Strong rite of passage for the new year money. Conspiracy in the new year for money. Three bags of fate

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New Year makes us believe in miracles! We again wait in magic and hope for the fulfillment of desires. If you did not have time to make a wish under the chimes, then I want to offer you one effective ritual to fulfill wishes in the New Year. I want to tell you about a cake of happiness. Description...


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New Year's Eve is an extraordinary time. The old year is leaving us yielding rights to the New Year. Many knowledgeable people always tried to read the amulet on New Year's Eve, that is, on the evening of December 31st. They believed that the amulet would save them and loved ones from troubles and troubles, and also leave everything ...

In this article:

The conspiracies that take place at the end of December and on the new year are very diverse. Most of them are aimed at leaving everything bad in the past year, and in the new year to attract new luck, financial well-being, health and love.

It is important to remember that rituals for the new year should be carried out only after complete cleansing of all accumulated negativity, negative energy should not remain in you, otherwise the rituals performed will not lead to the desired results.

New year conspiracies

The period of New Year's holidays is a unique time with powerful energy and mysterious forces. New Year, Christmas, Old New Year - all these days go one after the other, and therefore it is important not to be late and carry out all the ceremonies and rituals on time that will provide you with everything you need next year.

The New Year in the minds of people is a day of expectation and a night of celebration, when we make our deepest desires, which later very often come true.

Every person wants his life to have as much luck, joy, love, prosperity as possible, therefore, do not miss the opportunity to change your life for the better, which the new year gives us.

Rite of passage for health and youth

In order for the new year to bring you health and youth, it is imperative to carry out this simple ceremony. The ritual must be performed within last hour the outgoing year. You need to stand in front of a mirror, light three red or three church candles, take a spoonful of honey and pronounce a conspiracy:

“On three sides is the day, on the fourth side there is night, water flows out of the damp earth. So let all ailments flow out of my body, all diseases go away, I will be healed with mother earth, I will be healed with clean water. As a drop of sweetness I will pour into my mouth, so I will walk along the ground like a swan. Become me young forever, I will seal my century with sweet honey. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Honey is a treasure nutrients and an excellent accumulator of information

After pronouncing last words you need to eat a prepared spoonful of honey and wash it down warm water... This is a simple but effective magic ritual that can significantly improve health and protect yourself from disease.

Conspiracy-charm for good luck

This magic ritual should be performed only on December 31st. In order for the ceremony to be as effective as possible, you need to focus on forgiving all your enemies, let go of grievances, leave them last year, thank God for the past year and pray that He will support you in all future endeavors, so that you and your loved ones were healthy.

After that, you need to light a church candle and, holding it in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

“My merciful God, be in the coming year with me. Send health and well-being to me, me and my family.

Send me gold and silver, and more miscellaneous goods. Bless me in peace, bless me in peace, so that I will never part with You.

Holy archangels, yeah kind angels, all the armies of heaven, do not let me, the servant of God (name), and my family suffer in the new year.

Protect us from harm, protect us from any ailments, from fire, but from water. In the whole new year, be my God with me. Save me, but save me, but protect me from evil and misfortunes. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To make wishes come true

If you want the new year to bring the fulfillment of all your cherished desires, perform this simple magical rite. For wishes to come true, you need to have on your hand Golden ring... When the chime begins, touch the ring to the left earlobe and concentrate all your energies on visualizing what you want, imagine that everything you want is already with you, and then the new year will definitely bring what you want.

Reciprocity in love

If you celebrate the new year with a loved one who has not yet reciprocated you, ask him to pass an apple from hand to hand with New Year's table... In no case should this apple be eaten, it must be hidden discreetly, and later put under the New Year tree. When you wake up in the morning, take the apple, remove the core from it and put a small piece of paper in it with the name of your loved one written on it.

Choose a dry and ventilated place to prevent rotting

Then you need to tie the apple with a red thread and hide it in warm place where no one will see him. While the fruit is drying, your beloved will definitely turn his attention to you, which will be a guarantee for future love... Naturally, no one should know about this ritual, otherwise magic will lose all its power.

Conspiracies and rituals for the new year for wealth

In the new year, so many people ask higher power about wealth. This is not surprising, everyone needs money, and the energy of rebirth gives a person tremendous opportunities to change his own life.

There are many different magical rites designed to attract financial well-being in the new year, and many of them have already managed to prove themselves from the very best side.

New Year's money conspiracy

The first trifle that you will receive in the new year for change must be saved, wait for the new moon and carry out a magic ritual. To do this, put the change in a new clay pot, put it in a secluded one. A dark place and every night during the growing moon we read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“As the month in the night sky grows, so my money will grow. As the month arrives in the night sky, so the money in my pockets will arrive. Amen".

