Decoration for a dark blue dress. The choice of jewelry for a blue dress. Shoes and bag

Choosing jewelry is not an easy task, especially if the main color of the outfit is bright and rich. It is necessary to take into account a lot of things: the length and cut of the dress, the shade of the fabric, the color of the skin, eyes and hair, makeup, the color of the bag, and the shoes - all this should form a single ensemble in which jewelry serves as an elegant addition, and not the main attractive factor.

How to choose

Blue in all its variety of fashion catwalks never leaves. Shades can change - from pearl blue to poisonous neon, fabric can change - from the finest cambric to heavy velvet, jewelry can change - from elegant accessories to deliberately rough wooden beads. But blue color the famous "little black dress" never disappears and is periodically crowded.

However, blue is an ambiguous shade. To convey its depth and expressiveness, accessories are essential. And this is due precisely to the perception of the shade.

Blue is not just a cold color, but also a dull color. Unlike cold and bright red, blue significantly reduces the intensity of the shades combined with it - including the color of the skin, hair, eyes. Catchy bright appearance blue will emphasize, a delicate and cute image will literally destroy.

This feature makes blue, especially dark and dull blue, an excellent choice for formal wear... But this same property makes many women of fashion refuse blue when choosing a festive, romantic or solemn outfit. And it’s completely in vain: correctly selected jewelry will be able to compensate for the dangerous quality of blue and emphasize its individuality.

Blue and other shades

By itself, blue, while remaining a cool color, is combined with almost any shade. Pink, green, red, yellow, even orange with blue and light blue make up quite attractive combinations. It is important to pick up the desired shade not so much to blue as to makeup, accessories and taking into account the purpose of the costume.

Blue is an overwhelming color. You can't wear it like red, without jewelry or accessories.

The general rule when choosing is to match the brightness of the shades: the brighter the blue, the more bright or shiny the accessories should be. The more subdued shade of blue is used, the more delicate or dull the jewelry should be.

But what color shoes are suitable for blue dress, and how to choose the right color is described in great detail in this

Unconditional combinations

Among the variety of jewelry, there are several absolute options, which are combined with a blue dress literally anytime, anywhere. Moreover, in most cases, the type of appearance and hair color also does not matter.

It is undesirable to combine large colored stones with a golden setting. This option looks advantageous on a white background, but on a blue background it evokes the same feeling of excessive obsessive splendor. The silver setting does not make that impression.

Not transparent stones can only be worn with bright blue.

When choosing, it is also important to monitor the compliance of the size of the jewelry and its elements with the cut of the dress. It is equally important to take into account the shape of the face and the nature of the makeup.

Solutions for special cases

Bijouterie is most often matched to any outfit, but to the corresponding group, or rather, to the style of clothing for certain occasions. But, since the blue dress, as well as the blue color, rather rarely becomes the basis basic wardrobe, with the selection of jewelry specifically for this clothing, some difficulties may arise.

For blue round neck

A round neckline, and usually a shallow one, is a typical feature of an office or casual dress. The round neckline suits most women and offers more options for "styling" the neckline.

A prerequisite: the brighter and more massive the necklace, the more modest and smaller the earrings should be. Conversely, in a casual or romantic outfit, it is better to choose one thing: either earrings or beads.

For a navy blue dress

A dull blue color without accessories can turn a woman into a faceless shadow. This is the most "business", the most neutral color... Wearing it without losing individuality can only be very bright women... Owners of a more delicate or romantic type of appearance should use jewelry.

Choose a combination with dark blue in accordance with color palette image.

If the dress has an unusual cut, especially a complex neckline of earrings or one bracelet, more than enough. The necklace is worn only if the neckline of the dress is very deep.

Jewelry, which combines more than 2 shades, excluding the silver frame, should not be used. Dark blue color variety is unacceptable.

To the long

The length of the dress and the type of jewelry are related: the longer the dress, the richer and more massive the jewelry can be, and the shorter, the more modest and smaller the necklace should be.

The second rule - about the combination of the length of the earrings and pendant, also applies here. So, in practice, one thing becomes an accent element, and most often it is a necklace.

