Five differences between a man and a woman. Differences between female and male psychology. Gender Psychology: Truth or Deception

The debate about who is smarter, stronger, more useful and better does not subside for many decades, flaring up with serious force, just in last years, since women are successfully conquering all new heights, and men are trying to accept the changes that have occurred. But what is the difference between the representatives of the stronger sex and the beautiful, and whether it is worth arguing about this at all.

Differences between men and women

Scientists agree after research among schoolchildren that girls are much less well equipped to study the exact sciences than boys. And it's not about their laziness or their brain, which is less in weight, but how it works. At the same time, the female brain, although smaller, is in no way inferior in the number of neurons, since neurons are located in it more often. So the guys cannot compare with them in learning foreign languages.

It is easier for women to interact with others, and you definitely cannot argue with that, since what kind of man is able to talk to them. Men are more silent because their brains are focused on learning about the world around them with the help of what it sees, calculates, studies, learns. They do not need to maintain a lot of contacts, it is more convenient for them to analyze the information received and draw conclusions in silence. Maybe that's why they are so often brooding and not in the mood for conversation.

And, all this is laid down by nature and worked out for millennia human history... At any time, the women remained in place, always keeping in touch with the members of the tribe, and the men went off to hunt for a mammoth, which was easy to frighten off or even worse to anger if they discussed rumors, outfits and huts of each other while tracking him. In this case, they would have no time for hunting at all, and humanity would have died out. Their families would simply starve to death, since a man who loves to talk would never be able to get food and skins for his family.

Little has changed today. To succeed in life, they have to think more than discuss plans. Of course, they can negotiate if they are engaged in business, or are leaders, but this is only a necessity. And their whole conversation is well thought out and verified. Men discuss work, telling or interested in something specific, and having grasped the essence, change the topic or return to work. While women, in order to survive, it is necessary to communicate with other women while their husbands are on the hike for the "mammoth". Because they need to consult why the baby is crying, what to do if the water in the stream is very cold, to discuss some intimate moments in order to sort out their thoughts, learn recipes from neighbors so that the mammoth jellied meat turns out with fat, and dear deserves appreciated her efforts and care for him.

And yet, according to some scientists, this is due to an increase in testosterone in boys in certain period time. Because of this, their ability to communicate is reduced, but in the future they are able to take risks, break through, get food, protect their family and themselves.

Women, on the other hand, are not so aggressive, and the tasks they faced and are facing completely different weaker than men... True, today if a woman is engaged in martial arts, and men are fond of a sitting or lying position, buried in a computer, telephone or TV, she is able to protect herself using painful techniques. But a man who looks after himself and his physical form always stronger, of course. And how else he will provide the protection of his beloved and his children from various adversaries in a different way.

How does a man differ from a woman

  • Girls can do several things at the same time, but men are deprived of such an opportunity. They solve simultaneously exclusively one problem. The exact reason for this has not yet been established, but when you look at the responsibilities of women with children, it is not surprising that multitasking is simply vital for them. Otherwise, how would she manage with children, her husband, household chores, work duties and herself in one day. Men, on the other hand, usually solve large problems that require all their attention and being distracted by something else, which means there is nothing to achieve. How would he hunt a mammoth if he soothed little child, whose teeth are teething or was thinking what to cook for dinner, and when it is better to wash so that the skin has time to dry, otherwise the baby has nothing to wear.
  • Men age differently than women.... Their faces begin to beautify wrinkles much later. And it is not known if this is due to the fact that they have less problems and worries than fair half humanity, or simply because they have more collagen, which is responsible for smooth and youthful skin.
  • Women's health is better... And they live longer, even in the most developed countries. This is due to several reasons: the propensity of men to take risks, otherwise you will not achieve anything, and the inability to express their emotions. And since they also experience irritation, resentment, pain, grief, hatred, rage and other mass of emotions, but have not learned how to share them or, at least for themselves, to recognize their presence and thus somehow work out, they all add up inside them. And when there are a lot of them, both women and men have problems, no matter how strong and confident they look, they break out in the form addictions which very quickly lead to a host of health problems. Here you can also remember the number cardiovascular diseases, and about alcoholism, and drug addiction, and gambling addiction, and online addiction, and much more. Love for crazy speeds, excitement, risky actions, adrenaline addiction, unwillingness to admit psychological problems and problems in general. Here are just a few reasons that lead to such a sad result. Because of this, after a certain age there are fewer men, although more are born than girls.
  • The fair sex experiences much more pain than strong because of more nerves. Intensity painful sensations girls are much stronger. Women suffer from chronic pain more often, but at the same time, thanks to certain mechanisms, they are adapted by nature to go through such a difficult and painful process as childbirth.
  • Girls have a much better sense of smell.... By smell, they can easily identify men who have the strongest immunity of all. And it is easy to distinguish unpleasant odors, which is why men often have a hard time.

