Exotic cat ear care. Exotic cat: a teddy bear with a friendly personality. Why is a haircut for a cat sometimes absolutely necessary?

There is not only one exotic cat on the planet. A person himself strives to surround himself with exotic pets, obtaining them through the hybridization of some representatives of the feline to others. Moreover, the more unusual the “child of the hybrid” looks, the more interesting it is for breeding and the greater the demand for its distribution.

In a similar way, more than one exotic cat has already been bred: Savannah, Chausi, Caracat, Ussuri, Canaani, etc. Judging by the latter two, a person can no longer stop, and continues to invent new breeds, mixing already established hybrids.

However, such a thirst for "something new" often affects the health or appearance of animals, leading to irreversible consequences, in particular - non-viability.

Breed predecessors

Somewhere in the 50s of the last twentieth century. American breeders began to form from the widely known and popular breed of Persian cats their "unique" breed - cats with a flat muzzle and a strongly deformed skull like the Chinese dog - Pekingese. As a result of the work, two new types of short-nosed Persian cat were obtained:

  1. With a strongly shortened raised nasal bridge, in which the line drawn through the upper point of the lobe coincides with the line drawn through the edges lower eyelids eye. At the same time, the eyes should be wide open - short open type, and the animal should not have a frown on the muzzle. Open type.
  2. Here the nasal dorsum is shortened so much that the line drawn through the upper border of the lobe should be 2-3 mm higher than the lower edge of the eye and should not fall below inner corners round, wide-set, straight-set eyes. Ideally, the foot of the bridge of the nose should coincide with the line of the upper eyelids. Exotic type.

The second type caused a lot of criticism: this shape of the structure of the skull led to deformation of the lacrimal ducts and their malfunctioning, deformation of the jaws and teeth, and most importantly - to the brachycephalic syndrome of airway obstruction (excessive difficulty breathing). Yes, of course, the New Persians open type there were the same problems, but as a percentage of the exotic type, they could be "overlooked" - they were so rare.

In exotic New Persians, brachycephalic syndrome led to changes not only in the shape of the nose, but also in changes in the larynx and trachea, which affected breathing and, ultimately, the general health of the unfortunate animal. Moreover, with age, this situation only worsened, in advanced cases, the intervention of a surgeon was required. Accelerate the offensive unpleasant moment could not only age, but also infection, stress, overheating, exercise, obesity.

Many breeders flatly refused to register and accept such exotic things for breeding, but there were also those who accepted this "miracle of felinology" with enthusiasm.

No reasonable arguments that this type of Persians was bred exclusively through rigid and ill-conceived inbreeding, where exactly the same shortcomings of relatives and served as the "desired signs" of the future breed, did not "reach out" to those who had already seen in this type " gold mine". This exotic type of American Persian cat very quickly became preferable to the "classic" and "open", due to its unusual "cute".

Description of the breed

Since the exotic Persian was nevertheless "punched" into breeding, it was necessary to give him as many different colors as possible to popularize it. A decision was made that justified itself as best as possible, although even experienced breeders did not anticipate such a metamorphosis. He was crossed with the American Shorthair cat.

What did the breeders get in the end?

  • Large, almost round head with a wide muzzle, fitting into a regular square.
  • Large, almond-shaped eyes are set wide apart, the main color is orange and green.
  • The nose is wide, of medium length, the chin is powerful, the jaws are wide.
  • The ears are medium in size, rounded at the tips, directed forward.
  • The constitution of the cat is strong, it belongs to rough and heavy breeds.
  • The coat is short and very dense, the undercoat is dense, well developed.
  • Many colors, but we especially love silver marble black (silver tabby).
  • Due to the lack of various genetic diseases cats with a similar "pedigree" are often used to improve a particular artificially bred breed.

What did this cross give?

First, excellent health.

Secondly, cleanliness, enviable for many home "artificial" people.

Thirdly, an innate intelligence, a sense of tact and a subtle mind.

Fourthly, the cat is easy to train, because willingly makes contact with a person.

Origin story

Now there is no need to argue about what the American breeders wanted to improve. Some argue that they wanted to get a green-eyed Persian with different colors, others - an American cat with a squarer bone, squat short legs and more rounded outlines, others claim that they tried to improve the silver color of both cats ...

The main thing is not this, the main thing is that fate gave the exotic Persian a chance to be reborn. And not just to be reborn, but to take the fourth place in popularity among the ten most demanded breeds!

After mating a silver Persian on a silver American in 1963, it turned out, as it seemed initially, "the devil has a bow on the side."

We used mating of the same Persian of exotic appearance with a Burmese cat, even managed to get a couple of unsuccessful litters that did not satisfy breeders-breeders, while Persian-American kittens grew up in the meantime.

And it turned out that there was no need to improve anything, although getting just such looking kittens was not included in the breeder plans!

These kittens did not fully inherit their mother's American appearance, but more than enough "snatched" it from their father. Plump and rounded, with thick paws and a surprisingly naive "face" expression, they looked more like bear cubs from Japanese anime, or a child's toy that came to life, than real live kittens. Particularly this type was promoted by the skin, which lost the long-foamy hair of the Persian dad-exotic, and acquired a completely plush appearance due to the mother's wool. Exotic kittens. Photo.

And at the expense of their mother, they received a portion of strong, healthy genes, although some of the diseases inherent in knitted-tied Persians, kittens of the future Exot breed "took" with them in new world... The percentage of animals susceptible to fatal diseases has sharply decreased, including not only airway obstruction, but also "pure-Persian" polycystic kidney disease. The number of congenital anomalies and anomalies of postpartum development, which were previously often observed in exotics of the Persian breed.

