Bazhov blue snake in cut. Fairy tale blue snake

We grew up in our factory two boys in the close neighborhood: Lanko Puzhanko da Leiko Hat. Who and why they came up with such nicknames, I do not know how to say. Among themselves, these guys lived together. We got close to match. Umishly level, strong level, growth and years too. And there was no big difference in life. Lanka's father was an ore-digger, Lake's grieved on the golden sands, and mothers, as we know, plundered about the household. The guys had nothing to be proud of in front of each other. One thing didn't fit. Lanko considered his nickname as an insult, and Leica thought it flattering that his so affectionate name was Cap. More than once I asked my mother: - Would you, mammy, sew me new hat! Do you hear, - people call me Cap, and I have tyatin malachai, and that old one too. This did not interfere with childish friendship. Leiko was the first to get into a fight, if anyone would call Lanka Puzhank. - What is he like Puzhanko? Who was scared of? So the boys grew up side by side. Quarrels, of course, happened, but not for long. They will not have time to rush, again together. And then the guys had to be on a par, that both were the last in their families to grow up. More comfortable so and so. Not to be found with small ones. From snow to snow they will run home only to eat and sleep. You never know what the guys did at that time: to play grandmothers, to small towns, to play with a ball, to go fishing, to swim, to fetch berries, to fetch mushrooms, to climb all the peas, to skip stumps on one leg. Will be pulled out of the house in the morning - look for them! Only these guys were not painfully looked for. As soon as they come running home in the evening, they grumbled at them: - He came, our staggering! Feed him! In winter it was different. Winter, as you know, will hold up the tail of every animal and will not bypass people. Winter drove Lanka and Lake through the huts. The clothes, you see, are weak, the shoes are sparse - you can speed up them not far away. There was only enough heat to run across from the hut to the hut. So as not to tuck into the big arm, both will be hammered on the floor and sit there. It's more fun for two. When they will play, when they remember the summer, when they just listen to what the big guys are talking about. Once they were sitting like that, and friends ran up to Leikova's sister Maryushka. Time was moving towards the new year, but by girlish ceremony at that time they talk about grooms. The girls started such a fortune-telling. The guys are curious to see, but really come close. They weren't allowed to come close, but Maryushka, in her own way, was still slapping on the back of the head. - Go to your place! You see, she was one of the angry Maryushka. For a year in brides, but there were no grooms. The girl seems to be altogether good, but a little skinny. The flaw seems to be small, but the guys still rejected her because of this. Well, she was angry.

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We grew up in our factory two boys in the close neighborhood: Lanko Puzhanko da Leiko Hat.

Who and why they came up with such nicknames, I do not know how to say. Among themselves, these guys lived together. We got close to match. Umishly level, strong level, growth and years too. And there was no big difference in life. Lanka's father was an ore-digger, Lake's grieved on the golden sands, and mothers, as we know, plundered about the household. The guys had nothing to be proud of in front of each other.

One thing didn't fit. Lanko considered his nickname as an insult, and Leica thought it flattering that his so affectionate name was Cap. More than once I asked my mother:

- You would, mammy, sew me a new hat! Do you hear, - people call me Cap, and I have tyatin malachai, and that old one too.

This did not interfere with childish friendship. Leiko was the first to get into a fight, if anyone would call Lanka Puzhank.

- What is he like Puzhanko? Who was scared of?

So the boys grew up side by side. Quarrels, of course, happened, but not for long. They will not have time to rush, again together.

And then the guys had to be on a par, that both were the last in their families to grow up. More comfortable so and so. Not to be found with small ones. From snow to snow they will run home only to eat and sleep. You never know what the guys did at that time: to play grandmothers, to small towns, to play with a ball, to go fishing, to swim, to fetch berries, to fetch mushrooms, to climb all the peas, to skip stumps on one leg. Will be pulled out of the house in the morning - look for them! Only these guys were not painfully looked for. As they come running home in the evening, they grumbled at them:

- He came, our staggering! Feed him!

In winter it was different. Winter, as you know, will hold up the tail of every animal and will not bypass people. Winter drove Lanka and Lake through the huts. The clothes, you see, are weak, the shoes are sparse - you can speed up them not far away. There was only enough heat to run across from the hut to the hut.

So as not to tuck into the big arm, both will be hammered on the floor and sit there. It's more fun for two. When they will play, when they remember the summer, when they just listen to what the big guys are talking about.

Once they were sitting like that, and friends ran up to Leikova's sister Maryushka. Time was advancing towards the new year, and according to the girl's rite at that time they were talking about grooms. The girls started such a fortune-telling. The guys are curious to see, but really come close. They weren't allowed to come close, but Maryushka, in her own way, was still slapping on the back of the head.

- Go to your place!

You see, she was one of the angry Maryushka. For a year in brides, but there were no grooms. The girl seems to be altogether good, but a little skinny. The flaw seems to be small, but the guys still rejected her because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys huddled on the floor, puffing and keeping quiet, and the girls are having fun. Ashes are sown, flour is rolled out on the tabletop, coals are thrown over, splashing in water. They are all smeared, screechingly laughing one at the other, only Maryushka is not having fun. She, apparently, believed in all sorcery, says:

- It's a trifle. One fun.

One friend to this and say:

- In a good way, it is scary to bewitch.

- But as? - asks Maryushka.

Girlfriend and said:

- I heard from my grandmother - the most correct fortune-telling will be like this. In the evening, when everyone falls asleep, hang your comb on a string on the povets, and the next day, when no one has yet awakened, take off this comb - then you will see everything.

Everyone is curious - how? And the girl explains:

- If you find yourself in a comb of hair, you will get married that year. If there is no hair - there is no your destiny. And about that you can guess what kind of hair the husband will be.

Lanko and Lake noticed this conversation and then realized that Maryushka would certainly become so enchanting. And both are offended at her for the cuffs. The guys agreed:

- Wait! We will remember you!

Lanko did not go home to spend the night that evening; he stayed on Lake's bed. They lie as if they are snoring, and they themselves stick their fists in the sides of each other: look, don't sleep!

How big everyone fell asleep, the guys hear, - Maryushka went out into the senki. The guys followed her and saw how she climbed into the poveta and in which place she was busy. We looked into the hut as soon as possible. Maryushka ran after them. Shivering, chewing with his teeth. Either she is cold, or she is afraid. Then she lay down, shivered a little and, it became audible, she fell asleep. The guys need it. They got off the bed, dressed as they had to, and quietly left the hut. What to do, they have already agreed on this.

Lake's, you see, had a gelding, either roan or brown, his name was Golubko. The guys came up with the idea of ​​combing this gelding with Maryushka's comb. It’s scary at night, only the guys are brave in front of the other. They found a comb on the winds, combed wool from Dovek and hung the comb in place. After that we made our way into the hut and fell asleep soundly. We woke up late. Of the big ones in the hut, there was only Leikova's mother, she was stomping around the stove.

Dear parents, it is very useful to read a fairy tale " Blue snake"Bazhov P. P. to children before bedtime, so that the good ending of the fairy tale pleases and soothes them and they fall asleep. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something that is relevant and useful for itself. It is amazing that sympathy is , compassion, strong friendship and with an unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. "Good always triumphs over evil" - on this foundation will be built, similar to this one, and this creation, with early years laying the foundation for our understanding of the world. Fascination, admiration and indescribable inner joy produce pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels incredible love with which the images are described environment... V again re-reading this composition, you will certainly discover something new, useful and edifying, essential. The fairy tale "Blue Snake" Bazhov P. P. must certainly not be read online for free by children, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

There are two boys in our factory, in the close neighborhood: Lanko Puzhanko da Leiko Hat.

Who and why they came up with such nicknames, I do not know how to say. Among themselves, these guys lived together. We got close to match. Umishly level, strong level, growth and years too. And there was no big difference in life. Lanka's father was an ore-digger, Lake's grieved on the golden sands, and mothers, as we know, plundered about the household. The guys had nothing to be proud of each other.

