Celebration by March 8, senior group. Song about grandma: Grandma is cute. An Important Meeting, or What to Present for Mothers

Children enter the hall ( song "Look with the eyes of joy")

Leading :

The whole hall is sparkling with lights

He gathered his beloved guests.

The fun hour will be shared with us

The smiles of our lovely mothers.

Reb 1 ... Frosty March Day

Shines like a light

He keeps us warm

Brings a holiday to every home.

Reb2... What a blessing to get up early

And hug my dear mom

Give her a bouquet of flowers

And be obedient all day.

Reb3. For mom I would like to do

I have a lot of important things to do:

First fix the tap for her,

Then to compose poems for her.

Reb4... And I would help my mother,

I baked a cake and buns.

Reb5... And I would knit a scarf for my mother,

So that she does not get cold.

Reb6. And I would sit next to my mother

and sang songs to her all day.

Reb.7 Today we congratulate you

Beautiful, lovely our mothers,

We only wish you to smile

And we present this song to you.

*Song "SAND - DROPS".

Leading. Have you guys heard? Somewhere in the world there is an amazing country, she is called Mom's! How to get there? There is only one way, one sorceress told me about it. You need to close your eyes, just be honest, and imagine your mom's face, while you mentally tell her something good and pleasant. Let's try ?!

Children close their eyes. And behind the screen is heard loud noise broken bottle. The children involuntarily open their eyes and see Jin sitting on the floor.
Gin(gets up slowly, stretches). I sat in a bottle for a thousand years. But the power of your kind thoughts destroyed this cramped vessel. Thanks to you guys, I'm free again! What can I do for you?
Leading. Dear Genie, we know that there is my mother's country somewhere. We would very much like to visit there, because the children love their mothers so much and want to congratulate them on the holiday. Have you heard anything about Mother's country?
Gin. There is such a country in the world!

I'll tell you what she is:

There are pancakes, pies, cheesecakes, and cutlets, dumplings, buns.
Cups, plates, saucepans, drops, tablets, pills.
Books, theaters, paintings, markets and shops.
Work during the day, books and toys in the evening.
Cooking food and laundry at night.
In the heart - tenderness, care, attention ...
Here is, in short, a description of the country!
But how do you get there? We tried, but nothing came of it.
Gin. This will help my umbrella. (She takes it in her hands.)
Hocus pocus, roll-ups! Country, appear instantly!

Presenter Dear ladies and gentlemen! You and I are on board the carpet-plane, kindly provided by the "Prazdnik-Tour" company. Our liner operates the flight "Kindergarten" 944 "- Mother's Country" The flight takes place at the height of the first floor, the temperature outside is +4, the wind is favorable. We wish you a pleasant flight! Guys, to make it more fun to fly, let's get up from our seats with you!

song "We have made a song."

Gin. What, you guys are great. How gloriously you sing. With such children, we will definitely get to my mother's country!
Leading... Fasten your seat belts. We are starting to descend and will now make our first landing: station “ SPORTING».

dance " HULA HUP ».

Gin... Attention! Since our landing time is limited, and mothers need to help, I suggest starting with the main thing right away - cleaning the apartment!
Leading... One good deed has already been done. You see, you should really want to, and then roll up your sleeves, and we can handle any business.
Gin. It's time for us to hit the road. All aboard the aircraft! Magic words remember? Start the engine! ( speaks magic words).
Leading. Dear Genie, as far as I understand, our aircraft is magical?
Gin. Of course!
Leading. What if our guys want to dance?
Gin. Dance to your health! So we will fly even faster. My device loves to have fun!

Leading... It seems we are getting closer to bay mom's professions... I'm sure there will be a lot of interesting things for us here!
Gin. Get ready to drop!
Leading... The landing went well!
Gin(stretches out his hands towards the seated mothers): Well, well, now we will find out something about the place of our stay, I will try to find out some information from my mother's faces. Your mothers work in this part of the island. They do a variety of things, but they are very necessary for everyone. But I just can't understand who your mothers work for. I guess my witchcraft powers are already fading.
Leading. Please do not be upset, dear Genie. Our guys will now tell us everything themselves, and you have a rest.

1st child:: Who understands hairstyles and knows a lot about haircuts, a hairdresser is a mother - so if she cuts a hair, no one cries: each haircut is like a miracle ... Only my mother will have a haircut!
2nd child: Delicious cake and cheesecakes are waiting for you, dear friends.
Come visit me more often, my mom is a pastry chef.
3rd child: Who walks in a white cap
with a big ladle in hand?
Who will cook delicious cabbage rolls for you?
Are you ready to name your profession? My mom is a great cook.
4th child: Every morning mommy rushes to school for lesson. She is a teacher

5th child Who gives us love, affection, knows all the poems and fairy tales; the world helps us to know, and kindly scolds us. Who is always our friend, buddy? This is a mother-educator! 6th 6th child:: Who in the world sews better? Knows all fashion magazines ...

Who draws clothes for us, spoils us with clothes, so that you and I shine?

My mom is a seamstress!

7th child: My mother, a writer and journalist, writes articles and notes for newspapers. 8th child: Who knows everything about music, teaches notes from childhood;

revealed to us the paint melodies? Who has such talent? This is mom - a musician.
9th child: If the umbrella suddenly breaks, it will make the repair itself.
Choosing a new vacuum cleaner is not a question for mommy.
I will take an example from her, I will also be an engineer.
10th child:: Has the wheel gone down again? Mom will not pass by.
A traffic light shines on her. My mom is a chauffeur.

11th child: I don't want to argue with you, you believe me so,
Our mothers are the best, the best in the world!

Leading: How many new things have we learned! But you need to hurry, because Mom's country is so big.
Gin: We are ready to continue the journey! We start the engine.
He recites magic words with the children.
Jin: And let's fly, let's fly ...
Leading... We land. In which beautiful place we ended up! Guys, we're on an entertainment island. And since we are on this island, let's have fun.

BEAUTY SALON game Leading: Our girls are very beautiful, fashionable and love to visit a doll beauty salon, but while our girls have not yet grown up, mothers often go to a real beauty salon. Now we will invite our mothers to visit our beauty salon. We need three mothers to play . Leading: Mothers are invited to visit a beauty salon now, where young hairdressers will make them extraordinary hairstyles. Mothers (3 people) sit on chairs and hold a piece of Whatman paper in which a hole for the face is cut out, and the outline of the neck is drawn. (music)

Leading: How beautiful, I will definitely visit your beauty salon too.

RELAY GAME for boys " PURCHASES » (music )

Leading: And now we invite boys. They really want to be real mother's helpers. Let's see how the boys show their preparation for household chores! Ready? (Yes)

Leading: Get up in two teams, here's a basket for you. You go to the store one by one, buy the products that you need: one team for making soup, and the other for making compote! Ready? One-two-three, run to the store!

