How to grow gorgeous hair. How to grow long, thick hair. The use of natural herbs in complex care

Give your image beauty classic look and style. You can grow beautiful long hair so that they hang from the shoulders, or you can leave your hair middle length and try many different stylish hairstyles... In fact, growing long hair is not easy. But you can grow your hair to the desired length if you take good care of it. Develop the right hair care habits and you will make it strong and silky. Choose the highest quality salon products to make your hair stronger. Paying a little attention to your diet and exercising will keep your hair healthy and grow faster. With a little time and effort, you will have the chic long hair you deserve.


Change your hair care habits

    Use conditioner every time you shampoo your hair. Air conditioner replenishes the balance sebum which is completely washed off with shampoo. Never neglect conditioner after shampooing. It is very important to use conditioner to keep your hair healthy and grow faster.

    • except normal use conditioner, try deep conditioning once a week. This will add shine to your hair and make it stronger.
  1. If you are pulling your hair into a ponytail, change the position of the ponytail. If you usually pull your hair back, you shouldn't do the ponytail at the same point all the time, because this makes the hair brittle and slows down its growth. Pull your hair back, but change the position of the tail every day, dropping it slightly lower or, conversely, raising it.

    • To avoid damaging your hair or making it too brittle, use only rubber bands covered in soft cloth(or plastic rubber bands). Do not use regular rubber bands.
    • Do not collect your hair until it is dry.
  2. Sleep on a silk pillowcase. Cotton and linen pillowcases are quite soft, but this material is considered tough enough for the structure of the hair; the hair rubs against the pillowcase material and is damaged. Buy a silk pillowcase. This will prevent damage to your hair while you sleep.

    Do a deep protein conditioning routine once a month. You can go to a beauty salon for this procedure, or you can do it yourself. The deep protein conditioning treatment includes deep conditioning and the application of a special nourishing protein mask. This procedure strengthens the hair and accelerates its growth.

  3. Use essential oils before bed. To apply essential oil, soft massage movements rub it into the scalp. The finest nourishing oils include lavender, rosemary, thyme, grape seeds, Palm oil, Moroccan and argan oil.

    • In fact, it is dangerous to apply nourishing oils directly on the scalp. First you need to apply the base oil (for example, olive oil) first. Apply a few drops of any extract oil and one to two tablespoons of diluting oil.

Not every girl can boast of being a happy owner thick hair and this is not surprising. Human hair exposed daily negative impact the environment, cosmetic stylers, thermal devices. The duration of growth is influenced by internal reasons such as diseases endocrine system, liver, kidneys, heart. The condition of the mop is largely dependent on the basic care and health of the person. Consider important features in order.

  1. Pay due attention to the care of your hair in certain time of the year. In winter, cover your curls with nourishing serum, in summer, use moisturizing gels or sprays.
  2. Lovers of alcohol and smokers face the problem of hair loss and slowed hair growth. TO alcoholic beverages also low-alcohol beer, give it up completely. It is better to give preference to dry white wine, it stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles.
  3. Try not to visit too smoky rooms, as well as industrial facilities with a lot of gas pollution. Wear a waterproof hat when visiting thermal baths, swimming pools or saunas.
  4. Cut the split hair once a month. Do not forget to tell the hairdresser that you are growing hair. The specialist will tell you how much length you need to remove in order to accelerate the growth of hair on the head.
  5. If you want to get a thick and lush shock, get into the habit of drinking vitamins for your hair. Alternative option- badger and fish oil in capsules, drugs are sold at the pharmacy.
  6. All possible ways avoid sharp changes mood, negative factors, lingering depression. Stress contributes to hair loss. To displace the negativity, go in for sports, read a book, watch your favorite TV series.
  7. To keep your hair healthy and strong, eat fruits and vegetable salads v a large number... Make a smoothie from fresh berries or add the latter to porridge, cottage cheese, yogurt. Focus on foods that contain iron, calcium, magnesium, and beta-carotene.
  8. Take brewer's yeast or baker's yeast once a year, it will add visual density to the mop. Yeast contains protein, biotin, macronutrients and amino acids. Half a teaspoon a day is enough, the course is 2 weeks.
  9. Hair looks "liquid" for the reason that many hair follicles are still dormant. Can awaken them daily use enough liquids. Drink about 2.4 liters. pure water per day, supplement it green tea, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks without sugar.
  10. Often, hair falls out during a period when a person's activity disorders are noticed. gastrointestinal tract... Purify the body twice a year. For these purposes, you can use special means thinning feces. Experienced doctors it is advised to drink "Polysorb" in powder or Activated carbon... They remove toxins and poisons from the walls of the digestive tract, and then remove them from the body.
  11. An excellent traditional medicine is nicotinic acid, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The preparation contains vitamin PP, niacin, nicotinamide. In combination, these organic compounds form an effective stimulant to awaken the bulbs and accelerate hair growth. The composition is rubbed into the hair with massage movements, after which it is not washed off.
  12. Refuse to buy cosmetics 2-in-1 (shampoo and balm). You will not be able to moisturize your hair or saturate the scalp in this way, since the effectiveness of such formulations is 50% lower than using shampoo and balm separately.