The shape of the jewelry and the color scheme determine the neckline and the color of the dress.

The triangular neckline can be decorated with both a round necklace and a long pendant. The rule is the same:

  • the deeper the neckline, the more massive the decoration can be.
  • A pendant is suitable for a very small neckline or boat. And, since the dress is long, the pendant should be massive.

Earrings are matched to the necklace. A small round one is paired with long pendant earrings. Luxurious intricate decoration requires small, almost invisible earrings.

The bracelet appears only in the absence of sleeves, and even then it is advisable to choose a modest one.

The blue color is quite conservative, moreover, it is respectable, therefore, materials that are expensive or well imitate them are combined with it. Metal and transparent stones are the most suitable choice for an evening dress, pearls - for business or romantic.

For a blue dress case

The choice of decoration for a sheath dress is entirely determined by the shape of the neckline.

To the guipure model

A guipure dress in any color is a self-sufficient thing. Jewelry is selected very carefully here, since such an expressive and elegant fabric imposes a lot of restrictions.

Only two colors can be used in jewelry.

  • You cannot wear more than three pieces of jewelry, including a belt and a lace scarf. There is only one accent piece.
  • If the pattern on the dress is large, all the more embossed, it is better to refuse a pendant or necklaces altogether. A thin bracelet and small earrings will do.
  • If the pattern is uniform and small enough, a necklace is allowed, then it is very desirable that the jewelry is on the neck or chest, and not on the fabric of the dress.
  • If gold or silver thread was used in guipure, metal jewelry should be discarded. Here the best choice there will be pearls.
  • The color of the jewelry must always be contrasting - white, silver, gold. Close shades - turquoise, blue, gray-blue, are excluded.

To the velvet model

Blue velvet is no less luxurious than a guipure dress, but also does not create a sense of lightness. Velvet - the fabric is heavy, very rich and does not accept cheap jewelry - it is preferable to limit yourself to a silver belt and a good handbag.

A dress made of blue velvet is certainly an evening, formal attire. In addition, the outfit is classic, since the fabric itself does not allow to embody the sharp fashion ideas... And hence the first requirement for decoration: geometric contours, sharp edges, shape in an eclectic style are definitely excluded.

Sadly, but pearls are not suitable for blue velvet: the stone is too delicate and elegant for such a matter. A short sleeveless velvet dress with a string of pearls will certainly brighten up, but in other cases, this is not enough.

But with what to wear a blue dress to the floor, and how to choose the right decoration, in great detail, with a photo, is described in this

  • Preference is given to transparent, colored, rather large stones: sapphires, alexandrites, emeralds, citrines, diamonds, of course. Rhinestones are quite suitable. Opaque stones are excluded.
  • Metal - only silver or White gold... A rich golden hue next to iridescent velvet seems haunting. But platinum is not suitable at all: the metal has a dull hue.


Video about jewelry for a blue dress.

Jewelry for a blue dress should look expensive. Even if we are talking about a simple office sheath dress, plastic and glass are unacceptable here. In addition, blue is an overwhelming color, so the choice of shades of decoration should be taken with care.

Hello dear readers! Like any other color, blue is often attacked, it has strong opponents, but it also has a loyal fan base. You can either love or hate this color, but you simply cannot be indifferent to it. This statement is especially true for the fashionable bright blue palette. Whatever it was, but women of fashion more and more often recent times pay attention to clothes of blue color, accordingly, their own wardrobe is inevitably replenished with new dresses and other items of clothing. In today's review, we want to touch on the topic of dresses, respectively, we will tell you what you can wear with a blue dress.

The blue color knows how to get along with the most different shades, whether traditional White color or bright yellow. But when choosing a bright palette, it is important to understand that it should not absorb the main color of the dress, that is, there should be a minimum of such elements in the image. Specifically, to voice the appropriate color range to the blue palette, then it can be:

  • Beige (including all its shades);
  • Black;
  • Gray;
  • White and milky;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Red;
  • Brown;
  • Gold and silver.

Stylist advice: If you want to add some gentle notes to your image, try to combine your dress with beige shoes, handbag and coat.

