What girls are better than men. Who is better at household chores? Attitude towards stress

Or: why do we, girls, live easier than men (and is it so)? The representative of the stronger sex, discarding political correctness and armed with statistics, spoke about the female share ... in education, sex and other interesting things.

Questions of sex are eternally smoldering embers over which we languish. Therefore, taking up the discussion about who and why lives better, I do not promise you tolerance and other political correctness.

In Darwin's theory of sexual reproduction, males are " consumable”, and spoiled females, sitting on a branch, in a hole or in bed, arrogantly choose from the crowd who want to breed the strongest, healthiest and most attractive. Discrimination! “All the boys are fools, but the girls are smart,” goes the sexist children's saying. “A woman is not a thing or a commodity!” - reports Captain Evidence represented by Russian feminists.

Who is better? Who is worse?

These questions seem stupid and incorrect from the fact that disputes about the merits and advantages of the sexes have long ceased to be noisy. In today's educated society, it is indecent to challenge the apparent equality of the sexes. But equality is equality, but what about the opportunities and advantages that are not determined by laws, but by physiology and psychology? Are gender preferences given? With your permission, I, male chauvinist pig, will share my observations on this matter.

For 10 girls, according to statistics, 9 guys

According to Federal Service state statistics, in the country as a whole in 2010, 54% of "girls" will break off only 46% of "guys". However, the same statistics show that the number of women per 1,000 men rises ominously only with age. It all starts quite optimistically: in the category of 20-24 years old, there are 973 girls per 1000 guys (choose - I don’t want to!), in 25-29 - 990. But in 30-34 there are already 1022 single unmarried girls looking for their only one among a thousand elusive ones. Further - worse, although I do not want to scare anyone.

Work is not a wolf, or who is the boss

I'll dive in some more numbers. It turns out that experts top level qualifications in the fields of biological, agricultural sciences and health are distributed as follows: 550,000 men and 1,067,000 women. In the field of education, there are 586,000 male specialists of the highest qualification level, and 2,000,092 female specialists.Feminists, do you want me to tell you a fairy tale that has come true? Personnel in the field of financial, economic, administrative and social activities: M - 1 428 000, F - 3 110 000. So who is the boss in the house?

Smart everyone has become

Ignoring all these "hair is long, the mind is short", in last years 10,766,000 women received higher education (8,613,000 men). According to the same Rosstat, men are in the lead in only one type of education - primary. Our convolutions do an excellent job with tasks such as putting down inclined sticks, counting tits, creating nesting dolls from papier-mâché, and comprehending the text “Fluff and Ground Beetle”. Women, where are you!

Risk your health

... only a man can. This directly determines the demographic situation. It is difficult to imagine a woman who will drink 1.5 liters of vodka on a dare, eat raw sausages out of laziness, and raw minced meat out of curiosity, smoke on the balcony in winter after a hot bath, empty a McDonald's bag before going to bed (I will comment on every action as a man : interesting; laziness; laziness and interesting; because I'm hot; and in the morning I won't have time to eat).

Yes, women eat better, smoke less and take care of their health more seriously than men. Every time I go to scheduled inspection to the gynecologist, remember the guys you know who go to the urologist. If you name at least one, then he is over 40, and he goes there often and for a reason, and his mood is constantly not very good.

Drunkenness is a separate and special topic for the country. Female alcoholism worse than the male, it is developing rapidly and leaves no chance, but, fortunately, is rare. But how rich is the spectrum male relationships with alcohol! .. “Thank you, I don’t drink” (in the string), “Come on tomorrow!” (temporarily in the string), “I have a little bit” (I decided to untie it), “On the road” (I decided to tie it). Future, potential, practicing, former, black, dead alcoholic - it's impossible to list them all. It is not known whether women are arranged in such a way that they simply do not need it, or they make special efforts not to drink and not become an alcoholic. However, this is a serious advantage. (And immediately envied.)

Do you want to talk about it

Girls also pay more attention to psychological hygiene. This happens involuntarily: women's speech is more abundant and more detailed than men's, this applies not only to the oral, but also to the written sphere of communication - look like LiveJournal, how many guys will you meet pouring out their soul there?

