The scenario of the game program for June 1. Scenario of the festive event "Fairytale journey through the stations" (Children's Day)

Event scenario

"Children Protection Day"

Biology teacher Karpenko Tatyana VladimirovnaPlace of performance: Novosibirsk, MBOU Secondary School No. 59

Event scenario

on civil defense and emergencies

"Children Protection Day"

Target: V game form to consolidate knowledge of safety rules, fire safety, traffic rules.Formation of students' conscientious and responsible attitude to questions personal safety and the safety of others.


    Protection of life and health of young citizens, to instill basic knowledge, skills and abilities on fire safety and while in the forest.

    Promotion of fire safety and road safety rules.

    Strengthening skills safe behavior in emergencies.

    reinforce the ability to distinguish road signs: warning, informational, prescriptive, prohibiting; repeat the basic rules of behavior on the street, road, street crossing,
    - to consolidate the ability to act in the event of a fire;

    Teach children to be attentive, friendly to each other.

    Arouse children's interest in play activities and good relations to each other.

    To foster a culture of behavior on the road. Cultivate the habit of observing traffic rules, fire safety, culture healthy way life.


Today you will take a journey through the stations in the world of safe life. Since ancient times, man has tried to survive in difficult natural conditions... The survivor was the one who followed the rules of caution and applied the knowledge gained in various life situations... Nowadays intensive development techniques, the rules have changed safe life... Sometimes you need to remember these rules in order to keep yourself alive. The number of the population has increased, there is more transport on the roads, the number of household appliances has increased. But we love nature, we love to relax in the country, fish and pick mushrooms, conquer peaks and diving. And today, at each station, a wide variety of tasks have been prepared for you, and in order to cope with them, you need to show your knowledge and skills. At the stations, assistants - high school students - are on duty, who will give each team a route sheet. For each completed stage, you will receive points. The team with the most points will be the winner on our "survival path"

Your task is to complete all the tasks offered at the stations as efficiently as possible:

    In case of fire as one, we dial "01".

    And in the forest there are only one mushrooms

    In the meadow berries and flowers

    Misfortune never comes alone

    Nature abhors mistakes

    You and the road

    The alphabet is road and not at all complicated

Note When passing through 2.4 stations, presentations can be used.

So, we start the game-competition for the stations, I will ask the squad leaders to get route sheets. I remind you that the route of your movement cannot be changed, you move strictly according to the stations indicated in order in your route sheet. Good luck to everyone!

Station number 1 "In case of fire, as one, dial 01". 10b

- (define the sequence of actions)

- You are alone at home, watching your favorite TV show, and suddenly your TV starts smoking. What should be done?

Call by phone "01",

Leave the premises.

Disconnect the current,

Throw on TV thick fabric

Station No. 2 "And there are only mushrooms in the forest". 11b The names of 9 mushrooms are encrypted here. Words are written vertically or horizontally, each letter is used only once. (9b) Name which of them are poisonous mushrooms (2b)


Station number 3 "The quieter you go, the further you will be." 11b try to guess riddles:
1. A traffic light is waiting for us.Lights up the transitionThe red eye lit up:He wants to detain us.If it is red, there is no way.Red light - no ___________.
2. It is clear to all smart guys:Where there is a road, it is dangerous!Look, pedestrianBlack and white ______________!
3. If the light turns on red,So, move ____________
4. We got up at the crossing,Before us is a traffic light.And with all honest peopleHe looks at us at ____________. 5. His red eye opened,So he wants to say:No matter how you hurryYou should be ______________ now!
6. This sign is very strict,Kohl is on the road.He tells us: “Friends,Riding here at all ________________! "
7. The sign of the drivers is intimidating,Entry for cars is prohibited!Don't rashly tryDrive past ______________________!

8. Sign of fans of overtaking


In this place, it is immediately clear

Overtake Others ____________________!

9. Here is a ground crossing,People walk all day.You, driver, do not be sadPedestrian ________________________!
10. Football is a good gameLet everyone exerciseIn stadiums, in yards,But not on _______________________.
11. They roam here in the middle of the roadElks, wolves, rhinos.You, driver, do not rushLet _____________________ pass first!Station number 4 "Berries and flowers in the meadow". 9b The names of 9 berries are encrypted here. Words are written vertically or horizontally, each letter is used only once



What products and household items should be provided to the population affected by the emergency?

Write down the numbers.


2. Bread

3 pumpkin

4. Flour

5. Eggplant

6. Groats

7. Ice cream

8. Pasta

9. Milk

10. Cheese

11. Cabbage

12. Green peas

13. Cucumbers, tomatoes

14. Mushrooms

15. Meat

16. Fish

17. Sweet pepper

18. Carrots

19. Caviar

20. Sugar

21. Coffee

22. Tea

23. Oil


25. Potatoes

26. Matches

27. Onions, parsley

28. Watermelon

Which of these situations can be considered emergency: 1. Burning a campfire during a hike2. Explosion of the ammunition depot3. The fall of an old tree in the forest4. Wreck of a cruise ship5. Bicycle breakdown6. Collapse of the building7. Breakdown of the TV8. Explosion at a nuclear power plant9. Discharge of chemicals into the river10. Flight by plane11. A car hit a pedestrian at an intersection12. On the federal highway 7 cars collided, people were killed.13. Fire in the building of the cinema14. "Traffic jams" on the roads15. Swine flu epidemic

Station number 7 "You and the Road".

