25 week gestation position of the fetus. week of pregnancy: what's going on. Normal Sizes of Long Bones

The twenty-fifth week of pregnancy came up. The expectant mother begins to prepare a dowry for the baby, gradually winds up affairs at work, preparing for a long maternity leave. The location of the nursery has already been determined in the apartment, and even the corner where the crib will be. Time passes in pleasant chores, but the mother listens anxiously to new sensations, worries if the crumb does not make itself felt for a long time, counts the number of movements. What happens to a baby at 25 weeks of gestation?

Fetus at 25 weeks gestation

What changes have occurred this week?

Size and weight

From crown to heels, the child is about 33-35 centimeters long. Growth is now slowing down a little, the emphasis is on weight gain. And by this time the baby weighs about 0.7 kilograms, or even more.

What organs develop in the twenty-fifth week?

The internal organs of a small organism have been working for a long time, they are formed, but they continue to bring their work to perfection. The lungs will begin to function in full force only after birth, but even now the baby takes breaths. He swallows the amniotic fluid and the kidneys convert it into urine. If, for some reason, the fetus is not capable of swallowing water, a diagnosis of polyhydramnios can be made. The volume of water can be reduced if, for example, the child has impaired renal function, and then the diagnosis will sound like "Oligoamnion" (oligohydramnios).

What does a child look like?

Outwardly, the baby looks more and more like a baby: the body acquires proportionality, there are marigolds on the fingers, future cilia are laid on the eyelids. The head is covered with hairs. The thin and short hair on the body, lanugo, will disappear by the time of birth. In addition, the entire skin of the baby is covered with original lubricant - this is a means of protection from the effects of water.

In about a week, the baby will open his eyes, but already now he has a very varied facial expressions: he frowns, smiles, frowns. The baby is having fun by sucking a finger or fingering the umbilical cord, squeezing and unclenching his tiny fingers into fists.

Stirring a child

If by the 25th week of pregnancy the baby still has not moved, this is a very alarming sign: it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound scan.

At this time, babies are very active. If we sum up all the movements that the child makes, it turns out that he moves for more than a quarter of the day! But the movements little fidget Mom does not feel everything, only the strongest. Most clearly, most of the crumbs remind of themselves at night, until about four in the morning. Many mommies wake up from the jolts of their belly.

If the baby is not very active, there is no reason to worry: already now little man has its own character. Usually overly active kids in intrauterine life are born energetic children, and calm ones before birth please with a balanced and restrained disposition.

Excessive activity of the child can talk about some of the problems that the baby is experiencing. Perhaps he does not have enough oxygen; during hypoxia, children move, improving their own blood flow, and, as a result, supplying oxygen to the brain.

The child kicks in the lower abdomen

Many mothers get scared when they begin to feel movements in the very lower abdomen, in the pubic region. Is there a reason for concern?

The kid kicks up when his legs are at the top, respectively, the head is at the bottom. This posture is correct for natural childbirth... At 25 weeks, the baby rolls over freely, and this is normal. Anatomically, it is more convenient for him to lie with his head up. If the head is up, then the legs are from below, and when he twists them, it is felt in the lower abdomen. Such movements do not cause any danger. However, the mother may be uncomfortable if the fidget is zealous and kicks her in the bladder: frequent urge"In a small way" in this case is also the norm.

Position. Breech presentation of the fetus

Breech presentation is called the position of the baby upside down.

There are three options for breech presentation:

  • gluteal, when the baby's legs are bent at the hip joint and, straightened at the knees, are pressed against the tummy;
  • leg, when the legs (both or one) are straightened and located at the entrance to the uterus;
  • buttock-leg, when the legs are bent at the hips and knees.

Diagnosed breech presentation on ultrasound, but up to 32 weeks there is no reason for worry - babies are able to roll over repeatedly before giving birth.


Physiological changes in a woman. Weight gain

If in the first trimester you gain weight future mother was insignificant, then in the second the situation changes. After 20 weeks, mom should gain about 500 grams in seven days. By week 25, the total weight gain can be from 4 to 8 kilograms, and at multiple pregnancy- over 10.

Belly at 25 weeks of gestation and the condition of the mother

The abdominal circumference at 25 weeks in pregnant women can vary significantly, and this indicator cannot be considered informative for determining the development of the fetus. The localization of the placenta is of great importance. As a rule, when it is attached along the back wall, the abdomen “grows” faster, and along the front wall it has a more modest size. In addition, the original constitution of the mother affects: in women of a large physique, the stomach is not noticeable as clearly as in thin persons.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the abdomen, it is important to properly care for this part of the body: apply creams and oils to increase the elasticity of the skin, wear a support bandage.

Any painful sensations in the abdomen at 25 weeks of gestation - a reason for consulting a doctor.

Breast 25 weeks pregnant

By the 25th week, colostrum can be excreted from the breast - this is a harbinger of milk. Colostrum is of great value for a baby in the first day or two after childbirth. It is thicker than milk and differs in composition. It is high in protein, which helps protect the newborn from bacteria that can cause gastroenteritis, and also a loading dose of antibodies, which is so important during the period of adaptation of the child to the outside world.

It is not worth deliberately provoking the discharge of colostrum from the nipples - this can cause the uterus to contract. If it leaks, which happens with weak nipples, special inserts in the bra will help.

By this time, the chest had increased significantly in size. It is caused by overgrowth of secretory tissue and milk ducts. The severity of the breasts can cause stretch marks and sagging, therefore it is necessary to wear a bra - comfortable, made of natural cotton and also to keep it clean.

Uterus size at 25 weeks gestation

There is a 25th week of pregnancy, 22-23 weeks have passed since conception, and every week the uterus grew and increased in size. By this time, the height of its bottom reaches 23-27 centimeters.

Features of IVF pregnancy

A baby after IVF is in no way inferior in development to a baby conceived naturally, ever since the embryo was implanted in the uterus. The size of the mother's tummy corresponds to the terms of a normal pregnancy, and her state of health does not differ from the norm. Of course, such a pregnancy takes place under the closer supervision of doctors, and often with hormonal support. Strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations increases the chances of delivering the baby to the expected date of birth and avoiding complications.

Features of multiple pregnancy

Carrying twins, and even more so triplets for such a period is hard work for a mother. The belly becomes large by twenty-five weeks, it can cause inconvenience when traveling in a car, and with household chores, and even while sleeping. Do not worry if babies are now slightly below the average weight and height parameters - twins, as a rule, are born smaller than normal babies, but at the same time, their Apgar scores often tend to the maximum. Term-born twins and triplets are enduring.

In two to three weeks, the expectant mother of the twins will already go on maternity leave. It is provided 2 weeks earlier than for singleton pregnancies.

What difficulties can a woman face at this time? Often, these are:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • protein in the urine.

The expectant mother of twins should monitor the diet, because she needs about 300 more calories per day than mothers of one baby. But at the same time, you should be more careful with the liquid: its excess provokes edema! On average, weight gain per week is about 700 grams.

Problems in the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy

What complications can lie in wait at the 25th week of pregnancy?

Nauseous at 25 weeks gestation

Nausea in most cases remains behind at the end of the first trimester, and if it is disturbing at 25 weeks, the causes may be:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • eating disorders;
  • side effects when taking medications;
  • gestosis.

If you feel unwell, you should definitely inform the doctor, he will help to identify the cause of the problem and select optimal method its elimination.


With gestosis or the so-called late toxicosis women face in the third trimester in about 30% of cases. But sometimes gestosis makes itself felt earlier.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) classifies gestosis as a complication of a normal pregnancy, and identifies the following symptoms:

  • hypertension and eclampsia (increased blood pressure);
  • proteinuria (protein in the urine);
  • swelling.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the classification of preeclampsia is used according to the severity: mild, moderate, severe. Treatment of preeclampsia should be carried out stationary, however, with mild it is possible to do without hospitalization.