*It is proposed to play the game "OPANKI ».

Leading. Guys, we need to hurry up, we haven't been everywhere yet ...

Here is the station "BABUSHKINSKAYA" We have prepared poems and songs not only about our lovely mothers, but also about very kind, caring and gentle grandmothers.

1Reb. My grandmother and I are old friends.
Until what good grandmother my!
He knows so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count,
And there is always a new one in stock!

2Reb. But the grandmother's hands are just a treasure!
The hands do not order to be idle to the grandmother.
Gold, dexterous, how I love them!
No, you probably won't find others like that!

3Reb. We love grandma very much,
We are very friendly with her.
With a good, kind grandmother
The guys are more fun!

4Reb. Grandma, grandma, my dear

Granny, granny, I love you.

My granny has tender hands

Little grandchildren love grandmothers very much!

5Reb. We are for beloved grandmothers

We will sing the song affectionately, Kiss, caress

And congratulations on Women's Day!

*The song "ABOUT GRANDMY" is being performed.

Gin. Hurray-a-ah! We have reached the final destination of our journey - the Valley of Mother's Dreams. This place is surrounded by dreams and desires. What do you think your mothers love most to receive as a gift?

Leading. Weird question, of course flowers!

Gin... Oh, but I didn't think about it. And I don’t remember now the spell for the appearance of flowers. (Upset)

Leading. Don't be sad, dear Genie. We don't need your spell. Our guys are also a bit of wizards and now, without any spells, a real flower bed will appear here!


Gin. The guys made their mothers happy. How nice to see talented and kind children. Thank you from me, old Genie. Our journey through my mother's country, so amazing and interesting, ends.

Leading. It's time for us to go back to Kindergarten.

Gin. Everyone is welcome to board our aircraft. We will return - we will begin to decline!

Children perform the dance “WE ARE LITTLE STARS”.

Leading Dear mothers, grandmothers, women! Once again, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of love and hope. I wish you happiness, health, love and smiles! May your life be bright and joyful!

Together: Happy Holidays!

Children by d music leave the hall.

Before the matinee, distribute tickets to the festive concert to mothers.

Leading: Lovely women!

We congratulate you on the Spring holiday!

Let the first snowdrop

Will give you tenderness!

The spring sun will give you warmth!

And the March wind will give you hope

And happiness, and joy, and only good!

    Spring walks through the courtyards, in the rays of warmth and light,

Today is a holiday for our mothers and we are pleased with it!

I am glad to congratulate our kindergarten, all mothers all over the planet,

Thanks to mom they say: All adults and children!

Song: "We made a song"

We have composed a song for you, dear.

Let the song walk side by side with you.

Spring brooks will pour into the river,

and white birches will smile at mom.

Draw a rainbow, a blue river

and the snowdrop is small

and great spring.

Spring brooks will pour into the river,

and white birches will smile at mom.

Spring brooks will pour into the river,

and white birches will smile at mom.

And in the spring the song in my heart will echo

And hearing the song, mom will smile.

Spring brooks will pour into the river,

and white birches will smile at mom.

Spring brooks will pour into the river,

and white birches will smile at mom.

    If the morning begins, then the sun has risen,

If the mother smiles, then the children are good.

From pure heart, in simple words,

Let's talk, friends, about mom:

    We love her like a good friend

For the fact that we have everything together with her.

For the fact that when we get tight,

We can cry on our own shoulder.

    For the fact that always, without concealment and directly,

We can trust her heart with ours

And just because she is our mother,

We love her dearly and deeply.

    Mom - what a beautiful word

There is no better person in the world.

Say "mom" - it will shine in your soul

Affectionate, gentle light.

Mom, like an asterisk illuminates the path,

Mom loves you so much.

Dear mom, I dedicate to you

These are gentle words.

Solo song: "Oh, what a mother"

I'll wake my mom up in the morning - "Hello, mommy!" I will say

I love you very much my beloved

Oh, what a mother, a sight for sore eyes!

Sing with me, because today is your holiday

Oh, what a mother, a sight for sore eyes!

    We thought for a long time, decided:

What to give to our mothers?

After all, we said a gift

It should be the best!

    We cannot give a "jacuzzi"

And we cannot buy a ticket to Cyprus.

It's difficult to give us Mercedes too.

What should we give our mothers?

And the answer came by itself:

All: Give us a ticket to the concert!

8. We will play all the roles here ourselves.

We give a concert as a gift to mom!

Sorry if something goes wrong

After all, being an artist is not a trifle!

9. To our mothers, to our mothers

Dedicated to the program!

And to the grannies - to the troubled ones,

And to the little sisters - to giggles.

10. To our nanny Tanya

And also to girlfriends,

Kindergarten teachers,

That is always and everywhere nearby.

11. In general, everyone sitting in the hall,

Let everyone have fun with us

We will read poems for them,

Let's dance and sing together!

Dance "Polka"

12. We are for you loved ones

Sing the best song

We wish you happy days

Happy Women's Day!

Song " The best »

Shaking us in the cradle

Mothers sang songs to us,

And now it's time for us too

Sing a song for our mothers.

CHORUS: Children are all in the world

They call it mom

Sweet, good,

The most expensive one.

At night the stars outside the window

Scattered with peas.

Mom keeps your peace

We will fall asleep - she does not sleep.

Let's grow up and be ourselves

We take care of mom,

In the meantime, we will deliver to her

Joy with your song.

13. I smile like a mom.

I also frown stubbornly.

I have the same nose

And the same hair color!

I'm shorter, but still

And the eyes and nose are similar!

Mom and I are keeping up.

"So similar!" - they say.

Only mommy look straight

I am left and right

And I also look back!

14. I don't want to argue with you,

Trust me so

My mom is the best

Best of all in the world!

Mom fries pies

Mom glues masks

And tells me

Every evening there are fairy tales!

And she is also known

Song "Bayu-Bayu".

Mom will only sing

I immediately fall asleep!

15. Let's put together a robot for mom,

So that he does all the work sensibly.

And washed, and ironed, fried and boiled,

And he swept and washed the kitchen floors.

So I could mend the torn pants

So that he read at night

My sister and I have books!

And, coming home from work, mom will be surprised:

No work, you can go to bed!

16. Once I told my friends:

There are many different mothers,

But not to be found, I guarantee.

A mother like mine!

She bought for me

On the wheels of a horse

Saber, paints and an album ...

Only is that the point?

I love her anyway

Mom, my mom!

17. My brother and I together helped my mother,

We were praised, and then they gave us a piece of candy.

