We decorate a black winter jacket with lace. Covers for paper and electronic books. Torn edges and holes

Butterflies - stylish accessory relevant for both men and girls. From one pair of old jeans, you can make a whole dozen different butterflies for yourself and your friends.

2. Bags

Old pair of jeans + strap = lunch bag or tote.

3. Wall and desktop organizers

Such a cute coaster can be made even with children. Looks nice and keeps your hands warm.

5. Pillow

If you have a brutal bachelor interior at home, then such a pillow will come in handy. The pockets can be used as remote storage.

6. Mat

If you have a lot of old denim clothing, you can make a rug from it - such as in the photo above, or such as in this video instruction.

7. Shoes

If you are not afraid of complex projects, then the idea of ​​​​making shoes or these “denim boots” may inspire you to create your own masterpiece.

Such detachable collar make it very easy. If you have an unwanted old shirt with defects, it is enough to cut off the collar from it and decorate it with rivets, rhinestones, spikes, beads or something else.

A great option for men is a holster made from old jeans, in which you can put small tools and parts when doing various works. Making a holster is very easy. Enough to trim upper part with pockets and handle cuts.

Dedicated to lovers of casual style: a table napkin with a cozy pocket for cutlery.

If you take a pair of jeans, connect the legs and cut off the excess, then back pockets turn into a chest, and the jeans themselves - into a comfortable apron.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, such a simple decoration is very relevant. Recommended for adults and young fashionistas, as well as natures, in love with life.

Bill Jackson

You can also make from a pair of jeans gift wrapping for wine with a functional corkscrew pocket. Instruction.

Are you tired, stressed? Pick up scissors and cut, cut, cut your jeans into long strips. Of these, you can twist rolls of different diameters and use them, for example, to decorate a frame. Instruction.

15. Covers for paper and e-books



Another option for a practical housewife is to recycle jeans into potholders.

17. Necklace


18. Furniture upholstery


If you've got a lot of old denim, it might be enough to upholster a few pieces of furniture.

19. Mask


20. Coasters


Every part of jeans can be useful to you. For example, seams make excellent coasters and coasters for hot dishes. Instruction.

Such a non-standard and eye-catching option for using old jeans can come in handy in a country house or balcony.

22. House for a kitten

23. Denim skirt

In the end, if the jeans are torn somewhere, are very dirty, or you are a little tired of their style, you can dye them, decorate them, tear them figuredly with your own hands, turn them into shorts or even a skirt.


A few cans of paint, sequins and a love of space are the main ingredients for turning ordinary jeans into galactic ones. Instruction.

If you've never done handmade, but you want to, try to make prints on a pair of jeans that you don't mind. Take red textile paint, cut out a heart-shaped stencil and decorate your knees with a romantic print.


Large holes in jeans can be decorated lace inserts. You can also decorate the edges of shorts, pockets and other parts of the product with lace.



Remember that very smooth transition flowers are almost impossible to achieve and the first time the result may not be very joyful. Gradient coloring is a matter of practice. By the way, the gradient can also be done with bleach.

28. Decorating with rhinestones

An interesting way to transform jeans, which requires lace fabric and special felt-tip pens for fabric.


And jeans can be cut with a blade many, many times - you get something in the style of one of the Chanel models.

Don't throw away your old combat jeans. Give them new life! We hope you find these ideas helpful and inspire your own DIY projects.

Remaking a denim jacket from an old one allows you to update your wardrobe and make a unique item.

Most of the jackets that you have in your wardrobe, as a rule, were bought two or three seasons ago (and there are much older ones) and have hopelessly lost their relevance, but not external attractiveness and quality!

What to do with not fashionable, but high-quality jacket? Upgrade, stylize, renew, remodel according to the latest fashion trends.

Looking for fresh ideas I went to the Internet. Everything that I found interesting, I provide you for free inspiration!