To enhance the effect, you need, in addition to reading magic words add new coins to the pot. When the moon is full, hide the pot so that no one can ever find it. You can bury it next to your own home.

New Year's conspiracies are a great opportunity to improve your financial position, find true love or get rid of problems. So, as you prepare for the celebration, take the time to conduct rituals that will help change your life for the better.

In the article:

New Year's Eve Beauty and Health Conspiracy

This ceremony takes place on the 31st at 11 pm. So, first of all, you need to completely wash yourself, so to speak, wash off the worries and troubles of the outgoing year. Now put a large mirror in front of you, light 3 red candles and take a heaped tablespoon of honey. Look at yourself in the mirror and talk about honey:

On three sides of the day, on the fourth night.
From the ground, water flows away.
Run away, disease, run away the ailment.
Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water.
I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk like a swan on the ground.
I will find a young one forever, I will seal it with sweet honey. May it be so.

Eat a spoonful of honey and take a sip pure water... After that, remove the mirror or cover it with a rag until New Years morning.

A ceremony for good luck on New Year's Eve

Many of us like to walk in the evening on the last day of the year. However, during these hours you can not only enjoy the walk, but also call for the whole next year. To do this, you should bring something from home with you. It needs to be important to you. It could be anything: soft toy, book, game disc or something else. Of course, the entire ritual must be carried out alone, and it is desirable that there are no people nearby either.

So, you need to find a secluded spot from which to open good view to the starry sky. Then look for the most bright star and, looking at her, read the conspiracy three times:

The red sun rises in the east,
A scarlet dawn rises in the east,
At the hour midnight rises in the sky
The star is blue, the star is high
Lucky star.
The star shines from January to December
Twelve months in a row
Twelve months in a row.
I, a slave (Name), stand under that star
I go from east to west
Along the roads, along the paths,
By milestones.
I will not leave the path,
With happiness I will reach the next year.
Amen to my word.
Amen to the star
Amen to good fortune.

This must be repeated, looking at all four cardinal directions in turn, starting from the east. Following this, leave your thing at the very place where the conspiracy was pronounced, and go home without looking back or talking to anyone.

Conspiracy on an apple for love for the New Year

This ritual will help you strengthen your feelings with your significant other and will help develop your relationship throughout the coming year.

When you meet, ask him to pass you a red apple. Then you need to secretly put it under christmas tree, and in the morning, imperceptibly, take and cut out the seed capsule. Then take a small piece of paper and write the name of your loved one on it. Draw symbols on a piece of paper that represent your love: hearts, birds, flowers, or something else. Place it in the middle of the apple so that it fits completely. Tie up the fruit with red woolen thread or tape and say these words:

“As an apple ruined Adam, so that the soul through the apple of God's servant (name of the beloved) fell in love with God's servant (your name). Amen"<

Hide the apple in a secluded place and keep it there until it is completely dry.

We start talking needles from the Christmas tree for wishes on December 31st

This conspiracy contributes throughout the whole year. It can be carried out only once a year, namely, in the afternoon of December 31. For this ritual, you will need nothing at all: Christmas tree needles and a small bag, preferably green. It will be great if you sew it yourself.
In general, you need to buy or sew a small green bag and take as many Christmas tree needles as you are old. You need to make one wish for each needle. Try to visualize them as vividly and in detail as possible. Putting them all in a bag, read the conspiracy:

“My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord's help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will grow into reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and the Spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask Him for. Amen."

Then hide it in a secret place away from prying eyes. You will need to thank the tree. For example, you can hang a beautiful new piece of jewelry on it. You can get it only after a year, on the same day. If the needles are yellowed, it means that the wish has come true or will soon come true. If some of them remain green, it means that the desired did not come true. To fix this, collect clean snow and melt it in a small bowl. After that, place green needles there and wash your hands in this water. Following this, pour the water along with the needles over the threshold of your house.

Doll as a talisman for the new year

New Year is the time when you should think about the future. So you can't imagine a better time to create a doll-amulet. Moreover, this doll also contributes to the fulfillment of desires.

So, first you need to buy a white natural fabric. Now sew a small figure out of it. In the middle of the doll, put herbs that meet your goals, for example, protection - mountain ash, nettle, St. John's wort; luck - mint, sage; money - verbena, laurel, clover; love - geranium, rose, jasmine, etc.

Next, we cover the table with a white tablecloth, on which you need to draw a pentagram. The doll should be placed in the center of the picture, and candles should be placed on its rays. The color of the candles is also important and should change depending on your desires. You can use candles of the same color or different ones. If all candles are of the same color, it will strengthen your witchcraft, focus witchcraft energy on one target.