There is no more business to help such a trifle,

We are good for this, not for the candy.

18. I keep my mother's work, I help as much as I can.

Today my mother made cutlets for lunch

And she said: "Listen, help me out, eat!"

I ate a little, isn't it help?

19. We are sometimes so stubborn
We often make our mothers angry.
Moms love us more than all of us
And without mothers it is so difficult for us!
Mom will warm you and me
And he will take away all troubles.
If we cry, he will regret
Forgive everything and understand everything!

Leading. Without spring, we know

There is no mother's holiday!

Where can we find her?

How can we call her?

Music sounds, one of the parents brings balloon with a painted face on a string, an envelope is tied

Look who flew to us!


This is the postman! Interestingly, from whom did he bring the letter? We'll find out now! (Opens the envelope, reads).

Hello my guys!

I'll tell you everything in order:

I am Winter, Sister of Spring,

Snows, cold craftswoman!

I played snowballs with you

And I rolled everyone on the sled,

She made a snow woman ...

I haven't forgotten anything!

But it's time for me to get ready

Yes, to return to the north.

Don't miss me

And welcome Spring - red!

To make it more fun

Call your guests.

And my magic bell will help you with this!


Well, Winter tells us to have fun and wake up Spring! Let's take her advice!

20. The sky with delicate watercolors turns blue in the sky.

Young March warms my soul with its drop.

Forest snowdrops from leaves whisper to us:

"We opened up today for your lovely mothers!"

The streams are rustling, sparkling. It rings here and there.

Has arrived spring holiday at our lovely mothers.

21. Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields

There are puddles on the roads.

The ants will come out soon

After the winter chill.

The bear is sneaking

Through the forest deadwood.

The birds began to sing songs,

And the snowdrop blossomed.

Solo song " Mom's song »

Spring is knocking on the windows

Sings in every way

Glasses burn in the sun

And puddles of water.

Chorus: I am a little white snowdrop

I'll bring it for mom

It smells soft, gentle,

Like melted snow in the forest.

The prankster stream is rustling,

Woke up from a dream

I came to my mother's holiday

Beauty spring.

22. The sun is warming, it's warm outside.

From the smile of my mother, it is joyful, light!

A festive morning is knocking at our house.

Day the eighth of March-

Everything: Holiday of our mothers!

Leading: Let's give our dear guests a spring

the song "Sun drops".

Song: " Sunny drops "

1. In the courtyard, the icicles were crying, melting under the rays of the sun.

Blue tears dripped and left a thaw.

Ding-dong ... La-la ... (Children are ringing their bells.)

2. Drops-peas are dancing, and on the March thaw,

He held out his palm to the sun a small blue flower.

Ding-dong ... La-la ...

3. And the icicles jingle merrily, and the spring drops sing.

This sunny song is a congratulation to our mothers!

Ding-dong ... La-la ...


How well we sang a song! ... And the bell played along with you! Oh guys, the bell is actually magical!

Hear, someone is coming! ...

From whom did all the plates, spoons run away,

And pots, and glasses, even cooks?

Who is this? Say in chorus?

This is grandma

Children: Fedor!

Fedor: Finally, I came, I found a path!

(Fedora walks in to the music, holding a basket with dishes)

Fedor: Hello guys! I want to introduce myself! My name is Grandma Fedora! .... Why are there so many people here?

Leading: So we have a holiday today! Don't you know!

Fedor: Why dont know! I know! Army Day! Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

Leading: What are you, grandmother Fedor! Today is not this holiday at all!

Fedor: Whose is it?

Leading: Don't you guess?

Fedor: No!

Leading: Look around! What beautiful women! Here we have grandmothers, mothers, kindergarten employees, and girls. All smart, in party dresses!

Fedor: And, I remembered, today is March 8th. And on this day all women are congratulated by these, well, these, well, who are jumping, jumping.

Leading: Balls or something!

Fedor: Well no! They still fight sometimes!

Leading: Roosters?

Fedor: No, they are still running around in short pants and bows.

Leading: So these are our kids?

Fedor: That's right, kids, kids, brawlers, rascals:

Leading: Wait, wait, Fyodor's grandmother! Our kids are very nice, attentive, obedient.


Can not be! I'll check now!

If grandma calls you to dinner from the street,

Then none of you wash your hands, this will definitely not work!

When they call you for dinner, do you wash your hands? ...... Yes!

How did mom wake up in the morning?

Eight times came up to you?

This is such nonsense!

I’m right, children!? …… ..No!

And the trouble with the teeth!

Too lazy to clean them as always!

I will ask right away the answer: do you brush your teeth? ...... Yes!

And how they help mothers, they only nod at each other:

You are today, not me, today is your turn!

Children, mothers from an early age, do you help? : Yes!

Fedor: Something I can't believe! How would you test you? ...

Aha! I came up with it! Do you keep clean? Are you setting the table? And you arrange the cups and plates?

Now let's see ... I have some dishes here. Set the table for tea!

Leading: Easy!

Game: "Set the table for tea

Leading: And here, Fedora, look - what kind of assistant mom has ...

The scene "Washing" is being performed.

A stool is brought out in the middle, a basin with linen is placed on it. Two girls come out - a mother and a daughter. After the scene, the wash basin is not removed, but is used in the game.


You guys don't meddle with us.

I wash with my mom together!

(Music sounds, daughter and mother wash clothes).

To make the dress cleaner

And the handkerchief was whiter

I rub, not sparing the soap,

Truly I, sparing no effort!

Panama has become neat.

Come on, mom, look!

Mom smiles at me ...

The girl is "mother".

Strongly, daughter, not three!

I'm afraid that after washing

I'll have to mend the holes.


Now and now

There is one game for you!

Stand up at the commands.

All linen must be hung up.

The game begins! Are you ready to play?

Children: Yes!

Hang handkerchiefs game.


The wind blew as best it could. I dried all the handkerchiefs!

I only see a cloud.

I need to take off my underwear, friends. "

The game continues ...

Are you ready to play?

Children: Yes!

Game "Take off your handkerchiefs". (Fedora praises the children)

Leading . Let's congratulate grandmothers on women's day!
For them today we will sing merrily ditties!

Guys (singing ditties).

    We will sing ditties for you on our holiday,

How we live together with my grandmother very merrily!

    Granny says to me, it hurts all around me,

I sat with her for 3 days, I got sick!

    I began to treat my unhealthy grandmother

And put a three-liter can on her back!

    Granny baked 92 pancakes for me,

And just one pie - eat it, my dear friend!

    Today we went to play hockey with our grandmother,

I scored 3 goals for her, and she is 33!