Diarrhea and constipation

What worries you more often during pregnancy - diarrhea or constipation? Despite the fact that these phenomena are antonymic, they are equally unpleasant and carry a certain danger. So, diarrhea at 25 weeks of pregnancy can affect the volume amniotic fluid: debilitating diarrhea leads to dehydration, fetus also suffers. It is necessary to identify the cause of the diarrhea as soon as possible, and if it is caused by colibacillus- undergo inpatient treatment. Eating-related diarrhea can be treated at home with sorbents, rehydration solutions, and diet.

What to refrain from with diarrhea:

  • spicy;
  • smoked;
  • some vegetables and fruits: beets, prunes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • fermented milk products;
  • gray bread.

There are medicines for diarrhea that are allowed during pregnancy. However, they should be prescribed by a doctor, with whom it is necessary to discuss treatment for constipation.

Constipation is a frequent companion of pregnancy. Under the influence of hormones, due to the squeezing of the intestines by the uterus, due to the peculiarities of nutrition and some other factors, constipation occurs - a condition when there is no stool for more than three days. In this case, abdominal pain, bursting sensations in the intestines, may bother you. Constipation is dangerous because it can cause hemorrhoids - very unpleasant disease... A good prevention of constipation is diet. The diet should be dominated by raw vegetables and fruits, foods rich in fiber, dairy products, and drinking plenty of fluids.

With systematic constipation, the use of pharmacy products is allowed:

  • rectal suppositories (for example, with glycerin);
  • Duphalac;
  • microclysters and so on.


Heartburn dramatically darkens the lives of many pregnant women. Often, it has a physiological origin: due to the pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs, stomach acid is released from the stomach into the esophagus. Helps Relieve Heartburn fractional meals in small portions. But sometimes heartburn is symptomatic of gastrointestinal diseases, so it will not be superfluous to visit a gastroenterologist.

Stomach hurts and pulls

The situation when the stomach hurts at the 25th week of pregnancy should be alarming. The pain may not be dangerous if, for example, it is caused by the baby's tremors.

The so-called Braxton Hicks contractions, or, as they are also called, training contractions, can become a cause for excitement. They can be scary, since they are very similar to real contractions, but they do not increase in frequency and intensity, but serve as a kind of preparation of the uterus for the upcoming birth.

Most often, training bouts begin in the third trimester, but a considerable number of women face them in the second.

At 25 weeks, the onset of premature birth is also possible, and this abdominal pain will be difficult to confuse with training contractions: the onset of labor is characterized by more intense contractions, the time between which is gradually decreasing.

Discharge at 25 weeks pregnant

There is no reason to worry if the expectant mother notes that vaginal discharge has become more abundant and changed in consistency (usually becoming thinner than usual). These changes are caused by an increase in the amount of fluid in the female body.

However, it should be alerted if:

  • discharge has a pungent "fishy" odor;
  • they have bloody impurities;
  • burning and itching are felt in the intimate area;
  • the consistency of the discharge became curd-like.

Subject to all the rules intimate hygiene foul odor of discharge and itching can all come early. Perhaps it is a violation of the vaginal microflora, and the development of local dysbiosis or candidiasis (thrush). It is not accepted to consider these diseases dangerous, but they are quite capable of harming the baby during childbirth. Diagnostics and treatment are not difficult with timely attention to the problem.

Bleeding at 25 weeks gestation

A considerable percentage of expectant mothers face bleeding in the second trimester. However, the nature of the bloody discharge makes it possible to judge whether they pose a danger to the current pregnancy or not.

If a woman is warned by a doctor that she has erosion or there are polyps in the vagina and on the cervix, then scanty bloody impurities in the discharge, especially noticeable after sexual intercourse, should not scare: this is not uterine bleeding... It is abundant, often accompanied by pain, and sometimes contractions.

Such bleeding can signal both premature birth and pathologies such as:

  • placenta previa;
  • placental abruption.

The sooner the patient is under medical supervision, the higher the chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

Premature birth

One of the most common causes of premature birth at 25 weeks is:

Despite the fact that organs and systems child's body formed, the fetus is still very weak for life outside the mother's womb. But if a child at birth has all the signs of life, his weight exceeds 500 grams, according to the law, doctors are obliged to make efforts to nurture him. The prognosis for a prematurely born deeply premature baby is the more favorable, the sooner resuscitation assistance is provided to him.

Frozen pregnancy at 25 weeks

A frozen (non-developing) pregnancy can be encountered at any time. Intrauterine fetal death, or rather, the termination of its development, most often occurs due to genetic mutations or infections, but the reasons for this phenomenon have not been determined for certain.

The dead fetus is expelled from the mother's body by artificially induced labor or surgery. In the future, it is recommended to plan a pregnancy after thorough examination, not earlier than six months later.

Colds. SARS, fever, flu. Can antibiotics be used?

Colds and flu are merciless to everyone, and it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to protect herself from them in the midst of an epidemic. Expectant mothers are worried even at the slightest runny nose. What if the treatment in such a position is difficult to find? In fact, there are not so few drugs allowed during pregnancy in the second trimester, and among them there are antibiotics (usually penicillin or cephalosporin). But only a doctor should prescribe drugs, determine the dosage and course of treatment! Any pharmacy remedy has a number of contraindications and side effects!

If the temperature rises, it is allowed to take ibuprofen or paracetamol. Negative influences on the fetus from the use of these drugs has not been identified.

You should be more careful with folk recipes... Many herbs are sources of phytohormones or allergens and are unsafe to take. However, there are no contraindications to gargling with a pharmacy chamomile or taking tea with a coltsfoot leaf. For coughs and sore throats, a centuries-old remedy helps: warm milk with honey.

For prevention, nasal drops "Grippferon", ointment "Viferon", oxolinic nasal ointment, as well as vitamins, which are rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, are allowed.

Food poisoning - what to do?

Lungs food poisoning that manifest as a stool disorder can be handled at home.

However, you cannot do without the help of a doctor if:

  • the temperature rises;
  • there is repeated vomiting;
  • the pregnant woman feels dizzy or is close to fainting;
  • experiencing hallucinations.

Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, drink a sorbent, and, if possible, provide the victim with bed rest.

Toxoplasmosis at 25 weeks gestation

However, the disease can also be caused by:

  • poorly heat-treated meat products;
  • unfiltered water;
  • insufficient hand hygiene after excavation.

The danger of toxoplasmosis is for people with impaired immunity, especially with HIV, as well as for pregnant women. Infection in the second trimester of the fetus occurs in 30% of maternal infections. The consequences for the baby are quite unfavorable. Toxoplasmosis causes damage to the central nervous system, organs of vision, as well as antenatal fetal death. But the second trimester has a greater advantage over the first - during this period it is allowed drug treatment toxoplasmosis.

No matter how frightening toxoplasmosis is with its consequences, most mothers have nothing to fear: they have already had this disease, without even knowing about it. They have antibodies in their bodies that will prevent re-infection. The disease is often asymptomatic, or disguised as acute respiratory infections. In order to identify a predisposition to toxoplasmosis, all pregnant women take a blood test (sometimes at the planning stage).

Low placentation

The place of attachment of the ovum plays important role in the further course of pregnancy. Normally, the higher the attachment occurs, the better. Sometimes the egg is anchored too low, and when the placenta develops, its lower edge is located close to the inner os of the uterus.

Why is it dangerous? The risk of placental abruption, bleeding and premature birth is increased. Does this diagnosis have symptoms?

As a rule, these are:

  • low blood pressure in the mother;
  • preeclampsia;
  • stomach ache;
  • bloody issues.

Sometimes the placenta "rises" on its own, if this does not happen, they use medication support, for example, Curantil or Actovegin.

Short cervix

A shortened cervix is ​​a rather dangerous diagnosis, especially at 25 weeks, when intensive growth fetus. Normally, the length should not be less than 2 centimeters. If the cervix is ​​shorter, under the pressure of the fetus, its opening begins, which inevitably leads to the onset of labor.

The problem is revealed by the doctor during examination and according to the results of an ultrasound scan. To postpone labor with this diagnosis, a ring is installed on the neck, or it is sutured. It is believed that these measures allow the neck to become stronger, and the woman to bring the baby to the due date.