All the troubles a woman says several times with her friends or shares them on a blog. The effect of such verbal behavior is comparable to clearing the know-what with the help of you-know-what. The man is silent and quickly earns depression (insomnia, low self-esteem, loneliness, suicidal tendencies, belief in UFOs, fascination with Slavic fantasy, etc.).

TNR woke up in the morning, scratched his cheerful comrade and thought about the eternal question: “What is better to be a girl than a guy”? Since the reverse question will completely destroy the self-esteem of all the girls of the Earth, we did not ask it to the residents of Novosibirsk. Let's see what the residents of Novosibirsk, who care about the peace of mind of men and TNR, answered:

Tatyana, 23 years old, school teacher

It's better to be a girl, because you can not work and sit on the guy's neck. Everyone cares, protects and does not take into the army! There are cosmetics, in the end - we decorate the world.

Elena, 22, model

The girl is smarter than the man. A girl is destined to experience the great happiness of becoming a mother, bearing a baby ... a girl is forgiven for being capricious! A girl can cry without being ashamed of her emotions. We can live without men, but there are no men without us. Girls are much stronger morally than men (tested from personal experience).

Roksolana, 23, coordinator

It’s not a fact that it’s better to be a woman - both of them are not very pleasant, and in general I am for gender equality, BUT: women do not go bald, and if they go bald, then less often; women are given a seat on the subway ... sometimes. Women are more resilient, endure pain, illness and suffering better; lesbians are treated better than gays; constantly give flowers and all sorts of different surprises and gifts!

Nastasya, 22, manager of the Pegas Touristik booking department

Girls adapt better to a new environment, a more flexible mindset. The girls are forgiven for the inability to work with a puncher and close the electrical network. Girls are not shy about showing emotions; you can be late for a date and smile sweetly, as if nothing happened.

Alena, 22 (almost 23) years old, unemployed with a great desire to find a job

You can always be stupid, because the girl. The weaker sex does not wear heavy things. The girl is provided by the man, and not vice versa. Only a girl can have 2 hearts. Breast rules the world!

Lyudmila, 39 years old, social worker

I don’t know who to be better, since we will never know what it’s like for men, but I can say that it’s easier for women - we are more emotional, sociable, if we rely only on ourselves, then relations with men become better, because you don’t wait some action from them. Women are more tender and affectionate!

Zlata, 22 years old, PhD student

I don't think anyone is better at all. In general, I would be a man, earn money, support my family, and my wife would give me mercy and affection. Because by themselves in our time, girls are careerists, and they would go to the role of a man - the breadwinner of the family!

Maria, 30, Head of Sales

Flowers are given to girls, men look after us. They open the door for us and help us out of the car; clubs free entrance; beautiful appearance sometimes means more than intelligence or work experience.

Nastya, 22 years old, teacher

In fact, the two are too different to be compared, and both have their pros and cons. I think it's better to be a girl, because petty tricks get away with it at any age. It is better to be a girl because there is no such great responsibility for the calmness, safety and well-being of a loved one and one's family. The girl is more emotional, physically weaker, more beautiful and more vulnerable than the guy. There are also important advantage: since a woman continues the race, she must be well protected!
And yet, everyone likes to be looked after, but girls are looked after more than men ... True, everything can change.

Alena, 22, works in a call center + manicure at home

be a girl better themes that: you can reasonably increase your eyelashes and grow your hair. You can walk in a skirt and heels; we can wear a veil for a wedding; we can have a baby; in some cases, a girl can influence a guy with her breasts. If you're a guy, you can't show weakness; and finally, girls don't have a morning boner! (Where we started, where we ended)

TNR thought about it and still remained sure that there is nothing better than a morning boner that girls stare at for hours, nothing is more pleasant to carry heavy bags (another opportunity to work out) and there is nothing more pleasant than analyzing in detail a full beach of girls in bikinis and topless.

