Origami paper rose circuit. Roses from paper in Origami technique. Rose more complicated for more experienced masters

IN this master class You will learn how to assemble a simple origami rose. This model is easier to assemble the more volumetric models Origami roses, each model of roses have its advantages and this rose is no exception. When assembling you need tweezers! Each rose color symbolizes a certain value. Red rose is a symbol of love, yellow friendship, orange enthusiasm, white purity And pink joy, you can choose any color you like and assemble this simple rose. The assembly scheme of this model is quite detailed, so you will be much easier to brave it, each step has a description with a photo by which you can navigate when assembling!

1. Upper side of the paper 2. Bottime paper paper 3. Fold the sheet in half a cross, expand 4. Make a longitudinal fold 5. Turn the sheet to 45 degrees 6. Make a transverse fold in half 7. Make a longitudinal fold in half 8. We must have such folds. 9. Fold a sheet according to the specified folds, fold the sides of the marked digit 2 to the side 1

Origami is the manufacture of crafts from paper without applying scissors and glue. This technique is interesting and children, and adults. Paper roses are very popular. You can decorate with them a postcard, a photo frame or just give them in the form of a bouquet. To any person will be pleasant such a gesture, and he will definitely rise. Another advantage of the origami of roses made in the technique of Origami is that they can stand in a vase long and delight.

To understand how to make a rose origami from paper, you need to figure out in the schemes. Before proceeding to the manufacture of a flower, it is necessary:

  • Choose a scheme - step-by-step instructions.
  • Prepare the right paper. It can be the usual white or colored paper, crepe or corrugated.
  • Print schemes for colors that are manufactured by finished drawings.

You can also need scissors, wire, pencil. If all materials are cooked, then you can start making colors with your own hands.

Creating a simple flower

The simplest model of the origami rose production model is a twisted model. Such an exercise bye little child. Beginners best to create a rose origami according to the scheme:

Twisted rose is ready. You can immediately make several such flowers. If you collect them together and beautifully arrange, it turns out great bouquet For interior decoration.

Such a cauldron is made of individual roses that are fastened with each other. It is made simply and pretty quickly, but the desire and patience will be required. To create a bowl of Kushudam, there will be dense colored paper, glue and scissors. Before proceeding with the formation of the figure, it will be necessary to make several air origami roses. The start-up scheme includes the following steps:

Made roses are collected in one bud. There are 18 pieces of such buds. All the flowers need to be glued with side petals. Whenever beautiful ball Kusudama. You can decorate them the room or hang it on the tree.

Many people who love and do origami, familiar to the name Tosikaza Kawasaki. This is an origamist who made realistic models from paper. His favorite product was a rose. Kawasaka Rosa differs from other paper flowers with their lush petals.

Make such a flower will not be easy for beginners. The sheet needs to be repeated repeatedly, sometimes you have to work on weight. However, if desired, the product may turn out if you follow the instructions and do everything in stages:

Complicated, but beautiful flower Ready. You can make a few more roses and give a bouquet near man. These flowers look pretty realistic and practically no different from the real.

A motley bouquet of flowers in an elegant vase does not simply revive the atmosphere of the room, but also becomes a central interior accent - the first thing that has been made to attract all the attention. Knowing how to make a rose of paper, you can easily be able to decorate the living room with a unfavorable bouquet without having burdened by a worthwhile campaign in a flower shop, you will also get answers to a lot of other questions: what to supplement evening Dress or original hairstylethan to take children and what to give close to the coming holidays.

Want to do chic bouquet Paper roses?

Today we will look at several ways to make a paper rose with your own hands. Most of the presented making options at first glance are quite simple (it is such a feeling that you will have while watching master classes), but we assure you that it is not.

The first time, most likely, make a rose from paper will not work, so behold patience and consumables.
Well, and a good mood, because to engage in origami, being on a platoon is a bad idea.

Origami Florist Materials

Of course without have a good mood And creative excitement to work is better not to start. And you may need: sheets of white paper and paint; transparent cellophane to wrap volume roses and "disguise" them artificial origin; Different ribbons and other decorative elements for the "delicious" bouquet design; Double-sided colored paper (close to natural colors Rosets from greenhouses).

Realistly look at Origami Roses from Simple paper napkin, take them more. Create foil and threads, some glue and sequins. Folding the roses from paper with your own hands, involve everything in the process that fits into the original creative idea. However, you can make a rose from the school notebook sheet and surprise others. This simple handicraft does not require a lot.