What to combine with a blue dress


An evening outfit will look great with a graceful bolero, a cape-silhouette coat, and various styles mink coats, ideally the color of the clothes should be either white or black.

The club dress can be combined with leather jackets, textile bombers, denim windbreakers and fur vests. The color of the jacket can be blue to match the dress, as well as black, neon - yellow, orange or gilded, silvered.

A dress with a sporty cut is best combined with textile jackets bombers (with an emblem to match the dress) and puffy vests. The jacket itself can be white or gray.

A casual outfit can be safely supplemented with the following outer things: a coat, a fur coat made of rabbit or muton fur, leather jackets of all kinds of styles, denim jackets, bombers, boleros, cardigans, jackets and fur vests.

Suitable footwear

It is better to complement an evening dress with stiletto heels, it can be white, blue, black, gold or silver sandals or pumps. In the case of choosing shoes between golden and silver tones, you need to take a closer look at the decoration of the dress, and also think about what kind of jewelry you are planning to go to the celebration with. If chrome-plated details are used in the decoration of the dress, then, accordingly, gilded shoes will not fit such an outfit, the same applies to jewelry, if you do not part with the ash chain, then silver shoes will not be appropriate. You must understand that gold shoes are combined with similar gold jewelry, silver with silver.

Office business dress will look good with various styles of closed shoes, it can be pumps with a pointed toe or fashion shoes on a massive heel with a rounded toe. In addition, we must not forget about ankle boots, they will definitely be appropriate on workdays, just choose their elegant, classic models. In addition, during the day you can change into comfortable ballet flats, again in a classic style, without unnecessary details.

A casual outfit will look great with absolutely any shoe, from loafers to wedge sandals. Depending on the style of the dress itself, you should also choose shoes, for example, with summer sundress you can wear sandals or sandals, with sports dress combine wedge sneakers, sandals or ankle boots. Simple uncomplicated everyday dress can also be completed with boots, ballet flats and moccasins.

It is better to combine a club dress with shoes on high heels, so your figure will appear more toned, and the legs will be longer. Ankle boots, sandals, platform shoes, wedges and stilettos will be appropriate for the club.

Actual bag

Happy evening and club dress blue, it is best to combine all kinds of clutches, and if in the case of evening dress, the choice is better to make in favor of an elegant clutch, then you can combine more daring handbags decorated with thorns, sequins, beads, rhinestones with a club outfit. The color of the handbag can be matched to the tone of the shoes, dress or accessories.

It is better to choose comfortable, business bags with short handles for work. Moreover, it is better to give preference dark tones, ideally even black.

A small shoulder bag with a long strap, a comfortable leather backpack or an elbow bag with short handles are suitable for walking.

Perfect decorations

Fashionable bright dresses cobalt colors look perfect with gold or silver jewelry, and if you really make a choice between these shades, then it is better to make it in favor of chrome accessories. It can be a thin chain with a graceful pendant around the neck, an elegant wrist bracelet, as well as voluminous earrings in the ears, all this will perfectly complement evening dress... Well, to work it is better to wear a minimum of jewelry - chains around the neck, and modest earrings in the ears will be enough. Going to the club, you can slightly increase the arsenal of jewelry by decorating your fingers with a couple of rings, hang a fashionable collar necklace around your neck, put on a wide bracelet or wrist watch on your wrist, and insert earrings with stone pendants in your ears. For ordinary everyday life, a traditional chain around the neck, possibly modest beads, earrings to match the dress, as well as one ring on a finger will be enough.

Fashion kits.

According to established traditions, we are preparing for our readers a number of fashionable sets of clothes, and this happened this time, below in the photo you can study fashion bows based on stylish dresses, outerwear, handbags and shoes.
1. Leather Jacket with an airy dress. 2. Dress with a black cardigan.
1. Yellow coat to the tulip-style dress. 2. Terracotta coat with leather dress.
1. Light brown coat with a dress under the throat. 2. Coral color coat and a graceful dress with ruffled sleeves.
1. Black coat with an evening dress. 2. Knitted White coat with a casual woolen dress.

Where to buy these outfits

Such outfits can be purchased in almost any fashion store, but if you want to find something interesting, stylish, beautiful and in a store with really wide assortment, we recommend that you look here. Here we place orders ourselves, and we are always satisfied: free fast delivery to the office or home, and of course the product itself.

