Research work “Piercing and tattoos. Pros and cons. Prevention of infections and allergies. Risks and contraindications

What to answer to a teenager who dreams of a piercing or a tattoo? Pediatrician, doctor medical sciences Perry Klass holds the answer.

Perry Klass

At the last recertification, I incorrectly answered the question about an ear infection - not about the usual internal, but about the external one. An 18-year-old girl's ear was swollen, red, and sore, so I prescribed regular antibiotics for the suppuration. And I was wrong: the problem arose after the piercing of the ear cartilage, perichondritis developed - inflammation of the perichondrium, surrounding tissues.

It was necessary to prescribe antibiotics against Pseudomonas, bacteria that settle on the outer part of the ear canal, but usually do not cause problems so far the immune system copes with them. However, in the event of an infection, the consequences can be rather sad, up to the destruction of cartilage tissue and deformity of the ear.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released its first clinical report on tattoos, piercings, and scarring in adolescents and young adults.

Today, punctures of the ear cartilage, nose and other parts of the body are very common. A question about perichondritis was added to my exam specifically to remind doctors of the proliferation of these forms of beautification and body modification among young people. According to the Pew Research Center in 2010, among people aged 18-29, 38% have at least one tattoo and 23% have a piercing (excluding earlobes).

Tattoos, once considered part of a marginal lifestyle, are now popular with the general population. Even so: nowadays young people decide to stand out and emphasize their individuality, giving up tattoo. By 2015, the number of tattooed young men had increased, as the ban on tattoos for those wishing to serve in the army and police was relaxed (although there were some restrictions on the content of the drawings).

One of the report's authors, Dr. Cora Collette Bruner, professor of pediatrics at Seattle Children's Hospital, said doctors should include a survey about tattoos and piercings in their appointments: "Have you thought about getting pierced or tattooed? In which place? Have you talked about this with your parents? Do you understand that this is forever? and the like.

Dr. Bruner advises, for example, to try a temporary tattoo; may be deferred until certain age. Before making a decision, a full discussion of all factors is necessary, not only personal choice and responsibility for one's own body, but also health, career and so on.

Benjamin Lloyd gave all the children of one of the major children's hospitals in Auckland temporary tattoos

“I don’t think healthcare professionals should influence or even criticize,” says Dr. Bruner, “but you should provide full information about the consequences.” Physicians should insist that young patients discuss tattoos and piercings with their parents, and that all piercing and piercing procedures be performed under sterile conditions by licensed professionals. Boys and girls with scars or immune problems (for example, those suffering from skin tuberculosis, cancer, or who want to cover up a scar with a tattoo) should be aware of the increased risks.

Legal regulations allowing youth to be tattooed and pierced vary from state to state; somewhere it is completely forbidden, somewhere it is allowed with the consent of the parents, and somewhere even the presence of parents is required. Ideally, according to Dr. Bruner, there should not be a situation where parents say: “No way!”, And the child thinks: “Okay, I’ll wait until adulthood!” Instead of a peremptory refusal to parents, it is better to say: “Maybe, but let's think about it and find out more about it so as not to harm.”

When her own daughter decided to get her belly button pierced at 18, Dr. Bruner went to the salon with her: “I was neither for nor against – I just wanted to support her and also make sure everything was safe. And so it was." Maximum sterility, including triple glove changes. “I asked the master what he had worked for before, and he turned out to be a surgical assistant.”

But bacteria can still get in when the skin is punctured, so doctors need to make sure there's no infection or other complications. It has great value for health - not only because of skin infections, but also diseases transmitted through the blood, such as hepatitis C. All risks increase significantly when referring to amateurs, and not to licensed specialists.

  • use only new gloves and needles,
  • that instruments are stored in sterile containers,
  • and the ink was refilled for each visitor separately.

Conscientious professionals should issue instructions to be followed after the procedure: possible symptoms infections, redness, swelling, accumulation of pus and, of course, general well-being and skin condition.

If a fresh puncture bleeds, then the vessel has probably been damaged, and the blood does not clot. With all these problems, you should consult a doctor. Preferably one that correctly answered my exam question.

You also need to be patient: some places may take longer to heal than you expected.

For example, an eyebrow piercing may take 6-8 weeks, but a belly button can take up to nine months to heal.

There are other factors, for example, a pierced tongue can damage teeth (not to mention the risk of jewelry falling into Airways), and pierced nipples can lead to breastfeeding problems in the future.

When at work I come across piercings in children, I treat him, to be honest, with some shudder. But the task of pediatricians is to take care of their health. We must help them become responsible adults by teaching them how to manage own body and make informed decisions.

Tattoo old school popular for over 200 years, the genre has undergone many changes in line with the current fashion, but remains a trending direction in body painting. The style combines simplicity and deep meaning so both men and women like it.