Lesson 1: how to fold the paper small rose

Figure 1. Simple paper rose with your own hands

It turns out a peculiar "weaving" of the flower. To work, you will need colored paper, wooden shockts for kebabs and scissors. You may still need PVA glue and adhesive gun with quick-drying glue, if you decide to make a leg-sleeve with the leaves.

This is a simple scheme, thanks to which bulk rose It turns out to fold for five minutes, and for a whole bouquet of spectacular colors in the Origami technique, which can even be put in the vase, you will leave 15-30 minutes.

Act step by step:

  • Cut out ordinary paper with their undergraduate devices (Kants. Knife, scissors) Uniform long strips (for the length of the sheet) about 1 cm wide;
  • Take one strip and make the initial bends inward on it, according to fig. 1. Carefully observe the angles of bends do not need, you can add to the eye - each origami rose will be unique;
  • Start carefully turn the workpiece along the axis, without running on the free parts of the strip. Reaching the untouched area, bending the strip in opposite side From the previous bend and wrap the flower on;
  • Continue "Movement" to the end of the strip. The final "tail" is tested to the base of the resulting flower;
  • Put the "cap" of roses on a flower tree. The latter can be made of green paper (rolling the sheet into a thin tube) or use a wooden skeletal (a twist, wire - what is at hand).

See how you can make beauty without special tricks - easy and fast? It remains to repeat the action with the remaining paper stripesIn order to quickly fold the whole bouquet of roses from paper with your own hands. Similar flowers can be folded.

Look attentively video and several times in a row to accurately understand how all this is done.

Lesson 2: fold a curly rose by template

Surely you have not yet seen anywhere how to make a paper rose on a curly graphic pattern. Surprisingly just folded beautiful queen Garden will help you rice. 2. It is especially good. It will turn out of the two-way piece of paper, but you can use starchy textiles, for example.

Figure 2. How to make a paper rose with your own hands

  • In fig. 2 shows the exemplary paper sheet of graphics template for standard paper. Draw a similar figure figure, where the wave-like serpentine petals go to the center;
  • Cut the workpiece over the contours and gently shift the serpentine line to the central point with scissors;
  • Make such templates for the desired number of flowers in the future bouquet - 3-15 pcs. (can be different);
  • Using the "spawn" as axial "spindle", carefully screw onto it the edge of the figure stripes, as shown in Fig. Wrap so much the flower without hurrying and focusing on the foundation of the origami roses;
  • Sweep the "bundle" at the base, simultaneously fixing it on the pediatric, straighten the petals - you did luxury flowers do it yourself.

Folding such a rose of colored paper, take its most realistic shades - purple, gentle pink, natural beige or saturated scarlet. And if this rose is performed from the napkin, the result will be cool - it will be almost impossible to distinguish it from the real afar.

The video shows an example of the manufacture of a flower in a similar technique, but it glues from individual petals.

Lesson 3: Roses from paper spirals

Perhaps one of the most unusual waysHow to get a small rose from paper.

No weaving and collecting a flower from blanks, everything is simple as possible, quickly and cheap.
Using this method You can make one day to 200-300 flowers, which are perfect for decorating.

The paper is used the most common.
The glue is needed or special for needlework, fast-drying from the adhesive gun will not fit.

Lesson 4: Complex "Live" Rose in Origami Technique

Improving your skills and our new goallarge Rosa in the technique of origami, as much as possible on real Tsaritsa Orangers. Mastering this scheme, you fold no simple flower from paper blank, and true work art. From patience and accuracy will directly depend on the final result. So:

  • Take a square sheet of paper and fold it to diagonals, then in half from the bottom up and right to left;
  • Fold the corners of the diagonally located "distinguished" square to the bottom corner, forming the bending of the planes into the workpiece (exactly as in Fig. 3);
  • Next, fold the intricate "pocket", strictly adhering to the scheme, and then expand the workpiece, focusing on the control points (Carefully see Fig. 3);
  • The resulting "layered" workpiece confidently grab one hand to securely fix the bundle and not give it to fall apart when the petals are wrapped. Start the second hand to bring the "petals" from the inside, a slightly izmery design and applying the operating technique;
  • Two edges of the corners, as shown in Fig. 3 And give the fixing "ribs" of the flower, following the scheme. Using the rod ball knob (pin or paper clip), "Welcome" inside the petals protruding upwards. Similarly, give twisted shape external petals Flower.
  • Using glue, plant a rose on a pre-prepared pedalus, decorated with storm petals made of green colored paper.