Celebrities in different blue tones

Many fashionistas love to view photos of celebrities, and they do it right! Observing how and the main thing in what, the stars appear on various events, you can "spy" interesting chips for your bow. Nobody says that you definitely need to run to a boutique for an expensive dress that stands like a one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, no, you can just look for something similar or order a dress from a professional tailor.

Additional selection of photos

Suitable evening makeup for such a dress (video):

Dear readers, today the website told you what to wear with a blue dress, we hope that this information turned out to be useful for you. Leave feedback in the comments, and also click on the buttons social networks! Until next time!

This is not to say that the blue dress required attribute every girl's wardrobe. You need to carefully select shoes and accessories for him. But still, if you find good model then you can get surprisingly gentle and romantic image appropriate on a date and even in the office.

Haute couture models

In fact, women of fashion with the appearance of any color type can afford to wear a dress. Brunettes dark skin will appear even more vivid due to the contrast. Blondes, on the contrary, will emphasize their soft femininity, in this outfit they always look gentle and fresh. This is clearly visible in the photo. The combination of warm red hair and cool in clothes looks unusual and mesmerizing. And, of course, blue-eyed girls should pay attention to the gentle shade. The chosen set will make the eyes more expressive.

Floor-length dresses from the red carpet

Where to wear a blue dress

To dress blue has become a highlight of the wardrobe, it is important to choose it correctly. It is necessary to take into account both the features of the figure and the goals for which the new thing is purchased. After all, you can wear such a thing in different situations.

Blake Lively

Set for every day

The easiest way is to choose an image for everyday life, because there are a minimum of restrictions. It's not difficult to create a set suitable for walking around the city, gathering in a cafe with friends, or on a date. Direct or fluffy dress gently blue tint will emphasize the dignity of the figure, examples are in the photo. You can wear both high-heeled shoes and ballet flats or sandals for flat sole... Some models of simple cut look interesting with moccasins and.

Plus models Size

The soft blue color is most often chosen in spring and summer, when you want clean and bright colors... In cool weather, the kit should be supplemented. The look will be natural and laconic. And if there is a desire to look smart, then it is better to wear lace dress with a cropped jacket. Another solution is. Combination of light graceful clothes and a heavy top looks winning, the contrast especially expressively emphasizes femininity.

Summer models

If the dress is short, then you can wear it with a jacket or cardigan of the same length. A shortened jacket will visually lengthen growth.

Mini options

Clothes for the office or celebration

Beloved dress sky blue can also be worn to work if the dress code is not overly strict. You just need to choose the appropriate style, for example, a case. It is perfect for the office, especially if you complement the image with discreet shoes and a jacket.

Variations of styles

For evening out it is recommended to choose long dress, looks spectacular satin or from another expensive material as seen in the photo. You can add it short jacket with three-quarter sleeves. If the soul lies with a shorter one, then lace or decorated with rhinestones will be appropriate.

Choice for celebration

Celebrity images from events

Choose a handbag to match the color of your shoes. If it is white, then the silver clasp will look harmonious.

Blue dresses for evening out

The Greek blue dress looks very nice. Its flowing folds perfectly highlight the figure's dignity and hide flaws. A light color creates an overall impression of innocence. The simpler such a dress, the better; it is better to refuse the decor on it. But you can create one or the other image, experimenting with accessories. Decorations from natural materials, silver, even semi-precious and ornamental stones... For shoes, sandals of the corresponding color or sandals with a small heel are suitable, with thin straps... V cold weather it is allowed to put on a jacket.

How not to be mistaken with the choice of shoes

When the question is asked, what to wear with a blue dress, lace or straight, it often turns out that the problem is in the choice of shoes. Indeed, she must be given Special attention... Moreover, if the kit is short, then it is always in sight. In order not to be mistaken, it is worth remembering the win-win combinations: this is with white and. This is clearly visible in the photo.

Models of floor-length dresses from fashion shows

Shoes of one or the other color do not necessarily complement the same handbag. White creates contrast so that the image is vibrant. Silver does not stand out so much, but the main color comes to life, it looks richer and more elegant. This is one of better solutions for a celebration.

