Children's organs in girls. Intimate hygiene of babies: caring for girls. Washing a girl: algorithm of actions

But we want to convince you - this is very important procedure for girls, for their future.

Let's deal with this issue! So: Hygiene for girls.

The genitals of the girl are still very "small" at birth, but they already need careful care. IN early age Mom takes care of this. It depends on how she takes care of her baby's genitals whether her “baby” can become a happy mother in the future.

Around the age of 5, curiosity arises to explore the body of friends. She opens her own body and the body of others. Again, it is important to understand the connotation for it. Children do not have an erotic view of these manifestations. This idea is already in the stereotypical thinking of an adult.

Are the boys delighted with the games and toys "girls" or vice versa? Physical, genetic, hormonal, interesting, maturing differences. We could list thousands of differences between boys and girls. Much is discussed regarding genetic load and how environment plays a role in the behavior of children.

In babies skin covering very gentle. The epidermis is vulnerable and any infection can create inflammatory process... The same can be said about the lack of hygiene, in particular the hygiene of the genitals. Girls' genitals are vulnerable not only externally but internally as well. The genital mucosa in babies, which is usually designed to protect against infection, is still underdeveloped.

At first, there is no reason to be discouraged when a boy or girl chooses the usually preferred jokes of the opposite sex. The a priori inference only reinforces the preconceived reasoning that falsely believes it will affect their sexuality in adulthood.

Today we see a confusion of roles: the family and the school systematically exchange responsibilities at one point or another. Both institutions are primary in the formation of personality, but remember that family values necessary for the formation of the child, and they are transmitted in relation to rather than speech.

In the first days after birth, girls can observe bloody issues... This is a normal process, since the girl has her mother's hormones, which are excreted in this way. Therefore, there should be no panic. Discharge disappears in a couple of days. It is necessary to change every two hours disposable diapers and follow the rules of hygiene.

In shaping sexuality, this is no different. A child's affective attachment to their parents begins at birth and develops through the demonstration of this attachment with hugs, sweet words, love, during the bath, exchange between countless other moments of very close relationship.

A child who for one reason or another has been deprived of this contact may find it difficult to bond in the future, in addition to the fact that he may develop problems in defining his own sexuality. Biologically speaking, boys identify with their parents and girls with their mothers. When constant absence one of them, it is necessary that a close and close personwhich assumes this role of the typing model.

Washing procedure

In no case should you wash the girl's genitals in the bath. Better to wash the baby with running boiled water... You can use damp cotton swabs for washing. Water procedure should be done after every diaper change. During washing, the mother should hold her hand from the pubis to the tailbone, in this direction. Otherwise, the remains of feces can get on the labia, and inflammation will begin.

Until the end of the preschool stage, it is still not possible to say that the child has a certain sexual choice. Doesn't she show more interest in something usually of the other sex, in fact, means that she simply, due to the lack of frequent models of the same sex, does not know what a 4-year-old is doing? What games do you like? Not that you want to draw a template with this as we know it isn't there. Most of these cases occur because the child does not coexist with the same gender model. This identification occurs when the child is perceived as one and not the other.

In the first year of life, it is better not to use cosmetics for washing the genitals, and it is also better not to use potassium permanganate and other means. They dry the skin and destroy the weak protective function of the skin that has appeared. After a year, you can use a special liquid soap for intimate hygiene of girls and only in case of contact of feces on the skin. Only the surface of the genitals is washed with soap, that is big lips... The soapy substance should not get into the genital crevice.

This usually occurs at the beginning of socialization and is intensified primarily by parents and then by schoolchildren and friends. According to Stoller, the core of gender identity will be the result of 5 factors. The most important thing is to make the child experience the most diverse with male or female figure, of the same sex, preferably father or mother.

Personality disorder can be characterized when it appears during childhood, before puberty, and is characterized by intense distress in relation to one sex as well as a desire to belong to another. Therefore, you need to be very careful when making a diagnosis.