Small inconveniences of maintenance, such as watery eyes and frequent indigestion, were easily eliminated by daily eye care and selection of a balanced diet.

But the soft, comfortable, short plush coat required almost no maintenance, and the sweet expression made up for all the inconveniences of the content.

The kittens were immediately given the nickname "Persians for the lazy" and tried to register them as a sub-breed of American Persians called "Short-haired exotic cat of Persian origin."

Recognition of the breed

It is worth mentioning that the famous American "breeder" Jane Martin, who did a lot to maintain the exotic cat breed, contributed to the CFA in 1966. her proposal for the name of the plush exotic Persians - Sterling silver Cat (cat of the highest standard of silver), but her proposal was rejected.

Three years later, in 1969, Jane again applied to the CFA, where she proved that, despite the fact that all the points of the standard completely coincide with the Persians, and the difference between the group and the Persian cats is only in shorthair, she insists on the allocation this breed group has the status of a separate breed. As compensation, she will agree with the name of this breed as "Exotic Shorthair" or simply "Exotic Cat". The commission accepted her ultimatum.

Despite the growing popularity of the exotic cat breed, the main breeders are breeders of purebred persian cats, refused to work with this line, just as they once refused to work with the exotic Persians. Jane Martin was able to convince such well-known breeders and owners of the largest kennels as Doris Walkingstick and Caroline Bussey of the correct breeding of new exotic plants, and they not only provided her with their animals, but also warmly supported her in front of the CFA board members.

Thanks to the persistence of these three people in 1969. the exotic cat breed was registered and fully rehabilitated.

Exotic cat. Photo.

Breeding and price of exotic

To be registered as an exotic, a cat or a cat, you must have one parent-Persian, and the other - American Shorthair, or both parents must be of the exotic breed.

Exotic cats with any color and any pattern of wool are allowed for mating.

The most interesting in terms of colors are kittens that have black, red and white colors - "harlequin", "calico" or "tortie with white". It is worth noting that all three "lucky" colors are carried only by cats (this also applies to other breeds). The tricolor cat is exot sterile - sterile.

The exotic cat is distinguished by excellent "endurance", it brings healthy, strong kittens-bear cubs, not prone to diseases and ailments.

Do not be alarmed if from a pair of pure red exotics babies of a pure black color are born - the genes of other felines, you know!

The type of exotic cat and exotic cat must fully comply with the standard set for Persian cats and cats, but with short velvety plush hair.

The coat is soft, elastic, in no way adhering to the body.

Close-fitting, not lagging coat is a disqualification.

All this splendor costs only 50,000 rubles maximum!

Exotic cat breed character

Thanks to an American mother, exotic animals from early kitten childhood combine calmness, meekness, gentleness, intelligence and playfulness. This is a great addition to qualities such as a quiet voice, lack of vindictiveness and innate cleanliness.

Kittens of an exotic breed are playful, mobile, but without destructive inclinations. Cats and cats love other animals and people, but at first they are wary of strangers.

And most importantly - sensitive and great gratitude react to caring attitude and generous affection!

Exotic care

Exotic care implies daily washing of the pet's eyes, this does not take much time and is the main occupation in its maintenance. However, do not forget about:

Well, besides food, give him your time - an exotic cat really needs attention, without him it withers and even gets sick and dies.

Diseases of the breed

Due to the special genetic makeup, you may encounter the following diseases of an exotic cat:

  • Difficulty breathing, snoring (due to his flattened nose);
  • Deformation of the teeth;
  • Lachrymation.

The rest of the exotic cat, thanks to its "second" progenitor - the American cat, has surprisingly good health.

What and how often to feed exotics?

Exotic shorthair cats are recommended to be fed 3 times a day premium feed (Pro Plan, Yams, Royal Canin and others). They are specially designed for cats based on their daily requirement in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They are balanced and do not need significant supplementation with other feeds. The diet can be supplemented with taurine treats and preparations that promote the removal of wool from the stomach. Natural feeding is not recommended. However, many breeders find it helpful to add liver, meat, and sour-milk unsweetened foods to their diet as complementary foods ( mixed type feeding).

There should always be water in the bowl. It should be replaced at least 2 times a day... Bowls for feeding exotic animals should be kept clean and stored separately from the master's kitchen utensils and utensils.

How to take care of an exotic, and what products and care items should you buy for this?

Despite the short coat, caring for an exotic is not as easy as it might seem. Cats of this breed have a thick undercoat, and guard hair, despite their length, can get confused. In addition, due to the structure of the nose and increased lacrimation, it is necessary to care for the muzzle more often than for ordinary shorthair cats. Therefore, it is necessary to devote a lot of time and effort to caring for exotics. For normal care (not show) for representatives of this breed, you will need:
- a comb with sparse teeth,
- a fine comb or glove for combing out wool,
- metal massage brush with antistatic coating or natural bristle,
- slicker (some breeders do not recommend using a slicker, so you should consult with the breeder),
- a nail clipper or scissors for cutting nails,
- cotton wool,
- cotton buds,
- ear cleaner or special wipes for this procedure,
- soft, lint-free fabric,
- paper or special napkins for eye care (sold at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store),
- shampoo for short-haired cats based on seaweed,
- conditioner or balm for cats,
- towels and hairdryer,
- gauze or toothbrush and animal paste,
- sponge,
- dry shampoo.

