Games - experiments with sand. Interesting games and experiments with sand. Paths from sand

Alone. Today I will tell you which you can play developing games with kinetic sands of the house with a child-preschooler. I think this topic will be interested in those parents who have recently purchased (or are going to buy) kinetic sand and in thought, as you can diversify games with kinetic sand for the smallest and older children. After all, games with kinetic sand can be much more diverse than a banal shocking from his palm in the palm and the construction of the kulichiki.

Games with kinetic sand are able to take a child for a long time, because it is so soft, porous, so easily flies. My children can play with him for hours, as you can come up with a lot of games, the flight of fantasy is not limited.

Below, I will list only a few games with kinetic (alive) sand, in which we play with children at home. There is like simple entertainment gamesSo developing, with which you can imperceptibly, playing, developing a child.

For games with kinetic (alive) sand we use:

  • kinetic sand (it can be made independently recipe, or buy)
  • molds
  • little toys
  • toothpicks / sticks (or other rebunny material that can be written / draw)
  • truck
  • children's kit

Games with kinetic sand (video)

For more visual presentation About how to play with kinetic sand, I suggest watching a video, after which I will tell about the games in which I play with my children.

Educational games with kinetic sand house (photo):

  1. Write / Draw. We fly well by sand, creating a flat surface, armed with a toothpick / stick or other suitable material And start writing or draw. Along the way, you can arrange a developing lesson - learning numbers, letters. In the game, the baby will remember them faster (more about how we teach with children letters playing I wrote in).
  2. Consider. During games with kinetic sand, as I wrote in the previous paragraph, you can engage in the development of the baby. For example, besides letters, another account. We sculpt the patties from the sand, call guests - we think how many animals came to visit and how many piers we have. We think - is it enough for everyone else or need to cook?
  3. More less. We build a towers of sand (you can also build a hollows, form balls different sizes) and lay them in magnitude.
  4. Length. We scratch several sand caterpies and determine what is longer what shorter. And we arrange them as increasing.
  5. Figures. Lepim different figures And call them. You can: You can: Mom blinded the circle and followed the kid, sculpt the circle and calls. Further also with a triangle, square, oval, rectangle. You can build a house from a triangle and square.
  6. Learn letters. In the first point I wrote that you can write letters on the kinetic sand. Now the rules of the game change a little and we do not write the letters, but sculpt from kinetic sand. After the letter is ready - we pronounce its name.
  7. Learning to use a knife. From the sand we form a sausage or a loaf, which we offer the baby to cut with a knife. After the baby cuts the sausage - count the number of pieces that turned out.
  8. Touch box. With the help of kinetic sand, you can equip many interesting things. touch boxes "To Przemier, plant a garden, build a farm and settle it with animals, it all depends on your imagination.
  9. Simple disorder and crossing Sand from hand to hand Even to me, mom, gives pleasure, children especially. It really acts fascinating when you sit, go through, bring the sand from your hand in your hand and watch how it flows, leaking through the fingers.
  10. Culching and molds. With us, together with kinetic sand, a set of sand molds for games with a sandbox was found, but we had a little (the child was two and you want to diversify the games), so that we also added our "summer" molds that play on the street in ordinary Sandbox. From the kinetic sand, the kulichs are not shaking as with the "street" sand. If the street sand needs to be scored in the mold - to flash and quickly flip over. That here everything is much easier - the sandy sand does not need to be tamped, just enough to cut the surplus with a knife (we have come in the kit, you can also adapt a disposable legs to this case or any other rebunny material) and turn over.
  11. Klad. My daughter really likes to play "Hyperships" with kinetic sand. I ask the daughter to turn away, hiding small toys in the sand, after which I ask the baby to find them in the depths of the sand.
  12. Truck. Loor-set people are loaded with "shovel" (spoons) full body cargo car Sand and she is going on, takes him to the place of construction of the future at home.
  13. Traces. We twist the sand to get a smooth surface. Then, on this surface, "go" toy animals, we go to the machine and look, what traces remain. You can complicate the rules of the game - the baby turns away, mom at this time makes the imprint of some toy and asks the baby turn. The child is studying the trail left on the sand and tries to guess who belongs to. On the kinetic sand you can also leave traces with the help of palms and the legs of the baby.
  14. Cooking to eat. Kinetic sand - perfect for role-playing games In the chef. You can cook various treats for toys, distribute on the plates, "pouring" on the moss, cut into a toy knife cakes created in a couple of minutes from kinetic sand, feed guests. When the guests were found - we remove the eye and start cooking again.
  15. Funny faces. Promotional materials will help the game, such as corks from bottles, buttons, toothpicks, with which you can create seals, animals.
  16. Lepim. From kinetic sand, you can also sculpt various figures - snowman, caterpillar, kolobka, a train, typewriter and many other interesting figures.
  17. Installing handles Another entertainment that can like the baby and bring it to delight.
  18. Gorka. We form a mountain from the kinetic sand, along the walls of which we make the lack of "tracks" for small balls. Then you can download small balls on these descents.
  19. Secretarians. Probably, everyone in childhood was buried in the sand of the glass with beautiful flowers, beads, candy. Now it is possible to do at home under the supervision of adults game will be safe, but this is no less interesting.