Dry the skin after washing. After that, you need to lubricate the outer part of the genitals with baby cream.


Give your child your intimate hygiene supplies - a separate soap, towel, sponge.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before the procedure.

The process itself is carried out as follows: we spread the labia and direct a warm stream of water from the abdomen to the priest. Remember that you cannot direct the stream of water from the priests to the genitals - an infection is easily introduced.

Requires constant, long-term notice and attention if the child can indeed point out a mess or if she does not have the necessary models to develop her gender in the usual way... The castration complex refers to "the unconscious sense of threat experienced by the child when she realizes the anatomical difference between the sexes" and focuses on the fantasy of amputation of the penis.

Here it has to do with the Oedipus complex and the phallic developmental stage of libidin, the narcissistic phase in the genitals, in which, according to Freud, infantile sexual exploration connects both sexes with the same male genital, rather than through sex difference, which does not mean anything but the possession or absence of the phallus, which becomes the original differential element in the sexual organization of the sexes. Castration has a large impact on narcissism, as the phallus is considered an integral part of the self-image, and its withdrawal endangers this image, constituting a narcissistic wound.

We use pH-neutral baby soap. Lather the baby's crotch gently from front to back. We wash off. Finally, blot gently with a soft towel.

The procedures are performed twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime. MILFs without FANATISM!

Do not under any circumstances fall into detergents in the vagina - this can disrupt its normal microflora.

The structure and effects of the castration complex are different for a boy and a girl, as Freud says. Both initially go through the initial phase of the belief that there is no anatomical difference between the sexes. The second time the boy's castration complex is marked by verbal threats from the parents against their auto-erotic manipulations caused by their interest in the genitals, and the third time - by visual verification of the girl's genital region, and what the boy sees is not the vagina, but the absence of a penis. He finds the idea of \u200b\u200bcreatures devoid of an unthinkable penis, and the belief that it is impossible to have creatures without a penis resists visual evidence to the extent that he believes a girl has a penis, but that she is small and will someday grow.

When using the shower, do not make the jet very strong, the water should flow out in a diffused beam.

Avoid synthetics in pants and panties. Underwear - should be made only from natural, soft materials. For example, cotton or linen. Synthetic materials do not allow the skin to breathe and favor various inflammations. In addition, the artificial fibers of the fabric cannot absorb the secretions that occur in girls, as a result, they accumulate and rub the skin, causing inflammation. Baby's clothes should always be loose: do not tighten the genital area, do not constrain movement.

Older, more respectable women, like your mother, will have a larger penis. The fourth time is a moment of anguish when the boy realizes that his mother is also devoid of penises. The recollection of verbal threats of the second period comes to give its full meaning to the visual perception of the danger, which is ignored here. In more late time the threat of castration signifies and takes effect.

Under the influence of distress, the boy accepts the prohibition of the mother as a sexual object and recognizes the father's law to preserve his penis, thereby making his male identity possible: object cathexes are abandoned and replaced by identifications; the father's authority is introjected and generates a superego, which perpetuates the prohibition of incest by preventing the return of libidinal cathexis; and libidinal tendencies are desexualized and sublimated, inhibited in their purpose and turned into attachment.

We change linen twice a day. We wash a towel specially designated for intimate hygiene 2 times a week.

Wash everything baby separately. After washing, be sure to iron the towel and laundry with a hot iron.

If inflammation, severe redness and swelling occurs, contact a pediatric gynecologist to find out the reason - it is an infection, an allergy, vitamin deficiency, or maybe worms.

This whole process ensured the constancy of the penis, but paralyzed it, removing its function, hence the latency period. In the girl, the castration complex reveals its Oedipus complex, which is a secondary formation. While in boys the complex and Oedipus are destroyed by a complex and castration complex, in girls this becomes possible and is introduced through the castration complex.

