Celebrating the day of the birthday person in elementary school. Extracurricular activity "birthday boy" in primary school. Assignments for classmates

Every year, at school or at home, we, adults, gather a lot of his peers for the birthday of our child and do not know what to do with them. We offer the most common birthday games for 7-10 year olds at home and at school.

In time it will take just two hours and you will save on the animator. Just prepare small souvenirs for the participants of the games (erasers, pencils, notebooks, chocolates, sweets). Children will especially love this.

Birthday boy - scenario with contests and birthday games for elementary school kids

  1. The most original congratulations birthday people. Children present their birthday greetings prepared in advance.
  1. Presentation of gifts and birthday greetings.
  1. Contest "Drawing an elephant"
  • We choose 2 teams of 5 people each. Each closed eyes draws a part of the body of an elephant:
  • torso
  • head, ears
  • tail
  • trunk

The team that does the best wins.

  1. Competitions."FIREWORK"

The balls are tied to the feet of 6 players. Whoever bursts won. We pop the opponent's ball.


Who will bring a sheet of paper faster without dropping it.


Who will end up in the basket with a folded sheet of paper. 2 players.


Eat the candy by opening the piece of paper only with your mouth. 4 players.

  1. Game "Who is the most agile?"

We select 5 players, 4 chairs are placed, music plays, when the music stops, we sit on the chairs. Those who do not have time are out of the game.

  1. Logic puzzles.

Grandmothers and kids

Three grandmothers had one gray goat each. They went for a walk in the forest, and there the wolves ate them. The horns and legs remained from the goats. How many horns are left and how many legs?

Answer: 12 legs and 6 horns.

Little Havroshechka and sisters

Little Khavroshechka went into the forest with her sisters - One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed. How many eyes did this company have in total?

Answer: 8.

Uncooked scrambled eggs

Ryaba the chicken laid the testicle, and the mouse took it and broke it. Ryaba laid three more testicles. The mouse also broke these. Ryaba tried hard and knocked down five more, but the shameless mouse smashed those too. How many eggs could Grandpa and Baba have made if they hadn't spoiled their mouse?

Answer: out of 9.

What to do when you see green man? (Crossing the street is a drawing on a green traffic light)

What tree does a magpie sit on when it rains?

What is a wing without feathers? (Airplane wing)

What does half an apple look like? (For the soul mate)

Which wheel does not turn when the vehicle is running? (Spare)

How do day and night end? (On a soft sign)

How much is 2 + 2 * 2?

What can you cook but not eat?

What insects are domesticated by humans?

What is considered dirty when it is white and clean when it is green?


  1. Competition. "CODERS"

Guess the words

SELUBOR lumberjack

TSEDAPROV salesman

SITCARD karate

KHABETLURG accountant

  1. Contest "LET'S COME TO HISTORY"

Many centuries ago the most educated people states recorded the history of their country. So we will compose the history of our class.

  2. The game "STREAM"

Natalya Viktorovna Brailyan
Scenario of the holiday "Birthday" in primary school

Celebration« Birthday boy»

Educator: Brailyan N.V.

Target: Create joyful mood, to unite the team; educate careful good relations to each other.

Equipment: balls, flowers, sign "Happy Birthday", gifts, lottery items, roll toilet paper, drying, broom, bow, products for the competition "Define the taste", attributes for an impromptu fairy tale, musical accompaniment.

Holiday progress

Leading: Dear guys, today we have a special day! We have gathered to wish happy birthday to the children who were born in the cold season - in winter!

Whose today Birthday?

Who are the cookies for?

Who needs a cupcake and sweets?

Who has so much joy?

Leading: Here they are - our dear birthday people! (talks about the meaning name and calls the birthday people on stage)

Alice is the name means"Noble"... Alice, Ala, Alicia, Aili, Lissy - this is also the name of this girl. At first glance girls with this named quiet, but in fact - active and perky. Alice will always bring started business to the end!

Anya - name means"Courage, strength"... Annushka, Anyuta, Nyuta, Annochka - this is how you can call this girl. By her nature, Anya is a fiddler, like a bird working, trying both at home and in school.

Diana - "Divine"... Dian can be called So: Dianka, Dina, Ding, Anya. This girl is cheerful. She always copes with everything. V family life Diana will make a good mom!

Masha - Maria, Marie, Mashuta, Manyasha. Means this name"Desired"... It's kind and affectionate girl... She is sociable, hardworking, always ready to help a person in trouble.

