What essential oil whitens the skin of the face. Essential oils against age spots. Oily skin type

Pigmented spots on the skin may appear on different reasons. One of the most common impact ultraviolet rays and non-compliance with the rules when tanning.

As a rule, age spots resemble ordinary freckles, only they are darker and larger in size.

Getting rid of such pigmentation is not difficult, but it will take a lot of time.

Depending on the condition of the skin, you can lighten it with the help of special whitening serums and creams, or use folk remedies.

If these methods do not lead to desired result, turn to exfoliating procedures such as acid peeling, photo or laser therapy.

With the problem of age spots almost all older people face, due to the increased production of melanin.

This natural pigment is known to affect skin color. Due to the fact that the skin becomes thinner and drier over the years, it is more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which becomes another reason for the appearance of "senile" age spots.

Often, pigmentation is due to a deficiency in the body. folic acid. In order to get rid of such age spots, you should reconsider your diet, enriching it with vegetables, including cabbage.

Age spots can appear due to disruption of the intestines, kidneys, liver. The cause may be stress and hormonal changes body, such as pregnancy.

Age spots oil: recipes

Experts noted that essential oils are the most effective means against age spots.

In addition to eliminating this defect, they make the skin elastic, significantly increasing its tone.

Essential oils should not be used in pure form. This can lead to burns and other unpleasant consequences.

The composition of bleaching agents must necessarily include base oil - olive or sunflower. Often the base oil is replaced with a cream or clay.

Safe for health and possessing high efficiency parsley, citrus, mint, vanilla oils are considered to combat pigmentation. The most important thing is that the oils have high quality and were purchased from a pharmacy.

Excellent help in the fight against age spots rosewood oil, patchouli and black pepper.

A greater effect can be achieved using a mixture of oils.

Enhance healing effect and help soothe the skin with eucalyptus oil, which is added to any formulations to lighten pigmentation.

Oil remedy for vitiligo

Oils help to cope even with such a severe manifestation of pigmentation as vitiligo.

Exists great recipe, which allows you to overcome this deficiency in just a few months, depending on the condition of the skin. This remedy cooks for one month in a dark cool place.

To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of ground St. John's wort, corn and sunflower oil with two tablespoons olive oil. After a month, the composition is filtered through gauze folded in several layers and applied to damaged areas of the skin.

Castor oil for age spots

An excellent remedy for the fight against pigmentation is Castor oil.

To prepare a bleaching composition, add a little bit of baking soda to castor oil. The product is applied to damaged areas of the skin before going to bed. To achieve the fastest result, it is recommended to protect them with a plaster.

The course of treatment is approximately three months. It should be noted that upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to apply nutritious cream.

Preparation of lotions and masks

Oils are used to prepare lotions, which are used to lubricate areas of the skin that have undergone pigmentation before going to bed.

Oil face lotion

Grapeseed oil is used as the base oil. apricot kernel. To whiten the skin, essential oils of lemon, primrose, jojoba, grapefruit and chamomile are added to the product. Rub the product, or rinse it off with water should not be. The composition will be deeply absorbed into the skin overnight and begin to act.

Mask for lightening age spots with oils

On the basis of oils, masks are prepared to lighten pigmentation, which are recommended to be used with a break of two days. To prepare the mask, beat with a “broom” or a fork one egg white and add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and some grapefruit oil. A couple of drops will be enough.

The systematic use of anti-pigmentation agents will help for a short time get rid of it, making the skin homogeneous.

Pigmented spots on the skin can appear for various reasons.

One of the most common is exposure to ultraviolet rays and non-compliance with the rules when tanning.

As a rule, age spots resemble, only they are darker and larger in size.

Getting rid of them is easy, but it will take a lot of time.

Depending on the condition of the skin, you can lighten it with the help of special whitening serums and creams, or use folk remedies, for example, oils for age spots on the face.

If these methods do not lead to the desired result, they turn to exfoliating procedures such as acid peeling, photo or laser therapy.

Almost all older people face the problem, which is due to the increased production of melanin.

