Congratulations on the first release. Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone

Farewell to school is a very touching and sad moment, because years of incredible discoveries and a sea of ​​knowledge, funny tricks and childish spontaneity remain behind. However, it is not for nothing that this day is celebrated cheerfully and solemnly. After this unforgettable event, along with the responsibility of adulthood, freedom of thought and self-expression comes. Graduation night is the last day within the walls of the school, the last opportunity to look back and then confidently rush into the enchanting future. Therefore, it is important to find correct words, who will tell you beautifully and sincerely. The verses on this page will perfectly cope with such a difficult task and will help to make this evening even more festive.

Congratulations on graduation (graduation from school)

Years have passed, it seems so imperceptibly now
And we climbed them when the finest hour comes?
And then he came and pounded a lump to his throat,
We stand in silence, no one could utter words without excitement!

Of course, to each his own, but the darkness is sad,
Although you can't call us shkolota now ...
Now the door of life is open for us everywhere,
And we last hour pupils already! ©

How just by chance the prom came to us,
We graduate from school, you and me, yes we are with you,
Years have passed when we are half an inch tall,
They came to gain knowledge, wisdom forever.

Now we are on the verge of a new life - graduation,
We say goodbye to school - we are with you.
Let be bright minutes school years,
They live in hearts and help us avoid troubles! ©

Here are the last minutes, certificates have been handed over,
Like a train on the platform, all the bells rang
We jump on the bandwagon to continue our path,
To be sure in life, everywhere in order to keep up!

Remembering what it was, remembering those years,
What the school gave us, what is with us forever,
And now only congratulations, and more formalities,
But we will come here for sure, I know I believe in all this! ©

Cool congratulations on graduation from school

We're going to graduation, it's generally fast,
And not much will remain, everything will remain in the brain,
Anyone who studied at school will leave happy with that,
Well, if you didn't try, there is only a sad meme on your face.

And in life, it will be important what you got at school,
After all, the exams are all after, no one canceled us,
So you can celebrate if you had time at school,
At the prom we have fun that you have become a graduate!

Congratulations guys, on this glorious day,
And success to everyone in life, and luck around,
So that there is understanding, so that I understand you,
What to do in order for you to succeed in life! ©

Today you are a graduate!
A beautiful moment of youth
The soul is sublime and airy
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some, probably, will glorify
To others, he will set up obstacles!
And it's very difficult to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your destiny,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Take your time to retreat
It is only given to the strong to win!
May your life be full
The warmth of friends is surrounded
And warmed with personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

When you're only seventeen
After parting with the student's bench,
Sometimes it is difficult to understand:
Where to go, which road?
And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn to the side paths.
Let there be a conscience for you everywhere
Your advisor and compass.
But even though we are parting with the school,
There is no place for sadness and longing.
All the same, our hearts remain
Near the school desk and blackboard!

With the end of the 9th grade of the gymnasium

They came to their gymnasium
You eight years ago
You have grown wiser, grown up -
The result is noticeable!

As time rushes by, behind
Already the ninth grade
And you were able to get through it
Delighting us all!

For a year, exams have passed -
Five in diaries
And you could prove to everyone
That everything is in your hands!

We are proud and happy for everyone
We want to wish you
So that your today's success
I was able to become the norm of life!

Hurry to get knowledge,
Find, discover yourself,
To live life perfectly
You, friends!

And we want to promise
What we will be like now
To root for you and help,
We love you so much!

With the completion of primary school (4 grades)

4 classes, it's a trifle,
But it was also given to us as ...
After all, they did not know how to do anything,
Count, write, and even that!

And for 4 years already,
We do that all completely!
V primary school high school graduation,
We pass exams with you!

All my classmates
And from me this verse,
Graduation in elementary school
So that we try further, more !!! ©

Elementary school flew by
A string of sunny days
Are you on the high seas tonight
Letting go of our children.

Together with you they began
Think, read and write for yourself,
You often replaced us with them,
After school you played with them
And we went for a walk.