Vitya - Victor - "winner"! Vitenka, Vityusha, Vital. Boys with this in the name have great patience, never remember evil. At home he irreplaceable assistant... In the future, Vitya can become a good road builder!

These are our birthday people!

(children come out to congratulate)

With day birthday congratulations,

We wish you happiness, joy!

And we wish you friends

To make it more fun.

And we wish you smiles

To make the sadness go away faster

To make the sun shine

And it never went out!

We wish you every success

In studies, be on the sails!

Go ahead and don't give up

And to know victory only in deeds!

Leading: When a baby is born, it is wrapped in a soft diaper, warm cloth. Our birthday people were born, but we forgot to put them on!

The game "The child was born" The heroes of the occasion are standing by, and the guys are using a roll of toilet paper. "Swaddle" and put in everyone's mouth "Pacifier" (drying can be used as a nipple).

Leading: For you, birthday people will hear a song!

Song "Let run clumsily" (performed by all children)

Leading: And now in the program funny contests, which will be attended by both guests and birthday people... Attention! The winners of the contests will receive numbered chips, which means they can take part in the lottery!


"Dance with a broom" Children dance in pairs to the music. One person has no pair - he dances with a broom. At the command of the presenter, the children change in pairs. Anyone who does not have a pair - takes a broom and dances with it!

"Playing with colors" Children stand in a circle. The presenter says the words: "Touch yellow, 1.2,3!" The task of the players is to run up to any of the players who has such a color in their clothes and touch it. The one who does not have time to do it, while the words are being pronounced, drop out.

Leading: Let's take a little rest and watch a fairy tale called "Turnip"... And we will choose the actors for her right now. Name the heroes of this tale! I will tell a fairy tale, and you, having heard your role, say the words.

(Among birthday people and guests are assigned roles)

Fairy tale - impromptu "Turnip"

Turnip. Eh-ma!

Grandfather. So, sir!

Grandma. Eh, prankster!

Granddaughter. I want to walk!

The bug. Lay-lay-lay!

Cat. Eh, you dog!

Mouse. By screws!

"Bow, don't fall!" Music sounds. Boys put a knotted bow on top of their heads and try to perform dance moves. The one whose bow fell to the floor is eliminated from the game.

"Define the taste" This game involves birthday people... They are blindfolded and asked to taste the product (onion, apple, lemon, pepper, carrot)

"In!" A game for coordination and attention. Children stand in a line or circle. One must salute with one hand, and simultaneously pull the other forward, show thumb and say "in!" The most attentive gets a chip.

Leading: I invite you to play the game "Merry Danetki"! I will ask you questions, and you answer in unison "Yes" or "No"... Be careful!

Word play "Merry Danetki"

If you run to the buffet

So you're hungry?

There is a month and a star in the sky -

So it is noon?

On the airfield of the train

Are you ready to take to the sky?

Who eats a lot of sweets

That sweet tooth, right?

Casserole and frying pan

Very difficult, isn't it?

If you love ballet,

Will you go to the theater?

Mustache and beard grow

For those who go to kindergarten?

If you are always lazy

In the diary of the five?

You ate lunch with gusto

Need to say thank you?

If you lie everywhere, always,

So you are truthful?

There is clear water in the well,

To swim and dive there?

Leading: Well done boys! They answered amicably and correctly. Well, well, it's time for our lottery. So, let's begin!

No. 1 A set of excellent students (elastic band and ruler)

Do you dream of becoming an excellent student?

You get a noble incentive,

A lot of different things.

Well, dare in the morning!

No. 2 Elastic band

If the letters are squiggles

Then take me in hand

On a piece of paper, skip and skip,

Here is a clean sheet!

No. 3 Ruler

Wooden and slender

I will measure at least an elephant

Even a multi-storey house

If it matters.

# 4 Book (coloring with cars)

If you are a chauffeur at heart,

You love to ride for a long time,

Choose your car:

Doors, body and cab ...

You can even choose a color.

It's a pity, only there are no rights in the bag.

If jeans don't fit you,

Don't rush to cut them!

This little thing

It will help you put them on.

No. 6 Hair elastic

Super trendy little thing

Braid it up.

Everyone will say - beauty!

And she will like it herself.

No. 7 Caramel

I am a simple caramel.

