New Year's funny ditties year of the rooster. The best examples of funny and funny ditties for the New Year for schoolchildren. Examples of New Year's ditties

Chastushka is a poetic grain, a pearl folk wisdom» — Ivan Karpukhin. Short, but capacious in meaning, cheerful “songs” are a folklore feature (feature, zest) that is characteristic only of the Russian people. The Russians use them in festive events, and as a source of satire on any others. No other nation and ethnic culture cannot boast of such or similar genre, which has not lost popularity even after almost 150 years of existence.

Rooster and ditties - what do they have in common?

Funny ditties on New Year 2017 recommend to perform even astrologers. The rooster is a bright, “loud”, sometimes uncontrollable and even aggressive bird. Exactly the same characteristics can be given to the most popular folk "song" - a ditty. It can be used both as a greeting and as a concert number, fun filling awkward pause at a corporate party.

Chastushka is universal, but the choice of its text should be treated very carefully, carefully, just like getting to know the Rooster. For each specific case and addressee, it is necessary to select not only words, but also intonation, and the moment of “gifting”.

Very often, such choruses are interpreted as:

  • black, hard humor,
  • attempt to humiliate
  • insult etc. .

The reaction to an unfinished ditty can be extraordinary both for the addressee and for the totem year - Rooster.

Chastushka is a song that can serve as both entertainment and greetings, congratulations, and anything else. For holidays, including the New Year, several suitable categories can be distinguished at once.

The congratulatory ditty is performed, as a rule, by mummers, carolers, that is, guests. The text praises the house, the generosity of the owner, contains wishes for prosperity, health and other benefits. With such a ditty, you can turn to colleagues, friends, neighbors, perform it for children or your parents.

The texts of ditties for performances at New Year's parties are best coordinated with the person responsible for the script. Firstly, because a “double” is not excluded, that is, someone has already chosen this option for themselves. Secondly, the ditty may not correspond to the general theme of the holiday, get out of the script or sound offensive, familiar, impudent.

Thematic New Year's ditty - about winter, the holiday itself, its main characters, the Christmas tree. This category includes children's quatrain songs that children perform on New Year's parties and concerts. Moreover, there are already many ready scripts holiday, which consist only of ditties. Thematic short songs will perfectly fit into a home celebration, as a pleasant addition to a group visit to winter attractions.

Round dance - this is the largest category of New Year's ditties. It conditionally combines the previous three, it can include any texts, address or generalized. Chastushki for a corporate party with jokes, children's for a matinee - all of them can be performed to melodies characteristic of a New Year's celebration or classic "chastushkas".

Chastushkas as an entertainment tool

New Year's ditties can also be used as entertainment, a competition, a quiz, if suddenly the guests got bored, arose awkward pause. A request (requirement, offer) to fulfill or come up with a New Year's ditty can be hidden in forfeits. Any topic can be suggested:

  • a joke on a neighbor (colleague, relative),
  • Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden,
  • love and relationships
  • wishes,
  • recall ditties from cartoons or films, etc.

If most of the guests do not have the gift of writing or vocals, then you can prepare the texts of ditties and hold a performance parade in any form, to random melodies. Well, those who are shy or do not know how to sing, let them read them in the style of a la Rozhdestvensky or Mayakovsky.

Use this genre of Russian folk art in New Year's entertainment is a must. Chastushki is an immense field for entertaining fantasy. It is surprising not only their diversity and versatility, but also the very way of their "becoming" as a genre. The first ditties appeared in remote peasant villages in the middle of the 18th century, and after 20-25 years they were a powerful political weapon, “moved” to cities and even became part of prestigious theatrical performances.

Totem 2017 Rooster also comes from Agriculture. So give him pleasure, prepare ditties for him and for your loved ones in your performance. Believe me, both the Rooster and your friends (colleagues, neighbors) will be happy. Have fun, forgetting about the boundaries of reason, but not about decency and tact towards others.