All metal combs should have a rounded tip.

The structure of the muzzle does not allow exotics to maintain a clean body the way cats of other breeds do, so the owners will have to devote a lot of time and effort to caring for cats of this breed. Exotic shorthair cats are recommended to be combed 2-3 times a week... During the seasonal molt - 3-4 times a week. The opinion of breeders about where to start combing and how to end it differs, therefore, each exotic owner must determine the correct sequence for himself by the method of samples. In one opinion, experts agree - it is necessary to comb in the direction of growth of the guard hair. First, you should prepare the hairline with a comb with rare teeth, disassemble the matted hairs. Then it is advisable to use a slicker, which will remove the dead hair of the undercoat and thin it out a little. However, some experts are against its use, therefore, owners of exotic plants are advised to consult with the breeder. Next, comb out the dead guard hair of the pet with a fine comb or glove for combing out the hair of short-haired cats. At the end of the treatment, it is recommended to give the coat a natural look with a metal massage brush or a natural bristle brush. Artificial bristles create static electricity, so it is recommended that you refuse to use brushes with such bristles.

It is recommended to wash an exotic shorthair cat once every 2-3 months., before the exhibition, viscous, one day after taking anthelmintic drugs, and also as needed. Bathing helps to remove dead hair during the shedding period, but overuse of this procedure can lead to a decrease in the protective properties of the coat. For bathing, only shampoos, balms, conditioners designed for cats are suitable. Can not use detergents for people (especially soap) and other animals, as they are extremely negative action on the scalp and skin of exotics. The exception is dishwashing detergents, which can be used to wash a heavily greasy tail. You can bathe in any container convenient for the owner (basin, bath, sink). The exotic muzzle should be washed with a wet sponge. Finally, the cat's coat must be thoroughly rinsed with running water. Drying can be done with towels or with a hairdryer. After bathing, it is recommended to comb the exotic with a natural bristle brush.

Local impurities are removed with dry shampoo. The powder should be rubbed well into the dirty coat. After the time specified in the instructions (about 5 minutes), the powder must be combed out onto the newspaper massage brush.

The exotic shorthair cat's face should be examined everyday: wipe and rinse eyes and nose soft cloth lint-free or special napkins. Exotics are characterized by increased lacrimation, so owners need to pay a lot of attention to their pets' eyes so that they are always clear and clean.

It is recommended to clean the teeth with gauze wrapped around a finger and moistened with a solution baking soda and table salt in a 1: 1 ratio. When the exotic gets used to this procedure, you can safely move on to brushing with a toothbrush. Used Toothpaste should be intended for cats or for cats and dogs, but not for humans. It is recommended to brush with sweeping movements from the base of the tooth to its edge. once a week.

The ears of exotic shorthaired cats should be cleaned for about once every 2-3 weeks with cotton swabs or a piece of cotton. Cotton wool should be soaked in a special solution that can be purchased at your veterinary pharmacy. It reduces friction, effectively removes wax and dirt, and disinfects the inner ear surface. Do not immerse a cotton swab deep into the ear canal to avoid damaging it.

Claws are recommended to be cut once a week well sharpened special scissors or with a claw cutter. It is convenient for small kittens to cut their nails with nail clippers. It is recommended to cut off the narrow part of the claw without affecting the vessels. In case of injury (vascular damage), it is recommended to have iodine and cotton wool on hand.

An exotic cat is almost a complete copy of a Persian cat. Differences are a very flattened nose and short hair. This breed was bred from the Persians, and she inherited some of their features.

History of an exotic breed

The breed was obtained as a result of crossing a Persian cat and a shorthair American cat in the 60s of the XX century in the United States. Thanks to this crossing, breeders wanted to improve and diversify the color of the American Shorthair. The result is short-legged, short-haired kittens with a flattened muzzle. The breeders were not very happy with the offspring they received, but these charming creatures still won their hearts. In 1966, a breed standard was developed, in which exotics were supposed to look like Persian cats, but only with a shorter coat. Officially, the breed was recognized in 1967, and in 1973, changes were made to the standard of the breed: it became mandatory to have a stop - a sharp nasal transition .

Exots were bred by crossing Persians with American Shorthair cats.

In Russia, exotics appeared in the early 1990s. Cat breeders liked the breed very much, and for its breeding they acquired animals in elite catteries all over the world. Today, the exotic cat breed ranks first in the popularity of cat breeds, having overtaken its descendants - Persian cats a few years ago.

Exots are jokingly called Persians for lazy people, meaning that their fur does not need special care and this fits perfectly into the life of a modern dynamic person.

External features

Exotic cats are very similar in appearance to the Persians. The body is strong, stocky, the height at the withers reaches 30 cm. The head is large and round, the ears are erect of medium size. Large eyes, color from blue to amber brown.

A striking difference is a flattened nose and large cheeks, these two signs give the cat a doll-like appearance. The tail of exotic animals is long, moderately fluffy. The coat is short, plush and thick. The colors are different: blue, white, marble, cream, red, black, brown. The weight of an adult exotic can reach 5 kg.

Photo gallery: exotic cat

The exotic cat adopted the good-natured character of the Persians, it is the most affectionate and loving breed External features of exotics are big eyes, short coat and chubby cheeks Exotic eye color depends on the color of the coat, the brighter the color, the brighter and richer the eye color Exots are wary of new people, but if over time they understand that there is no danger, they calmly make contact


As in many other things, exotic cats are similar in character to Persians: they are quiet, domestic, calm and loving animals. Exots are very fond of human attention, they can easily climb on your knees at any time. They love to sleep with the owner, even, perhaps, on it. Exots are mobile and inquisitive, active, love to play, happy to run after a bow on a string or chase a ball. The breed is completely non-aggressive, so it easily gets along with children or animals, even with dogs. Exot is a very loyal breed, he will always meet his master after absence. He is wary of strangers, but only at first. If the cat understands that there is no danger, then calmly makes contact.