Now light them, cut your finger and drip blood onto any candle. Then bring it to the doll and say out loud everything that you want to change in this period of your life. The same action must be repeated with each candle. With this ritual, you shape your future life. After that, you need to put a golden belt on the doll and hide it away from prying eyes. From time to time, take it out and talk about those parts of your life that it "controls". Of course, no living soul should see this.

New Year's superstitions

Do not forget that at this great time, any little thing can make a difference and tell about your future next year. So that, be careful not to overlook the signs!

  • If a Christmas tree toy fell and smashed to smithereens, it promises an unexpected profit or a monetary gift. When you throw out the shards, do not be too lazy to make a wish.
  • On the 31st, take a new broom and tie the handle with a red ribbon - this will save you from financial problems.
  • Before the chimes strike, put a large bill in the pocket of your new clothes. Do not waste it throughout the year - let it be your money talisman. It is important that the bill is beautiful, not wrinkled or dirty.
  • In no case should you lend or borrow on December 31!
  • If your outfit is in new year's eve turned out to be torn - a passionate but fleeting romance is coming, stained - you will be lucky in money matters.
  • A few minutes before the New Year, hide a photo of your boyfriend or girlfriend in your pocket - you will spend the whole next year with this person.
  • The last drops of champagne bring good luck. So drink the last glass you poured and trouble won't come to your home.
  • You cannot throw away dishes from the festive table - you will throw out your luck.

In general, the New Year is a wonderful time not only for a fun pastime, but also for witchcraft rituals. Some magical actions can be performed only on this day. Especially happy if the New Year falls on a "strong" time, for example, on

New Year is a good time to change your life, to attract good luck, wealth, prosperity to it. It is at the junction of the outgoing and coming years that incredible opportunities open up for each person. With the help of special conspiracies and some objects - candles, mirrors and banknotes - you can attract to your destiny cash flow and attract love. Everyone can create New Year's magic, the main thing is to sincerely believe in a miracle.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under the pillow ..." Read more >>

    How to attract good luck

    You can attract good luck on New Year's Eve with the help of the most ordinary everyday things, which at this time become almost magical. To attract good luck, an object is chosen that is used every day. It can be: hairbrush, curlers, curling iron, hair dryer.

  1. 1. "I twist my hair - I'll screw it up".
  2. 2. "I straighten the curls - I attract good luck."

You need to prepare an item that brings good luck a few minutes before the chimes. While the clock strikes twelve, utter a conspiracy. You need to refer to the object with such words 7 times, and then put it on the window and leave it until morning. New Year's Eve will help to charge the symbol of good luck for the whole next year.

To ward off bad luck in the new year, after the chiming clock, you need to go outside and make a fire. You need to run, jump and make noise around the fire. Cheerful songs with positive words... The more noise, the more negativity will remain in the old year, and luck and success will come in the new one.

Attracting money and wealth

December 31 is the most the best time for rituals to attract money and wealth. The following methods will help in gaining wealth:

  1. 1. To carry out a magic ceremony, you will need to take three green candles. You need to attach 1 coin to each, then light it. WITH closed eyes imagine how money is attracted, feel the flow of money, enter it. To feel how the pockets are filled with money, it is better - in large bills. The images must be bright and clear, then the ritual will work.
  2. 2. On January 1, you should not wash your face with water, just take a paper dollar and wipe your face. For better effect rub the entire body with a bill.
  3. 3. While the chimes are striking 12 o'clock, you need to drink a glass of champagne with a coin clutched in your hand. A magical rite will help you gain wealth in the New Year.
  4. 4. On New Year's Eve, you should write a letter with wishes of profit, seal it in an envelope with a large bill and put it under the tree. The letter should be kept until the end of the outgoing year, then the money should be spent.
  5. 5. Under the chime of the clock, put a coin in a glass of champagne and make a wish, then empty the glass.

Do not forget that even after the rituals to raise money, profit in the New Year will not come if you do not make efforts. All conspiracies and magic rites only help attract easy money that will come with a little work.