Whereas a boy who takes two blows to admit being castrated affects the girl instantly and the sight of the penis makes her admit her castration. Then she goes on to envy male organ... The girl, firstly, does not associate castration with all women and thinks that her position is a personal misfortune. Only then does she realize that all women are castrated, including their mother. Narcissistic humiliation, castration surrounds the girl's negative Oedipus complex, creating hatred for her mother for not giving her a penis and contempt for being castrated.

In girls, a white-yellow substance, smegma, accumulates in the genital folds, which performs a protective function. This is totally normal. If too much smegma has accumulated, remove it with a gauze swab, which must first be moistened in boiled oil (after it has cooled down) - apricot, peach, or petroleum jelly.

She then turns to her father in the hope of getting a penis that has been denied him, making up a positive Oedipus complex. This desire to win a penis is eventually replaced by the desire to have a child with a father. Although the threats are directed at the penis, their influence on the mother's incestuous fantasy, in other words, forces him to abandon the incestuous satisfaction someday, taking the place of father and mother. The castration threat epitomizes the function of the Incest Law described in Totem and Taboo, in which the primitive father reserved all women for himself, threatening his castration children as punishment for breaking the Law.


Many mothers start to panic when they see that the girl has leucorrhoea. Although her period has not even begun yet. Be prepared that in the period from three to four first months of life, from seven to nine and from thirteen to fourteen years, the child will form on the labia white bloom... This does not mean at all about the disease, but about the fact that the genitals develop and mature. Smegma - the result of work sebaceous glands external genital organs. Remove white discharge with a swab dipped in boiled olive oil or in boiled water. This can be done when the child is small. In an older age, a mother can tell the baby about these secretions and teach the child to independently care for the genitals.

While the boy feels threatened by his father in response to his auto-erotic and incestuous activities with his mother, the girl feels that she does not have a penis as suffering, which she tries to deny, compensate or repair. In Freud, he returns to the question of castration and recognizes that it is impossible for the subject to completely abandon his incestuous desires, calling him "Castrating Rock."

As soon as she found out that she was pregnant with a girl, Caroline began to treat her for Beatrice. Beatrice was born with a malformation in the genitals: with a clitoris too large and without a vagina. Doctors could not tell exactly what child sex is. Soon after giving birth, when she saw her husband crying, Caroline thought the worst. In the first few days, the child underwent a series of tests: testing the sex chromosome, ultrasound scan and magnetic resonance imaging. “We were shocked, we didn't understand why this happened to us,” says the mother.

All in the above ways, namely the hygiene of the genital area, we try to "escape" from many diseases. But mostly from vulvovaginitis. This is an inflammation of the girl's genitals, which is localized on the outer part of the genitals. Most often, little girls under ten years old suffer from vulvovaginitis. All because of the underdeveloped protective function body and poor hygiene. The disease develops and can lead to disastrous consequences that are difficult to immediately determine. In the future, the girl may become sterile. therefore dear mothers do not disdain the rules of hygiene.

At the end of the week, doctors explained that Beatrice was born with female sex chromosomes, a uterus and ovaries. It was, in fact, a girl, but a tumor in one kidney and dysfunction in the adrenal gland caused the production of male hormones, which caused the penis to grow, not the clitoris.

The phenomenon is called congenital adrenal hyperplasia and is a disease sexual development... Formerly called intersex, it is caused by congenital anomaliesthat can affect chromosomes, internal and external genitals... The baby may be born with male chromosomes, but is insensitive to male hormones and develop female reproductive organs; or suffer from partial insensitivity to male hormones and have a small penis; or, nevertheless, be born with female chromosomes, but due to metabolic dysfunction, male hormones develop in the uterus and have the characteristics of a boy.

And now let's dwell in more detail on the features of girls' intimate hygiene, depending on age.

Intimate hygiene girls under 1 year

The skin of newborn girls is thin and delicate, so we carry out all hygiene procedures as carefully as possible.