Please write in the comments, and how do you play with kinetic sand you with a child?

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Best regards, Olga

Author: Belasova Tatyana Anatolyevna Mdau Kindergarten Outdoor type №11 MO Korenovsky district
Work description: this material Recommended educators preschool institutionswho work with the children of average preschool age, as well as parents. This game can be used in a joint gaming activity Pupils and teacher, as well as as part of the directly organized educational process.
Tasks: Develop imagination, thinking, instilling the ability to analyze, train logic. Teach children own do it yourself, develop small motor. Brief kindness, initiative, to educate the prigidity and patience.
In order for your classes to be successful, it is interesting, an adult must prepare carefully to him: pick up required Material, Prepare trays with sand, explain that you can draw with your finger, sticks, explain that after each drawing, the tray should be gently shake, so that the surface would be smooth again. And of course you need to know that the sand games should be carried out under the control of adults.

Didactic sand game for preschoolers

Games on a sandy tray: "Sun"
Learn with children to read. Prepare a sand tray. Draw a sun and seven rays.

In the morning, the sun woke up,
Carefully stretched
Rays are time to get up -
One, two, three, four, five
You can spend a conversation, informy similar words to the word "sun"
For example: Sunny, sun, sunny, sunflower. Or what does the sunshine look like?
To tell with the children a poem of Agniya Barto "Checkbox" to offer children to draw a check box. You can draw a lot of flags.
Lights on the sun
As if I.
Fire lit.

Giddle a mystery
In the water she lives,
No beak, but pee

Talk, the names of the fish that live in the river or in the lake (fresh water) and fish that live in the sea or the ocean (in salty water)
Remember Fish Name: Freshwater Fish - Roach, Pescar, Bream, Pike, Carp, Sazan, Som.
Sea fish is herring, halibut, cod, salmon, shark. You can offer children to independently draw different fish.
Tell the poem V. Berestov "Chickens"
Where where? Kud- where?
Well, well, everything here!
Well, to mom under the wing!
Kud - where you suffered!

Conversation. Who screams? What do chickens do?
Suggest children to draw two chickens, first draw a large circle, and on top of a small torso and head. Now draw legs, beak, tail.
You can play the game "Nazis Laskovo"
For example: Chicken - chicken, goose - holstery, rooster -ptuchok.
Cat and Kozlik
To tell and learn with the children of the poem V. Zhukovsky "Cat and a goat"
There cat washers
The garden wanders
A goat horned
For a cat goes
We draw with the children first the cat, and then goat. You can ask the children questions: what are they like? What is the difference? How to draw a cat: draw oval big, then a circle on top is a torso and head. Now draw your paws and tail. And the goat is more size - with long horns, a small tail.

Giddle a riddle.
He lives in mink, gnawing crusts.
Not big legs, afraid of cats.
Draw a mouse. The mouse is oval, elongated head, a long tail. You can come up with, words are similar on the sound of the word "mouse"
(book, bump, teddy bear)

Read the poem of V. Mayakovsky "Tuchkiny Stuff"
Swumbled over the sky.
Puffed four things:
From the first to the third - people
The fourth was a camel.
To them, curiously embraced,
On the way the fifth
From her in Heavenly Lon
Understand the elephant elephant
And I do not know, he moved the sixth,
Tuchci took everything - and melted
And followed by them, chasing and burning
The sun chasing - Yellow Giraffe

Read the child poem
- Beetle, bourgeois,
Where are you hiding, tell me?
- Zhu, zhu, zhu, zhu
I sit on the tree
-Zhuk, beetle, show!
I need to bore me!
- Zhu, zhu, zhu, zhu
I fly and circling.
Remind how to draw a beetle. The body of the beetle oval, the wings are folded like two semicircles, draw a small head, and now give a lot of paws. Talk to children, where can I see the beetle?

Read verse Sapgira
Eight feet at octopus
Says snail:
- Lot!
Eight feet to him why?
I would get confused at all!
On a tray with sand draw octopus. To do this, first draw a circle, then we erase the bottom and align topIt turns out a hat, and draw long tentacles.
You can spend a conversation. Where does the octopus live? And who else lives in the sea?
Memorize with children marine inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, crab, squid, starfish.

And so we can summarize that such games contribute to the development subject activity (Improves sensory development Children), develops tactile sensitivity, such games teach children to own their own hands, train logic.

That came the long-awaited summer! Someone holds it in the city, someone on the sea, someone in the country. And wherever you are - you can find a sandbox everywhere and for a long time to captivate the child with sand games!

I offer you our selection of favorite sand games.