Exots get along well with other animals and people.

In fact, each cat has its own character. Familiar cats and cats of the exotic breed. The cat loves to sit on his hands, loves affection, always purrs and he will come running and climb on the arms or on the neck. The cat is wayward, rarely comes up to someone, it will sit in its arms only if you catch it yourself. If you call her, you will pretend to be deaf.

Exotic diseases

The exotic breed also adopted its sores from its ancestors - the Persians. Most often these are deformities of the teeth and jaw and brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome, which occurs due to a short, flattened nose. The syndrome is characterized by an increase in the following symptoms:

  • wheezing;
  • difficulty breathing
  • snore;
  • cough;
  • intolerance to loads;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes;
  • fainting;
  • pneumonia.

V severe form the syndrome can lead to deformation of the trachea, larynx, nose, which makes it very difficult for the cat to breathe.

Such animals should be constantly monitored by veterinarians, in the most neglected forms possible surgery... The sore can be exacerbated by overheating, overload, stress, obesity. It is easy to diagnose the problem - the animal begins to sniff, this is what the main reason going to the doctor.

Another unpleasant problem - in exotic plants, it flows heavily and abundantly from the eyes. This is due to anatomical features breed, so cats need daily eye care. If you do not treat the eyes or do it incorrectly, problems can arise - conjunctivitis and dermatitis around the eyes due to constant dampness.

A predisposition of exotics to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and polycystic kidney disease is possible. In general, the exotic breed is very healthy, life expectancy reaches 14 years.

How to choose a kitten

It is best to look for exotic kittens in specialized nurseries, although you can often find a purebred kitten with or without documents in simple ads. When choosing a future pet, pay attention to the activity of the kittens: if a kitten sits on the sidelines while his brothers run and play, then something is wrong with him.

Distinctive features of exotic kittens:

It is best to buy a three-month-old kitten: at this age, he can already do everything on his own, plus most of the vaccinations should already be done. If a kitten with documents, then he must have a metric in which the nickname, gender, date of birth, breed are registered. It can then be changed to pedigree, if you plan to go with the cat to exhibitions and breed. In any case, the kitten must have a veterinary passport, which contains marks about vaccination and treatment for helminths.

Breed care

Exotic care is not very difficult, eyes require special attention. Every day they need to be wiped with a dry napkin, and once a week - with a cotton swab dipped in weak tea leaves or in ordinary warm water. The claws are trimmed as they grow back - only the very tip of the white is trimmed with special scissors.

You can brush your cat's teeth with a cat brush and toothpaste yourself, or take your pet to the veterinary clinic for the procedure. Exotics don't really like to swim, so they should be washed once every six months. You need to bathe the cat with a cat shampoo, created specifically for this breed, be sure to dry it with a hairdryer after bathing. Brush once a week when the cat begins to shed - twice a week.

Since the breed has short hair, it needs minimal care - combing once a week, and during the shedding period - twice a week.

Ears need to be cleaned every two weeks. cotton pad dipped in a special ear cleaner. Do not forget to periodically treat the cat from worms, fleas, and if the animal walks on the street, then from ticks. Get all necessary vaccinations on time.

How to organize a cat litter box

It is not difficult to find a place for a tray - it can be a bathroom, a toilet or a corridor. While the kitten is small and gets used to the new place, the pot is placed next to his house. For exotics, a regular tray with a grid is best suited, most importantly, choose right size- better large toilet than small. To choose litter for the tray, experiment: each cat has its own preferences, so for some a simple woody one is suitable, and some will only go to silicate.

Familiar cats and cats of this breed. The cat walks into an empty tray with no litter mesh. And the cat prefers wood filler, since he was accustomed to it. Friends tried to remove the litter and leave the tray empty, but the cat did not like it, and he did not go into the tray until the litter was poured into it.

Feeding exotics

You need to feed a small kitten 4-5 times a day, adult cat- twice a day. If you choose dry food, then be sure to premium class, preferably designed specifically for an exotic breed. There should always be clean and fresh unboiled water next to food.

If the food is natural, then the cat's diet must include:

  • eggs;
  • lean pork or beef;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken or turkey;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • carrot;
  • cheese and sea ​​fish in small quantities.

You cannot feed exotic foods with vegetarian food, since a healthy body needs the protein contained in meat. If you feed your cat natural, then do not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes. It is not recommended to give to exotics:

Cheese is best given in small quantities and as a merit treat or simply as a reward. If you feed your cat a large amount of cheese, then she will begin to refuse from simple food.

Exotic breed breeding

The first mating in exotic cats is possible immediately after puberty, in cats - after a year for the second estrus. You can knit a cat every time you are in heat. An exotic cat is bred with exotics or Persian cats.

Pregnancy in exotics is easy, at this time the cat should be fed more often, until four times in a day. It is important not to forget about vitamin supplements when feeding with natural food, and it is better to replace dry food with a special one for pregnant women, in which there are more nutritious components.

During pregnancy, the cat needs to be transferred to a special food.