New Year's ditties Listen, prepare your ears, I will sing louder to you, You are in a hurry to understand. *************** We will celebrate the New Year - Jump like a cock. New Year's surprise All the neighbors from below are glad. *************** Around the Christmas trees danced, All the tinsel was cut off... The tree no longer sparkles, Only one star blinks. **************** New Year - solid toasts And a solid rigmarole, Ten days everyone goes to visit, And a spruce tree grows in the apartment! ************** How I brought a snow woman, What was lying in the snow. I thought there would be a reward for me, it turned out to be Gay. ********************* Pour, men, Babonkam champagne. They will be drunk and open to the Ataman's Army! ********************** Walked near the Christmas tree on the Central Square. Picked up a peasant, Yes, only without living space! ********************* My darling gave me Kisses in return. Only I would be better off with gold, A new bracelet on hand! ************************* After a glass, Santa Claus, Made people laugh to tears, Took and took out of the bag From a neighbor cockerel. ************************* Desk Work Reduces oxygen. Eh, let the Man come off for the New Year! ************************** Rus' is rich in masters, Well, and I am the best. I will spin any woman - I will be successful! ************************** New Year, New Year Have fun, walk people! Where did you wake up then? Is it under the table? ************************* Children's ditties New Year is knocking on the door Snowstorms are singing outside the window. Snow on the street creaks Grandfather Frost is in a hurry. ************************** In our house there is vanity Everyone is festively dressed Santa Claus, hurry up, I'll treat you with candy. ************************** Today is New Year's holiday Time is moving forward. Dilute your gifts Limousine Frost takes. ************************** The New Year is knocking on the window, On the way the troika rushes, The bells are ringing, The guys have a winter holiday. ************************** We celebrate the New Year in our school every year. We sing songs together, We walk cheerfully in step. ************************* This holiday is a miracle! You won't find more fun! Minus - that guests come, Plus - that you don’t go to the kindergarten. ************************** We swept needles, How many "holiday" troubles! Someone plopped down into pieces, Cool holiday - New Year! *************************

Ditties about roosters
The rooster crowed
I'm flying to you across the river.
Happy New Year to you!
I'll make everyone crow!

Even a green cockerel
But the red comb!
Well you sing so

We just can't sleep

Chickens peck money
Send greetings to roosters,
You are the main shepherd here,
our young rooster!

The hen laid an egg
My sister cried for a long time.
Our rooster said - ha - ha!
From someone else's rooster.

Our rooster got angry
He quarreled to dust and fluff.
A Corydalis with a fright,
Ran away at night to a friend.

Our rooster is completely crazy
Dare to repaint.
Three days the feathers were washed,
Chickens made fun of us!

Made us sin
Soaked the rooster.
He flew off the frying pan
And screams, pour vodka!

What happened to the man
Suddenly crowed at night!
Scared all the neighbors
Well, what a scandal!

About beloved roosters,
Wrote five verses!
When my husband read
Like a child, he sobbed.

Chickens do not peck money
roosters drink their vodka.
If I were a rooster
would have massacred them!

Suddenly a rooster crowed at night,
And made a mess.
Plucked all the corydalis
And ran to the neighbors!

Our wooden rooster
Fell in love with two Ukrainians.
Born, well, it's necessary
Wooden chickens!

There are rumors in the village
My rooster ran away to a friend.
Oh, wait for the cockerel!
I'll break the comb!

One day the rooster came
I didn’t find the quoit at home. The rooster was very angry, .
He took a gun and shot himself.

What a noise, look ha ha!
Chickens trample a rooster.
And away from sin
They killed a rooster.

The daughter-in-law cackled
Oh, they ate a rooster!
I told my daughter-in-law - don't howl,
There is one, why the other!

The roosters somehow got drunk,
Fight over a chicken.
They were dispersed with a club,
long their feathers flew!