    Grandmother began to dance and tap dance,

So amused that the chandelier fell off!

    We sang ditties to you, is it good or bad,

And now we ask you to clap us!

Leading: Dear grandmothers, listen to what poems children will read for you!

23. Very much my grandmother,

I love my mother!

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead a gray strand.

I just want to touch

And then kiss!

24. Grandma! Which kind word.
For all children, dear is dear,
We wish dear grandmothers
Do not hurt a bit
But only every year,
Get younger more and more!

25. I, guys, am not rude to my grandmother,

Because I love my grandmother!

We will help our grandmothers with you.

Smile, grandma! Always be young!

26. Know my grandmother best friend

My grandmother is with me and therefore the main one in the house is me!

I can open the cupboards, water the flowers with kefir.

Play football with a pillow and clean the floor with a towel.

I can eat cake with my hands. Slam the door on purpose ...

But with mom it won't work. I've already checked.

We adore lovely grandmothers, we feel sorry for them, we help them

Two girls come out to the middle of the hall and read a poem by A. Horn "Lullaby for grandma

27. Bayu - bayu - bayushki,
Sleep dear grandmother,
You are so tired today
I washed my dress in the morning,
And then - shopping
I bought oranges
Waffles, a pound of sweets,
With pineapple sherbet!

28. And when lunch came,
You fried cutlets
I cooked borsch with cabbage,
She fed me for an hour.
I also read a book
About a funny monkey

Played hide and seek, a ball,
I watched the program ...
In general, you are very tired -

Together: Wish I helped!

Grandmothers, dancing to the song "Grandmothers-old women".

Who sits at the entrance

All day usually.

Who is always angry with us

And grumbles as usual.

Who scolds snow for snow,

Rain scolds for rain

And of course, he knows everything better than anyone in the world.

And of course, he knows everything better than anyone in the world!

Grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers, old ladies,

Grandmothers, grandmothers, ears on the top of the head.

Grandmothers, grandmothers, we respect you,

Only how to understand you - we, alas, do not know,

Only how to understand you - we, alas, do not know!

Who came to whom when,

Who violated what,

Everything is known in advance

Old grandmothers.

Shake their head

Strictly and severely

And sometimes even the district police officer is afraid of them.

And sometimes even the district police officer is afraid of them!

(3 grandmothers line up in front of the audience, bow, sit on chairs)

Leading: Scene "Old women on the backwash".

Two girls (boys) in headscarves come out to the middle of the hall and sit on a bench. One of the girls shakes the baby in the stroller.

1 girl: Soon Women's Day, Vasilievna!

How did you decide to celebrate?

2 girl: How, do you know, Andreevna?

I will download my grandson!

1 girl: Well, I said to mine:

“Enough, it's your turn!

How many grandchildren have I rocked

Every year, every year! "

As if a holiday is only for them

These are the young ones!

(Girls wear handkerchiefs, glasses, hats)


Ask the whole world

There will be one answer for you -

There is no wiser and smarter Grandmother.

Affectionate and kinder - Grandmothers.

Even though the hair is gray

But at heart we are young

And in general, I'll tell you honestly,

Grandmothers are the height of perfection!

(Bow, leave)


Gloriously I had fun

Played, frolic!

Well, it's time for me to go home

Goodbye kids!


V good hour!

Visit us more often!

Well, we continue our concert ...

So that it becomes more fun for us.

Let's call the guests again!

Our bell, rings,

Bring guests to us!

(music sounds, Koschey appears on a toy horse with a saber in his hand galloping around the hall. He stops, sits on the throne, then starts sniffing).

Koschey: Wow, good! It smells sweet of pies, cheesecakes ... children - sweets! (crosses her legs).

Well, ... tell me, what are you going to? Why are you sitting so happy, as if you came to a holiday?

Leading: And we already came to the holiday.

Koschey: What is your holiday? New Year whether?

Leading: What kind of New Year can it be now? Spring is now. Look around - the birds are singing, streams are running, the sun is shining brightly.

Koschey: (slaps his forehead) So that's it! And I wonder where Baba Yaga is dressing up this morning. Now it is clear that she is preparing for the holiday. It’s a pity that you don’t see how beautiful she is!

Leading: Why won't we see? We have a magic bell. We are now ringing and m, and Babu Yagu we will invite you to visit! (ringing)

(music sounds, a tinted and dressed up Baba Yaga runs into the hall)

Baba Yaga: Who is this doing magic here? Who got me out of the house? I almost smeared my ruddy cheek with ink!

Koschey: Well, they conjured up a little, so what? Why shout something to the whole world? I've told the guys that you are so smartly dressed in the forest today, and you walk around happy. Look how overdressed!

Baba Yaga: Of course, dressed up, today is a holiday!

Koschey: Why is this holiday like this again?

Baba Yaga: Oh, the darkness of the swamp ... no mine female forces I’m not talking to you! My kids, good ones, comfort me, tell this Koshchei, what is the holiday today?

Baba Yaga: Got it now? And then - she got dressed up ... Make-up - this is for the holiday! (takes out a mirror, flirts) All people are like people, and I am a princess ... no! Not a princess - a queen!

Koschey: Ah ... Now it is clear why there are such smart girls here. And their mothers and grandmothers dressed up. And the boys, look, also dressed up in honor of the holiday!

Leading: And all because our children prepared a song for their mothers and grandmothers, and, of course, Baba Yaga as a gift!

Song: "Celebrate the holiday with fun"

    Winter old woman hides in the snowdrifts and in the forest

She does not want to let the spring red into our land again

She will let the cold out with a searing breeze

And we will sing our merry song to her

CHORUS Cap cap cap - jingle icicles fun

Cap cap cap - spring is red

Cap cap cap - celebrate the holiday with songs

Cap cap cap cap cap day mom's coming

    The little birds sang outside the house outside the window

Spring is coming Spring is coming we sing her praise

Longer days get shorter haze and night

Brother and dad are in a hurry to help mom and me

    Stronger and brighter the sun shine on the earth for us

Rather melt snow and ice with your warmth

So that the spring streams ring here and there

And sang with us a song for grandmothers and mothers

Baba Yaga: These are great fellows! The song is how they played it! Eh, youth, youth ... And how I danced before! It's a sight for sore eyes! Can you guys dance?

Leading: But how! Children, let's dance for our dear guests - a dance!

A dance is performed to the soundtrack "Factory girls"

There, beyond the river, the lights are shining.

There, across the river, the guys are alone.

Service with them in the air force

Every groom is straight ah!

And the commander is so strict -

The lieutenant himself, himself single.

He will not understand the secrets of girls.

The girls are waiting for the guys to visit.

Factory girls

They meet with the guys.

