Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the book competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you were very happy and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a pen into the suitcase, then put nice skirt and a cap and many more different things. But the most important thing - the KV book, smartphone, headphones - you put in your favorite unusual purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to paint a little on stage.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your most delightful dress. You reached the camp in 7 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman came up to you in blue dress and fashionable shoes and said to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful green heart-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: D. Daria A.))

    Age: 12

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 3

    What do you expect from the cat camp? vivid impressions

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 11 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 27 children in your detachment, including 13 girls. There were three counselors - Lucy, Laura and Sasha. You liked Lucy right away because she was the best. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Masha, you lived in the same room. Ksenia, Dana, Dasha also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view from the window to the picnic.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the woods, where you had a lot of fun - having fun. Every day you had an event and they were all very cool. Here are some of them: a hike to Luna Park, ONUKA concert, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to softly sing "Hto, yak not ti" "until you fell asleep.
    That would be in real life)) (I listed all my friends who were in the squadron) +3, but it was possible without an ending with a sad song.

  1. And this is what happened as a result:
    Hooray! You got your ticket to Dumbledore Children's Camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in various competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the drawing competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you very much stabbed yourself with a pretend knife and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw in a suitcase plush cat Smell of Spring, then put in a red waistcoat and many other things. But the most important thing - Ebobo, an owl, the severed finger of a Firamir - you put it in your favorite hideous purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to lie down for a while in the comments.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your weirdest dress. You reached the camp in 9 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a red waistcoat and a terrible state of despair came up to you and told you to go after her. You have come to a beautiful green building in the shape of a doritos. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Drug addict Pavlik Narkomansky

    Age: 14

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 3

    What are your expectations from Camp Dumbledore? obstinacy and cats

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 15 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 18 children in your squad, including 9 girls. There were three counselors - Peacock, Lomassa and Paths. You immediately liked the peacock, because she was very strange. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Manubyla, you lived in the same room. Olya, Valya, Barbara also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a great view from the window for money.

    The next day, you and the squad went to BobSok, where you had a lot of fun - you got drunk and danced octopus dances. Every day you had an event and they were all very stubborn. Here are some of them: a trip to Harry Potter, Contest who suffocates faster, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to sing quietly "Hello darkness may old friend" until you fell asleep.
    This is too awful, I'll choke with laughter right now!

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Karjakaza children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Song Contest, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you became very sad and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a T-shirt into your suitcase, then put a funny shirt and many other things. But the most important thing - a phone, a pen, a T-shirt - you put in your favorite cute handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you've decided to have some fun outside.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very pink dress... You reached the camp in 6 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman came up to you in blue dress and said to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful red cube-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Aglaya Konstantinovna Vrenina

    Age: 14

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 4

    What do you expect from the Karjakaza camp? sad impressions

    There were 27 children in your detachment, including 14 girls. There were three counselors - Aimonchok, Olya and Nikita. You immediately liked Aimonchok, because she was very modest. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Ira, you lived in the same room. Vasilisa, Polina, Arina also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view from the window to the site.

    The next day, you and the detachment went into the forest, where you had a lot of fun - playing, offended, fooling around. Every day you had an event and they were all very wasted. Some of them are: going to the beach, sporting events, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to quietly sing "And your girl is only 15 years old" until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Tsuknik children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Toilet Bowl competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you very much took off your pants and began to run and immediately rushed to pack. The first thing you did was toss a Piece of Meat into your suitcase, then put the Nervous Raccoon Skirt and many other things. But the most important thing - an ocean liner, an airplane, my classmate's phone - you put it in your favorite Dirty purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to climb a little on the roofs and jump from them In paradise.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your most Orange dress. You reached the camp in 6 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in an Orange T-shirt and blue hamster skin shorts came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful Blue Egg-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Zheltopuzikova Dasya Gogogovna

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 0

    What do you expect from the Zuknik camp? Cool gifts, crocodile skin

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 10 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 24 children in your detachment, including 12 girls. There were three counselors - Dasha, Anfisa and Vlad. You liked Dasha right away, because she was very cool. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Katya, you lived in the same room. Anya, Polina, Sonya also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view from the window to the Pile of shit.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the plane, where you had a lot of fun - raged, went crazy, set fire to the psychiatric hospital. Every day you had an event and they were all very Puppy. Some of them are: Cart Hike, Pig Riding, Disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to softly sing “Let's run away!” Until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the children's camp "earth". Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in various competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the drawing competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you smiled very much and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a ball into a suitcase, then put a black book on psychology and many other things. But the most important thing - a jacket, a knife, a notebook - you put in your favorite Torn purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to read a little in the yard.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very black dress... You reached the camp in 10 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman came up to you in black jacket and in black jeans and told to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful black ball-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Koneko Tojo