One thing didn't fit. Lanko considered his nickname as an insult, and Leica thought it flattering that his so affectionate name was Cap. More than once I asked my mother

- You would, mammy, sew me a new hat! Do you hear, - people call me Cap, and I have tyatin malachai, and that old one too.

This did not interfere with childish friendship. Leiko was the first to get into a fight, if anyone would call Lanka Puzhank.

- What is he like Puzhanko? Who was scared of

So the boys grew up side by side. Quarrels, of course, happened, but not for long. They won't have time to rush, together again

And then the guys had to be on a par, that both were the last in their families to grow up. More comfortable so and so. Not to be found with small ones. From snow to snow, they will only come home to eat and sleep.

You never know what the guys did at that time: to play grandmothers, to small towns, to play with a ball, to go fishing, to swim, to fetch berries, to fetch mushrooms, to climb all the peas, to skip stumps on one leg. Will be pulled out of the house in the morning - look for them! Only these guys were not painfully looked for. As they come running home in the evening, they grumbled at them:

- Our stagger came! Feed him!

In winter it was different. Winter, as you know, will hold up the tail of every animal and will not bypass people. Winter drove Lanka and Lake through the huts. The clothes, you see, are weak, the shoes are sparse - you can speed up them not far away. There was only enough heat to run across from the hut to the hut.

So as not to tuck into the big arm, both will be hammered on the bed and there and sit there. It's still more fun for two. When they will play, when they remember the summer, when they just listen to what the big guys are talking about.

Just sitting down, that way, and friends ran up to Leikova's sister Maryushka. The time for the New Year was advancing, and according to the girl's rite at that time they were talking about grooms. The girls started such a fortune-telling. The guys are curious to see, but really come close. They weren't allowed to come close, but Maryushka, in her own way, was still slapping on the back of the head.

- Go to your place!

You see, this Maryushka was one of the angry ones. For a year in brides, but there were no grooms. The girl seems to be altogether good, but a little skinny. The flaw seems to be small, but the guys still rejected her because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys huddled on the floor, puffing and keeping quiet, and the girls are having fun. Ashes are sown, flour is rolled out on the tabletop, coals are thrown over, splashing in water. Everyone is smeared, screeching laughing one at the other, only Maryushka is not happy. She, apparently, has perverted in all divination, says: - It's a trifle. One fun.

One friend to this and say:

- In a good way, it is scary to bewitch.

- But as? - asks Maryushka.

Girlfriend and said:

- I heard from my grandmother - the most correct fortune-telling will be like this. In the evening, when everyone falls asleep, hang your comb on a string on the povets, and the next day, when no one else wakes up, take off this comb - then you will see everything.

Everyone is curious - how? And the girl explains:

- If you find yourself in a comb of hair, you will get married that year. If there is no hair - there is no your destiny. And about that you can guess what kind of hair the husband will be.

Lanko and Lake noticed this conversation and then realized that Maryushka would certainly become so enchanting. And both are offended at her for the cuffs. The guys agreed:

- Wait! We will remember you!

Lanko did not go home to spend the night that evening; he stayed on Lake's bed. They lie as if they are snoring, and they themselves stick their fists in the sides of each other: look, do not fall asleep!

How big everyone fell asleep, the guys hear - Maryushka went out into the senki. The guys followed her and saw how she climbed into the poveta and in which place she was busy. We looked into the hut as soon as possible. Maryushka ran after them. Shivering, chewing with his teeth. Either she is cold, or she is afraid. Then she lay down, shivered a little and, it became audible, she fell asleep. The guys need it. They got off the bed, dressed as they had to, and quietly left the hut. What to do, they have already agreed on this.

Lake's, you see, had a gelding, either roan or brown, his name was Golubko. The guys came up with the idea of ​​combing this gelding with Maryushka's comb. It’s scary at night, only the guys are brave in front of the other. They found a comb on the winds, combed wool from Dovek and hung the comb in place. After that we made our way into the hut and fell asleep soundly. We woke up late. Of the large ones in the hut, only Leikova's mother was - she stomped around the stove.

While the guys were sleeping, here's what happened. Maryushka got up earlier than everyone in the morning and took out her comb. He sees a lot of hair. I was delighted - the groom will be curly. She ran to her friends to show off. They look - something is not entirely okay. Marvel at what a wonderful hair. Not a single guy I know has ever seen such a thing. Then one of the horse tail... Friends and let's laugh at Maryushka.

“You,” they say, “Golubko turned out to be your fiancé.

Maryushka is for a big offense, she quarreled with her friends, and they, you know, are laughing. They announced her nickname: Golubkov's bride.

Maryushka ran home, complains to her mother - that's what grief happened, and the guys remember yesterday's slap on the head and tease from the floor:

- Golubkova bride, Golubkova bride! Maryushka here burst into tears, and the mother realized whose work it was, shouted at the guys:

- What have you, shameless, done! Without that, our grooms bypass the girl, and you made her laugh.

The guys understood - it didn't work out at all, let's talk it over:

- You invented it!

- No you!

Maryushka from these talks also realized that the guys had arranged such a thing for her, shouting to them:

- So that you yourself saw a blue snake!

Here again, Maryushka's mother attacked Maryushka:

- Shut up, you fool! How can you say that? You will put trouble on the whole house!

Maryushka, in response to this, says:

- What does it matter to me! I would not look at the white light!

She slammed the door, ran out into the fence, and let Pigeon drive there with a snow shovel, as if he was guilty of something. The mother went out, first put the girl to death, then she took her away to the hut, began to persuade. The guys see - it's not up to them here, they pulled themselves to Lanka. They huddled there on the bed and sat quietly. They feel sorry for Maryushka, but how can you help now? And the blue snake got stuck in its heads. In a whisper they ask one another:

- Leiko, have you heard about the blue snake?

- No and you?

- I haven’t heard either.

They whispered, whispered, decided to ask the big ones when the case would come up a little. And so they did. How Maryushkina's insult was forgotten, guys, and let's find out about the blue snake. Whoever they ask, they brush it off - I don't know, and they even threaten:

- I'll take the cane and take both of them! Forget asking about that!

This made the guys even more curious: what kind of snake is this that you can't even ask about?

Found the same case. On a festive occasion at Lanka's father came home drunk and sat down by the hut on the blockage. And the guys knew that he was really eager to talk at such a time. Lanko and rolled up:

- Dad, have you seen the blue snake?

The father, although he was very drunk, even recoiled, sober up and did a spell:

- Chur, chur, chur! Don't listen, our little hut! Not here the word is said!

He pinned the guys so that they wouldn't say that beforehand, but after drinking himself, he wanted to talk. He sat there, paused, then he says:

- Let's go to the beach. It's freer to talk about anything there.

They came to the beach, Lankov's father lit his pipe, looked around in all directions and said:

“So be it, I’ll tell you, otherwise you’ll make trouble with your conversations.” Here listen!

There is a little blue snake in our area. She is no more than a quarter tall, and so light, as if she has no weight at all. He walks on the grass, so not a single blade of grass will bend. This snake does not crawl like the others, but curls up into a ring, puts out its head, and rests with its tail and jumps, but so briskly that you cannot catch up with it. When she somehow runs, a golden stream pours down from her to the right, and a black stream to the left.

It is direct happiness to see a blue snake alone: ​​for sure, riding gold will be where the golden stream passed. And a lot of it. Lies on top in large pieces. Only it is also with a supply. If you take too much and even drop a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. You won't come again either, because you will immediately forget the place.

Well, and when the snake appears to two or three or a whole artel, then it’s a black problem. Everyone will quarrel and become such haters to each other that it will come to murder. My father went to hard labor because of this blue snake. Once they sat in an artel and talked, and she showed herself. Then they got into a mess. Two were killed in a fight, the other five were taken to hard labor. And there was no gold. Therefore, they don't talk about the blue snake: they are afraid that it might appear in front of two or three. And she can appear everywhere: in the forest and in the field, in the hut and on the street. Moreover, they say that the blue snake sometimes pretends to be a person, only you can still recognize it. As it goes, it does not leave traces even on the finest sand. Grass and that under it does not bend. This is the first omen, and the second is this: from the right sleeve a golden stream runs, from the left - black dust is pouring.