Sometimes from these meetings

Something turns out.

Factory girls

Gold curls.

And love is trusting

That there is a cloud in the sky.

Scarlet lips, gentle speech.

The nights are dark, serene.

They will fly away, will not return.

And love - it asks in the heart,

And dreams - they don't come true

And the words - they are forgotten,

The planes are waiting for the girls

And love is a cloud in the sky.

Factory girls

They meet with the guys.

Sometimes from these meetings

Something turns out.

Factory girls

Gold curls.

And love is trusting

That there is a cloud in the sky.

Factory girls

They meet with the guys.

Sometimes from these meetings

Something turns out.

Factory girls

Gold curls.

And love is trusting

That there is a cloud in the sky.

Baba Yaga: OK! Eh, youth, youth ... do you remember, Koscheyushka, how you always gave me gifts on holidays in your youth?

Koschey: That's how it is in youth! And now I have nothing to give: the fly agarics are over, the toadstools have not yet grown, and the frogs froze over the winter!

And, here, there are gifts! Spare bone bag, old grandma's comb!

Baba Yaga: What are frogs? What are fly agarics? What bones !? You would give me a new stupa with a jet engine.

Koschey: No, have you heard? All women are like that - you want everything, and all at once! And I, by the way, have a small pension, not enough for any transport!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I don’t need this stupa, I’ll interrupt! I AM simpler gift I ask, well, listen! (bends fingers) I would like to have a new TV with cable TV, the hut needs to be renovated, new furniture made of leatherette leather like a natural crocodile should be purchased ...

Koschey: Stop stop stop! Not all at once! Here's a gift for you to start with - new furniture for the hut (hands over a broom tied with a bow) Happy now?

Baba Yaga: (dies of happiness) Koscheyushka, my beloved, I really don't know how to thank you! The soul is so singing, but the legs are dancing!

(Singing ditties)

Make way, all the people,

The girl is going to dance now!

Get out soon, out of the way!

Take care of your feet! ..


After every verse

Granny goes to the dance.

Baba Yaga:

Do not sin, Koschey, bones,

don't scare my guys!

Everyone is laughing at us,

made fun of the kindergarten!


I do not celebrate a year

I am immortal, young!

Everyone in me loves a soul ...

Baba Yaga.

It is a pity that he is bald and lame!


It's good that they let us in

They even let me dance.

It’s a pity that we didn’t treat you!


Well, then let's come again!

Baba Yaga.

Let's go home soon! I'll treat you to such a cake! With fly agarics, with tomatoes! The pizza is called!

Koschey: Oh, we sat with you, and your mothers - upper class!

Let's go Yaga, she promised to treat me to pizza!

Baba Yaga: Let's go, let's go, my dear! (to children)

Prepare a treat, I can come without an invitation!

Leading: So our holiday is over,

The mood is just class.

Goodbye to the bell

I'll call you for the last time!

Spring enters the hall with a basket in her hands. There are flowers in a basket with sweets attached to them.


Hello my friends!

I came to you for a holiday.

I am spring, spring is red!

I wake up the earth from sleep!

I fill the kidneys with juice

There are flowers in the fields,

I drive ice off the rivers

I make the sunrise light.

Everywhere - in the field and in the forest

I bring joy to people.


We've been waiting for you, Spring!

We all need you very much!

Without spring, we know

There is no mother's holiday!

Spring is red, we are so glad to see you! And we give a song! Here, listen!

Song; "Merry drops"

    Look how blue the sky is, why the birds sing so merrily,

The queen is coming to us - the red maiden is all affectionately calling her in the spring.

Spring is red and sings a song,

And in the song there is a flute - funny drops!

    The sun is shining, the rays are playing, they are dancing and singing in the transparent puddles!

The queen, the red maiden, is coming to us all affectionately call her in the spring.


Grannies, girls, mothers!

I wish you happiness, joy

Both big and toddlers.

To you girls and boys

Fidgets, playfuls,

I want to give flowers

Unprecedented beauty!

To see them first

Everyone needs to close their eyes!


Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

The eyes can be opened!


This is a miracle! Look guys, how beautiful flower meadow!

And these flowers are not easy, they are a surprise

Well guys, don't yawn

Disassemble by flower!

Music sounds, children sort flowers. (From a clearing tray)


I congratulate you again,

I wish you to be cheerful!

Children: Thanks!

30. Let the sun shine brightly

Let him smile at us.

We brought gifts

For our lovely mothers.

We made them ourselves

We want to surprise you

And in this bright room

Give with love.

(Children give gifts to mothers and grandmothers)

"Mom's Smile"

(to the tune "Everyone will be warmer from a smile ...")

We will sing for everyone's mothers (from the chorus)

Congratulations to everyone on Women's Day

we wish them health and success,

So that neither grief nor trouble

Has never happened

To make the world always sound

Merry laugh.

Smile makes mom more fun

The grandmother will become younger from a smile

Smiles turn on like light bulbs.

We will sing for everyone's mothers

Congratulations to everyone on Women's Day

We wish them health and success,

so that neither grief nor trouble

Never happened

To make the world always sound

A merry laugh.

A smile will make everyone warm

And we will become pleasantly like a gift

So let it be everywhere on Women's Day

Smiles shine brightly brightly.

Leading .

Our holiday is over. What else can I tell you?
Allow me to wish you good health goodbye!
Happy holiday MARCH 8.
To all good health and family happiness!

Target: to form love for the mother, respect for the woman, develop an interest in traditional holiday March 8.

Tasks: development of musical and creativity children, rallying children's collective, introduction to the culture of celebrating March 8.

Holiday progress:
Children run into the hall to the music.

"Dance with flowers"
stand up in a semicircle
Child: Happy March 8,
Happy spring holiday,
With the first flowers
In this bright hour
Dear mothers,
All in chorus: Congratulations!

The teacher hangs the hoops on hooks on the center of the wall.
Dear mothers and grandmothers! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday! We wish you to be happy, beautiful and healthy. Have a good spring mood!

Child: This day is decorated with flowers,
Warmed with the sparks of smiles.
For mothers, grandmothers and sisters,
Our hot spring
All in chorus: Hey!

Song "March 8"
They put flowers in the center of the wall and sit down.
From behind the screen you can hear “Achkhi!
Leading: Oh, did you hear?
A shell is flying out from behind the curtain
Leading: Oh guys, look what a big shell!
Who can hatch out of it?
Children examine and guess.

From behind the curtain "Apchhi!"
Leading: You heard? Again!
Guess who is sneezing?
This fairytale hero
He is not a hedgehog and not Funtik
Your good friend ...
Children: Luntik!