Sweet, sticky,

Bite me for a week

On this occasion!

The balloon is light and airy

Don't put it under the pillow

Otherwise he will bang like that,

That the neighbor behind the wall will gasp!

No. 9 Notebook

This new notebook

Well, if you scribble in it,

You can become a slob.

No. 10 Candy

In this little thing

So much joy is stored!

Don't listen to doctors -

Eat it and be healthy!

Leading: What is day birthday without gifts! It doesn't work that way. What do they give birthday people? (children call) Right! They are also given flowers. Now guys, I propose to collect a bouquet for our birthday people.

"Collect the flower" The children are given the task of assembling from parts (petals, leaves, centers and stems of flowers are cut out of colored cardboard) One flower can be harvested by 2-3 human: chamomile, cornflower and violet. The result is a bouquet of 3 flowers.

(giving gifts birthday people)

Tea drinking, disco.

Relay "Centipede"

Divide the children into teams (there can be from 2 to infinity in a team). Children stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous child and the belly of the next child. Hands down. Now let's go! You need to walk to the chair, take the strawberry (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the road has won!

Riddles - chants:

The birthday is coming

How much joy for everyone!

We are in great mood

And it sounds funny ... .. laugh!

The little man has become older,

There is more in the cake…. candles!

We go to the birthday boy

And we carry gifts!

And also for beauty

We bring him ... flowers!

The table is set and we are waiting for guests.

How many tasty things are here!

We all love treats

And candy and…. cookies!

Birthday boy, come on in a circle,

We are leading a round dance around!

Sing along with us

Our song ... loaf!

Like shots from a cannon

Clap loudly ... crackers!

Turning into heroes of a fairy tale

Children wear ... masks!

How wonderful we play

We do not offend anyone

We cannot quarrel.

Because we … friends!

The rhythms of the music sound

Heels are already knocking!

Impossible to resist

Hunt everyone … dance.

Sorry birthday

He comes into the house once a year.

A year later, by invitation

We are visiting again ... we will come!


When guests come to someone for their birthday, they must sing a song for the birthday person. For example, “The song of Gena the crocodile” which begins with the words “Let the clumsy pedestrians run ...”. Imagine that it is not a girl or a boy who celebrates a birthday, but some animal. And his relatives came to him. Show them how they would perform a birthday song if they can't speak with words. But they do not know how to speak because they ...

  • chickens and roosters.

  • Dwarfs and giants.

    The game of attentiveness The players stand in a circle. The host explains that if he says "dwarfs" everyone should squat, and if he says "giants" everyone should stand up. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The presenter may deliberately give the wrong commands, for example: "Pot! Ve-Revka! Pockets! Ve-derko!".

    The last player is considered the winner.

The rules of the game Centipedes

One presenter is selected, he will give commands to the centipedes and evaluate the best if there are several teams.

Players line up in a column one after another, grab each other by the shoulders or by the belt.

The task of the players is to complete tasks quickly, efficiently and at the same time maintain the integrity of the centipede.

Below we give examples of tasks that a centipede can perform, but remember that everything here is limited by your imagination, so experiment:

    Centipede raise all right legs!

    Centipede raise all left legs!

    Centipede to run in circles!

    The centipede backs away!

    The centipede moves like a goose step!

    The centipede moves by jumping!

    The centipede sits down and jumps up sharply!

    The centipede catches its tail!

    The centipede is scratching the right hind foot with its left front foot!

    The centipede is jumping on its right legs!

In the swamp

Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the "swamp" along "bumps" - sheets of paper. You need to put a sheet on the floor, stand on it with two feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Step over to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and put it in front of you. And so, who will be the first to pass through the room and come back.

Cheerful shepherd boy. " The rules of this game are simple. A cow is drawn that does not have a tail. It is necessary, blindfolded, to attach a tail made of a cord to her.

Strongman Competition

Announce the children that they will compete in the competition for the title of the strongest. Let them demonstrate the biceps. And then tell us about the essence of the test. You need to hold the felt-tip pen between the nose and lip, who is longer. At the same time, adults are trying in every possible way to make the "strongmen" laugh. Who can resist the temptation?


The players in the team gather in a circle holding hands. Without opening their hands, they need to confuse the chain as hard as possible. Representatives from each team go to the rivals and unravel their confusion on a signal. The winning team is the one whose driver unravels his chain faster.