    Age: 13

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 5

    What do you expect from the camp "earth"? new friends

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your detachment - 12 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 16 children in your squad, including 8 girls. There were three counselors - Nastya, Marina and Vlad. You liked Nastya right away, because she was very Aggressive. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Nastya, you lived in the same room. Sonya, Dasha, Alisa also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the River from the window.

    The next day, you and the squad went to the forest, where you had a lot of fun - played the guitar. Every day you had an event and they were all very Fascinating. Some of them are: hike Into the forest, sporting events, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to sing softly "Let's Run" until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the "drug den" children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of contests, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the cat contest, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Learning about this, you were very crazy and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a stool into your suitcase, then you put a stinking T-shirt and many other things. But the most important thing - your phone, food, drug addict - you put it in your favorite magic bag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you've decided to pee a little on a tree.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your very green dress... You reached the camp in 7 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in blue panties and a peach bra came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful, cute parallelepiped building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Valeria Velikaya

    Age: 13

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 5

    What do you expect from the drug den camp? exciting TV series

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 11 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 23 children in your detachment, including 11 girls. There were three counselors - Natalie, Sharona and Adrian. You liked Natalie right away because she was very funny. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Alla, you lived in the same room. Sasha, Alena, Ira also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view from the window to the toilet bowls.

    The next day, you and the detachment went underground, where you had a lot of fun - sitting on the toilet. Every day you had an event and they were all very exciting. Some of them are: walking the fence, my birthday, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to softly sing "Happiness" until you fell asleep.
    Great. Eh ... it was good in the drug store (((And the Persians of "The Defective Detective" just come in handy. +3

    How Irina Clockworker went to camp (children's test insert)

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the "vessel" children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the competition of vessels, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you very much found the vessels and immediately rushed to collect. First of all, you threw a vessel into the suitcase, then put the hated mantle and many other things. But the most important thing - the Clockmaker's doll, the Venom sword, the glass goblet - you put in your favorite damn handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to look a little for the vessels in Beelzenia.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your most hated dress. You reached the camp in 7 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a red dress came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful red vessel-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Irina Clockworker

    Age: 14

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 5

    What do you expect from the vessel camp? vessels of sin

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 7 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 13 children in your squad, including 7 girls. There were three counselors - Elluka, Milky and Kirill. You liked Elluka right away because she was very hateful. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Mary, you lived in the same room. Lai, Milki, Elluka also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the forest from the window.

    The next day, you and your detachment went to the forest, where you had a lot of fun - looking for vessels. Every day you had an event and they were all very hateful. Here are some of them: a trip to the forest, the MA project, a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. After saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and sang softly "Ma, Survival" until you fell asleep.
    My dear mother, this is a simple masterpiece.
    ‘You liked Elluka right away, because she was very hated’ - I liked it very much, so much so that I hated her)) 0) (I shouldn’t have taken Kirill as a counselor);

    ‘The next day you and the squad went into the forest, where you had a lot of fun - LOOKING FOR VESSELS. Every day you had an event and they were all very hateful. Here are some of them: a trip to the forest, the MA project, a disco and much, much more! ”- yes, the‘ MA ’project was a particularly hated event;

    “When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again” - here it is worth recalling that Lai, Milky and Elluka were friends. I'll miss them so much (* no *

    In short, +3

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Traps children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the poetry competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you ate a lot and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw meat into a suitcase, then put a pink blouse and many other things. But the most important thing - a phone, a sketchbook, a cat - you put in your favorite yellow purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you have decided to eat a little in food.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your cutest dress. You reached the camp in 10 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a pink blouse and blue skirt came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful blue parallelepiped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Blue Potato

    Age: 14

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 5

    What do you expect from the Traps camp? nothing

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your detachment - 12 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 12 children in your squad, including 6 girls. There were three counselors - Zhepka, Zoya and KOSTYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAN. You immediately liked Zepka, because she was very cute. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Zhepka, you lived in the same room. Nyunya, Zyunya and Rzepka also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a great view from the window to the food.

