The urgency of the problem of the development of fine motor skills in preschoolers. Thesis: Development of fine motor skills. Free independent activity of children

« The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips.
From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest threads-streams go,
that feed the source of creative thought.
In other words, the more skill in children's hand,
the smarter the child. "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Relevance.As a senior preschool educator, I seeurgency of this problemon the the present stage when preparing preschoolers for writing. At school, at the first stage of education, children often have difficulties with writing: the hand quickly gets tired, the working line is lost, the correct spelling of letters does not work. These difficulties are caused by the underdevelopment of fine motor skills of the fingers of the hand and insufficient formation of visual-motor coordination.

Purpose: I set a goal:choose the most effective methods and meansfor the development of fine motor skills. In the process of developing fine motor skills, the following are solvedtasks: visual-motor coordination, orientation in micro-space is improved, small muscles of the fingers are strengthened.

Having studied the experience of working on this problem, I came to the conclusion that work on the development of fine motor skills should be based on integrated approach- a combination of speech development, physical education minutes, finger and game exercises.

It has been proven that the level of speech development also depends on the degree of fine motor skills formation. They influence each other. Manipulative activity stimulates speech development, and the use of speech material develops articulatory motor skills. Coordination of movements contributes to the development of flexibility, accuracy of movements, the development of the eye. All this increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, activates thinking activity and puzzles using counting sticks. Since the main activity of preschoolers is play, the tasks are playful in nature.

Outcome of work:

The result of my work was themed game complexes(10-15 minutes), which are spent with children in the evening and consist of the following activities:

1. Massage of the hands with the use of phrases, tongue twisters.

2. Finger gymnastics with elements of logo rhythmics.

3. Working with various materials (seeds, counting sticks, paper, dough plastic, laces, etc.)

4. Games for coordination of movements (with rubber and rag balls, magnetic rods).

5. Copying patterns, drawings or writing.

Work principles.The basic principles of work on the development of fine motor skills correspond to the basic pedagogical principles: the developmental nature of training, systematicity and consistency, consciousness and activity in assimilation, visibility and consideration of age and individual characteristics. Play complexes are held with a subgroup of children (no more than 10 people) and require a wide variety of handouts in sufficient quantities. Parents help us in preparing it.

The variety of materials used allows children to vary their activities from origami folding to dough plastic, from lacing to beading. For a selection of speech material, it is good to use riddles, tongue twisters, physical education minutes, small poems.

In my presentation, you will see the brightest moments of working on the development of fine motor skills.

1. Working with threads is very diverse. We start by drawing pictures along the silhouette.

2. Another way to create pictures from threads is to cut them finely and stick them to a stencil. Children are happy to work in pairs.

3. Lacing is a familiar thing from the younger group. We propose to depict printed numbers by lacing on a wooden board with holes.

4. Weaving with multi-colored laces helps the child to develop a sense of rhythm, to coordinate the work of both hands.

5. With the help of seeds and fruits, patterns and landscapes are created, creative imagination develops.

6. Counting sticks are the first assistants in any class. From them we lay out letters, answers to riddles, solve puzzles.

7. Pebbles help us not only to develop coordination of movements and an eye, but also to consolidate the visual images of letters and numbers.

8. Pasta and cereals are not only tasty, but also beautiful.

9. What fashionista will refuse jewelry created by children's hands.

Results.Systematic work in this direction allows you to achieve the following positive results: the hand acquires good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, pressure changes, which further helps children to easily master the skill of writing. To diagnose the formation of writing skills, you can use workbooks and copybooks.In perspectiveorganization of a circle "Naughty fingers".

An example of a game complex for the development of fine motor skills for senior preschool age on the topic "Duck"

Educational: fostering a caring attitude towards birds.

Developing: develop fine motor skills of hands, eye and coordination of movements.

PROGRESS of the lesson

1. Finger massage "Birds"

(The first two lines children squeeze and unclench their fingers. Then each finger is massaged in turn on both hands. On the last line, children hide their hands behind their backs)

Sing along, sing along:
Ten birds are a flock.
This bird is a nightingale
This bird is a sparrow
This bird is an owl
Sleepy head.
This bird is a waxwing
This bird is a corncrake
This bird is a starling bird
A gray feather.
This is a finch
This is a swift.
This is a cheerful siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle.
Birds, birds, home.

2. Finger gymnastics « Five ducklings».

(One of the hands - "mother duck" - stands on the table, leaning on the elbow. Fingers are folded with a pinch. The other hand is ducklings. We perform wave-like movements towards the "duck » ... The number of unbent fingers corresponds to the number of ducklings On the words “On the shore, their mother is waiting « nod » hand ( « duck mom » ).

Five ducklings are swimming forward
Their mother is waiting on the shore
But only four ducklings
We went back to mommy.
(fingers curl gradually)
Four ducklings swim forward ...
Three ducklings are swimming ...
Two ducklings are swimming ...
Here one floats forward
His mother is waiting on the shore
And again five ducklings
We went back to mommy.

3. Working with various materials. Origami "Duck".

4. A game of coordination of movements with magnetic fishing rods "Feed the duck".

On the floor there are pictures of animal food (cereals, grain, grass, meat, milk, etc.). Iron brackets are fixed to the edges of the pictures, fishing rods with magnets are in the hands of the children. The task of the children is to catch desired picture and move it on the table to your duck. The teacher helps to remove the picture from the fishing rod, if it is selected correctly. Repeat the game 2-3 times.

5. Work with notebooks in a cage. "Weed for ducklings."

Used Books:

T.A. Tachenko. Fine motor skills. Finger gymnastics.
- E.Yu. Timofeeva, E.N. Chernova. Finger steps. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.
- E. S. Bolshakova. Formation of fine motor skills of the hands.
- M.N.Bronzova. Recipe. Learn, kid!
- S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina. Tests (series "All Preschool Program")
- Periodicals "Hoop", "Preschool education", "Child in kindergarten".

Presentation "Illustrative examples of the development of fine motor skills"





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Subject: « Development of fine motor skills of hands in preschoolers

when working with paper

female studentsYIcourse

extramural education

specialties 050144/440201

Preschool education

Shakunova Natalia

Scientific adviser:

Sharaeva O.N.


Aristova V.I.

Elista 2015


Introduction ………………………………………………………. ………………… .3

CHAPTER I. THEORETICAL ASPECT OF STUDYING THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL MOTOR OF THE HANDS IN CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE ....................................... .................................................. ..................... 6

1.1. The concept and essence of fine motor skills of the hands of a child .................................... 6

1.2. The role of fine motor skills in child development ………. ……………………… ..8

1.3. Features of the development of fine motor skills in early and early preschool childhood …………………………………………………………… ..12

Conclusion on Chapter 1 …………………………………………………… ... …… 18


2.1. Types of paper handling in a preschool educational institution ……………………………… .. ……… ...… 20

2.2. Application as a means of developing fine motor skills of preschoolers' hands …………………………………………………… .. ……….… 29

2.3. Learning content for preschool children paper applications …………………………… .. ………………………… ... ……… ............ 32

Conclusion on chapter 2 ……………………………………………………………… 40





Preschool age is the most favorable period for the development of the child's intellectual and creative abilities, when the cerebral cortex is not completely formed.

A comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world in a child cannot develop without tactile-motor perception, since it is the basis of sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile - motor perception that the first impressions of the shape, size of objects, and their location in space are formed. Fine motor skills are precise and fine movements of the fingers of the hand. The work of the speech and thinking centers of the brain directly depends on the development of fine motor skills. Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills should begin long before entering school.

At preschool age, it is necessary to create conditions for the child's accumulation as early as possible practical experience, develop the skills of manual skill, form the mechanisms necessary for the future mastery of writing. This means that the more a child can, wants and seeks to do with his hands, the smarter and more inventive he is. After all, as V.A. Sukhomlinsky at his fingertips is an inexhaustible "source" of creative thought that "feeds" the child's brain. All this has positive impact on internal organs, tonic, immunostimulating effect, stimlyresthoughtfulefunctionandand speechesb, dawnreapspositivemiemotionyami.

V.M. Bekhterev proved that simple hand movements help relieve mental fatigue, improve the pronunciation of many sounds, and develop a child's speech.

I.M.Sechenov wrote that human hand movements are not hereditarily predetermined, but arise in the process of education and training as a result of the formation of associative connections between visual, tactile and muscular sensations in the process of active interaction with the environment.

Relevance This topic is that the development of motor skills in preschool children allows you to form coordination of finger movements, develop speech activity and prepare the child for school.

One of the simplest, but at the same time pedagogical effective species children's creativity is working with paper. It helps to develop the child's fine motor skills, taste, artistic ability as well as diversify the tactile experience.

One of the effective techniques for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children is application. It brings a certain novelty to the activities of the educator, makes it more interesting and exciting, quickly allowing you to achieve the desired result.

An object - the process of developing fine motor skills in preschool children.

Thing - a technique for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children by means of application.

Purpose of work - to reveal the features of the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children in the process of working with paper.

In the process of achieving this goal, the following tasks will be solved:

Expand the concept and essence of the development of fine motor skills of hands;

Highlight the features of the development of fine motor skills in preschool children;

Consider the methodology for the development of fine motor skills of hands when working with paper;

To study the content of teaching preschool children paper applications.

Research methods:

1. Study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of developmentfine motor skills of handsin preschool children.

2. Observation.

3. Study and aanalysis of works of preschoolers.

Chapter I ... The theoretical aspect of studying fine motor skills of hands in preschool children

    1. The concept and essence of fine motor skills of the hands of a child

The topic of researching the development of fine motor skills in preschool children is revealed in the works of the founders Russian psychology L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin. Such scientists as the physiologists I.P. Pavlov, V.M. Bekhterev, I.M. Sechenov; researcher of children's speech - M.M. Koltsov, teachers - M. Montessori, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others.

The development of fine motor skills was carried out by T.V. Fadeeva, S.V. Chernykh, A.V. Melnikova, Z.I. Bogateeva and many others.

Motor skills - a set of motor reactions, abilities, skills and complex motor actions inherent in a person. One of the indicators and conditions for a good physical and neuropsychic development of a child is the development of his hand, hand, hand skills, or, as they call it,fine finger motor skills.

Motor speech is, first of all, the result of the activity of the brain, which is the legislative body. There, the selection of movements necessary for pronouncing certain sound combinations takes place, their sequence is established, that is, a program is drawn up according to which the muscles of the articulatory apparatus should act.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands begins from the earliest childhood of the child, when the parents guide the baby, providing a brain that is hungry for energy and activity, in need of impressions. It is not only the first years of life that are important and significant, but early experience and early impressions do lay the foundations for personality development.

Any daily activities and complex tasks that parents help to cope with little man, directly affect whether he retains his natural curiosity, whether he can improve his intellectual abilities, whether he will feel confident in new situations. The first few years of life are an opportunity to help your baby become what he can become. Psychologists say that the child's brain develops any attention to it. Attention forces the brain to process information, and therefore to develop.

Maria Montessori noticed a connection between the development of fine movements of the hand and the speech of children, that if not everything is in order with speech, fine motor skills are probably to blame. Biologists have found that in the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and movement of the fingers are very close. Psychologists and children's educators strongly advise parents to play educational games more often.

For example, playing with a string, busting cereals, folding dishes, small materials. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is an important stage in the development of future abilities.

V.M. Bekhterev proved that simple hand movements help relieve mental fatigue, improve the pronunciation of many sounds, and develop the child's speech.

VA Sukhomlinsky argued that "the child's mind is at the tip of his fingers." All this is a positive effect on internal organs, a tonic, immunostimulating effect, stimulation of mental functions and speech, a charge of positive emotions. The development of fine motor skills of fingers is useful not only in itself.

The problems of the development of fine motor skills have been studied for a long time. Many scientists have shown in their research the role of the motor-kinesthetic analyzer in the development of speech and thinking, and also proved that the first and main congenital form of activity is the motor one. I.P. Pavlov believed that speech is muscle sensations that go from the speech organs to the cerebral cortex. Many scientists, including modern scientists, believe that all the abilities of children are at their fingertips.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the relationship between the precise movement of the fingers and the formation of the student's speech. Well-coordinated and skillful work fingers helps to develop speech and intelligence, has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

So, speech is controlled by the central nervous system. Special speech centers in the brain distinguish speech from other sounds, differentiate phonemes, stimulate speech organs to reproduce sounds, master and use the laws of the formation of words, phrases and sentences, the use of grammatical forms, and much more. The amazing work of mastering speech is taking place in brain laboratories. The hands are representatives of the speech centers of the brain, with an increase in their skill and dexterity, speech functions are directly activated - a double benefit.

The fact is that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and movements of the fingers are very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thus activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate the neighboring areas responsible for speech.

1.2. The role of fine motor skills in child development

Educators and psychologists dealing with the problems of development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren unanimously agree that fine motor skills are very important, since through it such higher properties of consciousness develop, such as attention, thinking, coordination, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, speech ... The development of fine motor skills is also important for the reason that in life, when he grows up, the child will need precise coordinated movements to write, dress, and also perform various household and other activities.

Back in the middle of the last century, it was found that the level of speech development in children directly depends on the formation of fine motor movements of the hands. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then it is delayed and speech development, although general motor skills may be higher than normal. Numerous studies of teachers have proven that finger movements stimulate the development of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of a child's speech. Thus, by developing fine motor skills in a child, and thereby stimulating the corresponding parts of the brain, or rather, its centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and speech, which are located very close to each other, the teacher also activates the neighboring departments responsible for speech.

If the child has well-formed fine motor skills of the hand, then speech develops correctly, and the intensive development of speech at an early age, according to D. B. Elkonin, should be considered not as a function, but as a special object that the child masters in the same way as he does masters other tools (spoon, pencil, etc.). This is a kind of "twig" in the development of independent objective activity.