Sand game: Traces

Show the baby that if you put a palm, leg or any other object to the sand and give a little - then the sand will remain a clear track. Suggest try to leave your trail yourself, and then make a pattern or drawing from traces. Finger - the more from the objects around you, you can leave traces on the sand.

The game is suitable for children from 1.5 \u003d 2 years.

Sand game: mysterious traces

After the baby realized that in the sand, you can leave traces of different objects - offer him to play Gadayku. In turn, leave the traces of different objects and guess who or that left the mysterious trace.

The game is suitable for children from 1.5-2 years.

Sand game: Supper

The game of my childhood. In the sand, burn your hand and suggest the child as little carefully spread your hand without touching it. When the sand remains a bit - it can be blown away. After the mission is completed successfully or failed - change roles.

Sand game: Tire

Draw on the sand round or square target and offer the child to throw in the target of pebbles, shells or bumps from a short distance. The task is to get more accurate in the center of the target. If the target has several areas as in the real dash, then you can count the scored points and arrange a whole competition!

The game is suitable for children from 3 years.

Sand game: letters and numbers

On the wet sand it is easy to write, I use fir-handed materials - pebbles, twig, finger and also easily erased inscriptions. it a great opportunity introduce a child with letters, numbers, simple words. Write the letter or digit, offer the child to repeat you or write letters, numbers or words by ear.

The game is suitable for children from 3 years.

Sand game: Treasure Searches

Ask a child to turn away and hide in the sand a few small toys. Do not hide too deep so that the toys do not remain treasure in the sandbox forever :). And then offer the child to start looking for treasures. Game options can be somewhat - find all hidden treasures, find a specific treasure or find several treasures in a certain order.

If the sand is dry and easily slept, then you can imagine that you are looking for not just treasures, but ancient artifacts and apply for excavations of brushes and rags to carry out the excavations very carefully.

In the process you can dream and come up with a story together - how the treasures came here and who from hidden.

Game for children from 4 years

Sand game: Tunnels

Another game comes from childhood. First, it is necessary to build a simple fortress or a castle from the wet sand, and then carefully do through the tunnels in the castle above the ground level or, more interesting, dig tunnels from below, under the lock.

You can try to rolling them so that the lock does not collapse and so that 2 tunnels that you start digging with of different side met in the middle.

Suitable for children from 4 years.

Sand games are very helpful for children - it is relaxation and removal nervous tension, and the development of shallow motility and micro-massage of the handles.

And with the arrival of cold weather, you can be kinetic sand and move the game home.

Ekaterina Morozova - large mother, editor "Children" categories in the Colady magazine


Sand - one of best tools For anti-stress therapy. Moreover, for children, for adults. And, if the second with their stresses somehow cope with their own stress, then the kids from the possibility of breaking into the sand at least with palms - it is impossible categorically. It doesn't matter, the kulichs sculpt the child or builds locks - you can play with sand and you need! Even - at home, if on the street rain or winter. Fortunately, home sandboxes are more and more options.

What are useful for sand games?

First of all, it is psychotherapy, which can be engaged in the year - and certainly in the game form.

Sand therapy relieves stress and tension, relaxes and soothes, and also develops ...

  • Memory, perception, thinking and imagination.
  • Intellectual abilities in general.
  • Concentration of attention and progress.
  • Speech, eye meter, shallow motorcy.
  • Creative potential.
  • Communication skills.
  • Social skills (with collective games), etc.

Video: Games and Sand Experiments

The main thing is to choose the right games!

The child is 4-7 years old games with molds and culberies, of course, are no longer interesting. And the locks are already, it seems, everyone is built. And those that are not built, already with might and main the passionate dads and mothers who do not eat bread - let's build something from the sand.

And in general - I want something new. What have never been done yet.

It would seem, well, what else can be done with sand, except for kulichs, castles and traces? Nevertheless, there are still options!

We turn on the fantasy, reserve the right and clean sand, and - forward!


Such an anti-stress toy will always help mom when the weather conditions are not suitable for a walk, when in the sandbox in the yard, do not push back when the kid has bad mood Or you just need to take it for a while.

What is needed for the game?

  • Sandbox of medium sizes (about 50-70 cm x 70-100 cm x 10-20 cm). Sizes are chosen in accordance with household conditions. Someone can afford to itself and a two-meter sandbox in the middle of a large apartment, and for someone - and tiny shock enough problematic. From the inside it is recommended to paint sandbox in a gentle and calm blue color, which symbolizes water and reassuringly acts on a children's nervous system.
  • Choosing a box under the sandbox (or confronts it with your own hands), remember that the sandbox should be safe! There are no sharp corners, burrs, roughness of unospened surfaces, sticking carnations and so on. The ideal option is an inflatable sandbox, in which you can safely interfere with the sand with water, not surviving for the carpet. In addition, such a sandbox is easily removed - it is enough just to pour sand into the container and blow away the "sandbox" itself. Or as a sandbox, you can find a large plastic container.
  • Choose sand! For example, ordinary sea sand - or calcined quartz. Of course, if you wish, you can play with kinetic or cosmic sand in the sandbox, but if the child is closer in it entirely, then the kinetic sand will shake with clothes, then it will be very difficult.
  • What else? And all that can be useful to a child in a sandbox - molds and blades, water and watering can, toys, and so on.