He slept soundly all winter
Sucked his brown paw.
Close your eyes and sleep
Snore like a bear.
(The child should portray a snoring bear.)

What's the ringing in the apartment?
Is it a phone?
How does he call? Show me
Ring us up, buzz.
(Show ringing phone.)

Early in the morning at dawn
Both adults and children sleep.
So that they all do not sleep,
You croak five times.

Come up with a task yourself,
Just listen, attention!
Let the invented covenant
The neighbor will do it on the right.
(The child must come up with a task for his neighbor on the right, the neighbor on the right must complete it.)

Didn't forget to celebrate
And whom do we all congratulate?
Without any chant
Tell him "Happy birthday!"
(You just need to congratulate the birthday boy again.)

This task is difficult
Almost impossible.
We must remember five lines -
Read the poem.

Do you like to play on the computer?
Can't you take you off the screen?
Concentrate your attention
Say three toys names.

“We’re tired of meowing,
We want to grunt like pigs. "
So grunt like a piglet
Then meow, kitty.

Who is this waddling?
Quacks calling for mommy?
Yellow ducklings stomp.
Quack, you will be slapped.
(The child should imitate a "duck" gait, grunt. Others clap.)

The tank roars, the cannons shoot.
War is not a toy.
Show us soldier
How the machine gun shoots.
(The child imitates the sound of a firing machine gun.) )

Fant was not easy
Don't leave him, wait!
Remember something formidable
And make your face serious.

You can sing a song in different ways:
Scream loudly and sniff softly.
But don't you whisper or shout it
And in a cow-like way.
(Any song is selected and "hums" at its tune.-19-

Toads croaking on the shore
Together with the frogs in the old pond.
This is frog friendship.
And you need to croak.

New Years coming?
Or is Santa Claus coming?
Though I was mistaken with the winter,
All the same, sing about the tree! .)

I'm a photographer anywhere,
I always go with a fotik.
We will make a color photo,
Make a funny face!

I do not like to wrinkle my nose!
Laugh? No problem!
Come on, come on, prove
Show me how to laugh!

"Origami" you know the word
Or have you not heard that?
Okay, here's a break for you
Make a paper airplane.

It has become cold, snow is pouring,
Many birds fly south.
So that we do not forget the bird cry,
Give us a little sparrow here.

Cool, very cool
A whole minute
Jump on one leg
Clapping your palms!

The dance of the little ducklings
Delight the audience.
Attract the guys to the dance -
Dance until you drop!

You need to do sports!
There is a task for you:
You can try very hard
And sit down a dozen times?

Become a wolf for a minute

and snapping your teeth menacingly!

Don't sit on a chair -

Draw the plane!

Tricky trompe l'oeil riddles

Guys, I am you today

I'll ask tricky questions.

If the answer is negative,

I ask you to answer with the word "no",

And affirmative - then

Say the word "yes" out loud.

I have no doubt guys

Every mind has a chamber

But I have some advice for you:

Answers "YES", answers "NO"

Do not rush to give instantly,

After thinking hard, speak.

Tell me one secret:

Do giraffes live IN THE TUNDRA? ...

WILL SEE a mole on a clear day,

Soaring IN THE SKY, right? ...

The builder builds cities.

Do wasps build COMBINATIONS? ...

Orange and red

Consider HOT? ...

Machines are given green light,

IS IT POSSIBLE TO GO on the zebra? ...

In the window in the morning - the light of the sun,

NIGHT is coming, right? ...

There is WARMING water in the river.

And in the hole like that? ...

And we will see a star

If the sky is cloudy at night? ...

Forest - habitat environment

For squirrels, hares, woodpeckers? ...

The reader, after reading, always

EATS a book, right? ...

Carrots with cabbage in the turnstile,

Entering the subway, shall we lower it? ......

A thin boy, like a skeleton,

Will it EASILY to lift the barbell? ...

Herds graze in the ARCTIC

Horned cows and goats? ...

From the TRAIN airfield

Are they taking off on the runway? ...

Pedestrians have a dream

Stumble and fall IN A PIT? ...

When the cold comes

Are all the moose flying south? ...

We bake cheesecakes from ICE

In a hot stove, right? ...

You will answer me without difficulty:

Cherry blossoms in WINTER? ...

Ships sail on the sea.

Oil transported by TANKER? ...

In the snow, two stripes - a trace.

Did the bear walk in the snow? ...

Frozen water is solid.