Research by G.L.Rosengard-Pupko showed that speech is extremely important for the development of perception. In objective activity, perception develops. No development of object-related actions is possible without orientation towards individual signs. L. S. Vygotsky spoke of early age as the age of intensive development of perception.

Thus, we can build the following chain of development: fine motor skills - speech - perception. You can illustrate this statement with the following examples: if a child is shown a cactus, given the opportunity to touch it with a hand, and then asked to draw, then the child, as a rule, will depict it with greatly exaggerated thorns. If, in another experiment, we compare what the child does, visually examining or actively feeling the grating, with its subsequent graphic image, then you can see that it is depicted either "full of holes", that is, consisting of circles, or "angular", consisting of lines similar to railway rails. In the first case, the child felt the lattice as if from the inside, thrusting his fingers into the holes of this lattice; in the second case, he was more interested in crossing the bars. That is, at first the child uses his fingers to feel the object, the better the fine motor skills are formed, the more the child will get an idea of ​​the object, the more fully he will be able to describe it verbally. Then, again, using fine-motor skills, the child draws an object on paper, draws it, this contributes to a more complete perception of the object, distinguishing it from a number of others, justifying its distinctive features, memorizing them, that is, thinking is also formed, and memory of the child. We can find confirmation of this thesis in the works of scientists-psychologists. For example, according to LS Vygotsky, all mental functions at this age develop "around perception, through perception and with the help of perception." That is, it is thinking, memory, and attention.

Therefore, our chain can be supplemented: fine motor skills - speech - perception - higher mental functions (thinking, memory, attention).

ABOUT wonderful properties our wise ancestors knew fine motor skills. From generation to generation, amusing folk nursery rhymes are passed down: "Okay-okay", "Magpie - white-sided" and other finger games. The teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." And the famous German scientist Emmanuel Kant called the hands the visible part of the cerebral hemispheres.

Hand skills were successfully used in work with children by the Italian humanist and teacher, the author of the world-wide known technique Maria Montessori. In her opinion, at an early preschool age great importance has sensory development. The baby's cognition of the world around him begins with "live contemplation", with sensory processes - sensation, perception, representation. Their development in a child creates the necessary prerequisites for the emergence of more complex cognitive processes (memory, imagination, thinking). The formation of many abilities (for example, musical, visual) is also associated with the development of sensations, perceptions. And sensory development is directly related to fine motor skills of the hand, because touch is one of the five human senses, with the help of which children at an early age receive a huge amount of information about the world around them. Correct formation of small-motor functions is all the more important because sensory processes develop especially actively in early and preschool childhood.

Maria Montessori said that every movement of a child is another fold in the cerebral cortex. Exercises in Everyday life very important for young children. Finger training is a powerful tonic for the cerebral cortex.

The correct development of fine motor skills also determines the formation of sensorimotor coordination in a child - a coordinated action of the hands and eyes. With the help of sight, the child studies the surrounding reality, controls his movements, thanks to which they become more perfect and accurate. The eye, as it were, "teaches" the hand, and with the help of hand movements in the objects that the child manipulates, more new information is revealed. Vision and hand movements become the main source of knowledge for a child surrounding reality... Studying all kinds of objects, touching and feeling them with his hands, the child comes to an understanding of causal relationships. The older the child becomes, the more actively he uses his hands and fingers to repeat what he has seen or to carry out his plans. He builds houses, towers and bridges, draws animals and people, letters and numbers, and eventually learns to write. When performing all these actions, the eyes help the hands.

According to M. Montessori, with the help of exercises that develop fine motor skills, a child learns to take care of himself and his things, learns to properly button up buttons, sew them on, and lace up shoes. That is, fine motor skills of the hands are also associated with the formation of the child's independence, and, therefore, the development of fine motor functions, coordination of movements, concentration of attention, the ability to complete the chosen work to the end, to enjoy what has been done is very important for the formation of a person's personality as a whole.

1.3. Features of the development of fine motor skills in early and early preschool childhood

Younger preschool age is characterized by a high intensity of physical and mental development. The child's activity increases, its purposefulness increases; movements, including fine motor skills of the hand, become more varied and coordinated.

This age is characterized by a number of neoplasms, the consideration of which is important for the further development of the child. So, from 2-4 years of age, significant changes occur in the nature and content of the child's activity, in relations with others: adults and peers. The leading type of activity at this age is substantive-effective cooperation. Most important achievement this age consists in the fact that the child's actions become purposeful.

The curiosity of children increases dramatically. At this age, significant changes occur in the development of speech: the stock of words increases significantly, elementary types of judgments about the environment appear, which are expressed in fairly detailed statements.

Three year old child is able not only to take into account the properties of objects, but also to assimilate some generally accepted ideas about the varieties of these properties - sensory standards of shape, size, color, etc. They become samples, measurements with which the features of perceived objects are compared.

The predominant form of thinking is visual-figurative. The child turns out to be able not only to combine objects according to external similarity (shape, color, size), but also to assimilate generally accepted ideas about groups of objects (clothes, dishes, furniture).

At the same age, there is a further improvement of the finely motor functions of the child's hands, with which the thinking processes are closely interconnected. Adequate development of fine motor skills is an important indicator of a child's readiness for schooling. The ability to make precise movements with the hand and fingers is essential for mastering writing.

Usually a child with high level development of fine motor skills, is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, coherent speech. Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills should begin long before entering school. You need to start this work from a very early age. Already in infancy, finger massage can be performed, thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex.

The degree of development of fine motor skills in a child determines the most important qualities for his future: speech abilities, attention, coordination in space, concentration and imagination. The centers of the brain responsible for these abilities are directly connected with the fingers and their nerve endings. Therefore, exercises and activities in which the little fingers of the child participate are extremely important for his mental and mental development.

Fine motor skills, sensing, coordination of movements - key concepts for the period of early preschool age.

The normal development of a child's speech is closely related to the development of finger movements. Scientists have shown that from an anatomical point of view, about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. It is the magnitude of the projection of the hand and its proximity to the motor zone that give reason to consider the hand as an “organ of speech,” the same as the articulatory apparatus. In this regard, an assumption was made about the significant influence of fine finger movements on the formation and development of the child's speech function.

Therefore, in order to teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory apparatus, but also to develop the movements of the fingers. Educators and psychologists recommend starting active training of the child's fingers from the age of ten months. Systematic exercises for training the fingers are also a means of increasing the efficiency of the cerebral cortex.

There are periods in the development of a child when his body is especially sensitive to certain kinds of influences. environment when the baby is especially receptive to the assimilation of any information. For the development of speech, this period is the age from one and a half to three years. It is then that the child masters the basic means of the language in which communication is carried out, the foundations of speech behavior are laid, a special sense of language is formed. It is natural that only by the age of three years of life, the movements of the child's fingers become similar to the movements of the fingers of an adult.

For the first years of life, a child masters a variety of movements. At first, his actions are awkward, clumsy, inharmonious. Motor skills develop gradually, and each child has their own pace of development. To help the baby to better master his movements, it is important to create an active preparatory environment, to offer a variety of games and exercises that contribute to the development of coordination and improvement of motor skills.

From birth to two years old, the child gradually learns to sit, stand up and take the first steps. He begins to actively explore the world, pick up various objects, perform simple actions... For example, during this period, the child learns to take small light objects and put them in a box, draw small scribbles, take with his hands solid food and put it in your mouth, take off your socks or hat.

At the age we are considering, from two to four years, the skills acquired by the child at the previous stage are gradually improved. Children at this age gradually learn to put an object in a specific place. If at the previous stage the child predominantly grasped and held the object with his palm, now he begins to use his fingers more actively. During this time, he learns to draw lines, circles, cut paper with scissors, take off and put on loose clothing.

That is, the development of fine motor skills (hand skills) in a child occurs gradually and sequentially: first, he learns to reach the object and grab it, and then manipulate it. An important role in this process is played by the coordination of eye and hand movements, as well as the actions of both hands.

Mastering the relatively subtle actions of the hands occurs in the process of developing a kinesthetic feeling - the position and movement of the body in space, i.e. in the process of forming visual-tactile-kinesthetic connections. After the formation of these connections, the movements of the hands begin to be performed to a greater extent under the control of vision, now the sight of an object is a stimulus for movements of the hands towards it.

Among other motor functions, finger movements have special meaning since they have a huge impact on the development of higher nervous activity child. However, it takes quite a long time before a child's hand begins to act like an adult's hand.

According to teachers and psychologists, the following regulatory requirements for the development of fine motor skills in preschoolers from 1 to 6 years old can be distinguished:

1. Knocks one object against another;

2. Takes a crumb of bread with thumb and forefinger;

3. Draws and scribbles on a piece of paper;

4. Pulls the crumb out of the transparent jar;

5. Builds (copies) a bridge of 3 cubes;

6. Builds a tower of 2 cubes;

7. Builds a tower of 4 cubes;

8. Redraws the cross;

9. Draws a vertical line (error up to 30 degrees);

10. Redraws the square;

11. Redraws the circle;

12. . Builds (copies) a bridge of 5 cubes;

13. Builds a tower of 8 cubes;

14. Draws a person (3 elements);

15. Draws a person (6 elements).

If the child has mastered most of the skills, it can be concluded that the development of thinking and motor abilities of his hands is normal. If the delay (or anticipation) occurs partially and only according to one or two indicators, then it is possible to draw a conclusion about the inharmonious development of the child's thinking functions and fine motor skills. If the child has not yet mastered most of the normative skills, then we can talk about a general lag in the development of thinking and fine motor skills to one degree or another.

Both parents and teachers need to work on the correct formation of fine motor skills in children. Finger games are a very important part. These games, very emotional, can be carried out both in kindergarten and at home. They are fascinating and contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. "Finger games", as it were, reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. In the course of finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate on one type of activity. (16, С.10)

"Finger games" is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.

Three-year-olds learn games that are played with two hands, for example, one hand represents a house, and the other represents a cat running into this house.

Four-year-olds can play these games using several events in succession. Older children can be invited to decorate the games with a variety of props - small objects, houses, balls, cubes, etc.

Finger games are exercises to improve the mobility of the fingers, develop their strength and flexibility and, as a result, improve handwriting; reduction of physical fatigue and mental stress during the lesson; massage of "active points" on the fingers and palms. It includes exercises for drawing up all numbers, as well as letters of the Russian alphabet, with the help of fingers and educational objects (pencils, pens, rulers). When learning to read and write, these exercises will help the child not only make the fingers more mobile, but also remember how this or that letter and number is written. (15, p. 35)

fastening and unfastening buttons;

all kinds of lacing;

stringing rings on braid;

puzzle games;

sorting the mosaic by cells;

games with a constructor;

sorting out cereals, grains (for example, separate beans from peas).

It can also be various modeling exercises, visual activities, paperwork.

The task of teachers and child psychologists is to convey to parents the importance of working with paper on the development of fine motor skills, in order to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not retreat if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child.

Conclusion on chapter 1

The development of fine motor skills plays an important role in the overall development of the child. Fine motor skills develop from a newborn. First, the baby looks at his hands, then learns to control them. First, he takes objects with his entire palm, then only with two (thumb and forefinger) fingers. Then the child is taught to hold a spoon, pencil, brush correctly. Fine motor skills develop gradually, this individual process and for each child it passes at its own pace. At first, the baby's movements are awkward, clumsy and inharmonious. It is very important to develop fine motor skills to help your baby. Fine motor skills have very important feature... It is associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech are very closely related. And the explanation is very simple. In the brain, the speech and motor centers are very close to each other. Therefore, when stimulating the motor skills of the fingers, the speech center begins to activate. That is why, for the timely development of a child's speech, it is necessary to pay great attention to the development of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills directly affect the dexterity of the hands, the emphasis that will be formed in the future, the speed of the child's reaction.

According to the peculiarities of the development of the child's fine motor skills, in the future, they judge his readiness to study in a school institution. If everything is in order, then the child is prepared for learning to write, is able to think logically and reason, has a good memory, concentration, attention and imagination, coherent speech. It was found that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. And if the development of finger movements lags behind, then the development of the child is also delayed, does not allow him to fully communicate and play with his peers, complicates the knowledge of the world around him, burdens the emotional and mental state of the child. However, if you help the child in time, constantly use all the methods of developing fine motor skills, these serious problems can be successfully solved.

So, if the fingers of the hands develop, then the child's speech and thinking will develop. In the process of activity, the muscles of the hands perform three main functions: organs of movement, organs of cognition, energy accumulators, both for the muscles themselves and for other organs.

Chapter II ... Methods for the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age when working with paper

2.1. Types of paper work that contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands

Paper is one of the simplest, most readily available, and easily processed materials. We get acquainted with paper products from early childhood.

You can make a lot of interesting things out of paper, from simple Christmas tree decorations, homemade postcards, appliqués, and ending with the most complex volumetric models of cars, buildings and animals.

The richer the fantasy, the more crafts you can think of.

There are different types of paper products:

Products from strips,

Applique products,

Box-based products,



Manufacturing of various layouts;

Crafts using origami technique.

Depending on the design and purpose of the product, paper is used that differs in thickness, texture, texture and color. For folding work, use thin writing and colored paper. Cardboard, thick paper are used for the manufacture of various designs.

Having learned to wrinkle paper, tear, cut, twist into bundles, bend in different directions, having mastered the ability to work with drawings, diagrams, templates, the child will be able to make a wide variety of products - toys, souvenirs, planar and volumetric compositions.

