Cleaning rabbit fur at home. We use baby powder. An overview of rabbit fur cleaners

Rabbit fur requires careful care and periodic cleaning, as brining is inevitable. This is a delicate material, when working with which it is impossible to resort to heat treatment. Washing the product is also not recommended. Fluffiness, shine and gloss can be returned to a rabbit fur product at home using special means or folk methods.

Any tool needs to be tested. The test is carried out on an inconspicuous small area of ​​the product. After applying the substance wait at least fifteen minutes, then delete it and parse the result. Firstly, for this type of pollution, the agent may not be effective. Secondly, the reaction is different. If the product has faded, it is worth testing another method. In all cases, use white sheets to cover the surface on which the item will be processed. Keep brushes, vacuum cleaner, containers, and other tools clean.

When cleaning with sorbents(substances that absorb dirt) cleaning is carried out until the color of the cleaning agent changes. A change in color means that the substance has reacted with dirt and absorbed it.

  • Potato starch or semolina

Sometimes the question arises of how to clean a rabbit fur coat with heavy pollution. Open the lining, wash it separately. Pour warm water into a capacious basin and dilute starch or cereals at the rate of 1.8 kg of dry matter per 10 liters of water. After thorough rinsing, shake off the fur well and lay it out on a clean white sheet. Then take a vacuum cleaner and a soft nozzle (you can use a car one) and walk over the surface, cleaning it from the remnants of the paste. After drying, sew on the lining.

  • Flaxseed, oat bran

Pour a handful of bran into a clean, dry, Teflon-coated pan. Dry them without browning. Lay the fur coat on a clean, dry surface, pour the bran onto the contaminated area and rub it in. After rubbing, take a brush and carefully comb the product along the pile, being careful not to damage it. Leave the product to dry completely and brush again.

  • Talc or flour

If you choose baby powder, then take it without fragrance. Sprinkle the substance over the entire contaminated surface and rub into the fur. In 15 minutes dirt and grease will be absorbed. Shake off the product, vacuum the remains of the cleaning agent and comb out with a soft brush, for example, for animals. Suitable for removing hair dryer with cold air.

  • White cotton fabric

Wrap fur product into a clean cloth and beat out dust and dirt. If the fabric darkens, replace it with a clean one and repeat the procedure, until the fabric stays white.

If dry cleaning with sorbents did not help to completely remove stains, you can use the tips used in the fight against greasy.

Solutions active substances the product is cleaned from greasy on collars, elbows, cuffs:

Pay special attention to cleaning yellowed white fur. Before the procedure, it is recommended to clean the fur from contaminants using sorbents:

Hat lining cleaning

It happens that the fur of the product is clean, and the lining needs to be washed. Before cleaning the lining fur hat, it is not necessary to tear it off from the product, it is enough to carefully process it so that the funds do not fall on the core. Sweat stains will help remove a mixture of ammonia and denatured alcohol in the same proportions. Suitable for cleaning soap solution or a solution of washing powder. They must be applied and washed off carefully, protecting the fur.

Have you bought an expensive fur coat, purchased a fur vest or grabbed a hat at the annual sale, but after a while the fur of the products became shiny, lost its shine and color? Well, it happens to everyone! But knowing how to clean the fur at home, you can very quickly restore the presentation of the “fluffy wardrobe”.

Before starting work, decide on the type of fur, because each of them has its own cleaning methods. Let's talk about them in more detail!

Arctic fox and silver fox

Fur coats or vests made of arctic fox and silver fox can be easily cleaned at home, unless, of course, stock up on any of the described means.

Method 1 - ammonia

Method 2 - hair shampoo

To clean natural fox fur well, use your shampoo. Alternatives include pet shampoo, wool and silk detergent, or pure gasoline.

Chinchilla, muskrat, otter

The animals themselves clean themselves with sand. So why don't you and I use this method?


To clean mink fur, you can safely use the following recipes.

Method 1 - vinegar and alcohol

Method 2 - ammonia, gasoline, water

  1. Connect 3 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  2. Treat with a swab the saline parts.

Rabbit, goat, nutria and wolf

Rabbit fur will endure any cleaning just fine. To return a presentable look, choose any of these recipes.

Method 1 - alcohol and vinegar

Method 2 - bran (suitable for cleaning a white rabbit)

Method 3 - knock out the dust

How to clean white fur?

How to clean white fur from yellowness? Be very careful not to ruin the pile and natural shade. First, try the product on an inconspicuous area, and then proceed to cleaning the surface of the fur coat. good effect give:

Be sure to hang your fur in a well-ventilated area to dry completely.

Important! If you have spilled wine, juice, sauce, coffee, tea on a fur coat, vest or sheepskin coat, take it to the dry cleaners! Do not risk with a home remedy, so as not to spoil the fur.