Change diapers after getting wet (about once every 2-3 hours), as well as after the baby poops. After changing the diaper, rinse the girl's genitals with warm water, and after a bowel movement, wash thoroughly with a baby cleanser or treat the crotch with baby hypoallergenic wipes.

These diseases affect one in four thousand newborns. Running in, Carolina took her daughter home. He hid what was happening with his neighbors. She told only her family, "I'm afraid she will be called a girl who was born with a penis." He chose to put her in a nurse instead kindergarten... Beatrice, now 2 years old, is a very funny guy who loves to see Sugar Strawberries and Noddy. You take two tablets every day. In addition to producing male hormones, the disease causes dehydration, which can be fatal.

After that, you can lubricate the child's crotch with boiled peach or apricot oil... Do not use talcum powder in the crotch area - it often irritates baby's delicate skin.

Try not to put the baby without a diaper, diapers or romper in your bed, and in no case use a common basin or towel for procedures. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for young children to fall ill with "adult diseases" because of not following these rules.

Moreover, you are healthy and happy child... After 8 months, she underwent plastic surgery to restore the vagina. Most of these babies are exploited for several months. And this cosmetic surgery helps families who cannot stand the problem. “There are mothers who don’t take them on their knees, who don’t give them,” explains pediatrician Zulmira Correia, Maria Pia Hospital in Porto. In such cases, the child cannot please. “Better work,” says pediatric surgeon Cidad Rodriguez, Maria Pia Hospital.

There is an international medical consensus that surgery is performed only at the request of the child. This is also the opinion of Ciudad Rodriguez. “At the age of 7-8, we explain to children that they have a disease and we ask them if they want to work.” The question, which is premature, has a justification: in these diseases it is difficult not to talk about a child's sex, but to know whether what was attributed to him at birth will coincide with the sexual identity he will assume during puberty. "Only 60% of the time we can give almost certainty about gender."

Use special baby powders to wash towels and nappies.

Intimate hygiene of girls under 7 years old

The child becomes mobile. In this regard, try to choose underwear that would be close enough to the body, but at the same time it would not rub or sting anywhere. Close-fitting underwear will prevent sand and soil from getting on the genitals, which is especially important in summer.

From the age of 3, your baby can carry out hygiene procedures herself. Show her how to do it correctly on the doll first.

Children at this age love to imitate adults. Therefore, mom should refrain from intimate hygiene procedures with a daughter - the introduction of tampons, douching. Cases of hitting foreign bodies in the vagina and injuries in girls who played in this way "at mom."

Intimate hygiene of school-age girls

Until puberty, girls' intimate hygiene will be the same as for preschool girls. The only thing worth saying is the timely emptying of the intestines and bladder. Baby goes to school, and girls are very shy about that. Discuss with your child that it is very harmful to endure, this leads to stagnation in the small pelvis and can result in various abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system.

Somewhere at 10-11 years old, a girl needs to talk about the onset of menstruation, tell what it is, because if a girl remains in the dark, she may be afraid of the arrival of menstruation, hide this fact from adults in every possible way and use unsuitable items as pads on her own.

A few words about the intimate hygiene of girls during menstruation:

Change the gasket 2-3 times a day.

Washing on such days is better to "frequent" up to 3 times.

Gynecologists do not recommend using tampons, even mini-sized ones.

With the arrival of the first menstruation, you can start using special detergents for intimate hygiene of women instead of baby soap, for example, Lactacid Femina. The lactic acid it contains protects against germs.

The most important thing, the most important thing you should know loving mom about the intimate hygiene of his girl.

Health to your daughters!

Somehow it so happened that when it comes to the hygiene of boys, mothers have many questions. But with the girls, everything seems to be clear and understandable. However, things are not so simple. We are talking about procedures that are aimed not only at maintaining cleanliness, but also at maintaining reproductive health, in the first place.

Features of intimate care for a newborn girl

After the mother with the child returns home from the hospital, the issue of hygiene of the newborn girl falls entirely on her shoulders. Caring for a girl is really a responsible business, it must be safe and well organized.