Thickening of the placenta

The fetus grows, and the placenta grows accordingly. It needs strength to withstand fruit and water, so it thickens. The thickening cannot be called significant, but it is necessary, and continues until about 33-35 weeks. Having reached its peak thickness, the placenta begins to age in preparation for childbirth. If the baby seat is thicker than it should be a certain period, this is bad. In this case, the placenta will grow old earlier, the baby will begin to experience oxygen starvation and lack of nutrition, labor may begin prematurely.

Why does pathology arise? There are many reasons, but the most common are:

  • preeclampsia;
  • Rh-conflict between mother and fetus;
  • lack of iron;
  • infections;
  • the mother's passion for addictions (drugs, nicotine, alcohol).

The thickness of the placenta is assessed by ultrasound, and at 25 weeks it should not be thicker than 25-30 millimeters.

Analyzes and examinations

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation

It makes no sense to carry out an ultrasound procedure at 25 weeks without indications. The third screening is still far away, and all the necessary data on the development of the fetus were obtained at the most informative time, at the second screening.

The indications for diagnostics can be:

  • clarification of the gestational age and the compliance of the fetal development with it;
  • pathological conditions(placenta previa, its thickening or premature aging, the threat of premature birth, and so on);
  • IVF or multiple pregnancy.

The procedure does not require special preparation, however, it is better to come to it after taking a shower, putting on clean linen and not forgetting the exchange card.

Progesterone rate

Progesterone at 25 weeks of gestation should normally be 190-280 nanomoles per liter. More low level hormone can pose a threat of premature birth, and high level inhibits the function of the kidneys, placenta.

Mom's beauty and health: skin care, hair, nails

No matter how they say that pregnancy paints a woman, rarely any expectant mother will let beauty take its course and stop caring for herself.

There are no special secrets on how to be beautiful and charming while waiting for a crumb, but there are some caveats:

  • some salon procedures based on thermal or ultrasonic, and even more so chemical effects should be avoided;
  • having looked into the hairdresser, it is worth warning the master that for dyeing hair you will need to choose soft dyes (ideally vegetable origin);
  • in the department of cosmetic and hygiene products before buying, it is better to study the information from the labels of jars and bottles - the less "chemistry", the better, and, if possible, choose to special cosmetics for pregnant women - non-toxic and hypoallergenic;
  • if the expectant mother cannot imagine life without nail extension, it is possible to build up, but only from a trusted master and using high-quality materials: toluene, formaldehyde, methacrylate and other substances that make up the composition are very toxic, and this is worth remembering.

Although every pregnant woman should think: does she really need artificial nails? After all, after childbirth, they will interfere with the care of the baby, and can cause injury to delicate skin.

Sex at 25 weeks pregnant

A growing belly requires a certain ingenuity from the parents of the unborn baby. love games oh, not all poses are comfortable. Ideal option recognized position on the side and knee-elbow position.

Sex drive on this stage pregnancy usually increases if it is not suppressed by psychological discomfort. Some women tend to be ashamed of a changed figure, their own baby and even their desires, exacerbated by hormones. All this is superfluous, because parental sex does not harm the child, and many men see pregnant partners as unusually sexy and attractive.

Sports at 25 weeks of gestation

Doing your favorite sports at 25 weeks becomes both problematic and dangerous. If before that mom was fond of cycling or equestrian sports, in this delicate position this can be harmful, especially with pathologies such as low placentation or ICI. Excluded should be endurance and weight lifting exercises, all types of martial arts, mountaineering and other extreme sports.

What remains? There is a lot left: swimming, Pilates, yoga, fitness, aerobics, and so on with the only condition - all this must be adapted to the appropriate features of the position of expectant mothers, not to carry trauma and physical overload.

Travel: removals and flights

Traveling when you're 25 weeks pregnant is not a bad idea if the journey is short and fatiguing. There may be some difficulties with air travel, not all companies are enthusiastic about protruding tummies. Mom should be ready to present a flight permit from her obstetrician-gynecologist.

Traveling by train can be a real challenge if the journey takes several days. If it is inevitable to cancel the trip or choose a different method of transportation, it is recommended to take care of comfort: buy tickets in a compartment where the pregnant woman will be calmer and more comfortable.

Traveling in a car is not only an opportunity to choose where and at what speed to go, but also to rest on demand, stretch your legs, call in to pharmacies and eat right.

Wherever the expectant mother is going on a trip, she should be aware: 25 weeks of pregnancy - how many months is it? Now it is 6 months, which means that there is not much left before the birth. You must be prepared for any turn of events, and do not forget to long journey take an exchange card, insurance policy, first aid kit.

Diet in the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy

Mom's nutrition in the second trimester has some peculiarities.

What you can eat

Now it is important to meet the growing needs of the body for vitamins and minerals. Calcium is needed - the baby gets stronger skeletal system, and he will borrow the lack of the mineral from his mother free of charge. That is why it is important to include calcium-containing foods in the diet: milk and sour milk, cheese, cottage cheese, fish, nuts. Do not forget about protein: there is a lot of it in meat, fish, legumes, nuts. Iron deficiency is dangerous. This trace element can be taken from products: buckwheat, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits, herbs.

Meals should be complete and varied, including proteins (20%), fats (30%), and complex carbohydrates (50%). But you should be careful with salt: salty foods provoke swelling!

What does it look like sample menu on the day of the expectant mother at 25 weeks of pregnancy?

Meal time Dishes Alternative
Breakfast, 8:00 milk - 150 milliliters;
biscuit biscuits - 80 grams
tea with milk - 200 milliliters;
cheese sandwich (70/30 grams)
Second breakfast, 10:00 buckwheat porridge on water with butter - 200 grams;
curd casserole with raisins - 150 grams;
orange juice - 150 milliliters
Lunch, 13:00 boiled rice - 100 grams;
stewed fish - 180 grams
stewed vegetables - 150 grams;
stewed chicken cutlet - 100 grams
Afternoon snack, 17:00 yogurt - 150 grams;
baked apple;
cranberry juice - 200 milliliters
Dinner, 19:00 omelet of 3 eggs with milk;
rice porrige in milk - 200 grams
Second dinner (before bed) a glass of kefir fresh juice

What you can't eat

As for coffee, sweets, flour - it is important to observe the measure, these products do not have to be completely excluded, but it is worth limiting their use.

Supplements, vitamins

Vitamin and mineral supplements are naturally not a substitute for a normal pregnancy diet. They can serve additional source iron, calcium, folic acid, which are quite difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities with a normal diet. In no case should you take any dietary supplements without consulting your doctor, since it is difficult for a pregnant woman to choose correct dosage, and in addition, pharmacy vitamins may contain substances harmful to the fetus.

It is worth remembering: vitamins for pregnant women from the pharmacy are just an addition to the correct diet!

Is alcohol allowed?

If the expectant mother thoroughly prepared for upcoming pregnancy, she, for sure, read a lot of useful literature, and thoroughly studied the issue of the influence of alcohol on the fetus and its development. However, often, the harm of alcohol in encyclopedias for pregnant women is exaggerated. It has only been proven that it has a negative effect with systematic use. If, on the occasion of one or two times during the entire pregnancy, the mother allowed herself half a glass of wine, but the rest of the time she adhered to a healthy lifestyle, the risk of developing fetal pathologies does not exceed the percentage determined by statistics among women who do not take alcohol at all.

25 obstetric week pregnancy is a relatively calm period when the expectant mother still has enough time to prepare for the birth of a baby. This time can be spent usefully, resting and gaining positive emotions, or starting to wind down your affairs at work, preparing for maternity leave.

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At the 25th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches 22 cm, weight - 700 g. The baby's hair gradually accumulates pigment and begins to acquire the color that they will have at birth. Now the main thing for the expectant mother is the correct metabolism and the absence of any infections.

If the gestation period is 25 weeks, how many months is it? Now you are on the seventh lunar month, more than a half the gestation period has already been experienced. About calculating the timing and date of delivery.