Of interesting ways the development of fine movements of the fingers is the construction of paper. Paper construction refers to artistic activities... There are different techniques for working with paper: peeling, tearing, cutting, folding. Despite its attractiveness, paper design using a variety of techniques is the most challenging activity. It assumes that children have well-developed spatial representations.

In a modern preschool institution, designing and modeling from paper has become a fairly common type of fine art.

In these classes, not only the creative thinking of the child develops, but also the fine motor skills of the hands, which are necessary in other types of activities of the preschooler. Designing and modeling from paper allows children to look at a simple sheet of paper from a different point of view, to see expressive possibilities in it for the realization of their ideas. And this is important for the formation of him as a person.

Many researchers have repeatedly spoken about the conditions for the creative development of the child's personality (N.A. Vetlugina, L. S. Vygotsky, G. G. Grigorieva, A. N. Davidchuk, O. M. Dyachenko, A. V. Zaporozhets, E. I. Ignatiev, E. V. Ilyenkov, T. G. Kazakova, T. S. Komarova, V. S. Kuzin, V. A. Levin, A. V. Lilov, E. I. Nikolaeva, N. N. Palagina , E.A.Flerina and others), each of which considered creativity in a certain aspect. Their works emphasize the need to solve this problem, starting from preschool age, which is characterized by a special resistance to various types of artistic activity, including constructive and plastic ones.

And in this case, designing and modeling from paper is one of the effective means of enhancing the creativity of preschoolers, since they contribute to the formation of a variety of constructive-plastic skills necessary for mastering other types of creativity. Wherein essential tool enhancing creative development is the ability to think and introduce elements of creativity into their activities.

Classes in modeling and designing from paper do not require special devices, a special equipped workplace. Enough sheets of paper and a minimum of tools that each child has (scissors, ruler, pencil, glue). And origami figures can be folded anywhere, in any situation - after all, you only need hands and a sheet of paper.

Designing and modeling from paper, on the one hand, gives a lot of freedom: individual parts of any shape can be cut, but on the other hand, this adds complexity: it is necessary to clearly represent the final result. Therefore, in the process of teaching preschoolers, they usually use ready-made patterns for details of plants, animals, etc.

Each of the well-known paper design and modeling techniques can be used with preschoolers. So, for example, in origami classes, children learn to fold the simplest figures of birds and animals, boats, houses, cars, flowers and many others from a square sheet of paper. interesting crafts... You can make up various compositions from them, combining the details of paper plastic and origami.

The first children's homemade paper toys are boats, steamers, boats, airplanes, hats, boxes, made by folding and folding newsprint or white paper. Rather, the utilitarian orientation of the toy is brought to the fore, and its artistry, colorful design fade into second place.

The ability to make crafts from bright colored paper raises the level of the artistic task, and the child is involved in active creative activity, he begins to decorate, improve his toy, strives to make it more elegant and attractive. Children experience a sense of emotional comfort, a sense of childhood joy, an incomparable sense of satisfaction from a hand-made craft. Such a toy is sweet to the heart, people talk to it, play with it, keep it carefully. Various crafts used in games, serve as decoration for children's rooms and group rooms in kindergartens. Especially preschoolers are attracted by the opportunity to create such crafts themselves, which will then be used in games, dramatizations, decorating a corner, a kindergarten site or presented for a birthday, for a holiday to their parents, educators or friends.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to work with paper is aapplication. This technique, based on cutting out details, superimposing them on the background and fixing them, is especially suitable for classes with preschool children, since their activities during this period are substantive in nature, that is, based on active interaction with various subjects... Encouraging the manifestation of imagination and creativity, one should not forget about consolidating the already mastered skills and abilities: cutting out symmetrical figures from paper folded several times, as well as a drawn contour; silhouette cutting; various applique techniques (tearing, volumetric applique, napkin) - the development of a sense of color, harmony, spatial and imaginative thinking.

Applique from napkins. The technique has been used since 3 years. Small dense balls are rolled from pieces of napkins and glued to a sheet of cardboard.

Application from pieces of colored paper. The technique has been used since the age of 4. Colored paper is cut into small pieces of one or different (rectangular, square, triangular) shapes, the pieces are laid out on the image and glued.

Torn paper applique. The technique has been used since 3 years. The paper is torn into small pieces of arbitrary shape, the pieces are laid out on the image and glued. Or the contour of the parts is drawn on paper, then each part is cut off along the contour, the image is laid out on cardboard and glued.

Flagella applique. The technique has been used since the age of 4. Small rectangular pieces of paper napkins are folded in half, twisted, and flagella are obtained. Glue is applied along the contour of the image and flagella are glued.

Paper and plastic Is one of the easiest, most fun and affordable ways to work with paper. This type of activity is close to any child.

Catching up paper plastic, children get the opportunity to independently master various techniques and methods of action with paper. Having learned to wrinkle paper, tear, cut, twist into bundles, bend in different directions, having mastered the ability to work with drawings, diagrams, templates, the child will be able to make a variety of toys, souvenirs, planar and volumetric compositions.

Corrugated paper, colored paper, cardboard, velvet paper and even pieces from the covers of old magazines, notebooks, candy wrappers.

Classes in paper-making, begin with the 2nd junior group. The form of work is subgroup, the duration of one lesson is from 15 minutes in the younger group, up to 30 minutes in the older groups.

Paper-plastic allows you to create semi-volume and volumetric paper compositions, similar in appearance to a bas-relief and sculpture. Flowers, animals, fairy-tale characters made in this technique, due to the volume, look like real works of art. The works are created from separate elements, each of which is given with special tools desired shape and volume. Then the elements are collected in a composition, forming a holistic image.

There are the most different kinds paper plastics: origami, facing, quilling, work with corrugated paper and many others. All these types of paper plastic are widely used by teachers when conducting lessons in fine arts, as well as in extracurricular activities. Let's dwell on some of them in more detail.

Origami - japanese art folding paper figures of people, animals, geometric bodies, game technology, paper constructor, contributing to the formation of a sustainable interest in learning activities ensuring continuity between study and play.

In Russia, origami as a didactic tool has found application in preschool pedagogy, in lesson activities, additional education... The stimulus for creativity in this type of activity is the child's desire to create a figurine out of paper, and the process of turning a sheet of paper into a toy contributes to the creation of a didactic problem, for the solution of which students need to activate their thought processes: independently understand and formulate its essence, find solutions, evaluate the result ...

The use of origami helps to optimize the upbringing and educational process of preschoolers. The development of children is harmonized, basic mathematical abilities are formed, an active cognitive attitude is brought up, the desire of children for movement, concrete activity, and active communication is satisfied.

Modular origami . This is a new fashionable trend in the art of creating paper figures. Crafts modular origami are made of several parts - modules that even younger students can put together. A slight movement of the hands and modules turn into animals, birds, ships and even knightly castles. Even sheets from old magazines are suitable for crafts.

Quilling . In Russia, the art of quilling is considered Korean and is known as paper rolling. The material for quilling is colored paper strips. The quilling technique (quilling, paper-rolling, paper filigree) is used for making volumetric postcards, decorating objects, creating decorative panels and even volumetric sculptures. Each composition in quilling consists of paper elements of various shapes glued to the base or glued together. Usually, for this, thin strips of paper are rolled into rolls, which are then allowed to unfold a little and shape, but there are other ways of making elements. Using the quilling technique, they make postcards, panels, with its help they decorate household items (boxes, frames for photographs, etc.), openwork and original jewelry is also made from strips of paper.

Facing - this is a kind of paper applique. Tiled images can be created in this way. Facing is based on the principle of cutting squares from corrugated paper of the desired color and size, depending on the product being performed. The cut squares are fixed on the surface of the mold with glue or a toothpick. By facing, you can make all kinds of panels, decorative postcards, subject compositions. The material for performing such work is colored paper as well as colored corrugated paper.

Children study this technique with great interest. A wide variety of materials and accessories are used for facing. If there is a process of creating a volumetric composition, then plasticine is also used here, since it is into it with the help of a toothpick or stick that pieces of paper are rolled around it.

In terms of color, the works made with the help of trimming look very elegant, bright and beautiful.

Paper plastic - manufacturing voluminous crafts from paper. Usually, after receiving paper strips different lengths and width, children immediately begin to involuntarily twist them, twist, weave, cross, connecting one with the other, as a result of which a variety of compositions appear.

It is best to offer work in the technique of origami and paper plastics to children of the senior and preparatory groups. To perform this type of work, children must already have sufficient experience: be able to cut, glue, work with scissors, twisting the edges paper strips to get the effect of airiness, etc.

Weaving - one of the most interesting species artistic creation loved by children and adults. For weaving, you can use a variety of paper quality, taking into account its three properties: flexibility, strength and thickness. The proposed tasks, as experience shows, are feasible for older preschoolers and are designed to help in independent work over the creation of toys, decorations, souvenirs. Stripes arranged in blocks in the form of various figures. By connecting the figures by weaving, you can get various images, and then supplement them with an applique made in one of the unconventional techniques (from cotton wool, fluff, shells, cereals, etc.). We must not forget about the color of the stripes: it plays an important role in the design of the work.

Mosaic - an image or ornament made of separate multi-colored pieces tightly fitted to each other. Mosaic applications require great precision and accuracy. It is advisable to draw up mosaic sketches with stylized shapes, with a small amount of detail. The paper of the appropriate tone is prepared for gluing by cutting or tearing. Each piece is applied separately. A small part of the sketch (in the background) is coated with glue and prepared pieces of paper are placed on it. This can be done by pricking pieces of paper with a large needle, or using tweezers. The mosaic can be contour, i.e. pieces are glued along the edge of the image, or solid, when the inside of the image is glued. The mosaic is made with and without gaps. Mosaic, like ordinary applique, can be subject, subject, decorative. The latter can be performed on various geometric shapes ah: stripe, square, circle, etc. The mosaic can be used to decorate flat, semi-volume and volumetric handicrafts, to decorate greeting cards, bookmarks for books, souvenirs.

Breaking off - pieces are torn off a sheet of paper small size or long stripes. Then they draw with glue what they want to portray (for the kids, the teacher performs one drawing for all), put pieces of paper on the glue. As a result, the image is three-dimensional. Tearing off can also be used to produce large portions of the image, such as the torso, legs, and head of a spider. They have jagged edges, so the spider looks furry. IN this case parts of the image are smeared with glue and glued to the base. This type of work is used in classes with older preschool children.

Paper rolling - crumple the paper in their hands until it becomes soft. Then a ball is rolled out of it. Its sizes can be different: from small (berry) to large (cloud, lump for a snowman). After that, the paper lump is dipped into the glue and glued to the base.

These are just some of the paper-making methods. In fact, there are a lot of them, they are varied and interesting.

2.2. Application as a means of developing fine motor skills of hands in preschoolers.

Each age is characterized by an increasing interest in everything that surrounds us (cognitive activity increases, the desire for observation and comparison). Application in the development of fine motor skills allows the development of mental and speech activity, contributes to the formation of coordination of movements of the fingers on the hands. The most important task of the application is to make the fingers work. The application is available to absolutely everyone (even small children). It brings a certain novelty to our activity, makes it more interesting and exciting, quickly allows us to achieve the desired result.

The application is very relevant when working with children. After all, the child's first impressions of the size of objects, their shapes and location in space are formed with the help of tactile-motor perception. Therefore, it is necessary from childhood to give babies due attention to the development of fine motor skills. This helps to solve several problems at once. Firstly, it contributes to the development of intelligence in children, and secondly, it prepares the child for a faster mastering of the writing skill. Application in the development of motor skills allows the child to learn how to perform fine and precise movements of the fingers, and the work of the thinking and speech centers of the brain directly depends on this. It is very important at an early age to develop the child's skills of manual skill, to form the mechanisms that are necessary for the accumulation of practical experience of the child, as well as for mastering writing in the future.

With a good organization of application classes, a person's fine motor skills will develop much faster. This requires the fulfillment of certain conditions. The first thing that needs to be done is to create a developing environment, secondly, to select special methods, and finally, thirdly, to select the most effective techniques when working with an applique.

As in any other work, we set a goal for ourselves, and when performing an application, we need to clearly know what we want to achieve. And the goal is simple - it is necessary to activate passive and active movements of the fingers, learn to develop a positive attitude when working with the application (and not only), show our emotional attitude to what we have received as a result of our activity.

To form the ability to complete the task according to the chosen model, to develop the ability to orientate well on the plane, to activate your vocabulary. Develop spatial orientation and visual attention, dexterity of the fingers.

Tasks when working with the application ... Everyone can have their own, but, in my opinion, any task should include the following:

    To develop the ability to perform precise movements of the fingers and hands, the ability of coordinated work of our hand with visual perception.

    Develop creative imagination, imagination and activity.

    Develop attention, thinking, memory, speech, eyes, as well as cognitive interest.

    Train the muscles of the arms and teach dexterous handling of various materials.

    To cultivate perseverance, benevolence, accuracy, the ability to work individually and in a team.

The applique can be made of various materials. It can be paper, plasticine, straw, wood, beads, fabric, etc. But, the napkin application has a particularly positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands. When working with paper napkins, we constantly crush them into lumps with our fingertips. This is necessary in order to fill in the contours of the drawing. We glue these lumps to certain places. The work can be carried out both individually and collectively. Collective works, which are made with napkin applique, are distinguished by their artistic taste and colorfulness. Those who are engaged in this application with great pleasure and get satisfaction from the work done with their own hands. Over time, the fingers become more dexterous, and the appliqués made more complex. Seeing his success, which a person has achieved and his finished work, there is no limit to joy, especially in a child, pride and admiration for his work.