In the early postnatal period, the genitals and buttocks of girls are almost constantly in contact with urine and feces, which makes it difficult to keep these parts of the body dry and clean. Soft skin reacts with redness, irritation, rashes. And if the baby's skin is hypersensitive, then this aggravates the problem.

Also, mommy should know that newborn girls do not yet have the protective barrier that adult woman, and due to the characteristic-specific structure of the female genital organs, it is very easy to bring infection and various diseases. In the future, this may negatively affect menstrual cycles, during pregnancy, as well as reduce the possibility of carrying, etc.

Intimate hygiene is very important for a girl, as her future depends on her. reproductive health

First days

Immediately after the birth of the girl, white, grayish-white or beige discharge... Doctors call it "smegma" - the original lubricant, the result of the work of the sebaceous glands of the external genital organs. This is completely normal.

If there is a little smegma, then you do not need to delete it, it will disappear by itself. It is recommended to wash off the plaque only if there is too much secretion. In the fats it contains, microorganisms will begin to multiply in a few days, which can lead to inflammation.

Smegma is a rather dense substance, therefore it must be removed delicately and carefully. Take a cotton swab, dip it in warm (not hot!) Boiled water and start removing the secret. This will have to be done in several stages, since the plaque will gradually recede. In a couple of days, not a trace of it will remain.

Also, in the early days, girls may experience spotting. And in this case, there is no need to be afraid. Thus, the mother's hormones are removed from the body of the newborn. This phenomenon is called the hormonal crisis of the newborn. Everything will go away in a few days.

Important: no other secretions, except for those described above, should not be in newborn babies. If you noticed purulent discharge from unpleasant odor and redness of the labia, see a doctor immediately!


Many hygiene issues for girls relate to the use of diapers. On the forums of mothers, opinions are often found about the harmfulness of diapers. Is it so?

As you know, the ingress of liquid feces into the vagina - the main problem girlish hygiene. This often provokes infectious processes and inflammation. With the advent of diapers, the scale of the problem has diminished. This is evidenced by the statistics of doctors, and many years of experience in using diapers.

Modern diapers perfectly absorb moisture, have antibacterial properties, including moisturizing the skin, etc.

If you constantly use diapers, then you should wash your baby in the following mode:

  • after the toilet "in a big way";
  • while swimming before bedtime.

The only thing important conditionconcerning diapers is their regular change, at least once every two to three hours.

Do not be afraid to use diapers: they are absolutely not harmful to babies, on the contrary, they reduce the risk of liquid feces entering the vagina, which means they reduce the likelihood of getting inflammation

How often should a girl be washed?

Many moms “brag” that they wash their babies after every urination or after every diaper change. However, such diligence on their part not only will not bring benefit, but can even harm health. Beneficial bacteria live on the mucous membranes. They are very small, and so far provide weak, but still protection for the newborn. (By the way, some of these bacteria will stay with women forever). If you wash them off, you rob your girl of this important protection, increasing the risk of infection and inflammatory disease.

However, frequent washing is worse than washing with soap.

Using soap

Everyone knows that when we wash our face with soap, we do our best to avoid getting it in the eyes, on the mucous membrane of the eyelids. We clearly understand that it is normal for soap to get on the skin, but not on mucous membranes. When you wash a girl with soap, the rule remains exactly the same: the soap should not get on the mucous membranes. Anything deeper than the labia majora is the mucous membrane. Therefore, the soap is used only for surface treatment of the labia majora, and not deeper. If this rule is not followed, then problems will arise.

It's a paradox, but when the mother pays increased attention to washing her daughter, when the girl is regularly washed with soap, then there are much more problems, and they arise much more often than when she is not paid so much attention.