How is the development of the fetus

Subcutaneous fat continues to develop under your baby's skin. Thanks to this, the baby becomes plump. But this is not for the sake of affection of relatives and not for infant beauty. Without subcutaneous fat, a person is very cold. In addition, it is this layer that later allows you to survive short-term fasting. What else happens to the fetus:

  1. The formation of pigment begins in the hair. This substance will determine the color of the hair on the baby's head by the time of his birth.
  2. Brain cells and neural connections become more complex.
  3. The bone marrow is actively involved in the digestion process.

The fetus is mostly asleep, but continues to move at the same time. During periods of wakefulness, he is more active. To train movements, the baby has the walls of the uterus, against which he rests from time to time. And also - the umbilical cord, by which the fetus can reflexively grab the handles.

Another training action is breathing movements. This skill is very important for a baby's first breath. A small amount enters the bronchi and lungs through the nose of the fetus. amniotic fluid but there is no danger in that.

The kid has grown a lot, has become stronger. His movements are already felt very clearly. Some tremors may cause a little pain. If the fetus is playing too much, you can stroke your belly. Many mothers noted that this calms the little "footballer" very well.

This is what your child looks like:

Moms often worry about how their baby is positioned. Some babies are already settling in the uterus with their head down, as it will be necessary before childbirth. But the property of the fetus is that it can turn over until the beginning of labor in the mother. If you do an ultrasound and say that the fetus is still with its head up or even across, you should not be intimidated. The kid still has time to turn as it should, and if not, there is special exercises who can help with this. Don't worry now.

Your feelings

The third trimester, the most difficult one, has not yet begun. If you are healthy, follow all the recommendations and have balanced your diet, everything should be just fine. Frequent urge to urinate has become habitual. Surely you have learned how to overcome bouts of heartburn - eat porridge and drink jelly. The grown tummy makes you lean back slightly when walking. Surely you are happy with the beautiful thick hair and delicate skin.

And yet your body is constantly doing difficult work. If he fails, there may be some discomfort and problems.

In about every second woman, pregnancy is accompanied by the onset and development of hemorrhoids. This happens for two reasons:

  1. The uterus grows and presses on the intestines and its large blood vessels.
  2. The intestines do not always work stably; pregnant women often have constipation.

This disease is not dangerous, but very unpleasant. It is best to take care in advance that the hemorrhoids simply do not start. To do this, you need to avoid constipation, help digestion - give up everything fried, fatty and spicy. The diet must necessarily contain food that stimulates peristalsis, that is, contraction of the intestinal muscles. These are dried apricots, prunes, fermented milk and grain products. One more important point... If constipation still occurs, you should not push.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Talk to your doctor about how to deal with these kinds of problems. He may prescribe relaxing or softening candles. Do not be afraid to talk to your doctor about such problems - such troubles are not uncommon during pregnancy.

The fear of spontaneous abortion is gradually decreasing. Now if labor starts ahead of time, the baby has every chance to survive. But still he will be born underdeveloped. That is why it is important to take care of your health and avoid any dangerous situations.

In week 25, you may start snoring in your sleep, even if you have never done so before. This is a temporary phenomenon, it is associated with an overload of your respiratory organs. For the same reason, you may feel short of breath when walking or climbing stairs.

If something hurts

It is important to distinguish pain from discomfort. Small inconveniences accompany you almost all the time. Pulling sensation in the abdomen and lower back - this is a signal that the body is trying to adapt to the enlargement of the uterus (now it is comparable in size to a soccer ball). A dangerous sign is real, severe pain in these areas. They talk about the threat of premature birth, especially when combined with violent or simply repetitive labor.

The weight

Your body weight should increase. This ensures the growth of the fetus, education the required amount blood and amniotic fluid. The rate of weight gain at the twenty-fifth week is approximately 350 grams. Otherwise, anemia, calcium deficiency may begin - after all, your baby needs this element. However, gaining too much body weight will make it difficult for you to breathe and move. Be careful. Ideally, if you have a scale at home, it helps you keep track of your readings between doctor visits.

Photos of tummies (click to enlarge)


Nothing changes here. The secretion of your vagina should normally be light, moderately thick, without bad smell... Any deviation from these indicators requires a visit to a doctor and examination.

Women's consultation

At this time or a little later, your doctor may change the calendar of visits. This is due to the need for more careful observation.

At the end of the second trimester, many women develop anemia (anemia). The first signal is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, it is detected by laboratory analysis... If this is the case, your doctor will prescribe iron supplements.

Controlling blood glucose levels is equally important. Sometimes pregnant women develop diabetes, in which it is very important to take action on time. If the sugar level rises slightly, it is usually sufficient to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

If recently you have not been prescribed blood tests and vaginal smears for various infections(including genital), then it can be done exactly on the 25th week.

Remember that any “bad” analysis must be repeated to rule out possible laboratory error. Never eat breakfast before donating blood, because of this, the test results will be incorrect.

Now or soon you will have a cardiotocography. This is a detailed, longitudinal study of your fetus's cardiac activity. It lasts 30 minutes and records the beating of a small heart in dynamics. Over time, such studies will be periodically assigned to you. How often - the doctor decides.

  1. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Don't try new ones Exotic fruits and other completely unfamiliar food. Your body can react in unpredictable ways.
  2. If your hands are swollen, do not wear rings, tight bracelets.
  3. With edema on the legs (not associated with late toxicosis), try to keep your legs raised if possible.
  4. Sleep with pillows on your left side.
  5. It is advisable not to be among large crowds of people, especially during epidemics.
  6. At work, take breaks every half hour, if possible. Do not sit cross-legged, change your body position more often.
  7. Wear a prenatal brace.
  8. Lungs physical exercise- necessarily! But no contact types sports, agility exercises and tedious exercises. It is best to practice swimming or yoga.
  9. Sexual desires can increase markedly. This is due to the frequent congestion of blood to the genitals. Choose comfortable sex positions and do not allow too much activity, pressure on the abdomen. If your partner is afraid of harming the fetus, develop a joint cautious behavior.
  10. Wear only comfortable clothes and shoes.
  11. Don't dye your hair now chemical means- many of them penetrate the bloodstream and can harm the fetus.

Your wellness is the most accurate indicator that you are doing everything right.

Congratulations, you are already 7 months pregnant, because this is how obstetricians define 25 weeks of waiting for a baby.

The fact that you will flutter and run is not a fact, but the general state of health at the 25th week of pregnancy is characterized as positive, and the tummy will also allow you to tie the laces on your shoes.

Baby development at 25 weeks

Your baby is gaining weight every day and by 25 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus can be compared to a small elongated pumpkin. In the language of numbers, this is 700 grams, with a height of over 30 cm. Please note that at this stage, the child's height is measured already from the crown to the heel, and not, as before, to the coccyx.

To find out, at the 25th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby and how it looks like, imagine a newborn baby, but only in reduced proportions and much thinner.

By the 25th week of pregnancy, fetal development reaches a new level:

  • the bone marrow is already responsible for hematopoietic processes, and not the spleen and liver;
  • the auricle is formed;
  • alveoli develop in the lungs;
  • the heartbeat is clear and confident, up to 150 beats per second.

Important! The likelihood that a baby born at 25 weeks of age will survive. His body is already quite well-coordinated, but without special equipment he will not be able to breathe yet.

Mom's well-being

The question is no less important than the condition of the baby at the 25th week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother. With moderate activity and a positive mood, you should feel great. But you won't be able to hide your parameters behind loose clothes.

Uterus size

  1. The belly at 25 weeks of gestation can be compared to a soccer ball. It clearly protrudes forward and you should not forget about caution when bending over or walking in a narrow place;
  2. If you have something dropped to the floor, then it will be better to sit down than bend over, pressing on your stomach. And your child will not like such acrobatics;
  3. The uterus at 25 weeks of gestation is much higher than the navel, its dimensions are about 25 cm;

Note! That at each scheduled examination, the specialist makes measurements of the uterus from the pubis to its bottom. Then, comparing with the table, it establishes whether your parameters are normal or not. The reason for the deviations can be oligohydramnios, or vice versa, polyhydramnios, growth retardation of the baby.