Artificial fur

Modern faux fur is made so beautifully that it is indistinguishable from natural products. Under the "fox", "raccoon", "mink" - the cost of such products will be much cheaper. But this does not mean at all that faux fur does not need any care! Remember a couple of recipes that will help you clean it of dirt.

Method 1 - glycerin, alcohol and water

Method 2 - starch and dish liquid

  1. Pour starch with dishwashing gel.
  2. Apply gruel to faux fur and spread with a brush.
  3. Rinse off the residue with a clean sponge dipped in warm water. You can also leave the product to dry completely, and then just shake it off or brush it out.

Method 3 - machine wash

An unnatural fur coat can be washed in a washing machine on a delicate cycle. Pressing must not be used! Faux fur dries for a long time, so hang the product on a balcony or in a room with open windows. Make sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight. However, this also applies natural fur. The sun will make the pile brittle. It will also lose its luster and may turn slightly yellow.

Method 4 - gasoline from greasy spots

Wipe greasy pockets, sleeves or a fur collar with a cotton swab dipped in pure gasoline. An alternative to it will be a liquid for cleaning carpets and upholstery. In this case, follow the instructions on the package.

Important! The products must be washed off with water or wet wipe!

Method 5 - powder and water

It is the safest and easiest cleaner faux fur!

  1. Prepare a soap solution by mixing washing powder(1 tablespoon; should not contain bleach) and 1 liter of water.
  2. Cool this liquid and apply to the fur with a cotton swab or regular washcloth.
  3. At the end of the process, wash off the foam with a clean cloth soaked in warm water.

Now you know exactly how and how to clean the fur at home. But do not forget about the nuances, because they are very important!

  • Do not dry the fur product by hanging it on a radiator, ironing it or blowing it with a hair dryer;
  • For natural fur wash - under strict prohibition. Mezdra should not get wet!
  • Vinegar is contraindicated for artificial fur;
  • Do not use sawdust of coniferous trees for cleaning - they contain resin;
  • Do not comb the astrakhan fur, but just shake it well;
  • If the fur has lost its luster, soak a cotton cloth in glycerin or table vinegar and walk it along the pile. Apply alcohol on top and comb the fur with a comb. Do not repeat very often - vinegar makes the fur stiff;
  • To ground fur collar not hardened over time, treat it regularly with a glycerin solution (1 part water and glycerin).

Video: bio-cleaning fur:

Rabbit hats and fur coats have recently been the most popular option. winter wardrobe. Sewn from skins various models children's clothing. Today, the fur market is more diverse, but rabbit fur is still popular. Therefore, the question of how to clean without the help of professional dry cleaning has not lost its relevance.

To begin with, let's discuss a little why rabbit fur does not go out of fashion and is one of the most sought after. One of its main advantages is its affordable cost compared to other natural furs.

Products made from it are light, soft and retain heat well. But they are not designed, like mink or sable, for many years of wear. The skins lend themselves well to processing and dyeing, which makes it possible to create a wide variety of clothing models.

In addition, relatively recently, products from the skins of rabbits of the Rex breed appeared on the market, which, in their own way, appearance are in no way inferior to natural chinchilla or protein. Rex clothes are worn for a long time, have an expensive look and are not afraid of moisture. The skins of the French orylag are light and durable, the quality of the fur is similar to that of a chinchilla, and visually resembles a beaver.

Of all the brethren, white animals have the thickest pile, they have a very dense underfur. White fur coats look great, they are suitable for women of any age, they are wonderfully refreshing and allow you to create romantic image. But, over time, such a thing may lose its snow-white appearance and even turn yellow.

Is it possible to return original view product on its own? Consider the main ways to clean a rabbit coat, including white color, at home, with the help of improvised means.

How to clean rabbit fur at home

After prolonged wear, the rabbit coat acquires unkempt appearance, it may become heavily soiled. In this case, the question arises: how to wash rabbit fur and is it possible to do this at all? This should be done carefully, following all the recommendations, so as not to spoil the product and return it to its original appearance.

So, we wash the rabbit fur in washing machine taking into account the advice of experts:

  1. Before washing, a small test should be carried out. Pull on the pile. If a tuft of hair pulls out, then the procedure should be abandoned.
  2. All must be removed decorative elements, inserts, brooches, buttons, check pockets
  3. Gently fold the product and place it in a fabric bag or pillowcase. Put it in the machine, install delicate mode wash and spin at 500 rpm.
  4. Use for washing liquid products, because they have a more gentle effect and are easily removed during the rinsing process.
  5. When rinsing, you can add a little vinegar.