Girls are recommended to wash up to six months or a year without any detergents at all. However, you can use soap, only they need to process it directly outer surface labia

Fusion of the labia

Another topic that is so often discussed on moms forums. There is a persistent opinion on the Internet that this problem appears due to insufficient hygiene, due to the use of wet wipes, frequent or, on the contrary, rare washing, as well as the use of "wrong" care products, etc. Is this true or myths?

Fusion or adhesion of the labia minora the scientific world called "synechia" (synechia - anat. "spike").

What causes this problem?

In newborn girls, the state of the mucous membranes of the genitals depends on the amount of sex hormones (estrogens) in the blood, of which they still have very little. A low amount of estrogen in the blood is one of the main causes of clumping of the labia minora.

It is also believed that microtraumas of the delicate and thin vulva resulting from its mechanical damage during too active washing. Microtrauma begins to heal, and the labia minora begins to heal. Gentle washing will reduce the risk of such micro-injuries.

Synechiae or fusion of the labia minora is not a disease, but physiological feature girls from six months and older, which occurs against the background of a lack of sex hormones estrogen

How old does it start?

Remember: synechiae never occurs in girls under 6 months. Because they have mom's estrogens, which they got during pregnancy and childbirth. Then the problem arises, and, as a rule, it peaks at the age of 1 to 3 years.

Interesting: according to medical textbooks, this phenomenon observed in only 1.5-3% of girls. But in fact, in some clinics in our country, the number of girls with synechiae reaches 30 and even 50%. That is, if you look very closely, then synechiae can be found in almost any girl under 2 years old.

It should be noted that synechiae is not a disease. This is a physiological feature of children. given age... None wet wipes or "harmful" care products do not affect its appearance.

When should you treat?

Very rarely, synechiae are of such severity in which the labia minora completely grow together, which leads to difficulty in the outflow of urine. When this happens, urine builds up in the vagina, leading to inflammation. This should be treated.

The main thing: if the child is not worried about anything, there are no problems with urination, there is no itching, redness and discharge, nothing needs to be done. This is not a problem and no one is to blame for this. Do not be afraid that something will overgrow there. As soon as the baby begins to produce estrogens, with a probability of 80-90%, everything will completely disappear. And in 20%, treatment may be required within 2 weeks with a special ointment.

Important: even when synechiae are found, no one separates them with any tools or fingers (especially without anesthesia)! They are first treated with ointments containing estrogens, and only if the ointments are ineffective do they resort to mechanical separation.

Washing a girl: algorithm of actions

The intimate hygiene of a newborn girl is very important. You must remember this. Your daughter is also future mom, and her reproductive health depends on your adequate actions and the right approach To a question.

Washing girls is an important procedure. The intimate health of babies depends on this elementary action. Washing is done strictly from front to back - from the labia to the priest, so that feces do not enter the vagina

How to wash a girl:

  1. Wash your hands before washing.
  2. Turn on a stream of running water, not very strong. Make sure it is neither cold nor hot.
  3. The child's head should lie on the elbow, the body on the forearm, fix one leg with your hand.
  4. It should be washed in the direction from the labia to the priest - front to back, and in no case vice versa. You also need to wash the groin folds and between the labia (shallow).
  5. I wash it without soap, but after a bowel movement, you can use an intimate hygiene product designed for children under one year old (with a neutral pH) for washing.
  6. Next, you need to process the genitals sterile oil - olive or peach. Peach can be bought ready-made in a pharmacy, and olive can be sterilized in a water bath.
  7. Leave 10-15 minutes for the baby to take air bath... Don't wear a diaper, let your skin rest.


  • Use the minimum cosmetics in care, as all this can lead to itching, redness, allergic reactions.
  • Wet wipes are a great modern invention, but they should also be used in moderation.

So, girls' hygiene is an important and responsible issue. Specific knowledge from experts will not interfere here, but you should not be guided by myths and advice of ignorant people. “Trial and error” methods will not work either - your baby is still going through the path of “maturation” as a woman and becoming a mother. It is not difficult to remember and follow the hygiene rules described above. Let your little ones grow up happy and healthy!