Lankov's father spoke in such a way and punishes the guys:

“Look, don’t tell anyone about this and don’t even mention the blue snake together.” When you happen to be alone and you can't see people around, then at least scream.

- What is her name? - the guys ask.

- This, - answers, - I do not know. And if I knew, I would not have said either, because this is a dangerous business.

That was where the conversation ended. Lankov's father once again strictly ordered the guys to keep quiet and not even mention the blue snake together.

At first, the guys were on guard, one reminded the other:

“Look, don’t talk about this thing and don’t think how it’s with me.” Alone it is necessary.

But what to do when Leiko and Lanka are always together and the blue snake does not go crazy with either one or the other? Time has moved to warmth. Brooks ran. The first spring fun is to tinker with living water: to start up boats, to build dams, to twist shallows with water. The street, along which the guys lived, sloped down to the pond. Spring streams soon ran away here, and the guys did not play enough of this game. What to do? They took a shoulder blade and ran for the plant. There, they say, streams will run from the forest for a long time, you can play on any. And so it was. The guys chose appropriate place and let's make a dam, but they argued who can do better. We decided to check in practice: to make a dam for everyone alone. So we went down the stream. Leiko lower, Lanko higher steps, go, fifty. At first they echoed:

- With me, look!

- And I have! At least build a plant!

Well, it's still work. Both are hard at work, keep quiet, trying to do what is best. Lake was in the habit of humming something at work. He picks up different words to make the splash come out:

Hey, hey

Blue snake!

Show up, show yourself!

Spin the wheel!

As soon as he sang, he saw that a blue wheel was rolling down the hill towards him. So light that dry blades of grass and those under it do not bend. As it rolled closer, Leiko saw: it was a snake curled up into a ring, set its head forward and on its tail and jumped. From the snake, golden sparks fly in one direction, black streams sprinkle in the other. Leiko looks at this, and Lanko shouts to him:

- Leiko, look, there she is - a blue snake! It turned out that Lanko saw the same thing, only a snake rose to him from under the hill. As Lanko screamed, so the blue snake got lost somewhere. The guys came running, telling each other, boasting:

- I even saw the eyes!

- And I saw a tail. She will rest against them and jump up.

- Do you think I have not seen? He just leaned out of the ring.

Leiko, as he was still livelier, ran to his pond for a shovel.

- Now, - shouts, - we'll get gold! He came running with a shovel and just wanted to pick the ground from the side where the golden stream passed, Lanko ran into him:

- What are you doing! Ruin yourself! Here, come on, the black trouble is scattered!

I ran to Lake and let's push him away. He shouts his own, rests. Well, the guys got upset too. Lanka is more convenient from the hill, he pushed Lake away, and he himself shouts:

- I will not allow rummaging in that place! You will ruin yourself. It must be on the other side.

Here again Leiko pounced:

- This will never happen! Zagin there. I myself saw how black dust fell in that direction.

So they fought. One is wary of the other, and the cuffs themselves are given. They fought until roaring. Then they began to figure it out, and they realized what the thing was: they saw a snake with different sides, therefore, the right and the left do not converge. The guys were surprised.

- How she turned our heads! It seemed to both of them. She laughed at us, brought us to a fight, and you can't get to the place. Next time, do not be angry, we will not call. We know how, but we will not call!

We decided so, and they themselves only think about that, in order to once again look at the blue snake. Everyone had in mind and that was: not to try alone. Well, it’s scary, and in front of a friend it’s somehow awkward. For two weeks, or even more, they still did not talk about the blue snake. Leiko began:

- And so as not to fight, but first to figure out if there is any deception here!

So they agreed, took from the house a piece of bread and a spatula, and went to the old place. Spring that year was friendly. Last year's rags covered all the green grass. Spring streams have dried up long ago. A lot of flowers appeared. The guys came to their old dams, stopped at Leikina's and began to hum:

Hey, hey

Blue snake!

Show up, show yourself!

Spin the wheel!

They stand, of course, shoulder to shoulder, as agreed. Both are barefoot during warm weather. Before we had finished the chorus, a blue snake appeared from the Lankova Dam. On the young grass it quickly jumps. To the right of her is a thick cloud of golden spark, to the left - just as thick - of black dust. The snake rolls right on the guys. They already wanted to scatter, but Leiko realized, grabbed Lanka by the belt, put it in front of him and whispered:

- It is not good to stay on the black side! The snake still outwitted them - it gave them a ride between the guys' legs. Each of them had one gilded leg, the other smeared with tar. The guys did not notice this, they are watching what will happen next. The blue snake rolled to a large stump and then disappeared somewhere. They ran up and saw: the stump on one side became gold, and on the other it was black-black and also hard as a stone. Near the stump there is a path of stones: yellow to the right, black to the left.

The guys, of course, did not know the weight of gold stones. Lanko hastily grabbed one and senses - oh, it's hard, not to convey one, but afraid to quit. He remembers what his father said: if you drop even a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. He shouts to Lake:

- Choose less, less! This one is heavy! Leiko obeyed, took less, but he also seemed heavy. Then he realized that Lanka's stone was not at all within his power, and said:

- Give it up, or you will overstrain!

Lanko replies:

- If I leave it, everything will turn into a simple stone.

- Come on, I say! - Leiko shouts, and Lanko insists: it is impossible.

Well, again the fight ended. We got into a fight, started to cry, went over to look at the stump and the stone path again, but nothing turned up. The stump is like a stump, and there are no stones, neither gold nor simple, at all. The guys are judging:

- Cheating one this snake. We will never think about her again.

We came home and got hit in the pants there. Mothers kicked both of them, but they themselves wonder:

- Somehow it will help them and get dirty in one way! One leg in clay, the other in tar! You also need to contrive!

After that, the guys were completely angry with the snake pigeon:

- Let's not talk about her!

And they kept their word! Since then, they have never even had a conversation about a blue snake. Even in the place where she was seen, they stopped walking.

Once the guys went for berries. We took a full basket, went out to a mowing place and sat down here to rest. Sit in thick grass, talk, who has more typed and who has a larger berry. Neither one nor the other thought about the blue snake. They only see - straight to them through the mowing lawn a woman is walking... The guys didn't take this into account at first. You never know women in the forest at this time: some for berries, some for mowing business. One thing seemed unusual to them: it goes, as it floats, quite easily. She began to approach closer, the guys saw - not a single flower, not a single blade of grass would bend under it. And then they saw that with right side from her a golden cloud sways, and from her left - a black one. The guys agreed:

- Let's turn away. Let's not look! And then again he will lead to a fight.

And so they did. They turned their backs to the woman, sat and closed their eyes. Suddenly they were raised. They opened their eyes, they saw - they were sitting in the same place, only the crushed grass had risen, and around there were two wide hoops, one gold, the other black-stone. Apparently, the woman walked around them and poured them out of their sleeves. The guys rushed to run, but the gold hoop would not let them: how to step over - it will rise and will not dive either. The woman laughs:

Nobody will leave my circles if I don't clean it myself.

Here Leiko and Lanka prayed:

- Auntie, we didn't call you.

- And I, - replies, - myself came to look at the hunters to get gold without work.

Guys ask:

- Let go, auntie, we won't be any more. And without that we fought twice because of you!

“Not every fight,” he says, “is a fight to a man in obedience, for another, and you can reward. You fought in an amicable way. Not because of self-interest or greed, but guarded each other. No wonder she fenced you off with a gold hoop from black trouble. I still want to experience.

She poured golden sand from the right sleeve, from the black dust on the left, mixed it in the palm of her hand, and she had a tile of black and gold stone. The woman drew this tile with her fingernail, and it fell into two even halves. The woman handed the halves to the guys and said:

- If he thinks good for another, the tile will turn gold, if it’s a trifle, a waste stone will come out.