Can water become a GAS? ...

The game with the name leapfrog

Playing with the CLUB WITH THE PUCK? ...

Athlete running distance


Tuesday is followed by Wednesday

Thursday - Saturday? ...

The chameleon changes color.

Does the octopus CHANGE? ...

We put cups in the buffet.

Will we put the SOFA there? ...

You say to your friends: "Hello!"

And the head teacher SO you say? ...

The snow will melt - there is water in the streams.

Does it happen in spring? ...

The elephant sits on the wires

To dine, right? ...

On the world map - cities

Continents and countries? ...

Seeing the fisherman - "Hello!" -

SCREAMING the roach from the river? ...

What does a frog eat for lunch -

Elephant with peas, right? ...

The toad, for sure, has no tail.

Does the cow HAVE it? ...

In the shade - plus thirty, and then

Do we wear fur coats? ...

Mommy WILL BUY me candy

For being lazy? ...

On a trolleybus, having bought a ticket,


We go to the theater to watch the ballet.

And the operetta - IN THE BATH? ...

The questions are over, friends!

And I praise everyone, guys, me.

The test has come to an end.

Who was not mistaken - well done!

And who was mistaken even a little,

Not a good fellow, but a hammer!

The game "Ha ha ha!"

I have a game for you

Under the title "Ha ha ha!"

Come on, kids.

Let's laugh - "Ha ha ha!"

A raccoon likes to sleep in a den

He sucks his paw!

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

Elk barks loudly at night

He couldn't sleep in the booth

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

A beaver lives on a pine tree

He sings songs every day.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

The hedgehog loves honey very much,

And he gnaws all the nuts.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

The ant loves to swim

And the fish are all afraid of him.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

Here is a big bear flying

He likes to fly.

Is it true, kids?

Of course not - "Ha ha ha!"

The game "Here is such a parsley!" We repeat movements and sounds after me.

The beater rattled: knock-knock-knock-knock!

(We represent hammers.)

A trinket rattled: bryak-bryak-bryak-bryak!

(Knock on your knees.)

Marfushka laughed here: ha-ha-ha-ha!

(We laugh.)

A friend came running to her: top-top-top-top!

(We stamp our feet.)

And the frog began to croak: kva-kva-kva-kva!

(Jumping in place.)

The front sight buzzed loudly: w-w-w-w!

(Mashemrukami, depicting flight.)

The cuckoo answered her: cuckoo!

(Hands with a mouthpiece.)

The laying hen cackled: co-co-co-co!

(Hands on your belt.)

The heifer mumbled here: moo-moo-moo!

(We depict horns on the head.)

The pig screeched with her: oink-oink-oink-oink!

(We show a patch at the nose.)

And the scops owl sang with them: sleep-sleep-sleep!

(We close our eyes, tilt our head.)

Suddenly the cannon started banging, bang-bang-bang-bang!

(We clap our hands, stamp our feet.)

The old woman was frightened: "Oh-oh-oh-oh!"

(We clasp our head with our hands, shake it.)

Here is such a parsley! Yes Yes Yes Yes!

Competition "Falling leaves" (you can air balloon)

Contestants will receive a dried maple leaf. They throw up his air and blow on him from below so that he does not fall. The winner will be the most agile, the one with the leaf that will last the longest in the air.

Competition "Gifts of Autumn"

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives 20 cards with autumn gifts: potatoes, boletus, blueberry, apple, carrot, tomato, beet, raspberry, chanterelle, blueberry, pear, gooseberry, currant, cabbage, boletus, turnip, zucchini, fly agaric, plum, milk mushroom. They must correctly divide them into groups - vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.

Rope walkers "

Draw 2 lines on the ground or lay 2 white cords (ribbons). Players pick up children's umbrellas and try to walk along the rope from beginning to end, holding the umbrella over their heads.

Game "Hare and Fox"

Children stand in a circle, two of them are holding toys - a hare and a fox. To the music, they pass them to each other in a circle. The fox is trying to catch up with the hare.

Relay "Crossing"(The captains at the wheel - in a hoop, run up to the team and take one person to the finish line.

Agility and Patience competition.

It is necessary to bring a sheet of paper to a certain mark on one palm, without helping with the other hand. Change hands on the way back. In this competition, not only speed and dexterity are manifested, but also great patience, without it in sports it is impossible to achieve good results.


In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer - win the competition.