And today we are a little sad:
Parting has come ...
The big road is waiting for the kids
And it won't be easy for us without you,

Because in these three years
We all became a family
And now in your school worries
There will be someone else ...

We are very grateful to you for everything
And, saying goodbye, we want to wish
Be loved by teachers
And remember us more often!

Congratulations on graduation from the university, university (Institute, Academy). For a graduation party from a higher educational institution.

Your study path is over,
Let it be long, difficult,
But you are persistent, no doubt
You got enough inspiration
And strength for the days of that study!
Passed exams, tests,
And now work awaits you
Make your dreams come true!
We believe that you can
Go with Luck and Praise!
And may your diploma help
You are on the road of undertakings
Do not count the wishes today
And joy languidly burns hearts,
You finished your studies to the end
And you defended yourself to "five",
What more could we want in life ?!

Your study path is over,
Although it is long and protracted ...
Your diploma is already in your hands,
We are proud of you daughter !!!
We wish you only good
To spark your soul
Taking off once suddenly in vain,
Then it did not fade away forever!
After all, you are stubborn and strong
And even though the road is not easy
But if that road is a joy,
And if ours is help,
Then, your dreams will come true
And you will be happier than everyone!

The diploma is in your hands, you graduated from the university,
I am very happy for you, dear.
I am proud of you, my dear
You met all my hopes.
Student wondrous time
It will never be forgotten by you!
Childhood did not swim very far,
And the wise maturity already walks in the neighborhood.
Say goodbye to games, meet big life
And in it, please, look, do not stumble.
All paths are open to you now -
Everywhere good luck awaits impatiently.
I will go with you,
And I wish you were happy.


Congratulations on prom

Already, like the Cat - the one Pushkin, - scholar
(Just missing the gold chain!):
After all, the certificate has already been handed over to you,
Flowers were presented from the kids!
"Scientist - awarded!" ... But have you become smarter?
And aren't the "pants" from Pythagoras too small ?!
After all, the time of gathering stones
Will come, and you will not notice how soon!
So hand over your certificate to scrap
And charge yourself up for a diploma with your brain!

Every year you are. older,
The school is behind us.
Be wiser, be bolder
You are on the path of life.
Life is harsh. Temper yourself.
And keep up with learning.
Just don't get lost
And don't forget your family.

The certificate is very handy:
There is a great life ahead.
But on this, as at the start,
Don't stay long.
After all, a big one fits.
And the keys are in your hands.

We wish you soon
And get a diploma.

The years passed unnoticed -
Goodbye school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into the big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
They are waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Congratulations on graduating from school and wish you the road to adult life walked along blooming garden so that the carriage of life can easily and happily carry you along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby.
Good luck and prosperity!

You have accumulated enough knowledge,
Eleven years have flown by
Get down to business
Time is fleeting.
Saying goodbye to you:
"Goodbye, goodbye!"
We will follow you after you.
We wish you success
Do not forget school days!
And happy journey!

You graduated from high school, boy, -
Do not subtract, do not add.
It remains only to congratulate -
Unlearned after all
Without much reproach
Until the last lesson
Until the last call.
At the farewell ball in the hall
They will decorate everyone with envy
You girls tears
And lipstick.
Do not be sad that they did not give
Gold medals for you:
Passed the exams - the hero.
Even far from home
Follow Ohm's Law.
But to completely different laws
Life will teach you.
And more than once
There will be tears and lipstick
But this is the lot of men.

And this is the end!
And maybe even strange
You will be without teachers, guys ...
Don't disperse right away - I'll tell you
Saying goodbye to loved ones:
“I wish you to walk boldly through life,
I wish everyone happiness
Let it come true that everyone wanted.
On the road, friend! Have a good trip!"