Wanting to make their hair thick, girls use newfangled means, but everything turns out to be ineffectual. In fact, it is important to observe basic rules which we will look at in order.

Using hairdressing supplies

  1. Do not comb your hair after shampooing, wait until it dries completely. If you need to detangle the strands, use a turtle shell comb or plastic. Avoid iron combs, they tend to split and break your hair a lot.
  2. Get in the habit of spraying wet strands with a brushing spray. The products Pantin, Sjoss, Gliskur and Elsev have proven themselves well. After processing, comb the hair with your hands, imitating the movement of the comb.
  3. If you want to make your hair thick, do not wind it on hot rollers, do not straighten it with an iron or curl it with a curling iron. Eliminate any exposure to high temperatures, including blow drying and direct ultra-violet rays(solarium, sun).
  4. It is advisable to completely abandon hair dyeing or carry out the procedure no more than once every 2 months. In cases where this is not possible, use ammonia-free dyes, tonics.
  5. Hair growth and density are affected various hairstyles... Wear loose hair or gather locks in a loose ponytail. Braid your hair in a loose braid or leave it loose before going to bed.
  6. Hairdressing stylers (styling products) in all their manifestations negatively affect the hair. As a result frequent use hair becomes dry, "thin" and weak, mass loss begins. It is worth temporarily limiting the use of mousses, gels, waxes, foams.

Hair masks
Homemade formulas are easy to prepare and use, but they cannot be called less effective. The total mass is calculated for the hair to the shoulder blades. If desired, you can vary the amount of ingredients at your discretion, observing the proportions.

  1. Honey and sour cream. Take 2 medium white onions, remove the husks and chop into 4 pieces. Send the vegetable to a meat grinder or grind in a blender until mushy. Melt 75-80 gr in the microwave. honey, pour into the onion mass. In a separate bowl, prepare a mixture of 50 g. fat sour cream and 35 gr. brown sugar. Mix the two, spread over the root area and rub into the scalp. Optionally, you can apply the composition along the entire length of the hair. After all the manipulations, wrap your head with a film, wrap it with a towel. Soak the mask for about 45-50 minutes, rinse with warm water. The tool must be used 2 times every 5 days.
  2. Cognac and egg. Take 7 yolks ( egg), beat them with a fork or whisk. The mass should rise 2 times. Melt 110 g. honey in a convenient way, pour 45 ml into it. brandy and 5 ml. rosemary essential oil (can be replaced with chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon, geranium, etc.). Scoop some of the composition onto a sponge and massage it into the scalp. Wash off the composition after 20 minutes, apply 1 time in 3 days.
  3. Mustard and henna. Buy colorless henna in a cosmetic store, you will need about 60 grams. Heat the milk to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, pour the powder over it. Stir with a fork, leave until completely swollen (the duration of infusion is indicated in the instructions). After that, add 10 g to the existing mass. dry mustard, stir. Using a staining brush, spread the composition over the root zone. Massage your scalp for 7 minutes to speed up blood flow. Wash off the mask after a quarter of an hour. Prepare the composition 1 time in 8-10 days.
  4. Chicken yolk and cinnamon. Mix together 5 chicken yolks, 15 gr. chopped cinnamon, 30 ml. natural oil sea ​​buckthorn. Beat the listed ingredients with a blender or mixer, add 60 ml. fatty kefir or yogurt. If the composition turns out to be too liquid, add 25 gr. edible gelatin and wait for it to swell (about a quarter of an hour). Make a mask by applying the mixture to the scalp and the entire surface of the hair. Soak the mass for about 1 hour, after wrapping the head cling film... The procedure is carried out once every 2 days.