Sandbox, where you can climb with your feet to break into the sand with your fingers and hands - this is a fantastic antistress for a child. Spelling after the game - the case is 10 minutes, so you should not refuse Chad in such a pleasure.

Of course, keep it in the room constantly should not - take a "toy" as needed.

Video: Games with sand. Small motorika

Tattoos of sand

Merry I. original game For summer departure to nature.

What is needed for the game?

  • PVA glue - 1 bottle.
  • Couple of tassels.
  • Sand.

The essence of this fun entertainment is very simple. We draw glue using the nose or tassels patterns right on the skin, after which we sprinkle with sand - and excessively shake carefully.

Such sand "tattoos" will have both children and parents. They are mixed easily - with the help of soap, and harm does not bring.

Draw Sand

Art creative gamewhich is suitable for any sandbox or beach holidays.

What is needed for the game?

  • PVA glue - 1 bottle.
  • Bucket dense paper, can be colored (or cardboard).
  • Brushes and paints (any).
  • Directly sand.
  • Water.

We draw patterns patterns or any plot at will be glue, then sprinkled on top of sand - and shake up excess sand. The glue must be completely covered with sand. Now we wait until the masterpiece serves.

Sand - or the paper itself in the places of its absence - you can paint with liquid diluted paint.

The main drawback of the game: to breed the paints on the street is not particularly convenient.


One of interesting occupations For sandboxes. In principle, they can be easily engaged in both the beach, but at home will be more comfortable.

What is needed for the game?

  • Sockeys.
  • Sand and water.
  • Old bowl or any packaging that will not mind will throw away.
  • Natural materials - flowers, seashells, twigs, pebbles.
  • Materials for needlework - for example, beads, colored balls, ribbons, etc.
  • Gypsum.

In the sand make a small deepening. It is desirable, smooth - for example, with a glass or a bottle. The walls of the deepening lay out the existing treasures - shells, glass beads, and so on.

Next, we divor the plaster 2: 1 with water in an old saucepan and pour it into a deepening deepening to the very edges to cover all inside the materials. We sprinkle with seashells and wait for half an hour until the plaster will dry out.

This creative entertainment will definitely have a child to taste, especially since the resulting summer Present You can bring in the fall as a craft in the fall - or give someone to the holiday.

Sand animation

One of the most interesting sanding games in which not only children are played with pleasure, but also adults - and some very professionally.

Probably there are no longer people left that would not hear about sand cartoons: more and more often you can see similar cartoons created by the hands of large and small multipliers. The occupation is fantastically interesting, creative, developing already disclosed talents and opening new ones.

As for the cost of this sand game - not so big.

What is needed for the game?

  • Sand. In the absence of sand, you can use even a semolina cereal or ground coffee.
  • Lamp with scattered light.
  • Table with high side
  • Glass and reflective film.

Tassels in this technique are not needed. Computer mice and tablets - too. You need to draw with your fingers, which is perfect for a child. In addition, any "failure" is easily corrected by a slight movement of the hand into a new plot, and the images can be changed infinitely.

Pros of this game (technique):

  • Do not need skills and expensive consumables.
  • There are no age limitations.
  • The occupation is interesting at any age.
  • Rollers S. sand animation Really beat records on the views on certain sites.

Sand animation has a 100% antidepressant effect, liberates, develops sensory sensations.

Video: Sand therapy for children at home. Games with sand

Rainbow in bottles

it creative occupation Not only brings pleasure in the process, but for a long time it makes the result.

The original handicraft, simple in execution, will make a little variety into your familiar games with the child and will decorate for his room.

What do you need to craft?

  • Small sacred sand. As a last resort - the salt of fine grinding.
  • Colored crayons.
  • Glass small bottles / jars with covers. Although plastic, certainly, preferably, considering that children are the main participants of the process, but the Rainbow looks more interesting in the glass, and the shames to the glass adhere less.

We smear on paper 1/6 of the sand required for one bottle. Next, take color chalk - for example, red - and rub the sand. Painted sand pepper into the vessel. Now we take new sheet - And we repeat the procedure with another shallow.

Capacity gradually should be filled with several layers of sand painted in different colors.

On a note: The rainbow will look much more interesting if the sand fall asleep into the vessel at an angle or spiral. But it is important to pour it as careful as possible so that the multicolored layers are not mixed. Now we twist the lid and can be used in the interior!

Getting ready for school!

For this game, it is enough to periodically go to the shore of the sea or river (if you live nearby) - or to build a small sandbox in which water can be used. Even unnecessary baking sheet is suitable for such purposes.