I have for you friends
There are very few words:
Knowledge is better than money
Take with you on the road.
Also take with you
Your strong friendship,
Because a friend will help
Both in studies and in battle.
You took care of the school,
They did a lot for us
But the masters of the school
We will not be worse than you.
Even if you didn't notice us
From a height of two meters
And we got the clicks
And we flew into the bushes,
I'm not offended by you.
Even though I'm small now
I will grow up and I will too
To be called a "graduate".
You were an example for us,
Maybe even a lighthouse.
Personally, I will be proud
The one that was familiar with you.
Finishing our speech,
We wish you to cross the mountains,
Soar into the clouds, swim all the oceans.
Until next time!
Have a good trip.

Guys, our dear children:
Vitalik, Ira, Olya, Tolya and Sergey,
Once upon a time for the first time by the handle they brought you to school.
And how quickly you, relatives, grew up!

What adults, beautiful you have become,
Ready to fly out of the nest sooner ...
You hardly remember your first class,
And the hour of farewell - you will always remember!

There is nowhere to get away from sadness:
The hour of parting will come soon.
Childhood takes you from the school threshold,
To part with you once and for all.

You will go to life from the last call.
And your burden will be oh, how light it is!
Wherever life takes you - the road
one must not forget the paternal threshold.

The one who gave you life, raised, loved,
Who gave the luggage knowledge and blessed the journey.
Beloved teachers and school will remember each of you.
Always a cheerful bell
Will persistently call all of you to class!

From school doorstep
There are many roads in the world
Should I continue my studies,
Whether to go to work, -

And the evening falls over the city again,
The guitar rang out, and the ball - lights out.
At least a little warmth of this memorable meeting
Take it with you, take it with you!
And we will not make promises that are noisy,
To speak loud words, to give high oaths
Let's just try to live on earth better
To never drop school prestige.

Dear N.! This year is special for you: you have passed one of critical milestones of his life - finished school. I do not know about your future plans, most likely, you will enter one of the universities or technical school. Regardless, I want you to always remember the words of an ancient Indian poet
Knowledge is the highest beauty in man.
Knowledge is a secret treasure.
Knowledge gives joy and glory.
Mentor mentor,
Knowledge - true friend in a foreign land.
Knowledge is the supreme god.
Knowledge is valued by kings, not wealth.
People without knowledge are not people.
For you, dear N.! For your future successes!

You have grown up already, and we are proud of you,
You have embodied beautiful features in yourself:
Cheerful, energetic and skillful.
Among the weak - kind
And among the strong - brave.
We so want your life to be
Healthy, kind, clean, bright.
And may you be different from everyone
Good luck, happiness and success!

At this festive table
We have nowhere to go.
Now we will drink to the certificate
And for its owner.
May he continue to drink joy
And it does not forget us.
We wish him all kindness,
Which he himself desires.

From school doorstep
There are many roads in the world
Which one to walk - the decision is yours:
Should I continue my studies,
Whether to go to work, -
You are in control of your destiny.
Only one wish:
Efforts are needed in everything
Whichever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now I would find a remedy
To comprehend the main essence in life.
There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity,
And God did not offend you with his mind.
Health is strength,
And so that happiness is
You must achieve it with work.
Work is the basis of life
For the good of the whole Motherland,
This means that you will benefit too.
Work or study,
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
Be happy, successful
Let not sinless in everything,
But to love life and live with faith in the heart:
You are worthy of happiness!
And always be in tune
Conquer any obstacles!

School years have passed -
The era is golden.
To be cheerful, as always,
We wish you.
Don't get lost in the flow of days

Youth is a great time.
What remains for us to wish?
Happiness in this world and kindness.
Let life rush to distant lands!

And the century, and the system has long been replaced,
But the climate at the school has remained -
Knowledge-deep approach,
Progress and a bold look ahead!

Take the same, as the baton,
This is the habit of high school students -
Always be the first in everything
And continue climbing up the hill!

One milestone was successfully taken
You have received your certificate!

Dear Guys! On behalf of all parents, we congratulate you
with a successful graduation from school!

Graduates of distant years
They send you their ardent greetings!

Many years have passed, guys,
But again the frames float like in the movies
How we learned here once,

We haven't heard of a computer,
But they were also modern and smart!
And the theorem was studied
Even then, about the Pythagorean pants.