The guys had it on their conscience for a long time that they had seriously offended Maryushka. At least from that time she did not say anything to them, but the guys saw: she became completely sad. Now the guys remembered about it, and everyone wished:

- If only the nickname Golubkov's bride would be forgotten as soon as possible and Maryushka would get married!

They wished so, and the tiles of both became gold. The woman smiled:

- Well thought. Here's your reward.

And he hands them a small leather wallet with a belt tie.

- Here, - he says, - golden sand. If the big ones ask where they got it, say directly: "The blue snake gave it, but it didn't tell me to go for it anymore." They will not dare to inquire further.

The woman put the hoops on her rib, leaned her elbows on the gold right hand, on the black - left and rolled along the mowed lawn. The guys look - this is not a woman, but a blue snake, and the hoops have passed into dust. The right one goes into gold, the left one goes into black.

The guys stood up, hid their gold plates and purses in their pockets and went home. Only Lanko said:

- Not greasy all the same dumped us the golden sand.

Leiko says to this:

- So much, apparently, deserved.

Dear Leiko senses - it is very heavy in his pocket. I barely pulled out my wallet - he had grown up to that. Asks Lanka:

- Your wallet has grown too?

- No, - answers, - the same as it was.

Lake felt embarrassed in front of his friend that they did not have equal sand, he said:

- Let me give it to you.

- Well, - he answers, - pour it out, if it's not a pity. The guys sat down near the road, untied their wallets, wanted to align, but it did not work. Leiko will take a handful of golden sand from his wallet, and it will turn into black dust. Lanko then says:

- Maybe it's all cheating again.

Took a whisper from my wallet. The sand is like sand, real golden. I poured a pinch of Lake into my wallet - no change came out. Then Lanko understood: the blue snake cheated him for being greedy for talent. I told Lake about this, and the wallet began to arrive before our eyes. They both came home with small purses, gave their sand and gold tiles to the family and told how the blue snake had told them.

Everyone, of course, is happy, but Lake still has news in the house: matchmakers from another village have come to Maryushka. Maryushka is running around merrily, and her mouth is in perfect working order. For joy, is it? The groom is certainly some kind of forelock, and the guy is cheerful, affectionate to the guys. We quickly became friends with him.

Since then, the guys have never called the blue snake. They realized that she herself would roll up a reward if you deserve it, and both were successful in their affairs. Apparently, the snake remembered them and separated its black hoop from them with gold.

Two boys grew up in our factory, in a close neighborhood: Lanko Puzhanko da Leiko Hat.

Who and why they came up with such nicknames, I do not know how to say. Among themselves, these guys lived together. We got close to match. Umishly level, strong level, growth and years too. And there was no big difference in life. Lanka's father was an ore-digger, Lake's grieved on the golden sands, and mothers, as we know, plundered about the household. The guys had nothing to be proud of each other.

One thing didn't fit. Lanko considered his nickname as an insult, and Leica thought it flattering that his so affectionate name was Cap. More than once I asked my mother:
- You would, mammy, sew me a new hat! Do you hear, - people call me Cap, and I have tyatin malachai, and that old one too.

This did not interfere with childish friendship. Leiko was the first to get into a fight, if anyone would call Lanka Puzhank.

What is he like Puzhanko? Who was scared of?

So the boys grew up side by side. Quarrels, of course, happened, but not for long. They will not have time to rush, again together.

And then the guys had to be on a par, that both were the last in their families to grow up. More comfortable so and so. Not to be found with small ones. From snow to snow they will run home only to eat and sleep.

You never know what the guys did at that time: to play grandmothers, to small towns, to play with a ball, to go fishing, to swim, to fetch berries, to fetch mushrooms, to climb all the peas, to skip stumps on one leg. Will be pulled out of the house in the morning - look for them! Only these guys were not painfully looked for. As they come running home in the evening, they grumbled at them:
- Our stagger came! Feed him!

In winter it was different. Winter, as you know, will hold up the tail of every animal and will not bypass people. Winter drove Lanka and Lake through the huts. The clothes, you see, are weak, the shoes are sparse - you can speed up them not far away. There was only enough heat to run across from the hut to the hut.

So as not to tuck into the big arm, both will be hammered on the bed and there and sit there. It's still more fun for two. When they will play, when they remember the summer, when they just listen to what the big guys are talking about.

Just sitting down, that way, and friends ran up to Leikova's sister Maryushka. The time for the New Year was advancing, and according to the girl's rite at that time they were talking about grooms. The girls started such a fortune-telling. The guys are curious to see, but really come close. They weren't allowed to come close, but Maryushka, in her own way, was still slapping on the back of the head.

Go to your place!

You see, this Maryushka was one of the angry ones. For a year in brides, but there were no grooms. The girl seems to be altogether good, but a little skinny. The flaw seems to be small, but the guys still rejected her because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys huddled on the floor, puffing and keeping quiet, and the girls are having fun. Ashes are sown, flour is rolled out on the tabletop, coals are thrown over, splashing in water. Everyone is smeared, screeching laughing one at the other, only Maryushka is not happy. She, apparently, has perverted in all divination, says: - It's a trifle. One fun.

One friend to this and say:
- In a good way, it is scary to bewitch.
- But as? - asks Maryushka.

Girlfriend and said:
- I heard from my grandmother - the most correct fortune-telling will be like this. In the evening, when everyone falls asleep, hang your comb on a string on the povets, and the next day, when no one else wakes up, take off this comb - then you will see everything.

Everyone is curious - how? And the girl explains:
- If you find yourself in a comb of hair, you will get married that year. If there is no hair - there is no your destiny. And about that you can guess what kind of hair the husband will be.

Lanko and Lake noticed this conversation and then realized that Maryushka would certainly become so enchanting. And both are offended at her for the cuffs. The guys agreed:
- Wait! We will remember you!

Lanko did not go home to spend the night that evening; he stayed on Lake's bed. They lie as if they are snoring, and they themselves stick their fists in the sides of each other: look, do not fall asleep!

How big everyone fell asleep, the guys hear - Maryushka went out into the senki. The guys followed her and saw how she climbed into the poveta and in which place she was busy. We looked into the hut as soon as possible. Maryushka ran after them. Shivering, chewing with his teeth. Either she is cold, or she is afraid. Then she lay down, shivered a little and, it became audible, she fell asleep. The guys need it. They got off the bed, dressed as they had to, and quietly left the hut. What to do, they have already agreed on this.

Lake's, you see, had a gelding, either roan or brown, his name was Golubko. The guys came up with the idea of ​​combing this gelding with Maryushka's comb. It’s scary at night, only the guys are brave in front of the other. They found a comb on the winds, combed wool from Dovek and hung the comb in place. After that we made our way into the hut and fell asleep soundly. We woke up late. Of the large ones in the hut, only Leikova's mother was - she stomped around the stove.

While the guys were sleeping, here's what happened. Maryushka got up earlier than everyone in the morning and took out her comb. He sees a lot of hair. I was delighted - the groom will be curly. She ran to her friends to show off. They look - something is not entirely okay. Marvel at what a wonderful hair. Not a single guy I know has ever seen such a thing. Then one of them saw a sylush from the ponytail in the comb. Friends and let's laugh at Maryushka.

They say that Golubko turned out to be your fiancé.

Maryushka is for a big offense, she quarreled with her friends, and they, you know, are laughing. They announced her nickname: Golubkov's bride.

Maryushka ran home, complains to her mother - that's what grief happened, and the guys remember yesterday's cuffs and tease from the floor:
- Golubkova bride, Golubkova bride! Maryushka here burst into tears, and the mother realized whose work it was, shouted at the guys:
- What have you, shameless, done! Without that, our grooms bypass the girl, and you made her laugh.

The guys understood - it didn't work out at all, let's talk it over:
- You invented it!
- No you!

Maryushka from these talks also realized that the guys had arranged such a thing for her, shouting to them:
- So that you yourself saw a blue snake!

Here again, Maryushka's mother attacked Maryushka:
- Shut up, you fool! How can you say that? You will put trouble on the whole house!

