Reborn tests are new. Reborn tests

Dreams need to be made to come true!

vahahha idiot's dream come true! xd I liked this test even more))))) I want this Hibari and in general I like the result))) just like in my dream hdd

Test: (What the anime characters Killer Tutor Reborn think of you)
Your catchphrase:
Call me on number 666, if you accidentally go to hell, do not be afraid and call the main devil - it's me)
Reborn: Chaossu, you are the perfect match for Varia.
Tsuna: * hid in a corner * Don't-don't-don't-don't-I-b-beat ...
You: And this is the 10th boss of the Vongola?
Gokudera ¬: Judaime, I'll save you! * Runs to you and Tsune *
You: Who's the suicide here?
Gokudera-Blushed-, turned aside and gave out * Maybe you will leave the Tenth and come with me?
Yamamoto: Ha, Gokudera is in love. My boy is growing)
Everyone is out, even the author.
Ryohei: You EXTREMELY do the right hook. You just have to join my club!
Hibari: Don't even think to Gokudera that "Your name" is yours. If you don't leave her, I will beat you to death.
Poor Hayato is now in the same place as Ttsuna, and now you are hanging on Hibari's shoulder.
You: Kyoya ... let me go ... call me ...
Hibari: No.
You: Or maybe ...
Hibari: No.
You: I got hit ... even Satan cannot cope with the Head of the disciplinary committee.
Hibari: Well that's great.
Lambo: Who are you? I am Lambo. Who am I? You are Lambo. * Saw you on Hibari Kyoi's shoulder * Lambo-san will save you "Your name" and you will give me a lot of candy.
Was incinerated by Khibari's gaze.
Futta: Are you Gokudera's girlfriend?
You: I don’t know.
Futta: And Gokudera said you were his ...
Hibari: Shut up, little one, she's mine and mine alone.
Futta ran to poor Tzuna.
Basil: Don't hurt Ten.
You: You don't tell me that.
Dino: So whoever Hibari loves so much ... hmm ... she's okay ... sorry she's so badass.
Mukuro: Break off Vongola Cloud, she's mine.
Hibari: Escape the prison first.
Mukuro: Damn it!
Ken: What a girl ... I just want to eat her.
You: O_o
Chikusa: Don't be afraid of him, he's just really hungry.
You: And what have I got to do with it?
Chrome: H-hello, please don’t offend the boss.
Kyoko: Let's be friends?
Haru: Ttsuna is mine!
You: Take it, I have Hibari, Mukuro, Ken, G-okudera ...
I-ping: Will you be a dumpling?
You: I'm on a diet.
I-ping-I saw Hibari next to you * I-ping's heart beats faster ...
You: Hibari is only mine!
Khibari is as happy as an elephant after swimming.
Bianchi: Love shines in you.
Shamal: Girl! Wait! Or maybe ...
He did not have time to tell you what he wanted, he was chopped off by Gokudera and Hibari.

Xanxus: Woman, you are mine and mine alone. Do you have any questions?
You are not.
Xanxus: Well, that's great, now you are the wife of the head of Varia, that is, mine)
You: O_o
Skuallo: Wraaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy boss. I took such a girl for myself.
Lussuria: You are beautiful, but I am gay.
You: It can be seen.
Levy: I'm happy for the boss.
Belphegor: Shih-shi, can I make a hedgehog out of you?
Xanxus: Just try it, trash.
Mammon: If I sell you, then ...
Leave me a lump.



Hibari Kea: / in general, if you do not go deep into your relationship, but judge only by appearance, you cannot even be called friends. You communicate very little, do not talk, do not hold hands like other couples, moreover, do not give out your feelings to show with kisses and hugs. However, in his spiritual - not at all "wild" love, doubting is completely unacceptable. I noticed that he was thinking about you strangely - he began to care, the makings of a primitive attraction and desire to be constantly around appeared. Began to follow you. Later I realized that you are disciplined, quick-witted and silent, which against the background of the "herd" makes you much more civilized and pleasant to communicate with this "predator". He began to study specialized literature - from romantic books with a disgusting plot to sites with ways to tackle a girl he liked. He made the appropriate conclusions - he was in love, although he was not completely sure of this. The stump is clear, this made him weaker, and he decided that you would become his strength, his incentive, because the battles had long lost his former drive for him. Of course, he wants you to choose him, and not this dependent blonde with complete spatial disorientation. I hated my under-teacher, more than once invited him to the so-called duel in order to win your favor in an honest way. Every day it becomes more and more confident in your feelings, knowing that only him you are ideally suited for the role future wife and the mother of his children is meek, responsible and reliable. On a holiday, you will find a yellow bird with a prettiest expression on the windowsill. This animal will be your gift, as well as one of Hibberd's relatives /