Luntik runs out from behind the curtainHe sneezes, explains that he is covered in moon dust, shakes himself off, explains that alldusty, flying from the moon,
Luntik: Hello, hello, here I am!
A big one was born on the moon,
I was in a hurry to see you,
I almost fell into a ditch.
I ran into a birch,
I touched two bushes with my nose,
And then ... fell five times,
Finally got to you!

Presenter and children: Hello Luntik!
Luntik pays attention to 8 on the central wall.
Luntik: Oh, what an interesting bagel, probably delicious, so beautiful!
Leading: It's 8!
Eighth March - Women's Day!
This is a holiday for mothers and grandmothers. A holiday for all women on earth.

Luntik: And we don't have such a holiday on the moon. Very sorry! I don't even know how to congratulate my mom ( starts to cry )
Leading:- Do not be upset, Luntik, guys tell us how you can congratulate mom and grandmother, (tell a poem, sing a song, give a gift, clean the apartment, listen, etc.)

Leading: Here, listen, the kids have learned poems about mom
Poems about mom

Leading: And Maxim will now sing a song about mom.
« A song about mom. "
Luntik: How amazing!
Begins to run, jump, finds flowers at the central wall, picks up, wonders,trying to lick, eat.
Luntik: What is this candy?

Leading: No. These are the first flowers - snowdrops!
Spring symbol.
They are not eaten, the stomach hurts.
They bloom in spring as soon as the snow melts.
They are presented to mothers and grandmothers on March 8th.

1) about spring
2) about snowdrop

Leading: Luntik, look how our guys know how to pick flowers.
Game "Collect a flower"
Luntik helps (everyone sits down)

Leading: Luntik, can you dance?
Luntik: How's that? Like this? (jumps up playfully)
Leading: No, not like that! Guys, teach Luntik to dance?
Children: Yes!

Dance "Polka"

They all sit down.
Luntik: Guys, are you helping your mom? And what are you doing? How do you help?
(children's answers)
Luntik: And a lot of dust and small stones constantly fly into our house. I sweep all this with a broom into a duck and throw it into a bucket.
Spreads cosmic dust andcomets.
Luntik: Do you know how?

Game "Collect space debris with a broom" (who is faster?)

Luntik: I really liked your place. Thank you for teaching me how to congratulate my mom!
I'll run and tell her a rhyme and dance with her, And yet ... I will definitely help to get out of
Leading: Luntik, take a snowdrop, give it to your mom!
Luntik: Thanks!
Children: Bye!
Luntik runs away.

Leading: Guys, we completely forgot about grandmothers, but Irina learned a poem about
Children will stand in a semicircle.
« A song about a grandmother. "
They sit down

Leading: Our grandmothers love to knit, and the guys help them. After all, very often
it happens, ran away and unwound a ball. Let's see who will roll forward

The game "Roll up the ball".

Leading: May this wonderful snowy day
Will be remembered as the most tender
As the most joyful and sweetest,
Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

Three children come out
We congratulate our mothers,
And this is so pleasant for us!
Children in the whole world know
Better than mom not in the world!
Our dear mothers,
We ourselves admit
That of course we are not always
We behave well!
We often grieve you,
That sometimes we don't notice
We love you very, very much!
Let's be kind to grow
And we will always try In chorus: To behave!

Leading: And now, it's time to present us with a surprise!

Dance "Playful"

everybody sits down
The light turns off, magic music sounds, the ball is spinning.
Leading: What it is? What happened? Luntik has prepared a surprise for us!
The moon and moon path on the central wall turn on.
Leading: These are gifts from Luntik.
« Thank you guys, take moon candy from me as a gift. "

Title: Scenario of the 8 March holiday in the senior group of the kindergarten "Wonderful Adventures with Luntik"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, March 8, senior group of kindergarten (5-6) years

Position: music director the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 548
Location: Yekaterinburg city, Sverdlovsk region

Vedas: March 8 - our planet celebrates women's day. We are accustomed to it as a kind and cheerful holiday. We love him for his pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers, and therefore all women. Mom is the closest, dearest and most affectionate person on earth. It is customary to give flowers on this day. Take an unusual holiday from us today spring bouquet, which consists of songs, games, and words of congratulations! And also - from a small film.

VIDEO (holiday video with photos of mothers)

Veda: What is happiness? With such a simple question

Perhaps, more than one philosopher wondered.

But in fact, happiness is simple!

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts. Booties and a bib,

The brand new described mother's sundress.

Torn tights ... Broken knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor ...

Happiness is soft warm palms

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, on the sofa crumbs ...

It's a bunch of broken toys

This is the constant rumble of rattles ...

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...

Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead ...

It's a constant "What" and "Why?" "...

Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide ...

A small candle on a huge cake ...

This endless "Read me a fairy tale"

These are the daily Piggy and Stepashka ...

This is a warm spout from under the blanket ...

Hare on the pillow, blue pajamas ...

Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor ...

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden ...

What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;

Anyone who has children has it!

Music sounds ...

Children-angels "fly" into the hall, sit on the clouds.

Ved: It was in the evening,

There was nothing to do.

Who sat on a cloud

Who looked at the world from above.

Angels in the face of children

Mothers were chosen.

1 Angel. Soon I will be born!

I need to decide.

Mom will be with me

Like a clear dawn.

2 Angel. Mom will be with me

Like the sun is red.

It will warm me with warmth

And a clear smile.

3 Angel. Mom will be with me

As the water of the spring is clear

Like fluffy snow is tender

Warm like rain in spring

The sweetest and dearest.

4 Angel. I want the same

I'll fly with you too!

I'll find my mom.

I will hug you tightly.

Angels descend from the "cloud" and go to their mothers. Everyone reads a poem and takes their mother to the center of the hall.

1 Angel. I want this mom!

In the whole world, I know, no

More fun, more gentle, kind

More beautiful than my mom.

2 Angel. Better than my mommy

Not in this world.

I love my mother very much

I always give her happiness.

3 Angel. Mom, mom, mommy,


How joyful with you,

How warm it is with you!

Without you in my soul

Flowers do not bloom.

I will be happy then

If you are near.

4 Angel. When I see my mother

Want to kiss.

I want to hug so tight

To adopt the tenderness.

Children hug their mothers.

Mothers sit down, the rest of the children enter. (First 1, reads a verse, 2nd, reads, a verse, 3rd, reads a verse, then the rest enter)

How beautiful mothers are

On this sunny day!

Let them be proud of us:

Mom, here I am, your son!

Here I am, your daughter,

Look how grown up

And more recently

She was a tiny little girl.

Here I am, dear grandmother,

Admire me!

Do you love me, I know

My precious!

Today is the holiday of spring

We hasten to congratulate you!