Maryushka, in response to this, says:
- What does it matter to me! I would not look at the white light!

She slammed the door, ran out into the fence, and let Pigeon drive there with a snow shovel, as if he was guilty of something. The mother went out, first put the girl to death, then she took her away to the hut, began to persuade. The guys see - it's not up to them here, they pulled themselves to Lanka. They huddled there on the bed and sat quietly. They feel sorry for Maryushka, but how can you help now? And the blue snake got stuck in its heads. In a whisper they ask one another:
- Leiko, have you heard about the blue snake?
- No and you?
- I haven’t heard either.

They whispered, whispered, decided to ask the big ones when the case would come up a little. And so they did. How Maryushkina's insult was forgotten, guys, and let's find out about the blue snake. Whoever they ask, they brush it off - I don't know, and they even threaten:
- I'll take the cane and take both of them! Forget asking about that!

This made the guys even more curious: what kind of snake is this that you can't even ask about?

Found the same case. On a festive occasion at Lanka's father came home drunk and sat down by the hut on the blockage. And the guys knew that he was really eager to talk at such a time. Lanko and rolled up:
- Dad, have you seen the blue snake?

The father, although he was very drunk, even recoiled, sober up and did a spell:
- Chur, chur, chur! Don't listen, our little hut! Not here the word is said!

He pinned the guys so that they wouldn't say that beforehand, but after drinking himself, he wanted to talk. He sat there, paused, then he says:
- Let's go to the beach. It's freer to talk about anything there.

They came to the beach, Lankov's father lit his pipe, looked around in all directions and said:
“So be it, I’ll tell you, otherwise you’ll make trouble with your conversations.” Here listen!

There is a little blue snake in our area. She is no more than a quarter tall, and so light, as if she has no weight at all. He walks on the grass, so not a single blade of grass will bend. This snake does not crawl like the others, but curls up into a ring, puts out its head, and rests with its tail and jumps, but so briskly that you cannot catch up with it. When she somehow runs, a golden stream pours down from her to the right, and a black stream to the left.

It is direct happiness to see a blue snake alone: ​​for sure, riding gold will be where the golden stream passed. And a lot of it. Lies on top in large pieces. Only it is also with a supply. If you take too much and even drop a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. You won't come again either, because you will immediately forget the place.

Well, and when the snake appears to two or three or a whole artel, then it’s a black problem. Everyone will quarrel and become such haters to each other that it will come to murder. My father went to hard labor because of this blue snake. Once they sat in an artel and talked, and she showed herself. Then they got into a mess. Two were killed in a fight, the other five were taken to hard labor. And there was no gold. Therefore, they don't talk about the blue snake: they are afraid that it might appear in front of two or three. And she can appear everywhere: in the forest and in the field, in the hut and on the street. Moreover, they say that the blue snake sometimes pretends to be a person, only you can still recognize it. As it goes, it does not leave traces even on the finest sand. Grass and that under it does not bend. This is the first omen, and the second is this: from the right sleeve a golden stream runs, from the left - black dust is pouring.

Lankov's father spoke in such a way and punishes the guys:
“Look, don’t tell anyone about this and don’t even mention the blue snake together.” When you happen to be alone and you can't see people around, then at least scream.
- What is her name? - the guys ask.
- This, - answers, - I do not know. And if I knew, I would not have said either, because this is a dangerous business.

That was where the conversation ended. Lankov's father once again strictly ordered the guys to keep quiet and not even mention the blue snake together.

At first, the guys were on guard, one reminded the other:
“Look, don’t talk about this thing and don’t think how it’s with me.” Alone it is necessary.

But what to do when Leiko and Lanka are always together and the blue snake does not go crazy with either one or the other? Time has moved to warmth. Brooks ran. The first spring fun is to tinker with living water: to start up boats, to build dams, to twist shallows with water. The street, along which the guys lived, sloped down to the pond. Spring streams soon ran away here, and the guys did not play enough of this game. What to do? They took a shoulder blade and ran for the plant. There, they say, streams will run from the forest for a long time, you can play on any. And so it was. The guys chose a suitable place and let's make a dam, but they argued about who knows better. We decided to check in practice: to make a dam for everyone alone. So we went down the stream. Leiko is lower, Lanko is higher steps, go, fifty. At first they echoed:
- With me, look!
- And I have! At least build a plant!

Well, it's still work. Both are hard at work, keep quiet, trying to do what is best. Lake was in the habit of humming something at work. He chooses different words to make the arrangement come out:

Hey, hey

Blue snake!

Show up, show yourself!

Spin the wheel!

As soon as he sang, he saw that a blue wheel was rolling down the hill towards him. So light that dry blades of grass and those under it do not bend. As it rolled closer, Leiko saw: it was a snake curled up into a ring, set its head forward and on its tail and jumped. From the snake, golden sparks fly in one direction, black streams sprinkle in the other. Leiko looks at this, and Lanko shouts to him:
- Leiko, look, there she is - a blue snake! It turned out that Lanko saw the same thing, only a snake rose to him from under the hill. As Lanko screamed, so the blue snake got lost somewhere. The guys came running, telling each other, boasting:
- I even saw the eyes!
- And I saw a tail. She will rest against them and jump up.
- Do you think I have not seen? He just leaned out of the ring.

Leiko, as he was still livelier, ran to his pond for a shovel.

Now, - shouts, - we'll get gold! He came running with a shovel and just wanted to pick the ground from the side where the golden stream passed, Lanko ran into him:
- What are you doing! Ruin yourself! Here, come on, the black trouble is scattered!

I ran to Lake and let's push him away. He shouts his own, rests. Well, the guys got upset too. Lanka is more convenient from the hill, he pushed Lake away, and he himself shouts:
- I will not allow rummaging in that place! You will ruin yourself. It must be on the other side.

Here again Leiko pounced:
- This will never happen! Zagin there. I myself saw how black dust fell in that direction.

So they fought. One is wary of the other, and the cuffs themselves are given. They fought until roaring. Then they began to figure it out, and they understood what the thing was: they saw the snake from different sides, therefore the right and the left do not converge. The guys were surprised.

How she turned our heads! It seemed to both of them. She laughed at us, brought us to a fight, and you can't get to the place. Next time, do not be angry, we will not call. We know how, but we will not call!

So they agreed, took from the house a piece of bread and a spatula, and went to the old place. Spring that year was friendly. Last year's rags covered all the green grass. Spring streams have dried up long ago. A lot of flowers appeared. The guys came to their old dams, stopped at Leikina's and began to hum:

Hey, hey

Blue snake!

Show up, show yourself!

Spin the wheel!

They stand, of course, shoulder to shoulder, as agreed. Both are barefoot during warm weather. Before we had finished the chorus, a blue snake appeared from the Lankova Dam. On the young grass it quickly jumps. To the right of her is a thick cloud of golden spark, to the left - just as thick - of black dust. The snake rolls right on the guys. They already wanted to scatter, but Leiko realized, grabbed Lanka by the belt, put it in front of him and whispered:
- It is not good to stay on the black side! The snake still outwitted them - it gave them a ride between the guys' legs. Each of them had one gilded leg, the other smeared with tar. The guys did not notice this, they are watching what will happen next. The blue snake rolled to a large stump and then disappeared somewhere. They ran up and saw: the stump on one side became gold, and on the other it was black-black and also hard as a stone. Near the stump there is a path of stones: yellow to the right, black to the left.

The guys, of course, did not know the weight of gold stones. Lanko hastily grabbed one and senses - oh, it's hard, not to convey one, but afraid to quit. He remembers what his father said: if you drop even a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. He shouts to Lake:
- Choose less, less! This one is heavy! Leiko obeyed, took less, but he also seemed heavy. Then he realized that Lanka's stone was not at all within his power, and said:
- Give it up, or you will overstrain!

Lanko replies:
- If I leave it, everything will turn into a simple stone.
- Come on, I say! - Leiko shouts, and Lanko insists: it is impossible.