Formation of a favorable energy flow

New Year's Eve is the time for the formation of a favorable flow of energy, which will take effect on the first day of the New Year. At this time, it is important not only to correctly form the flow, but also not to lose it. To attract positive energy there are several rules to follow during the celebration:

  • Before the clock strikes, you need to prepare a pencil, paper, a lighter, a glass and a bottle of champagne. As soon as the chime begins, on small leaf should write the most cherished desires... All of them are written in real tense with the date, for example: "I am buying new car January 2, 2018 ". The fulfillment of desire depends on the correctness of the wording. After that, the leaf must be set on fire, thrown into the champagne and drunk to the bottom. Everything must be done in 12 chimes.
  • In the first five minutes after the onset of the New Year, you need to open all doors and windows in the house and say: "Leave everything bad, come good!" Simple christmas magic will help to organize a positive energy flow and keep it for the whole next year.
  • v New Year's feast it is undesirable to use crabs, crayfish, lobsters, since these arthropods walk backwards, which is a symbol of extinction, not profit;
  • on the first of January, you cannot clean the apartment, wash the floors, sweep and take out the trash;
  • v holidays if possible, you need to give up work so as not to spend the whole year in trouble.

Observing the starry festive sky will help to enhance the formation of a favorable stream. You can listen to bells ringing, a dog barking, a cat meowing, or birds singing at dawn. If on New Year's Eve under the window unmarried woman the dog barks, then in the New Year she will very likely will get married.

Attracting health

To find good health for the whole next year, it will take a simple magic ritual.Before proceeding with it, you need to prepare the following items:

  • large mirror;
  • three red candles;
  • warm water;
  • a large spoon.

The time of the ceremony is from 23:00 to 00:00. It was at this turning point old year will take away all health problems. At 23 o'clock, you should stand in front of a mirror and light candles. The room should be dark and quiet. You need to scoop a tablespoon of honey from a jar and say: "Three sides of the day, one side of the night. As water flows out of the earth, all my diseases flow away. The earth will heal water, I will put honey in my mouth, I will wander with a swan on the ground. I will find youth forever, with honey. I will seal it sweet. " This conspiracy is taken from the book by Natalia Stepanova, Siberian healer popular all over the world. Immediately after reading the cherished words, you need to eat honey and wash it down with warm water.

Love ritual

Magic new year holidays help bring true love into life, strengthen family relationships and find real happiness.

The apple ritual is suitable for lovers who celebrate the New Year together, and for married couples... Apples should be placed on the table as a treat. For the ceremony to be valid, you will need to fulfill the necessary conditions:

  • During the chiming clock, you need to ask your loved one to serve an apple, which then must be hidden under the Christmas tree.
  • In the morning, the apple is cut into two halves, all bones are removed from it.
  • On a white piece of paper, you need to write the name of a loved one, put a piece of paper between the apple halves and tie the fruit with a red woolen thread.
  • Place the apple in a warm place and leave to dry. The drier the fruit, the more love will have a couple.
  • The ceremony should be kept secret and no one should find the fruit. This apple is a talisman of love and harmonious relationships.

To get married in the New Year, you need to cover the table with a clean white tablecloth, put white candles and water with honey on it. Light the candles and read the conspiracy: "I appeal to myself for the honeyed water of my betrothed. Come, my future husband, for a treat. How sweet this honey water is, so sweet is your love for me. Amen." After the ritual, you need to wash with honey water and sprinkle all the doors in the house.

Once a year, all your spells and prayers can be much more powerful - on the eve of the coming new year. At the turn of the year, all conspiracies for the new year will require a minimum of effort from you, but will provide the result for long period... Especially effective and popular are rituals for money and wealth, luck and youth, as well as for mutual love.

If you prepare in advance not only for the New Year's holiday, but also for conducting a powerful ritual, you will be able to provide yourself with the required benefits for the next twelve months.

Rite of passage for health

This simple ritual will provide you with health and youth for the whole next year. It is carried out quite simply and does not require lengthy preparation from you. Just prepare the following items for New Year's Eve:

  • Large mirror, best full-length.
  • Three wax candles of a red hue.
  • Some natural bee honey.
  • A glass of warm clean water.
  • Tablespoon.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony itself almost before the onset of the new year, that is, from eleven in the morning until the first strike of the chimes. In this case, the old year will take with it all the problems and troubles that accompanied you all year.

Stand in front of the mirror at the indicated time and light the candles. There should be no other lighting. You should take a tablespoon of honey in your hand and pronounce the following spell:

“On three sides of the day, on the fourth night. From the ground, water flows away. Run away, disease, run away the ailment. Heal your mother earth, water. I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk like a swan on the ground. I will find a young one forever, I will seal it with sweet honey. Amen".

Eat honey immediately afterwards and wash it down with a sip of warm water.

A simple ritual to make a wish come true

Almost every one of us performed at least once in our life a simple rite to fulfill a wish under the chimes on New Year's Eve. But not everyone did it right: some write their dream on a napkin and then burn it, others just mentally say what they want.