Insert the missing words

    Walk only on _____________!

    Crossing the street, look at _____________, and when you reach the middle, look at _____________.

    On streets and roads where traffic is regulated, cross the carriageway only when there is a _____________ traffic signal or a permitting gesture from the traffic controller.

    Do not cross the road in front of close _____________ vehicles.

    On the roadway due to a standing car or other obstruction to the view; as a last resort, stop and take a close look at what kind of ...

    When crossing the street, you should not have a lively conversation - conversations distract thoughts and eyes from _____________.

    Do not play games or go ice skating, skiing or sledding on the _____________ part of the street!

    You know! You can ride bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards only in the courtyard or on special ________. It's dangerous to run out onto the road to fetch a ball or a dog!

    You know! You have to be very careful when crossing the road! The safest crossings are underground and aboveground. If they are not there, it is better to go to "_____________". If there is no pedestrian crossing or traffic lights at the intersection, ask an adult to help you cross the road.

    You know! You can cross the street only at a green traffic light. But even with a green signal, never start moving right away. First, make sure that the cars have stopped and the path is safe. You know! If there is a bus at the bus stop, do not go around it either in front or behind. We must wait until he _____________, and only then begin the transition.

    You know! Be especially careful when your view is obstructed. A car, stall, or bushes standing on the sidewalk can hide a _____________ car behind them. So make sure there is no danger, and only then proceed.

Station number 8 "Azbuka road and not at all difficult." What do these signs mean? Write the correct answers on the form.

1. 2.


7. 8. 9.

10. 11.


15. 1. 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________ 9. __________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________ 11. __________________________________________________ 12. __________________________________________________ 13. __________________________________________________ 14. __________________________________________________ 15. __________________________________________________ 16. __________________________________________________ 17. __________________________________________________ 18. __________________________________________________ 19. __________________________________________________ 20. __________________________________________________ Leading : I will ask the team commanders to hand over the route sheets to our esteemed panel of judges. Summing up the results, awarding the winners with diplomas.
You did an excellent job at all stages and we hope that you will comply with all safety rules and apply all the knowledge to preserve your life and health. Appendix: ANSWER STANDARDS.Station number 1 "In case of fire, as one, we dial 01 ».

- If you are alone in the apartment and a fire starts, what should you do?

-If the fire is small, you can try to extinguish it immediately by throwing a thick cloth, blanket or a pot of water over it.

-If the fire is not immediately extinguished, immediately run away from the house to safe place and only after that call fire brigade by phone "01" or ask your neighbors about it.

-If you cannot run away from a burning apartment, immediately call "01", tell the firemen the exact address and number of your apartment.

-After that, call neighbors and passers-by for help from the window.

-If you feel that you are suffocating from the smoke, squat down or crawl to the exit - there is less smoke below.

-Waiting for the arrival of firefighters - do not open the windows, do not lose your head and do not jump out of the window, they will surely rescue you.

- You are home alone, watching your favorite TV show, and suddenly your TV starts smoking. What should be done?

-turn off the current,

- throw a thick fabric on the TV,

-call by phone "01",

-leave the room.

Station number 2 "And in the forest there are only mushrooms"

White, volnushka, oil can,fly agaric , cowshed, milk mushroom, chanterelle, honey agaric,toadstool . Station number 3 "The quieter you go - the further you will be" 1. Go, 2. Transition, 3. Dangerous, 4. Stop, 5. Stand, 6. Not allowed, 7. Brick, 8. Dangerous, 9. Skip, 10. Street,

11. Hedgehogs.

Station number 4 "In the meadow berries and flowers" Viburnum, raspberry, blackberry, irga, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, wild rose, cloudberry.

Station number 5 "Trouble does not come alone"

2,4,6,8,9,11,12,13,15,16,18,20,22,23,24,25,26,27 Station No. 6 "Nature abhors mistakes." 2,4,6,8,9,12,13,15

Station number 8 "Azbuka road and not at all difficult"

1. Pedestrian crossing, 2. Speed ​​bump, 3. Bus stop, 4. Children in the yard, 5. Underpass, 6. Car wash, 7. Service station, 8. First-aid post, pharmacy, 9. Hotel, 10. Food point, 11. Camping, 12.Caution, children, 13. Overtaking is prohibited, 14. Railway crossing, 15. Passage prohibited, 16. Rough road (bumps), 17. Climbing 12% slope, 18.slip road, 19 Cyclists are not allowed to travel, 20. Narrowing of the road.

Station number 7 "You and the Road".

main correct meaning

Insert the missing words

    Walk only on the sidewalk!

    Cross the street where there are crossing lines or signs, and where there are none, at intersections along the sidewalk line.

    Crossing the street, look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

    On streets and roads where traffic is regulated, cross the carriageway only with a green traffic light or a permitting gesture from the traffic controller.

    Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles.

    Do not go out onto the carriageway because of a standing car or other obstruction to the view; as a last resort, stop and take a close look at what kind of ...