Who lives better in Russia - men or women? Of course, everyone has their own advantages, but on Defender of the Fatherland Day, which has long become a gender holiday rather than a professional one, I want to talk about the strengths of the life of the stronger sex.

1. A man doesn't have to ruin his spine by choosing heels or a platform to look attractive. Although the first shoes "with an increase" were worn by men (not people of the world, but plowmen, so as not to get bogged down in the mud), and later secular dandies, now a real man will not stoop to that. Or will it not rise?

2. Men do not have PMS, when the whole world seems viciously terrible, and subsequently menopause. And the midlife crisis, when many change jobs for more interesting and boring wives for younger ones, is a much more pleasant thing.

3. And they don’t need to give birth in pain either. Whatever one may say, smoking nervously under the windows of the maternity hospital is still somewhat easier than carrying a child for nine months and enduring pain for 12.

4. A blond driver will not be treated fearfully or condescendingly, expecting him to park right in the middle of the highway.

5. Going to the hairdresser is not for him. important event, and the departure of a beloved master is a disaster. And in general, on occasion, you can cut your hair under the typewriter.

7. He may not worry that the dry varnish is smeared or bright - peeled off at the most inopportune moment.

8. In addition, men save a lot of money on cosmetics, jewelry, underwear and stockings (unless they give all this to their beloved).

9. A romantic dinner for him is limited to buying flowers and condoms, and not standing at the stove for three hours.

10. He can call first, write first, wait at the entrance and generally advance on all fronts. Others will only admire perseverance, and hardly anyone will say that decent men do not do this.

11. The employer, after reading his profile, will not be disappointed to pull: “De-children? Yes, you will be on sick leave all the time” or “No children? So, soon they will appear, and you will go on maternity leave!

12. If his only signature dish is to order, no one will blame him. And if "Napoleon" or "Rack of lamb", they will be amazed and will certainly make him the chef of some restaurant.

13. "Two years in a couple, and never had an orgasm" - this is definitely not about him!

14. He will never buy gel for problem areas or spend time on anti-cellulite massage - he, by definition, cannot have this problem.

15. The second half can safely be 10, 15 and even 25 years younger - friends will only sigh enviously. And even if she only needs one, you can be proud that he has this one.

16. Bachelors are always in a better position than spinsters of the same age.

17. As the heroine of the famous film said, after a divorce, a man is called free, and a woman is called abandoned. Maybe not so hard, but there is some truth in this.22. And he will not worry about how he will look in the morning without makeup.

23. The first move in the game "February 23 - March 8" is not for him, which means that you can safely give shower gel in response to shaving foam and a trip for two to Prague in response to a gift chosen with love, accompanied by a tender postcard.

This unfortunate fact for our brother was confirmed by the Longevity Research Center in New England. It turned out that of all earthlings who blew out 100 candles on their cake, 85% were female.

Women are better at managing money

The Barclay Foundation and the Research Center in the English city of Ledbury found that female investors are much more reliable than their male alternative. This is probably due to the abundance of testosterone in our bodies, which sometimes makes us do strange things: for example, start a fight with a person in a pasty suit or buy unreliable stocks.

Women make better students than men

So say representatives of the University of Georgia, as well as scientists at Columbia University. According to the same educational institutions, male students are more likely to drop out of university than female students.

Women drive better than men

But this is a tangible blow! And we wouldn't have believed it if it weren't for statistics recently released by the City of New York. Drivers are 80% more likely to be at fault in crashes that result in death or serious injury for pedestrians than female drivers.

Women are more effective in leadership positions

And this dagger in our male pride stuck a magazine International Bulletin business management and ethics” (in general, magazines should already be banned from walking around with daggers). According to an article published in the publication, companies are generally much more stable than those under male command.

Women make brilliant programmers

Gradually, women are also pushing us away from the computer screen: the latest study from the University of Sussex showed that female programmers are better than their male counterparts at coding for the design of 3D computer games (in fact, for which programming exists).

Women have a strong memory

At least harder than men. Scientists from Aston University in Birmingham came up with such a conclusion. And they can be trusted: they conducted an experiment with men and women, checking their memory after 2 minutes, 15 minutes and 24 hours. By the way, the study was conducted at Aston University in Birmingham. Or have we already mentioned it?