This is not the most simple Rosa Origami, but it is very interesting to do it. Especially inquisitive agents aimed at the result. The elegance of the finished flower will definitely reward you with a sense of pride for their skills in the technique of origami and contemplation of almost real magnificence of the hostess of the Rosary.

Lesson 5: We create masterpieces. Rosa Kawasaka

If you understand how to fold the unique giant kawasaka rose, you will be able to the most virtuoso crafts. The most difficult thing here to learn how to make a rose bud from a simple square sheet. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to preview the training video, where much clearer shows how it is done.

  • Multi-level folding of future rosets from paper blank square form, relying on video and rice. four;

  • Bend back small corners and, raising a sheet, form a dome with a "cut" upper angle, twist the blank in the plane necessary forms (see Fig. 4);
  • Now form the core, carefully flexing a kind of top valves (disclosure) and flexing the bottom line of the billet back (lifting a bundle);
  • Lock the core with a tape or tightly stick with your fingers so that the workpiece does not break down, then turn down the product "face" down;
  • In the bends, wrap over the axis of the corners (petals) inside by wrapping the entire bowl of the flower. Then it will be necessary to reveal each corner fold, leading it inside;
  • External petals, inactively sticking in different sides, you need to be adjusted to each other and fill in the corpus pockets of the neighboring petal;
  • Squeezing the bud in his hand, slightly compress it, and then prohibit the flower from the inside, inserting a pencil into a hive hole at the base - origami Rosa Kawasaki is ready.

To origami Rosa Kawasaka revealed before you in absolute splendor, form her petals, relying in the photo. Incredibly, but made a surprisingly beautiful rose of paper from your own handsAlthough it is ready to compete in beauty with a living prototype of a flower shop. This is especially good such an exercise from the napkin, but it will be even more difficult to make it - the soft material is worse than the structure of the bends.

The video will tell you how to make a paper that beauty if the schemes in the photo are not enough.

It turned out to be folded from the paper of a rose kawasaki? You can be proud of your skills, but continue to do from paper origami flowers of other varieties. And lilies, for example.

If you still have interesting options Creating paper roses - throw links to photos or videos in the comments!

  • Method I is the easiest
  • Method II.
  • Method III
  • Method IV
  • Method V.
  • Corrugated rosette do it yourself
  • Origami Rosa Kawasaki (video)
  • How to make a rose from the napkin (video)
  • Origami Rosa from Napkin (video)
  • How to make paper flowers

Rose, no doubt, is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, which is much popular.

Paper rose is no less attractive than real, and the fact that you do it yourself make a beautiful flowerMakes a rose even more significant for whom you give it.

Learn do a rose from paper is not difficult. There are many ways to do it, and you will learn about several of us.

On a rose in this example, you spend quite a bit of time, but get great pleasure. Such flowers can be used as a decor in an apartment or as symbolic gift do it yourself.

You will need:

dense paper

- scissors

- Beautiful vase

1. From thick paper you need to cut a square of 10 × 10 cm.

* Paper color depends on the color of the rose that you will do.

3. Cut the painted spiral.

4. Start twisted paper spiral, starting from the external end.

5. Bud tighten tightly to the end and glue the inner end to strengthen the design.

Rose is ready, and you need to proceed to the leafs for it.

To rose looked clearer, put it in a beautiful vase.

How to make a paper rose. Method II.

You will need:

- dense paper

- scissors

- glue (adhesive tape)

1. Fold a sheet of paper A4 in half in half, and further again in half.

2. Now you need to cut a sheet of 4 bands. To do this, expand it and cut down along folds.

3. Use the adhesive tape to bore the sliced \u200b\u200bstrips by the ends to each other, thereby receiving one long strip.

4. The band that turned out you should be twisted so that the stem is the trunk (see picture).

5. You need to fold the remaining part of the paper in half, while slowly turning it around the center (see picture). Continue to wrap and collect layers until it turns out a rose.

* If you wish, you can paint the rose with your favorite color if you made it from white paper.

How to make a rose. Method III

You will need:

square paper (red and green)

- wand, skewer or wire

- Pencil

- scissors

- Floral tape or glue

1. Make a heart-shaped pattern. The size of the template depends on the size of the flower. IN this example Heart height 15 cm.

2. Cut on the template 5-6 hearts.

3. Making the stem. Prepare 3 wires or wand and wrap a floral ribbon.

* Floral tape can be replaced with glue.