Oh yes! Forgot a kiss

Send "air" to you!

("air kiss)

We are for you loved ones

Let's sing a song together.

We wish you happy days

All together: Congratulations on Women's Day!

The song is being sung"Mom, I can't get enough of you"

I'll dance and sing for mommy.

Let everyone know how much I love her.

I will shine with the sun for my mother,

And every day, like a cartoon, have fun.

I'm all the candy in the world

I'll buy it for mommy.

And white marshmallows

I'll have some for Mom.

I'm a rainbow for mom

I ordered it today.

May mom be happy

And the audience rejoices.

To sing very beautifully

And please mom.

Children sit on high chairs.

Ved: How tenderly, with love about you, mothers, your children speak and sing.

And what do your parents think of you guys, we'll find out now!

A comic roll call game with parents:

Veda: He will get out of bed in the morning:

“Where did you put your shirt?

Where are the shoes? Where is the sock? "

I made the crib myself,

And he watered the flowers,

I helped my mother set the table ...

Do you have such a son? (Parents answer ...)

I scattered all the toys

And shouts: “Oh, I'm tired!

I can’t clean up, I’ll help you tomorrow!

I don’t want a point!

Do you have such a daughter? (Parents answer ...)

And the other daughters are a miracle! We washed all the dishes

They fed Murka the cat, although they themselves are still crumbs,

They work, they try ... Do you like them? (Parents answer ...)

Ved: That means, what kind of children you have! Then listen to the words of your confession

children who "never play naughty!"

Staging - joke "We are never naughty"

I help my mom:

I'll cook soup in the sandbox,

I wash my clothes in a puddle of a cat ...

How, mom, I love you!

And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway

Mommy draw a portrait

My brother will help me too ...

Mommy, is it similar or not?

I'll put on my mother's dress

As soon as I cut the length

All of a sudden it will suddenly become clear to everyone:

I love only one mother!

And I'm preparing a gift for her

- On my father's new car

I scratch: “Mom - with love!

Nobody can replace you! "

I will wash my mother's shoes,

Boats in the bathroom comin.

And mom will come and see

That I love her very much!

We will not argue in vain

We will tell our mummies

That their children are just beautiful ...

Together. After all, we are never naughty!

Ved: There are grandmothers in our hall. Dear grandmothers, I am glad to congratulate you on the holiday, people of different ages, but close in spirit! It is you who, with your warmth and affection, teach us to always be kind and sensitive.

The most friendly are usually established between grandmothers and grandchildren, trusting relationship... Grandmothers try to share with us our joys and sorrows, act as advisers, warn against rash actions.

My grandmother and I are old friends.

How good my grandmother is!

He knows so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count

And there are always new ones in stock.

But the grandmother's hands are just a treasure!

The hands do not order to be idle to the grandmother.

Gold, dexterous, how I love them!

No, you probably won't find others like that!

My granny has the kindest look

if everyone fell asleep, her eyes do not sleep.

She sews and knits, bakes pies,

He will tell me a fairy tale, he will sing a song to me.

he will take snowdrops from me as a gift,

silently smiles and hugs you!

The song "My grandmother is sick" is being performed

Our dear grandmothers and mothers,

Admire how we matured:

They tightened up, grew up,

Muscles pumped up.

May we be too small

But as brave as soldiers!

Dance of the border guards.

Ved: Oh, our boys are strong! You have already shown strength, but can you guys guess my riddles? To boast of intelligence and ingenuity in front of mothers and grandmothers?

Funny riddles.

Daddy says to us in bass:

“I love candy with ...

(not with meat, but with nuts or jam)

Grandma asks Arkasha

Eat from radishes ...

(not porridge, but salad)

Mom asked Julia

Pour her tea into ...

(not a saucepan, but into a cup)

They fix roofs, furniture, frames,

They go fishing ...

(not moms, but dads)

And capricious and stubborn,

Doesn't want to go to kindergarten ...

(not mom, but daughter)

Old women go to the bazaar

Buy yourself ...

(not toys, but products)

Ved: Well done! Have fun ...! Well, he’s having fun, so much fun! Come out, guys, show our guests how you can have fun in dancing!

General fun dance.

The children sit down.

Ved: Your children today presented you with a festive bouquet of touching words, magic notes, fun and enthusiasm. And we, educators, also could not stand aside and prepared our own bouquet. A bouquet of sweet dreams and desires. Each of the flowers contains a prediction of your fate.

A basket is brought in - a bouquet of sweets - wishes. Each of the guests draws out his “sweet” flower and reads the prediction.


1. Good luck, happiness, peace to you! You will have your own apartment!

3. Luck will not leave you! There will be a new cottage for you!

4. Predictions meaning is simple! You will have career growth!

5. I wish you luck! An addition is waiting for you in the family!

6. Surround you so that you feel comfortable! And incomes will increase!

7. May success be with you! You are the best learner!

8. There are many different impressions! On beautiful travels!

9. Do not be disturbed by concern! New job awaits you!

10. I wish you not to be bored in vain! There will be new friends!

11. Wait for real friends! Especially among the superiors!

12. Expect an increase in family income and vacation in favorite time of the year!

13. Find happiness again - by meeting a new love!

14. Know, every day and every hour someone thinks of you!

15. Delight awaits you for your heart - a big salary increase!

16. A trip to Europe is waiting for you and good luck according to the horoscope!

17. Success is already coming to you - the inheritance is ahead!

Children go to the center of the hall, holding gifts for mothers and grandmothers, made earlier.

To bring you joy

We tried very hard.

Oh, if you knew

How worried we were!

All the poems

What sounded here

For you, we are with a huge

We read it with love.

We wanted

Perky songs

Your made a holiday

Even more interesting.

Health and happiness

We wish you everything.

Our beloved,

We congratulate you!

The song "Women's Day" is being performed

So that the March day becomes

Cheerful and bright

Accept, dear ones,

You are gifts from us.

We have filled them

With light and caress

So that your life lasts

Like a kind fairy tale.

Presentation of gifts.

Download documents:

Scenario of the matinee on March 8 in the senior group

Children enter the hall to the music, become a semicircle.

Look out the window
It became a little warmer there.
The main holiday is coming
The sun meets him.
March 8 is a solemn day,

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and dreams.

1 child
Today is a holiday, now is a holiday!
Celebration of grandmothers and mothers
This is the kindest holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

2 child.

Moms, grandmothers and sisters!

Congratulations on women's day

And from all the guys today

We make a promise:

Do not make noise, do not indulge,

Do not be rude, do not be arrogant,

Listen to mommy in everything

In the morning, evening and afternoon.

We tried, we hurried
Dances, songs were taught
We will read poems to mothers

Let's dance and sing together.