This natural pigment is known to affect skin color. Due to the fact that the skin becomes thinner and drier over the years, it is more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which becomes another reason for the appearance of "senile" age spots.

Often, pigmentation is due to a lack of folic acid in the body. In order to get rid of it, you should reconsider your diet, enriching it with vegetables, including cabbage.

Age spots can appear due to disruption of the intestines, kidneys, liver. The cause can be stress and hormonal changes in the body, for example, pregnancy.

Which oil for age spots to choose

Experts noted that essential oils for age spots on the face are the most effective tool to help quickly and painlessly get rid of the problem.

In addition to eliminating this defect, they make the skin elastic, significantly increasing its tone.

Essential oils should not be used in their pure form. This can lead to burns and other unpleasant consequences.

  • The composition of bleaching agents must necessarily include base oil - olive or sunflower. Often the base oil is replaced with a cream or clay.
  • Parsley, citrus, mint, and vanilla oils are considered safe for health and highly effective in combating pigmentation. The most important thing is that the oils are of high quality and are purchased from a pharmacy.
  • Rosewood and black pepper oils are excellent.

A greater effect can be achieved using a mixture of oils.

Eucalyptus oil, which is added to any formulations to lighten pigmentation, will enhance the healing effect and help soothe the skin.

Home remedies for pigmentation with oils

Oil remedy for vitiligo

Oils help to cope even with such a severe manifestation of pigmentation as vitiligo.

There is an excellent recipe that allows you to overcome this deficiency in just a few months, depending on the condition of the skin. This remedy is prepared for one month in a dark, cool place.

To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of ground St. John's wort, corn and sunflower oil with two tablespoons of olive oil. After a month, the composition is filtered through gauze folded in several layers and applied to damaged areas of the skin.

Castor oil for age spots

Castor oil is an excellent remedy for pigmentation.

To prepare a bleaching composition, add a little bit of baking soda to castor oil. The product is applied to damaged areas of the skin before going to bed. To achieve the fastest result, it is recommended to protect them with a plaster.

The course of treatment is approximately three months. It should be noted that upon completion of the procedure, a nourishing cream must be applied to the treated skin areas.

Preparation of lotions and masks

Oils are used to prepare lotions, which are used to lubricate areas of the skin that have undergone pigmentation before going to bed.

Oil face lotion

Grape or apricot kernel oil is used as the base oil. To whiten the skin, essential oils of lemon, primrose, jojoba, grapefruit and chamomile are added to the product. Rub the product, or rinse it off with water should not be. The composition will be deeply absorbed into the skin overnight and begin to act.

Mask for lightening age spots with oils

On the basis of oils, masks are prepared to lighten pigmentation, which are recommended to be used with a break of two days. To prepare the mask, beat one egg white with a “broom” or fork and add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a little grapefruit oil to it. A couple of drops will be enough.

The systematic use of anti-pigmentation agents will help to get rid of it in a short time, making the skin homogeneous.

For many girls, beauty begins with a clean and well-groomed skin on the face. The appearance of acne, blackheads, redness is a serious test for women. True, many beauties already know how to cope with these problems.

However bigger problem for ladies it becomes getting rid of age spots. This phenomenon is difficult to correct. Of course, on the shelves of stores you can find anti-pigmentation cosmetics with a whitening effect, but it does not help everyone.

Essential oils have a good reputation in the fight against age spots. The main thing is to choose the one that works from all the variety.

What is the reason for the appearance of age spots on the face?

To get rid of imperfections using oil from age spots on the face, it is important to understand why they arose. But first, let's figure out what it depends even tone skin. A special pigment, melanin, is responsible for this. If its level in the body is increased or decreased, then spots of a bright or pale shade may appear on the skin.

Melanin levels can be affected the following reasons:

The appearance of freckles and new moles often occurs in girls who love to sunbathe, and those who have damage to the epidermis. With such problems, therapy against age spots with essential oils is very effective.

When whitening your face, you should avoid direct sunlight, use products with UV protection.

What essential oils should be used for whitening?