Thus, napkin application has a particularly positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

2.3. Preschool learning content paper applique

Applique is considered a type of artistic activity. Getting acquainted in the classroom and independently with the materials, techniques and methods of paper processing, children acquire the skills of graphic and plastic images of objects, master the ability in silhouette form, figuratively, creatively process their impressions received when meeting with the world around them. The process of creating an application consists of a number of successively performed actions that require a child to have a sufficiently high level of development of visual and technical skills, as well as concentration, perseverance, endurance, accuracy, and independence.

An insufficient degree of development of technical skills inhibits the work of the imagination, fetters children's initiative, and reduces the quality of the results of activity. High achievements in creating an application can be achieved only when the teacher and educator skillfully regulate and apply in the classroom and in individual work with children the most effective methods of teaching and consolidating a familiar method.

In the first junior group, application classes are not provided by the program, therefore the main task of the educator is aimed at preparing each child for mastering a new type of visual activity in the process of playing with elements of a plane mosaic. The teacher cuts these elements out of thick paper in the form of simple silhouettes of individual objects and their parts in the form of geometric shapes. Such sets of mosaics should have a different composition: figures of a plot nature (heroes of fairy tales, cartoons, etc.), geometric figures (square, rectangle, triangle, circle), etc. During games-lessons, a subgroup of children, under the guidance of a teacher, learns to lay out the figures in a certain order, to make a silhouette of an object from 2-3 parts, to correlate them in shape, color, size, spatial arrangement. The teacher, by his example, encourages children to act with different figures. In accordance with the words of an adult, children perform certain actions.

Puzzle games should also include tasks that require the child to be able to assemble an object from separate parts. Performing tasks, the child learns to subordinate his actions to the instructions of the teacher, correctly and purposefully select forms, correlate them by color, size, name colors, shapes, and arrange them in a specified sequence.

It is advisable to conduct such games-classes once a month in the second half of the year, when the kids will have sensory experience, and knowledge about the environment will be enriched.

In the second junior group, children learn to lay out, smear and glue in a certain order ready-made forms cut out by the teacher. The teacher reinforces ideas about the shape of a circle, a quadrangle, about basic colors, some shades, about size.

Applique classes in this group should be preceded by games with a planar mosaic of colored geometric shapes. Observing and directing these games with geometric figures, the teacher, together with the teacher of art activities, gradually lead the children to the understanding that all figures can be laid out in different ways.

Such a preliminary acquaintance of children with geometric shapes in play activities will have a positive effect on subsequent application sessions, when a certain task will be posed to the children.

The image in the applique is associated with a great generalization of forms, the examination of nature should be accompanied by a demonstration of samples made by the teacher. In the process of showing, the teacher clearly names the color of the form, if necessary, draws a finger, emphasizing its features. Gradually, children should be taught to independently solve some problems in repeated classes.

At this age, it is necessary to pay great attention to the consolidation of the techniques of unfolding the figures and sticking them to the base. From the first lessons, you need to teach children how to hold the brush correctly, collect a little glue, gently smear the shape on the back using a special oilcloth, after spreading, put the brush on a stand, lay out the forms in place with the smeared side, press them with a cloth, do not move. Children should be constantly reminded of this.

The location of the material for the application on the table should be constant and convenient for use, which teaches the child to order and culture of the workplace. For example, the oilcloth on which the figures are smeared should always be to the left of the base of the applique; a stand for brushes is placed on the right, and a tray with a set of blanks is located above the oilcloth.

For children given age, especially at first, ready-made forms for gluing are best distributed after explaining the assignment. When the teacher finishes the explanation and distributes the forms, the children lay them out on the sheet in accordance with the assignment. It is better to give the kleister when the children have already laid out all the parts of the applique in the specified sequence. This sequence of the lesson will allow the teacher to monitor the correctness of the image construction and will give the opportunity to assist children in mastering the gluing technique.

In order for the application lessons to give children pleasure and have a positive impact on their upbringing and development, it is necessary to think over an entertaining form of completing the task, use game techniques: game actions, game image, playing with the results obtained.

The material for the application must be prepared in such a way that the children have time to complete their work in due time and feel satisfaction from it. In teaching techniques, especially at the beginning, the teacher often has to resort to re-exposure and individual assistance to children.

Since in this group the main task of teaching is to familiarize children with various forms and techniques of gluing, the sample is most often shown for accurate repetition. But you should also teach them to independently solve some problems in repeated classes.

In the second half of the year, when depicting an object to make the image more expressive, the teacher prepares additional images that will expand the content of children's works. At first, only those children who have good gluing skills can perform such additions. But gradually there will be more such children. Some works can be collective. Such applications teach you to work together.

In the middle group, the main program tasks for application are aimed at teaching children the ability to correctly cut shapes, use scissors, squeezing and unclenching the levers in order to get an even cut in a straight or oblique line, round the corners of quadrangular blanks when depicting objects of round and oval shapes.

In their free time, as in the second junior group, the opportunity is given to lay out objects and patterns, for which you can use flat mosaic and flannelegraph.

The main complication of tasks is the development of compositional skills and mastering the skill of using scissors. From the beginning of the school year, it is necessary to begin teaching children how to handle scissors. Mastering this tool is a complex and lengthy process that requires focused attention and physical effort from children.

The increasing complexity of software requirements necessitates a more detailed study of the depicted objects. In addition to the general shape and color, the size and number of parts attracts the attention of children. In this group, the examination of nature is not always accompanied by the demonstration of samples. A sample is often needed in decorative work from ready-made forms and in subject assignments where it is not possible to use nature.

When analyzing a sample, the teacher draws the attention of children to the examination with questions. What forms does the object consist of, what is it called, what color it is. Children cannot independently determine the spatial arrangement of forms in a pattern or parts in an object, therefore the teacher explains and shows them in what sequence the forms should be glued. In some classes, you can use only partial showing of the techniques of execution.

To make the introductory lesson on working with scissors in a more interesting form, conduct it as a fairy tale lesson and tell about travel of three brothers, about the evil sorceress and the old crocodile. In this lesson, children not only get acquainted with the rules of working with scissors, but also learn how to make cuts on paper so that these leaves do not remain lying around just like that, make a voluminous application with the children and listen to how the grass rustles.

As an exercise for the hands, it is necessary to give children tasks that require the completion of several identical cuttings. In this case, the movements are consolidated and improved.

When teaching children to round corners, they are initially asked to cut a semicircle. To do this, they are given a rectangle, the corners of one of the sides of which must be rounded. Cutting a full circle is mastered and fixed by the image of several homogeneous objects, such as balloons.

The variability of application tasks contributes to a more flexible use of the learned skills, puts the child in conditions that require him to be active. It is especially necessary to have proven skills when performing more complex applications, consisting of several parts that differ in size, shape, color. Here it is necessary to deliberately differentiate these features and apply certain techniques of cutting, combining parts. Therefore, before depicting objects, it is important to clarify the shape of the parts, their location, ratio in size, etc.

Children of this age have a noticeable increase in interest in the results of their work. With special diligence and interest, children perform applications, which will then be applied somewhere. When analyzing children's work, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes whether the application was performed correctly, whether the forms were neatly glued. Children always accept Active participation in the discussion of works. The teacher summarizes the assessments of the children, summarizes the results of the lesson, drawing attention to successful works.

In the older group, children are able to master a fairly large amount of skills and abilities. The main task is to master a variety of cutting techniques. In the classroom, children depict objects with different outlines, symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes in a static position or with the transmission of a simple movement.

Based on the ideas of children and using nature, the teacher analyzes the structure of the object, isolating individual parts, outlining their forms and noting their relationship with each other.

Children of this age cannot make small parts, therefore it is necessary to select a nature with simpler shapes, certain colors and a small amount of details. The sample is used if children are depicting an object for the first time. But even here it is necessary to give the children initiative in choosing colors, sizes, arrangement of forms on the sheet, etc.

In this group, it is good to use several samples to show the possibility different options compositions. This fosters creativity in completing the assignment. In decorative work, when drawing up patterns from the same elements, blanks are used different colors and a differently shaped sheet. Children learn new techniques directly by showing the teacher. Children need to be taught different cutting methods: in parts, from paper folded in half and accordion. Children should also be introduced to a new way of creating an applique - cutting.

In the older group of children, it is necessary to teach how to make plot compositions, placing objects on one line, on the entire sheet.

From the first lessons, it is necessary to involve children in the show, teach each child the rules of cutting. The more active the children are in the process of explaining, the more consciously they perform the task.

To learn how to cut and compose complex objects, children must clearly highlight the parts of the object, determine their shape, establish relationships in size, spatial arrangement on the plane of a sheet of paper, and color. The flannelegraph is widely used, on which they spread individual items complex structure, convey movements, show options for the location of the composition, using ready-made forms.

When mastering the technique of symmetrical cutting, it is necessary to develop perception and analytical thinking in children, namely the ability to dismember an object into two halves and cut out. To do this, at the first such lesson, you can draw a contour in advance on paper bent in half.

In the preparatory group, a new cutting technique is silhouette cutting. When analyzing nature, the teacher pays attention to the features of the contour of the object, tracing it with his finger. You can suggest doing the same to children. Start tracing the contour from that part of the object, from which the cutting will then begin.

This group provides for the execution of applications from objects, the contour of which includes any details. Since it is difficult for children to simultaneously focus on creating a general outline and cutting out small details, they should be shown a method that consists of two stages: first, a general shape is cut out of a pre-prepared paper, and then details are selected along the edge of the shape. In some cases, the silhouette is cut along a pre-drawn outline.

A more complex cutting technique is from paper folded several times (when cutting napkins, snowflakes, flowers). The teacher shows how to fold a square sheet several times, how to cut, depending on the contour of the object being created, one or more parts located around the center. In the future, children will be able to use this technique on their own for decorative work.

The sample in this group is not used for copying, but for clarifying the task at hand. Therefore, it may not give a complete image, but have the form of a diagram.

In the preparatory group, the lessons of plot application continue. New for children is the consistency in the positioning and gluing of the forms. In contrast to the drawing, in the applique, the sequence of positioning and gluing the forms always remains strictly defined: first the general background, then the objects of the background, middle and foreground. Children already understand that objects can block each other, therefore they will be partially visible. The sample in this case is used only to explain the technique, and the task is completed without a sample.

In all age groups application classes are carried out according to the intention of the children themselves. In the younger and middle groups, children are given only ready-made forms, which are first selected by them in accordance with the intended content, and then glued. In older groups, children independently cut out forms, taking into account the idea, and glue them.

Conclusion on chapter 2

The application is very relevant when working with children. After all, the child's first impressions of the size of objects, their shapes and location in space are formed with the help of tactile-motor perception. Therefore, it is necessary from childhood to give babies due attention to the development of fine motor skills. This helps to solve several problems at once. Firstly, it contributes to the development of intelligence in children, and secondly, it prepares the child for a faster mastering of the writing skill. Application in the development of motor skills allows the child to learn how to perform fine and precise movements of the fingers, and the work of the thinking and speech centers of the brain directly depends on this. It is very important at an early age to develop the child's skills of manual skill, to form the mechanisms that are necessary for the accumulation of practical experience of the child, as well as for mastering writing in the future. With a good organization of application classes, a person's fine motor skills will develop much faster. This requires the fulfillment of certain conditions. The first thing that needs to be done is to create a developmental environment, secondly, to select special methods, and finally, thirdly, to select the most effective techniques when working with the application.

Napkin and tear-off application has a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of hands and the creative abilities of children; this is an unconventional artistic technique of the fine arts.

Encouraging fingers to work is one of the most important tasks of a break and napkin application. This technique is good because it is available to small children, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and brings a certain novelty to the activities of kids, makes it more fun and interesting. When working with paper napkins, we constantly crush them into lumps with our fingertips. This is necessary in order to fill in the contours of the drawing. We glue these lumps to certain places. The work can be carried out both individually and collectively. Collective works, which are made with napkin applique, are distinguished by their artistic taste and colorfulness. Those who are engaged in this application with great pleasure and get satisfaction from the work done with their own hands. Over time, the fingers become more dexterous, and the appliqués made more complex. Seeing his success, which a person has achieved and his finished work, there is no limit to joy, especially in a child, pride and admiration for his work.


The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, and coherent speech.

As the research carried out in the second chapter shows, working with paper is one of the most successful tools in the development of fine motor skills with a well-developed theoretical base and a rich historical background. This is especially important in connection with the fact that at present, the majority of modern children have a general motor lag. A consequence of the poor development of motor skills, and in particular of the hand, is the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. However, even if the child's speech is normal, this does not mean at all that the child is good at handling his hands. Working with paper in a preschool educational institution has many positive functions, not only as a means of developing fine motor skills, but also creativity, memory and spatial thinking, which shows the exceptional benefits and versatility of this technology in the upbringing of preschoolers.

Working with paper can be said to be an excellent universal, didactic and developmental material. Its method and meaning is that the nerve endings of the hands affect the child's brain and brain activity is activated. For schooling, it is very important that the child has well developed fine motor muscles.

Diagnostic work should be based on the basic psychological and diagnostic principles recognized by domestic special psychology and correctional pedagogy and disclosed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, L.A. Wenger, N.M. Aksarina, E.R. Pilyugina, M.M. Koltsova and others. Having studied and summarized the data of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, one can come to the conclusion that in last years interest in this topic has intensified. More and more publications of theoretical and practical materials are devoted to the development of fine motor skills of the hand in children of primary preschool age.

Fine motor skills in life and work perform many different functions. It activates the necessary and inhibits the currently unnecessary psychological processes, promotes an organized and purposeful selection of information entering the body in accordance with its actual needs, provides selective and long-term concentration on one object or activity.

With the systematic work of the elements of manual labor and applications, they make an important contribution to the mental development of the child:

    sensory (at the level of sensations, the child learns the texture, density, color of the paper);

    mental (to give knowledge about color, size, shape, number of objects and their spatial arrangement, as well as knowledge about nature and man);

    speech (expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children, the ability to communicate, negotiate with each other);

    physical (eye development, hand coordination).