4 child
Listen to our song
Mommy beloved
Always be healthy
Always be happy!

1 The song "_About Mom" ​​is being performed _

Children love you very much, our dear mothers.
And the most beautiful poems will be read for you.

5 child .:
Mom is loved by everything in the world
Mom is the first friend!

Not only children love mothers,

They love everyone around.

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help out.

6 child .:

My mother is the prettiest of all.

My mom is the nicest of all.

And my mommy knows

There are many tales and tricks.

It's good that our moms

All the sweeter and more fun.

It's good that our moms

Love us their children

7 child
On the day of your holiday
We wish you long and happy years,

Accept from your teasers and pranksters

Big and hot….


8child .:
May our mothers today
It will be fun, light.

We want moms to know:

We love them dearly!

Leading. And now I invite the guests to play.

2. Competition "Treat Mom with a Candy"

Leading. Our mothers have many different talents. They know their children very well, they can recognize them by their voice. And today we invite mothers to draw their children. (Mothers are given inflated balloons and felt-tip pens. certain time mothers should draw their favorite sons or daughters on the balls.)

Leading: Today our grandmothers also came to our holiday. The kindest, most caring, and we also want to congratulate them.

9 child:
Our grandmother loves
Play with us.
Loves our songs

Sing with us
Our grandmother loves
Music and laughter
Well, grandma is dancing

Simply the best.

10 child:
My grandmother is with me,
And that means that I am in charge of the house,
I can open the cupboards
Water the flowers with kefir,
Play football with a pillow
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands,
Slam the door on purpose!
But with mom it won't work.
I've already checked.

11 child:
Together with my grandmother
We live very amicably!
Together we go for a walk
Together we go to bed
Together we wash the dishes -
True true! I will not lie!
We do not like to be discouraged
We can sing and dance -
Grandma will clap me
Well, and I - to spin, stomp!
I try not to be capricious
I don't shed tears, but I smile -
We are great friends with her,
Because we are FAMILY!

3. The comic dance "_Grandmothers and Grandfathers" is performed

12 child:
We are all very lucky.
Guess why.
Because we have
All the girls are just "class"!

13 child:
Oh, yes! Just "class"!
We can't take our eyes off!
We honestly tell you:
We will not give them offense,
We will protect without difficulty,
We will always be there for you!

Leading. Boys have prepared coloring pages for girls. Hand them over, please. And now they will dance for everyone.
4. Dance "Balalaika »

14 child

On mommy's cheeks

Two magic dimples.

And when she laughs

The light is so magical

That snowdrops grow

Blossom right before our eyes.

Mama sweetheart,

I sunflowers her.

15 child

The kindest and dearest!

I always recognize him

I forget about toys

And I run to my mother's call.

I will gently hug my mother, I will not upset her!

5. Girls dance _

Leading. I'll ring the magic bell
And in the spring for a holiday I will call to us.

(The bell rings, noise is heard)

What kind of noise and rattlesnakes?

Someone is eager to visit us!

(Baba Yaga flies in to the music on a broomstick)

B. Ya. In the dark thicket at the edge

I live in my hut.

I can conjure dashingly on a broomstick to fly.

I see a lot of guys here ...

What is this?

Leading Kindergarten.

B. I ... It means that I did not stray in vain!

So I got there!

Hello kids,

Boys and girls!

The devil - brother told me:

You fly to kindergarten!

Children meet spring there

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday:

Grandmothers, girls, mothers ..

And you won't be there1

You didn't invite me,

They forgot about krasa-wi-tsu! (points to himself)

I will not forgive the insult

I will take revenge on you now! Wow!

I'm canceling the fun

I'm driving everyone out of here!

(threatens the guys with a broom)


Stop it, Yaga is angry!

Well, where does that fit!

Don't waste your energy

We are not afraid of you!

B. Ya. Ah, aren't you afraid of me?

Ok then hold on!

I'm going to scream now. (shouts)

I will knock like a broomstick. (Knocks)

And I won't let the spring come to you.

You can't get the spring

You can't wake up the spring!

Well, without spring, everyone knows

Mom's holiday can not be! Here!

Leading. Okay, stop wailing, let's better play with us.

6. Game "Golden Gate"

B. I We played well.

But I won't give up so easily.

No! This will not happen!

Through the game, I will

Check your agility.

Are you not afraid?

7. The game "Who will collect the bouquet faster"

(children are built in two teams, you need to transfer one flower to a hoop to get a bouquet)

B. Ya. Oh and clever people

He lives in this garden.

I became younger in spirit, I would play everything, sang songs.

But it's time and measure to know

We need to run to the forest as soon as possible!

Wake up the red spring

To please all of you!

Do not forget me henceforth

Invite them to visit more often!



We laughed and danced

They played noisy games!

And still there is no spring

What is the mystery, what is the secret?

Maybe let's go to a round dance

Let's start a song together

8. Round dance "Spring"

(Spring enters the music)


Hello my friends!

I came to you for a holiday!

I heard your songs ...

But did I get there?

Is everyone here singing, playing

And they meet me in the spring.

Leading. Yes. Here.

Spring was waiting for you

We all need you very much!

Together in dreams you sit on the children and marvel!

16 child

For our mothers on a spring day

Spring itself sends hello

The sound of streams and birdsong

She gives for the holiday.

The sun shines on us brighter

On the glorious holiday of our mothers.

9 playing musical instruments

17 child

Spring sun warmed,
Merry streams run.
Greetings from the young spring
They tell us all.

The frosts are already receding
The end of winter has already come.
And there, in the forest, where the snow has melted,
The small snowdrop bloomed.


Congratulations to mothers and grandmothers on this day!

We give them wonderful gifts.

Accept gifts soon from the guys,

They were made by our friendly,

Cheerful kindergarten!

Cheerful music sounds. Children give gifts to mothers.


Grannies, girls, mothers!

I wish you happiness, joy

Both big and toddlers.

To you girls and boys

Fidgets, playfuls,

I want to give flowers

Unprecedented beauty!

To see them first

Everyone needs to close their eyes!

Children close their eyes, Spring lays flowers on the floor (flat, to back side sweets are attached); music sounds.

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

The eyes can be opened!

Leading. This is a miracle! Look, guys, what a beautiful flower meadow!


And these flowers are not simple, they are a surprise!

Well guys, don't yawn

Disassemble by flower!

Music sounds, children sort flowers.

I congratulate you again,

I wish you to be cheerful!

It's time for me to return

Goodbye kids!

Spring leaves the hall to the music.


Please accept our congratulations

International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like lilacs

May your life be beautiful

And children are always happy

Let your house be a full bowl!

Good luck, happiness and goodness!