- -

Dino Cavalone: \u200b\u200b- Aren't you afraid to catch a cold? Outside subzero temperature, and you are without a scarf and gloves / organizing you both, blushing slightly from the touch of your hands, says the guy / / probably the feelings of this individual are even higher and sincere. He was attracted by many girls, but only one sunk into his soul for a long time. Noticing you at one of the receptions, he immediately began to elicit from Tsunayoshi what kind of attractive lady was hanging out at the table with food. I also met there, offered to dance, and a conversation began smoothly. You, of course, also liked this young man, but you cannot call it love at first sight. I almost began to chase you - it is not known how I found out your phone number, in the same way I found out your address, waiting at the entrance and presenting you flowers at every meeting. You talked for a little more than a month, you are more accustomed to each other's company, and the guy here sharply confesses his untold love to you. After that, Khibari intervened, and the idyll collapsed before our eyes. Clashes with them have already become a daily ritual, and you prefer to spend more time in the boss's office - Tsunayoshi, because this is really the only one safe place... Also, I do not intend to share you with anyone, stubbornly accepts all offers in a duel, each time becoming more experienced, cunning and angrier. On your birthday, your meeting is simply not destined to take place, so he will give you a gift through the same Tsuna. It turned out to be a diamond necklace in a velvet box /

Sawada Tsunaeshi: - (Name) -san, can you rest today? You look tired, and I think the day off will not hurt you / the young man whispers carefully, running his hand through your hair / / your relationship has long crossed the line of "friends" and became closer. Immense care and respect from both sides, daily hugs and kisses on the forehead, if he thinks you have a fever. He loves you for a long time, as a girl, as a friend, as a person and as an interlocutor. I am ready for you and your well-being for absolutely everything, but noticing your torment in a situation between two fires, he is silent about his feelings, hoping that you will be happy under any circumstances. Of course, he takes a position on your side and often calms an angry Hibari or takes an overly annoying Dino away from you. He has a negative attitude towards this, but only advises you on how best to act and what to do. It hints that he is the best candidate for you, but when you start to suspect something, he laughs it off. On your birthday, he will literally flood you with gifts, having arranged at the base real holiday... On a postcard, he will write you a confession verse, but in last moment forgets to sign, and you decide that it is from one of the fans /

Gokudera Hayato: - (Name) -san, I have one request for you. You will follow the recruits, otherwise they completely do not know the norms of decency / respects you and your principles, always asks for help, knowing that you will not fail. Of course, he sees in you an attractive and charming girl, at one time he even tried to court you, but you took his flirting as friendly humor. He gave up trying, but still can't calmly watch the guys hang themselves on you, except for the Tenth, of course. Notices his unhealthy interest, which makes him very happy and annoying at the same time. She is afraid that an intra-family conflict might start because of this. For a holiday, he will give you a collector's disc of your favorite artist with his autograph /

Yamamoto Takeshi: / trusts you and in general I am very glad that you managed to make friends and maintain such a relationship until now. You are very similar in character, both are cheerful and active, ready to become serious and responsible at any moment. Sometimes you even worked together, because your side flame is rain. I gave you a few lessons in fencing, but I didn't understand much, and in the end I put it down with a pistol during the control sparring. Of course, the bullets were crazy, and the guy remained intact, but this case was remembered for a long time by the others, joking that the guardian of the rain was not destined to become a teacher. He knows quite a bit about the conflict, but he is in no hurry to delve into the details, he believes that his interest may hurt you. As a gift you will get a large number of branded sushi and the bag you pointed out to him. Otherwise I would have bought the wrong thread ... /