    When crossing the street, you should not have a lively conversation - conversations distract thoughts and eyes from observation.

    Do not play games or go skating, skiing and sledging on the street!

    You know! You can ride bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards only in the courtyard or on special areas. It's dangerous to run out onto the road to fetch a ball or a dog!

    You know! You have to be very careful when crossing the road! The safest crossings are underground and aboveground. If they are not there, it is better to follow the "zebra". If there is no pedestrian crossing or traffic lights at the intersection, ask an adult to help you cross the road.

    You know! You can cross the street only at a green traffic light. But even with a green signal, never start moving right away. First, make sure that the cars have stopped and the path is safe. You know! If there is a bus at the bus stop, do not go around it either in front or behind. We must wait until he drives off, and only then begin the transition.

    You know! Be especially careful when your view is obstructed. A car, a stall, or bushes standing on the sidewalk can hide a moving car behind them. So make sure there is no danger, and only then proceed.

Elena Bukareva
Scenario of the holiday “June 1 - Children's Day. Traveling through the stations "

TMB DOU " Kindergarten combined type "Pock"

« Station travel»

Prepared: music director

TMB DOI "Kindergarten

combined type "Pock"

Bukareva E.V.


« Station travel»

Target: Create a joyful, fabulous mood for children.

Tasks: Develop emotional responsiveness children, develop children's creativity and visual and musical fantasy.

Children enter the hall with cheerful music.

Leading: Dear friends, so the long-awaited for us has come holiday... Today is the first summer day! This day dedicated to International Day child protection... This day dedicated to you, Dear Guys!

Leading: Holiday dedicated to "Day child protection» consider it open Hurray!

Together: Hooray!

Today we will sing, play and have fun.

And now I will tell you a variety of statements, if you like it, then speak together "How lucky we are!"

The game "How lucky we are!"

1. Summer is long-awaited, cheerful and hot!

Children: How lucky we are!

2. Classes are abandoned! The good days have come!

Children: How lucky we are!

3. You can go to your grandmother, eat pancakes there!

Children: How lucky we are!

4. Go to the forest for mushrooms, wear berries in baskets!

Children: How lucky we are!

5. You can take a ride to the sea, frolic there on the shore!

Children: How lucky we are!

Leading: Guys, today I invite you to the Fabulous travel... And in this travel you must complete 6 challenges and collect 6 flowers. Get your route sheets and go!

Educators receive route sheets, and children begin to take tests on stations.


Children are met by a fox.

Fox: Hello guys!

I'm the best singer

I'm a dancer

Strong in music like a lioness

And I love to have fun with the kids. Did you find out who I am?

Children answer

You got on station"Musical"... Here we will play and have fun!

1."The giraffe has spots, spots" (age group and comp., game "The sun and the rain" (1st ml. Gr.)

2. Game "Lisichkina's jump rope"(different age groups, comp. groups, « Sunbeams» (2nd ml. Gr., "Catch-up" (1st ml. Gr.)

Fox: Well done boys! It was fun with you! For this I give you the first flower!

The fox gives the flower to the teacher, the children move on to the next station.


Children are met by a magician.

Magician: Hello dear viewers!

Would you like to see some funny tricks?

What time of year is it? (Summer.) what month? (June) what is the weather outside today? Do you believe it will snow now?

Then don't yawn, don't talk,

Watch me!

1. Colored water.

Water from ordinary becomes multi-colored!

The secret of focus:

To carry out the focus, you need to take 3 jars with screw caps. The inside of the lids is covered with watercolor paint (red, green, blue)... Water is poured into the banks in advance. The magician shows everyone that the water is ordinary, then says magic the words:

You, water-water,

My friend you are cold

Become, water-water,

Not light, but green.

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend

Become, water-water,

Not simple, but red.

You, water-water,

Light as frost

Become, water-water,

Not simple, but blue!

The magician shakes the water in the jar, the water turns into the desired color.

2. - Guys, what do you think? Can an ordinary piece of paper withstand a glass of water?

The magician demonstrates experience. He pours water into an empty glass, then takes a sheet of paper, puts it on the glass and turns it abruptly.

3. Guys, I have two glasses, a sheet of paper and a tangerine. If I put a sheet of paper on the glasses, making a bridge. Can a sheet of paper be able to withstand a tangerine?

Children try, it doesn't work.

The magician takes a sheet of paper, folds it in an accordion and connects "Bridge" two glasses, puts tangerine.

4. Guys, you want to see a real volcano.

The magician takes a jar, wraps it in foil, depicting a volcano, then pour soda, fairies, red water into the jar, and at the end pour vinegar.

5. And now I need an assistant. We take a glass of water, pour it into a saucer, water in a saucer, and how can we return it back to the glass.

The magician gives the children a flower and they move on to the next station.


The exercise "Smile"

Target: Training Shift emotional background mood.


Learning to express emotions of joy, sadness.

Children stand in front of a psychologist.

Psychologist: Guys, today we have rainy weather, the sky is crying, the sun is hiding, it's sad. Show how sad we are. Children show the emotion of sadness. And how fun we are. Children show the emotion of joy.

But we will not be sad, we will cheer ourselves up.