Well, again the fight ended. We got into a fight, started to cry, went over to look at the stump and the stone path again, but nothing turned up. The stump is like a stump, and there are no stones, neither gold nor simple, at all. The guys are judging:
- Cheating one this snake. We will never think about her again.

We came home and got hit in the pants there. Mothers kicked both of them, but they themselves wonder:
- Somehow it will help them and get dirty in one way! One leg in clay, the other in tar! You also need to contrive!

After that, the guys were completely angry with the snake pigeon:
- Let's not talk about her!

And they kept their word! Since then, they have never even had a conversation about a blue snake. Even in the place where she was seen, they stopped walking.

Once the guys went for berries. We took a full basket, went out to a mowing place and sat down here to rest. They sit in the thick grass, talking about who has the most and who has the larger berry. Neither one nor the other thought about the blue snake. They only see - a woman is walking straight to them across the mowing lawn. The guys didn't take this into account at first. You never know women in the forest at this time: some for berries, some for mowing business. One thing seemed unusual to them: it goes, as it floats, quite easily. She began to approach closer, the guys saw - not a single flower, not a single blade of grass would bend under it. And then they saw that on the right side of her a golden cloud swayed, and on the left - a black one. The guys agreed:
- Let's turn away. Let's not look! And then again he will lead to a fight.

And so they did. They turned their backs to the woman, sat and closed their eyes. Suddenly they were raised. They opened their eyes, they see - they are sitting in the same place, only the crushed grass has risen, and around there are two wide hoops, one gold, the other black-stone. Apparently, the woman walked around them and poured them out of their sleeves. The guys rushed to run, but the gold hoop would not let them: how to step over - it will rise and will not dive either. The woman laughs:
- Nobody will leave my circles if I don't clean it myself.

Here Leiko and Lanka prayed:
- Auntie, we didn't call you.
- And I, - replies, - myself came to look at the hunters to get gold without work.

Guys ask:
- Let go, auntie, we won't be any more. And without that we fought twice because of you!
“Not every fight,” he says, “is a fight to a man in obedience, for another, and you can reward. You fought in an amicable way. Not because of self-interest or greed, but guarded each other. No wonder she fenced you off with a gold hoop from black trouble. I still want to experience.

She poured golden sand from the right sleeve, from the black dust on the left, mixed it in the palm of her hand, and she had a tile of black and gold stone. The woman drew this tile with her fingernail, and it fell into two even halves. The woman handed the halves to the guys and said:
- If he thinks good for another, the tile will turn gold, if it’s a trifle, a waste stone will come out.

The guys had it on their conscience for a long time that they had seriously offended Maryushka. At least from that time she did not say anything to them, but the guys saw: she became completely sad. Now the guys remembered about it, and everyone wished:
- If only the nickname Golubkov's bride would be forgotten as soon as possible and Maryushka would get married!

They wished so, and the tiles of both became gold. The woman smiled:
- Well thought. Here's your reward.

And he hands them a small leather wallet with a belt tie.

Here, - he says, - golden sand. If the big ones ask where they got it, say directly: "The blue snake gave it, but it didn't tell me to go for it anymore." They will not dare to inquire further.

The woman put the hoops on her rib, leaned her elbows on the golden one with her right hand, and on the black one with her left, and rolled along the mowed lawn. The guys look - this is not a woman, but a blue snake, and the hoops have passed into dust. The right one goes into gold, the left one goes into black.

The guys stood up, hid their gold plates and purses in their pockets and went home. Only Lanko said:
- Not greasy all the same dumped us the golden sand.

Leiko says to this:
- So much, apparently, deserved.

Dear Leiko senses - it is very heavy in his pocket. I barely pulled out my wallet - he had grown up to that. Asks Lanka:
- Your wallet has grown too?
- No, - answers, - the same as it was.

Lake felt embarrassed in front of his friend that they did not have equal sand, he said:
- Let me give it to you.
- Well, - he answers, - pour it out, if it's not a pity. The guys sat down near the road, untied their wallets, wanted to align, but it did not work. Leiko will take a handful of golden sand from his wallet, and it will turn into black dust. Lanko then says:
- Maybe it's all cheating again.

Took a whisper from my wallet. The sand is like sand, real golden. I poured a pinch of Lake into my wallet - no change came out. Then Lanko understood: the blue snake cheated him for being greedy for talent. I told Lake about this, and the wallet began to arrive before our eyes. They both came home with small purses, gave their sand and gold tiles to the family and told how the blue snake had told them.

Everyone, of course, is happy, but Lake still has news in the house: matchmakers from another village have come to Maryushka. Maryushka is running around merrily, and her mouth is in perfect working order. For joy, is it? The groom is certainly some kind of forelock, and the guy is cheerful, affectionate to the guys. We quickly became friends with him.

Since then, the guys have never called the blue snake. They realized that she herself would roll up a reward if you deserve it, and both were successful in their affairs. Apparently, the snake remembered them and separated its black hoop from them with gold.

Information for parents: Blue snake - fairy tale the famous Soviet writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Introduce the kids to fairytale character- a blue snake. Whoever passes her test with dignity at the meeting will be gifted with gold. Whoever has dashing plans will be punished. What happened to friends Leiko and Lanko when they met the forest sorceress - you will find out by reading the fairy tale "The Blue Snake". Instructive tale for children aged 7 to 10 years.

Read the fairy tale Blue snake

Two boys grew up in our factory, in a close neighborhood: Lanko Puzhanko da Leiko Hat.

Who and why they came up with such nicknames, I do not know how to say. Among themselves, these guys lived together. We got close to match. Umishly level, strong level, growth and years too. And there was no big difference in life. Lanka's father was an ore-digger, Lake's grieved on the golden sands, and mothers, as we know, plundered about the household. The guys had nothing to be proud of each other.

One thing didn't fit. Lanko considered his nickname an insult, and it seemed flattering to Leica that his name was so affectionately - Cap. More than once I asked my mother:

Would you, mammy, sew me a new hat! Do you hear, - people call me Cap, and I have tyatin malachai, and that old one too.

This did not interfere with childish friendship. Leiko was the first to get into a fight, if anyone would call Lanka Puzhank.

What is he like Puzhanko? Who was scared of

So the boys grew up side by side. Quarrels, of course, happened, but not for long. They will not have time to rush, again together.

And then the guys had to be on a par, that both were the last in their families to grow up. More comfortable so and so. Not to be found with small ones. From snow to snow they will run home only to eat and sleep.

You never know what the guys did at that time: play grandmothers, play in small towns, use a ball, go fishing, swim, go for berries, go for mushrooms, climb all the peas, skip stumps on one leg. Will be pulled out of the house in the morning - look for them! Only these guys were not painfully looked for. As they come running home in the evening, they grumbled at them:

Our stagger came! Feed him!

In winter it was different. Winter, it is known, will hold up the tail of every animal and will not bypass people. Winter drove Lanka and Lake through the huts. The clothes, you see, are weak, the shoes are sparse - you can speed up them not far away. There was only enough heat to run across from the hut to the hut.

So as not to twist under the arm, both will be hammered on the floor and sit there. It's more fun for two. When they will play, when they remember about summer, when they just listen to what the big guys are talking about.

Once they were sitting like that, and friends ran up to Leikova's sister Maryushka. The time for the New Year was advancing, and according to the girl's rite at that time they were talking about grooms. The girls started such a fortune-telling. The guys are curious to see, but really come close. They are not allowed to come close, but Maryushka, in her own way, was still slapping on the back of the head.

Go to your place!

You see, this Maryushka was one of the angry ones. For a year in brides, but there were no grooms. The girl seems to be altogether good, but a little skinny. The flaw seems to be small, but the guys still rejected her because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys huddled on the floor, puffing and keeping quiet, and the girls are having fun. Ashes are sown, flour is rolled out on the tabletop, coals are thrown over, splashing in water. Everyone is smeared, screeching laughing one at the other, only Maryushka is not happy. She, apparently, has perverted in all divination, says: - It's a trifle. One fun.