  • And the eyesight of beauties is stronger... They distinguish shades that men only hear about when women try to find out from them which varnish is best for their nails, or which dress to wear. For them, this is several different shades, but for him all the dresses are the same color. And claims are pouring down on the head of a man who is not guilty of anything at all. For him, indeed, many colors simply do not exist, and not because he is such an inattentive cracker who does not think about his chosen one all day long.
  • True, he also cannot think about her for days on end, unlike her. As mentioned above, his brain solves one problem at a time. And if he has a serious work or meeting ahead, he has no time to read SMS or write reply messages.
  • Men are less likely to look in the eyes, but women do it almost always when they communicate with someone. They perfectly know how to control their facial expressions, but easily adopt other people's emotions, but men control themselves better.

Over the past hundred years, the position of women in society has changed much more than over the past 500 years. This undoubtedly influenced the fact that many were seriously interested in how a man differs from a woman, breaking spears in disputes. This question is often raised by men who in this way try to preserve their ideas about the position of the sexes. Confident representatives of the stronger sex are not interested in this. Women, on the other hand, often have to defend their rights.

There can be no winners in this dispute, because both men and women have always been different from each other, possessing their own advantages, thanks to which they perfectly complement each other for millennia. And what is surprising today is that tomorrow it will become habitual for the majority, and disputes will flare up for completely different reasons, because "In a dispute, truth is born." Therefore, it is better to love each other and accept them as nature created us, than to try to find out which of us is better.

A woman and a man differ not only in appearance, behavior, desires, abilities, thoughts, but also differ in behavior in the same situation, and even in the work of certain organs and systems. The existence of differences between a man and a woman makes their union complete, and life together interesting and practical, because they complement each other. The differences between a man and a woman lie in the structure of the brain, in the speech apparatus, in the visual system, in the work of auditory and taste analyzers and in other abilities. What are the main differences between a man and a woman, read further in our article.

The difference between a man and a woman regarding brain activity

Scientists have found that the difference between a man and a woman is primarily in the amount nerve cells... The male brain has 4 million more nerve cells than the female. However, according to tests, women showed top scores... And all because women have a thicker corpus callosum, which serves as a conduit between the left and right hemispheres. Also the corpus callosum female brain has more connections than men. The male brain is more specialized and divided into specific regions. Therefore, a man is able to do only one thing well. After all, by nature he is a warrior who is focused on fighting and getting food. A woman, in turn, can simultaneously perform several tasks, coping with it perfectly. Such abilities help in the household and everyday life.

Due to additional connections in the brain tissue, girls can talk while driving a car, while men turn off the radio and ask others to shut up.

When a man reads a book, it is useless to ask him anything. At this time, he hears almost nothing. When a man shaves and asks him something, the likelihood that he will cut himself is very high. Interesting and important difference man from woman is that during sleep, there is a different electrical activity of the brain. In men, it falls by 70%, and in women only by 10%, which is associated with the instinct to protect the hearth in the house and children.

The difference between a man and a woman in the speech apparatus

In the left hemisphere of the male brain there is a center that is responsible for speech. With an injury to this hemisphere, a man loses speech, but in women, two centers are responsible for speech at once, one in the right hemisphere, the other in the left. Serious injury to both hemispheres at once can lead to numbness in a woman.

The difference between a man and a woman in work speech apparatus are that men use more words and terms, while women use more emotion and intonation.

Therefore, it is easier for a woman to establish relationships by talking, they make educators, teachers and lawyers. A woman pronounces about 8 thousand words a day, while using 3 thousand sounds and about 10 thousand non-verbal signals... For a man, these figures are two times less.