In front of each team, at a distance of 50 cm, "puddles" (cut out of cardboard) are laid out. At a signal, children run forward, reaching a puddle, they jump over it and run further, etc. The opposite is the same

COMPETITIONS... Here are the ones that were in our class, and those that we came up with ourselves.

Competition number 1. "Magic bag".

Santa Claus puts some thing in the bag, and one of the guests must, with his eyes closed, feel this object in the bag and guess what it is. The essence of the competition is that along with "good" prizes (sweets, crackers), all sorts of "byaki" (toy slime, cold pasta, marmalade worms) also appear in the bag.

Competition number 2. "Snow avalanche".

For the competition, you need to prepare 2 cans of whipped cream for the cake. Participants are divided into two teams and face each other. At the command, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden begin to squeeze as much whipped cream into the mouths of the players of each team as a person can swallow. The winner is the team whose members quickly eat up the entire snow avalanche from the spray can.

Three people from each team participate. One person sits on a chair and they put an elastic band on his head, like on a child's cap, from chin to back of the head. On command, two other participants must, tearing off long strips of toilet paper, attach them with an elastic band under the beard of the person sitting on the chair. The winner is the team whose members make the most magnificent and longest beard.

Competition number 4. Dinosaur Egg.

2-3 days before the holiday you need to prepare huge egg dinosaur: fill 2 air balloon water and put in the freezer. When the water freezes, the ball needs to be broken - and you get a huge egg-shaped ice. Competitors are announced that a huge frozen dinosaur egg was found during the excavation. Ice cubes are placed in basins and the members of the two teams must melt it. Everyone takes in hand a plastic cup With hot water and pours his portion onto the ice. The winner is the team whose members melt the ice faster.

Competition number 5. "Black square".

You need to prepare two very large plastic bags for trash, in each of which you cut an oval hole for the face. One participant puts on a bag so that only his face looks out of the black square. The rest of the participants with the help of scotch tape must decorate this black square, sticking on it everything that comes to hand: candy wrappers, plastic dishes, rain, etc. Whose black square is more elegant, he wins the competition.

Competition for girls "Hostess"

1. To begin with, all the participants will play a game with me Vegetarians. I say: "My name is Elena Stanislavovna, I love blackberries." That is, the task of each participant is to introduce herself and name any fruit, vegetable or berry, the name of which begins with the same letter as the name.

For the correct answer, the participant receives 1 point.

2 ... You are the hostess of the house, you have invited guests to your place. You need to compose holiday menu and write it down on a piece of paper. When summing up the results for each written dish, the jury will award 1 point. A participant can earn an additional point if the jury considers the whole “table” rich and varied. (We need leaves, pens).

3. So, you have the menu ready, let's start preparing the dishes. Now we will find out what you are with us cooks... V three bags I have different cereals. With your eyes blindfolded, you should feel the grains and write down their names on a piece of paper in the order in which I give you to touch them (buckwheat, rice and peas). For the correct answer - 1 point. (Required: handkerchiefs, three bags of cereals).

4 ... In the next competition, each participant will need a cheerleader. The competition is called Find a pea. Each participant is blindfolded and unwound several times. Put on the table pea... At the command of the leader, the participants need to find a pea, the person from the support group directs his participant with words. The couple who first finds their pea wins. She gets 2 points.

5 ... Now the dishes are ready, let's proceed to table setting. It is necessary to properly lay out the plate, knife, fork (disposable cutlery). For the correct answer - 1 point.

6. As you know, on festive table there should always be napkins. Therefore, the next competition will be that you nicely laid out napkins (napkins and glasses needed). The winner is the participant who will lay out the napkins most beautifully of all. She gets 2 points.


Proverbs about rural labor. The presenter pronounces the beginning, the audience must continue.

Where the fry plows, there is a crumb of bread.

Sow deeper in spring - you will be with bread in winter.

Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread.

He who sleeps in the spring cries in the winter.

People are happy to fly, and the bee is happy to bloom.

Summer is a reserve, winter is a tidbit.

You will lie in summer, so in winter you will run with a bag.

Pasha is not lazy - you will live happily.

7. Accurate shooter. You need to hit the plate with a button (3 attempts). Each participant gets as many points as there are buttons on her plate. ( Neededplates, 3 buttons)

8. Auction... You need to write on pieces of paper as much as possible more titles dishes from potatoes. The winner is the one with the longest list. For each dish - 1 point. (We need leaves, pens).