A short fur coat or a vest can be washed by hand. To do this, fill the bath with water at room temperature and add a little gel. Heavily soiled areas can be treated with detergent and left for about 15 minutes. Wash the item very carefully.

After washing, the fur coat must be hung on a coat hanger so that the water is glass. Dry the thing should be away from heating devices, heating radiators and open flames. After complete drying, the product must be combed with a brush for animals or a soft comb, shaking it periodically.

If in some areas the pile has become bristling, you can prepare a weak solution of the conditioner and treat the problem areas.

Owners of elegant fur coats are often interested in how to clean white rabbit fur with improvised means. by the most effective way from yellowness and gray plaque is the use of such a solution:

  • 300 ml of well purified water;
  • 30 ml hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  • 20 ml of ammonia.

Mix all ingredients and add to a spray bottle. Treat the surface evenly from a distance of 30 - 40 cm. After spraying the solution, go through the pile with a comb.

Dry cleaning can be done using talcum powder without additives. It is necessary to sprinkle the entire surface well, gently rub the absorbent into the fur and wait 10-15 minutes. After that, clean the fur coat with a vacuum cleaner and comb out with a comb.

As an absorbent, you can use wheat bran, semolina or potato starch. When using any product, it is necessary to take precautions and carefully clean the fur from the remnants of the absorbent.

Tidy up your rabbit fur

If the surface is not heavily soiled, but simply dusty after summer season, it can be easily put in order without the use of special tools. To do this, wrap the fur coat with a damp cloth and lightly knock it out. All small dirt and dust can be easily removed.

To comb rabbit fur, you can use a pet brush or a regular soft comb. It will look nice and even.

Fur things are always looking spectacular. In such clothes, a person feels on top. In addition, the fur warms well in harsh weather conditions. Of course, such things need competent care. If approached incorrectly this issue, clothes can be easily ruined.

Finding a dry cleaner and asking for help is easy, but knowing how to clean rabbit fur at home can save you time and money. In addition, you do not have to wait several days (or sometimes even weeks) for your favorite fur coat.

To help you meet your challenge:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Talc.
  3. Bran.
  4. Vinegar.
  5. Semolina.
  6. Petrol.
  7. Starch.
  8. Ammonia.
  9. Non-rigid brush.

Semolina, bran, as well as starch are pretty good sorbents with natural basis. With absorbent properties, they do not chemically affect fur products and can be useful at home in order to remove dirty and greasy stains.

Talc is an inorganic element, but it also absorbs organic matter very well. He will be able to solve the problem without ruining the clothes. All these tools will come in handy if you decide to clean rabbit fur at home. The principle of operation with all substances is identical:

  1. We take the product and apply it on clothes.
  2. Effortlessly rub the sorbent into the fur product.
  3. Then you need to wait a little while the tool will do its job. Usually fifteen minutes to half an hour is enough.
  4. Shaking the clothes, use a brush to comb out what is left of the fur.

You can combine bran or semolina with starch and talc. In this case, bran or semolina take a whole part, starch or talc take half - 2: 1. When you remove the remnants of the sorbent, you need to carefully brush it off the fur in the direction of the pile. The fur coat of rabbits is quite delicate and its villi are thin. If you take a brush increased rigidity and at the same time you act with effort, clothes may become unusable.

After the reaction from the interaction of the sorbent and dirt has occurred, the absorbent material changes its color. It is necessary to clean things until the talc or starch remains white after cleaning.

old recipes

Then, when there were no cars and industrial waste, which in our time affect the purity of the snow, dirt was removed from fur things during sub-zero temperature outside. Having laid the clothes on the snow, they knocked them out and the dirt remained on the snow, and the fur product again acquired its original original appearance.

On the given period this method can only be resorted to if you live somewhere on the outskirts or in a clean, unpolluted region. However, there is an alternative. Instead of snow, you can take a wet white cloth. After hanging the clothes and wrapping them in a damp cloth, it is necessary to knock out the fur product.

According to the principle described above, we change the fabric as many times as necessary. Having eliminated the dust, we turn to organic pollution.

We remove stains

If you could not protect your favorite fur coat from greasy stains, do not rush to turn to serious stain removers. It is possible that simple water and vinegar will help solve the problem. These two ingredients must be combined in equal amounts.

You can also apply the following composition:

  1. Water - 200 ml.
  2. Ammonia - half a tablespoon.
  3. Salt - 1.5 tablespoons.

After you have applied the composition to trouble spot, you must wait thirty minutes, and then wipe the contaminated area with a damp cloth. At the end, wipe the fur with a dry cotton or linen cloth.

With the same principle of exposure, you can use the combination of "White spirit" and ammonia, combined in the same amount. After treating the contaminated area, wipe the fur with a damp cloth.