The difference between a man and a woman in the work of the senses:

  • Vision. Color perception depends on the number and function of receptors - cones, which are located on the retina. The action of the cones depends on the X chromosome. That is why men operate with specific colors, and women - with their many shades. Many people know that men have tunnel vision, women have peripheral vision, which is possibly related to caring for children and the need to look after them.
  • Hearing. Women are good at distinguishing high frequency sounds. A newborn girl can already distinguish the sound of the mother's voice. Women are endowed with the ability to distinguish between different intonations in the voice, so they are difficult to deceive. The difference between a man and a woman in the work of an auditory analyzer is that men have a well-developed definition of the direction of sound. If a sound appears somewhere, then the woman will hear it first, and the man will indicate where it comes from.
  • Touch. The skin of men is many times thicker than the skin of women, so they have fewer wrinkles, and it is several times less sensitive. On the man's back, the skin is 4 times thicker than on the belly. When a man is busy with some business, the sensitivity of his skin still falls, and he almost does not feel pain.
  • Taste and smell. Men perceive salty and bitter better. Their passion for beer is associated with this. Women are more sensitive to sweets, which explains why the majority of sweets are female. A woman's sense of smell is much more developed.

The difference between a man and a woman in orientation in space

The main and obvious difference between a man and a woman is the different orientation in space. The tests carried out using mazes showed that in 92% of cases men successfully left the labyrinths, as for women, only 8% succeeded in solving the problem.

82% of men can park a car parallel to the sidewalk, 71% of them the first time. For women, the situation is sad - only 22% of women can park their car correctly, and only a third of them can do it the first time.

Different orientation in space is manifested in the use of geographical maps. In 1988, in England, for the sake of experiment, they released a map of the country with two sheets. One sheet had a standard map, and the other had an upside-down image of it. Such a card was purchased by 15 thousand women who liked the fact that they did not need to turn the card over in their minds when traveling south.

The above described differences between a man and a woman allow them to always complement each other and be real halves for each other.

The differences between men and women are fundamental. Gender characteristics there is at the level of behavioral reactions, at the physiological and even neural level.

Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg found out that in male brain there are four million more cells, but according to tests, women show results 3% better than men. It turns out that the so-called corpus callosum, which serves as a kind of "cable" between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, is to blame. In women, this body is thicker than in men, and there are 30% more joints in it.

The brain of men is specialized and divided into specific departments. Due to the smaller number of connections between the hemispheres, a man can only do one thing qualitatively, fully focusing on him. Let's remind: he is a warrior and a hunter. He chases game or fights. A woman can do many things at home, such as cooking, babysitting, looking after relatives, and knitting.

Because of the additional connections in the brain, girls can actually drive and talk at the same time, while most men, focusing on driving, turn down the radio and ask passengers to shut up. And it is better not to contradict them at this moment.
If a man reads, he hears almost nothing. And if you talk to him while he shaves, the likelihood that he will cut himself increases dramatically.
Even men and women sleep in different ways: in men, the electrical activity of the brain in a dream drops by 70% (he is a hunter and, having come home, should have a proper rest), and in women - only by 10%, because she always “guards »Home and children.

Men in the left hemisphere have a center responsible for speech, and if a man is injured in this hemisphere, he loses his speech and stops "seeing" drawings "in three-dimensional space. In women, two centers are responsible for speech: more - in the left hemisphere, smaller - in the right. To go numb, she needs to be seriously injured in both hemispheres of the brain. Traumatized left hemisphere it doesn't hurt the average woman to read the blueprints. True, they see them differently: flat.

The speech of men is distinguished by an abundance of terms and a rich vocabulary, while women in speech rely on intonation and emotions. Building relationships by talking is a purely female prerogative, which is why they make excellent lawyers, teachers and educators. A woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. A man utters up to 4000 words a day, makes up to 2000 sounds and makes up to 3000 gestures. The woman speaks with the interlocutor. A man is more often with himself. And at this time he is silent.

Orientation in space

The weak point of most women is spatial orientation. Tests by Asian scientists using labyrinths have shown that men have 92% of successful solutions, while women have only 8%! 82% of men can park a car parallel and close to the sidewalk, including 71% on the first try. For women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, and even then two-thirds of them will not do it on the first try.

Serious problems in women and with geographical maps. In 1998, for the sake of experiment, the British issued a map of England with two sheets. One had a standard card, the other had an upside-down image. The map was bought by 15,000 women who liked not having to turn the map over in their minds when traveling south. By the way, there are women who lack one of the X chromosomes. They are generally unable to drive a car, so they have problems with spatial orientation.

The retina of the human eye contains nearly seven million “cone” receptors that are responsible for the perception of color. The X chromosome is responsible for their action. Women have two of them, and the palette of colors that they perceive is wider.