  1. At 25 weeks, you may be bothered by mild short-term contractions. Don't worry, this is - normal process, and such fights are called training;
  2. But the cervix during pregnancy at 25 weeks should remain unchanged, smooth and dense. Its structure will begin to change only in the prenatal period.

Pain at week 25

You should know which of the points are permissible, and for which symptoms you need to immediately seek help.

  • Headache. At the 25th week of pregnancy, a common cause of headaches is overwork, a long stay in a stuffy room, stress. The best medicine- this is rest and relaxation;
  • But dizziness in your position is quite normal, especially with sudden movements. Do not forget that your circulatory system works for two, and her acrobatic races are beyond her power. With frequent dizziness, it is worthwhile to be tested for hemoglobin in order to exclude the possibility of developing anemia;
  • Abdominal pain. When your stomach hurts at 25 weeks gestation, it is usually due to a rapidly growing uterus. Muscle tissues are stretched, which is accompanied by aching pulling pains;
  • Back pain. The cause of these pains is your bulging tummy. Your spine is in constant tension, the center of gravity is displaced, so you can feel back pain;

You can relieve some of the tension by wearing a support band. And here pulling pains in the pelvic area - this is a preparatory process, you cannot leave it anywhere, since your body already from the moment of conception prepares for childbirth, in in this case- the pelvis expands to give way to the child.

  • Pain in the legs. Especially at the end of the working day, you may feel heaviness and pain in your legs. One of the reasons is swelling;

A few tips: go to the toilet more often, walk every half hour or lift your legs, interesting option for a pregnant office worker - a foot hammock attached to the table legs.

  • Haemorrhoids . A problem that you not only should not be ashamed of, but also be sure to tackle it on initial stage;

At the 25th week of pregnancy, you may be concerned about constipation, which can easily provoke cracks in the anus or inflammation of hemorrhoids. If you feel pain or notice blood when you have a bowel movement, you need to treat your hemorrhoids.

  • Heartburn. The uterus that grows every week, squeezes all your internal organs, pressing down on your esophagus. In addition, under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the entire muscle and muscular system and one that is supposed to keep the gastric juice inside the stomach.

Note! At 25 weeks, a complex of pain sensations, such as dizziness, swelling, overweight, pulling pains, with a detected protein in the urine, can signal the initial stage of preeclampsia or a severe form of preeclampsia.

Bleeding. Allocations

As for the discharge at 25 weeks of gestation, the norm is clear, odorless discharge. All the rest are pathology.

  1. Bleeding at 25 weeks of gestation is out of the question. Even small blotches indicate problems, such as erosion. Blood on daily laying may appear due to cracks in the anal passage, and this problem cannot be ignored either;
  2. White discharge of a curd consistency, with a distinct odor sour milk- This is a sign of thrush. What to do in this case, we consider in detail in the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>;
  3. Greenish or yellow impurities in the discharge, accompanied by itching and burning, signal inflammation, and impurities are nothing more than clots of pus;
  4. Brown discharge at 25 weeks of gestation can be caused by the release of the protective plug from the cervix and the threat of premature birth.

Important! Any discharge that pulls the stomach at 25 weeks of gestation is a dangerous signal, a specialist consultation is required as soon as possible.

Feeling at week 25

  • The most vivid sensations in the 25th week of pregnancy are communication with your baby through pushes and strokes;
  • Be prepared for the baby to hit you hard from the inside, hitting your rib or kidney. Try to calm the rebel by singing a song to him or taking a walk. A measured wiggle will calm him down;
  • At 25 weeks of gestation, how often the baby should move is difficult to answer, this rhythm is individual. Another thing is that the total daily time of its activity should be at least 4 hours;

But not all sensations at week 25 are going to be so cute.

  • Training contractions can create panic, but if they are infrequent and short-lived, you shouldn't be afraid. Another thing is abdominal hardening and pain. These symptoms indicate an increased tone of the uterus;
  • Varicose veins are another problem. If you feel heaviness and pain in your legs, while the venous mesh has become bright, you need to think about wearing special socks with a tightening effect, use a cream with horse chestnut extract and choose correct posture for rest - on the left side. This will restore blood flow;
  • Your body is still controlled by progesterone, thanks to which the muscles are relaxed and your breasts are swollen;
  • Please note that the nipples are now very sensitive and tender, if you are having your first pregnancy, you can start preparing them for the upcoming feeding. Pull them out, massage them using thick fabric... Read the article on the topic: How to prepare breasts for feeding? >>>;
  • Shortness of breath and sweating are two not very pleasant moments of the 25th week of pregnancy that happen to mom. They are temporary, associated with weight gain and abdominal growth, and will go away after childbirth.

Narrow questions of pregnancy

Although they say that pregnancy is not a disease, but a state of mind, diseases at this stage should be taken more seriously.


If the thermometer is stubbornly showing 37, do not rush to sound the alarm. In your position, heat dissipation works a little differently, and elevated temperature, without concomitant runny nose or headache, is the norm.

But when the temperature at the 25th week of pregnancy is more than 37 and does not drop, then perhaps we are talking about a cold or inflammatory processes.

Colds at 25 weeks pregnant

Week 25 refers to the second trimester of pregnancy, which is considered the safest. But no one is immune from colds, especially during epidemics.

  1. Sneezing, a tearful cough can provoke placental abruption at 25 weeks of gestation, especially when diagnosed with low placentation. What it is and how to behave in this condition, read the article Low placentation during pregnancy >>>;
  2. The danger for the fetus itself is the increased temperature in the mother: overheating, oxygen starvation is possible. In addition, viruses and infections can penetrate the placenta, and although the fetus is already producing its own interferons, the risk is very high.

The ideal option is prevention:

  • You need to avoid crowds;
  • Ventilate the working area more often;
  • Increase the dose of vitamins in the form of vegetables and fruits;
  • At the first symptoms of the disease, it is advisable to take a sick leave and lie down at home, because you are responsible for yourself and for the health of the baby;
  • Also, read useful article on this topic: Cold during pregnancy >>>


Sex at the 25th week of pregnancy is not prohibited, unless there are contraindications. With an increased tone of the uterus, erosion, low placentation, active love games should be abandoned. Your relationship with your partner at week 25 should be gentle, more measured, and without sudden, deep penetration.

Alcohol at week 25

There should be no alcohol during pregnancy. Be aware that wine tips for raising hemoglobin are just as harmful as the alcohol itself.

Just imagine how difficult it will be for an imperfect system of kidneys and liver to remove ethanol from your baby's body. Even in small quantities alcoholic drinks cause dependence in the fetus, and after that you no longer want sparkling wine, but your unborn child.

Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the fetal brain; at 25 weeks of gestation, this is fraught with mental abnormalities in the future.

Examination of mom and baby

From the seventh month, you will be invited for a scheduled examination once every two weeks. You need to come to the appointment with the results of blood and urine tests.

The first analysis is important to control the level of hemoglobin and exclude the possibility of developing anemia. A urine test monitors the presence of protein; it should not be in the urine of a pregnant woman.

  1. The inspection itself begins with measuring weight and pressure. Weight norm at 25 weeks of pregnancy - an increase of 6 and a half kilograms from your original body weight;
  2. And here blood pressure- 120/70, but rates may fluctuate, depending on your blood pressure before pregnancy;
  3. The next parameter is the girth of the abdomen, pelvis and the height of the bottom of the uterus. Measurements are carried out in a supine position using a meter. These indicators correlate with the table;
  4. The specialist also listens to the baby's heartbeat and asks how often the movements occur. At 25 weeks of gestation, the baby must be active for at least 4 hours a day.

In case of certain complaints or unsatisfactory tests, the doctor may take vaginal swabs or send for additional laboratory tests.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at 25 weeks is not a planned one; it can be prescribed if there is a suspicion of pathology or unsatisfactory results of the analysis.

  • At this stage, attention is paid to the amount of water, the entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord, the condition and thickness of the placenta, by the way, the degree of its maturity should be zero, and the wall thickness should be 26 millimeters;

If the second screening showed deviations from the norm, the specialist carefully correlates all the sizes of the fetal organs with the table in order to understand whether there is a pathology or you just have a large fetus.