After shampooing, rinse your hair with infusion of medicinal herbs... Brew the plants in such a way that the composition has already cooled down by the time of use. Do not wash your hair with a hot mixture, otherwise heat will make them brittle. If you want to get the most out of it, use the decoction after shampooing and balm.

  1. Yarrow. Take 35 grams. yarrow, add 40 grams to it. cuckoo flax, round hot water... Insist the composition for at least half an hour, pass it through the filter. Moisten hair with infusion, do not rinse with water.
  2. Calamus root. To prepare an effective infusion for thickening hair, brew 30 grams in boiling water. nettle, 50 gr. rosemary, 45 gr. sage and 15 gr. calamus root. Let the broth steep for about 40 minutes, then filter, use as directed.
  3. Linden. Take 35 grams each. following plants: linden, chamomile, honeysuckle, geranium, zest of half an orange. Brew herbs in hot water so that the infusion is enough for the entire length of the hair. Rinse the curls only after the broth has been strained.

To grow Thick hair must adhere to practical advice for care. Use hairdressing tools correctly, prepare masks to thicken the hair, rinse the strands with broth. Temporarily limit the use of your hair dryer, iron, and curling iron.

Video: the secret of thick hair

That only my hair was gone and perm., and poisoned them with white henna, for several years in a row, then switched to highlighting. A more gentle way for hair. Then I so wanted to have long hair, but it practically did not grow, and on my head there was a sponge for split ends and breaking off hair. They were just below my shoulders. And I didn’t even dream about such hair as I have now and didn’t imagine what this could be!

My departure began with the fact that a familiar hairdresser told me, let's treat my hair. And she advised balm for Kapus hair. It can be used like mask and as a balm. The remedy is really wonderful, I'm with it already years 10 ... I still use it occasionally, and it works great for a base of masks. But he has not such a wonderful composition as a result.


I really like to take care of your hair, and I enjoy the process, you don't even notice how your hair grows and grows, and not just grows, but grows healthy... And they also say: bad hair burned cannot be restored! It's not true on own experience I know how to restore, and they will shine and locked with health.


And then I began to constantly look after my hair and grew my hair up to the waist, healthy and beautiful. But this was not enough for me and I decided to stop poisoning them with highlights. Painted them in light brown color, paint Loreal without ammonia. I painted it after three months, three times, since it was washed off the first time. And now I have solid color hair , although 1.5 years have passed since the last painting. And my native hair color does not differ from the regrown, furnished one. And I grew them, already below the waist.


˙·٠ ●✿ And since I look after them:✿● ٠·˙


1) Trying wash as little as possible , I used to wash them almost every day. Now they are kept for two or three days. Frequent washing dries them out and washes nutrients out of the hair.


2) I comb them with a special comb, yes, brushed faster, but also more hair crawl out and break off. I don’t need that. Then many say that it is necessary to comb dry hair, no, it's not for me. The first is that they will break off more and come out, the second is that the tangled lumps will already remember the shape and then they will be more and more confused. Therefore, I do not comb damp, but slightly damp hair.

Sometimes I apply oil to comb the hair better and faster. Oil either purchased, or cosmetic, but dry, like jojoba oil. I apply the oil to the full length. And yet, I comb my hair before washing, so it will comb better after.


3) Head massage ... This is not only a pleasant experience, but also a rewarding one. Hair seems to be awakening. You can do it on clean hair, but you can also before washing, or the night before washing, using cosmetic oils or vitamins. Massage can also be done for the scalp while washing your hair, purchased or homemade!

We take sea ​​salt, mix with balm or mask (you can add cosmetic and essential oils, vitamins, aloe vera juice).


4) Aroma combing ... Highly pleasant procedure! We take a regular comb, drip essential oil on it (any scent you like), I take here essential oil of orange. And we comb the hair, I drip several times. We get a magnificent shine, aroma on the hair and silky-friable hair. Be careful here: brunettes with lemon essential oil - brightens and cinnamon essential oil - it is very strong, you never know.