In conversation, they operate with shades: "aqua", "sandy", "light coffee". Men talk about fundamental colors: red, white, blue. True, this does not explain why there are so few women who are brilliant artists. Women have developed peripheral vision. For some of them, it reaches 180º, and that is why women, when driving a car, rarely miss side impacts and can, without turning their heads, "count" a rival or follow a child.

The man's brain provides tunnel vision, he "leads" the target, sees only what is in front of him, and is not distracted by trifles. It is because of the narrow field of view that men often become victims of road accidents, and at home they cannot find oil in the refrigerator. But they see better at night and more accurately determine the distance to objects.

Women are better at distinguishing high-frequency sounds. A one-week-old girl can already distinguish the sound of the mother's voice and hears when another baby is crying. Boys don't need that. Women better than men recognize changes in tone, and therefore know perfectly well when men are lying. Men, on the other hand, specialize in sounds. wildlife(this skill is not so necessary in the city) and perfectly “hear” the direction. If a woman hears a kitten's meow first, then it is the man who will indicate where to look for him.


A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's. Studies by British scientists have shown that even the most sensitive man in this sense does not match the most insensitive woman. But men's skin thicker than women, and therefore men have fewer wrinkles. On the back of an adult male, the skin is four times thicker than on the belly. And if a man is busy, then the sensitivity of the skin falls even more, and he almost does not feel pain.

Taste and smell

Men feel bitter and salty better. It is with this that they associate the fact that they love beer. Women, as fruit gatherers, are more sensitive to sweets. This explains the fact that most chocolate lovers are women.

In terms of smell, women have no equal. A woman's nose can catch not only the smell of burning that threatens the house, but also the smell of pheromones, which cannot be done deliberately. Moreover, a woman's brain is able to "read" the man's smell and decipher it, determining how much strong immunity... Scientists believe that in most cases, no more than three seconds is enough for a woman.

If the immune system the woman herself will be weaker, she will find the man sexually attractive.

Details Alexander Biryukov Biology of behavior of men and women 24 June 2015

The first section of the chapter "How a man differs from a woman" from the book "Fake Man"

How is a man different from a woman?

Alexander Biryukov

1.1. Man, woman and scientists

We are all used to trusting science. Links to scientific journals, names of scientists, statistical calculations force us to accept information as fact. Actually, I myself trust her, if only because, as a scientist, I studied and am still doing it. But there is a trap in this trust.

Throughout the entire existence of mankind, science has been dependent. This is a fact for almost all branches of science - except perhaps the exact sciences and some natural ones, such as astronomy, physics, chemistry. I will not trace the entire historical path of science, I will give only a few examples that will explain what I want to say.

In the Middle Ages, science depended on religion and was completely subordinate to it. Anything that did not correspond to religious dogmas was declared heresy. Only that which fit within the framework of church ideology had the right to exist. Can the results be trusted scientific research obtained with this approach? Only with great care.

In the Soviet Union, only that which did not contradict the party line had the right to be called science. Not only the humanities - even the natural sciences were obliged to be based on the Marxist-Leninist ideology. This is how Lysenko's works, Lepeshinskaya's "theory of living matter" and other works appeared that were in the mainstream of Marxism-Leninism, but had nothing to do with the actual picture of the world. Critics of these theories, which were later refuted, were repressed.

A completely different fate was for those sciences and teachings that, for whatever reason, did not correspond to Marxism-Leninism, or - oh, horror! - contradicted him. They were immediately declared bourgeois, reactionary pseudoscience, obscurantism, and scientists working in these areas were subjected to repression. Were there reliable articles in those days? Of course. But they dissolved in the sea of ​​theories of living matter.

In Germany during the Third Reich, hundreds and thousands of scientists worked to find "evidence" of the superiority of one race, a nation over others. Any such "discovery" was applauded, any refutation of the idea was considered a mistake. Have you been to fascist Germany scientists who were engaged not in the servility of the ruling party, but in unbiased science? Of course. But they got lost in the crowds of “commissioned researchers”.

What does this have to do with modernity? The most direct - since then, absolutely nothing has changed. Science is still fulfilling the ideological order.

In an era of victorious "humanism" and "human rights", repressive pressure has gone out of fashion. Today it is considered barbaric. Physical repression has been replaced by economic pressure.

It just so happened that science (except perhaps purely applied) is not a self-sufficient thing. It does not produce any finished product, and therefore does not have its own source of money. The bottom line is that she is forced to ask for content from a third-party source. Meanwhile, money has such a property - it is not given just like that. In return, they require a certain service. This rule is true from the moment a person realized the fact private property, material wealth, and will be true as long as there is a person.