  • Determining the gender during an ultrasound scan at 25 weeks of gestation is not a problem, gender differences clearly visible;
  • Additional ultrasound is also prescribed for the diagnosis of low placenta. During pregnancy of 25 weeks, the problem can be resolved by itself, along with the growing uterus, the attachment point can rise to a safe height and the diagnosis made during the first examination will not be confirmed by ultrasound at 7 months.

Lifestyle at 25 weeks pregnant

In the seventh month of pregnancy, you will not be able to flutter like a butterfly. Heaviness in your legs, shortness of breath and fatigue will darken your pregnancy a little, but you should not refuse from evening walks in the park. You need positive emotions, and where to get them, if not from nature.

No matter how tired you are, you need to walk more. If distance allows, skip transportation and walk to and from work on foot. So you say no extra kilo and protect yourself from viruses and colds, which are rich in public places.

And a little about rest: at the 25th week of pregnancy, you will have to sleep on your side, for convenience, get a special pillow for pregnant women.


  1. Everything that you eat must meet the following requirements: be healthy, rich in vitamins, thermally processed or thoroughly washed, no preservatives, smoked meats, raw food and alcohol;
  2. Ideally, your meals should be fractional and balanced. Always carry a snack with you, otherwise the baby, who is the first to feel hunger, will wash your sides well;
  3. Essential vitamins and minerals at 25 weeks of gestation: calcium, vitamin C, E, D, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium. It is better if you receive the listed components from vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and fish;
  4. Accept pharmacy preparations allowed only after a doctor's appointment;
  5. Coffee and strong tea postpone if possible. A great alternative is green tea, pure water, fresh.
  6. In addition, it will be useful to learn from the article: What should not be eaten during pregnancy? >>>
  • At 25 weeks gestation, it's time to pay attention to your skin. Use prenatal oils or creams to avoid stretch marks. Good procedurecold and hot shower... Useful article

The 25th week of pregnancy starts already in the seventh month! You walked away for a full six months, however, obstetric, which consists of 28 days or 4 weeks. This is a lot, but there are still 15 weeks ahead, so gain strength and patience.

Let's see, how is our baby at the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy?


He has already grown enough: at the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs about 700 g, its size from the crown to the heels averages 34.5 cm. The development of the baby does not stop for a second! He is becoming more and more like a newborn, although he is not yet ready to appear to this world. And, nevertheless, if, for some reason, childbirth occurs on next week, then the doctors will already fight for his life.

The lungs are preparing for the first breath: the alveoli begin to ripen, but they are not yet lined with surfactant, which will prevent them from sticking together during breathing. Also, the auricle continues to form - according to its condition, doctors will judge the degree of maturity of the child in the event of his premature birth.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the function of hematopoiesis, as expected, is completely taken over by the bone marrow (before that they were performed by the liver and spleen).

At this time, the baby's sense of smell is already highly developed. He is also capable of sensing mom's mood swings, and even feels pain like a newborn, smiling with joy or grimacing with displeasure!

The child begins to actively overgrow with muscles, the bone tissue is getting stronger, so his movements and tremors will become more and more tangible. On the ultrasound, you can already see how he plays with the umbilical cord, sucks his finger, deftly grabs the leg with a pen, covers his face with his palms - the child's movements are already well coordinated, moreover, the leading hand has been determined. Also, the uzist will be able to determine the sex of the child, because the external genital organs have long been formed. Now, at the 25th week of pregnancy, the boy's testicles descend into the scrotum, and the girl's vagina is formed.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation

The Uzist will first of all assess the condition of the fetus and compare its size with the established gestational age: a large discrepancy will be a reason for additional research to exclude developmental lag.

The parameters of the fetus at 25 weeks of gestation are approximately as follows: head diameter - 62.3 mm, diameter chest- 63.1 mm, tummy diameter - 64.2 mm. An important indicator the child's vital activity is his heartbeat: now a small heart makes an average of 140-150 beats per minute, and its work is already so well listened that not only the doctor hears the beating through a stethoscope, but when close to the abdominal wall, dad can catch a bewitching rhythm by leaning ear to mom's belly.

The wall thickness of the placenta at 25 weeks of gestation reaches 26.22 mm. If it was low, then there is Great chance that now it will begin to rise.

In addition, the uzist is obliged to inspect the condition and quantity amniotic fluid and the uterus - its size, surface and location.


The uterus at 25 weeks of gestation reaches the size of a soccer ball. Its bottom (that is, the upper part) rises above the pubis at a height of 25-27 cm. This indicator is very important, therefore the gynecologist checks the height of the uterine fundus at each visit. If the parameters deviate from the norms, then it will be necessary to look for the cause of the violation. Smaller height and size may indicate a lag in the development of the fetus, placental insufficiency, large - about polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies.

The uterus at 25 weeks of gestation continues to grow and is already exercising before childbirth, contracting from time to time. Therefore, you may feel mild cramping pains - they do not cause much discomfort and soon disappear. But if the pain intensifies and becomes more frequent, then an urgent need to go to the hospital.

The muscles that hold the uterus tighten all the time and can also cause pain, especially when coughing, sneezing, sharp turns and movements.

Belly at 25 weeks pregnant

The abdomen is gradually rounded, adding an average of 1 cm in diameter per week. It will seem to you that now the tummy will grow too quickly, which, in principle, is the case: the baby is gaining weight.

Due to the growth of the uterus, fetus and abdomen, your gait, posture, and well-being change. The growing uterus compresses the surrounding organs, so shortness of breath, constipation and heartburn in the second half of pregnancy are not at all uncommon. Try to prevent the occurrence of these undesirable phenomena. And if you fail, then learn how to effectively deal with them. Pay attention to your diet (include one-day kefir, beets, prunes), in the absence of contraindications to physical activity do not terminate it until the end of the pregnancy.

Talk to your doctor about wearing a prenatal brace: it can greatly facilitate gestation and reduce the pain that can arise from a large tummy.


In addition to the described abdominal pain, it is mainly pain in the back, lower back, sacrum, pelvic region, spine and under the weight of weight, possibly in the legs. These pains can be relieved a lot by following simple rules:

  • do not sit cross-legged or on a chair without a back;
  • try not to sit for a long time on hard surfaces;
  • learn how to get out of bed and squat correctly;
  • do not stay on your feet for a long time (do not walk or stand a lot);
  • do not wear shoes with heels;
  • use a bandage and compression stockings;
  • do gymnastics for pregnant women.

The pain in the hypochondrium will have to endure, because the baby is growing faster and faster, and the legs are getting stronger - so he pesters you with his blows. Try to change your position if the baby starts kicking.

Do not ignore the pain in the area anus... They may indicate developing hemorrhoids and be accompanied by itching, burning, and bleeding during bowel movements. If pain is felt during emptying, and a strip of blood is noticeable on the feces, then most likely this is from an anal fissure (the first step is to get rid of constipation).

If headaches often start to bother you, then watch for such symptoms: whether there are swelling of the hands and face, whether it darkens in the eyes, whether the weight gain exceeds the norm, whether the stomach hurts. The combination of these signs may indicate onset preeclampsia, although it usually develops later in pregnant women.

Abdominal pain can also occur with the threat of premature birth or placental abruption, if it is accompanied by an increased tone of the uterus (it turns to stone) and bloody discharge.


Normally, the discharge is transparent or whitish, liquid, sometimes abundant, which can alert a woman. They should not emit any strong odors or cause any discomfort. But sometimes it happens that water begins to leak in the second half of pregnancy. this question needs to be clarified with your gynecologist and make sure that everything is fine. Leakage of water is dangerous, so the woman is hospitalized in this case. Water can leak in small portions, drop by drop or pour out abruptly, wetting the laundry. The amniotic fluid is yellowish in color.