Charging slides on the screen, accompanied by music. Children are doing exercises.

So we recharged ourselves with energy, we are happy and happy, show us how much fun we are.

Children smile, psychologist takes pictures


Children meets a clown Vasya:

I invite everyone to holiday

And I will tell you without fancy:

We celebrate today

All children day.

See how decorated

Our favorite gym

I invite you to compete

And cheer everyone up.

1 relay

"Who is faster on the scooter".

2 relay

"My jolly jingle ball".

The game "Bubble"

After the end of the relay races and games, the children are cheerful and happy, receive a flower each and move on to another station.


Children paint in non-traditional ways.


Meets children Master of Riddles: "Hello guys. I welcome you to station Mysterious... Do you know how in ancient times they tested the mind and ingenuity of a person? Of course, they asked riddles!

Shaggy, mustached,

The paws are soft, and the claws are sharp.


Lies - is silent,

if you come up, he will grumble.

who goes to the owner,

she lets know (dog)

The hen came from the forest

Small, white,

jump-jump along the forest,

on a snowy pumpkin (Hare)

Pozun is creeping

the needles are lucky

always carries them with him,

but can't sew (hedgehog)

In the mountains, in the valleys

there is a fur coat

yes caftan (ram)

Sleeps during the day

flies at night

and frightens passers-by (owl)

Sat on the fence

sang and shouted.

but how did everyone get together,

took and shut up (rooster)

Who drags his house on himself? (snail)

has teeth,

but does not know toothache (comb)

I have no legs, but I walk,

there is no mouth, but I will say

when everyone is sleeping

and when to get up (watch)

Not a bush, but with leaves.

not a shirt, but sewn.

not a person, but tells (book)

Where can you not find a dry stone? (in water)

Without which you can not bake bread? (no crust)

You and me, yes you and me.

how much has become? (two)

What a brave bird

rushed across the sky?

only white track

left of her (airplane)

Hit, don't cry,

but jumps and jumps (ball)

N. Artemova

At the grandmother's garden

the riddles have grown.

here and there, here and there

what kind of umbrellas are growing?

our granddaughter wrinkles her forehead.

this honey (Dill)

Stretches higher, higher

almost to the very roof,

yellow as the sun

hat at (sunflower)

I plucked a pod

pressed down on the flank.

he opened up. Oh! Oh!

rolled (peas)

Fluffy and green tail

grew proudly in the garden.

Vanya grabbed deftly:

Come out into the light (carrot)

Chubby face, white face,

Likes to drink plenty of water.

She has leaves with a crunch,

And her name is (cabbage)

Believe - don't believe

we are from America.

In a fairy tale we are signors,

in the garden ... (tomatoes)

And on this bed

Played hide and seek

Green sly ones

Young (cucumbers)

Elya, baby, don't cry.

This is a doctor from our garden.

Heal any ailment

Can garden (onion)

He is from pumpkin kin,

Lies on its side all the days

Like a green block of wood

Under the name (zucchini)

I'm the only one in the world

not just boiled,

but in a uniform.

Honor the uniform of the shore,

I serve people as best I can. (potatoes)

Master of Riddles: Well done! To you medals for answers! And a flower.

Going through all stations, children come back to the gym. The host meets them.

Leading: Guys, ours has come to an end. travel... Did you like it travel? Children answer. Have you all passed the tests? (Yes) got flowers (collected?

Children: Yes

The presenter collects flowers, puts them in a chest. Magic music sounds, the children close their eyes, the presenter changes the box with flowers for a box with chocolates and soap bubbles.


Now take the presents, kids!

Let's say holiday and fly our loud "Hooray!"

Educators help distribute chocolates and bubble... Music sounds, children blow bubbles.

How the pirates were looking for treasure!

The callsigns of the holiday are played, which opens with the dance "Barbariki". After the dance, the heroes of 2 cabin boys come out.

Jung 1: Hello guys.

Jung 2: We are gathered here today

Jung 1: In order to get to know each other,

Jung 2: And it’s fun and interesting to spend time together.

Jung 1: But first, before we start our holiday

Jung 2: Let's get to know the guys who came to us

Jung 1: My name is Masha

Jung 2: And me Glasha

Jung 1: We are the cabin boys of our wonderful ship "Pearl"

Jung 2: And now on the count of three, all the girls will loudly, loudly say their names. One two Three! (children answer)

Jung 1: Well, and of course the boys will now say their names loudly. One two Three. (children answer)

Jung 2: Great, now we know each other.

Jung 1: Guys today we want to invite you to go to magical journey on the waves of childhood.

Jung 2: But, unfortunately, we have not recruited a team

Jung 1: And I have a proposal, let's put together a team among the guys who came to the holiday today.

There is a game with children.

Jung 1: These are great fellows, guys!

Jung 2: We have the most the best team for our ship.

Jung 1: Let's get ready for the journey as soon as possible. In the meantime, the little members of the ballet studio of the folk dance group "Korobeyniki" "Bird yard" are dancing for you

Ballet studio of the folk dance group "Korobeiniki" RDK village of Belorechensky, director Nevina Ekaterina Sergeevna "Bird yard"
the soundtrack sounds at the exit of the pirates.