In simple terms, whoever pays calls the tune. Formally, all this is called charity, patronage, but, as Captain Zheglov said, "mercy is the priest's word." Believing in a kind uncle who is a patron of the arts who throws billions of dollars down the drain is like believing in Santa Claus. Behind any "charity" is the fulfillment of certain political and economic tasks. Therefore, it would be more correct to call such activities sponsorship.

Modern basic science and the humanities sit on short leash funds and are fed by grants. Grants are not given just like that: they are allocated for those scientific directions, in which the fund is interested, and implicitly imply obtaining those results that would be useful to the fund. Otherwise, what's the point of funding parasite scientists?

Let me give you an example. Most of the "scientific" articles devoted to the study of the effectiveness of one or another medicinal product is fabricated material. A pharmaceutical company is financially interested in a candidate, a doctor of sciences - and even an academician. For three evenings, he writes an article that studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of the drug and its superiority over competing analogs has been proven. The article, of course, is drawn up according to all the rules of scientific research: here you have a representative sample, a blind research method, and formally correct statistical calculations. In general, an outwardly absolutely authentic looking article. Further, the pharmaceutical company in the same way financially interests the editor of the journal, and the "scientific" article, and in fact - advertising fake, flaunts in the most respected scientific journals. I am not suggesting that absolutely all drug articles are done this way. Many works are indeed written on the basis of serious research. But they get lost among the fakes. The abundance of ordered articles, forgeries makes one doubt any work of such content.

Let's go directly to the essence of the conversation. All major Western foundations now support feminism. Their ideology is as follows: biologically man and woman are the same, all people are androgynous, socially a woman is superior to a man, while any man is either a real or a potential aggressor. This justifies discrimination against men. Power, social influence must belong to a woman.

I do not touch on politics and jurisprudence in this article - we are only talking about science. And it is assigned the role of "evidence base" of the above-described ideology. Natural science directions should prove the biological identity of men and women and the normality of sexual perversion, and humanitarian - to justify the social superiority of women over men. To obtain official results, foundations provide grants, and scientists are ready to work off the customer's money. Researchers understand everything perfectly - they are interested in giving results that correspond to the ideology of the foundation, which the sponsor wants to see in the end. Otherwise, there will be no money - what kind of fool would sponsor an ideological adversary?

Nobody hides the bias of science in favor of feminism. Hundreds of departments of women's sciences have been created, where articles on the desired topic are quickly and formally reliably made with desired results... But this applies not only to humanitarian disciplines: natural scientists also want to eat. Moreover, this does not depend on the solidity of the research site: even the most respected teams are sitting on a short leash of grants. After all, people are essentially the same everywhere.

So when I read any modern article on the topic of genders, first of all, even before analyzing the results, I ask myself the question: Whose money was used to carry out these studies? Who ordered the music here? I am absolutely sure that any current article on a similar topic, even from the walls of the most reputable institutions, written by the most prominent scientists, published in the most respected journals, should perceive with the utmost skepticism. Sifting information through the smallest sieve. This applies to neutral articles. If it is openly ordered, laudatory, then you should not trust it, even if it is published in the most prestigious magazine. The editors of even the most prestigious magazines are people too, and almost any person can be seduced, if not by money, then by big money.

Or just intimidate. If you, the reader, think that censorship is the lot of the old Stalinist times, then you are deeply mistaken. There is censorship even now, including in science. The one who pays calls the tune. And he doesn't need to suddenly interrupt his music and start another one. This is strictly monitored.

Anything that does not profess the above ideology, even if scientifically confirmed, is subject to censorship, which can take the form of scandals, public refusal to publish, and outright harassment. God forbid, if you prove that a man is in some way superior to a woman or that upbringing is homosexual families harmful to children. This can be the end of your career, and you can be sure that your nerves will be pretty much worn out.
There are countless examples of this. Here are two for illustration.

In 2012, Mark Regnerus, Ph.D. in sociology, adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Austin (USA), conducted a huge study of children raised in homosexual families, and received shocking results. For example, it is reported that 25% of pupils of homosexual parents had or have sexually transmitted diseases (in heterosexual ones - 8%). Up to 24% of adult children from same-sex "families" have recently planned suicide (from heterosexual - 8%). 28% of people from lesbian families are unemployed (8% for children from heterosexual families).