5) Oil masks for hair. With castor and burdock oil I didn't make friends when I was blonde. I haven't tried them now. Maybe someday I'll take a chance again ... They are very heavy !!! Oil masks can be applied 20 minutes before washing or at night. I use mango oil , butter shea, coconut oil, oil cocoa, sea buckthorn butter, olive oil, camellia oil, oil avocado, butter almonds, butter macadamia, hazelnut oil, linseed oil, wheat germ oil, oil jojoba, butter argan- these are the oils that I tried to apply to the hair and I really liked the result!

Palm, palm kernel and refined Coconut oil, also bought earlier. They are very cheap and have been used to mix in more expensive oils. The effect was good, but pure oils, I liked to apply more!

Oil masks can be enriched with essential oils , vitamins, Aloe juice faith. And also, mix different base oils together. I most often apply oils separately, at night, over the entire length and rub into the scalp, while doing a massage. I have no problems with washing off the masks. Are washed off the first time, well, sometimes from the second. If you smear your entire head and your hair hangs wet like icicles, then wash it twice better!


6) Lamination with gelatin. Yes, and I suffer from this! Not so much because of the result, but because of the collagen. Gelatin is rich in it, and not chemical, but animal collagen. Collagen is the main constructor of our hair.

We take grass (I use oak bark, nettle, mint, chamomile, sage), brew half a cup. We breed gelatin there, mix it all with balm or a hair mask. We start oils, where without them then, basic or essential, just do not overdo it with basic ones. Vitamins, you can aevit or some other. Scarlet juice. We wash my head with shampoo, then apply this mixture. Except ROOTS !!! We wrap the hair in a warm towel, walk like this for about 40 minutes, sometimes warming it with a hairdryer, through a towel. And we go to wash it off. We wash off thoroughly. After, I do not use balm, here at will. The hair is already combed beautifully and seems to become thicker. What we get:


Hair breaks less

They are straight and smooth, probably due to the thickening of each hair.


7) I also love herbs for hair , I mix them into masks, balms. I pour them over my hair after washing. Pour in spray and spray on hair throughout the day. Hair becomes stronger, recovers and grows faster


After washing, I douse my hair cold water. When we wash our hair, the scales reveal, and after cold water close. And they are easier to comb, they become silky and shiny.

I also use citrus peels for this. Eat an orange, finely chop the peel, fill it with hot water and let it brew for 10 hours. Keep it in the refrigerator, squeeze the water out before washing. And after washing, rinse your hair with this water. Mirror shine The silkiness of the hair is ensured.


9) Vitamins. I use vitamin for hair Aevit, vitamin A and E in oil solution, D-panthenol. And also aloe juice. Add to masks, or so apply on the roots and hair. I also tried Nicotinic acid, vitamin B12, B2 and B 6. Honestly? Big changes, I didn't notice, but something got better. Maybe I didn’t pay attention, I’ll probably give them a second chance and test it again.

The main thing is that it didn't get any worse. They can also be used in a variety of ways. Rub into roots, add to masks, balms, sprays. They do not grease hair and roots and can be applied to clean hair and scalp. They helped my mom get rid of dandruff and improve her hair.


10) Care tips and length ... I always apply oils to clean, dry hair, so that they do not get dirty, choose a special oil. All hair can be used with jojoba or commercially available oils. The rest, according to their fat content, a little bit on the length and on all the ends. This protects them, restores and prevents them from drying out and splitting.


11) Only for a dark hair. Chocolate masks !!! I take cocoa liquor (you can just dark chocolate), heat it, mix in a balm or mask, cream Panthenol, vitamins, you can oil, but keep in mind, there is already butter in cocoa !!! I apply this before washing, I walk than longer so better! I applied it and after washing with shampoo, before the balm, the hair turned out to be too heavy.

If you want after washing, add a little of this chocolate mixture to the balm. What we get:



Silky hair

And with a light chocolate shade


12) Hair trimming. I didn't trim them for a year, but just looked after them and they grew by leaps and bounds. Then, within three months, I decided to trim it twice, the steel was too long. I didn't notice strong hair growth after trimming! Take care of your hair, pamper with oils and vitamins, and they will be grateful to you!


Beautiful long thick hair is every woman's dream. I really want thick hair! Tell me how to grow long thick hair? - such questions can often be found on many women's forums about beauty. Anyone wants to look like a TV star or cover girl, with luxurious shiny curls and admiring glances. Weave them in braids or do haircut cascade and wear them loose.