Small tattoos are the best choice for a woman who wants to decorate herself and emphasize her individuality, but not look extravagant or informal. There are many neat and beautiful sketches permanent drawings for different parts body.

Properly selected tattoo on the arm is not only spectacular decoration body, but also a way of self-expression, emphasizing one's worldview and style. There are many techniques for its implementation, among which there is definitely a suitable pattern.

Temporary tattoo - fashionable way to complement any image and emphasize your individual style. Read what tattoos exist with short term services, rate them appearance on photos. Try to decorate the body with patterns yourself.

If you are going to get a tattoo on your leg, first read all the meanings of the selected pattern. Read the meaning of the most sought-after permanents, look at their photos and pick your favorite thumbnails.

Often, experiments on one's appearance do not give the expected result, and then the only way out is to perform tattoo removal. Such an operation is carried out in beauty salons using a laser or remover. This article will tell you about all the features of this procedure.

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Within a few recent years many admirers of tattoos have ceased to be satisfied with tattooing on the skin. They began to use new object for a tattoo - an eyeball. How is a coloring pigment injected into the eye, and is such a procedure safe? Read about it in our article.

Do you want to decorate yourself with a tattoo, but you are not yet ready to apply large and noticeable designs? Perfect option in this case, a small and neat permanent drawing on the leg. Our article today will help you choose a beautiful mini tattoo.

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Body piercings and tattoos are forms of body art that have been practiced throughout history by the most different cultures. Tattoos and piercings can be done as an expression of independence, for religious or cultural reasons, or simply to decorate one's body. Tattooing is achieved by injecting a coloring pigment into the deeper layers of the skin, usually with needles or air pressure. Piercing is performed quickly and without anesthesia with a special spring-loaded gun or needles of different diameters. The skin is cleaned, and then one or another product is inserted through the fabric with a quick movement. Piercings and tattoos are usually performed in beauty salons.

History of tattoos and piercings

In the most different cultures throughout almost the entire history of mankind human body It was customary to decorate with piercings and tattoos. In 1992, the body of a tattooed man who lived around 4000 BC was discovered in a glacier on the Austrian border. Other historical studies have shown that the Egyptians identified tattoos with fertility and high social status during the period 4000-2000 BC. Like tattoos, piercings also have a long history that includes the present. In some communities, piercings and tattoos are still used in initiation rites as symbols of socialization and inculturation.

In industrialized cultures in the early 2000s, tattoos and piercings became a popular art form enjoyed by people of all ages. They are also indicative of a psychology of self-mutilation, defiance, independence, and status in certain circles, such as prison.

Popular body piercing locations include the ear, nasal septum, eyebrows, tongue, cheeks, nipples, navel, labia and penis. Tattoos can be performed on various areas of the body.

Risks of Piercings and Tattoos

While piercings and tattoos are very popular these days, they carry various health risks. Tattooing without proper sterile conditions can result in transmission infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and C, and theoretically HIV. Henna tattoos can cause significant allergies and rashes, and lead to kidney failure and even death of people hypersensitivity to this ingredient. These types of tattoos are especially dangerous for children. younger age. Piercing also poses a risk chronic infection, scarring, hepatitis B and C, tetanus, and allergies to the jewelry that is used. One study recently reported that about 17 percent of young people with piercings have medical complications, such as infections or lacerations. Using a piercing gun to pierce the upper part of the ears increases the risk of infections, and the force of its impact complicates the situation up to surgical intervention specialists.

Piercings and tattoos are unregulated in most parts of the world, and some of them are even illegal. For example, the American Dental Association opposes oral (tongue, lip, or cheek) piercings, and the Academy of Dermatology opposes all forms of piercing except earlobe piercings.

Complications from tattoos and piercings

Some of the signs of infection from a piercing or tattoo are obvious, such as inflammation in the pierced or tattooed area, while symptoms of hepatitis C, the most common blood-borne infection, may not be so obvious. Allergic reactions to tattoos can occur due to pigment compounds used in dyes, such as oxides of iron, mercury, chromium, cadmium and cobalt, and synthetic organic dyes. Symptoms allergic reaction include swelling, redness, and severe itching. A symptom of a reaction to henna tattoos is eczema, a rash around the tattoo site. A severe reaction can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Most piercing infections are due to the use of non-sterile methods. Streptococci and staphylococci are most actively involved in skin infections in piercings. The tissue around the punctured area can weaken and tear, resulting in severely disfigured earlobes, for example. Other common complications include contact dermatitis and scarring. Piercing can lead to endocarditis (inflammation of the heart), rupture urethra(in the case of piercing the labia), as well as serious infections of the penis (when pierced foreskin) and further to severe disability or in rare cases even death.