Of course, there are many more results, and those who are interested can find them on the Internet. But this is not surprising. Is it surprising (or not already?) The reaction of the public, especially the scientific one. When Mark Regnerus was preparing the obtained data for publication, he faced aggression from LGBT activists. They demanded not to allow the public disclosure of the research results. The author was publicly, including in the press, called a fraud and charlatan, demanded to fire him from the University of Texas. Even many colleagues spoke out against Regnerus. This is the reaction to the truth when it runs counter to the "party line". As a result, the university carried out a whole investigation, which lasted several months. Regnerus was lucky: his article was published. And how many such articles, under the pressure of the ruling feminist ideology, remain in the form of manuscripts?

In 2005, Harvard President Larry Summers, at a closed conference on the small number of women in science and business, summarized a number of scientific studies that prove that women, on average, achieve more modest results in science due to gender differences in the brain and higher nervous activity, not because of discrimination. In other words, a woman's brain is "sharpened" for something else. He is no better and no worse than a man's, just different.

I will repeat. President of Harvard. Analyzed. Scientific. Sources.

It would seem - what's so special about it? The scientist summarized the research results. If you have other results, then express them, discuss, prove your point of view.

What started here! The press was boiling with indignation! How dare he say something that does not fit into the concept of the sameness of man and woman ?! How did he allow the results of scientific work to contradict sexual symbolism? This is the wrong work! Forbid and not let go!

Summers' colleagues erupted in a furious "phi." Each found it necessary to publicly accuse the professor of sexism. Summers' student Nancy Hopkins said with all feminine emotion: "It is very sad that all these talented young women at Harvard are led by someone who has a similar point of view." The press was swollen with articles condemning and accusing the professor.

Blaming for what? Let me remind you: only that he dared to cite scientific works that run counter to feminism and the concept of biological gender equality.

Under the pressure of this harassment, Summers was forced to resign as president of Harvard. His example is science to others. If you fail to keep up with the ruling ideology, they will crush you. And the level does not matter. Even the most significant and respected scientific persona can very quickly end their career if they oppose the ruling ideology.

Now imagine the editor of a scientific journal who was sent an article where it is said that the next difference between the male and female brains has been found. Yes, he, mindful of the fate of Summers, with horror will throw the seditious article into the trash can. And he will look out the door: did anyone see that he was reading forbidden things. Even if the article is completely scientific, it will never see the light of day.

In the place of this editor, there may be the head of a research group, laboratory, department, institute, publishing house. Each of them is well aware that he can instantly repeat the fate of Summers, if he does not think and say "right." Everyone remembers that thought-crimes are punishable.

Orwell is resting. Totalitarianism and the most severe censorship in pure form- the components of feminism. There are only two opinions: feminist and pseudoscientific. We will talk about the reasons for this in a later chapter. Let's understand that the point here is not in secret orders or reptilians from Nibiru, but in ordinary human greed and lust for power. That is, in animal instincts.

For your book to be published under Soviet rule, it must fully comply with the ideas of Marxism and praise the Communist Party. For your article to be published now, it must be in the spirit of feminism and praise a woman or sexual perversion. Science turns from a search for truth into the adjustment of results to initially known and desired dogmas.

Let's compare. In 1948 he was dismissed Chief Editor of the journal "Voprosy filosofii" B.M. Kedrov. This happened because the journal under his leadership "... did not take the correct position regarding quantum mechanics," which weakened "... the position of materialism." In what way did Kedrov depart from the "correct positions"? The fact that he published an article by M.A. Markov on quantum mechanics, which at that time was considered a pseudoscience. In addition, Markov's article "... was a departure from dialectical materialism in the direction of idealism and agnosticism." Markov himself was also persecuted. Thus, if science "weakens the position" of materialism (communism, feminism), it is quickly recognized as pseudoscience.

Geneticist S.S. Chetverikov was arrested after prolonged attacks in the press and the final article in Komsomolskaya Pravda "The Class Enemy in Scientific Institutions." The authors of the article demanded that the People's Commissariat of Health should dismiss Chetverikov from the institute because his positions did not correspond to Marxism. As a result, Chetverikov was not only fired, but also arrested. Conclusion: if your positions do not correspond to Marxism (communism, feminism), then you are a pseudo-scientist.
Geneticist N.I. Vavilov was arrested because the results of his scientific activities were nothing more than "Weismanism-Morganism" and "fascist science." It turns out that Marxism asserted that all the characteristics of a living being do not depend on heredity, but exclusively on the conditions in which the organism exists (the well-known thesis "being determines consciousness"). Vavilov dared to assert that many signs are encoded by genes, and - oh, horror! - are inherited! Vavilov died in prison. His colleague I.I. Agol was shot.