If the discharge becomes large, they acquired sour smell, have become cheesy and cause itching, burning and swelling of the genitals, then, obviously, your thrush has worsened. It must be cured before childbirth, since the baby will also be infected during the passage of the birth canal. And henceforth, do not wear synthetic underwear and limit the consumption of starchy foods and sweets.

The risk of developing other genital infections is still high. You should be alerted to any changes in normal discharge. See your doctor for a smear for yellow, green, purulent, earthy, brown discharge. Changes in their consistency, appearance, smell and the appearance of additional alarming signs (discomfort, painful urination, fever, chills) should be the reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist.

Don't be intimidated by spotting bleeding after intercourse or gynecological examination and not accompanied by abdominal pain. They, of course, are not the norm, but they do not indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy. Most likely, it is cervical erosion.


As you can see, the woman experiences a lot of inconveniences for a period of 25 weeks. But this is far from all the sensations associated with pregnancy. The prevention of thrombosis is now becoming relevant. If you are prone to varicose veins, then by all means wear tight-fitting stockings. With the expansion of veins in the external genitalia, you need to lie more. Your doctor may prescribe medications to strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. Don't stop walking and motor activity, but do not walk too much, and put your feet on a raised platform at night.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the movements of the baby are no longer just perceptible, but sometimes they can cause discomfort to the expectant mother. This is due to the continuous growth of the fetus: there is less and less space in the tummy, sometimes during coups you can watch your belly stretch, and the baby's bone and muscle tissue gets stronger enough to sometimes even cause pain to the mother. If you see that the belly stomach suddenly protested, then try to change the position of your body: perhaps it is uncomfortable for him or you somewhere blocked the access of fresh blood to the placenta. For this reason, it is not recommended to lie on your back; the most physiological sleeping position during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.

Sex at 25 weeks pregnant

Do not be embarrassed by the fact that the child is already large and active enough. This is not at all a hindrance to having sex at the 25th week of pregnancy, if there are no medical contraindications to it. Of course, many positions will no longer be available to you. Most comfortable with a big tummy - dogi style pose, rider pose. However, try to avoid deep penetration and sudden rough movements.

It happens that a man is confused by the fact that the child is in the bosom of his wife. But if there are no threats to terminate pregnancy, then you should not worry: the child is reliably protected, and he is unlikely to be able to spy on and recognize sexual intercourse.

A woman during this period can look at sex in a new way. It happens that only now is she for the first time able to experience an orgasm, or even several in a row. So don't miss this moment - enjoy it!


Now you have to visit the gynecologist once every 4 weeks. Don't miss scheduled examinations and do not neglect the doctor's directions for testing - general analysis blood, urine, glucose analysis, blood clotting, hemostasiogram. They will help to monitor the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus and timely identify possible deviations and violations.

If you have recently been tested, and the pregnancy is proceeding safely, then at 25 weeks, you may be able to take a break from trips to clinics and laboratories. But according to indications, the gynecologist can refer you to additional research... This, for example, can be tests to determine the level of hormones, in particular hCG and progesterone.

Now you should be wary of the development of anemia, so controlling the level of hemoglobin is also very important. Dizziness, weakness, pallor of the skin, increased heart rate with physical activity, and darkening of the eyes can indicate a lack of iron in the body. If you observe these signs in yourself, then you should take a blood test without waiting for the next trip to the doctor.


Preventing the development of iron deficiency anemia will help a lot proper nutrition at 25 weeks of gestation. Include iron-containing foods in your diet: prunes, bran, oatmeal, buckwheat, beets, boiled beef, liver. If your gut is responding normally, then eat legumes regularly.

Remember that the diet should be dominated by proteins. Fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salty, sweet, flour, try to use in minimum quantities, if not exclude altogether. However, the recommendations regarding nutrition remain the same. Drink enough water, cook yourself fruit drinks and fruit drinks. Eat only fresh meals and carefully study the packaging of the groceries in the stores.

Try to eat fractionally: eat a half cup serving every 2-3 hours. Do not overeat so as not to gain too much, but starving during pregnancy is also unacceptable!

Weight at 25 weeks gestation

Weigh yourself regularly once a week to monitor your weight gain, and record all indicators. It is best to weigh yourself at the same time in the same clothes or better without them at all. For example, take as a rule each Sunday morning get on the scales.

Not all women gain in the same way, but still there are average rates of weight gain, which should be guided by. At 25 weeks of gestation, your weight should ideally be 6.4-6.9 kg more than your starting weight. A slight deviation from these numbers should not be regarded as a pathology, but keep yourself within the framework: being overweight is fraught with the development of complications now and in the future, as well as a child gaining excess weight.

The 25th week of pregnancy is a special milestone when, in the event of a premature birth, it will be possible to nurture the baby in special conditions, and those women whose pregnancy is not proceeding very well usually feel a little more confident. However, the baby is not yet sufficiently developed for independent existence and you need to take care of your health in order to carry the pregnancy on time. Now the woman's health is quite satisfactory, weight gain and active growth of the abdomen are taking place, the baby is more and more actively moving and communicating with the mother.

What happens in the body

The 25th week of pregnancy is the end of the sixth calendar month or the first week of the seventh month according to the obstetric calendar (in which pregnancy lasts 10 months, each for 4 weeks). This is the second trimester of pregnancy. This week, you can draw a kind of border, which can serve as some reassurance for women whose pregnancy is accompanied by the threat of termination of pregnancy. With each week, the fetus becomes more and more mature, grows and gains weight, therefore, its birth after a period of 25 weeks increases its chances of active nursing in conditions of prematurity separation. By modern standards, any newborn with a body weight of more than 500g is nursed. Of course, the birth of a child in this period is not the norm and can carry potential dangers to the life and health of the baby, but now he has already reached a certain level of development and mass.

Now mom is actively gaining weight due to growth and weight gain by the fetus, in general, the gain can leave up to 7-9 kg by this time, and about 5 kg will have to be gained further. Total weight the mother's body will depend largely on the weight of the baby and his growth rate, from the initial weight to pregnancy and nutrition, the activity of the mother. Women who are overweight tend to gain less weight than those who were underweight before pregnancy. The baby is already big enough and his movements and kicks are clearly felt by the mother, sometimes quite painful, especially under the ribs or on the sides of the abdomen. Now you can already distinguish the parts of the fetus's body with which it moves.

Fetal development at 25 weeks of gestation: weight, size and gender

By this week of pregnancy, the fetus will grow to 34-35 cm and will weigh about 650-660 g. As the baby grows, it becomes more and more cramped in the uterine cavity, and its movements become more and more strong and tangible. Gradually, the baby will take a position with the head down, pressing the arms and legs to the body (embryonic position). Now the child's movements are accompanied by visible tension and changes in the abdomen, during periods you can see the contours of the limbs, and the movements of the legs under the ribs can even be uncomfortable. Now you need to pay attention to the activity of the fetus - if the child is quiet for a long time or is overly active, you should consult a doctor to exclude his oxygen starvation. Around four movements per hour or more than 10 movements during the day is considered normal.

At 25 weeks, the respiratory system of the fetus is actively improved, alveoli are formed, which are filled inside with a thin layer of a special lubricant - a surfactant. This special substance, which will not allow the lungs to collapse and stick together as you exhale, will help in expanding the lungs when the baby first breathes. But now the lungs look like deflated sacs, and only at the moment of birth, when the child takes the first breath, will they straighten and the small circle of blood circulation will turn on in the work to supply the child's body with oxygen. Now, if you analyze the amniotic fluid, you can roughly determine to what level the lungs of the fetus have matured and how likely it is that the child will be able to breathe on its own if born earlier. This is determined by the level of special phospholipids that the surfactant formed in the lungs releases into the amniotic fluid.

By this time, the baby's hematopoiesis is almost complete, and the child's bone marrow is actively involved in the production of all blood cells. This allows the fetal immune system to improve - lymphocytes and leukocytes are trained to fight infection in the future. At this time, according to the ultrasound data, the sex of the child is clearly determined and you already know who you are waiting for - a boy or a girl. During this period, the boy's testicles begin to descend into the scrotum, and the vagina is formed in girls.