Choice of celebrities

It's hard to go wrong with beige... It is neutral, so that all the attention is paid directly to the dress. In addition, the legs seem to be longer. But you need to choose a tone that matches your skin. The nude handbag will fit perfectly into such a bow.

Models for a wedding celebration

Boho style

Shoes can be blue, to match the dress. But you need to make sure that all the elements of the kit do not merge with each other. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting faded, boring image... It is worth experimenting with color, choosing accessories that are several shades darker. Help with this photo.

Femininity in simple lines

Black shoes are known to go well with everything. And this is true, you can wear them with a blue dress. But it is worth remembering that they make the look heavier, deprive it of lightness and airiness. And this is the main highlight of such clothes. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to other shades. But if we are talking about a formal event, then they are able to give a more formal look. In such a situation, they are appropriate.

Makeup should be done in warm shades. Golden, peach, orange will do. Cold palette can impart excessive coldness to the appearance.

Bare Shoulder Models

Daring girls can choose red shoes or sandals. They will make the image even brighter and a little daring, it's worth looking at the photo. Looks a little less defiant wine shade... Only the bag should not be bulky, a small clutch will help you look spectacular.

Accessories to complement the look

Accessories for a blue dress

Accessories for a blue dress should be chosen, keeping in mind the same rule as in the case of shoes: dark and massive ones deprive the look of lightness. If the style provides for a belt, then it should be thin and graceful. Fine silver jewelry or variations to match the tone of the dress work best. It is easy to verify this by looking at the photo. It is only desirable that they be slightly darker or lighter than the main shade, then they will not merge into a single spot. To avoid this, you can wear white and blue beads. These colors match perfectly.

It will look brighter if you wear a red necklace and the same bracelet. They complement each other and set off soft color clothes. The set will also be completed with yellow accessories.

With lace elements

Although blue dresses go best with silver jewelry, wearing gold is also possible. Especially if they are graceful little things, decorated with red and pink stones... You shouldn't give up jewelry either, it is chosen taking into account other accessories. In this case, the stones do not have to be precious, any shades of blue or red will do.

Catwalk looks

A romantic look that can be created with a blue dress will definitely appeal to any fashionista.

Flying blue dresses

You just need to beat him correctly. The photos show a variety of styles: the lace dress looks mysterious, the lush dress looks light and gentle, the Greek is intriguing, and the case model adds a little rigor. And accessories will further enhance the effect of airiness or, on the contrary, add a bold touch.
Every woman wants to look beautiful, regardless of age and nationality. To do this, she wears luxurious outfits, does hair and makeup, and takes care of her skin and nails. To always look as attractive and stylish as possible, it is important to know how to choose the right adornment for the dress, because it is the various jewelry and jewelry that complete the image, and can both save it and destroy it. It is enough to know a few subtleties to become an icon of style for those around you, and for your chosen one, an exquisite and desirable woman.

How to choose an adornment for the neckline of a dress

Perhaps, the selection of jewelry for a dress should be based on the cutout of the dress to a greater extent. The shape and length of the decoration, as well as other subtleties, depend on him. Having decided to wear a neckline - one of the most common and favorite necklines in modern girls- you should forget about the misconception that any accessories are suitable for him. The fact is that the neckline itself attracts attention, since both the shoulders are open and on the chest deep cut... Do not emphasize this area even more, as it will look ridiculous or vulgar. Preference should be given to fine jewelry - for example, a chain close to the neck, or a string of pearls.

How to choose an adornment for a strapless dress is also quite a simple task. Beads that tightly frame the neck or a pendant that does not reach the top of the dress by about half will look perfect. For a high-necked outfit, everything is completely different. However, how to choose an adornment for a dress without a cutout is quite easy to understand. In this case, long and massive beads, which can be multi-layered, will be appropriate. Chains decorated with flowers or coins will also be a good solution.

How to choose an adornment for a dress with a collar is not the best easy question... Such outfits are quite bright in themselves and do not need an accessory. However, if you want to show off a piece of jewelry, then you can wear large beads or a necklace with many details. It is important that the jewelry is located directly under the collar, without squeezing it.