Of course the list essential products very extensive, we will voice only some of the most effective:

  • Citrus oil. It doesn't matter if it's lemon, orange or another product. Each such oil has an excellent whitening property, effectively soothes the skin. Vitamin C, which contains citrus essential oil, is an excellent antioxidant gift from nature itself. By the way, lemon oil helps not only get rid of pigmentation, but also fights spider veins;
  • Carrot seed oil. This product perfectly cleanses, rejuvenates and whitens the face. With its help, it is possible to get rid of pigment spots caused by age-related changes;
  • Parsley oil is effective against age spots. It has wonderful properties, but is prohibited for use by women during pregnancy and people with kidney disease;
  • Essential oil of rosewood. When used, the product will restore skin elasticity and bloom appearance, will help get rid of pigmentation and protruding vessels.

Learning how to prepare whitening masks with essential oils

If you want to get rid of freckles, vascular network and whiten the skin, then you can prepare the following composition.

To create it you need:

Combine these ingredients in a convenient bowl until smooth. ready mix Apply to a pre-cleansed face special attention places where pigment spots are localized. Hold the mask for 10 minutes, remove with warm boiled water.

No less effective is the lemon mask.

To prepare it, use:

  • grapefruit and rosewood oil, 2 drops each;
  • fresh chicken protein- 1 PC.;
  • lemon juice - 1 small spoon.

To make a mask, beat chicken protein into a dense foam, add to it liquid components, mix again. Apply the mass on cleansed skin, wait 10 minutes, wash your face clean water. For achievement good result Apply the mask every other day for 3 weeks.

And a little more advice. You should start using home-made compounds to get rid of pigmentation in the cold season, when exposure to the scorching rays of the sun is minimized. Otherwise, the procedures will not give an effect, and may exacerbate the situation.

Preparing a lotion with essential oil from age spots

To create a lotion with lemon and lavender, take:

  • a glass of clean boiled water;
  • extract of lavender and lemon, 6 drops each;
  • 3 drops of chamomile oil.

Combine all the listed products - and the lotion is ready. Treat the face with the composition 2 times a day. The lotion should be stored in a dark glass bottle in a cool place. Shake the product well before applying to the skin.

If you wish, you can learn how to make chamomile lotion. To create it, take ½ cup of boiled water, a large spoon apple cider vinegar and 2 drops of chamomile, lemon, rosewood oils.

Combine the listed components in a glass vial. Apply the lotion to cleansed skin. It will help get rid of age spots, improve the appearance of the epidermis.

Learning to make applications

To carry out the procedure, you need to learn how to prepare the necessary compositions. So, the first mixture that we will consider is honey-lemon. To prepare it, you need 3 kali oil of lemon and a small spoonful of honey.

The ingredients are mixed until smooth, pieces of cotton wool are impregnated with the composition, which then need to be applied to areas with pigmentation. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Applications are made by the course daily for 21 days.

You can prepare a lemon mixture for applications. To do this, combine 1 large spoon clean water with 7 drops of lemon oil and 1 small spoonful of hydrogen peroxide. Ready formulations soak a cotton pad and apply it to problem areas. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. After all the manipulations, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin, since peroxide dries a lot.

About Precautions

Any essential oil should be tested before use. allergic reaction, since such products often cause itching and discomfort.

To carry out the test, a few drops of the product are diluted in water, the resulting liquid is applied either on the wrist or on the elbow. Now you need to wait at least 1 hour. If during this time no backlash does not appear, then the oil can be used.

When using products based on citrus fruits, it should be remembered that they have a phototoxic effect. That is, if oil-treated skin gets Sun rays, that is, the risk of earning a burn. Therefore, it is most reasonable to carry out all procedures with citrus esters before going to bed.

To get rid of pigmentation, you can use not only essential oil, but also herbal products: olive, almond and others. The right combination components allows you to create effective tools to combat imperfections.

In an effort to find beauty, remember that success in any business will be possible only with regular care and integrated approach. There will be no sense in one procedure, so tune in to serious work, then success is guaranteed. Good luck!