Music sounds for the exit of the pirates. Pirates sneak onto the stage.

Jack Sparrow: Look, Baracuda. What you need, just like the Black Pearl

Barracuda: I propose to steal this vessel and ...

Jung 1: Who are they?: Is that how they do it.

Jung 2: Has Jack Sparrow himself come to visit us?

Jung 1: Again for your own, you steal everything ...

Jack Sparrow: We do not steal anything, we just walk a little here.

Jung 2: We know, we are your walks, you pirates are only capable of one thing!

Barracuda: And we are not capable of anything!

Jung 1: But prove it! You see how many children gathered for the holiday today

Jack Sparrow: Why is this?

Jung 2: And in order to have fun and usefully spend time.

Barracuda: Oh, how we love to usefully and have fun, we will now prove it to you.

The pirates are playing a game with the guys.

Jung 1: Yes, you really are good at having fun and frolicking

Jung 2: Accept as a giftsong "Ryzhik" performed by Polyakova Tamara

"Ryzhik" performed by Polyakova Tamara RCVR p. Belorechensky hands. Zubareva Diana Valentinovna.
Jack Sparrow: We have a business proposal for you. I got a treasure map here, and there is a key,

Pulls out the key on big ring and demonstrates to everyone.

Jack Sparrow: You will probably be interested to know what this key is from ?! But I won't tell you!(Thinking). Although no, I will!

Barracuda: Let's say, let's say!

Jack Sparrow: This chest key! In which treasures are hidden and which we will look for with you.

the truth is, I don't have a team now, only Barracuda is left, and without a team, the treasure cannot be found.

Barracuda: Ah, we heard that you have already assembled a team.

Jung 2: Well guys, can we help Jack Sparrow? But only if he gives us the card and the key

Jung 1: And we will swim with songs and dances.

Jung 2: Meet the exemplary choreographic ensemble "Rainbow" with the dance "Vesnyanka"

The exemplary choreographic collective "Rainbow", Children's Art School of the village of Belorechensky, hands. Piven Lyubov Vladimirovna dance "Vesnyanka".

Barracuda: And now, you and I will raise our flag, under which we will sail!

Jack Sparrow: Sailing to magical lands on strange shores.

Jung 1: But this is a very dangerous journey

Barracuda: Of course, and requires a lot of preparation for the team.

Jack Sparrow: Let's check the readiness of our team.

There is a competition among children.

Jung 2: Our team is the best!

Jung 1: Guys, you are such good fellows, accept as a gift the song "Our land with you", which is sung by the exemplary vocal ensemble "Inspiration" of the Children's Art School of the village of Belorechensky. Please welcome!

"Our Earth with You" exemplary vocal ensemble "Inspiration" DISH p. Belorechensky ruk. Gruzdeva Julia

Sharoglazova Ksyusha Selyukova sings for you Arina DSHI p. Belorechensky hands. Dorokhova Olga Innokentievna "I will paint happiness"
Barracuda: Well, here we are!

Jung 1: And how will we find the treasure!

Jack Sparrow: I'll tell you everything I know about the chest. - One hundred steps from the pier north to the old oak tree. From the oak tree to the northeast until you come across a stream. Further down the stream, go to the skeleton with four gold teeth. His hands point to two stones. There is a stump twenty steps away from each one, together with the stump the stones form an arrow. Follow the arrow until you come out to a thunderous rock, at the foot of which there is a clearing, in the center of which a treasure chest is buried.
Jack Sparrow: Well, have you all heard? I think no one wants to spoil your captain's mood. Do you all get it? If yes, then forward to treasure and glory!

the characters begin to look for the chest and carry it out from behind the backdrop. The pirates are trying to steal the chest.

Jung 1: Where are you going?
Jack Sparrow: We?
Barracuda: Did you say something?
Jung 2: Yes, you, with our treasures!
Jack Sparrow: With yours?
Barracuda: With ours, we were the first to find them.
Jung 1: The treasure belongs to the one who has the map and the key, and the team.
Jung 2: What about you?
(pirates try to escape)
Jung 1: Stand. Either you give the treasure or you are not good at it.
Jack Sparrow: Okay, okay, but what do we get in return?
Jung 2: And in return you will receive a lot of positive emotions.
Jack Sparrow: A whole lot ?! Agree.
Barracuda: Take it, we won't be able to open it anyway.
Jack Sparrow: What are positive emotions?
Barracuda: I would like, of course, at least a small fraction of what is there!
Jung 1: Take your treasures.