One friend to this and say:

In a good way, it is scary to enchant.

But as? - asks Maryushka.

Girlfriend and said:

I heard from my grandmother - the most correct fortune-telling will be this. It is necessary in the evening, when everyone is asleep, to hang your comb on a string on the povets, and the next day, when no one else wakes up, to take off this comb, and then you will see everything.

Everyone is curious - how? And the girl explains:

If you find yourself in a comb of hair, you will get married that year. If there is no hair - there is no your destiny. And about that you can guess what kind of hair the husband will be.

Lanko and Lake noticed this conversation and then realized that Maryushka would certainly become so enchanting. And both are offended at her for the cuffs. The guys agreed:

Wait! We will remember you!

Lanko did not go home to spend the night that evening, he stayed at Lake's bed. They lie as if they are snoring, and they themselves stick their fists in the sides of each other: look, do not fall asleep!

How big everyone fell asleep, the guys hear - Maryushka went out into the senki. The guys followed her and saw how she climbed into the poveta and in which place she was busy. We looked into the hut as soon as possible. Maryushka ran after them. Shivering, chewing with his teeth. Either she is cold, or she is afraid. Then she lay down, shivered a little and, it became audible, - fell asleep. The guys need it. They got off the bed, dressed as they had to, and quietly left the hut. What to do, they have already agreed on this.

Lake's, you see, had a gelding, either roan or brown, his name was Golubko. The guys came up with the idea of ​​combing this gelding with Maryushka's comb. It’s scary at night, only the guys are brave in front of the other. They found a comb on the winds, combed wool from Dovek and hung the comb in place. After that we made our way into the hut and fell asleep soundly. We woke up late. Of the large ones in the hut, only Leikova's mother was - she stomped around the stove.

While the guys were sleeping, here's what happened. Maryushka got up earlier than everyone in the morning and took out her comb. He sees a lot of hair. I was delighted - the groom will be curly. She ran to her friends to show off. They look - something is not entirely okay. Marvel at what a wonderful hair. Not a single guy I know has ever seen such a thing. Then one of them saw a sylush from the ponytail in the comb. Friends and let's laugh at Maryushka.

They say that Golubko turned out to be your fiancé.

Maryushka is for a big offense, she quarreled with her friends, and they, you know, are laughing. They announced her nickname: Golubkov's bride.

Maryushka ran home, complains to her mother - that's what grief happened, and the guys remember yesterday's cuffs and tease from the floor:

Golubkova bride, Golubkova bride! Maryushka here burst into tears, and the mother realized whose work it was, shouted at the guys:

What have you shameless done! Without that, our grooms bypass the girl, and you made her laugh.

The guys understood - it didn't work out at all, let's talk it over:

You invented it!

Maryushka from these talks also realized that the guys had arranged such a thing for her, shouting to them:

So that you yourself saw a blue snake!

Here again, Maryushka's mother attacked Maryushka:

Shut up, you fool! How can you say that? You will put trouble on the whole house!

Maryushka, in response to this, says:

What does it matter to me! I would not look at the white light!

She slammed the door, ran out into the fence and let Dobok drive there with a snow shovel, as if he was guilty of something. The mother went out, first put the girl to death, then she took her away to the hut, began to persuade. The guys see - it's not up to them here, they pulled themselves to Lanka. They huddled there on the bed and sit quietly. They feel sorry for Maryushka, but how can you help now? And the blue snake got stuck in its heads. In a whisper they ask one another:

Leiko, have you heard of the blue snake?

No and you?

I haven’t heard either.

They whispered, whispered, decided to ask the big ones when the case would come to a head. And so they did. How Maryushkina's insult was forgotten, guys, and let's find out about the blue snake. Whoever they ask, they brush it off - I don't know, and they even threaten:

I'll take the cane and take them both! Forget asking about that!

This made the guys even more curious: what kind of snake is this that you can't even ask about?

Found the same case. On a festive occasion at Lanka's father came home drunk and sat down by the hut on the blockage. And the guys knew that he was really eager to talk at such a time. Lanko and rolled up:

Daddy, have you seen the blue snake?

The father, although he was very drunk, even recoiled, sober up and did a spell:

Chur, chur, chur! Don't listen, our little hut! Not here the word is said!

He pinned the guys so that they wouldn't say that beforehand, but after drinking himself, he wanted to talk. He sat there, paused, then he says:

Let's go to the beach. It's freer to talk about anything there.

They came to the beach, Lankov's father lit his pipe, looked around in all directions and said:

So be it, I tell you, otherwise you will cause trouble with your conversations. Here listen!

There is a little blue snake in our area. She is no more than a quarter tall, and so light, as if she has no weight at all. He walks on the grass, so not a single blade of grass will bend. This snake does not crawl like the others, but curls up into a ring, puts out its head, and rests with its tail and jumps, but so briskly that you cannot catch up with it. When she somehow runs, a golden stream pours down from her to the right, and a black stream to the left.

It is direct happiness to see a blue snake alone: ​​for sure, riding gold will be where the golden stream passed. And a lot of it. Lies on top in large pieces. Only it is also with a supply. If you take too much and even drop a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. You won't come again either, because you will immediately forget the place.

Well, and when the snake appears to two or three or a whole artel, then it’s a black problem. Everyone will quarrel and become such haters to each other that it will come to murder. My father went to hard labor because of this blue snake. Once they sat in an artel and talked, and she showed herself. Then they got into a mess. Two were killed in a fight, the other five were taken to hard labor. And there was no gold. Therefore, they don't talk about the blue snake: they are afraid that it might appear in front of two or three. And she can appear everywhere: in the forest and in the field, in the hut and on the street. Moreover, they say that the blue snake sometimes pretends to be a person, only you can still recognize it. As it goes, it does not leave traces even on the finest sand. Grass and that under it does not bend. This is the first omen, and the second is this: from the right sleeve a golden stream runs, from the left - black dust is pouring.

Lankov's father spoke in such a way and punishes the guys:

Look, don't tell anyone about this and don't even mention the blue snake together at all. When you happen to be alone and you can't see people around, then at least scream.

What is her name? - the guys ask.

This, - replies, - I do not know. And if I knew, I would not have said either, because this is a dangerous business.

That was where the conversation ended. Lankov's father once again strictly ordered the guys to keep quiet and not even mention the blue snake together.

At first, the guys were on guard, one reminded the other:

Look, don't talk about this thing and don't think about how you are with me. Alone it is necessary.

But what about when Leiko and Lanka are always together and the blue snake does not go crazy with either one or the other? Time has moved to warmth. Brooks ran. The first spring fun is to tinker with living water: to start up boats, to build dams, to twist shallows with water. The street, along which the guys lived, sloped down to the pond. Spring streams soon ran away here, and the guys did not play enough of this game. What to do? They took a shoulder blade and ran for the plant. There, they say, streams will run from the forest for a long time, you can play on any. And so it was. The guys chose a suitable place and let's make a dam, but they argued about who knows better. We decided to check in practice: to make a dam for everyone alone. So we went down the stream. Leiko is lower, Lanko is higher steps, go, fifty. At first they echoed:

I have, look!

And I have! At least build a plant!

Well, it's still work. Both are hard at work, keep quiet, trying to do what is best. Lake was in the habit of humming something at work. He chooses different words to make the arrangement come out:

Hey, hey

Blue snake!

Show up, show yourself!

Spin the wheel!

As soon as he sang, he saw that a blue wheel was rolling down the hill towards him. So light, that dry blades of grass and those under it do not bend. As it rolled closer, Leiko saw: it was a snake curled up into a ring, set its head forward and on its tail and jumped. From the snake, golden sparks fly in one direction, black streams sprinkle in the other. Leiko looks at this, and Lanko shouts to him:

Leiko, look, there she is - a blue snake! It turned out that Lanko saw the same thing, only a snake rose to him from under the hill. As Lanko screamed, so the blue snake got lost somewhere. The guys came running, telling each other, boasting:

I even saw the eyes!