Condition: Fits true to size and there are no defects that require masking.
You don’t have special sewing and re-cutting skills, but you have a desire to be creative, plus a bunch of unnecessary accessories, old jeans, colored braid.

The most common option is to make old jacket stylish vest.

Cut the sleeves with scissors close to the shoulder seam, add a couple of scuffs, put on from above thin strap And ….

… an interesting new peplum top variant! Not as feminine as a typical peplum, but with a certain touch of relaxation and casual.


An interesting option for converting a denim jacket into a vest is using braid:

The next modification is a bit more complicated...

For work, in addition to the jacket, we need a piece of another fabric.

Carefully cut off the sleeves and cut out new ones along them.

However, you can do it even easier. For this we need sleeves from an old sweater.
Preferably the same size or larger than the jacket/vest.


When cutting off the sleeves from a denim jacket, leave a good margin (~ 2.5 cm) of the OUTER shoulder seam. Same with the sweater - cut a decent amount from the shoulder seam. This will give you the ability to easily sew them together.

As I mentioned above, if the sleeves of the sweater are about the same size as the denim jacket, it will make the whole process a lot easier, because. they don't need to be customized. In this case, the shoulder of the sleeve is more or less snug against the arm opening of the vest.
However, if they are not the same size, try using sweater sleeves that have larger armholes than the holes in your jacket sleeves.
Obviously, it will be easier to make sweater sleeves smaller at the armhole than to make them larger (you can do this by simply sewing straight down the long side of the sleeve).

Next, turn the vest inside out and pin the sleeve along the armhole opening. I usually align and pin the center of the sleeve shank and the shoulder seams together first/ and side seams, and then in a circle I fix the details with pins.
Turn the jeans inside out before stitching. right side and check that the sleeves fit - look straight at the shoulder / side seams match.

We sew. I like to start right under the armpits so that the place where the two ends of the stitch meet is hidden. Sew right behind the seam as you can see in the picture below.
The denim seam serves as a conductor.

Repeat with the other sleeve, turning the vest inside out and then pinning the sleeve to the shoulder.

As for the residual material of the sweater - you can always sew

Stylish denim jacket with knitted sleeves and hood is a perfect example of crossbreeding the old denim vest and a worn knit sweater.

Here is another interesting option:

The jacket needs to rip off the belt.

Cut the jacket to the length you need.

Sew on the previously removed belt.

Insert eyelets.

Decorate with ribbons, cords, scarves.

Warm down jacket - irreplaceable and required element in wardrobe for cold winter. Minimum decorative inserts and decorations make such a product versatile, suitable for any style and situation. Over time, a black down jacket becomes boring and nondescript, so many girls are in a hurry to buy a new one. With a few tricks, you can decorate the down jacket yourself, making it unique and especially attractive.

Needlewomen use many ways to update an old product. The most popular include:

  • special textile applications;
  • additional zippers or buttons;
  • brooches made of beads or rhinestones;
  • various badges with symbols popular brands, logos of your favorite music artists;
  • decorative stripes.

You can also add a belt or small strap in a bright color scheme. In this case, it should be noted that the belt acts as an accessory. In this case, shoes and other accessories (handbag, scarf) should be matched to match.

Before starting work, prepare all materials and tools. For work you will need:

  • needle;
  • threads to match the product;
  • buttons or zipper;
  • glue suitable for fabric;
  • decoration materials.

When everything is ready, and the accessory is selected, you can proceed to the technological process.

Fur inserts

Fur is the most optimal and accessible way to upgrade an old product. There are many options. You can sheathe the line of the hood with a fur strip (photo). You will surely have an extra in your wardrobe. fur collar from an old and unnecessary jacket. Many girls also add fur to the cuffs of their sleeves. If the down jacket is sewn without a hood, we sew the collar in the manner of a coat. Such a collar will protect the neck from cold air and warm in cool weather.

Many collars have special loops for attaching fur. It is necessary to carefully sew on small buttons, observing the distance between each other to accurately hit the fasteners. In this case, the fur is easy to unfasten.