One of the types of artistic activity is an unconventional type of applique - napkin applique.

Working with children with napkin applique has great development prospects:

1. The gradual complication of the techniques of working with a napkin, which will make the work more voluminous and colorful.

2. The skills of working children with napkins will allow at the next age stage to master the techniques of working with paper of different texture (corrugated, cardboard, etc.), as more dense materials. This is origami, quilling, decoupage.

Maria Montessori said that every movement of a child is another fold in the cerebral cortex.

Thus, we can conclude that the movement of the fingers and hands has a special developmental effect. The motor level is basic for the further development of higher mental functions: perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking and speech.

List of sources used

1. Bogatyreva Z. N. " Wonderful crafts from paper "./ Bogatyreva Z. N. - M., Pedagogy, 1987. - 272 p.

2. Blinova L.N. Diagnostics and correction in the education of children with mental retardation: a textbook for universities. / L. N. Blinova - M .: NTs ENAS, 2004. - 67 p.

3. V. G. Bezzubtseva, “We develop the child's hand, prepare it for drawing and writing.” / V. G., Bezzubtseva, T. N. Andrievskaya - M., GNOM and D, 2003. - 82 p.

4. Burlachuk L.F., Morozov S.M. Dictionary-guide to psycho. diagnostics. / L.F Burlachuk., S.M. Morozov- Naukova Dumka, 1989 .-- 421p.

5. Boryakova N.Yu., Kasitsyna M.A. Psychological and pedagogical examination of children with mental retardation in a special kindergarten // Journal "Correctional pedagogy", 2003 - №2-42s.

6. Vygotsky LS Questions of child (age) psychology / LS Vygotsky Sobr. Op. In 6 volumes - M., 1983. - T. 4 - 156 p.

7. Wenger LA, Education of a child's sensory culture: a book for kindergarten teachers. / L.A. Venger., E.G. Pilyugina - M .: Education, 1998.- 69p.

8. Weinerman S. M., Sensomotor development preschoolers in the classroom in the fine arts. / S. M Vaynerman., A. S Bolshov., Yu. R. Silkin - M., Vlados, 2006 - 93 p.

9. Gavrilushkina O. About the organization of raising children with disabilities mental development/ O. Gavrilushkina - Preschool education, 1998 - No. 2 - 48 p.

10.Gvozdev A.N. Questions of the study of children's speech. / A.N. Gvozdev - M., 2005 .-- 98p.

11. Golubev V.V. Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene of Preschool Children. / V.V. Golubev - M .: Academy, 2003.-139 p.

12. Goncharova E. Paradoxes of deviant development / E. Goncharova - Preschool education, 2006. - №2.- 49 s

13. Gusakova M.A. Application. - / M.A. Gusakova M .: Education, 1987 .-- 289 p.

14. Galiguzova L.N. Meshcheryakova S.Yu. How does a baby develop at an early age. / L.N. Galiguzova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova - M. Child psychology for parents, 2008. - 55p.

15. Gavrina S.E., Shcherbinina S.V. Clever fingers. We develop fine motor skills. / S. E. Gavrina, S. V. Shcherbinina - St. Petersburg: Peter, Publishing house: AST, 2010.- 35 p.

16. Godina G.N., Pilyugina E.G. Education and training of children of primary preschool age: a book for kindergarten teachers. / G.N. Godin, E.G. Pilyugina - M .: Education, 1987. - 56p.

17. Goneev A. D. Foundations correctional education: textbook. manual for universities / A. D. Goneev, V. A. Slastenina, - 3rd ed., revised. - M .: Academy, 2004. - 23 p.

18. Dubrovskaya N.V. Corrugated paper application. / N.V. Dubrovskaya - St. Petersburg: Peter, Publ .: Childhood-Press, 2010.-98 p.

19. Zhinkin N.I. Psychological foundations of speech development. / N.I. Zhinkin, Book "In Defense of the Living Word". - M. Logos, 2006 .-- 241p.

20. Zhukova O. Hand development: simple, interesting, effective / O. Zhukova -Preschool education, 2006 .-- 11p.

21. Zaitseva A. The art of quilling, / A. Zaitseva- M, "The world of the book", 2009.- 88p.

22. Koltsova M.M. Motor activity and development of the child's brain functions. / M.M. Koltsova. - M., Publishing house: Pedagogy, 1973.-66s.

23. Kovalev V. V. Psychiatry of childhood. / V.V. Kovalev - M., 1995.-23 p.

24. Lebedinsky V.V. Mental developmental disorders in children. / V.V. Lebedinsky - M., 2002.-63 p.

25. Luria A.R. Higher cortical functions and their disorders in local brain lesions. - / A.R. Luria - M., Academic project, 2000- 81p.

26. First steps (model of upbringing of young children) [Text]: materials of the Moscow city competition "First steps" / comp. Ph.D. K. White. - M .: LINKA - PRESS, 2002 .-- (263-313).

27. Strebelevoy KA Special preschool pedagogy / KA. Strebeleva - M., 2001- 65s.

28. Sergeantova TB.366 origami models. M, "Iris Press", 2005- 76s.

29. Solovyova N.G. Acquaintance of preschool children with the world around them using the paper-plastic technique. Iris-Press, 2004.- 62 p.

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Electronic resource for remote access ( Internet )

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34. -cayt for kindergarten teachers [Electronic resource]. http: //

Appendix # 1

Lesson number 1

Collective work "Branch of mimosa"

Goal and tasks: teach children to stick parts on cardboard, creating an image of a flower, using napkins in their work, teach children to tear napkins, roll a ball from separate parts, stick them on cardboard. Develop hand motor skills. Fix the shape, color, size. Strengthen the skills of using glue. To cultivate love and respect for flowers.

Material and equipment: napkins, glue, brushes, cardboard.

Preliminary work: examining spring flowers in illustrations, talking about spring.

Relationship with other occupations and activities : reading poems about spring, composing simple stories about the picture, related to the first phenomena.

The course of the lesson.

The teacher makes a riddle about spring.

Brooks rang, rooks flew in.

The bee brought honey to her house,

There are dense lumps on the branches

Sticky leaves doze in them.

Who will say, who knows when it happens.

(The teacher talks about spring)

IN.: Tell the children what happens in nature when spring comes?

D .: The snow is melting, it is getting warmer.

IN.: That's right, also with the awakening of nature, the first flowers appear. (The teacher shows an illustration with a sprig of mimosa). Children, look what a beautiful flower - mimosa. pay attention to appearance flower. What colour is he?

D .: The flower is yellow.

IN.: Tell me what are the size of flowers: large or small?

D .: Small in size.

IN.: The flowers are small, but there are many of them, they do not sit well on the branches, so the branch looks magnificent. (The teacher shows a flower sample made from napkins). Today we are going to make a flower from napkins. We will tear the napkin into small parts, roll balls from these parts between palms. Then stick the finished balls on the twig, the more they are glued to the twig, the more beautiful and magnificent the twig will be. Then we will make a vase from a blue napkin. We will hang our poster in the parent's corner with congratulations for mothers.

Appendix # 2.

Lesson number 2

Individual work "Flowers for Mom"

Objectives: teach how to make a flower from a napkin, teach how to make a plot composition; develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate patience and perseverance.

Materials and equipment: illustrations of carnation, peony; colored cardboard and colored napkins according to the number of children, small rectangles of green paper, scissors, PVA glue or glue stick, stapler.

Course of the lesson

I. Surprise moment.

Educator: Guys, when I went to kindergarten today, the postman met me and gave me an envelope, let's open it and see what's in it. (opens envelope) And there is a letter in the envelope, guys! Let's read:

HELLO dear guys! Your friends Smeshariki are writing to you. On the street late fall, and we miss the summer so much! Guys, help us, please! Make flowers and send them to us.

Your friends.


- Well guys, can we help the Smeshariki? And our flowers today will not be made of plain paper, but of napkins.

II. Main part. Applique making. The teacher demonstrates to the children every action.

    Take a napkin each.

2. Fold the napkin in half, then again in half.

3. Connect all layers by punching them with a stapler.

4. Punch for strength again by placing the staples in a criss-cross pattern

5. Children, take scissors and cut out a circle.

6. Make cuts approximately 10 mm deep. at regular intervals.


Each of you has your hands turned into a flower. The petals are closed, tightly closed.

In the early morning it is closed (hands are in the starting position).

But closer to noon (palms move away from each other, the pads of the thumbs are pressed to the ends of the index fingers, the hands resemble a half-open bud).

It opens the petals, I see their beauty (the hands are connected at the wrist, and the fingers smoothly diverge in different directions, resembling an open flower).

In the evening, the flower again closes the corolla (close your fingers - an unopened flower).

And now he will sleep (hands in the original position).

Until the morning, like a chick (put your hands under your cheek - imitation of sleep).

7. Lift up the top thin layer.

8. Squeeze it with your fingers around the center.

9. Pick up the next layers and also squeeze them with your fingers.

10. Pick up all the layers one after the other. You can lift 2-3 layers at a time.

11. It turned out to be a magnificent flower.

12. Cut a basket out of cardboard and distribute to children.

13. Glue the flowers to the basket.

III. The final part.

The teacher asks the children to show their work, praises them.

"Michurin orta mektebi" MM

State institution "Michurinsk secondary school"

Pedagogical project

"Development of fine motor skills of hands

in preschool children "

educator of the 2nd junior group

Bespalaya Alena Sergeevna

2017 year

"The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

  • Problem: Low level development of general and fine motor skills in preschool children.
  • Purpose: Development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in preschool children in the process of finger games

  • To develop fine motor skills of hands in preschool children in games, exercises and various types of productive activities;
  • To promote the development of children's ability to craft from different types of material (plasticine, napkins, paper, various cereals, buttons, etc.);
  • Promote the development of imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;
  • Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults;

Predicted result:

  • Place the child towards you through tactile (bodily) contact and thereby facilitate the adaptation process.
  • Improve dexterity and accuracy of movements, improve memory, attention, patience.
  • Hands and fingers will acquire strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate the mastery of writing skills.


At the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how the child develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed hand motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect the scattered parts of the constructor, to work with puzzles, counting sticks, mosaics. They refuse sculpting and applications that are loved by other children, do not keep up with the children in the classroom.

Thus, the possibilities for the development of the world by children turn out to be impoverished. Children often feel incapable of basic activities available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem. Over time, the level of development forms school difficulties.

And, of course, in preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. His further development depends on how cleverly the child learns to control his fingers. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

Stages of project implementation

Stage I - preparatory (project development)

Purpose: creation of organizational conditions that ensure the implementation of the project

Stage II - main (project execution)

Purpose: the implementation of pedagogical work on the formation of fine motor skills of hands

Stage III - final (analytical)

Purpose: summing up the results of the project

Terms of project implementation: long-term (September - February).











Joint activities of the educator with children:

  • finger gymnastics,
  • bioenergoplasty

(connection of movements speech apparatus with finger movements)

  • finger games in water

(are part of the hardening


Individual work with children:

  • hand massage
  • modeling from plasticine

using natural

material (seeds, cereals,


  • Unconventional painting techniques: brush, finger,


Free independent activity children:

  • didactic


  • games with small


(cubes, clothespins,

sticks, constructor)

Size: px

Start showing from page:


1 Consultation for parents "Development of fine motor skills in preschool children" The relevance of work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children is due to the age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children: in early and early preschool age, the structures and functions of the child's brain are intensively developed, which expands its capabilities in knowledge of the surrounding world. A comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world in a person cannot develop without tactile motor perception, since it is the basis of sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile motor perception that the first impressions of the shape, size of objects, and their location in space are formed. To teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory apparatus, but also to develop fine motor skills of his hands. Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing fine and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes. The term dexterity is often used when applied to the motor skills of the hand and fingers. The function of the human hand is unique and versatile. Sukhomlinsky wrote in his memoirs that “the mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is. It is the hands that teach the child accuracy, accuracy, clarity of thinking. Hand movements excite the brain, forcing it to develop. " A consequence of the poor development of general motor skills, and in particular of the hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. With a high degree of probability, we can conclude that if everything is not in order with speech, this is most likely a problem with motor skills. Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers has a beneficial effect not only on the formation of speech and its functions, but also on the mental development of the child. Fine motor skills of the hands are also developed physical exercises... They strengthen the palms and fingers of the child, develop muscles. Hand movements play a vital role at all stages of a child's life. The most favorable period for the development of human intellectual and creative abilities is from 3 to 9 years, when the cerebral cortex has not yet been completely formed. It is at this age that it is necessary to develop memory, perception, thinking, attention. We can once again be convinced of the uniqueness and wisdom of the experience of our ancestors. Long before the discovery by scientists of the relationship between hand and speech, they invented and passed on from one generation to another folk nursery rhymes: "Okay sweethearts", "Forty white-sided", "Little boy", etc. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically , he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, coherent speech. Parents' understanding of the importance and essence of modern diagnostics of carpal motility and pedagogical correction will preserve not only the physical and mental health of the child, but also protect him from additional learning difficulties, help to formulate the writing skill.