The cat gives birth on the 63–67 day from the moment of mating. She needs a little help with giving birth, especially if this is her first pregnancy: a few days before giving birth, prepare a box with a blanket, and when the cat starts looking for a place to give birth, put her there. It is better to use a large cage for this so that the cat does not run away anywhere. Exots give birth to one to seven kittens. If the exotic was mixed with the Persian, then both short-haired and long-haired kittens may appear.

When crossing an exotic and a Persian cat, the offspring can turn out to be both short-haired and long-haired.

Some breeders breed exotic cats with Scottish Folds. As a result, the offspring is mixed, there may be exotic animals with short hair and kittens with hanging ears, short hair and a very short nose. However, officially such mating is prohibited; in addition to the direct representatives of the breed, only Persian cats can participate in the development of exotic cats.

Castration and sterilization of the breed

If you do not want to engage in breeding cats or distributing unexpected offspring, then you can perform an operation to remove the genitals. In cats, the testes are surgically removed, and in cats - the ovaries and uterus, as a result, the animal does not want to mate - this procedure is called castration. During sterilization, the fallopian tubes are ligated in cats and the seminal ducts in cats. The operation does not affect sex drive animals, their instincts do not decrease and do not lose their intensity, animals can mate, but they cease to bear offspring.

Both operations are performed by veterinarians under general anesthesia. The procedures are quite easy and do not last very long. After the operation, the animal needs to be looked after:

  1. Bring home, lay on warm blanket or in a house away from the draft.
  2. It is not recommended to feed the animal for the first day, put only clean water next to it.
  3. Until the cat has recovered from the anesthesia, you need to be in close proximity to it in order to monitor the animal.
  4. After 24 hours, you can feed the cat, a little meat, or better chicken broth. Then you can switch to a regular diet.
  5. Cat stitches require daily treatment:
    • the first two days - processing with green stuff once a day;
    • after - treatment with Chlorhexidine twice a day;
    • stitches can be removed after 12 days.

Video: exotic breed

Exotic Shorthair cats are one of the most popular breeds for their good looks, friendly personality and love of play. They cause affection in everyone: huge surprised eyes, a flattened nose, plush hair and a light character make the animal look like a charming live toy. However, these cats have some health problems, so you need to be very careful about their well-being.

The history of the emergence of exotic

The first representatives of cats, similar to today's exotic shorthair, appeared as a result of a not entirely successful experiment to improve the American shorthair breed in the 50s of the last century.

These teddy bear-like cats are the result of a failed experiment

It seemed to the breeders that for the expansion of colors and a slight weighting of the skeleton, it was possible to cross the American Shorthair and the Persian cats. As a result, kittens were born that were completely different from the original breed, but at the same time impossibly charming. Although the result was unexpected, it was decided to continue the work on breeding these cute cats.

The Persian cat was adopted to improve the qualities of the American Shorthair

The breeding work was carried out without the permission of the CFA Board of Directors, and at the same time the kittens were born very different in appearance from the standards of the American shorthair cat. Jane Martink in 1966, on behalf of breeders, made a proposal to separate hybrid kittens into a separate breed.

American Shorthair was directly involved in the emergence of a new breed

This is how a new breed of exotic short-haired cats appeared with beauty standards that almost completely repeated the standards of the Persian cat, the only exception was plush hair.

However, the breeders of the Persians suddenly began to refuse to give their cats for breeding exotics. It seemed to them that these works directly harm the Persian cats, and the purity of the breed as a result of such crossing may be lost. However, a very small group of breeders noted the beauty and charm of plush cats. They became participants in the improvement of a new kind.

In 1973, the standards for the exotic shorthair cat approached the Persians, adding the combination "with a foot", meaning rather abrupt transition from forehead to nose. At this time, it was still allowed to cross the Persians with any short-haired breeds, but already in 1975, crossing became possible exclusively with the Persians and the American Short-haired cat, and since 1980 - only with the Persian breed. Since 1990, absolutely identical requirements for Persians and Exotics have been enshrined in the standards, the only difference between these two breeds is wool. Soon, the exotic breed was banned from crossing with any other breeds, including the Persian.

Exots differ from Persians only in wool

Today, both short-haired and long-haired kittens can be born in exotics litters. In the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association of America), long-haired exotic species are considered side effect and can take part in competitions where only places are played, without assigning titles. In all other felinological organizations, they are classified as Persian or exotic long-haired cats without any restrictions on participation in competitions. Crossbreeds between long-haired and short-haired exotic cats are allowed everywhere except CFA.

Description of the breed

The Exotic Shorthair cannot be confused with any other breed. The animals are distinguished by a unique appearance, giving the impression of a perfectly balanced cat with strong bones and rounded body lines. The standards even contain a special “sweet expression”. Exotic eyes are round, large and widely spaced, the hair is plush, thick, emphasizing the roundness of the animal's body.


The skull of the exotic is large and wide, the head is round, proportional, massive, located on a short, strong neck. The nose is wide and short with a neat stop, the cheeks are full, the jaws and chin are strong.

Exotic - large and rounded cats

Exotic ears are small, rounded, set wide and low. The eyes are round, large and expressive. It is brilliant bright eyes give the cat a sweet expression.

The body is massive, stocky, with well-developed muscles, the chest is wide. The limbs are short, strong, muscular, the paws are rounded, it is desirable that there are tufts of hair between the toes. The tail is short, proportional to the length of the body, fluffy and rounded at the end.