There were griefs in life
But there was also a lot of funny in her,
Even though there were these adventures
A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!

They dreamed of a bright future
We were proud of our native gymnasium,
And celebrated in the same way
Your first ball and school graduation party!

And they scared us with the exam,
We were told - we will not hand over.
We accepted the challenge of fate,
Now we have everything behind us.
Brains are already on fire,
And knowledge crawls out of the ears.
Would blow up this school,
And together with her, teachers!
We will extract them from the wreckage,
Let's put everyone on a pedestal.
Oh, that would be a bigger salary,
I would become a teacher myself!

Today you are a little worried
Today it is a little bit joyful
And you can, of course, be understood,
After all, you have a new path before you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the track be remembered
That she took to school every day!

Today you are a graduate!
A beautiful moment of youth
The soul is sublime and airy
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
The hour has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some, probably, will glorify
To others, he will set up obstacles!
And it's very difficult to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your destiny,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Take your time to retreat
It is only given to the strong to win!
May your life be full
The warmth of friends is surrounded
And warmed with personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

All paths are open before you -
Everywhere good luck awaits impatiently.
I will go with you,
And I wish you were happy.
I also want to be faithful
Your choice of business, friend and dear,
So that the light of love warms your whole life,
So that the gods are supportive.

Only one wish;
Efforts are needed in everything
Whichever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood.
Now I would find a remedy
To comprehend the main essence in life.
There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity,
And God did not offend you with his mind.
Health is strength,
And so that happiness is
You must achieve it with work.
Work is the basis of life
For the good of the whole Motherland,
This means that you will benefit too.
Work or study,
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
Be happy, successful
Let not sinless in everything,
But life is to love and with faith
live in the heart
You are worthy of happiness!
And always be in tune
Conquer any obstacles!

Away from the school doorstep
Your road runs
And the route is difficult,
And impetuous.
You will see and know
That there are many events in the world
Just amazing.

Don't be sad that you won't go back to school
Youth is a wonderful time
It only remains for us to wish
Happiness to you, peace and kindness.

You graduated from high school, boy, -
Do not subtract, do not add.
It remains only to congratulate -
Unlearned after all
Without much reproach
Until the last lesson
Until the last call.
At the farewell ball in the hall
They will decorate everyone with envy
You girls tears
And lipstick.
Do not be sad that they did not give
Gold medals for you:
Passed the exams - the hero.
Even far from home
Follow Ohm's Law.
But to completely different laws
Life will teach you.
And more than once
There will be tears and lipstick
But this is the lot of men.

Behind the ninth grade.
You are at a crossroads now.
What do you dream to become in life?
Where to continue your studies?
To us, your parents,
Your choice is necessary.
We do not give advice,
We are waiting for your decision.
College or tenth grade?
You choose now.
Maybe you want to go
Are you in the gymnasium class?
A man is glorious in deed.
Maybe your choice is forever ?!
How we would like to be proud
What have you been able to achieve heights!
We don't care who you become.
I could have avoided problems
How to live with a deed not to your heart, -
After all, it will close the door to happiness.
No interest in work -
There is no progress in life either.
Very sad fate
It turns out then.
You mustn't be wrong -
We want to be proud of you:
To take up his business,
So that you take place in life.

Control yourself among the confused crowd,
Swearing you for the confusion of all,
Believe in yourself against the universe
And forgive the unbelievers of their sin.
Let the hour not come, wait without getting tired
Let the liars lie, do not condescend to them;
Be able to forgive and do not seem to forgive,
More generous and wiser than others.
Know how to dream without becoming a slave to dreaming,
And to think without deifying thoughts,
Meet success and abuse equally
Remembering that their voice is deceitful.
Stay quiet when your word
Cripples the plow to catch the fools
When all life is ruined and over again
You have to recreate everything from the basics.
Know how to put in joyful hope
Everything that I have accumulated with difficulty is at stake
To lose everything, and become a beggar as before,
And never regret that.
Be able to force the heart, nerves, body
Serve you when in your chest
Everything has been empty for a long time, everything has burned out,
And only the will says: "Go!"
Stay simple talking to kings
Stay honest when speaking to the crowd
Be direct and firm with enemies and friends,
Let everyone reckon with you in their hour.
Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days of relentless running
Then you will take over the whole world,
Then, my son, you will be human!
R. Kipling