The choice of whitening creams, gels and serums is great. But, as in cosmetic products 20th century (creams based on mercury derivatives, corticosteroids, phenol, 20% salicylic acid), the most potent and effective means are those that contain toxic substances that cause an increase or, conversely, a decrease in pigmentation, allergies and other irreversible complications. In the article you will find methods and means that allow you to gently, without disturbing the functions and functioning of the skin, even out the complexion and cope with pigmentation.

The causes of pigmentation are different, and before you start whitening, you should understand them so as not to harm the skin. Is pigmentation temporary? What causes pigmentation spots?

There are the following causes of occurrence and, accordingly, types of pigmentation:

Hormonal changes (drugs or pregnancy)

internal diseases ( insufficient work liver or spleen)

Burns or skin injuries (post-acne, facial cleansing, peeling, microdermabrasion, etc.)

All types of epilation

Senile pigmentation (lentigo)

Ethnically dark skin.

For example, spots from burns, acne and chloasma of pregnant women can go away on their own after a while, and to eliminate pigmentation caused by a disease of the liver or spleen, a complex effect on the entire body is needed.

We want to talk about ingredients that are safe(subject to all the conditions for their use) means of combating pigmentation.

1. Essential oils, which have a strong whitening effect, help in quickly achieving the effect (group 1):

Effective essential oils in the fight against pigmentation (group 2). Maximum effect achieved in combination with oils from group 1:

IMPORTANT: whitening of age spots should be carried out during periods of minimum solar activity: October to March. Medicinal mixtures with essential oils are applied in a course of 21 days with a seven-day break. For safety net, you can use a cream and a mask for sensitive skin.

2. Herbal preparations for skin whitening:

Licorice root extract, or simply root powder (water-glycerin solution, root powder in masks). The substance glabridin contained in licorice reduces inflammation and reduces UVB-induced pigmentation.

Paper mulberry (Morus root, Broussonetia papyrifera), bearberry (Bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), cucumber, papaya, pineapple, ivy, rue, sea buckthorn, birch, grape, green tea, coffee, cocoa, grapefruit, chamomile, dandelion root, celery, .

3. Vegetable oils to improve the color and tone of the face, to normalize skin pigmentation:

castor oil (castor bean seed oil)

chaulmugra oil

pistachio oil

4. Oils with natural sun protection:

5. base oils, which should not be used while in the sun in summer time.

As a rule, these are not very stable oils with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, alpha-linolenic, gamma-linolenic acids) and some others:

6. Whitening ingredients actively used by cosmetics manufacturers, which can also be used in home cosmetics.

kojic acid

alpha lipoic acid

ascorbic acid and its derivatives

arbutin and deoxyarbutin

other alpha hydroxy acids.

These substances are not toxic, but have irritant. The effect of them comes faster than from herbal remedies but it pays to weigh the risks and be patient.

How to protect your skin if your skin is prone to pigmentation:

1. Avoid the sun and carefully protect your face with a hat with wide brim or visor in the summer. Do not sunbathe even if you have sunscreen on your skin.

2. Even if you do not have a tendency to pigmentation, sun protection is necessary after plastic surgery, any peels, laser hair removal, during pregnancy, while taking antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives.

3. Use cream with SPF protection: cream or oil mixture with zinc oxide, titanium dioxide. It must be applied at least 30 minutes before going outside.

4. During the period active sun refrain from masks from berry juices, because they contain fruit acids only temporarily improve the condition of the skin. In the light, the spots will darken, burns may occur.

5. You can also add reflective pigments (mics) to creams.

6. Do not take St. John's wort extract and reduce the amount of celery and dill, because. All these plants have photosensitizing property.

In order to improve the complexion, first of all, it is necessary to moisturize (serums, tonics, hydrosols, compresses, steam baths etc.) and improving blood circulation (massage, walking, proper nutrition etc.). Hydrated and pink skin always looks more uniform.


1. Day cream for tired and pigmented skin - compaction and elasticity (50 ml).

Can be used as a night cream during the sunny season. For any skin type.


Essential oils have been used for facial skin care for thousands of years, and are now experiencing a resurgence in popularity thanks to the all-natural fashion. They successfully cope with inflammation, aging of the epidermis, nourish and whiten the skin well. The effectiveness of many modern means against hyperpigmentation is due to the use of toxic substances such as mercury or hydroquinone, which makes them hazardous to health.