The cockerel went to the tavern,
Didn't share something.
Tore off the comb
Our cockerel doesn't sing!

Like my dear cock walks,
Walks, stamps his feet.
He leads the girls by the nose.
Oh wait dear!

A friend told me
That will go to another friend.
I made a scandal to her
plucked a friend's feathers!

Our rooster wanted to marry
But he couldn't make up his mind.
Roasted rooster pecked
Petya immediately chose two!

Once a rooster got up,
He had a fight with Santa Claus.
Frozen cockerel
Your beautiful comb!

I let my husband go on vacation
I baked two pies.
Invited a rooster to the house
And set the horns!

My daughter-in-law told me
Let the rooster go at night.
I wasn't scared at all!
I got insured yesterday!

I'll ask the rooster
golden man,
To not drink or smoke
And he didn't waste money.

And the rooster said ha ha.
don't make me laugh.
Gold only in the movies
And they died a long time ago!

Petya listened to a friend once
and put on earrings.
Made the people laugh,
Petya was called a rooster!

Once an infectious flea
Bitten a rooster.
Now Petya does not sing,
Lives on pills.

Our Petya crowed,
Don't go chickens in the river!
Crocodiles live there
they will devour you with giblets!

I drank a rooster in the evening,
And in the morning he was swollen!
He screamed at the top of his lungs.
Oh, don't drink vodka people!

Our bully cockerel
Lost my comb.
Kvochka bought a new one,
But I forgot to put it on.

She gave me a daughter-in-law.
Golden rooster!
Now I don't eat, I don't sleep,
I'm waiting for golden eggs.

Who recognized himself in couplets,
Don't stomp your spurs
You are better for us in the end
Clap your wings!

Chastushki for the New Year of the Mouse in 2020 are very popular with young and middle-aged people. These easy-to-remember verses will make a close pleasant company laugh. A special effect of ditties is produced by people dressed in funny costumes. Men dressed as women and vice versa singing comic ditties make you laugh heartily.

Comic New Year's ditties help to relax, join the company, for someone - to remember youth. Funny ditties from your lips - and you are the soul of any company!

New Year of the Pig

1. Oh, the guys grunted,
They sleep under the tree.
That's why they sit bored
Girls on the side.

2. The year of the pig is coming,
You look, don't let me down.
Give us lard with meat,
It will be just a fairy tale!

3. My husband got screwed
Sticks to a neighbor.
Let her cook now
And he washes his socks.

4. Piggy will be a year,
All the people rejoice.
Because he loves to eat
And of course lie down.

5. The year of the pig is coming,
Someone will immediately go into a binge.
Well, we don't drink, we eat,
Because we want to live!

New Year of the Dog

1. Don't bark at me
dear wife,
That I drank two liters
Holiday celebrating.

2. I sit at home on a chain,
I don't even walk.
I put on curlers
I'm looking forward to the holiday.

3. The year of the dog is coming,
Dissatisfied red cat.
After all, the owner will be a dog,
So the cat hung his nose.

4. In the year of the dog, we wish
People don't dog
To be alone
You didn't have to mess around.

5. Soon the holiday, the New Year,
My bulldog is happy
I'll make cold
Well, the bones are all for him!

Chastushki for the New Year about the Rooster and the Hen (for adults)

1. Girls go for a walk
painted chickens,
Suitors go to look for
Little fools!

2. Mom, mom, let go
To dear Petrushka,
He stands next to the fence
He froze his ears.

3. Tyatya flooded the bath,
He poured boiling water into a barrel,
Come take a steam bath
To not grow old!

4. Petya-Petya-Cockerel,
butter head,
Let us, dear, sleep,
Don't take your throat!

5. I'm in a chicken hem
Brought bread
Looked at the knees
Because of the fence Glebushka!

6. My grandmother scolded me:
I went on a date...
Says: You Manya - a fool,
You are dumber than our chickens...

7. Cockerel, Cockerel,
Don't fly up to the stack.
Sweethearts are kissing
Young boy and girl.

8. We cooked chicken soup,
Don't forget to salt.
I saw this rooster
And he ran at full speed!

9. Ryaba sat on the nest,
What a caring lady.
And the rooster walked around.
He cleaned his feathers and washed his paws.