The meaning of the exercise is in teaching reading and mathematics on the sand.

Pluses of the game:

  • The child removes the tension associated with various fears of school.
  • Errors can easily erase with hand.
  • Stiffness leaves, a peace remains.
  • Mastering the dises of reading and mathematics is much easier through the game.

At the same time, in the process of the game, we study geometric shapes, traces of birds and animals, etc.

The perfect option is to find molds for sand in the form of an alphabet and numbers.

Create your world

Be careful and do not miss anything - it is possible that it is through this game that you will suddenly understand what is so much missing your chad.

What is needed for the game?

  • Sandbox.
  • Toys.

The essence of the game is in creating your own world. Ask for Pado to create just such a world, no matter how he wanted to see him - his individual. Let the child inhabit it, who wants, is building that he wants, uses any materials. The main thing is the result of "construction" and the history of the child about his world.

Sure, perfect option - If children are at least two, after all, in a collective game, children are swept away, demonstrating common interests In construction, clearly drawing the borders - or at all simulating wars and battles. In any case, the advantages are a lot - and the child can not tear off the game, and mom and dad can learn a lot about the child.

In addition, it is the creation of its own world and its history develops the imagination and speech, fantasy and creative principle.

Garden stones

The game for older kids, which lacks ways to remove tension.

The garden of stones is a home mini version of the sandbox with an antistress effect. Such often can be seen in offices as a business version.

Usually, sandbox is attached to such a sandbox, pebbles and mini-rakes to draw patterns in the sand. A child can place pebbles - as a soul wishes, and patterns on the sand will help relieve stress and awaken creative start.

If the budget is limited, then it is better not to spend money on a business version, but to buy a beautiful ceramic or plastic container, clean fine sand (in a construction or pet store), bag of pebbles (landmark - on a store with live fish) and mini-rake (we buy in toy Department).

Guess the powerful

The game is suitable for home sandbox, and for street.

What is needed for the game?

  • Sand.
  • Bag with different toys and simple objects (from seashells and cones to pebbles and dolls).

Mom bursts a toy (shallow) in the sand, and the task of the baby is to grope her in the sand, guess that it is - and only then pull out.

The game is good for the development of shallow motility, imagination, figurative thinking, tactile sensations, and most importantly - to create more close touch Between mom and baby.

Sand therapy - This is not only the removal of stress and the struggle with children's fears. First of all, it is a cheerful pastime with parents whose attention is invaluable.

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Card file

games with sand

Pedagogue - psychologist

Zhukova A.A.


Card 1.


Task Description: Psychologist: Hello. Let's make the prints of our hands on the sand. What do you feel? What sand? (Cold, Cool). Turn the palm! And now what do you feel? (Sand, it seems even colder). Let's, with your hands forward, back. Footprints remained on the sand, sandbanks slide along the palms. What do you feel?

Scroll in the sand - how ...? (... cars, snakes, sledges). Zigzag, in a circle. Let's go through the surface of the sand alternately with each finger right and left hands, after - two hands at the same time.

And now turn into bunnies; How they love to run in the sand!

Let's try!

Moving two fingers together, went. And whose may be these traces? (dog, wolf, cat, lion). And three fingers together! Who walked here? (Bear, Caban, Elephant).

Game "Dowl Ripping" Ripping Zakopane in the Sand.

Quickness, bitch, children convenes,

All under the wings collects their own. /hen/

Small, gray fluffy lump, in the forest under the trees jumps: Jump. /hare/

Hungry mice, full - chews, all the guys milk gives. /cow/

During the day sleeping, at night flies, passersby scares. /owl/

Rides a little girl, not the mouth, but a trap. They will be trapped and mosquito and fly. /frog/

I go to the fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest. In the woods on the old oak nuts nuts rryu. /squirrel/

Name who you guess. (hare, cow, chicken, owl, frog, protein).

And now we can play with these toys. Compose a fairy tale and tell her.

Card 2.


  • improve perception;
  • develop the ability to submit objects according to their verbal description

Didactic material: Sandbox, figurines.

Task description:

Hello. Let's draw straight lines on the sand - it's roads. And we will walk along the paths.

First right hand, then left, then with both hands together.

Make sand smooth and we will draw the geometric shapes with your finger.

And now we will draw sand. They scored sand into the cam and draw a circle, slowly pouring sand out of the cam. (Perhaps, you will simply seem to slowly pour sand out of the cam slowly).

We tried very hard, we already have a lot. Draw your mood on the sand.

The game "Secret".

The adult bursts the toy in the sand, and the child to the touch should learn what is hidden, without opening the cam.

The game "Guess what is hidden."

  • stone (small, solid, you can knock, throw in the river).
  • matryoshka
  • plane
  • snake
  • clock
  • turtle.

Card 3.

Purpose :

  • Stabilize emotional state
  • Develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, fine motoric and sensory perception.

Didactic material: Sandbox, figurines, 30 counting sticks (10 red, 10 blue, 10 green).