It's time to say goodbye to the school.
You are not leaving for the summer, forever.
You will only return to her thoughts,
Remembering my childhood years.
You have already outlined a bright path.
Luck would not be accidentally scared away
And you can't turn off the right road -
Luck you at least a little bit.
We believe in your indispensable success -
And you will shine at the institute.
As a friend to everyone at school,
So in a new team you can become
A student whose activity is in sight,
Who will help everyone, cheer up,
Which has no equal in mind.
Student life will captivate you!
There is only a small step left,
To be accomplished - he could become a student.
We believe, a happy day is not far away,
When you can read the lists,
What did you do, your dream came true
And you can make plans further ...
Now is a difficult time for unrest.
But we are ready to support you.

You completed your studies
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Let the blood continue through your veins
Runs irrepressibly.
Let the road continue
It will be flat and straight
Never let the alarm go
Will not come to your house.
Beauty, luck, happiness
Let the power be in yours.

All paths are open before you:
East and west, north, south, capital ..
But if you want to go far
You can stop in time.
A. Abramin

The path of new life lies before you.
Please accept our greetings, quiet but warm.
May faith and love be your endless spring
Will not litter the essence of a difficult life.
Here it rings last call
Familiar and unaccustomed.
Here comes the last lesson -
Common and unusual.
The teacher furtively brushed away a tear,
Clutching flowers to my chest,
The tenth grader sighed enviously
Seeing you off the line.
A lot of things are on your way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead
School was the beginning.
And you will remember, believe me, more than once
V good days and in bad weather
Last bell and eleventh grade
And the eyes of the first graders are clear.
You will dare in life
Difficult and interesting
I want to wish it to live
You are uneasy and honest.

How pretty you are today -
With a smile, the mood is excellent!
And on this evening, important and solemn,
Let the words of greeting sound in your honor!
All emotions, excitements are clear,
You have grown up, congratulations!
May life, consisting of impressions,
Will give you the future and the present

You grew up in our sight
And before everyone's eyes they grew wiser!
Suddenly, somehow immediately blossomed
And they have grown up imperceptibly!
Yesterday - the students
What became the best friends!
And now - graduates,
We admire, we are proud of you!

Now you are called graduates,
What a pity to part with you today!
You have grown, there is nothing to add here,
Only on graduation from school to congratulate everyone!
And you want to wish so much:
May the path be light, the road light!
May this holiday be a wonderful school evening -
Will give warmth and joy of meeting!

We are waiting for you all for the gala evening,
Wish us well and good luck!
Man has matured, fresh wind
In every young destiny means a lot!
all the guests that will appear soon,
The school will welcome you with a decorated hall!
Will spin in a dance pattern
Light, music, fabulous ball!

School ball- an amazing evening,
Our class is saying goodbye to childhood!
We straightened our strong shoulders
The stars are shining in the inflorescences of the eyes!
Come, we look forward to
We will have a wonderful holiday!
Graduation is joy, excitement,
Wish us all: "B good hour!"

Success to you, graduate,
Happy destiny and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magic spring
Will help you solve all the problems!
Let the dream become available
The sea of ​​desires will come true!
May beauty make life happy
And a vocation will be found!

May youth be happy
Saturated, bright, inquisitive!
Colored with the colors of childhood
What's next to you, next door!
May youth be pleasant -
Cheerful, active, entertaining!
On a fine day and in bad weather
Filled with music of happiness!

Let in the labyrinths of adulthood
It will be simple and easy for you!
Serve the cause and the Fatherland
Nearby and far away!
The world is incredibly interesting
And intriguingly great!
May it be joyful from the songs
Let the mainland be small!