2 What are finger games and what are they for? Finger games are a very important part of fine motor development work. These games, very emotional, can be carried out both in kindergarten and at home. They are fascinating and contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. "Finger games", as it were, reflect the reality of the surrounding world, objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. In the course of finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity. "Finger games" is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which makes it possible for children to navigate in the concepts of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc. These games are very important for the development of children's creativity. If the child learns any one "finger game", he will definitely try to come up with a new dramatization for other rhymes and songs. Children from one to two years old well perceive "finger games" performed with one hand. Three-year-olds are already mastering games that are played with two hands, for example, one hand depicts a house, and the other - a cat running into this house. Four-year-olds can play these games using several events in succession. Older children can be offered to decorate games with a variety of props, small objects, houses, balls, cubes, etc. Games and exercises that develop fine motor skills of hands There is a huge number of games and exercises that develop fine muscles. They can be conditionally divided into several groups: games for the development of tactile perception, games with water and sand, folk finger games, exercise with objects, laying out games, stringing games, games with constructors, etc. Also, finger games are used in regime moments, in the morning with a small subgroup of children or individually. Hello, the sun is golden! Hello, the sky is blue! Hello, free breeze, Hello, little oak! We live in the same land - I greet you all (fingers right hand take turns to "greet" the fingers of the left hand, patting them with the tips). In order to form in children elementary representations about your body and practical skills for caring for it, movements of the fingers of the hand are used in combination with the movement of the hands. Who does not brush his teeth, Does not wash with soap (fingers alternately, starting with the index, "greet" with the thumbs), He can grow Painful, frail (palms are placed one above the other, depicting the growth of a child). They are on friendly terms with the muddies. They just got dirty (fingers are connected in a lock), Which themselves drowned in the mud (a movement that imitates a swimmer).

3 They grow Nasty byaki (clench their fingers into a fist, then straighten them, bend their arms at the elbows, palms one after another near the nose), Angry dogs chase them (hands forward, right palm rests on the left, fingers bend slightly, each finger is right hand touches the left finger of the same name). Dirty are afraid of Water and colds, And sometimes they do not grow at all (arms crossed on the chest, bend over, straighten up, raise your arms up). To create a positive psychoemotional mood in children, exercises: "Fingers greet", "With Good morning! " and self-massage of fingers "Wash hands". Good morning, eyes! (Stroking the eyelids) Are you awake? ("Looking through binoculars") Good morning, ears! (Stroking your ears!) Are you awake? (We put our hand to our ears.) Good morning, hands! (Stroking hands) Are you awake? (Clap our hands) Good morning, legs! (Stroking our feet) Are you awake? (We stomp) Good morning, sun! (Hands open towards the sun) I woke up! (Tilt your head slightly and smile broadly) A beneficial effect on the development of movements of the entire hand and fingers is provided by games with objects: pyramids, inserts different types, colorful abacus, nesting dolls, mosaics, pencil games, finger pools with various fillings. "Mosaic", "Constructor" - this material contributes to the intensive development of finger movements. The idea of ​​a mosaic is to compose a whole image from small parts. During the game, the child constantly manipulates the details, shows ingenuity, observation, patience and perseverance. Games with beads: - will help to coordinate the movements of both hands. The child is offered beads with holes of different diameters and depths for stringing on a string, which contributes to the improvement of the coordination of the "eye-hand" system. In this children's game, not only manual skill is formed, but also sensory standards (color, shape, size). We start learning with lighter tasks: the beads are large, the diameter of the lace is large; further, the alternation of large and small beads; and a very difficult task, small beads of geometric shapes with a very small hole and fishing line. Lacing games - develop sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of the hands; develop spatial orientation, promote the assimilation of the concepts "above", "below", "right", "left"; develop lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace on a bow); contribute to the development of speech; develop creativity; develop perseverance; the game helps to improve coordination of movements, flexibility of the hand and looseness of movements in general, which is the key to the absence of problems with writing at school.

4 Games with clothespins that develop fine motor skills, spatial imagination, contribute to the development of intelligence and thinking, as well as the formation of speech. By making small multi-colored circles of cardboard and attaching clothespins of the same color to them, you will get multi-colored flowers: cornflowers, daisies, roses, etc. Therefore, the same principle, adding a little imagination, you can make a man, a hedgehog, a cactus, a comb and much more. And that is not all. When you have collected many different figures from clothespins, you can make whole pictures: the sun is shining at the top, the grass is growing below, flowers are blooming on it, a Christmas tree is growing, a hedgehog is running ... Then you can compose fairy tales and rejoice together at what happened. Using productive species activities that develop fine motor skills. In addition to games and exercises, various types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique, designing, weaving, etc.) also contribute to the development of manual skill. Games using paper are no less interesting and useful for developing the fingers. It can be crumpled, torn, smoothed, cut, these exercises are therapeutic in nature, have a positive effect on the nervous system, and soothe children. Cereals (peas, rice, semolina, buckwheat, etc.) are used in mosaics and in other activities that develop fine motor skills. For example, the game Cinderella (children sort out the mixed cereal) Letter on the cereal. Drawing plays a special role. Children draw with tools similar in shape, holding and action to the pen, which they write at school. According to the drawings of children, one can trace how fine motor skills develop, what level it reaches at each age stage. Of course, mastering drawing, modeling, appliqué, the child will not learn to write. But all these types of productive activities make the baby's hand skillful, easily and freely controlling the instrument, and develop visual control over the movement of the hand. Helps the formation of a hand-eye connection. All this will be to him good helper at school. Only painstaking work, patient attitude, support in case of failures, rewards for the slightest success, non-intrusive help will help us achieve good results.

Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the muscular, bone and nervous systems of a person, often in combination with the visual system in performing small, precise movements with the hands and fingers.

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The development of fine motor skills in children is quite relevant. This has been repeatedly emphasized by educators, psychologists and other preschool education specialists.

purpose of work : development of fine motor skills in young children through didactic games and toys.

To solve this goal, I set myself the following


Ø To improve the subject - developmental environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills.

Ø to develop fine motor skills of fingers in young children through didactic games and toys.

Ø Develop the tactile sensitivity of the hands of children.


The child is constantly studying, comprehending the world around him. The main method of accumulating information is touching. The child needs to grab, touch, iron and taste everything.

The role of an adult is to help him in this, to give him the necessary stimulus for development. Therefore, it is necessary to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age.



Municipal government preschool

educational institution Bagan kindergarten number 1 "Bell"


"Development of fine motor skills

Educator MKDOU Bagansky

kindergarten number 1 "Bell"

v. Bagan 2016 Contents

  1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………… .. …… .... 3
  2. Theoretical part ………………………………………………………… ... 4
  1. What is fine motor skills ………………………………………………… .... 4
  2. The value of games for the development of fine motor skills …………………………………… 4
  3. Types of games for the development of fine motor skills ……………………………………… 5
  1. Practical part …………………………………………………… ............. 7

3.1. Relevance ………………………………………………………… ... ……… 7

3.2. Principles ……………………………………………………………………… .10

3.3. Methods and techniques ……………………………………………………… ........ 12

3.4. Conditions for the development of fine motor skills …………………………………… ... 14

3.5. Creation of a subject - developmental environment ………………………………… ..15

3.6. The system of work on the development of fine motor skills …………………………… ..16

3.8. Working with parents ………………………………………………………… 22

  1. Summing up the results of the 1st stage of the project implementation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ... 25
  3. List of used literature ………………………………… ............. 26
  4. Applications ………………………………………………………………...….. 27

“The origins of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From them, figuratively speaking, there are the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and inventiveness in the movements of a child's hand, the more subtle its interaction with the tool of labor, the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is. "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The development of fine motor skills in children is quite relevant. This is repeatedly emphasized by educators, psychologists and other specialists in the field of preschool education.

The relevance of work on the development of fine motor skills in young children is due to the age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children: in early and early preschool age, the structures and functions of the child's brain are intensively developing, which expands his capabilities in cognizing the world around him. A comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world in a person cannot develop without tactile - motor perception, since it is the basis of sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile - motor perception that the first impressions of the shape, size of objects, and their location in space are formed. To teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory apparatus, but also to develop fine motor skills of his hands.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school, and it is in this area that preschoolers experience serious difficulties. Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills should be started long before entering school, namely from a very early age.


2.1 What is fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills - a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes. The term dexterity is often used when applied to the motor skills of the hand and fingers.

The field of fine motor skills includes a wide variety of movements: from primitive gestures, such as grasping objects, to very small movements, on which, for example, a person's handwriting depends.

2.2 The value of games for the development of fine motor skills.

The value of fine motor skills

  1. Hand movements are the basis for developing self-care skills in children.
  2. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the important indicators of a child's readiness for schooling.
  3. Finger movements affect the development of the motor function of speech and stimulate the development of other mental functions - thinking, memory, attention.

The function of the human hand is unique and versatile. Sukhomlinsky wrote in his memoirs that “the mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is. It is the hands that teach the child accuracy, accuracy, clarity of thinking. Hand movements excite the brain, forcing it to develop "

According to M.M. Koltsova, the level of speech development is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers: if the development of finger movements corresponds to the child's age, then his speech development will be within the normal range; if the development of finger movements lags behind, the development of speech is also delayed. M.M. Koltsova notes that there is every reason to consider the hand as a "speech organ" - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the motor projection area of ​​the hand can be considered another speech area of ​​the brain.

According to the observations of researchers, the development of a child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient subtlety. The development of digital motor skills, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech.

It turns out that most modern children have a general motor lag, especially in urban children. Remember, now even kindergartens are asked to bring Velcro shoes so that teachers do not take the trouble of teaching a child to tie shoelaces. Even 20 years ago, parents, and along with them and children, had to do more with their hands: sort out cereals, wash clothes, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for each lesson.

A consequence of the poor development of general motor skills, and in particular of the hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. With a high degree of probability, we can conclude that if everything is not in order with speech, this is most likely a problem with motor skills.

Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers has a beneficial effect not only on the formation of speech and its functions, but also on the mental development of the child. In Japan, for example, targeted hand training for children is carried out in kindergartens with two years of age(according to experts, this stimulates the mental development of the child), and in Japanese families, children develop fingers from the age of one.

You need to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age. Already an infant can be massaged fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and junior preschool age, you need to do simple exercises accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of basic self-service skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, etc.

Children love children to wave their pen, clap their hands, play "Magpie - white-sided, show the" horned goat. "All these games are very useful, as they train the hand. Also in early childhood games with cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls are useful. Later - with various types of constructors, for example, "Lego", when a child has to assemble and disassemble small parts, put together a whole from separate parts, and for this it is very important that the fingers obey and work well, thereby stimulating the child's speech development.

2.3. Types of games for the development of fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills of the hands are developed:

various finger games, where it is necessary to perform certain movements in a certain sequence;

playing with small objects that are inconvenient to handle (only under the supervision of adults);

games where you need to take or pull something out, squeeze - unclench, pour - pour,

pour in - pour out, push through holes, etc .;

drawing with a pencil (felt-tip pen, brush, etc.);

fastening and unfastening zippers, buttons, dressing and undressing, etc.

Such exercises strengthen the palms and fingers of the baby, develop muscles.


3.1. Relevance, purpose and objectives.

Relevance my work is that purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in young children contributes to the formation intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of the child's mental and physical development.

She carried out her work on the development of fine motor skills with children of the younger group. Children come to the group "at home", they have not formed the skills of self-service. All these skills are formed under the influence of the child's upbringing of general and fine motor skills. The hand of a child at this age is physiologically imperfect. Like the whole organism, it is in a stage of intensive development. Fine motor skills are poorly developed. The fingers bend and unbend synchronously, i.e. all work together. The movements of the fingers are poorly differentiated, therefore, when bending one finger, the rest perform similar action... There is an incomplete range of motion and fatigue.

At the beginning of her work, she conducted a diagnostic examination of the state of fine motor skills and the development of speech in children with the aim of identifying the level of development of fine motor skills of hands and speech. Diagnostics was carried out by following criteria stages:

Stage 1. (elementary).

Each child was asked to take a test, consisting of 5 tasks, to develop the level of speech and the assessment of vocabulary. The test consisted of tasks of a visual type and tasks of a test developed by the famous physiologist Marianilla Koltsova.

The test tasks were as follows:

  1. Several objects familiar to the child were exhibited on the table: a doll, a ball, a typewriter, a cup, and a spoon. Then it is given leading question"What is it?" The child must name the items.

2. Ask your child to “Show it like this” (showing one index finger)

0 points - does not show

1 point - shows

3. Ask your child "Show like this" (Show two fingers - index and middle)

0 points - does not show

0 points - shows one finger.

1 point - shows two fingers out of three suggested.

2 points - shows all three fingers in the desired sequence.

2 points - 7-13 subjects

3 points - 13 - 18 items

4 points - 19 - 25 items

Evaluation table

The test results were distributed as follows: of 15 children.

High level of speech development - 3 children.

Medium - 7 children.

Low - 5 children.

In percentage terms, it looks like this: 20% - high, 46.6% - medium, 33.4% - low.

The criteria are divided into three levels: high, medium, low.

High level:accurate reproduction of movement.

Average level:the main elements of the movement are completed, but there are inaccuracies in implementation.

Low level: lack of basic elements in the structure of the movement.

Considering the importance of the problem of the development of fine motor skills, I decided to carry out in-depth work with the children in this direction, working in contact with parents and kindergarten specialists.

I set a goal for myself.

Purpose of work : development of fine motor skills in young children through didactic games and toys.

To solve this goal, I set myself the following


  • To improve the subject-developmental environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills.
  • develop fine motor skills of fingers in young children through didactic games and toys.
  • Develop the tactile sensitivity of the hands of children.


The child is constantly studying, comprehending the world around him. The main method of accumulating information is touching. The child needs to grab, touch, iron and taste everything. The role of an adult is to help him in this, to give him the necessary stimulus for development. Therefore, it is necessary to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age. At a younger preschool age, you can perform simple exercises, accompanied by poetic forms.


If you develop the fine motor skills of the hand of a preschool child, then the development of speech is improved.

Project participants:

Children of the younger group, educators, parents.