Why do I compare the current articles with the works of "scientists" of the Middle Ages, the Third Reich, Soviet "scientists" who hammered the Law of God with a sledgehammer, Nordism, Marxism wherever possible? It would seem how to compare scientific works from reputable modern publications and those outright profanities that were made for the needs of the ruling ideology?

So the trouble is that only now, after tens and hundreds of years, we call them profanities. And they were presented to contemporaries precisely as a science. Very respected people, with academic degrees, professors, academicians worked on them. Exactly what we, decades later, call a fake, was considered the only possible, official science, just as now the idea of ​​the biological identity of a man and a woman (sexual symbolism) is considered the only true one. The works, which have now been refuted, were published in very reputable journals of those years. Scientists were required to accept them as proven truth. Ideologically correct works in mandatory studied in universities and even schools. Doubting or even more so opponents were threatened with punishment. In the same way, she now threatens those who dare to say that after all, a man and a woman are different from each other. Ostracism, accusations of political incorrectness and sexism are guaranteed. Your science should not go beyond the ruling ideology. Moreover, she has no right to contradict the ideas of those foundations, on whose money you feed.

I will not be surprised if in 100 years all these "ideologically correct" theories will be refuted, as Lysenkoism and Nordism are refuted. They were refuted not even by science, but by life itself - playing with nature ruins those who play too much. However, now the "solidity of the sources" and the "respect of the authors" outweigh even common sense.

Alas, friends, but in this situation I cannot accept "authoritative" articles on faith. Common sense does not allow.

Exploring the physiological differences between men and women is not an easy task. The fact is that there are very few sources that could be trusted. In Russia, such studies are almost never carried out, and the Western ones have to be treated with great doubt, since they are under the pressure of political correctness. “About a woman as about a dead man: either good or nothing” - this is the motto of modern “scientific” research. If it suddenly turns out that a man is ahead of a woman in some parameter, then such work will have a lot of obstacles on the way to print. I know firsthand - fortunately, I have a lot of colleagues (scientists-doctors) all over the world. Departments of "women's sciences" strictly observe that a man on the pages of magazines or dissertations suddenly does not get ahead of a woman in anything, be it mathematical ability or the speed of reaction. Ideally, of course, - complete equality, the identity of a man and a woman, androgyny, but if suddenly a woman turns out to be "more equal", then why not? Very good news. And very scientific, yes!

Now in the humanities (sociology, psychology) and even biology, sexual symbolism is declared the only correct ideology - a doctrine that claims that a man and a woman are absolutely the same from any point of view, and gender and sex differences are a consequence of upbringing. If treatise contradicts sexual symbolism, then such work is declared erroneous, harmful, chauvinistic.

Some "scientists" do not even hide their contempt for men and sexist views. On the contrary, they are working with might and main for the ruling ideology, proving the superiority of women over men. Curry favor with the owners as they can. For example, the American anthropologist E. Montague wrote the book "The natural superiority of women." The fact that the author of such a panegyric is a man is not at all surprising. For modern men characterized by masochism and awe of a woman. It is surprising that the authors call their works scientific. I can imagine what would have happened to the author (especially taking into account the experience of Mark Regnerus), if he had written a similar book, but about men.

Unfortunately, gender symbolism, feminist dictatorship, and censorship also permeate Russian science(or rather, they have already penetrated and are moving on a wide front). Especially in the humanitarian part of it. Fortunately, natural science, for example, medicine, still keeps within the framework common sense, although there are already noticeable tendencies towards the assertion of gender equality and the superiority of women over men. Therefore, with the selection of material, a difficulty immediately arose. Reading foreign articles and seeing in the first lines the hosanna of the sameness of man and woman, or even outright man-hatred, I immediately understood under what conclusion the results were fitted. We managed to find only a few dozen more or less neutral, at least outwardly, sources with relatively plausible material and research methods. Most are Soviet or Russian articles and monographs created in the 1970s-2000s. I don't think properties human body, which have remained almost unchanged for millennia, have changed dramatically in 10-20 years. However, it is likely that by using these works, I neutralize the destructive influence of political correctness and the dictatorship of the weak on science.