And the evening falls over the city again,
The guitar rang out, and the ball - lights out.
At least a little warmth from this memorable meeting
Take it with you, take it with you!
And we will not make promises that are noisy,
To speak loud words, to give high oaths.
Let's just try to live on earth better
To never drop school prestige.

Today you are a little worried
Today it is a little bit joyful
And you can, of course, be understood -
After all, you have a new path before you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the track be remembered
That she took to school every day!

Other congratulations in verse for graduation


The long-awaited and exciting day for every student has come - Graduation! Today everyone is in a hurry to congratulate former schoolchildren from their great first adult holiday.

Quite recently, the last bell rang out, when the graduates heard the ringing of bells calling for a lesson for the last time, said goodbye to school teachers and to everyone that has been so dear for 11 years. Having handed over state exams students will now leave the school forever. High school graduations are always the milestone in this marathon. Therefore, we consider it necessary to prepare congratulations at the graduation in school in verse and prose for graduates, class teachers and parents who always touch the strings of the soul on this already emotional day.

Happy Graduation 2018: Beautiful verses for congratulations

Happy holiday, dear guys! May the start of your adult life be successful and rewarding. We wish you success, receive awards for your efforts, and find your way. Love life, do not forget your relatives, act according to your conscience, live your life. Be dignified and fair.

Congratulations on your graduation! The hard way has been covered, but the most interesting lies ahead! I wish you success in your adult life. Let every door you want to knock on open. Make your dreams come true and feel happiness every second!

I congratulate you on your Graduation and sincerely wish you always go your own path of happiness, without changing cherished dream and listening to your heart. And may there be a lot of opportunities and many on your way kind people, may everything in your life turn out in the best way.

Happy Graduation 2018: Wonderful words of congratulations will delight every graduate

That's school days flew by ...

Will ring your last bell

And his melodic trills

You will not be called to the lesson.

A white dove flew into the blue sky -

A symbol of peace, freedom, love ...

For the first time you went to school timidly,

And now all the roads are yours.

Ahead - pages of adult life,

And friends, and love, and dreams.

White birds will fly away into childhood

And in the other direction - you.

Doors open for you

Into the big world. It will become difficult more than once

You will move towards the chosen goal

It's like you're in school from class to class.

This day will become a little sad

Do not be sad - friends are with you,

And guides you to your doorstep

Of your school big family!

Even if today you are very big.

I will talk about you as children for a long time.

The bell rang yesterday, but now the time has come

For you, leave school after saying goodbye.

Parents got a little older

And you are much taller and stronger.

I wish you that your dear

She was special, easy to walk along it.

Strong, reliable friends to you,

Good work, beloved!

Successful destiny, unique!

Today you are leaving your native school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood now depends only on you. Here you have been taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to take good care of knowledge, that is, they gave the basis for what without which it is impossible to become a real Human with capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply, educate in yourself best qualities... We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in later life!

So the school days flew by ...
Will ring your last bell
And his melodic trills
You will not be called to the lesson.

A white dove flew into the blue sky -
A symbol of peace, freedom, love ...
For the first time you went to school timidly,
And now all the roads are yours.

Ahead - pages of adult life,
And friends, and love, and dreams.
White birds will fly away into childhood
And in the other direction - you.

Doors open for you
Into the big world. It will become difficult more than once
You will move towards the chosen goal
It's like you're in school from class to class.

This day will become a little sad
Do not be sad - friends are with you,
And guides you to your doorstep
Your school is a big family!

Graduation is a farewell to childhood
A new stage in life.
I wish with interest
To walk along the path of fate.

May pleasant discoveries
They fill your life.
Fateful events
Will fit, on the shoulder.

In life, let yours happen
Real love.
You will achieve all the goals
Be honest with yourself.

Graduation - new life began,
School age already behind.
But there is no need for tears or sorrow,
Beautiful things await you ahead!

Will you remember school years
And the friends who attended your class.
You skillfully shared the cheat sheets,
The teachers were rooting for you.