9. Water carriers... On command, all participants pour water with a spoon into their glass. The winner is the participant who fills her glass faster. The fastest gets 3 points. (You need a pot of water, oilcloth, glasses and tablespoons according to the number of participants).

10. The spinner-winder. Long threads are tied to pencils equal length, a paper bow is tied at the end of each thread. At the signal from the leader, the players begin to quickly wind up the thread. The winner is the one who reels the whole thread first. The winner gets 1 point. (pencils with threads)

11. Snowball... The participants stand in a row. The presenter asks the topic: « What i like to eat ». The first participant says: "I like to eat pasta", the second - repeats the words of the first one and adds: "... and potatoes", etc. A competitor who trips or says incorrectly is eliminated.

Other options:

"What will I wear to the disco?"

"What will I take with me to the store?"

"What products do I need to cook borscht?"

"What am I going to do when cleaning the apartment?"

At the end of the competition, only one contestant remains, who is the winner and receives 5 points ... (We need a sheet and a pen for the presenter to fix the chains)

12. Pantomime.(evaluated on a 10-point system)

1. You are ironing your linen, the phone rang. You leave the iron, pick up the phone and talk to your friend on the phone. And, suddenly, oh horror! There is an iron hole on your favorite blouse.


Games-contests "Grandfather planted a turnip"

(The hall is decorated with balloons, photographs of birthday children, flowers).

Presenter: How candy sweet,

Delicious like a cookie.

This holiday is bright.

Who is he? (children in chorus) BIRTHDAY!

(The birthday people come out to music and applause).

As you know, it is customary to congratulate the heroes of the occasion and wish them all the best. Let us also congratulate our birthday people. Each of the students says wishes.

Now is the time for musical gift... Children are chosen - co-

sheets, the rest - chorus. The choir sings the song “Let them run awkwardly ...!”, And the soloists portray in motion.

So that the name day is not sad, we will arrange fun party, and for this we remember ourselves when we were the smallest. What fairy tales did your parents and grandparents read and tell you?

("Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip").

What words does the "Turnip" fairy tale begin with? (Grandfather planted a turnip ...).

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse).

Birthday people are participants in the game.

The second team is chosen by the leader using riddles.

1.Favorite expression of Carlson? (It's a matter of everyday life).

2.Fabulous beauty with unusual appearance who loved everyone

to poke (Malvina).

3. Who ate the wrong sandwich? (Uncle Fedor).

4.When he twirls the colored umbrella, do children have colored dreams? (Ole-Lukkoye)

5. Name the musicians of the fabulous ensemble? (Cat, Donkey, Rooster, Dog- "Bremen-

musicians ").

6.Fabulous coachman with long tail? (Rat).

7.Very true thing from the tale of A.S. Pushkin? (Mirror).

So, "Grandfather planted a turnip ..."

COMPETITION 1. Grandfathers. "SCARE".

Participants wear hats on their heads, arms out to the sides. At the command "sparrows" wave their hands, "crows" clap their hands, "starlings" take off their hats to greet guests, because these birds are helpers to the gardener.

COMPETITION 2. Grandmothers. There are handkerchiefs on their heads. They rewind the balls. Who quickly?

COMPETITION 3. Granddaughters. There are bows on their heads. The grandfather and the woman are very fond of drinking tea.

The granddaughters inflate the samovar - they inflate the balloons counting to 10. Whoever has more wins!

COMPETITION 4. Bugs. Beetles, cats, mice have hats on their heads that represent animals. The most important thing is dogs - scent... Bugs leave the room, they are given handkerchiefs with a different smell of cologne. And the same smell is applied to two participants. By smell, the bugs should determine who owns the handkerchief.

COMPETITION 5. Cats. Hide faster. Take and transfer sweets from one plate to another with your teeth. Who quickly?

COMPETITION 6. Mice. The tail of the mouse is very dexterous! Participants must lower a pencil tied on the back of a string into the bottle without the use of hands.

Leading: A turnip has grown large - great... "Turnip" is selected by number

"Gardeners" with the help of vegetable riddles.

1 turnip.

1. Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground. (potato).