Reference! If there is no extra fur insert in the wardrobe, you can purchase it at a specialized store or atelier.


Textile applications give a lot of scope for imagination and stand out for their ease of use. It is only necessary to choose the appropriate pattern and its location. You can use two identical or different stickers by attaching them to the shelves or sleeves of the product.

For fastening there is a special adhesive layer. Peel off the film and attach the application to the selected area of ​​the down jacket. It is recommended to put something heavy on top (for example, an iron) so that the sticker “clings” to the fabric more securely. By the way, using this method, you can repair damage to a down jacket: small holes, cuts or cigarette marks.

Important! The use of heat treatment with an iron must be abandoned, as a hot platform will ruin the down jacket. Choose applications that are attached without a heating device.

Patches or badges

Patches are attached in the same way as appliqués.
You can buy them at specialized stores or make to order according to an individual sketch. 3D-style patches are especially popular now. With the help of this decor, you can also repair damage to the fabric.

To decorate the down jacket, carefully peel off the protective film and attach the patch to the selected area. Down jackets with stripes on the back stand out in particular. It can be any phrase in a foreign language, favorite characters.

Advice! If the patches are used without an adhesive layer, we connect a special glue to work with the fabric.

Instead of stripes, badges are also used.
A product with wooden badges will stand out in particular. However, there is one drawback in the use of such accessories: after the needle, small holes remain on the fabric. If such a factor does not frighten the owner, you can attach several badges to the chest area. Modern market presents big choice small accessories: animals, cartoon characters, TV series, books or movies, fruits, vegetables or desserts, images of popular music artists and other accessories. With such a variety, every fashionista will find a suitable option for herself.

Beads or rhinestones

This option will help make the down jacket more feminine and sophisticated. Many needlewomen weave brooches on their own. If there are no such skills, ready-made accessories can be purchased at specialized stores. In this case, the brooches already have special needle for attaching to fabric. It can also be simply carefully sewn onto the selected section of the down jacket.

For more bright option down jackets use rhinestones or pearls. On the shelves of shops you can find decorative elements with a special adhesive layer or holes in order to carefully sew the stone to the fabric. If both options are missing, you can attach the stone with glue.

Most good option for decoration - attachment decorative elements in the area of ​​the shoulder section with a slight transition to the center of the shelf. Rhinestones are desirable to use different colors and sizes to make the down jacket more colorful and interesting. Before starting work, make an approximate arrangement of stones, and then proceed to fastening. In the absence of an adhesive layer, the rhinestones are carefully sewn with threads to match the product.


A black boring down jacket eventually ceases to please the eye. There is no need to throw away such a product. Using a few tricks, you can get a new and bright object wardrobe.

What is your assessment of this material?

Any modern woman, even in a fairly adulthood, has a denim jacket in his everyday wardrobe, because it is -
pretty stylish and practical thing. You can wear it both on a hike and at work. This - perfect clothes to visit a nightclub or disco. Previously, only representatives of working specialties wore clothes from this material, but modern models jackets look very fashionable. Representatives of all segments of the population put them on today, and no one wants to part with them. Unfortunately, over time, such a stylish favorite thing becomes outwardly unattractive, as a result of which you have to buy something in return. But you can give your old clothes a new life, for example, with the help of decoration. In this article, we will show you how to decorate a denim jacket yourself.

The most popular ways to decorate denim jackets

There is a mass various elements, with which you can decorate your jacket at home, without resorting to the help of representatives of the studio. Some ideas right on the go come to mind for beginner needlewomen. Indeed, using your own imagination, you can come up with many interesting options transformation of denim clothing that has lost its former presentable appearance. Now we will look at how to remake a denim jacket with our own hands using improvised materials:

  • stripes;
  • embroidery;
  • lace;
  • rhinestone;
  • beads;
  • paints;
  • fur.