Sasagawa Reohei: / your relationship is very good - "brotherly", so to speak. No, don't you think, he finds you very, very nice girl, and femininity in you, more than enough, but the guy believes that you are not deprived of courage and masculinity. me and a horse, me and a bull, me and a woman, and a man, oha He knows firsthand, then you can punch in and shout so that the eardrums will wave with a pen, running away into the sunset. Therefore, I am careful in dealing with you, nobody wants to get a bream thing. He knows about his birthday, but he will happily forget about it. Seeing the reaction of the others, stormy preparations and decoration of the living room, he will ask the first person who comes across what is happening here. He will be told that, in fact, a party is planned here. The whole day will avoid you, tormented in search of a gift. On next morning will greet you with uprooted garden flowers and pink boxing gloves. You will laugh, but you will accept the gift. From the heart, after all. And, he also knows about the conflict between the cloud and the ally of the family, but does not particularly understand the meaning and does not raise this topic /

Bovino Lambo: / your relationship can be summed up in just one word - ignorance. You are very loyal to him - there is good, no - but where did you go? You were even put to patronize him at one time, but the young man did not like it. Not very much good opinion about you, he considers a very strict person that he constantly finds fault with him, although you do not give reasons to think so. In short, a serious difference in age, character and outlook on the world makes itself felt. About love triangle she does not even want to hear, she is afraid that all this in one way or another may damage the relationship between the rest of the keepers. He will also be forced to wish you a happy birthday, and you will receive big book with coloring pages. Well, he doesn't know why you need her. It looked cute in the window /

Chrome Dokuro: / to your great surprise with the girl, your relationship has not really worked out. She shuns you, strains in your presence and is almost sure that you despise her. However, here vicious circle- after all, you don't think anything bad about her, and she avoids your company, so you conclude that she doesn't like something about you. In fact, she literally admires you - the style of fighting, determination and, in general, female beauty and charm. Will support the idea of \u200b\u200bthe boss and help with the arrangement of the holiday for you, hoping that this will help you find mutual language... I also heard about the love triangle, but worries that you will not at all like the fact that it climbs into your life. Therefore, it does nothing, relying on your female wisdom and the presence of the boss nearby /

Mukuro Rokudo: - Ku-fu-fu, Kyoya found a female for himself? Amazing. It seemed to me that all human feelings were alien to him / this incomprehensible type of person does not really know you. However, he has an opinion, do not even worry. I am sure that Khibari has found himself a girl of an absolutely opposite temperament - quiet, peaceful and humane. (This is partly not so: c) Decides to meet with you personally to be convinced of his assumptions and once more arrange a duel with the above. Not to say that it will be a fight for you, because you are just an excuse. Is going to steal your heart (not literally xd) to watch the enemy's reaction. He does not know about his birthday, nor about the relationship between you and the sky Kavalone /

Xanxus: / in short, on your birthday and on some kind of grater between the guardian of the cloud and the ally of the family, he is absolutely on his side. Let them kill their faces or arrange a duel according to old customs - the effect is the same. But you are nothing like that. And the figure, and the face, and in battle is not bad. He will lay his eye on you and grin meaningfully if he notices you. He is not afraid of quarrels with competitors, the flame of anger will remove these obstacles, and if necessary, he will take you by force. So it's in your best interest to avoid this arrogant type. He, of course, will not throw a glass, but he will fry the fifth point well. In the sense of a flame /

Skuallo Superby: - VROOY! (Name)! It is her own fault that she found herself in such a situation! It was necessary to wear longer skirts! / don't say what's right between you friendly relations, but nothing bad can be said. He likes you, but that's more than really attractive girl, he does not regard you. He doesn't know about his birthday, he heard about the conflict, but only once again " good word"will remember the tenth generation, and you will begin to read lectures about female modesty and caution in the company of men /

Belphegor Cavalinni: / you are familiar, but it is difficult to describe your relationship with any specific word. Rather, something on the verge between enemies and acquaintances. For some reason he didn’t like you, and from your side, there’s no such initiative. You are not enemies, of course, but you are not friends either. You do not trust each other, but do not rush to substitute, do not get into a fight, and from the outside it is generally difficult to say whether you are allies or different sides front. He doesn't know about his birthday, and even if he did, he shrugged his shoulders wearily, but he only chuckles about the ripening conflict between Vongola and Kavalone. (he does not know about the cause of the conflict) /