Tear off the chest from which helium balloons fly out
Doll 2: Here are the treasures, this concert program from the most talented children of the village of Belorechensky, meetYurysheva Dasha is a pupil of the Regional Center for Out-of-School Work, hands. Zubareva Dina Valentinovna with the song "Carloson"

  1. Meet "Fidgets" choreographic ensemble "Orange" Children's Art School of the village of Belorechensky ruk. Serebryannikova Natalia Grigorievna
  2. Voevodin Pasha "Our freeman is riding", RDK, village Belorechensky, hands. Vysotina Tatiana Nikolaevna
  3. Vocal ensemble "Firefly", RDK, village Belorechensky hands. Dorokhova Olga Innokentievna
  4. "O-le" Zhukov Vanya, RCVR p. Belorechensky hands. Zubareva Dina Valentinovna
  5. "Jazz Orchestra" exemplary choreographic group "Rainbow" Children's Art School of the village of Belorechensky ruk. Piven Lyubov Valentinovna
  6. Shmelkova Nadya DSHI p. Belorechensky hands. Dorokhova Olga Innokentievna
  7. "Fly away cloud" Nesmeyanova Sasha RCVR p. Belorechensky, hands of Zubareva Dina Valentinovna
  8. Kosilova Lera DSHI p. Belorechensky hands. Dorokhova Olga Innokentievna
  9. Muravyova Nastya DSHI p. Belorechensky hands. Dorokhova Olga Innokentievna
  10. "Maybe" Borovskaya Julia RCVR p. Belorechensky, hands of Zubareva Dina Valentinovna
  11. "Me and Solnyshko" exemplary vocal ensemble "Inspiration" DISH p. Belorechensky ruk. Gruzdeva Julia
  12. Gordeeva Ksyusha DSHI p. Belorechensky hands. Dorokhova Olga Innokentievna

Hear, Belorechenets,

We are together, we are one

We all need happiness, joy, friendship.

Repeat after me

We are together, we are one

Happiness, joy, friendship

We all need it.

Now let's show our unity

The whole Belorechensky is dancing!

The phonogram "Ariva" sounds, a mass dance takes place.

Young Belorechens, let us show our love for our native village. “Belorechensky” is written on the asphalt across the entire square. We invite you to take part in the grand fireworks in honor of our wonderful village.

To do this, you need to build on the letters, so that with the help of people and balls, you can compose the name of the village. Each letter has its own balloon color. The letter -B- red balls, the letter -B- is written on them

1 The letter -E- yellow balls, written on them -1E-

Letter -L- purple balloons have the letter -L- written on them

Letter -o white balloons have the letter -O- written on them

Letter -R- orange balls have the letter -Р- written on them

2 Letters -E- green balls are written on them -2E-

Letter -H- blue balloons have the letter -CH- written on them

3 Letters -E- red balls are written on them -3E-

Letter -N- yellow balloons have the letter -Н- written on them

Letter -C- blue the letter -C- is written on them

Letter -K- pink balloons the letter -K- is written on them

Letter -And- green the letter -И- is written on them

The letter -J- is the letter -J- is written on them.

All are lined up in letters in our hands, balloons inflated with helium.

On the command "Do it, once!" everybody squats!

On the command "do two!" everyone stands up to their full height

On the command "Do three!" raise the balls above our heads

And when you hear "Salute, Belorechensky" all at the same time release the balloons into the sky. And now, everyone who does not participate in our action, please move 5 meters away from the inscription and once again on my command ...

Jack Sparrow: On this bright, bright holiday!
We wish you success
And jolly laughter!
Barracuda: If you are friendlier
You will find a hundred friends!
And now we all have to go
Together: Goodbye kids!

Purpose: To give children preschool age elementary knowledge and perceptions of international holiday“Children's Day”;


To shape locomotor activity children;

Foster a desire to be creative by providing equal opportunities for all children.

Improve the mood of children.

Equipment: Ball, Big candy with sweets, Balloons, (fake) dummy, soap bubbles, crayons.

Characters: Leading; Zyuzyuka; Clown Girly-Merry (Performed by adults).

The holiday is held on the street, on the site of the kindergarten.

Holiday progress


Hello, hello, hello!

We're glad to welcome you!

How many bright smiles

We see on faces now.

Today the holiday gathered us:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

First summer day of the year

Will not give children to trouble.

Today we have with you fun party, dedicated to the Day protection of children. We will have fun, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. And I propose to start our holiday with a merry round dance (song "Big round dance")

Zyuzuka enters, rubbing his palms, with his back to the children.

Zyuzyuk. (Speaks in a malicious voice)

Well, I did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Let them now drink a salty compote! Ha ha ha!

(He turns and sees a full hall of children.)

Zyuzyuk. Aha! This is where I need it!

Leading. Where is this "here"?

Zyuzyuka ... Where, where ... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading ... Who are you?

Zyuzyuka ... I am Zyuzuka Bilbedorskaya. You can just - Zyuzyuka. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not some, but a holiday for all children who have matured, grown wiser, become big during the school year. And they came to have fun.

Zyuzyuka ... These are these little shorty kids who are big ?! Oh, they made fun! (Laughs) I just want to give them a dummy to suck... (Gives the children a dummy).

Leading. Wait, wait, Zyuzuka, to find out if our guys really matured, you need to check them in games, in dances, in songs.

Zyuzyuka ... Check, huh? Please! (Pulls out the ball). Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him, he did not grow up, but remained a short baby.

(Begins randomly, tricking children into throwing a ball at them.)

Leading. Oh no! Will not work! If we are to play, then for real.

Zyuzyuk. How is this for real?

Leading. This means - according to the rules. Look, we'll teach you.

Zyuzyuk. Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Held

Hot potato game

Children are located in a circle, on signal they pass the ball to each other while the music is playing. After stopping the music, the child who has the ball in his hands leaves the circle.