All these ways have a place to be, but they are far from maximum efficiency of magic. If you need the guessed to come true for sure, then follow the recommendations below:

  • Make your own innermost desire follows directly in the last seconds of the outgoing year, then it will surely come true.
  • As you mentally recite your dream, tap the ring from precious gold your left earlobe on your finger. In this case, your energy will be directed towards the fulfillment of the required.
  • The main rule will be the formulation of the phrase being made in the present tense, as if your dream has already come true. You should not doubt that New Year's magic will help you find what you want.

Stick to these simple rules and your wish will come true in the new year.

Love ritual

If you want to leave all your personal problems in the past year and strengthen mutual love, then perform this simple ceremony, which, supported by the power of the outgoing year, will provide you with everything you need for family happiness.

Such a conspiracy is committed in the event that you meet the new year together, and on festive table there are apples as a treat. You should take care of the observance of all the conventions in advance.

At the very end of the outgoing year, ask your loved one to bring one apple from the table for you, which you then discreetly hide under the New Year's tree.

On the next morning, already in the new coming year, when you stay in all alone, carefully cut the bones from the apple together with the middle, while cutting the fruit in half.

Now you should write on a large piece of paper white full name your beloved and, folding it, gently place it in the middle of the fruit. The halves of the apple should be connected and tied with a red woolen thread. Such a charmed fruit must be placed in a warm place where it will slowly dry out. Together with the apple, your man will dry up to you, his love will become stronger and stronger.

Such an apple should not be found by anyone in order to avoid violating the secrecy of the ceremony.

New Year's rite for profit

To secure wealth and money for the next twelve months, perform this simple ceremony. To do it correctly, you will need to purchase a new baked clay pot. It is best to do this already in the coming year, as the first purchase.

In such a pot, you should put the first change that sellers will give you in the coming new year. Such change should consist of only coins.

It is not put in the pot for preservation right away, but on the night of the first new moon, which will come on the fourth day of the new year. They will stay there until the first full moon of the year, which occurs on January 20th, so the pot should be hidden in a secret hiding place where it cannot be found.

Every evening you need to get coins all alone, sort them out, and put them back in the pot, accompanying your actions with the following words:

"As a month grows and comes in the sky, so my money grows and comes."

The more respect you show the coins, the better they will reward you with their growth and growth in the next year.

At the onset of the full moon, the pot should be hidden so that no one will find it for the next year: as long as it is intact, your house will be full of money and wealth.

Wallet conspiracy

Also, the new year brings you the opportunity to update your financial situation through the creation money mascot, which will guard and increase all your money all year round.

To do this, you should wait until January 6th and purchase two completely identical wallets. It is not worth skimping on a purchase, the things you have chosen should be good quality, and preferably made of genuine leather.

Pay for the purchase with a bill that significantly exceeds the purchase amount. Do not take the change in your hands, but ask the seller to put it in one of the wallets: you will keep it for yourself.

It is very important that a five-ruble coin remains among the change, since it will become your "irreplaceable penny", a talisman that is designed to multiply your money in a new wallet.

The second of a pair of purchased wallets should be presented the next day as a gift to a relative or friend who is superior to you. material support so that the connection established between the two wallets pulls yours for great wealth. In the gift purse, put any bill or coin from the change from the purchase, just do not use your irreplaceable penny in this capacity.

At the time of donation, do not forget to mentally consolidate the conspiracy with these words:

"No matter how much I give, I get more. How much comes to you, so much it gets to me!"

Now new year's conspiracy it is considered complete and you can spend the remaining change at your discretion: the most important thing is not to give anyone an irreplaceable penny, since it is he who will bring you wealth in the coming year.

In order for you to be lucky in all your endeavors over the next twelve months, you should simply conduct a ritual on the last day of the outgoing year and beg for luck.

For the correct performance of the ceremony, you only need church candle and your correct emotional attitude... It is necessary to mentally let go of all the insults of your enemies and friends, to tune in only to the good. Believe that all adversity remains in the past year, and the next year will be much better for you and your family.

When you are in the right mood emotional background, light a candle and take it in your hands. Look carefully at the flame and ask God for good luck in everything. Then read these words:

“My merciful God, be in the coming year with me. Send health and prosperity to me, me and my family. Send me gold and silver, and a lot of other good things. Bless me in peace, bless the world so that I never part with You. Holy archangels, but good angels, all the host of heaven, do not let me, the servant of God (name), and my family suffer in the new year. Protect us from harm, protect us from any ailments, from fire, but from water. In the whole new year, be my God with me. Save me, but save me, but protect me from evil and misfortunes. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, put the candle on the table and let it burn out on its own.