How do you think size matters. How much does size matter? External signs by which you can determine the size of manhood

People have always had a keen interest in sex. Even in times of various sexual prohibitions, people paid great attention to sexual intercourse. How could it be otherwise? After all, it is sexual intimacy, no matter what they say about spiritual intimacy (it also should not be discounted), is that connecting link, that extraordinarily strong cement that binds a woman to a man and a man to a woman.

And if you assume that you are being asked to read another article about sex, you are wrong. In this material, one of the prevailing stereotypes will be debunked. The myth that the size of the penis, its size, matters. Each of us has probably heard that size is important for a woman. male dignity... Everything else is secondary. However, this is not the case. Numerous polls, studies of sexologists have confirmed the fact that just the same size plays a secondary role in sexual relations. Below are 6 arguments confirming this fact.

Why size doesn't matter: reasons

The first argument - a woman perceives a partner as a whole, and not just any one part of his body

If a woman loves a man, then she loves everything in him - the figure, hair, smell, manner of communication and many other things. So could the size of his penis be crucial in this case? Of course not! If a woman is satisfied with everything in her chosen one, then she does not care what size his penis is.

Argument two - a woman's pleasure depends more on psychological attitudesthan the physiology of the partner

This argument is directly related to the first statement. If a woman likes a man, then she will enjoy it even when the man has a small penis. Of course, the partner must also take care to give his beloved true pleasure. After all, on female body so many extraordinarily sensitive erogenous zones. We can say more - a lady can be brought to a full orgasm with only one caress. So how big can we be talking about?

The third argument - impact on erogenous zones women bring her to complete satisfaction

As you can see, this argument follows completely from the previous one. A man should make full use of the erogenous zones on his girlfriend's body. To please his friend, the man uses all parts of the body, not just the penis, the size of which is supposedly given such great importance... A man can caress his partner with his fingers, tongue, even feet. Many men with such skill can do it that the woman completely forgets about the size of the penis. Take the art of cunnilingus. If a man owns this art, he is guaranteed success, even if by nature his penis is very small.

In addition, women have a G-spot, the stimulation of which drives them to a frenzy. But this point is located in the vagina very close to the entrance, and it is not at all necessary to have a large penis to act on it. This can be done simply with a finger, or with a small penis, if the girlfriend takes the proper position.

Argument four - smell is very important for a woman

Numerous polls and studies show that it is extremely important for a woman exactly how her partner smells. Before each sexual intercourse, you need to take a shower. And you don't have to use expensive perfume... A woman likes the smell of healthy male body by itself.

Many ladies cannot stand the smell of alcohol or nicotine. All this should be taken into account by a man, and then the size of his penis will not matter. A woman will become aroused by only one of his masculine scent.

Fifth argument - nature itself took care of your compatibility

Research shows that average length vagina - 7 - 10 cm. The length of the average penis is 12-18 cm. As you can see, even a small penis is quite suitable for any woman. As already mentioned, if everything suits her in a partner, the woman will definitely experience a full orgasm.

Moreover, if a man's penis is too long and thick, then he can deliver discomfort and even pain that will discourage all desire to continue copulation. For this, various limit rings are sold, so that even big size was able to "fit" into the standards adopted by nature.

Argument six, And last - small size can be more than compensated for by ingenuity

A huge number of sex positions are known. Don't get hung up on one thing. As you know, monotony is boring. Try different sex positions and watch your partner's reactions.

And who prevents to diversify not only the poses, but also the places where sex will take place. Take your darling in the kitchen, bathroom, balcony. Be sure that it will no longer matter to her what the size of a man's penis is, who wants her all the time.

Here, dear reader, 6 main arguments in favor of the fact that the size of the penis has absolutely no value for full sexual relations... Rest assured that the above is not out of your head. All these arguments are the fruit of work family psychologists, sexologists and others who have investigated this phenomenon - the small size of the penis, and how it affects sexual intimacy.

Probably every second woman in her life thought about the significance of the size of manhood. At first glance, it seems to us that the size does not matter at all, that "he will endure to fall in love, only he was a good, kind family man." In reality, the picture shows that this is not so.

At first, we do not pay attention to dissatisfaction, then we tolerate it, and, in the end, this state turns into depression. It seems to us that our life is incomplete and we begin to think about another man with a different penis size, suitable for you. After all, if in intimate life everything will be fine, then in household relations no problem. But not the other way around.