    The next day, you and the squad went to the field, where you had a lot of fun - eating. Every day you had an event and they were all very dumb. Some of them are: Everest Hike, Lolley Party, Disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to sing softly "The Daughter of Evil" until you fell asleep.
    Gospade, who doesn't want to go to the camp with a ladder overlooking the food ???

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the lsadcdpd children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the song contest, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Learning about this, you are very crazy and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw a chair in the suitcase, then put the brown baseball cap and many other things. But the most important thing - a book of spells, a telephone, a bow and arrows - you put in your favorite cool purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you have decided to do some magic in the forest.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your most beautiful dress. You reached the camp in 510 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in your favorite jacket and blue shorts came up to you and told you to go after her. You have arrived at a beautiful purple cube-shaped building. Once inside, you went up to the 25th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Plyushka Borrdavka Alekseevna

    Age: 1016

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 05

    What do you expect from the lsadcdpd camp? cool adventures

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 112 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 1230 children in your detachment, including 615 girls. There were three counselors - Valentin, Kolya and Zhenya. You liked Valentine right away, because she was very brutal. Soon, you already found yourself a girlfriend - I’m crap, you lived in the same room. Katya, Katya, Katya also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the forest from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went into the forest, where you had a lot of fun - hanging out, making fun, walking. Every day you had an event and they were all very awesome. Some of them are: going to hell, "survive in the woods", disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to quietly sing “Don't cry and don't be afraid” until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got your ticket to the Pittsburgh Penguins Kids Camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the competition for missed pucks, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Learning about this, you very much picked up the dropped jaw and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw leggings into your suitcase, then you put a stoned sweatshirt with a penguin logo and many other things. But the most important thing - a club, a puck, bananas for Mouzon - you put in your favorite fast-paced purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you've decided to play some hockey on the hockey court.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your most specific dress. You reached the camp in 9.99 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a T-shirt, jeans and rough sneakers came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful red puck-shaped building. Once inside, you went up to the 4.99 floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Canadian Marijuana Glukovna

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 0

    What can you expect from Camp Pittsburgh Penguins? implemented shootouts and hits to the bar

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 11.99 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.

    There were 13 children in your squad, including 7 girls. There were three counselors - Malkin, Ovechkin and Sidney Crosby. You liked Malkin right away, because she was so awesome. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Louise Megerovna, you lived in the same room. Lusya, Frosya, Pelageya also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view from the window to the enemy's gate.

    The next day, you and the squad went to training, where you had a lot of fun - learning the tricks of the hockey. Every day you had some kind of event and they were all very cool and driving. Some of them are: a trip to Canada, the Ice Hockey World Championship, a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to softly sing "Another Day in Paradise" until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the children's camp "Hands-hooks". Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of contests, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the Undertale Fans contest, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you were very Debnula and immediately rushed to get ready. The first thing you did was toss Hendgum into your suitcase, then you put the Strange Sweatshirt and a lot of other things. But the most important thing - Phone, comic book, joystick - you put in your favorite Dancing purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to play a little in the hallway.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your Dumbest Dress. You reached the camp in 7 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a rainbow jacket and a white T-shirt came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful Blue Cone-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Astra Steamovna Flamel

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 2

    What do you expect from the Hooks Camp? Strange adventures

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 10 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 22 children in your detachment, including 11 girls. There were three counselors - Sasha, Julia and Andrey. You liked Sasha right away, because she was very Unusual. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Kira, you lived in the same room. Nastya, Sonya, Dasha also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view of the Forest from the window.

    The next day, you and the squad went to the beach, where you had a lot of fun - they drove a bald, enjoyed life and beat your thumbs. Every day you had an event and they were all very Idiotic. Some of them are: Hiking, Minecraft Fan Club Contest, Disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to sing softly “At Nameless Height” until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the ruka children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the song contest, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you smiled very much and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw the sofa into the suitcase, then put the pathetic T-shirt and many other things. But the most important thing - your computer, phone, headphones - you put in your favorite dreamy purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to sit in the house for a while.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your cutest dress. You reached the camp in 6 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a white T-shirt and blue pants came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful blue ball-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 3rd floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Madame la Fleur