The fur of an exotic cat resembles a plush

Exotic wool is thick, soft, reminiscent of plush. It is rather of medium length, that is, slightly longer than the coat of ordinary short-haired cats. But at the same time, it cannot be so long as to lie on the body. All colors are allowed, except fawn (light beige) and cinnamon (reddish brown, cinnamon).

For colors white, harlequin, van, bicolor, different eye colors are allowed, for example, one is blue, the other is yellow.

Exotic nature

Representatives of the Exotic Shorthair breed are distinguished by a very friendly character and the ability to get along with any member of the family. However, these animals take time to accept new people or animals into their lives. Once in the family, the exotic will first watch the owners. And then she will choose the main person for herself, to whom she will demonstrate almost dog-like devotion and loyalty. He will love everyone, but he will give the palm only to the one he chooses.

Exotic cats love games, but they cannot be called too active. They can run after the ball, but they will enjoy more calm entertainment, such as lazy tossing with their paws. paper ball... In childhood, they will be much more active.

Ecotic cats don't like to move too much

An exotic pet, if there are other animals in the house, will easily find a common language with them, but will always be able to fend for itself. If another pet shows aggression towards a plush cat, the latter, with most likely, will simply stop communicating with an unpleasant neighbor. But the cat will respond to a friendly attitude in the same way.

The exotic has a rather quiet voice, and at the same time these cats are more silent than other breeds. As a rule, the exotic will not bother the owner with loud demands for food or simple attention... Rather, the pet will simply sit and stare at the person until he looks back and understands what the pet wants.

But sometimes these cute plush cats can be persistent, begging for food or attention. It will manifest itself in gentle stroking with the paw or rubbing against all parts of the host's body that are within reach. If these actions are not noticed, the animal will move to a more active effect and can gently lick its hands or face, sometimes biting its fingers gently and affectionately.

This cat can not take his eyes off the owner for hours

The main feature of an exotic cat's character is a dislike for loneliness. This pet is ready to go anywhere, as long as there is a beloved owner nearby. These cats easily get used to new places if they are with the person to whom they are attached. Moreover, cats are more inclined to communicate than cats.

Experts agree that exotics are very friendly and never show aggression. However, from the experience of communicating with an exotic cat of a neighbor, I can confidently say that there are bright exceptions to the rules, if you buy an animal not from a breeder, but on the street from your hands. A neighbor's cat, having chosen the daughter of my neighbors as its mistress, to all other representatives human race felt a tangible dislike, which she demonstrated by sudden attacks on the legs and arms of all family members, except for her beloved mistress. Attempts to re-educate the cat were unsuccessful, and consultation with the breeder of Persians and exotic animals confirmed that unscrupulous breeders do not pay attention to the nature of animals, choosing partners for mating.

Buying a kitten

If you want to buy an exotic short-haired kitten, first you need to study the characteristics of the breed, perhaps visit specialized exhibitions, talk to breeders and just fans of the breed.

How to choose a kitten

An exotic kitten should be purchased exclusively from a trusted, bona fide breeder with a good reputation. Since exotic, like Persians, belong to an artificially bred breed, they may have some health problems. Conscientious breeders will never sell a problematic or sick animal, as they care not only about their own reputation, but also about the health of their pets.

Criterias of choice

Choosing exotic, you need to pay attention to the proportionality of the baby. These signs of the breed become visible already at the age of 3 months:

Kitten age

Experts and breeders strongly recommend purchasing exotic shorthair kittens no earlier than at the age of 3.5 months. By this time, little exotics are fully vaccinated, they can eat on their own, they are accustomed to the tray. At the same time, you can already see whether a short-haired exotic baby is in front of you or a representative of a breed with long hair.

An exotic baby is best purchased at the age of 3.5 months.

Keeping exotic shorthair

Exotic cats are not too difficult to keep, but there are some nuances that you should be aware of in advance.


Exotic shorthair cat it is unpretentious in food, it has a very good appetite. However, you should not feed her too often, as representatives of this breed are prone to overeating. Due to the wide muzzle, exotics often get dirty while eating and drinking, so bowls for water and food should be high, with edges slightly curved inward, this will allow at least a little to protect the animal's fur from pollution.

The amount and composition of food

Preference should be given to dry industrial super-premium food (Yams, Hills, Royal Canin, Pro plan) with the necessary content of all the necessary substances.

It is allowed to supplement the dry diet with canned meat from the same manufacturer as the dry food. The amount of food in the first and second options should correspond to the weight of the animal and be consistent with the recommendations indicated on the food packaging.

Exotics have an excellent appetite, so it's important not to overfeed them.

If the owner prefers the natural diet of the pet, then the diet should be balanced and agreed with the veterinarian. The menu must contain:

  • frozen raw beef;
  • boiled chicken;
  • fermented milk products, usually fermented baked milk;
  • quail - less often chicken - eggs;
  • steamed oatmeal or buckwheat;
  • boiled vegetables.

Do not give fatty meat, sausages and smoked meats. The presence of fish and milk in the diet is not recommended. Fish, especially river fish, in the animal's diet can lead to urolithiasis and milk - cause digestive problems.

Choose your pet's razon carefully.

At natural feeding it is necessary to additionally give the animal special vitamins containing the necessary substances, since often it will not be possible to get them in full. When feeding with ready-made industrial feed, the inclusion of vitamins is not required, they are already there in the required amount.

How many times a day to feed the pet

The recommended number of meals for an adult exotic cat is 2 times a day, morning and evening. Kittens up to 3 months of age eat 6 times a day, up to 6 months - 4 times, from 9 months they switch to two meals a day. Access to clean drinking water the cat should have around the clock.