The female orgasm largely depends on the location of the sensitive areas inside the vagina, and if the male penis does not touch these points, the woman will not get a vaginal orgasm. For most women, these points are deep.

So how do you know your penis size before first sex?

Is it possible to determine the length of manhood by the external characteristics of a man? Science says yes

Korean doctors conducted a secret study among men. To do this, during anesthesia,
before the planned operations, the doctors pulled back the penis, measured its length and recorded the size in the table. They did the same with the fingers. It turned out that the size of the penis depends on the size of the ring finger. If a ring finger larger than the index, then the penis is impressive in size. Than more difference, so bigger size... It turns out that the only way to determine the size of manhood is by stretching out your hand for a handshake. The man will spread his palm, and all the fingers will be clearly visible.

To date, this is the only confirmed way to determine the size of the penis in men by external appearance.

There are many common ways to recognize sizes. intimate organ upon meeting, but they are confirmed only by guesses, inventions and intuition:

  1. First guess - the size of the penis depends on the size of the man's legs. The longer and wider the foot, the larger the size of the penis.
  2. Second guess - The size of the penis depends on the size of the man's nose. If the nose is long, then the penis is long and thin. If the nose is a potato, then the penis is thicker than usual and shorter in length.
  3. Third guess - the size of the penis depends on the length of the man's thigh. It is said that if the length of the thigh is greater than the length of the leg from the knee to the foot, then the penis is of a staggering size.
  4. Fourth guess - the size of intimate dignity depends on men's underwear hairiness. Than more hair on the body, legs and arms, the thicker and longer size penis.
  5. Fifth guess - The size of the male genital organ depends on the plumpness of the lips. If the lips are thin, then the penis is thin and short, if the lips are thick, then the penis is thick and long.

There is a belief that black men have pronounced genitals, while men of Asian descent are the opposite.

I would like to note that it is not always possible to give pleasure to a woman with a large sexual unit. If inexperienced, a man can bring pain or discomfort to a woman during sex. And when small sizeon the contrary, to bring a lot of pleasure and enjoyment.

If the size is not suitable, try to study suitable poses for sex, moving away or closer touch of the genitals, with deep or shallow penetration. Adjust to your partner and do not hesitate to talk about problems in sex.

P.S. Best regards, site administration.

To be always healthy, and today new material on the topic of intimate life.

The famous saying "Size doesn't matter" was most likely invented by the men themselves. Naturally, all men have a different constitution and physiology, and there is absolutely no relationship between the height, length of fingers and toes and the length of the male genital organ. Although many still naively believe that what bigger nose for a man, the more his manhood. Does penis size matter for a quality intimate relationship?

About 150 women I interviewed answered “of course yes”. Although 30 of them added that "everything is good in moderation." Indeed, due to the characteristics of the body, each person can find his soul mate, which will ideally match him. And if you are not suitable for one partner, this does not mean that it will be so with all. I know many couples who are quite happy with their standard sizes genitals.

If every girl needs a different size, then why do women admire big phalluses so much? It's akin to how men look at big breasts, although in sex, many really like the little one. Women like the big genitals of men, because there is something to see. I can add from myself: "they look more appetizing, and I want to" treat "them to oral caress." With a large phallus, it is comfortable in any position (there is no "accidental slipping" effect). Many women simply derive moral pleasure from one kind of great instrument of love.

BUT, nevertheless, the owners of very large genitals (more than 20 cm in an excited state) often remain dissatisfied. Finding a partner is more difficult for them. Women can be in pain, it is more difficult for them to give a man oral pleasure. I once admired the great dignity of one of my partners, but his reaction shocked me. He was so angry that he just didn't want to have sex with me. He said: “I don’t need to talk about it, everyone is telling me this. Well, what am I to blame?! .... " I didn't even immediately realize that I had offended him. Apparently, the sight of his penis caused me excessive admiration.

What are the average sizes of the genitals in an adult man? Strange as it may seem, until 1949 this issue was not given any serious attention, until the famous gynecologist Robert Latu Dickinson began writing his Atlas of the Anatomy of Sex.

On average, a person grows up to the age of 21, but the development of many processes is completed by this time. Usually, puberty by this time it is already finished, as well as the growth of the genitals. Boys aged 15-16 are often concerned about the size of their merits, but at this age the body is still actively growing, like all its organs.