Expected Result:

For kids: Activation of speech processes after classes on the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

For parents : Helping parents to develop fine motor skills in children.

For teachers: Development of fine motor skills and coordination of the fingers of the pupils' hands to the level corresponding to a given age.

Project implementation:

By duration: long-term.

3.2. Principles.

To form in children a certain system of knowledge on this topic, it is necessary to use the following principles.

Principles of accessibility and individuality.

Each child has its own qualities, each has its own individual level of development, its own available initial sensory experience. I consider my main task- to know the personal characteristics of each child, to look for methods of individual work with each of them. The material selected for didactic games should be understandable and accessible to every child.

The principles of consistency and consistency.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "Only a system emerging from the very essence of objects gives us complete power over our knowledge ..."

Consistency and consistency is an important factor for the development of fine motor skills.

The presence of a system gives sensory education organization, a sequence from simple to complex. At the stage of early childhood, the assimilation of knowledge, along with the formation of skills, should occur systematically, and not from case to case.

The principle of connection with life experience.

The concrete result, success and quality of the child's education depend on the skillful implementation of this principle. A significant factor in the methodology of conducting didactic games is the relationship between teaching in a didactic game and consolidating knowledge and skills in everyday life: on walks, during independent activities, during a game, etc. While dressing and undressing, we consolidate the ability to fasten and unfasten buttons, untie the laces.

The principle of visibility.

Given the psychology, age features young children, clarity plays a big role in combination with words. In this case, a connection is formed between objects and phenomena of reality and the words denoting them. Correctly selected didactic aids carry a great emotional charge.

All visual material and didactic aids in our group have an attractive appearance: the pictures are bright, colorful; the toys are intact, not broken, brought in a neat look; bright and variably colored cubes and bricks. Nice texture, clear shape and bright saturated color didactic games and aids bring joy to children, make them want to play with them, and contribute to the accumulation of sensory relationships.

3.3. Methods and techniques.

Correctly selected teaching methods and techniques contribute to the development of fine motor skills in babies.During didactic games and with toys, I use the following methods:

Verbal method.

The teacher's verbal appeals to children - explanations when looking at visual objects, stories about them, questions and other forms of speech serve to develop the understanding of an adult's speech. Since at the stage of the formation of speech development it is difficult to simultaneously perceive the display of objects, actions with them and speech information, the explanation should be extremely brief: every extra word distracts the baby from visual perception.

Visual and effective teaching method.

At an early age, as you know, children get to know the objects around them by means of visual-sensory accumulation of experience: they look, pick up, feel, one way or another, act with them. Taking into account this age-related feature, I try to widely use the techniques of visualization: I show the object, give the opportunity to touch it, examine it.

A practical method.

In order for knowledge to be mastered, it is necessary to apply them in practice. After a general demonstration and explanation, I propose to perform, under the direct supervision, a fragment of the didactic game separately for each child, providing

the need for differentiated assistance, I give single instructions.

Game method.

Play methods and techniques occupy a large place in the teaching of young children. These include didactic games that raise their interest in the content of learning, provide a connection between cognitive activity and play, which is characteristic of kids. I often use play techniques, they help me a lot to interest children, learn the material better and faster:

Various play exercises; playing out a particular situation;

The use of a surprise moment, the reception of the unexpected appearance of toys, fairy-tale characters;

The solution of small "problems" arising from toys, fairy-tale characters.

Children, especially at an early age, develop rapidly, and the task of the educator is to ensure that the methods used by him contribute to the child's gradual transition to the next, higher stage of development.

3.4. Conditions for the development of fine motor skills.

To successfully solve these problems, I selected and studied methodological literature on this topic.

Based on the literature used, I developed a long-term plan for the development of fine motor skills.

  • Complemented the subject-development environment with non-standard didactic material, designed a card index for finger games with poetry.

3.5. Creation of a subject-developing environment.

Concept "Developing environment"means creating the necessary conditions for the development of the child. Each subject in the group can become developmental. I tried to create an environment surrounding the children in such a way that it determined the direction of their activities and at the same time solved the task of developing fine motor skills.

The group created the necessary subject-developing environment, purchased games for the development of fine motor skills, most of which were made independently with the help of parents.

The touch-sensitive didactic table is part of the center of educational games. Work at the didactic table is carried out with a small group of children and individually. Encouraging kids to act independently with didactic material, I observe their actions, and, if necessary, provide assistance. Carrying out games - classes contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, improves coordination of movements, forms the sensorimotor abilities of children.

The game of objects stimulates the development of hand and finger motor skills, enriches sensory experience, helps to remove emotional and negative reactions, and creates an atmosphere of vital activity and a sense of security. Toddlers love games such as:"Pour, sculpt", "Collect the cube", "Catch a fish", "Funny stones","Drawing fun."

The group has a large number of toys of an educational nature: pyramids, multi-colored abacus, nesting dolls, mosaics, games with pencils, didactic skirt, constructors; didactic games and manuals, "Fun screen" necessary for the development of fine motor skills, most of which are made independently and with the help of parents.

3.6. The system of work on the development of fine motor skills.

She organized the work through joint and individual work with children, work with parents.

She worked with children in the following areas:

  • finger games,
  • games with objects,
  • didactic games.

I attach great importance to the game as a means of creating emotional uplift, positive emotions and joy.

Finger games are a good way to develop fine motor skills.

"Finger games" -this is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.


"Forty - forty"

Forty - forty

I cooked porridge,

I fed the children

I gave this,

I gave this,

I gave this,

I gave this,

But this did not give:

You didn't carry water

I didn't chop wood,

I didn't cook porridge,

You have nothing!

In this case, with the index finger of the right hand, perform circular motions on the palm of your left hand. Then, in turn, all fingers are bent, except for the thumb.


We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is one.(Rhythmically clench and unclench the jaws.)
This slice is for a swift,

This slice is for a hedgehog,

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for chickens,

This slice is for the beaver! (We bend the fingers to the baby one by one).
And for the wolf - the peel! (Spread the handles to the sides).

"Fingers greet"- the tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers.

"Fingers in the forest"

One, two, three, four, five (We bend all five fingers in turn, first ourselves, then together with the child). Fingers went out for a walk. (We squeeze and unclench the palm several times). This finger found a mushroom, (bend the little finger). I began to clean this finger, (We bend the ring finger). This cut, (Bend the middle finger). This one ate, (bend the index finger). Well, this one just looked! (We bend the thumb).

I pay great attention to these games. I play finger games during the morning reception, after sleep, physical minutes.

They have a beneficial effect on the development of movements of the entire hand and with objects: pyramids, inserts of various types, multi-colored abacus, nesting dolls, mosaics, games with pencils, finger pools with various fillings.


The variety of their types, forms, configurations, complicating elements, allows literally every time to give a new task. And children do not lose interest in them.

"Mosaic", "Constructor".

This material promotes intensive development of finger movements.The idea of ​​a mosaic is to compose a whole image from small parts. During the game, the child constantly manipulates the details, shows ingenuity, observation, patience and perseverance.

Games with beads: "Colorful beads", "Let's make beads for the doll."

Help children coordinate the movements of both hands. The child is offered beads with holes of different diameters and depths for stringing on a string, which contributes to the improvement of the coordination of the "eye-hand" system. In this children's game, not only manual skill is formed, but also sensory standards (color, shape, size). We start learning with lighter tasks: beads are large, the diameter of the lace is large; further, the alternation of large and small beads; and a very difficult task, small beads of geometric shapes with a very small hole and fishing line.

Lacing games.

R develop sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of the hands; develop spatial orientation, promote the assimilation of the concepts "above", "below", "right", "left"; develop lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace on a bow); contribute to the development of speech; develop creativity; develop perseverance; the game helps to improve coordination of movements, flexibility of the hand and looseness of movements in general, which is the key to the absence of problems with writing at school. For example:

"Hedgehog", "Beetle", "Snail", "Butterfly", "House", "Button", "Kolobok" and others.

Clothespin games.

R They develop fine motor skills, spatial imagination, contribute to the development of intelligence and thinking, as well as the formation of speech.

Painting with paints.

M a scarlet child cannot hold a pencil in a pen, so start with finger paints or drawing with brushes.


Cut out fairly large figures from colored paper or do together with the child, and then glue with glue and a brush.

Drawing with plasticine.

Do you think you can only sculpt from plasticine? In vain! They can paint such beauty! You will need heavy paper or cardboard. We sculpt a small ball, put it on paper and press it with a finger. Draw rowan in autumn, balls on the tree in winter, flowers in summer.

Working with the test. You can draw not only with plasticine, but also with dough. Let the child blinds a large ball out of soft dough, then flatten it and make a flower out of five such "petals". Until the dough has time to dry, let the baby paint the flower with finger paints.

Work with cereals.

Throwing handles into a bowl of beans is so nice! And if a toy is waiting for the baby at the bottom - even doubly so! You can order the sorting and sorting of various cereals, but only under the supervision of adults.

Working with natural materials:cones, pebbles, shells. You can build from them various types of paths, fences, as well as mix and sort them in groups.

Working with kitchen utensils.

We learn how to properly hold a cup, spoon, feed the dolls.

Various containers, bubbles, boxes.

Work with twisting and unscrewing the lids. Folding small items into boxes and bubbles.

The game "Sun"

Cut 2 circles out of yellow cardboard, glue them. Draw on one side the eyes, nose, smile (cheerful face); and on the other hand, there are also eyes, a nose and a mouth, but with lowered corners (sad face). Turn the circle to the child with the side where the sad face is drawn and tell the child the fairy tale that there was a sun in the sky. And then one day it lost its rays. Since then, it has become sad-sad. To cheer up the sun, you need to attach rays to it. Show how you can make rays with clothespins. Then, when all the rays are in place, turn the sun to the other side and see how funny it has become.

Herringbone game

Cut a triangle out of green cardboard. This will be a Christmas tree. Invite your child to attach needles (clothespins) to the tree on both sides. If you have green clothespins, invite your child to use only them, so you will also teach the baby about colors at the same time. Then the Christmas tree can be undressed and dressed again.

The game "grass-ant"

Cut a long rectangle out of green cardboard and have your child pin green clothespins on top of it. This is how you get weed.

Children are attracted by the colorfulness of toys, playing with them, they acquire the ability to distinguish shape, size, color, master a variety of new movements. It is especially interesting for children to spin and twist objects, disassemble them into parts and reassemble them. My task is to support this desire, to organize the child's communication with peers and adults in the process of objective activity.

Didactic games:

Game "Where, where are our pens?"

Purpose : teach children to imitate the movements of an adult. Material: scarves, boxes.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to repeat the following movements: - Let's hide our hands - like this! (children hide their hands behind their backs).

Where, where are our pens? (the teacher tries to look behind the backs of the children, “looking for” the handles)

Here, here are our pens! Here are our pens! (children show their hands).

Again the handles are hidden ... (children are hiding their hands again). - Where, where are our pens? And here they are! (kids show their hands). The game is repeated several times. In the same way, children hide their hands under a scarf, in a box, under a table. The main thing is that the children perform the appropriate actions on the signal.

The game "Hide in the palm of your hand"

purpose : Strengthen the muscles of the fingers and hands.

Material: pieces of foam rubber or rubber rings and other toys made of porous, flexible or resilient materials that can be squeezed in the hand (according to the number of children).

Game progress: The teacher distributes small pieces of foam rubber to the children and offers to hide them in the palm of the hand so that the foam rubber is not visible: “Here are the sponges for you. They are magical, they know how to hide and become invisible. Hide them so that no one sees or finds them - hold them tight in your palm! "

Game "Kitten"

purpose : Strengthen the muscles of the fingers and hands; teach to imitate the movements of an adult.

Material: small rubber toys- tweeters: kittens (by the number of children).

Game progress: The teacher distributes toys to the children and offers to squeeze them in a fist. At this time, he reads a couplet: You, kitten, not food, Better look for your mother. After all the "kittens squeak" the teacher shows "mom - cat" - a big toy. The game is repeated several times.

"Collect a fairy tale"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills of hands through acquaintance with Russian folk art.


  • Learn to select figures that are suitable in shape.
  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • To foster interest in Russian folk art.

Equipment used:The playing field, figures of the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Description of the game: The game set consists of a playing field, which depicts the plot of the Russian folk tale"Kolobok" and figures of heroes ("Kolobok", hare, wolf, fox).

Game progress: The child who takes part in the game is offered a playing field with figures. The task of the player sequentially, in accordance with the playing field and the shape of the figures of the heroes of the fairy tale, is to assemble the plot of the fairy tale. The game continues until all the heroes are distributed across the playing field. During the game, the child must name the heroes and tell the plot of the fairy tale.

  1. Before playing with the child, it is necessary to discuss its content, while at the same time practicing the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements. This will not only prepare your baby for correct execution exercise, but will also create the necessary emotional mood.
  2. The exercises should be performed with the child, while demonstrating their own enthusiasm for the game.
  3. When the game is repeated, children often begin to partially produce the text (especially the beginning and end of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, children pronounce it entirely, correlating words with movement.
  4. After choosing two or three exercises, gradually replace them with new ones. You can leave your favorite games in your repertoire and return to them at the request of the kid.
  5. Do not set several difficult tasks for the child at once (for example, show movements and pronounce text). The attention span of children is limited, and an impossible task can "discourage" interest in the game.
  6. At first, children have difficulty in performing many exercises, so the movements are practiced gradually and passively, with the help of adults.
  7. Never force. Try to understand the reasons for the refusal, if possible, eliminate them (for example, changing the task) or change the game.
  8. Encourage children to sing along, "don't notice" if they do something wrong at first, encourage success.