Women have a higher pain threshold

In fact, any man who cruel fate forced to be a witness to childbirth, is unlikely to argue with that. For the rest, there is the 142nd episode of the 8th season, where it is shown that a woman is able to hold her hand in ice water much longer than a man.

The immune system of women is stronger

And all because of the main female hormone - estrogen, scientists at the Canadian McGill University assure. Estrogen effectively protects the fragile female body from bacteria and viruses.

Women are cleaner than men

Pf, we also have news ... Employees State University San Diego meticulously examined the desktops of several hundred office workers and found far more bacteria on the desks of male employees (as well as a slice of dried pizza and a sock) than on desks owned by women.

Women find lost things faster

Psychology professor Diane Halper conducted a series of tests and found that women are better at remembering the location, the details of the situation and the sequence of events, which means they will quickly find the car keys (let them find the TV remote at the same time, if they are so smart).

Women are better at distinguishing colors and shades

Proven at the City University of New York. That is why the same woman, as if from a machine-gun fire, will give out “beige”, “milk”, “taupe”, while you say a lonely: “Well ... Uh ... White? ..”

Women are also better at coping with stress.

The University of Western Ontario authoritatively states that women are better at handling emotions in stressful situations- for example, at interviews or when for some reason you started a fight with a man in a cheburek suit. Everything is in stock female body the hormone oxytocin, which stabilizes the mental background. The production of this hormone increases during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but on other days it is present in the body of a woman in larger doses than in the male body.

A woman and a man differ greatly in the characteristics of the psyche and perception of the world. Both men and women have their weaknesses and strengths. Than a woman better than men s? 15 advantages of a woman over a man will help you find the answer to this question.

  1. A woman can easily do several things at once, while the average man can only concentrate on one thing.
  2. A woman tolerates pain better, since the female body produces the hormone estrogen, which has an analgesic effect. The pain threshold of a woman is higher.
  3. A woman's eyes have a 180-degree field of view, while a man's vision is tunnel vision, that is, a man's gaze is directed straight ahead. That is why it is difficult for a man to find, for example, his friend in the crowd - he usually looks only ahead.
  4. A woman has a stronger sense of smell than a man. Women's sensitivity to various odors is especially aggravated at the end of the menstrual cycle.
  5. Why is a woman better than a man? A woman has a much stronger intuition, she is able to anticipate some events and accept right decisions on a subconscious level.
  6. Men are less likely to suffer from depression than women. But men's depression lasts much longer than women's, and more often ends in suicide. It is easier for a woman to cope with her own psychological problems. Therefore, the majority of patients in a psychiatric hospital are men.
  7. A woman smiles more often, more often looks into the eyes of her interlocutor, and a man, as a rule, avoids direct gaze during dialogue. Because a woman is more attentive, she is able to distinguish emotional states a man is better than a man. The relationship of a woman with loved ones is deeper and more sincere.
  8. A man gets sick less often, but longer and more seriously than a woman. A woman tolerates the disease more easily, often continuing to work and lead a normal life during it.
  9. A woman is more enduring and patient, although physically weaker than a man.
  10. Why is a woman better than a man? A woman is much more sensitive and able to get more pleasure from sex than the most sensitive man. For example, multiple orgasm.
  11. In a woman, both hemispheres of the brain work interconnectedly, while in a man one half of the brain is responsible for logical thinking, and the other - for the figurative, and it is difficult for a man to use both halves at the same time.
  12. woman better times Vita ability to learn languages, a woman makes fewer grammatical errors in the text. The speech of a woman is usually more beautiful and harmonious than the speech of a man.
  13. woman in nursery and adolescence begins to develop earlier than a man: earlier to walk, talk, read, philosophize.
  14. On average, a woman lives seven to ten years longer than a man.
  15. Why is a woman better than a man? A woman does not suppress her emotions, unlike a man. And the suppression of emotions provokes strokes, heart attacks and depression.