10. It's snowing outside.
Our rooster is singing.
New Year he calls
He escorts the old man away.

11. New Year's time,
It's time for the chickens to sleep.
And the cock does not give them
Everyone bawls, but sings!

12. I'm out the window to my beloved
Threw a snowball
To go out on the porch
Sweet little friend!

13. We sang ditties to you
Started to crow
Because Happy New Year
Very puzzled!

Funny ditties for the New Year

Wearing a new year's dress
The most decent
Even the darling told me
How pretty I am!

Into the new year, into the new year
Borka comes to me.
He says he loves me
Well, I'm the opposite.

my dear kissed me
In the field, on the hillside.
Even red with shame
It became a Christmas tree.

New year, new year
People are already drunk.
Yes, and I'm not without sin,
I drank beer in the morning.

Thank you all for your attention
You had fun
Let's say goodbye!
We will leave you now!

New Year's ditties for the Year of the Rooster(for adults part 1)

We will sing ditties for you
Kids, cover your ears.
You have gathered not in vain,
You know, our pepper is red.

How the snowman was blinded
My girlfriend and I are smart!
In a jacket, in a cap and glasses,
And between the legs - a carrot!

You were waiting for me at the viburnum,
Two hours on the snowdrift
Mom didn't let me
Get out even to the porch.

I ordered myself by mail
boat made of rubber
And came as a gift to me
Rubber Zina.

What can I give to my dear?
Breaking my head...
Should I buy her a bra?
Yes, I don't know the size.

N y and good gifts
Valerka handed me:
Electrodes - not for welding,
Instead of fireworks!

Chastushki for the New Year(for adults part 2)

New Year's Eve together -
It's romantic.
What will we do in the New Year -
It's indecent to tell you.

I bought gifts for everyone -
I didn't forget anyone.
Sweetness - for children, the elderly.
Panties with polka dots - for men.

In the New Year, in the New Year
The boss comes to me.
Your short report
Into my big report of vanities.

I'm getting ready
For New Year's Eve
sexy lingerie
Dressed the same evening.

Everything is ready at the doctors
New Year's Eve
Shine with a bright light
From hemorrhoids candles.

I put it in ata in a bra,
To surprise my husband.
Well, he himself - potatoes,
So as not to upset me.

New Year's ditties for adults(part 3)

M already went to the party,
The boyfriend will come to me ...
Could not open the fly -
All down the drain New Year.

We are Ural dumplings
Only on New Year's Eve.
How they bored us
Those Ural dumplings.

Christmas lights
Christmas trees, gifts...
Even sex on New Year's Eve
Very very bright!

The long-awaited is coming
Miracle holiday New Year,
Everybody's missing something
Someone is always waiting for happiness.

I'm waiting for Santa Claus -
rich groom,
He will give without question
My fur coat is shaggy.

And my girlfriend is Katya
Waiting for a gift boldly
That the car will be rolled to her
For a couple of thousand euros.

I'm not afraid of the cold
Let at least minus thirty-five!
Let me drink a glass of vodka
And I will rock!

We are simple girls,
Don't get used to the cold.
Quickly put on boots
And let's go for a walk.

We were preparing for the holiday:
Oh and tired...
Well, our men
Already drunk in the morning.

Ditties by profession(professional)

Doctors on New Year's Eve
No one gives rest:
Who is trying to give birth
Who toils with gastritis!

In the military unit forty-eight
New Year is blowing in full
The commander became Santa Claus,
And Snegurka is a political officer.

In se they celebrate the New Year,
I'm spinning the wheel
Can abandon his tractor
And have a drink?