Leading ... Guys, I know who Zyuzuka needs to be introduced to so that she stops playing pranks, and becomes kind and cheerful with the Little Merry Girl. But in order for it to appear here, you need to laugh loudly, heartily. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. Zyuzyuka hides to the side, covers his ears.

Enters with cheerful music Girly-Veselushka (with soap bubbles).

Children stand still.

Girly Cheerful.Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Children. Yes!

Girly Fun... Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Little Merry Girl, we all met together today and decided to have some fun, and Zyuzyuka claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and are not able to do anything.

(Zyuzuka laughs maliciously).

Girly Cheerful.And I think quite the opposite. Guys in academic year wasted no time. For example, you know, Zyuzyuk, what to do in the morning?

Zyuzyuka ... Of course I know! They still ask. You get up in the morning and immediately begin to do all sorts of nasty things, lie and play pranks.

Girly Fun... But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

(conducts comic exercises with funny music)

Zyuzyuka ... Eh, you! You will not be my assistants. Why am I so unlucky ?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me ?! (Cries).

Leading. And you still ask ?! Look at yourself: is it possible with such harmful person that never smiles, find friends? Only to a kind, cheerful person other people are drawn. Here, look at what fun dance prepared by our guys Maybe he and you, Zyuzyuk, will spark a spark of warmth and kindness.

Children perform the "Country" dance

Zyuzyuka (claps her hands). What a wonderful dance! I have not seen this yet!

Girly Cheerful.Friends, a miracle happened! Zyuzuka told the truth for the first time!

Zyuzyuka ... How? It can't be! What's wrong with me ?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whimpers).

Leading. You will become good, kind and cheerful with us. We will give you a new name. Want?

Zyuzyuka (embarrassed). Well, I don't know ... Will I be able to? ..

Girly FunYou can, you can! And the guys and I will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's come up with a new Zyuzuke good name... (Consults with children). Right! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughing. We think you will like it.

Girly Cheerful.But from now on, you should only do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Zyuzyuka ... And how to do these good deeds? I do not know.

Girly Fun... And here is one of them to start with. I was picking up on the way different colors... But they are unusual. Each of them has a riddle. Here are flowers for you, you will make summer riddles to children. Deal?

Zyuzyuka ... No-no. I want to guess my riddles first.


In the thicket his head lifted up, howling with hunger ... giraffe (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown ... wolf (Bear)

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt ... ant (Pig)

Fastest of all from fear rushes ... tortoise (hare)

In his warm puddle he croaked loudly ... Barmaley (Frog)

From the palm tree - down to the palm tree again deftly jumps ... a cow (monkey)

Leading: And now I will give you a riddle.

The forest is full of songs and screams,

Strawberry splashes with juice,

Children splash in the river

Bees are dancing on a flower.

What is the name of this time?

It's not hard to guess - (Summer).

Girly Fun:Well, not your difficult riddles. Now it's my turn.

Not a bird, but with wings,

Not a bee, but flies over the flowers. (Butterfly).

The gate went up

The whole world is beautiful.

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The seven-color bridge is steep. "

The cloud hid the sun's light

The bridge has collapsed, but there are no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path

From the grass to the blade

Spring jumps

Green back. (Grasshopper).

Grows in the grass Alenka

In a red shirt.

Whoever will pass

Everyone bows down. (Strawberries).

A hat and a leg -

That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters stand in the field:

The dresses are bleached, the hats are green. (Birch trees).

Girly Cheerful.Well done boys! And you said (addresses Zyuzyuka) that our children do not know anything. How could kids guess such difficult riddles!

Zyuzyuk. Now I really see that the guys have grown and wiser. Do you know why? Because I am slowly turning into Funny-Laughing. I want to thank them for this and treat them with something tasty.

Zyuzyuka with the Little Merry Girlbring in a big candy on a bunch balloons with sweets inside. They distribute sweets to the children and the presenters release balloons into the air.

Leading. Guys, let's say thank you to our cheerful guests for the treat.

(The heroes leave to the cheerful music.)

Leading. So our holiday has come to an end.

Now take the crayons

And on the asphalt draw, write,

What is needed for happiness.

Let your drawings be:

Happiness, sun, friendship.

I ... Introduction

Today, on this first summer day For us, even an old stump will dissolve leaves And every blade of grass will give us a flower And a mosquito will not bite anyone. All because the holiday has come, He united all the children of the Earth And became brothers - boys from China, And sisters - the girls of Uruguay. Let our skin be different in color, But we understand by sight all the children of the planet. We all dream together about one thing, So that everyone has a family and a home, So that we and we both love And in childhood we all live without worries and grief. Therefore, we ask all people to protect and appreciate us - children! "

Many different smart laws, guys, protect your life, and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. Children's Day reminds all people around the world to remember about the rights of every child and, of course, not to violate them.

II ... Game part

1. "How are you?"

How are you? - Like this! (expose thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go to the spot)

How are you sailing? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (grimace)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (shake their fingers at each other)

Stations for the route game "Summer Carousel"

Dear guys, today we are going to an amusing trip on the stations of the route game "Summer Carousel". The stations are waiting for us: "Zateyniki", "Sportivnaya", "Literaturnaya", "Musical Kaleidoscope", "Artists". Captains can take route sheets. Guys, build a train. You will move from station to station by signal. At the end of the game, the captains return the route sheets. We wish you good luck and success!