You can also use well-heated bran. This method can be applied in difficult situations when other means have proven ineffective. We heat the bran in a pan to fifty degrees. They will be warm enough when touched, you will become hot. Next, we rub the product into the contaminated place until it is cleaned of dirt.

What to do with white fur?

Such products after some time may change their color. In order to remove yellowness from rabbit fur, we prepare the composition:

  1. Ammonia - one teaspoon.
  2. Peroxide - two teaspoons.
  3. plain water- 400 ml.

After wetting the fabric in the prepared product, we process the clothes in problem areas and leave to dry. You can also clean white rabbit fur with burnt magnesia porridge in combination with refined gasoline. We rub this composition into the thing and, after waiting a little, carefully comb it out.

Clothes must dry without aids. The disadvantage of this method is, of course, the rich smell of gasoline. In the event that you have chosen just such a method, in order to clean the rabbit fur from yellowness, water with vinegar will help to cope with the specific smell. You can do without this method. If you can wait, it will take literally a week for the smell to disappear.

In the event that you need clothes for the next few days, after cleaning the white rabbit fur from yellowness, you need to mix vinegar and water in equal amounts and walk over the cleaned places with a sponge after the fur has dried.

Should be remembered

Fur products - quite distressed clothing that needs to be properly maintained. Otherwise, the item may be damaged. In order not to complicate the situation when cleaning, you need to consider a few rules:

  1. Fur products are not washed.
  2. It is necessary to exclude potent compounds when removing stains.
  3. The comb should be larger, teeth with a small gap do not fit.

If you manage to follow these rules, a fur coat dear to your heart will warm and delight for many more years.


Cleaning a white fur coat a rabbit- Open the lining. Pour 2-3 kilograms of semolina or starch into the basin.
- Lower fur coat into dry starch (semolina) and "bathe" it.
- Shake the fur thoroughly and vacuum it with a clothes brush. The starch absorbs dirt, causing the fur to become white and fluffy.

Cleaning a white fur coat a rabbit from the strong Pollution - White knock out the fur and clean it with a brush.
- Apply a slurry of burnt magnesia or starch and refined gasoline to the soiled anti-lint fur.
- Shake out the contaminated powder, carefully knock out fur coat and clean with a brush.
- After the fur has completely dried, comb the product well with a brush. Might need to be cleaned white fur coat from a rabbit in this way several times, but as a result, the fur will be clean and.

Cleaning a white fur coat a rabbit from greasy stains - Put wheat or rye bran in a metal basin, put on fire.
- Stir the bran with your hand until it's hot.
- Pour hot bran on a small area of ​​​​fur and grind with your hands. Gradually clean up white fur coat from a rabbit entirely. Locations with heavy pollution clean 2-3 times.
- Shake off the bran from the fur coat, comb the fur with a brush.

a rabbit, first method - Tablets dissolve hydrogen peroxide according to the instructions, add a few drops ammonia.
- Moisten the fur with the resulting solution.
- Dry well fur coat in the sun.

Bleaching yellowed fur a rabbit, the second way - Buy a professional bleaching shampoo for dogs at the pet store.
- Put a few drops of the product into a basin of water, mix.
- Moisten a rag with the solution, wipe the white fur in different directions.
- Comb the fur in different directions with a comb-brush, use a hair dryer to dry the product.

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  • white rabbit coats

Every woman loves to dress in fur. Fur a rabbit looks especially good, but sooner or later it becomes less attractive due to the pollution that has appeared. If the fur coat is not very dirty, try cleaning the fur a rabbit v domestic conditions and give it former shine and beauty. But it is worth remembering that rabbit fur is very delicate and soft, so you do not need to apply special efforts with brushes and sponges.

You will need

  • - Starch or semolina,
  • - hydrogen peroxide,
  • - ammonia,
  • - gasoline,
  • - vinegar essence.
  • - glycerin,
  • - bran.


white fur a rabbit can be cleaned with starch or semolina. To do this, pour a little starch on the fur and gently rub it over the fur coat, the movements should be as if you are washing. After that, shake out the starch (it should become) and comb the fur with a comb with rare teeth.

Into a glass warm water add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia, mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting solution to the fur a rabbit using a sprayer. Hang the fur product on a coat hanger and dry at room temperature until completely dry.

If greasy spots appear on or on the sleeves of a fur coat, you can remove them with gasoline. Gasoline must be taken purified, it is sold in stores for refueling lighters. Soak a small piece of cloth in gasoline and rub the greasy places. It is very important to clean products in the direction of the pile.

To give shine to products, it is necessary to moisten small piece rags in vinegar essence and wipe the fur. After that, process the fur a rabbit liquid glycerin This will give it a natural shine.