Unfortunately, hair density and quality primarily depends on the quantity hair follicles... Plays an important role here genetic predisposition... Brunettes and brown-haired women tend to have better hair quality than blondes. Often, even very thick hair on the head can be ruined due to improper care... Using a hair dryer, varnish and dyes - spoils the hair. And what if I want thick and long hair? Many people try to solve the problem by applying inexpensive shampoos and masks bought in stores. But they achieve only a short-term effect. Hair needs to be looked after a lot. For many girls, it remains topical issue how to make your hair thick and long.

General rules of care

  • It is worth washing your hair as it gets dirty warm water ... Do not use under any circumstances hot water especially for hair bold type... They can become brittle and lifeless. During rinsing, to soften the water, you can use baking soda , citric acid or add a little vinegar.
  • Use a shampoo suitable for your hair type. Distribute it along the entire length with massage movements. You can lather your head twice and rinse well. After - apply conditioner balm... Hair will be easier to comb, shinier and stronger, which makes hair thicker.
  • Head massage will help increase blood circulation. It is performed by the lungs in a circular motion, with your fingertips, before or during washing.
  • Make your hair thicker will help protecting hair from direct sunlight, healthy eating and no stress... Hair quality will be improved vitamins of groups A, V and E contained in meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables.
  • Better to give preference wooden combs ... It is not recommended to do styling with a hot hairdryer, use irons and curling iron- dry your hair.

How to make thick hair at home?

Traditional recipes and natural remedies undoubtedly have several advantages over those sold in the store. For yourself, beloved, you will try to use only the best ingredients - natural and fresh. Such masks contain maximum amount useful vitamins, macro- and microelements. Professional remedies and salon procedures are not cheap. It is much cheaper to use simple natural remedies. Thick hair recipe - correctly matched masks.

To grow thick hair at home, the procedure will need to be performed regularly, only then will you achieve desired result... Your task - " wake up sleeping bulbs»On the scalp, provide them with the necessary nutrition. It is necessary to prepare the mask anew every time so that the content nutrients it was the maximum. After applying the composition of the mask, it is necessary to put on a warming cap and thoroughly rinse it off after a certain period of time.

Mask recipes to have beautiful thick hair.

How to make your hair thick quickly?

If you are limited in time and have the necessary funds, do visually Thin hair will help thicker hair extension ... There are hairdressers who are experts in how to grow thick hair quickly. Additional strands will be attached to your own hair using a special adhesive material in microcapsules... True, you will have to visit a beauty salon every 3-4 months... There are hot and cold hair extension methods using natural and synthetic products. If you have thick short hair, they do not need to grow for a long time. It will be enough to go through the extension procedure. Exists cold and hotter, tape and bicapsular, there are a lot of building technologies. Thus, we found a quick and effective method how to do rare hair thicker. But do not forget that after the procedure, they will not become healthier.

Is it possible to achieve quick results without damaging the hair? Another popular way to make hair thicker is henna use ... This is absolutely natural remedy will not only give your hair shine and strength, but also beautifully set off your natural color hair. Or you can use colorless henna... It envelops each hair with a thin film and strengthens the roots. After just a few sessions, the quality of the hair will noticeably improve.

Let's talk about what any girl probably dreams of: how to grow long hair. Who doesn't want to have thick and healthy curls that friends will look at with envy and passers-by look around? But very often stress improper nutrition, bad genetics and polluted atmosphere make our hairstyles dull, do not allow each hair to grow and develop normally. How to help grief and can it be fixed?

Hello my dear! Svetlana Morozova with you. It is quite possible to grow long hair. Especially if you follow simple rules care for them and exclude those harmful factors influences from which we can protect ourselves. Fast results in such a case you will not achieve and our curls will not become longer by 20 cm in a week, but you will see a general improvement in their condition almost immediately.

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Host, Andrey Eroshkin. Health Restoration Expert, Chartered Nutritionist.

Topics for upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and so that the weight does not come back again?
  • How to get healthy again without pills, the natural way?

So let's talk about how to grow long hair!

The key to health is hygiene

Perhaps some of you have forgotten that this word means not only washing hands and brushing teeth, but also rational, healthy regimen throughout life, a clean living environment and an optimal microclimate. This is important for both girls and boys. Healthy hair is needed by a man, all the more, young guy who wants the attention of girls.