How to avoid complications

To avoid the complications listed above, tattoos or piercings should be performed in clean rooms and equipment should be sterilized. The skin must be cleaned with antiseptics to minimize the risk of infection. Common problems with both tattoos and piercings are infections, which can range in severity from mild to severe. Tongue piercing carries the most high risk infections and often leads to damage to the teeth.

Treatment for local infection resulting from a piercing includes warm compresses, antibacterial ointments and a five-day course of oral antibiotic therapy. In the case of hepatitis B or C, special diet and lifestyle changes, which include avoiding alcohol and constantly monitoring the course of the disease.

Tattoo removal methods

There are several ways to remove tattoos, including using a laser to break up tattoo pigments. Surgical removal is the most invasive method, skin resurfacing - which removes layers of the epidermis in the process of dermabrasion, the use of saline solution- through absorption into the skin, scarification - removal of a tattoo with an acidic solution with the formation of a scar.

How long do piercings and tattoos take to heal?

Depending on the type of infection resulting from any piercing or tattoo, treatment and subsequent prognosis in to a large extent vary. Minor infections respond well to antibiotic therapy, while blood diseases such as hepatitis B and C cause long-term negative results. Disfigurement can sometimes, and sometimes not, be corrected plastic surgery. People who are particularly sensitive or allergic to dye components (especially henna) can have serious consequences, which sometimes end even lethal outcome, in the case of the progression of the reaction. In other cases, scarring of the skin or changes in pigmentation occur.

Typically, earlobe piercings take six to eight weeks to heal, ear cartilage four months to one year, eyebrows six to eight weeks, nostrils two to four months, and nasal septum six to eight. months, nose bridge eight to ten weeks, tongue four weeks (may cause partial paralysis if product pierces a nerve), lips two to three months, nipples three to six months, navel four months to one year inclusive, female genital organs - from four to ten weeks, male genital organs - from four weeks to six months.

Prevention of infections and allergies

It's obvious that The best way to prevent infection from piercings or tattoos, it's not to do them. However, the risks can be minimized. Procedures must be carried out in a sterile environment an experienced specialist. The master performing the procedure must use sterile gloves. Henna tattoos must be done clean, safe brown henna but not insecure black.

The piercing is performed using smoothly polished jewelry made of high quality gold of high standard, titanium, surgical steel or niobium. Allergic reactions may occur with the use of brass or nickel-containing alloys. Total time The healing time for a piercing is between six months and two years. Piercing must be performed in a sterile environment using all possible measures precautions to reduce the risk of infection. Excessive force, such as too strong a pull, should never be applied to inserted products in order to avoid tissue rupture.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article about tattoos and piercings is intended to inform the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a health professional.

Piercings and tattoos are a popular style element, but they are medical intervention. Like any other procedure, a puncture can seriously affect a person’s health, as well as turn into an unpleasant illness.

Major health risks

Most of the problems are related to the desire to save money by getting a tattoo or piercing the tongue with the help of a specialist of dubious qualifications. best method infection prevention ─ contacting the salon, where the necessary sanitary norms. Otherwise, the client runs the risk of getting hepatitis, syphilis or other serious illness along with a stylish new thing.

Often, health problems among visitors to tattoo parlors arise due to ignoring contraindications. It is better to forget about tattoos and piercings if a person suffers from allergies to dyes and metals, heart diseases and others. internal organs, blood diseases and bronchial asthma.

Common side effects of tattoos

The damage caused by tattoos is usually associated with the repeated use of disposable instruments. Another danger lies in the ink, which is sometimes stored in non-sterile conditions and turns into favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Cheap toxic dyes in best case lead to the development of an allergic reaction. The worst case scenario is associated with the presence of cobalt, lead, mercury and other hazardous metals in the ink. A tattoo applied with their help can cause skin cancer.

What diseases can be caused by piercing

The safety of the patient directly depends on the skills of the specialist performing the puncture. Unpleasant consequences may have a hit in a blood vessel or nerve endings. Experienced Master be sure to warn the client about the likelihood of edema and hematoma, problems with hearing and sensitivity, loss taste sensations, as well as violations of diction.

Especially unpleasant effect may have a piercing intimate places. Punctures in this area do not heal less than a month causing serious discomfort to the wearer. To avoid suppuration, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs and long time refrain from intimate life.

Proper Care

Immediately after the procedure, you need to carefully care for the puncture site or tattooing. It is required to regularly remove the secreted liquid by wiping the skin with a disinfectant solution. Suppuration in combination with an increase in temperature is the reason for immediate appeal to the doctor.

It is better to choose jewelry for piercing from hypoallergenic materials: surgical steel, gold, titanium and platinum. Nickel products can cause an allergic reaction.

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