Differences in the perception of the world between a man and a woman are not always visible and resemble paired pictures from children's magazines on the topic "find 10 differences." We will be looking for you. At the physiological level, the matter lies in the differences in brain activity and hormonal levels. At the level of psychology, women are endowed with the genetic ability to give birth to new people. The decisive influence is exerted by various economic and social factors: roles in society, rules of behavior, etc. What are these psychological differences?

Differences between women and men

1. The difference in the processes of thinking. Nature has endowed women with intuitive, verbal thinking, and men are more inclined to logical and analytical thinking. As a result, men are overly straightforward and women overly emotional. On this basis, gender conflicts are often born. Men in most cases think rationally and are result-oriented. It is very important for women to maintain friendly contacts on a verbal level. They often make responsible decisions on the emotional level.

2. The difference in priorities. It is extremely important for a man to self-actualize in the professional field, while women are more drawn towards relationships with loved ones, family and raising offspring (if the woman is not completely spoiled by the modern urban conditions of existence). For this reason, a man often seeks to take risks, to leadership through the manifestation of individualism. A woman is for everything and everyone, an experiencing element of society, constantly in need of the support of loved ones. As a result, women are fussy, suspicious and prone to unnecessary worries... A man personifies success and career, and a woman strives to create a healthy strong family and its preservation. It is foolish to accuse men of callousness, and call the fair sex perches, just each has its own respectful role in society and the family: he - main earner, and she is the bearer of the family hearth.

3. The difference in the scale of thinking. Strong sex it is peculiar to be well oriented in space and to think on a larger scale, more rationally, accurately and logically. The weaker sex thinks more emotionally and irrationally from the point of view of logic, relying on intuition and personal feelings. It makes no sense to speak unequivocally about the benefits of one of the types of thinking, because each is necessary in a particular situation.

4. The difference in goals and methods of communication. It is extremely important for women to establish mutual understanding and support as a result of communication. A man subconsciously strives to be the best, to take the lead. This greatly affects the style of communication and is clearly manifested in the choice of films: women love melodramas in which feelings and relationships are analyzed, and men - exciting adventure pictures and various battles. Men like to be "in themselves", to digest situations in their inner confined space. The woman, in turn, constantly strives to receive support and good advice from relatives and friends.

5. The difference in sexual activity. It is influenced both by differences in hormonal processes and by those roles that have been assigned since ancient times to a man as the successor of the clan, and to a woman who is tuned in to the process of bearing a fetus and childbearing. As a result, a man “lights up” faster than a woman, and also does not choose his sexual partner so carefully.

6. The difference in reaction to someone else's opinion. Men are less dependent on the opinions of others, and therefore tend to decisive action... A woman carefully weighs every step, is inclined to consider the multivariate development of events, to analyze her own behavior in any of the scenarios, as well as to anticipate a reaction from the outside.

7. The difference in reaction to extraordinary situations. In an emergency, men are quick to mobilize, respond appropriately and act immediately, while women get lost and “slow down”. In a non-standard position, a man becomes impulsive, sometimes aggressive, any hindrance can unsettle him. A woman, despite a slow reaction, is able to adapt to any conditions and gently adjust to the current situation.

8. The difference in the speed of achieving goals. For a man, due to his impulsiveness, it is important to quickly reach the result, while any deviations from the planned course can knock him down. Women are more patient, ready to move towards their goals slowly, smoothly adjusting to current events and calculating in advance. different options development of events.

9. The difference in temperaments. Among men, a large percentage of impulsive choleric people, and among women - sanguine and melancholic. A phlegmatic temperament is characteristic equally for both sexes.

10. The difference in emotional expression. Women like to talk openly about their emotions, which cannot be said about more low-key men... Due to the ongoing hormonal processes in different periods menstrual cycle the weaker sex it's hard to keep your emotions inside. More stable in men hormonal background, and therefore emotional condition they are stable. A woman's ability to emotionally color her thoughts increases stress resistance, splash negative emotions outward leads to inner peace. For most men, revealing their experiences is a manifestation of weakness, and therefore they often hide negative emotions behind a mask of well-being. Due to the lack of negative emotions, men are more likely to suffer from heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

We found with you 10 differences between male and female psychology, but in no case should clear boundaries be drawn between them. This is fundamentally wrong, since many masculine traits are peculiar to women, as well as women to men. This line is always blurred, and therefore, instead of reasons for disagreement, it is better to look for points of productive interaction.