And I saw a tail. She will rest against them and jump up.

Do you think I have not seen? He just leaned out of the ring.

Leiko, as he was still livelier, ran to his pond for a shovel.

Now, - shouts, - we'll get gold! He came running with a shovel and just wanted to pick the ground from the side where the golden stream passed, Lanko ran into him:

What are you doing! Ruin yourself! Here, come on, the black trouble is scattered!

I ran to Lake and let's push him away. He shouts his own, rests. Well, the guys got upset too. Lanka is more convenient from the hill, he pushed Lake away, and he himself shouts:

I will not allow rummaging in that place! You will ruin yourself. It must be on the other side.

Here again Leiko pounced:

This will never happen! Zagin there. I myself saw how black dust fell in that direction.

So they fought. One is wary of the other, and the cuffs themselves are given. They fought until roaring. Then they began to figure it out, and they realized what the thing was: they saw the snake from different sides, because the right and the left do not converge. The guys were surprised.

How she turned our heads! It seemed to both of them. She laughed at us, brought us to a fight, and you can't get to the place. Next time, do not be angry, we will not call. We are able, but we will not call!

We decided so, but they themselves only think about that, in order to once again look at the blue snake. Everyone had in mind and that was: not to try alone. Well, it’s scary, and in front of a friend it’s somehow awkward. For two weeks, or even more, they still did not talk about the blue snake. Leiko began:

And so as not to fight, but first to figure out if there is any deception here!

So they agreed, took from the house a piece of bread and a spatula, and went to the old place. Spring that year was friendly. All last year's rags green grass closed. Spring streams have dried up long ago. A lot of flowers appeared. The guys came to their old dams, stopped at Leikina's and began to hum:

Hey, hey

Blue snake!

Show up, show yourself!

Spin the wheel!

They stand, of course, shoulder to shoulder, as agreed. Both are barefoot during warm weather. Before we had finished the chorus, a blue snake appeared from the Lankova Dam. On the young grass it quickly jumps. To the right of it is a thick cloud of golden spark, to the left - just as thick - of black dust. The snake rolls right on the guys. They already wanted to scatter, but Leiko realized, grabbed Lanka by the belt, put it in front of him and whispered:

Worthless for black side stay! The snake still outwitted them - it gave them a ride between the guys' legs. Each of them had one gilded leg, the other smeared with tar. The guys did not notice this, they are watching what will happen next. The blue snake rolled to a large stump and then disappeared somewhere. They ran up and saw: the stump on one side became golden, and on the other it was black, and it was also hard as a stone. Near the stump there is a path of stones: yellow to the right, black to the left.

The guys, of course, did not know the weight of gold stones. Lanko hastily grabbed one and senses - oh, it's hard, not to convey one, but afraid to quit. He remembers what his father said: if you drop even a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. He shouts to Lake:

Choose less, choose less! This one is heavy! Leiko obeyed, took less, but he also seemed heavy. Then he realized that Lanka's stone was not at all within his power, and said:

Give it up, or you will overstrain!

Lanko replies:

If I leave it, everything will turn into a simple stone.

Give it up, I say! - Leiko shouts, and Lanko insists: it is impossible.

Well, again the fight ended. We got into a fight, got excited, came up to look at the stump and the stone path again, but nothing turned up. The stump is like a stump, and there are no stones, neither gold nor simple, at all. The guys are judging:

Cheating one this snake. We will never think about her again.

We came home and got hit in the pants there. Mothers kicked both of them, but they themselves wonder:

Somehow it will help them and get dirty in one way! One leg in clay, the other in tar! You also need to contrive!

After that, the guys were completely angry with the blue snake:

Let's not talk about her!

And they kept their word! Since then, they have never even had a conversation about a blue snake. Even in the place where they saw her, they stopped walking.

Once the guys went for berries. We took a full basket, went out to a mowing place and sat down here to rest. They sit in the thick grass, talking about who has the most and who has the larger berry. Neither one nor the other thought about the blue snake. They only see - a woman is walking straight to them across the mowing lawn. The guys didn't take this into account at first. You never know women in the forest at this time: some for berries, some for mowing business. One thing seemed unusual to them: it goes, as it floats, quite easily. She began to approach closer, the guys saw - not a single flower, not a single blade of grass would bend under it. And then they saw that on the right side of her a golden cloud swayed, and on the left - a black one. The guys agreed:

Let's turn away. Let's not look! And then again he will lead to a fight.

And so they did. They turned their backs to the woman, sat and closed their eyes. Suddenly they were raised. They opened their eyes, they see - they are sitting in the same place, only the crushed grass has risen, and around there are two wide hoops, one gold, the other black-stone. Apparently, the woman walked around them and poured them out of their sleeves. The guys rushed to run, but the gold hoop would not let them: how to step over - it will rise and will not dive either. The woman laughs:

Nobody will leave my circles if I don't clean it myself.

Here Leiko and Lanka prayed:

Auntie, we didn't call you.

And I, - replies, - myself came to look at the hunters to get gold without work.

Guys ask:

Let go, auntie, we won't be anymore. And without that we fought twice because of you!

Not every fight, - he says, - is a fight to a man in obedience, for another, and you can reward. You fought in an amicable way. Not because of self-interest or greed, but guarded each other. No wonder she fenced off you with a gold hoop from black trouble. I still want to experience.

She poured golden sand from the right sleeve, from the black dust of the left, mixed it in the palm of her hand, and she had a tile of black and gold stone. The woman drew this tile with her fingernail, and it fell into two even halves. The woman handed the halves to the guys and said:

If he thinks good for another, the tile will turn gold, if it's a trifle, a waste stone will come out.

The guys had it on their conscience for a long time that they had seriously offended Maryushka. At least from that time she did not say anything to them, but the guys saw: she became completely unhappy. Now the guys remembered about it, and everyone wished:

If only the nickname Golubkov's bride would be forgotten as soon as possible and Maryushka would get married!

They wished so, and the tiles of both became gold. The woman smiled:

We thought well. Here's your reward.

And he gives them a small leather wallet with a belt tie.

Here, - he says, - golden sand. If the big ones ask where they got it, say directly: "The blue snake gave it, but it didn't tell me to go for it anymore." They will not dare to inquire further.

The woman put the hoops on her rib, leaned her elbows on the golden one with her right hand, and on the black one with her left, and rolled along the mowed lawn. The guys look - this is not a woman, but a blue snake, and the hoops have passed into dust. The right one goes into gold, the left one goes into black.

The guys stood up, hid their gold plates and wallets in their pockets and went home. Only Lanko said:

Not greasy, after all, she dumped our golden sand.

Leiko says to this:

So much, apparently, they deserve.

Dear Leiko senses - it is very heavy in his pocket. Barely pulled out his wallet - to that he grew up. Asks Lanka:

Your wallet has grown too?

No, - replies, - the same as it was.

Lake felt embarrassed in front of his friend that they did not have equal sand, he said:

Let’s give it to you.

Well, - he replies, - pour it out, if it's not a pity. The guys sat down near the road, untied their wallets, wanted to align, but it did not work. Leiko will take a handful of golden sand from his wallet, and it will turn into black dust. Lanko then says:

Maybe it's all cheating again.

Took a whisper from my wallet. The sand is like sand, real golden. I poured a pinch of Lake into my wallet - no change came out. Then Lanko understood: the blue snake cheated him for being greedy for talent. He told Lake about this, and the wallet began to arrive before our eyes. Both came home with full of small wallets, gave their sand and gold tiles to the family and told how the blue snake had told them.

Everyone, of course, is happy, but Lake has more news in his house: matchmakers from another village have come to Maryushka. Maryushka is running around merrily, and her mouth is in perfect working order. For joy, is it? The groom is certainly some kind of forelock, and the guy is cheerful, affectionate to the guys. We quickly became friends with him.

Since then, the guys have never called the blue snake. They realized that she herself would roll up a reward if you deserve it, and both were successful in their affairs. Apparently, the snake remembered them and separated its black hoop from them with gold.