The role of a balanced diet in a cat's health

Proper nutrition and the availability of all essential vitamins and minerals are the key to good health and appearance exotic cat. Visible sign unbalanced diet animal - bad condition wool, stool problems.

Under normal, okay balanced nutrition the animal has a chance of getting diseases gastrointestinal tract minimal. If the owner feeds the pet with ready-made premium food, as a rule, no problems arise. At natural nutrition the best solution to the issue may be the consultation of an experienced veterinarian who will calculate daily rate consumption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates for a particular animal, taking into account its age and weight.

Beauty care

Daily care is necessary for all cats, but for exotics it has its own characteristics.

Behind the beauty of exotic is the work of the owner

Combing and bathing

Exotic cats are usually bathed once every 2–4 months, or as they become dirty, using special cat shampoos, preferably containing extracts of seaweed or medicinal herbs. However, exotics are preliminarily washed using a degreasing dishwashing detergent. Without double soaping with such a product, the shampoo simply will not penetrate into the thick undercoat, and the dish detergent will degrease the fur. Then the product is thoroughly rinsed, the cat is washed with shampoo and rinsed with conditioner. During bathing, special attention is paid to the places of greatest pollution: front paws, chin, tail.

After washing, it is necessary to dry the animal's hair with a hair dryer, since the wool of exotic animals, although not very long, is very dense, so natural drying can take a long time. After blow-drying, it is recommended to use a special grooming powder purchased from a pet store. It removes the remaining moisture and makes the coat silky.

Plush wool requires special attention and care

Exotic animals are combed quite often, 3-4 times a week, helping them to get rid of dying hair. In this case, only the sides and abdomen are combed along the wool, and all other parts of the body are against.

Eye care

Exotic eyes are large, wide open and slightly protruding, so they need daily care. Absence daily procedures can lead to inflammation. The eyes are washed with a special lotion (purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy), dried with a cotton napkin. After that, a special powder is applied to the area under the eyes with the help of a brush or cotton swab, especially carefully on the places where yellowness from the tears has appeared. The antibiotic contained in the powder reduces eye discharge and prevents inflammation.

Ear care

An exotic cat's ears need to be cleaned every 7-10 days and after every bath. For cleaning, special lotions are used to help remove dirt. It is applied to a cotton pad and gently wiped from the inside of the pet's ear. After that, it is dried with a clean dry cotton pad and treated with an antiseptic powder. This powder not only removes dirt residues, but also helps remove dead hairs inside the ear canal.

Claw cutting

This procedure is an integral part of pet care, but the cat should be taught to it from childhood. Usually the claws are sheared once every two weeks, cutting off only the very tip with special clipper scissors.

These scissors are used to trim claws.

Oral cavity care

Brushing your teeth is also a necessary procedure for exotics, as they are prone to gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and the formation of tartar. Cleaning is performed at least once a week using a special cat or soft children's toothbrush. At first, during the training process, the brush should be moistened with water, then tooth powder is used, which does not contain fragrances or fragrances.

A kitten should be taught to brush teeth from an early age.

Required purchases

Before the exotic kitten gets into the house, you should purchase the things necessary for the baby:

  1. A tray where the baby will go to the toilet. Exotic kittens love to row, so a tray with a lattice is not suitable for them. The most suitable filler for this breed is compressed sawdust. Exotic breeders do not recommend clumping filler, since the baby can accidentally swallow it, and if the filler enters the stomach death almost inevitable.

    These pressed sawdust are suitable as filler for exotics.

  2. Toys are good entertainment for exotics. These can be small balls, soft mice and special toys on a stick with a string or elastic band.
  3. Cats of an exotic breed do not need to walk, they are quite enough home content... But if the owner wants the pet to accompany him during walks, then he should be taught to walk on a leash. This should also be done from a young age.

Vices of the breed

Since exotics have Persians in their pedigree, the tendency to some diseases in these two breeds is similar.

Exotic diseases

Exotic cats may develop the following diseases:

To avoid health problems, you should visit your veterinarian regularly. An examination by a feline ENT doctor with a detailed examination of the pet's nose is mandatory.

To prevent kidney disease, veterinarians recommend passing a urine test once every 4–6 months in the absence of complaints about the animal's well-being.

Cardiomyopathy is determined at an early age, it is a genetic disease and kittens with this pathology are usually not offered for sale.

Deworming and vaccination of exotics is carried out according to the schedule, in the same way as for cats of any other breeds.

Vices of appearance

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, exotic cats have less and less defects in their appearance, however, felinologists have highlighted the features that lead to the disqualification of the animal at exhibitions:

  • bends or kinks in the tail;
  • the wrong number of toes on the paws (on the front there should be five toes, on the back - four);
  • deformity of the spine or skull (asymmetry of the head or muzzle);
  • strabismus.

Exotic breeding

It should be noted that in order to breed a breed, it is necessary not only to love animals, but also to have the right to such activities. If the owner decided that his pet should have offspring, you need to approach the issue of choosing a partner very carefully.

To breed such handsome men, you need to carefully choose partners.