In order for the hair to grow well, not to fall out and not become brittle and dull, the following is necessary:

1. Eat right. You should:

  • eat more greens and;
  • take brewer's yeast or specialty yeast at least once or twice a year vitamin complexes for health skin and all their components, which include nails, teeth and hair;
  • do not forget about regular use for good bowel function and enrichment of the body with calcium;
  • get all amino acids from animal products;
  • make sure that enough dietary fiber is included in the diet for intestinal motility, because its condition directly affects all integuments.

2. Avoid polluted atmosphere:

  • do not smoke and try not to linger in rooms with tobacco smoke;
  • wear a hat in winter so as not to overcool the hair follicles;
  • protect your head from rain, it can contain harmful and even radioactive microparticles;
  • swim in the pool only in a special cap to avoid the influence of chlorinated water;
  • in open water, do not forget to wear a hat.

3. Do not forget about the beneficial properties of rest:

  • regular sleep - best friend your nervous system;
  • from stress, hair begins to deteriorate and fall out, so avoid;
  • try to deliver to yourself more often positive emotions, it will have a good effect on your body, including your hair.

From general to specific

Hair grows back only 2.5 millimeters per week. If you count, then for a month the increase will be from 10 to 15 mm. How long it will take to make your hairstyle at least twice as long - you can guess for yourself.

Do you want to know how to accelerate growth by at least one and a half times? To do this, you need to adhere to several rules for caring for your hair and scalp. They are as follows:

  • use combs and massage brushes only from natural materials- wood, bone, horn, bristles;
  • train yourself not to comb your wet hair;
  • Choose sulfate-free shampoos that are right for your type;
  • give up for a while from dyeing, especially with products containing hydrogen peroxide, because it dries out the hair and makes it brittle;
  • stop using heating devices for drying and styling, such as a hair dryer, curling iron, irons, hot curlers, etc.
  • also give up the use of varnishes and gels for styling and others for the time of growing curls chemicals, even from trusted manufacturers;
  • secure the hairstyle with soft hairpins, do not use metal clips, rubber bands and other similar devices;
  • trim the ends of your hair at least once every one and a half to two months to avoid straying, especially if they split;
  • take vitamins regularly, badger fat or, for a year - at least two or three courses;
  • shampooing should be regular, with dry hair - 2 times a week, with oily hair - 3 times.

You can also use masks and rinses for folk recipes, or seek advice from a trichologist who will prescribe you various procedures(d "arsonval, mesotherapy, the use of ampoules with bioactive components), the use of laser combs and massage to stimulate blood circulation and awaken hair follicles.

How to grow long hair: what to do at home

The most common and effective of folk remedies rinsing decoctions, masks and the use of the greenhouse effect can be recognized.

As a rinse aid, you can use decoctions of such plants:

  • honeysuckle;
  • calamus marsh;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • birch leaves and buds;
  • stinging nettle;
  • Linden blossom;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • rosemary;
  • burdock roots;
  • yarrow;
  • common and fragrant geranium;
  • onion peel.

Masks can combine the following means:

  • white turnip with honey and lemon juice;
  • black bread with kefir;
  • brewer's or baker's yeast;
  • cinnamon with egg yolks;
  • beer with egg yolks and aloe juice;
  • colorless henna with milk.

To improve blood circulation, you can use an olive oil mask with ground cinnamon or ginger powder. Or the same olive oil with mustard or hot pepper powder. Since these products have an irritating and warming effect, keep them on the head for no more than 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly after use.

The greenhouse effect is created as follows:

  • treat the scalp with a mixture cosmetic oils;
  • remove the entire hairstyle under polyethylene or wrap it with cling film, with a towel on top;
  • keep 8 hours, for example, leave overnight.

It is not necessary to wash off the composition in the morning. Due to the rush of blood, metabolic processes are activated in the skin, "dormant" hair follicles awaken, and already growing hair begins to renew itself more actively.

When caring for your hairstyles, do not forget about useful ones as well. The renewal of epidermal cells should occur throughout the head, and not only on its scalp.

In order that you do not need to search for exercises on the Internet and determine empirically which ones are effective, I selected special complex... Exercising for only 5 or 10 minutes a day, you will see excellent results in a couple of weeks: the skin will tighten, wrinkles will be smoothed out, disappeared, reduced.

I not only picked up my complex, but also tested it on myself, so I guarantee you positive results.

Always be beautiful and loved!

That's it for today.

Bye everyone!

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