4. We make petals. Mildly stretch paper width. Victory upper region Heart on a round handle.

Wrap the first petal around the stem and secure it with a ribbon.

Do the same with the rest of the petals.

5. Making leaves. Prepare 3 wires and wrap their crepe paper. Next you need to glue the leaves to them that must be prepared in advance.

6. Make a cup of roses. Cut the strip from corrugated paper green.

Attach the strip to the base of the cup using adhesive tape (it can be replaced with glue).

Attach the leaves to the stalk. Make one common stem and place it with a green crepe paper.

Rosette of paper. Method IV

You will need:

- Template for print

- Printer

- scissors

- Wand, Toothpick, Spaking or Wire

- Pencil

1. To make such a paper rose you need to download a flower pattern

Scheme how to make a rose

2. After that you printed the template, cut the petals and leaves.

* Take a carefully on the template, where all petals and leaves are numbered.

3. Use scissors to heat the ends of the petals on both sides.

4. Three green leaves, you also need to bend along in half.

5. Prepare toothpick, thin wire, wand or spitting and tighten the petal around it 1. Use glue to fix everything.

6. Now around the twisted petal number 1 You need to wrap the petals number 2 and 3 and also fasten with glue.

7. Petals 4, 5, 6, 7 You need to glue, so that something similar to cones is obtained (see photo).

8. Collect and glue together all parts of the flower!

Roses of other colors you can find by clicking on the links listed below.

1. Pink color

2. Pale pink color

3. White color

4. Pale yellow color

Roses from paper with their own hands. Method V.

Like previous roses, this one can make any color. The example shows a red color.

1. Cook color cardboard. Draw a spiral on it. The line you draw from the center to the periphery, try to make not flat, but a little wavy.

2. Scissors make a cut along the entire drawn line. It should be something similar to the peel from the purified apple.

3. Now you need to hire your spiral on a pencil. Try to wink tight until you reach the middle. After that, the pencil must be removed, and give the flower to dealt.

* With the help of your fingers, you can try slightly break the paper petals in the central part.

Corrugated rosette do it yourself

You will need:

- corrugated paper (pink and green)

- scissors

- Wire (straightened clip or skeleton)

1. Prepare corrugated paper Pink or red and fold it several times, first in length, and then in width.

2. With scissors, cut something similar to double petals, on the form of resembling hearts. In this way, you can make 8 petals at once with one cut.

* On video petals are simply cut out of paper, but you can first draw them on it and then cut.

4. Now you need to cut off the roof of the corrugated paper, the strip of 3 cm wide (choose the length itself, based on the video lesson). Apply glue along the strip.

5. One end of the tape you need to put a wire small length (you can replace it with a straightened clip or a skewer) and wind off the entire strip on it. Thus, you will get the core of the rosets. It is to her later you will glue petals.

6. It remains only to apply glue on the petals and attach them to the central part.

7. At the end stage, you need to make items from the green paper. To do this, fold the green corrugated paper half and once again, and cut the shape of the petals as shown in the video.

* The ribbon of foam rubber is pressed against the wire to the wire, and then the wire is turned on with green paper with the foam rubber.

Origami Rosa Kawasaki (video)

This manufacturing method paper Roses, was invented Kawasaki, in honor of which he was named.

How to make a rose from the napkin (video)

Origami Rosa from Napkin (video)

Paper origami Exquisite rose - paper flower, sign special relationship and love! This flower for good mood Mom, on March 8 or another holiday! How to make a rose from paper, I will tell in detail in this video. Do not miss the items! Look at my #GameJulia Origami Master Classes #GameJulia: Origami Flowers https://goo.gl/fg7w0o Origami decoration https://gooo.gl/rjsnih ❤ We will be friends ❤ VKontakte - https://vk.com/gamejulia subscription - https : //Goo.gl/Qc9siv Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/gamejulia/

According to the legend, roses have not yet had spikes ... such beauty is easily made of paper. Ready flower without spikes that will not fade and become original gift near man. To origami rose from paper, follow the step-by-step instructions.

Novice to choose better easy wayTo explore the basics of procedures.

The process consists of several interconnected stages. The first is to prepare lines (or strips, depending on which scheme). This technique creates a basis for folding. A sheet of paper will need to turn 3-4 times in a special way, following the instructions. The second stage is folding.

What will take:

  • paper sheet (office, corrugated, special color);
  • origami schemes;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • pVA glue or glue pistol (for fixing);
  • scissors;
  • wire (if necessary).