We wish you new successes
And aspirations for a cherished dream.
Performances, love, achievements
And pleasant events in your destiny!

Most recently in 1st grade
Mom and Dad accompanied you,
And now for the last time
You folded your school books.

We wish you this start
Was inspired and successful
Getting up from school desks,
You walked confidently, unhurriedly.

May each find its own berth,
He will master the work to his liking,
Let it do everything, gain
Successfully build his life!

Even if today you are very big.
I will talk about you as children for a long time.
The bell rang yesterday, but now the time has come
For you, leave school after saying goodbye.
Parents got a little older
And you are much taller and stronger.
I wish you that your dear
She was special, easy to walk along it.
Strong, reliable friends to you,
Good work, beloved!
Successful destiny, unique!

Beautiful graduation greetings in prose

But this does not mean that graduation greetings in prose will be less sincere. Sometimes you can express more and more meaningfully in your own words than in poetry. Next see original congratulations with graduation in prose.

Well, here comes perhaps one of the most important days in your life. High school graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school and so many roads open in new life... I wish you always warmly remember your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I wish you to do right choice and embark on the road that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, help you bypass all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

Today you are leaving your native school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood now depends only on you. Here you have been taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to take good care of knowledge, that is, they gave the basis for what it is impossible to become a real Human without a capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply, to cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

So the next stage in your life has ended. You are moving into a more responsible adult life. Therefore, we want to tell you parting words... Always follow your dream and do not give up, find happiness in life and do not miss it. Good luck and success to you on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

High school graduation - memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of an educational institution, we enter into a new life. So let each of us today be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright, and his plans - grandiose. May everything that they wish us today come true, and the people who said nice words will not be forgotten.

This is important and wonderful holiday we wish to realize everything that is conceived and dreams of. The responsible life of an adult is ahead. So let there be no adversity and obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, do not forget how much they put into each effort and work!

Congratulations to graduates on graduation from school in 2018

Not only graduates are looking for good poems to congratulate each other and teachers on this sad holiday... Very often they are looking for congratulations from parents to graduates at the graduation ceremony in 2018. After all, congratulations to parents at the graduation in the 11th grade sound like goodbye to childhood. The child, leaving the school, plunges into an adult and independent life... Congratulations on graduation from parents sound like a parting word, like a guideline on what you need to rely on in life. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we publish congratulations for the graduation party from the parents or congratulations to the children at the graduation party.

Farewell to school today
We are proud and happy for you.
We remember past years,
How we took you to the first grade.

We wish to create and learn,
Work, search, create:
Sometimes it's not scary to make a mistake
It's scary not to dream at all.

School years are over
Here is your graduation night.
We wish you, in any weather
So that you come home.

Accept from your parents
Congratulations from the bottom of your heart.
For a long time you studied at school,
You could learn a lot.

And now a new one is ready
The stage of life you start.
All roads are in front of you.
It's up to you to choose.

We wish you success
In this choice of fate.
May luck help you
The path is worthy to walk.

Well, school, your school
Will always be in memory.
Childhood and youth passed in her,
And there were friends around.

Kids are growing imperceptibly
And they leave their home ...
We are magnificent on this day,
V the most important holiday- high school graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find a calling, your own path.
Go ahead, drive away adversity,
It's easy to step into the adult world!
Problems clicking like nuts
Though there will be a lot of things to do.
We believe in you. And we love dearly.
Let you guys be lucky!

So our children have grown up,
School is already behind
We, parents, congratulate everyone
After all, today is our graduation ceremony.

This is a day of worries and joys,
This is the day of both the end and the beginning
Handing the certificates to the children,
School has become a life start.

We wish you all success, good luck,
Let fate pick up speed
To make children the paths of happiness
We went through life only forward.

Our dear, dear, our children,
Scatter like birds, you are around the world,
Who wants to study, who wants to work,
Let none of you forget your family.

The path will be both smooth and thorny,
Let the heart be good, the conscience clear,
And you keep in hearts and souls and minds
Memory of parents and teachers.