Now the child has well-developed sense organs - he hears perfectly and his retina can react to light. The kid will actively make itself felt when there are sharp sounds from the outside world, shuddering or freezing. Now his movements are becoming more and more coordinated, he shows a certain dexterity - he touches the walls of the uterus, grabs the loop of the umbilical cord, puts his fingers in his mouth, feels his face and body. During this period, a bookmark of the leading hand takes place in the brain - whether the baby is right-handed or left-handed.

At this time, the fetus usually already takes a position as it will during childbirth, head down, but its position is not yet stable. If the fetus is located with the buttocks down, special gymnastics complexes may be required so that before 32-34 weeks it turns head down. The brain of the crumbs already weighs 100 g, periods of increased activity of certain centers of the brain are revealed, a rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is developed, for often periods of sleep and fetal activity do not coincide with mother's. The baby can actively move during the moments of your rest and sleep.Now the baby will hiccup more often, as this trains the respiratory muscles and diaphragm. It swallows amniotic fluid and irritates the special nerves that create hiccups. This is not a sign of pathology - you should not worry.

Cartilage is actively developing, including in the area of ​​the auricles, according to the degree of their development, the degree of prematurity of infants is determined. Bone tissue and muscles develop, calcium is actively deposited in bones, a child for correct development you need to actively move.

Feelings of a future mother

The uterus rises higher in abdominal cavity, reaching by this time a distance of 25 cm from the bosom to the fundus of the uterus. Due to this, the size of the abdomen is actively increasing, slightly hampering movement and bending forward. Active weight gain occurs, uncomfortable sensations may occur due to squeezing internal organs large uterus - shortness of breath may occur during exertion or climbing stairs, heartburn and constipation due to intestinal compression, flatulence and nausea. It is important now to monitor the diet so that the intestines work actively and without interruption. You need to consume a lot fermented milk products and vegetables with fruits containing vegetable fiber, drink enough fluids and move actively.

The mother's body is rapidly increasing in volume - not only the belly grows, but also the breast area, in this period the first colostrum, a yellowish transparent liquid, can be released from the nipples. In no case should it be squeezed out, irritation of the nipples increases the tone of the uterus. It is enough just to wash the secreted colostrum with a napkin and take a shower twice a day. During this period, the metabolism is increased and sweating can be increased, so you need to strictly monitor hygiene - you need to wear only natural linen, preferably without seams and unnecessary decorative elements, as the size of the body increases, it is necessary to change the linen in time for a suitable size so that it does not press and rub anywhere. The bra should support the chest well and not squeeze it, have wide straps that do not cut into the shoulders.

During this period, it is important to listen to your body and its needs, to monitor the baby's movements. If you do not feel the child's movements for more than a day, immediately consult a doctor, this is a cause for concern. It is also worth paying attention to discomfort in the lumbar region, due to the compression of the growing uterus of the internal organs, the work of the kidneys and the outflow of urine can be disrupted. Need to take more often knee-elbow position, unloading the abdominal organs. It's hard to find now comfortable position for sleep, it is not recommended to sleep on the back during this period, the uterus presses on the area of ​​the back and spine, where large vessels pass, and can squeeze the inferior vena cava, lead to dizziness and nausea due to impaired blood circulation. Therefore, you should buy yourself a special pillow for pregnant women and choose the most optimal position for rest, on your side, preferably on your left.

Due to the increase in body weight, heaviness and pain in the legs can occur, and if they occur with enviable regularity even after short walks, it is worth consulting a phlebologist and excluding varicose veins veins. As the gestation period increases, varicose veins may progress - you will need to wear special compression underwear and frequent rest with your legs raised up. Your doctor may recommend certain medications to improve blood flow and blood clotting, and to tone blood vessels. You need to take them only under the supervision of a doctor! Showing daily hiking, but you should not walk too long, you need to give your legs rest. If possible, try to rest and sleep during the day.

Stomach ache

At the 25th week of pregnancy, you should be sensitive to any manifestations of discomfort in the body - they may indicate possible threats to pregnancy. Due to the displacement of the center of gravity and the growth of the uterus, discomfort and pain in the lower back and back can occur. This is because the ligaments that support the uterus, as well as the spine and hip joints, soften and stretch under the action of the released relaxin substance. This leads to unpleasant and painful sensations in the area of ​​the sacrum, back or lateral surfaces of the abdomen. Usually, such pains are not long-term and not intense, they disappear after rest or if you follow some advice. First of all, it is worth wearing a special bandage for pregnant women, use only chairs with a back for sitting, regularly unload the spine and do gymnastics.

You need to be especially careful about abdominal pain - the manifestations of pain can be different. It may be discomfort due to active fetal movements and tremors in the hypochondrium, then you just need to take a comfortable position and stroke the stomach so that the child calms down. Abdominal pain can occur due to constipation, then you need to monitor your diet more closely and consult a doctor for advice and prescription of delicate laxatives.

It is especially dangerous if the lower abdomen pulls - this may be the appearance of uterine tone, the opening of the cervix in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, or the onset of premature birth. Especially dangerous is the appearance of intensifying blae and contractions of the uterine wall, the appearance of bloody or brown discharge, leakage of amniotic fluid. Call an ambulance immediately, and urgently to a hospital. With timely assistance, it is possible to prevent labor and carry the pregnancy before the due date.

Discharge at the twenty-fifth week

At 25 weeks of gestation, the discharge due to the increased content of hormones may be somewhat more abundant. However, their character should not change. Such secretions actively protect the vaginal cavity, cervix and amniotic membranes from infections, which will not allow pregnancy to terminate earlier than the term, with all this, immunity and local protection of mucous membranes are physiologically reduced, which can lead to the development of various kinds of infections - thrush, bacterial vaginosis, and during sexual intercourse - even to intimate infections. Normal discharge in this period, transparent or whitish, practically odorless, homogeneous consistency, without pathological impurities.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if yellow, greenish, gray or white discharge of a profuse character appears, foamy, cheesy or crumbly, purulent, with an unpleasant fishy, ​​rotten odor. You should also consult a doctor if you experience redness of the skin of the genitals, itching and burning, irritation. They may also indicate an infection of urination disorders with burning sensation, an increase in the temperature of pain in the lower abdomen. The doctor will check the smear and prescribe, based on its results, an adequate local or general treatment, acceptable for this period pregnancy.

Brown or bloody discharge and genital tract can be no less dangerous. They may indicate pathology of the cervix, the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the threat of premature birth or placental abruption. Particularly dangerous is the presence of such secretions together with the tone of the uterus or regular contractions; hospitalization in a hospital with therapy is immediately needed. Sometimes spotting discharge after intimacy or examination by a doctor may indicate the presence of cervical erosion. The emergence of liquid profuse discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid - you need to purchase a test strip to determine amniotic fluid at the pharmacy or consult a doctor. Their leakage is dangerous by infection of the fetus and the onset of labor.

Sex at week 25

Sex this week is perfectly acceptable, but you should give up the cowgirl position, the man on top position, and some others in order to eliminate pressure on the stomach and deep penetration. Intimacy during pregnancy allows partners to relax, become closer to each other, and orgasm leads to activation of blood circulation in the uterus and placenta. This is good for the baby too, and the released endorphins help to calm nervous system and relieve tension.

However, with the threat of premature birth, low placentation, carrying twins or some other conditions, the doctor may impose a ban on sexual relations for several weeks or until the very birth.

Mom's diet and weight

During this period, active weight gain occurs, from the beginning of pregnancy, about 7-9 kg can be added, depending on the initial weight before pregnancy and physique. On average, a woman can add about 300-500g this week, with large increases, you need to consult a doctor to exclude edema and correct nutrition.

The principles of nutrition remain the same - you need to eat fractionally and often, there should be enough protein and vegetables, fruits, dairy products in the diet. It is necessary to correct anemia with red meat, liver, pomegranates and apples, and replenish calcium reserves with dairy products, cheeses, cabbage and nuts. It is worth giving up salty, spicy and spicy dishes, control the use of sweets and white flour products. It is also important to monitor your drinking regime.