3.8. Working with parents.

It is known that not a single task of raising and developing a child can be solved without the participation of parents. At the beginning of the year, I held a parenting meeting with parents on the topic: "Development of fine motor skills in young children", introduced them to the content and importance of the need to develop fine motor skills in young children, and proposed to work in three directions:

  • special games - exercises for the development of small finger movements;
  • learning the ability to purposefully control movements in everyday situations, acquire self-service skills;
  • the formation of fine motor skills using various board and finger games.

In addition, the parents were consulted on the topic: « Influence of finger gymnastics for the mental development of young children.

"Games with clothespins", games "While mom is in the kitchen", "Development of fine motor skills or a few ideas how to keep the child busy."

purpose : To educate parents about the importance of games for the development of fine motor skills. Parents must understand: in order to interest the child and help him master new information, it is necessary to turn learning into a game, not to retreat if the tasks seem difficult. Remember to praise your child.

  1. Summing up the results of the 1st stage of the project ..

After the classes, at the end of February 2016, re-testing was carried out with the same test as at the beginning, in order to identify the results. The results were as follows, out of 15 children:

High level of speech development - 7 children.

Medium - 5 children.

Low - 3 children.

In percentage terms, it looks like this: 46.6% - high, 33.4% - medium, 20% - low.

The ratio of the results of the implementation of the 1st stage of the project:

Speech development level

Start of stage 1

End of stage 1


3 (20%)

7 (46,6%)


7 (46,6 %)

5 (33,4%)


5 (33,4%)

3 (20%)

This ratio in the table can be represented in the form of a diagram:

By analyzing the work done, you can do conclusions:

The theme of the developed project was chosen taking into account the age characteristics of children younger age, the amount of information that can be perceived by them, which has a positive impact on various activities of children.

There was a positive reaction and emotional response of children to the acquaintance with new types of finger gymnastics, children showed a desire and interest to play these games, with interest and desire they performed exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The speech activity of children has increased, attention has become more focused, memory has improved.

I believe that we have achieved good results in the interaction of the teacher with the parents. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project, learned how to properly conduct finger gymnastics at home.

Thus, the purposeful, regularly carried out work by educators and parents on the development of children's speech through finger gymnastics, the use of methodological techniques that contribute to the speech development of children, made it possible to achieve positive results.

Prospects for the future: during the implementation of the 2nd stage of the project, to develop the "Finger Theater"


By creating in the group the necessary developmental environment conducive to the development of fine motor skills, taking into account the age characteristics of children, having received the support and help of parents, the kindergarten specialists helped to achieve this goal. Thus, as a result of the work done, I came to the conclusion that purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands in young children contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, has a positive effect on the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, and most importantly, contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health child.

  1. Used Books:
  1. Anischenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics. A guide for parents and educators. Vladimir: "Astrel", 2006;
  2. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I., Finger games for the development of speech in preschoolers. Moscow: "Profizdat", 2001;
  3. Danilova L. Finger games. Moscow: Rosmen, 2008;
  4. Drako M.V. Developing finger games. Minsk: Potpourri, 2009;
  5. Kislinskaya G.A. Genius at your fingertips - Genesis, M - 2008;
  6. O.P. Navitskaya The mind is at your fingertips. Fun finger games. Little tips for parents. Moscow: "Owl", 2006;
  7. Khvastovtsev A. Clever pens. Finger nursery rhymes for children from 3 months to 7 years. Novosibirsk: "Siberian University Edition", 2008;
  8. Churzina N.O. Finger dolls. Moscow: "Sova", 2007;
  9. Shanina S. E., Gavrilova A. M. We play with our fingers - we develop speech. Moscow: Ripol Plassik, 2008;
  10. Yanushko-Mosaika E.A. The development of fine motor skills of hands in young children (1-3 years), - Synthesis, 2010.
  11. Internet resources.

Appendix # 1

A plan for working with children and parents for the development of fine motor skills of hands

for the 2015-2016 academic year.

The work on the project was carried out in two directions





Conducting different types of finger gymnastics

Folder design - slides

Working with plasticine, paper, paints

Conducting master classes

Working with cereals (beans, rice, buckwheat, millet, hazelnuts), sand.

Information stand design


Conducting contests (draw with your finger; handicrafts from cereals)

Working with laces, spools, threads

Preparation of material for classes

Working with small and large objects (beads, buttons, etc.)

Joint activities in the classroom

Working with counting sticks

Consulting on issues

Working with pencil, paper, stencils


Appendix # 2

Test for children

« Speech development and vocabulary assessment»

Each child was asked to take a test, consisting of 5 tasks, to develop the level of speech and the assessment of vocabulary. The test consisted of tasks of a visual type and tasks of a test developed by the famous physiologist Marianilla Koltsova. The test tasks were as follows:

1. Several objects familiar to the child were exhibited on the table: a doll, a ball, a typewriter, a cup, a spoon. Then the leading question is asked "What is this?" The child must name the items.

0 points - does not name anything

1 point - one or two named subjects

2 points - three named subjects

3 points - four to five named items

2. Ask your child to “Show it like this” (Show one index finger).

0 points - does not show

1 point - shows

3. Ask your child to “Show like this” (By showing two fingers - index and middle).

0 points - does not show

1 point - shows one finger

2 points - shows two necessary fingers

4. Ask your child to “Show it like this” (By showing three fingers — index, middle, and ring).

0 points - shows one finger

1 point - shows two fingers out of three suggested

2 points - shows all three fingers in the desired sequence

5. Show the child pictures depicting: a cat, a dog, bread, a rooster, an apple, a table, a train, an airplane, a chair, a window, a hat, socks, boots, a watermelon, a boy, a girl, an infant, a goose, a cow, a horse, a kettle, bed, knife, pencil, book. Ask the question "What is this?"

0 points - names from 1 - 2 items

1 point - names from 3-6 objects

2 points - 7-13 subjects

3 points - 13 - 18 items

4 points - 19 - 25 items

Evaluation table

Appendix No. 3


"Development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements

in children of younger preschool age "

Educator: Nikonova Lidia Nikolaevna.

The child is constantly studying, comprehending the world around him. The main method of accumulating information is touching. Children need to grab, touch, iron and taste everything! If adults try to maintain this desire by offering the baby various toys (soft, hard, rough, smooth, cold, etc.), rags, objects for research, he receives the necessary stimulus for development. It has been proven that a child's speech and his sensory ("touching") experience are interconnected. If the movement of the fingers corresponds to age, then speech development is also within the normal range; if the movement of the fingers lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although the general motor skills may be normal and even higher than normal. Therefore, if you want your child to speak well, develop his hands!

You need to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age. Already an infant can massage the fingers, thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and junior preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, etc. To interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game , do not retreat if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child.

I bring to your attention games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills, which can be practiced both in kindergarten and at home:

Finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics solves many problems inchild development:

Promotes the mastery of fine motor skills;

Helps develop speech;

Increases the efficiency of the brain;

Develops mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination;

Develops tactile sensitivity;

Relieves anxiety.

Finger games are very emotional and exciting. This is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of hands.

Children are happy to take part in games - nursery rhymes. The most famous version of this game is Forty-Forty.

My family.

This finger is mommy

This finger is a daddy

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!

(alternately massage the fingers of the hand, on the last line, squeeze and unclench the fists).

The development of the hand and fingers is facilitated not only by finger gymnastics, but also by various actions with objects. I offer a number of games with such items.

Button games:

Choose buttons in different sizes and colors. Try to lay out the drawing, at home you can ask the kid to do the same. After the child learns to complete the task, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a flower, a tumbler, a snowman, a butterfly, balls, beads, etc.

Buttons can also be strung on a thread, making beads.

Bulk material games:

1. Pour peas or beans into a container. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, saying:

Knead, knead the dough,

There is a place in the oven.

Will-will be out of the oven

Rolls and rolls.


“We were kneading the dough,

We kneaded the dough

We were asked to mix everything thoroughly,

But no matter how much we knead

And how many we do not think,

We get the lumps again and again.

2. Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, he puts the peas, one at a time, in another mug. First with one hand, then with two hands at the same time, alternately between thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring, thumb and pinky. You can pick up any quatrains, for example:

“Feet walked: top-top-top,

Straight along the track: top - top - top.

Well, more fun: top - top - top,

This is how we can: top - top - top. "

3. Put the peas on a saucer. With the thumb and forefinger, we take a pea and hold it with the rest of our fingers (as when picking berries), then take the next pea, then again and again - so we collect, a whole handful. You can do this with one or two hands.

4. Drawing on the rump. On a bright tray, sprinkle with a thin, even layer small cereals... Slide your finger over the child's rump. You will get a bright contrasting line. Let the kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves, letters, etc.)

5. Place the peas and beans in the dry pool. The child puts his hand into it and tries to identify and reach only peas or only beans by touch.

Bottle cap games:

Two plugs from plastic bottles put on the table with the thread up. These are "skis". The index and middle fingers fit into them, like feet. We move on "skis", taking one step for each stressed syllable:

“We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,

We love the fun of a cold winter. "

You can try the same thing with both hands at the same time.

If the plugs are drilled in the middle, they can also be used for stringing beads.

Clothespin games:

1. With a clothespin, alternately "bite" the nail phalanges (from the index finger to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

"The silly kitten bites heavily,

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)

But I'm playing with you baby

And if you bite, I'll tell you: "Shoot!"

2. Imagine, together with the baby, that clothespins are small fish, and a circle or square made of cardboard is a feeder. Well, the kid needs to help the fish to have lunch, that is, attach them around the perimeter of the figure. It is very interesting for children to "attach needles" to a hedgehog cut out of cardboard, etc.

3. And, of course, hanging handkerchiefs after washing and securing them with clothespins. This is an easy task, even for a child who has played with clothespins more than once, it may not be so easy.

You can accompany the work by pronouncing a rhyme:

"I will pinch the clothespins dexterously on my mother's rope."

Games with beads, pasta:

Various stringing perfectly develops the hand. You can string anything that is stringed: buttons, beads, horns and pasta, drying, etc.

Beads can be sorted by size, color, shape.

Games - lacing:

You can use both factory production and do-it-yourself. (A variety of lacing patterns are on display). Such games develop spatial orientation, attention, form lacing skills, develop creativity, contribute to the development of the accuracy of the eye, the sequence of actions. Lace sewing is the first step to needle sewing.

Working with plasticine:

You can start sculpting from plasticine as early as 2 years old, the main thing is to select available tasks and do not forget to wash your hands. We sculpt sausages, rings, balls; cut plasticine sausage with a plastic knife into many small pieces, and then we mold the pieces again. We make a cake or a coin from each small piece. You can press on our cake with a real coin to get an imprint.

Pieces of plasticine

Our Zina rides,

Balls, sausages,

And fairy tales come to life

Fingers are trying

They sculpt, develop.

Such games contribute to the development of fine motor skills, sensory processes, relax the child, and relieve emotional stress.

Appendix No. 4

A selection of flashcards

For the development of fine motor skills in children 2-3 years old

Didactic tasks: learn to draw straight, round lines,

Develop fine motor skills, attention, observation, speech.

Material: cards depicting objects (left - full image

object, on the right - there is no detail or details in the image), felt-tip pens

Game rules: the child is asked to determine what is missing and name

missing object (what shape, size, color).





The development of fine motor skills in children aged 2-3 years is a difficult and lengthy task. For toddlers to get comfortable with with my own hands as difficult as it is for an adult to learn to embroider or weave lace from scratch. For a child to master this science as soon as possible, he needs help.

Along with his own hands - a complex kinematic chain made up of muscles, bones, joints and nerves - the baby has to connect the brain to the learning process.

Best of all, children 2-3 years old assimilate the information taught to them in the format of the game. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is not an exception either - the child will spend most of the time for active pursuits, use special toys. And if children under 2 years old collect simple pyramids, then for 2-3 year olds they need more serious challenges.


The creators of this revolutionary play set for their time considered it very useful for hand motor skills. And you won't have to force children to practice finger skills for hours. Just don't forget about security measures. For 2-year-olds, use only kits with large parts to avoid accidental swallowing.

Buttons, Velcro laces, buttons, zippers.

For a 3-year-old toddler, it’s not at all scary not to be able to dress on his own, tie his laces, fasten buttons. However, regularly trying to manipulate clothes without adult help is a great way to train fine motor skills in your hands. Babies have a very tenacious memory, and the task of parents is to show by example how things are fastened. Further, their child will imitate the manipulations of adults, and over time will master such a difficult task as dressing.


Drawing is a wonderful way to develop fine motor skills in children 2-3 years old. Just provide your kid with paints, crayons or felt-tip pens, and he will do the rest himself. Even if at first it turns out that he can only sprinkle the paper with shapeless spots, do not despair. You have already instilled in him a love of beauty, and he will also master the gripping of objects with a brush, with time he will master a more complex manner of drawing.

Toys from improvised means.

In any house or apartment, there are many things that are quite good for toys for 2-3-year-old kids. For example, a spoon and small objects (buttons, raisins) can become an excavator and a load, respectively. In parallel, the child will practice handling cutlery. But especially enthusiastically, children indulge in games with clothespins, because they can be used to make figures and complex compositions. It's also a good way to let your imagination run wild.


Modeling is a very useful activity. When a child creates figures from plasticine or clay, all the muscles of the palm are involved. At first, he will just crush the material at hand and enjoy it, but he will soon realize that giving it beautiful shapes is much more interesting, and for this he will have to develop dexterity. It doesn't hurt if you let your child help you knead the dough.

The importance of the development of fine motor skills in children aged 2-3 years should not be underestimated. Even if it is called "small", the sooner it is mastered, the easier it will be for a child to enter adulthood as a schoolboy.

Appendix No. 5

Parent's Meeting Synopsis