Congratulations to teachers and class teacher on the prom 2018

On such a touching day, how can one fail to say "thank you" to those who have worked for 11 years, passing on precious knowledge to their students. Congratulations to teachers at graduation is a modest opportunity to thank from the bottom of the heart for wisdom, invaluable experience and everything that the teachers of schoolchildren fed on. To this end, we have made a selection: congratulations to teachers for the prom, congratulations class teacher at the prom, as well as congratulations at graduation teachers from parents.

How much they did for us
Do not convey everything in words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compares with mother's love,
Which you awarded us.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that relatives are nearby!

Being a teacher is a calling.
You keep your patience!
May for all your efforts
Fate will reward generously!

And unlimited health,
Happiness to prosper
You can live only excellently,
Do not know the troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,
So that love envelops.
At work, everything is fine
Obedient disciples to you!

Thank you for the kindness
Children, you are an example for them.
Let you live like in a fairy tale,
Without sorrow and loss.

Today memory turns back the clock -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
For your invaluable work, we hasten to say
Thank you, our class teacher!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class by friendship
And they taught the unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, goodness,
Love and mercy ... Forever
To you, our teacher, we are in debt
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish the last one to the trill of the bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
That we remember, adore and miss!

You are the teacher for us dearer than all,
After all, we ran to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And they settled our differences.

It's the hardest thing for us to say goodbye to you,
After all, for so many years under your leadership
Our class learned about friendship and work,
Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your great work.
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you strength for many years to come.
You are a classroom leader by vocation!

Thanks to all teachers
For condescension to our children!
For patience: noise and din
To transfer - health is necessary.

We walk around to work,
You are discovering talents.
Suddenly unexpectedly we find
Diamonds in notebooks, in souls ...

And this is the meaning and joy of life.
May the May bell ring
But the moody continues,
A wonderful life lesson!

Congratulations to parents on the prom in 2018

In addition to beloved teachers, alumni at their holiday also want to express gratitude for sleepless nights, support, faith and unquestioning love by the most dear people... Therefore, parents cannot do without congratulations. Congratulations to parents on the prom will definitely become a "highlight" and turn the event into soulful holiday... Write down congratulations to your parents for the 11th grade.

I will thank my parents
For everything that is in my life.
You taught me to appreciate
Welcome, participation and honor.
Be healthy, dear,
Your advice is always important to me.
I thank you for the warmth
There is no more dear than you in the world.

Our dear, good ones!
How can I say thank you for everything?
In our time, unthinkably difficult,
It is very difficult to bring up children.
We were sometimes so unbearable,
We would like everything at once.
You gave all your strength to the end
To my daughters and sons.
Dear you are our parents!
Who else will love us?
You live for a long, long time in the world,
Wisely, happily and well!

People who are in charge of the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
They love you very, very much!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
A son - like a dad, will be strong
A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time, dad and mom
Never forget!

For moms and dads, which is the best in the world,
For those who love us with all their hearts,
Children say their "thank you":
Solid, teenagers, kids.
They are - alas! - grow up so quickly
They lose a thin thread with you,
And they leave far from home,
And they promise to call every day ...
And so the summer flies by in the summer.
You are looking forward to meeting them again and again.
Thank you parents for this:
For kindness, patience, love.
Let be kind angel does not leave you,
A quiet light always shines in my soul
Let to you more often children come
Giving care and love in return.

Dad and mom, how to pay back
For everything that you have done?
How to measure, how to count,
How much love did you give?
You nurtured, you cherished
From evil, misfortune and resentment.
You always did the best you could,
How can I thank you?
You showed me good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere, then and now
I remember my dear features.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the whole world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger with the passage of the years.
Neither moms nor dads have days off
No holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb your family
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always be grateful
To you, dear ones, to bring.
Dad and Mom, I love you so much,
May God always keep you.

We hope our congratulations at the prom will help you choose the most touching and hold the prom 2018 in the most warm atmosphere... Happy holiday!

Photo:, open sources on the web