New Year's students
Drunk people walk
And the teacher is under the table
Notebooks are checked...

Happy New Year to the economist
It is necessary to meet the "three hundred" -
Economically set the table:
Half a loaf and kefir.

New Year - favorite holiday
For all the people
Only again toastmaster
Something sad...

From the table covered on the counter,
The aprons have been corrected
So beloved New Year
The salespeople did it!

Political ditties

It's hard to work in the Duma,
Much easier shopping in TSUM.
From a heavy priest, honestly,
Cracked leather chair.

Life in our country is stable,
Everything goes its own way:
Demographics are getting lower
And inflation is rising.

Don't understand the bear bees,
When paw climbs into honey,
So full and never
All the hungry will not understand.

Very satisfied with tariqi,
Pensions are growing!
Effective taxes
The state is ripping us off.

To the crisis of the banking system
We, the people, don't care.
There are potatoes in the garden
This is where we live.

We congratulate you on the New Year
Prime Minister Medvedev hurried:
New Year gifts
In November, he gave it to everyone.

We sang ditties to you,
We are tired and sweaty
I expect applause from you
And of course the compliments!

To celebrate the New Year cheerfully and provocatively is one of the main traditions of this holiday. What do adults and children do to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar year according to the rules! IN new year's eve literally from everywhere there are jokes, songs with jokes, funny jokes and, of course, ditties. The latter, by the way, can be called our real national treasure and wonderful tradition. Cool ditties for the New Year are performed not only by children 9-10 years old at school, but also by kids in kindergarten, and high school students at concerts. Even adults and accomplished uncles and aunts are not averse to "light up" with a converted to modern way a ditty, for example, in a circle of colleagues at a corporate party. Moreover, the motive of the ditties is very simple, and the words are quickly remembered. And for the performance itself, the presence of special singing talents is not required. Here are some of the selections below. funny ditties with texts that will help you unforgettably meet the year of the Yellow Pig (Boar).

Funny ditties for the New Year 2019 for children - options for matinees in the kindergarten, texts

At matinees in kindergartens in honor of the celebration of the New Year, children quite often perform with funny ditties. In the performance of kids, these perky folk couplets sound particularly poignant. As a rule, in such ditties there is a mention of the main symbols of the holiday - Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Christmas Tree. Sometimes kids through ditties can turn to them with wishes. Also, with the help of ditties, children congratulate their parents and all those present at the matinee on the main holiday of the year. A few examples funny ditties for the New Year 2019 for morning performances in kindergarten you will find in the following selection.

Texts of funny ditties for children at a matinee in the kindergarten in honor of the New Year 2019

Ah, winter, winter, winter,

Russian beauty,

You drove us all crazy

We love winter!

Coming Soon New Year

Ride on a sleigh.

It's probably already

There is a knock on our window.

Oh winter, winter, winter

How many snowdrifts has shed!

People do not grieve -

Celebrates the New Year!

That's how Santa Claus -

Freeze everyone seriously.

Look at the guys

Like icicles, everyone is standing.

Oh, and the Frost pinches,

Old bully.

Irishka on her cheeks

Two poppies bloomed.

The most fun and funny ditties for schoolchildren for the New Year - the best examples with words

Funny and funny ditties for the New Year are often performed by schoolchildren at thematic concerts. Moreover, they can use both classical folk works and new versions of converted ditties. In order for ditties to really cheer up, they should be performed with special enthusiasm and in the right rhythm. Sometimes, to create the right colorful image, it is important to wear folk costume or at least throw an embroidered scarf over your shoulders. In the following selection, we offer you several options for the most fun and funny ditties for the New Year 2019 for schoolchildren with words.

The best examples of funny and funny ditties for the New Year for schoolchildren

There is a Christmas tree in the hall

And she has toys.

We will sing for you now

School ditties.

We love winter

We love skiing and skating.

Well, and Sidorov Ivan

He loves only his sofa.