Task description: Hello, glad to see you.

Let's hide our hands in the sand. What do you feel? (Cool).

Let's move your hands, see how the grains are moving, slowly remove your hands. If the sand remained on his palms, you can blow it away.

"Let's play" with fingers on the surface of the sand, like on the keyboard piano. And now the same thing on the surface of the table.

We will put the palm and roll and slip on the surface of the sand, as if skiing.

Align the sand and imagine that an elephant walked here. How did he do it?

True, squeezed their hands in the cams and left the imprints on the sand.

On the table there are ahead accounting sticks. Adult asks to choose blue sticks and build a fence of blue color, then red and green. Then build one big fence, alternating colors in color. Well done, it turned out!

And what could be behind this fence? (cottage, forest, animals and other plots). Let's come up with a fairy tale about "Magic Fence".

Card 4.

Purpose :

  • Acquaintance with the outside world
  • Development of thinking, speech, motility
  • Raise confidence in children

Didactic material: Picture - forty or toy, dusting of vegetables and fruits, toy trees, plastic spoons, sandboxes.

Task description: Hello, I'm glad to see you!

And now show me your right hand - Hiding it in the sand, and now - left - Hiding it too. Type the sand in the cams, lift them higher and slowly raw sand as "rain". You get great. Do you remember the "Soroka-Crow" sweat?

(I show a picture)

Forty-crow porch boiled

Forty-crow kids fed

This was given, and this was given.

And the very small

From big bowl

Yes big spoon.

I fed everyone!

Children welcome the words of fun and imitate the actions.

By wagging magic wand Sandboxes turn into a garden and a vegetable garden.

Let's put the garden - the children expose toy trees and a vegetable garden. After completing the task, the children tell that where it grows.

"Our garden rose.

All under the sun grows.

In the garden a lot of groes -

Here and turnip and salad.

Here and beets and peas.

Is the potato is not bad?

Our green garden

We are proceeding for a whole year. "

Game "Find out the description"

First, the adult describes any vegetable or fruit, children should guess what we are talking about. And then the leading one of the children becomes.

Card 5.


  • Develop attention, memory, ability to classify objects for specified features
  • Remove emotional tension

Didactic material: Wild animal figures, toy trees, house.

Task description: Hello! Today we will build a fabulous forest in the sandbox and settles his wild animals. (Children should choose from a variety of features of only wild animals).

And now let's call and remember all animals in the forest.

The game "Who is not"

Children cover their eyes, one animal is cleaned; Then you need to call it. Who guess, he becomes leading.

We compose a fabulous story.

Game "Hunters".

It is a house, and this is a forest. And we turn into hunters. Here is this feature a dense forest where different animals are found. In this forest and the hunter leaves.

"I go to the woods on the hunt, I will hunt for ..." Here he takes a step in the sand of the middle and index fingers ahead and says: "Bare" and makes the second step: "Bear", etc. The winner is the one who reached the forest.

Card 6.

purpose : Develop creative thinking, imagination, speech.

Didactic material: Sandboxes, figures of people and animals, wallpapers: wardrobe, bread, milk, medicine, books, candies, hammer.

Task description: Good morning! And now prepare your handles for work. I will read the Andrei Sparrow Pestech, and you will try to perform the movement with your fingers on the sand. Repeat 2-3 times.

Where do purchases?

Have you heard about purchases?

What about purchases?

About purchases, about purchases,

About my purchases!

Now I will show you pictures (picture "Case")

How can the store be called where this subject is sold? (furniture)

When all signs are considered, the adult tells the story of a fabulous city.

Children utter the magical words "Crybla-crable-boom" and begin to build a fabulous city, and at the end they talk about what happened.

What is the name of the city?

Can you explain his names?

Who lives in it?

Card 7.

Purpose :

  • Teach children understand the quantitative and qualitative ratios of objects (more - less, above - below, right - left).
  • Fasten the knowledge of O. geometric Figures, learn orientation in space.

Didactic material: (Various color and magnitude). Toys: snake, hedgehog, stone, snag. Toy princess and dragon.

Task description: Hello! One fabulous country Lived a beautiful princess. She was kind and smart. But this is not enough. She possessed the gift of everyone around to do good and smart. Therefore, all residents of this country felt happy. It was not to taste the dragon, living next door. He conceived he to kidnap the princess and take away an invaluable gift from her. So it happened. ... Build guys a carpet-aircraft. Our princess he will definitely save.

The sandbox surface is "decorated" by various geometric shapes.

Show the smallest

Show the biggest

Name the shapes located at the bottom, on the left, right.

What colors shapes on the carpet - plane?

What figure lies in the center?

Name where is red small? ...

Game "Snake"

(Children imitate the movement of the snake index finger or palm edge)

"On the trail snake crawled.

Under the sleeve crawled.

And the stone crashed.

And then crawled off him.

From the hedgehog sent.

On the swollen swollen.