Station name


Number of points

Station "Zateyniki"

Game "Storm"

Children become couples and dance. The presenter says “Storm 3 points”. Children are rebuilt by 3 people. "Storm 100 points" - the children are rearranged in a circle.

Game "Land, water"

Participants of the competition stand in one line. At the word of the leader "land" everyone jump forward, at the word "water" - backward. The competition is held at a fast pace. Those jumping out of place are eliminated, the last player - the most attentive, becomes the winner.

Game "Heaven, Earth, Water".

The presenter calls various subjects or phenomena, and the players point to the sky, crouch, touching the ground with their hands, depict waves with their hands, depending on where these objects can be found - in the sky, on earth, in the water.

The one who makes the least mistakes wins; the leader can confuse children with false movements. The words: plane, grass, crucian carp, rose, shark, rocket, ship, tram, sun.

Station "Sportivnaya"

With a physical education minute

Like a funny kind joke

Let me amuse you now:

We got up from a place together - once,

Everybody sat down, everybody got up,

They sat down again, got up again

Right, left, turned,

They clapped and everyone sat down.

"Hot potato".

Children stand in a circle. At the command of the leader, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. As soon as the presenter says: “Stop!”, The game stops. The player who has the ball in his hands is out of the game. Play until the last player wins.

Relay game "Kangaroo".

2 teams are playing. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player.

Pass the ball over the top.

For this and the next two relays, it is necessary to collect 2 teams and build them in two columns, at a short distance from each other. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the presenter, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball hits the last competitor, the task is changed. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from the bottom. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The winner is the team whose captain has the ball first.

3. Station "Literary".

Fabulous relay race.

Fox Alice and cat Basilio Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and he puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In such a position (one is blind, the other is lame) they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair.

Baba Yaga Everyone remembers that Baba Yaga travels in a mortar, helping with a broom. Instead of a stupa, there will be a bucket, and instead of a broom, there will be a mop. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket and holds it by the handle with one hand, and in the other hand holds a mop. In this position, he needs to reach the turning mark, go back and pass the props to the next participant.


Not a bird, but with wings, Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates have risen, the whole world is beautiful. The sun ordered: "Stop, the seven-color bridge is steep." A cloud hid the sun's light, The bridge collapsed, but there are no chips. (Rainbow).

From a branch - to a path, From a grass - to a blade of grass Jumping a spring, Green back. (Grasshopper).

Grows in the grass Alenka In a red shirt. Whoever passes, Everyone bows down. (Strawberries).

A hat and a leg - That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters stand in the field: Dresses are bleached, hats are green. (Birch trees).

The white stone melted.

I left traces on the board. (Chalk).

Oh! Do not touch me,

I will burn without fire. (Nettle).

Falls in peas

Rides along the tracks. (Hail).

I make you riddles - shape-shifters . Be careful! I guess, and you answer in unison!

- The bunny went out for a walk, the hare has exactly 5 paws ... ... (four) - I have a dog, it has 6 tails ... (one) - There is a funny omen, snow has fallen, welcome summer ... like a drill, April is in the yard ... (February) - Birthday is on the nose, we baked sausage ... (cake) - Irinka and Oksanka have three-wheeled sleds ... (bicycle)

Complete sentences:

Guys, I'll ask you some tricky questions today.

If the answer is negative, please answer with the word "no",

And in the affirmative - then say the word "yes" out loud.

Whoever eats a lot of sweets has a sweet tooth, right? ...

Mustache and beard grow for those who go to kindergarten? ...

If you are always lazy, in your diary there are fives? ...

You ate lunch with gusto, do you need to say thank you?

Machines are given green light, can I walk on the zebra? ...

A thin boy, like a skeleton, will easily lift a barbell? ...

Tuesday is Wednesday, Thursday is Saturday? ...

The chameleon changes color, but the octopus changes? ...

Mommy will buy me candy for being lazy? ...

The questions are over, friends! And I praise everyone, guys, me.

The test came to an end. Who was not mistaken - well done!

And who made a mistake even a little, not a fine fellow, but a hammer!

Station "Musical Kaleidoscope".

Continue the song.

A tablecloth, a tablecloth ... (It spreads on a long journey).

The sun circle, the sky around (this is a drawing of a boy)

Write different letters ... (with a thin feather in a notebook)

It's fun to walk together ... (across open spaces, across open spaces).

"Dance Marathon".

Several pairs of dancers are called in. The task of each couple is to hold the ball between their foreheads while dancing different dances. The pair that holds the ball longer than others wins. The originality of the dance can be appreciated separately.

Station "Artists".

We draw on the theme “Peace on the planet - happy children!”, “My summer rest"(On the asphalt).

III ... Final part. Summarizing.

Let there never be war, Let the cities sleep calmly, Let the shrill howl of sirens Do not sound over my head. Let not a single shell explode, Not a single one scribbles a machine gun, Let our forests proclaim, Only birds and children’s voices, And let the years pass peacefully All children: “Let there never be war!”