Soaped three bars of soap.

To wash the ink off your face.

And came to the carnival -

Nobody recognized me.

It was fun on the hill

Tanya, Petya and Yegorka.

Only Masha did not ride

I was afraid of losing my portfolio!

Very cool New Year's ditties for children and adults in the year of the Yellow Pig (Boar) - a selection of texts

If children are happy to perform New Year's ditties, then what can we say about adults who simply love cool songs on the eve of the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Boar (Pig). According to Eastern calendar main symbol the coming year Pig loves very much funny songs and verses that cheer everyone up. Therefore, cool ditties will become just great way attract the location of the Yellow Earth Pig right on New Year's Eve. You will find several examples of funny ditties for children and adults for the New Year 2019 Pigs in the following selection.

Cool New Year's ditties with texts for children and adults in the year of the Yellow Boar

Who is at our gates

Will knock soon?

Come visit us!

Year of the Pig congratulates us

Wishing you happiness and joy!

Send us a cheerful hello,

To live for many years!

Let luck come to the house

And finances are in our pocket!

And may all our tasks

The Pig-talisman will decide!

Our noisy party

We welcome the Year of the Pig!

Olivier Tangerines

Pig like it very much!

Put a pig on the enemies

I will not wish you!

Let them cry a little

No more pigging!

The funniest ditties for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party - the best options

An integral part of any corporate party is a cheerful, friendly atmosphere, conducive to a relaxed and interesting leisure. And in this regard new year parties in the circle of the team most contribute to the development of good friendly relations between colleagues. Among other entertainment at a corporate party, funny ditties for adults for the New Year 2019 occupy a special place. comic numbers help not only relieve unnecessary stress and celebrate the upcoming holiday with the whole team. They can also be used as original congratulations best wishes to all present. Examples of funny ditties for adults at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 will be found below.

Options for funny ditties for the New Year for adults at a corporate party

We had a year at work


And today we don't mind

Relax a little!

Our director is well done

Gave everyone a salary

Well, if he hadn't given

We'd burn down the house!

We mix whiskey with rum -

To walk beautifully!

Team spirit is increased

It will probably not be a secret that many dream of meeting next year fun and exciting. Moreover, no one has canceled the proverb known to everyone: "How you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." However, some people are at a loss on the eve of the holiday, because they do not know how to provide fun on New Year's Eve. In fact, the solution is quite simple - to have a party in folk style and remember funny ditties for the New Year 2019.

Funny and cheerful quatrains to the harmonica or a cappella have always been very popular among our people. They were performed during almost all festivities. They sang about our life with a certain amount of irony. Resting and singing ditties, people ridiculed shortcomings in the hope of becoming the best.

Origin and characteristics

Ditties as a genre folk art, arose in the middle of the eighteenth century. They appeared among rural youth. Basically, they were performed by guys to the accordion or balalaika. Chastushkas, as a rule, were of an everyday nature and told about life. Most often, they had a major tone and consisted of verses that alternated one after another to one melody or without it. The poems were written in the trochee style and were usually performed without the use of literary expressions. Very often they were satirical in nature and were an improvisation on a specific topic. Chastushkas are addressed to some person or a specific audience. They are usually performed in a semi-talkative, singsong manner.

Chastushkas are of different types:

  • with lyrical content on all sorts of topics. As a rule, these are four-line choruses;
  • for dances - they have a special rhythm, they also consist of four lines, but they are shorter;
  • type "Yablochko" - are of a love character and are more common in Ukraine;
  • suffering - also belong to love, have two lines and are performed in a slow and drawn-out manner. They are distributed in Central Russia and in the Volga region;
  • "Semenovna" - named after the image of a broken Russian woman, have two lines and a mournful rhythm of performance;
  • "Matanya" - the name arose from the word with which the performers addressed their loved ones. Such a ditty is made in a four-foot trochee.