And before the mink is added.

Hid! "

Card 8.

Purpose :

  • Learn to draw card diagrams
  • Develop thinking, imagination.

Didactic material: Toys, paper, pencil, cubes.

Task description: Hello, I'm glad to see you! I have a cube in my hands, and you also take one dice. We make a cube to the sand, what remains in the sand? (square). Let's move the cube to get tracks.

Now take the paper and draw the scheme. What will we have in the scheme? (Roads, trees, houses, mountains, lake, forest). All is ready. We will look at the scheme and skip the picture on the sand.

The game "Secret". Children are asked to turn away and hide secrets in different parts, and the scheme put a cross. The child must find the secret tie by following the map - the scheme. Complication: the child himself hides secrets and notes it in the diagram, and looking for an adult.

Foaming the plot.

The bush grows chamomile.

Under the bush sits a bug.

Ptashka flies over a bush.

A shirt hangs on the bush

Because behind the bush ...

Card 9.

purpose : Develop perception, figurative thinking, the ability to act in accordance with the plan - scheme.
Didactic material: doll, puppet furniture, plan-scheme, teddy bear, numbers.

Task description: Good day! Today I already buried something in the sand, but you will get items when you solve riddles.

Four brothers with one pusher submissal

Under one hat stand. /Table/

With legs - without hands, with sides without - ribs, with a seat - without belly, with a back - without a head. /Armchair/

Adjust, look - the Northern Pole inside!

Snow and ice sparkles there, winter itself lives.

Forever we brought this winter from the store / Refrigerator/

I am a round and smooth, but not ruddy and sweet,

Look at me, but see yourself. /Mirror/

I am comfortable, very soft. It is not difficult for you to guess

Love grandmothers and grandchildren sit down and lie down. /Sofa/

In the apartment of our new home, dishes live in the house

There is a place in it for sweets, it is called. / Buffet /

Yes today our sandbox turned into new apartment For Masha doll.

Masha has a new apartment

She also bought furniture -

Bed, wardrobe, armchair, chair and table.

He listed a loader and left.

But how to place furniture?

To help the bear it is necessary to call.

The bear responded to the call.

Plan drawn and was such.

One again remained Masha

And labored our doll

Let's help her furniture

According to plan in the room to put "* Children according to the scheme arrange furniture. Start the game.

Card 10.

purpose : Exercise in the grouping of wild animals and pets; Develop attention, speed reaction

Didactic material: animal figures, sandboxes, tassels.

Task description: Hello!

Game "Clay"

Adult bursts toys in the sand, children carefully with the help of hands and tassels must dig "treasure".

Game "Hunter and Shepherd".

Who is shepherd? Hunter?

Sandbox Delim in half, on the right - meadow, where pets graze, and on the left - the forest, there live there wild animals! According to the signal, "Look for" two children take the figures and "set" in the forest and in the meadow.

Card 11.

purpose : Develop attention, observation, memory. Exercising children B. proper definition Spatial location of objects.

Didactic material: Parsley, Matryoshka and other toys.

Task description: Good day!

The game "Cups and roots".

Adult calls some vegetable, and children respond quickly that it is edible. If the roots are hiding hands in the sand. Well, if the tops - put cams on the surface of the sand. (carrots, tomato, onion, cucumber, radishes, turnip, zucchini, potatoes, beets, peas)

Children, parsley came to visit us and want to play with you. How will we play? Parsley Tell the Children. Parsley folds toys in the sandbox and asks questions:

Where is the matryoshka? (in the center, in the middle).

And pyramid? (left), etc.

Then the adult does no longer. Parsley turns to children:

What has changed here?

Complication : Increase the number of toys.

Card 12.

purpose : develop tactile perception; Teach to determine the number of words in words.

Didactic material: small toys, Pictures of colors, numbers 2, 3, 4.

Task description: Hello! The game "How much in your hands" the child tie the eyes, the palms lie on the sand, they put small toys in them; On the right one, and in the left several. Squeezing the cams, the child calls out loud, and then checks the correctness of his answer.

Today we will turn the sandbox to flower bed.

On the flower bed we are flowers, extraordinary beauty. We will spend three grooves. The names of the colors on the syllables of the break!

2 ______________ 2 syllables - in the upper plant,

3 ______________ 3 Sluts - in the center we leave.

4 ______________ 4 Sluts to the third bed.

So let's start to plant friends!

2. / Rose, Tulip, Astra, Iris, Peony /

3. / Chamomile, Vasilek, Carnation /

4. / Bell, forget-me-not, dandelion /

Describe flower. Where can I meet more often? What flowers do you like most?

I compose a fairy tale about colors.

Card 13.

purpose : develop imagination, creative thinking, sensory perception; The ability to build in accordance with the plan scheme.

Didactic material: Mold blocks various colors, stripes, minor toys, envelope with a letter, house, stones.

Task description: Good day!

Children, and we got an unusual letter. Now we will read it.