Unlike them, essential oils are safe and environmentally friendly, do not harm the body. At the same time, they must be taken seriously, since these are strong concentrates of organic compounds with great biological activity. In terms of impact, they are equivalent to medicines, therefore, it is simply necessary to observe contraindications and the exact dosage.

Features of use and contraindications

The use of essential oils in facial skin care allows you to solve several problems at once.

In addition to whitening age spots, they heal the epidermis, tighten wrinkles, nourish and tone.

Picking up a tool according to individual indicators is not a problem today. The main thing is to choose only high-quality products and be able to use them.

In addition, you need to know the basic rules of circumvention:
  • It is possible to whiten age spots only during the period of inactive sun - in autumn and winter, since many of the essential oils make the skin more susceptible to UV rays. In summer, it is better to refrain from procedures, otherwise pigmentation may return, become brighter and more stable. The exceptions are vanilla, ylang-ylang, parsley oils - they are neutral.
  • Essential oils should not be applied to the skin in its pure form, so as not to get burned or irritated. They must be added dropwise to water, base oil, clay or cream.
  • Face whitening should be carried out in a course. Usually it is 21 days. Then there is a break in the procedures for one to two months.

And remember about contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance. To check the reaction of the body, you need to drop the oil on the skin of the elbow bend and observe your condition during the day.
  • Pregnancy. Some substances can cause its interruption or disturbances in the development of the fetus.
  • On failure hormonal background you must first obtain a doctor's permission to use essential substances.
  • It is impossible to treat young children on their own, therapy can only be medical indications. The same applies to teenagers.
  • Caution should be shown to people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, who have problems with pressure, who have had a myocardial infarction.

In short, for any health problems, you need the permission of a doctor.

What is best for whitening and a few recipes

Essential oils can be used both with the base component and enriched with them. cosmetics for face and body skin care. Moreover, it is better to do this in stages: each time you use it, in order to preserve all the useful properties.

lemon oil

It is considered the most effective for brightening the face and fighting pigmentation, as it contains two powerful natural bleaches: limonene and citric acid. The first substance helps to even out skin tone, protects against oncology and discolors age spots, and the acid helps to exfoliate obsolete cells and form new ones.

To prepare a bleaching composition, dissolve 3 drops of oil in 3 tbsp. spoons of base. Apply the mixture at night. The tool is not recommended for use in daytime and is prohibited before going out into the sun.

Tea tree oil

Perfectly fights post-traumatic pigmentation: brightens spots at the site of scars from acne and other damage, regulates the production of sebum.

sandalwood oil

Popular for its moisturizing and softening properties, it is used to lighten skin and age spots. It also heals and protects the skin of the face from age-related changes.

For the evening procedure, it is enough to mix 2-3 drops of sandalwood and almond oil, then apply to the skin massage lines. To attain best effect, do not wash off the composition.

Carrot seed oil

Thanks to beta-carotene, this is one of the most strong means against pigmentation. The compound helps to reduce the production of pigment by inhibiting the work of the tyrosinase enzyme responsible for its production. The essential oil copes not only with dark spots as a result of insolation, but is also shown to combat melasma.

To remove age spots, you can prepare a mixture: dissolve 10 drops of carrot and rosehip essential oils in half a cup of apricot. Apply the mixture to cleansed face and neck.

The product should be stored in a dark bottle.

rose oil

Perfectly copes with the prerequisite of pigmentation - scars, scars, acne, eczema and other inflammatory skin diseases. Helps to cleanse the skin of the face and lighten blemishes.

Eucalyptus oil

Has many powerful healing properties, heals the skin sunburn, inflammation and other damage. To whiten stains, dilute the product with jojoba oil (1:4) and apply to problem areas.

Essential oils have been used for facial skin care and pigmentation removal since the time of Cleopatra. They help and modern women. You just have to use quality product, comply with all conditions and dosage. And although home whitening take longer than salon procedures, it will be more useful.