    Age: 13

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 4

    What do you expect from the ruka camp? stupid questions

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 6 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 14 children in your squad, including 7 girls. There were three counselors - Milana, Sasha and Mitya. You liked Milana right away because she was very angry. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Lika, you lived in the same room. Masha, Vika, Anya also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view of the sea from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the forest, where you had a lot of fun - you suffered. Every day you had an event and they were all very dumb. Some of them are: hiking, relay race, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to softly sing "my love" until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the anime kids camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the song contest, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Learning about this, you laughed a lot and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw geography into your suitcase, then put a gold skirt and many other things. But the most important thing - your phone, charger, passport - you put it in your favorite funny handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to scream a little in the apartment.
    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your cutest dress. You reached the camp in 8 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a blue dress came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful brown cylinder-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:
    Name: Bannikova Diana Igorevna
    Age: 15
    How many times have you been to the camps before? 3
    What do you expect from the anime camp? pleasant memories
    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your detachment - 12 - and took you to meet the children and counselors.
    There were 26 children in your squad, including 13 girls. There were three counselors - Latoya, Lukerya and Maxim. You liked Latoya right away because she was very cute. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Evlampia, you lived in the same room. Dusya, Eva, Glasha also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a wonderful view of the sea from the window.
    The next day, you and the detachment went to the sea, where you had a lot of fun - singing, playing, dancing. Every day you had an event and they were all very tasty. Some of them are: hiking, drawing competition, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!
    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to softly sing "I love you" until you fell asleep.

    Magic +3

    I love your tests very much! But many things do not coincide, and it seems to me that the song is superfluous. Sorry +2

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the BTS children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the headphone competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Having learned about this, you were very fond of me and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw the Gloves into your suitcase, then you put your Favorite BTS T-shirt and many other things. But most importantly - BTS posters, BTS magazines, headphones - you put it in your favorite beautiful handbag. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you decided to listen a little in the yard.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of this event, you put on your cutest dress. You reached the camp in 5 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in a Black T-shirt and black jeans came up to you and told you to follow her. You have arrived at a beautiful white building in the shape of a triangle. Going inside, you went up to the 5th floor and entered one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Min Dasha Ayuzawa

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 5

    What are your expectations from the BTS camp? new friends, new BTS songs

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 5 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 5 children in your squad, including 4 girls. There were three counselors - Dasha, Kira and Yungi. You immediately liked Dasha, because she was very Nice. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Lisa, you lived in the same room. Dasha, Nika, Kira also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a great view of Jungkook from the window.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the forest, where you had a lot of fun - talking at sunset. Every day you had an event and they were all very interesting. Here are some of them: going home, sports competition, disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and sang “Young Forever” softly until you fell asleep.

    Hooray! You got a ticket to the Kurlyk children's camp. Dreaming about this for a long time, you participated in a variety of competitions, and finally luck smiled at you - you took 1st place in the doggie competition, for which you were given a ticket to the camp. Upon learning of this, you were very much burned with shame and immediately rushed to get ready. First of all, you threw the keys into the suitcase, then put the broken skirt and many other things. But the most important thing - manga, glasses, a smartphone - you put in your favorite antique purse. So, things are packed, and now you are ready to go to the camp! But this is only tomorrow. And now you've decided to get some sleep in the basement.

    And finally you go to the camp! In honor of such an event, you put on your most splendid dress. You reached the camp in 8 hours. When you got off the bus, a woman in shorts and a stretched blue sweater with a fish approached you and told you to follow her. You have come to a beautiful black heart-shaped building. Going inside, you went up to the 4th floor and went through one of the many doors. There you were given a form to fill out:

    Name: Seiko Shinohara-Yumeno-Hoshizora

    Age: 15

    How many times have you been to the camps before? 3

    What do you expect from the Kurlyk camp? strange people and sweet blackberries

    You passed the questionnaire, after which they called you your squad - 6 - and took you to get acquainted with the children and counselors.

    There were 22 children in your detachment, including 11 girls. There were three counselors - Seiko, Ayumi and Yoshiki. You liked Seiko right away because she was very adorable. Soon you already found yourself a friend - Mayu, you lived in the same room. Ayumi, Sachiko, Naho also lived with you. In general, the room was very large and beautiful, with a beautiful view from the window of certain death.

    The next day, you and the detachment went to the boas, where you had a lot of fun - Shouted, read manga, passed visual novels... Every day you had an event and they were all very inexplicable. Some of them are: a hike away from here, the Mettaton Ax Show, a disco and much, much more! You were very glad that you went to this camp!

    When it came time to leave, you were very sad, because you most likely will never meet your new friends again. Saying goodbye to everyone, you got on the bus and began to softly sing "Hello darkness, my old friend" until you fell asleep.
    The view from the window to certain death, how sweet.