The size of the penis of an adult man at rest is on average 7-10 cm, in an erection state - 12-18 cm, that is, approximately corresponds to the size of a woman's vagina. There is no direct relationship between the length of the penis during erection and its size at rest. Although many people mistakenly believe that what bigger body at rest, the more erect he is. Often, girls on the beach watch men in swimming trunks, but until an erection comes, it is difficult to determine the size of an organ in this state.

In the old days, it was believed that when aroused, the penis hardens, since it is inflated with air. In fact, with sexual arousal, the influx arterial blood to the penis increases, and venous outflow decreases, as a result of which the cavities of the penis are filled with blood, and it increases in volume by 2-8 times (erection).

Maintaining an erection is ensured by a decrease in venous outflow, which is facilitated by the contraction of special muscles (ischiocavernous muscles) - they are located at the root of the penis. At the end of the excitation, the muscles relax and the blood filling the cavities of the penis easily flows out, after which it decreases to its usual size and becomes soft. The head of the penis during erection always remains less elastic and more elastic compared to its body, which prevents injuries to the female genital organs.

With any size of members, men should be able to arouse a woman so much that she can enjoy the process itself. Sometimes I get so turned on that I don't even notice the size. So the ability of a man to bring a woman to ecstasy is much more important than size.

Owners of a very small penis (in my experience there was an organ that reached no more than 5 cm in a state of erection), of course, one could sympathize with, but I will not do it. There are hands, tongue and lips. These men need to try to be very skillful in oral sex, to be able to give a woman pleasure different ways, enjoy sex toys. A variety of games can distract from what a woman may not quite like. I am sure that such men can meet their woman, whom they can learn to sexually pamper and satisfy.

Another personal observation is that many women intuitively feel their man on physiological signs... I realized that as soon as I really like a man, he will just have a “tailored” size for me. If there is even the slightest doubt about intimacy somewhere, there will definitely be a catch.

Dear men and lovely women, love and embrace each other!

How often a man in his life, after getting to know the Internet, hammered into search engines a query like “Size… .. Let's call it that.

Running with a tape measure, a ruler, frantically looking for answers on the pages of the web that should have calmed him down, or elevated above other men, add confidence and arrogance, or vice versa, make him quiet and thoughtful. I asked myself, and I myself will answer - often, a lot and again often. This is very real and frank man's truth and it has no analogues in the world.

But size really doesn't matter

Is there a difference between the fifth and the first breast size for a woman you love? Is that why she is less attractive to us? No, because we value not the size of the breast, but her internal state, her soul.

The main thing is that she is a good and sympathetic person! And the size of the breast, this is an easy thing, if you want - pump up the silicone, or if you want - drain the silicone. To whom it is more interesting.

Big elephant

Or the size of an elephant? Every year these noble and extremely useful animals are less and less on the planet.

And the size of the elephant does not matter, only its productivity and, in practice, state necessity, for the needs agriculture and transport in african countries... And this has nothing to do with what is called -.

Or maybe we were stopped by the size of the sofa, on which we had to now, in a few moments, indulge in rough sex? Never! To hell with a sofa, it's such a trifle when passion chokes, the head doesn't work, and blood rushes to one organ at the speed of a Formula 1 racer.


Or the size of the salary? How can it matter when for many, with a loved one, paradise and in a hut is capable of having life? Not up to size, love, like Bulgakov's, jumped out and with the deadly color of a bright yellow bouquet, drove another Master and another Margarita crazy.

Size does not matter when long and beautiful legs of a charming stranger, sitting opposite you in the tram, covers mini or a long, to the heels, dress. Beauty cannot be hidden, imagination will help.

Maybe Roman Abramovich's yacht is impressive in its size? Of course not! The size of the yacht does not matter, only the oligarch himself and the crowds of "Glorics" who appeared like orcs around his Chelsea, where, by the way, the size of the footballers' contracts does not matter either. Love always goes ahead of everything, and love for football, too.

Girl size

Does size matter to a girl, a sales assistant in a shoe store? You came and said that you need size 37, and she was offended, shook her head in disappointment and replied that this was not her size, and in general, she prefers a large and powerful size! After all, this does not happen ?! As men do not always tell the truth, there is.

Whatever the world "luminaries" who received the Nobel Prize write award, or those who have merit to the government, for example Burkina Faso, the size does not matter. It is so abstract and multifaceted that it is simply pointless to apply any framework.

AND life is going, and just as the footprints on the sea sand disappear under the influx of waves, so our years pass sometimes in useless attempts to measure something and somewhere, bring it under the standard, change, add, or subtract.

Search engines will never answer the question, and time wasted will not return.