V-neck is a great choice for women with lush breasts, as it effectively highlights the neckline. For him, a small pendant, which is a geometric figure, is best suited. It shouldn't go all the way to the top of the dress. The same can be answered when answering the question of how to match jewelry to a one-shoulder dress.

High Neck Dresses round shape have become very popular recently and are recommended for women with small breasts. The question of how to choose an adornment for a dress with a boat neckline is relevant for the owners of this outfit. Experts recommend not to supplement such a dress with an accessory at all - it is better to replace it with a bracelet or rings. However, if you really want to, you can put on a thin chain with a pendant.

How to choose an adornment for a dress with a round neckline is a question that is extremely easy to solve. Multilayer beads and necklaces with large decorative elements are suitable for such an outfit. The only condition is that the accessory must completely cover the edge of the cutout.

How to choose an adornment for a floor-length dress

A long dress is considered very feminine and elegant, which is why many women choose it for festive event... As for the jewelry, it is not difficult to pick them up for a floor-length outfit. It is only necessary to build on the type of neckline and color of the dress, since it is these factors that play a major role. It should be borne in mind that girls with short stature should not wear large and long beads or a necklace, as they visually take a few centimeters away. Tall women on the contrary, they may not be afraid to try on rather catchy accessories with many decorative elements. They will look great and will not add extra centimeters... It is only important to find out what kind of jewelry is in fashion now in order to look not only beautiful, but also stylish.

How to choose a jewelry case for a dress

Sheath dress is a great choice for slim women... In such an outfit, you can go to work, and to a corporate party, and even to a birthday. A tight fit always looks impressive, especially if the figure is good and the waist is pronounced. Decorations for it are quite varied and largely depend on the neckline. You don't have to puzzle over how to choose jewelry, because they will look equally impressive and pearl beads, and chains with pendants, and massive necklaces, and accessories decorated with flowers or geometric shapes... You can safely experiment, choosing what is best suited for a particular case. The only advice that can be given is that you should not try to save money and buy cheap jewelry, which does not always look good.

How to choose an adornment to match the color of your dress

The rules for the selection of jewelry concern not only the neckline, but also the color of the outfit. After all, it is not enough to determine the shape of the jewelry - you also need to choose its shade in order to accurately look stylish and sophisticated. Not worth giving this issue little attention, since it is important for every fashionista. In addition, it is not so difficult to understand how to choose the right jewelry according to the color of the outfit.

Deciding to wear black dress, a woman will greatly facilitate the task of accessories. Any shade is suitable for this color - pink, green, yellow, red, blue, etc. Both jewelry made of gold and silver will look spectacular. If you wish, you can play in contrast and wear a pearl thread that looks great with a little black dress.

There are not so many options for a red outfit, because it is bright in itself, which means there is a risk of looking too colorful. It is advisable to opt for silver items or necklaces made of black stones. Roughly the same can be said about outfits in green, purple and yellow color, since they are also considered quite catchy.

How to choose an adornment for a blue dress is an important question, because this color is one of the most popular among women. He is both austere and elegant, so it suits both business ladies and young girls. Gold products are in perfect harmony with it, which make the cold shade a little warmer. Also, it will not be superfluous to wear necklaces with amber or jasper - they look wonderful with blue.

Concerning white dress, then it, like black, is universal. You can safely purchase jewelry with rubies or emeralds for him, or wear jewelry with floral elements of decor. All this will look great on white. The only thing is, it is not recommended to wear pearls or a diamond necklace, as these accessories will merge with the white dress.

How to choose an adornment for a floral print dress

Dresses with a floral print always look bright and original, so many women have such a thing in their wardrobe. However, it is much more difficult to find jewelry for her than for plain dress... There are many factors to consider, such as all the colors of the clothing, its style, brightness, and the size of the pattern. This is the complexity of the question of how to choose jewelry for clothes. Only the owners of excellent taste can independently answer it. For those who are not one hundred percent sure of their sense of style, it is better to heed the advice of knowledgeable people.