Begin to master the manufacture better with simple schemesso that even a child can independently make a rose from paper - origami. Some techniques allow you to make a cradle without the use of glue and other additional materials.

Twisted paper rose

Take a paper sheet prepared for craft.

Cut the sheet by 2-3 the same long strips. Remember, the width of these strips determines the size of the future flower (the wider, the more rose). Better to do 1-1.5 cm.

Finished strips bend gently diagonally. So from the A4 sheet will be 2-3 (and more) colors.

If you want to additionally make a branch for finished roses, take a separate leaf of green paper (a corrugated or dense color is suitable). Cut the sheet by 2-3 long strips. In the width, let it be 10-15 cm. See that the length of the strips approached the size of the flower. It is desirable 15-20 cm. If the flower turned out to be small - 10-12 cm. Fold and swipe the edge of PVA glue.

Sheets cut separately and glue the finished branch.

Gently stick to the end of the resulting branch of the rose bud. The method is considered simple, it is done quickly.

Origami Rose Simple

Master class on the manufacture of simple roses without schemes. Beginners on the sample suitable average Stiffness, corrugated, office or colored paper. Cut the excess strip to get a square sheet.

Fold the paper first in half. The resulting rectangle must neatly fold twice.

The top side of the square is discredited by following the direction: to the left and right so that the triangle is in the end. Having finished, turn the workpiece. Fold the other side of the square in a similar way. It turned out a triangle.

Bend the bottom corners of the resulting triangle to fold, following the center line. Instead of one, now two identical small triangles. Open and disappear the crawl - the square will turn out again.

Turn over the workpiece. Both lower sides from the top triangle bend symmetrically, following the direction of the smooth central line.

Bend one top corner by following the direction to the visible central point from the bottom line of the triangle. Pass the parties.

Origami Rosa - Transformer

It turns out not a rose, but a masterpiece. For the manufacture of crafts, there is enough one sheet. Finished rosette is transformed from the bulk cube and back.


  • dense paper 2 colors (for example, pink and green);
  • scissors;
  • line.

The procedure seems to be a vigorous and complex, but if you follow the instructions in stages, everything will turn out. There is no need to take 2 colors, enough one sheet A4. It is cut into several identical squares (9 × 9 cm). But it is better to take 2 colors, it's easier to make the origami rose.

Fold the square in half. Both halves alternately fold in half so that the folds were on one side.

Right upper corners fold focusing on the first of the folds on the left. Follow.

The right corner below fold too. You can easily deploy the workpiece, then the angle will be top. Two diagonal were added to the three direct folds on paper.

Fold the lower angle to the left aligning the sheet of sheet so that coincided with the right little fold.

Align the upper cut by pressing your finger, and then the resulting open pocket is fixed (see photo).

Turn the detail "upside down". Repeat the manipulation with a slight bottom corner on the left. Just look, there is an angle to impose down the corner made earlier.

Follow the fold, following it with the vertical fold on the right, as already done.

Repeat manipulation to get another fold.

Turn over the workpiece. Carefully generate corners. Cancele the bottom corner on the right and the left top.

As a result, there will be a square with several corners. The remaining sheets (pink) fold too.

Green squares should also be added before the formation of pockets. Will help step-by-step instructiondescribed above. Bend a small corner at the bottom, which is right. The resulting corner right away.

Turn the workpiece to 180 degrees and repeat the steps described above by taking the bottom corner on the left. It turns out the workpiece similar to the pink, only with a wrapped area.

Turn over the workpiece. Bend its top corner looking as it was in a pink, trail downside.

At first it seems that the origami rose is very difficult from paper and long. But in the end you will get a paper cube that will be transformed into a beautiful little flower.

Connect green details. The first (left) Detail hold the little corner to watch up, and the angle is authentic - down. Second (right) Detail Insert a long angle in the Pazic.

Turn the third part and insert a long corner neatly in the groove from the second from the details. Long corner from the first insert into the groove from the third.

Follow the description and follow the drawings. Try to form a triangle-diagonal of three details.

Collect pink. Again, insert the long corners of these parts alternately into open grooves. Look at the slots. It can be seen how the slots are beautifully diverting on the sides from the top.

Connect. Gently insert long corners with pink in open grooves in green. Short corners do not touch. It turns out a small cube sticking short corners. Open green.

It is harder to disclose petals. So that the flower turns out beautiful, act neatly. It seems that the drill is incorrectly assembled. Just the petals are tightly held. If the fingers did not come out, take something sharp.