2. Above the ground is grass, below the ground is a scarlet head. (beet).

3. The child grew up - did not know the diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. .(cabbage).

4. A woman sits in the beds, all in patches, whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave. (onion).

5. Egor is lying over the border, covered with a green veil. (cucumber).

6. A green branch grows in the beds, and on it there are red children. (tomatoes).

7. Round, but not the moon, with a tail, but not a mouse, red, not a maiden. (carrot)

2 turnips.

1. He stands in clothes, like a fire on a leg. It will become a ball on a leg without clothes. (poppy).

2. At first it crawls, lives like a worm. Then he comes to life like a bird flies.


3. Well, who of you will answer: not fire, but it burns painfully, not a lantern, but shines brightly, not a baker, but bakes. (Sun).

4. They often ask me, wait, and just show up and start hiding. (rain).

5. White peas on a green stem. (lily of the valley).

6. Ogorodnik Fedot with long nose lives. As you bow down, it will rain. (watering can).

7. It looks like a wedge, a wedge. (umbrella).

-Tug-of-war "Pull-pull ..." Who is stronger? Gardeners or "Turnip".

-Relay game "Puss in Boots" more precisely in felt boots. It is necessary to transfer things, objects into the hoop, making a beautiful universal bow. The winners are greeted with a meow.

-Dance with balls. All children participate. They dance in pairs, holding balls with their foreheads. The one who danced longer is awarded a prize.

To the music, birthday people are given gifts, a cake, they are invited to

"Birthday cafe".

Target: to unite the team, fostering a kind and attentive attitude

to each other, development creativity students.

Class design: Balloons, congratulatory drawings, computer.

Leading: Good day! Today we got together to congratulate

our birthday people. Today we are visiting summer and autumn

birthday people. Birthday is one of the most important holidays

of each person, because on this day a new person appears.

What is a birthday?

I will answer without a doubt:

Boxing day, pies,

Day of smiles and flowers!

And we have birthday people for you - there is a small surprise.

Congratulations to all birthday people, we wish -

From the sun - heat

From people - good

From mom and dad tenderness,

From friends - love and eternity.

Everyone should be cheerful today.

Leading: Let's launch a rocket of fun - stomp our feet and clap our hands ...

Leading: - When guests come to someone's birthday party, they will certainly perform a song for the birthday boy, let's all remember and sing together"Song of the Crocodile Gena", to lyrics. A. Timofeevskaya, muses. V. Shainsky.(everyone is singing a song).

Leading: You have become a year older, grown up, prettier, learned a lot

Congratulatory number - performance by A. Mikheev with composition


Leading: Our first competition is called Warm Up.

1. Contest "Riddles about words"

Beads decorate women, everyone knows about it.

For men to wear them, you need to unhook something.

What? Speak quickly! I count: one, two, three ... (unhook the letter B)

If the scarf is shortened, what then can it be? (ball)

The lion's mane was scratched with a brush, and two letters fell from the mane to the floor.

Who will guess, who will understand that instead of a mane, it grows on the left? (willow)

There is such a hat, children. More than anyone else in the world.

Our dad is so big, he is drowning in a hat with his head!

Who will quickly guess what that hat is called? (papakha)

What do you need to add to the juice so that it can pour? (sand)

With the letter G I fly across the sky, with the letter V - I fly children. (rook is a doctor)

With the letter B - I am a container for pickles, with the letter T - at the end of the sentences. (barrel-point)

Leading: Today for little ones and adults, for thin and fat, obedient and naughty, funny and sad. Our finest BIRTHDAY entertainment ever!

Birthday is glorious, wonderful and funny! Come on ahead of the birthday boy, honest people. You guys, don't yawn, help in unison.

Happy birthday, congratulations and, of course, we wish you:

Be beautiful, kind, sweet

Strong to be, healthy, courageous

Neat and skillful

To make mommy love

Host: Maybe enough congratulations, it's time for us to play games.

Game "Dance on the newspaper".

Participants stand in pairs, they are given a sheet of newspaper, on which they dance, Tatar music is turned on, each time we reduce the newspaper. Whoever is the last to stay on a small piece of newspaper wins.

The game "Ha ha ha".

This is very simple game, and most importantly, no one loses in it. The players' job is not to laugh. Children sit or stand in a circle, and one of the players is as serious as possible HA. The next one says HA-HA, the third HA-HA-HA, and so on. Anyone who utters the wrong amount of HA or laughs is eliminated from the game. The game continues, and those who are eliminated try to do everything to make the remaining players laugh. Whoever has the last laugh wins!

Host: Questions.