Criteria for choosing a partner and breeding features

There are several features that are important when preparing for breeding cats:

  1. When choosing a partner for an exotic, it is important to ask its owner what the colors of the kittens were when mating his litter: this will help determine the color of the babies that the cat will give birth to.
  2. Often, a breeding exotic cat is chosen depending on its pedigree: how many champions and grand champions were among its ancestors.
  3. Usually the female is brought to the chosen male. For mating, you need to find a cat that is characterized not only by good family tree, but also health, he should not have missed the terms of vaccination against dangerous diseases, which are carried out annually.
  4. As a rule, breeders make sure that breeding cats are in excellent physical shape. In order not to expose them to unnecessary overload, the number of matings is limited.
  5. Do not mate with a cat if the breeder or owner of the cat has doubts about the health of the cat, so as not to expose the cat to the risk of contracting any disease during coverage.
  6. It is desirable that the owner of the cat is present during her mating and can calm the animal in case of a sharp aggressive reaction of the female to the coating process.
  7. There are times when a cat delivered to a cat's house stops estrus. This is a possible reaction to moving or staying in an unfamiliar place, that is, a kind of manifestation of a stressful state.
  8. The cat should not be immediately allowed to the cat, it is necessary to give her the opportunity to get acquainted with the new place and its smells, as well as the smell of the future partner, and then with him.
  9. If too aggressive behavior cats, the owner of the cat can postpone mating until the next time. In case of aggression or even a fight with a partner, experienced breeders recommend throwing a blanket over the cat or resorting to such a tool as a brush.
  10. Acquaintance, courtship and finally mating usually take 4–5 days. How easy the coating process will be depends on individual characteristics animals.
  11. As a support for the couple, a washable mat is placed, which will help to stabilize the cat's hind legs during the covering and prevent slipping.

At what age is the first mating

Usually, exotic cats become sexually mature at the age of 6–8 months, and cats at 8–10. However, mating of thoroughbred animals is allowed at about 12–20 months.

How often can a cat give birth?

In order to preserve the health of the mother-cat and the birth of strong healthy offspring, a purebred cat can give birth no more than 2 times a year, but three births within 2 years are usually considered the optimal amount.

How to determine if exotic kittens with long or short hair were born

In newborn kittens, it is impossible to immediately determine how long the coat will be. If you examine the babies immediately after they are dry, the future long-haired kitten may give out waviness of the coat. At the same time, the short-haired cat has a slightly stiffer coat than the long-haired one.

At 2-3 weeks, the tail of long-haired exotic animals may resemble a broom, and the short-haired one will not have hairs sticking out in all directions. The final coat length becomes visible at 8-9 weeks. Long-haired representatives will be more neat and cute, and plush exotic animals will look awkward and disheveled.

Castration and sterilization

If the cat or cat is not intended for breeding, it is better to neuter or neuter the animal. When castration is removed reproductive organs, fully or partially. In a cat, the testicles are removed, in a cat, with partial castration, only the ovaries, with complete castration, together with the uterus. However, in recent times partial castration is offered less and less because of the risk of developing pathologies in the uterus that began before castration. During sterilization, nothing is removed, but the spermatic cords of the cat or the ducts of the cat are tied.

In this case, the animals retain the ability to mate without the appearance of offspring. Sterilization is usually practiced in nurseries.

This procedure is sometimes necessary for professional felinologists and owners of purebred cat catteries in their breeding work breeding. Cats are able to give birth several times a year, and cats are able to demand and breed cats with little or no interruption. Therefore, to solve such problems, sometimes a sterilized cat or cat is kept in the feline collective. But the owners of ordinary domestic cats and cats do not need sterilization, and it is precisely neutering that is necessary for their pets.

Maria Epifanova

Taking care of your pet after surgery

Caring for a cat or a cat of an exotic breed is no different from caring for animals of other breeds. On the first day after the operation, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet, to provide him with warmth, peace and lack of contact with other animals, if any.

The animal needs special attention after surgery

In the postoperative period, the animal is observed:

  1. Dry eyes. When using anesthesia, cats' eyes do not close, they remain open. During the operation, the veterinarian from time to time closes the eyelids of the animal, so that the conjunctiva is moistened with a tear. Until the cat recovers from the anesthesia, the owner will have to do it. In order to properly care for your pet's eyes, you need to buy tetracycline eye ointment or antiseptic drops. After the pet has come out of anesthesia, you do not need to close your eyes, it will do it on its own. There are times when an animal lies with open eyes, then it is necessary to drip saline into the eyes, this will save them from dryness.
  2. Low body temperature. The usual feline temperature is 37.5 - 39.0 degrees Celsius. In the postoperative period, the temperature can drop to 36.5 - 37.0 degrees. The cat should be placed on a warm mat and covered with a warm blanket. In extreme cases, you can warm it up with a heating pad. To normalize blood circulation, you need to rub the ears and paws.
  3. Staggering gait. This is due to the relaxation of the muscles during the application of anesthesia. On the first day, it is better to monitor the pet so that it does not climb to any height, otherwise it may not hold on and fall.
  4. At first, the cat needs painkillers. If your pet is silent, this does not mean that he does not feel pain. Most animals tolerate pain in silence. They completely refuse food, are in a motionless position. Their pupils, as a rule, are dilated, concentrated. The gaze is directed to one point.

Host actions in the postoperative period:

  • the groin area should be viewed daily and checked for bleeding;
  • in order to heal the stitches better, they are treated with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green twice a day, you can also lubricate the suture site with Levomekol ointment;
  • per cat in rehabilitation period you need to wear a collar that will prevent the animal from licking the wound, since this can lead to divergence of the seams and, accordingly, infection;
  • the rehabilitation period is easier in the winter, if the operation was carried out in the summer, then a five-day course of antibiotic therapy may be needed - it is better to be insured than to treat the resulting infection later.

Table: pros and cons of the breed

Video: exotic shorthair cat