Examples of New Year's ditties

IN Lately, this genre of folk art is increasingly used in concerts, youth parties. They perfectly cheer up the participants, and make the holiday unforgettable.

Coming Soon New Year
Ride on a sleigh.
It's probably already
There is a knock on our window.

In the yard we have
Snowman with a whisk
Guards the dark night
He is our home from the wolf.

On the New Year, on the New Year
Nobody sleeps!
In every house old and young
The whole night is fun.

Oh winter, winter, winter
How many snowdrifts has shed!
People do not grieve -
Celebrates the New Year!

Winter New Year's holiday,
I love you the most!
The long-awaited fight of the Chimes
I won't sleep for anything!

Santa Claus for the New Year
There was another joker
He drank vodka in the cold,
And he sculpted Baba Snow.

Santa Claus I'm in a bag
I'll do a revision.
He was about to give
Whole division!

What does spruce look like
In the New Year on the carousel!
She has on all sides
Now a deer, then a horse, then an elephant,
And in a circle through the lights
They jump merrily.

Winter New Year's holiday,
I love you the most!
The long-awaited fight of the Chimes
I won't sleep for anything!

Happy New Year
I send you a warm HELLO!
I wish you all health
And live to be 100 years old!

Comic ditties
Santa Claus loved
And I forgot about my husband
And when I came home
He was already sitting with another!

Santa Claus in our village
Danced with Natasha.
And now I'll tell you guys
Natasha has snowmen.

I spent New Year
Sweet, but fun!
And now in my hut
The mouse hung itself from hunger!

I wished for a holiday
Caviar is a vigorous mother,
I ate sandwiches
I will remember a year!

Santa Claus got drunk drunk
And snores under the tree
And the Snow Maiden to Demyan
She ran away to goof off.

New year is coming
All will be subservient.
Again surprises will bring
Putin with deputies.

Don't break, TV
We ask you kindly.
In the New Year we are waiting for a surprise -
Peña Kolya Baskov.

My Favorite Olivier
Pig loves it
After every party
The pigs eat him.

Santa Claus brought us in a bag
The book "Kama Sutra".
Husband didn't go to work...
Didn't notice the morning.

I danced and danced
And, dancing, lost her way.
Santa Claus is so good
I fell in love with him!
Choruses for adults
Like a Snow Maiden with white cheeks
I kissed until the morning -
Didn't run away, didn't send
Didn't melt! Hooray!

My dear does not come to me
It's only promised.
With the Snow Maiden under the tree
Meet every day!

Old Santa Claus,
Sticking to the Snow Maiden.
Brought her to tears
Sneaked up to the skirt.

Come on guys in the house
Let's have fun
Let's drink vodka, then
You can also get married.

Cab I was young
Cab I was frisky -
I would dance on the table
And I would climb on the tree!

Rehashings in the Year of the Pig
The hand of the giver does not fail.
Our Pig is generous. And while
She will have something to give you,
She will always help.

May your soul live
Alone with myself
Then you are in the swine year
Don't be a pig.

Noble Pig is good,
She has such a delicate soul!
So gallant, gentle and modest,
She is defenseless and trusting.

We wish everyone who works
Generous earthly joy.
Will be the owner in the year of the Pig
With chop and ham!

In the New Year I wish you
Put a pig on the enemies -
Let them think, cry
Let them not be pigs in the future!

Let there be a little pig
For happiness and success is generous.
Let her bring it on her back
A bag of love, good luck and kindness!

The Pig is dearest to us,
An evil blizzard is not terrible with her either.
Our Pig is not only smart,
She is a storehouse of various virtues.

There are bright toys on the Christmas tree.
Window - in patterns of ice,
May this year of the Eastern Piggy
You will be lucky like never before!

Love will come suddenly
The pig will be even happier.
The year will be marked with luck,
No one lives like this.

Someone in antiquity came up with.
To Pig Mascot
Bringing good luck to the house
And the coins are in your pocket!