"In the ocean, the island was wonderful,

No one else has known.

Houses, towers and palaces.

Builders of the creators.

But black clouds around the swelling,

The sun was closed, the wind called.

Residents to hide still managed ...

Fire, hurricane and rain fled.

Destroyed everything, only stones alone

That's what remained from this country ... "

What do you think I dreamed of a person who drawn a letter?

What was it for a person?

Guys, and on the back there are drawings of structures from blocks various shapes and colors. Let's say the magical words "Cryble - Krable -Bums" and we will find it on a fabulous island, where we will try to build structures according to the drawings.

We implement the dream of a person and help the inhabitants of this country.

Card 14.

purpose : Learning to navigate in space, develop thinking, motility.

Didactic material: House, cars, sprayer, sandbox, molds, scoops, baby bucket.

Task description: Hello! In the center of our sandbox I will put the house. To the right of the house you dig a hole, and on the left you will make the mountain. Children are invited to learn the poetic text:

"We rode, drove, I got to the pit,

We drove, drove, got to the slide,

We rode, we drove, got to the house

I drove into the courtyard, here we arrived. "

(Imitation of motion by index finger) or small cars.

  • The exercise " Wet palms" Show me the palms, now we will make them wet, and you touch the surface of the sand. What happened? Why?
  • The game on the wet sand "Herbs and small".

The collective game "Big Kulich" Children together with adults fill with sand bucket. Make cake and decorate it.

Card 15.

purpose : Develop coordination of movements, develop thinking, phonderatic hearing. Learning to compare items in the quantity, to understand and use the words to use a lot - a little, empty - full.

Didactic material: 2 buckets for each, 2 cups, 1 big and small spoon, toys.

Task description: Hello, I'm glad to see you. In one bucket, pour a lot of sand, and there is little to another. At the embankment of the sand in the buckets, draw the attention of children when the bucket is empty, and when complete.

The task. At the same time, two hands fill the bucket.

Exercise "Cups". We will measure how many larger and small spoons of sand will enter the cup. Recalculate. Come on why.

A fairy tale game on the wet sand "Mouse and Bear". Drop in the sand a large cave for a bear and a small mink for a mouse: "Lived, there were a mouse and a bear. And called them so ... "

Behind the lawn for games was the cave of magical transformations.

To get there, you need to perform three tasks.

Help the mouse!

1. Remove 1zvuk in the word "scarf" to make a new word (ball).

2. Add 1 sound to the word "laziness" so that the new word (deer) is.

3. Replace 1 sound in the word "lacquer" so that the new word is.

Mouse in the cave!

Look at whom she turned!

How many sounds need to be replaced in the word "bear" so that the mouse again becomes the mouse!

Card 16.

purpose : Develop a phonderatic perception, attention to the sound side of the word. Determine in words, the presence of specified sounds, allocate in words the first and last sound

Didactic material: Toy figures, letters.

Task description: Good day! We will play with fingers and palms (traces of sand)

"Little legs fled along the path. Big feet They walked along the road "(the adult tells the fairy tale, along the way, the children perform the necessary manipulations with sand.)

Tale "Magic Castle".

"There was a castle on a high mountain. Magic fairy with beautiful and smart son and daughter lived in this castle. The son was called so that in his name the sound "C", how could it call? And the daughter was called, so in her name was the sound "sh", how could it call? Not far from the good fairy lived an evil wizard orbode. He had a son in his name there was no sound "C" no sound "sh", how could it call?

In the garden of good faces at all times of the year, grew beautiful flowers, Walked beasts and sang birds. In the name of some animals was the sound of "C" (dog, owl, fox, stork). The name of others was the sound "s" (goat, hare, zebra).

In the garden of the evil wizard of the orbody grew only nettle, and the house was protected by only those animals, in the title of which there were no sound "with" no sound "s", what animals were these? (Tiger, Lev, Leopard, Shakal).

In the garden of good faces grew a magic apple tree, on which large juicy apples hung. And the one who eaten the magic apple from this apple tree became smart and strong. But not everyone could get into the magic castle, but only those who invented and called two magic wordsbut. One of them should begin with the sound "with" another with the sound "Sh". The son of the Orbody very much wanted to get into the magic castle and try the magic apples to become strong and smart, but he could not call magic words and therefore the door of the castle for him forever turned out to be closed.

And you can choose these words (objects) with the sounds of "C" and "SH". Who will pick them up, he gets into the magic castle.

Card 17.

purpose : Develop a shallow motor and hands, eye

Didactic material: Multicolored ropes, thin sticks, wet sand, molds.

Task description: Good day! Touch the sand; What did you feel? Yes, it is wet. Let's make prints of our hands (you can and legs).

Slightly wipes the sand, align it and make the molds and other different objects By 1. Then the molds must be decomposed on the sand in accordance with the "shadow".

Now take sticks and start drawing.

The contour of the pattern is then duplicated with multi-colored ropes.