Method of sewing and attaching

Decorating a jacket with your own hands is quite simple to do with the help of various accessories, for example, spikes, beads or sequins. Beads will look original both from above and below the product, on pockets and collars. Incidentally, this is the most fast way jacket changes beyond recognition. In this case, a sense of proportion is not the main thing, you can sculpt as many details as your heart desires.

Important! This decor option is more preferred by fans of everything bright.

Materials for work are sold in any needlework salon:

  • With the help of mother-of-pearl beads, you can completely decorate the entire jacket or just the collar.
  • Rivets look great over pockets.
  • Rhinestones, spikes, stones mainly adorn the shoulders.
  • An applique made of sequins or beads will simply look chic on the back.

Application and pasting method

Do-it-yourself restoration of a denim jacket is often done by inserting various applications and fabrics. On the surface of products, they are usually glued with a special glue or sewn on top:

  • Payments are perfect option inserts, because in order to decorate a thing, it is not at all necessary to cut it. Decorative patches are neon inserts, lace, collages from the remnants of denim.
  • Lace can be used to decorate sleeves, pockets, back or collar. Moreover, the more chaotic the decor is made, the more interesting the product will look. But remember that this option is already ideal in itself, so you should not supplement it with beads, rhinestones or stripes.

Embroidery method

Do-it-yourself embroidery on a denim jacket looks quite stylish, original, fresh. If you don’t like doing needlework, then you can ask your beloved grandmother for help or buy a thing with beautiful embroidery on the secondary market, which is easy to transfer to other clothes.

Painting method

If you are looking for an alternative to embroidery, then you will certainly love the ideas on how to decorate a jacket with patterns. You can create with felt-tip pens or special acrylic paint. You can create a real work of art on fabric with your own hands.

To update the product with paints, you will also need an outline and special liquid for color dilution. The contour is used to ensure that the paint lies evenly, in accordance with the intended pattern, that is, it does not flow beyond it. Many contours have sparkles, giving tissue lung flickering, which looks incredibly beautiful.

Important! The paint after complete drying loses its saturation a little, so you need to try to choose the most successful color.

After drawing the pattern, the fabric must be allowed to dry thoroughly, at least a day. Then the pattern must be ironed from the wrong side.

Important! In the future, it is recommended to wash a jacket with such decor at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Whitening and ombre method

How to update a denim jacket with minimal cost? The good old whiteness will help you with this. Even if a smooth transition cannot be achieved, products with chaotic stains look quite stylish:

  • With the help of pins and bleach, you can make a whole pattern on the fabric or apply perfectly even stripes. Even the most ordinary powder can be used to make the jacket a little lighter, because washing at a temperature of 60 degrees can make such minor changes in the appearance of clothes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is also often used as a bleach. More precisely, a few tablespoons of the product are added to the powder.

Important! For performance washing machine you should not worry, because peroxide is absolutely safe for her.

Flashing method

There is another option, how to decorate a denim jacket with your own hands, moreover, it consists in its cardinal change. That is, you will have to alter the sleeves on the product, in which you may need the help of a specialist. The point is that the execution this process requires certain skills. As a result, the jacket will look fashionable, stylish, original.

Important! To give the fabric a brutal look, it is better to use leather sleeves. Fleece sleeves with a jacquard pattern will make a cozy and homely jacket.

Method of decorating with fur and peplum

Perhaps you are wondering how to decorate leather jacket with your own hands? In principle, many of the ideas listed earlier are perfect for this - stripes, decorative elements, drawings on the skin will also look great.

Fur is able to make both denim and leather jackets fashionable. It will be possible to wear such things in the cold season:

  • Collars, cuffs, and a hood are treated with fur more often.
  • Smoothly falling, soft folds of the basque can successfully emphasize the waist, give the image additional notes of femininity.

Important! Basque can be both long and short, restrained or with huge amount folds. Such clothes visually transform the figure, hiding too voluminous hips.