Experts who have been working in the fashion industry for more than one year advise to give preference to a discreet decoration, since outfits with a floral print themselves are very bright and memorable. They can even be worn without accessories, especially if the dresses are in red, turquoise, yellow and emerald hues. Those who still want to add jewelry to the image should wear a thin gold or silver chain and also a tiny pendant. It will look elegant and tasteful, which will add attractiveness to a woman. Exactly this good decision the question of how to choose jewelry for a dress with a floral pattern.

How to choose bracelets, earrings and rings for dresses

Having decided what to wear a necklace for an outfit, one has to face the question of how to choose accessories for a dress that match a pendant or beads. Everything is not so complicated here, and one should start not so much from the type of clothing as from the necklace. Bracelets, earrings and rings should match the style. It is highly desirable that they be from the same set, or at least be made of the same material. Do not think that the more accessories you put on, the better, because this is not at all the case. The abundance of jewelry will rather ruin the image, as it will look tasteless. One bracelet, a pair of rings and earrings will be enough small size... You can even wear not all of the above accessories, since the lack of jewelry is much better than too much of them.

If you follow these tips, you will always look stylish and elegant, and the question of how to choose jewelry for a dress will cease to be a problem. It is very important not only to be able to combine accessories with a dress and with each other, but also to wear only high-quality and beautiful necklaces, bracelets, earrings. Cheap jewelry not only most often looks ridiculous, but also has many noticeable flaws, and also quickly deteriorates. Expensive jewelry, on the contrary, can serve long time and even go to the grandchildren, as they are made of durable and high-quality material.

For those who do not want to come up with images on their own or for some reason cannot do it, you can familiarize yourself with ready-made options from the Internet. How to choose the right jewelry for a dress - see photos of successful and bright outfits at the end of the article.

Blue is incredibly rich, but at the same time, elegant color... Pick up decorations for the blue dress quite easy, the main thing is to know the basic rules for creating a tandem with a wide palette of blue.

Matching colors

Increasingly on fashion shows models of dresses, made in bright blue color, begin to appear. This is great, because it is he who is universal, and is considered more graceful than bright pink or passionate and aggressive red. Most suitable options the decorations are metallic.

Gold and silver complement equally stylishly. In this case, the platinum can be somewhat lost in the "blue". As an example, remember famous jewelry from Tiffany? After all, it was in them that the combinations of turquoise and silver were among the first to appear. If you are not a fan of details with stones, then you can try on a large chain made of pure silver, with a wide bow - it also looks very stylish when properly complemented with stud earrings. At the right choice forms of jewelry, it will come out excellent.


Naturally, with the choice of jewelry, the assortment of possible decorations for a blue dress increases significantly. It can be large choker with yellow stones, purple or greenish options look good (depending on the shade of the outfit). At the same time, you need to be very careful with black or red accessories - in this interpretation, they can look too aggressive.

Psychologists recommend choosing jewelry depending on desired effect image. For example, you are going to an important interview or a business lunch, it is better to wear something light here. Let's say a blue dress and Pearl necklace, will help to expand the circle of ideas. The classic outfit of light gray and dark blue looks very cute. For a more sophisticated but pretty style, you can pick up an interesting pearlescent accent. It is important here to combine the colors correctly. Cobalt, dark blue, gray-blue, violet and coral-pink, orange-pink, peach, salmon will look great.

If your main goal is to attract attention to yourself, then you need to be more shocking. Use jewelry that combines several shades. For example, a massive necklace with orange, yellow, red and white flowers. By the way, images of this type are very fond of Olivia Palermo.

In addition to the color of the accessories, do not forget about the style of the outfit, any offers a very wide choose... If you cannot find the option you want, then simply decorate your neck with a light gold chain with a pendant, and focus on earrings or a ring.

Jewelry colors

To make it easier for you to deal with this great choice shades, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of what color jewelry for a blue dress will look most advantageous:

  1. Blue paints a shade of cherry, salmon, beige, vanilla, gray, brown, all variants of orange;
  2. Deep blue looks great with light blue, green, brown, milky, gray, metallic, gold colors;
  3. A turquoise dress can be complemented with yellow, red, pink jewelry, shades of fuchsia or brick red.