Francesca Irone: / remember one rule, my soul. If you have a "not very" relationship with the prince, then you are friends forever with this illusionist. If that's not putting it mildly yet. Finds you a truly pleasant companion with whom you can also keep quiet. Yes, and jokes you perceive him positively - either in response you ridicule the guy, or you look at him with such a malicious look and ask him to repeat it. True, he never dared to repeat it. He tries to protect you from communicating with the teacher, believing that he will grab you for himself, and at your meetings you can safely put an end to it. I found a kindred spirit in you, so in your society he feels calm - "at ease". I found out about my birthday six months before, however, nothing cooler new illusion in your honor did not come up. But you could order any show all day and admire at least all the time. He knows about the conflict from you, but, having once tried to hook you with this, he decided to leave this idea forever, not seeing in your expression the notes of the positive that was earlier /

Lussuria: / you are familiar and quite well, however, due to the strong employment in the field of your activity and the difference of characters, your meetings will be rare, and your conversations are monosyllabic. Will reach out to you, considering a very feminine and delicate nature with wonderful feeling style, though quite incredulous. Ten times will try to start a conversation with you, but appearance the guardian of the sun will stress you a lot, and you would rather not move further from the boss than a step. (and he will not mind). Lussuria will be a little disappointed in you, but will soon forget and resume attempts to start a friendship. Painfully he liked you. And, neither about your birthday, nor about the love triangle does not know. And if I heard out of the corner of my ear, I did not remember /

Levi-A-Tan: / knows negligible little about you, but already thinks something. I am sure that the boss cannot make the wrong choice and approves of his taste. I agree with him, but even if he doesn't like something about you, he will keep silent about it, hoping that your meetings will be very rare. I don’t know about the holiday, I’ve heard about the conflict, but I haven’t realized the situation yet, so she will not say anything. He just doesn't care, to be honest /


Luche: / has no information about your existence. It would be more accurate to say that she left this world before your parents met each other /

Aria: - Hey, (Name), don't fall! Here is a little naughty girl, and how nimble! / I doted on you when you were still very little. Your moms from school days have been best friends, but then the woman got sick and for safety reasons asked you not to visit her house yet. I felt the approach of my death and most of all feared for my daughter and you, constantly comparing you and hoping that Yuni would grow up to be a kind and intelligent girl like you. She took care of you like a mother, believed that people like you did not deserve the fate of becoming a mafia. Over time, you forgot the woman, and she left this world, remembering you with a smile. Now you quite often visit her grave, holding the new Arcobaleno of the sky by the hand /

Yuni: - I have no words to express my gratitude to you. Many thanks, honey (Name). You did so much for me, you were always there in hard time... I will try very hard to make you happy! / wiping off the running tears, the girl reports, burying herself in your hair and pulling into her arms / / you once replaced her mother, and older sister, and a mentor, all in one bottle, in short. Madly in love with you and cannot apply what she would do if your roads were not destined to intertwine. She knows about the triangle, but stubbornly keeps silent, knowing that you prefer to deal with your problems yourself, but she is ready to come to your aid at any moment. Congratulate you with a brooch - a sakura branch with a small blue bird - with your name engraved /

Reborn: / very friendly attitude towards your person, respectful towards you and your fighting skills. Initially, he was going to become your teacher, although you were rescued in time and placed in the custody of another lesser known, however strong family... Her boss trained you on his own, and during this period of communication you became like a brother and sister. The killer cannot like what is happening within the family now - the relationship is seriously deteriorating, the determination is weakening with them. He is going to make amends for the current situation, albeit in not entirely acceptable ways in this situation - fights, of course. I didn't bother to find out about your birthday, he has more important problems - how to direct the family into the usual channel /

Colonello: - How stupid it comes out, bark. The Mustang wriggles in front of her as best she can, but she doesn't notice him point blank. With the Cloud, the problem is even stronger, they ignore each other, but they have something like that. I do not understand the intentions of this girl, kora / as I said, does not understand you, but does not consider bad man... He is very loyal to your person, considers him a responsible and reliable employee. Several times I saw you in battle, I was even surprised that such a modest and peaceful-looking girl was able to scatter the crowd of fans of the HDD ill-wishers. I heard about my birthday the very next day, so he was just embarrassed to cross with you and strike up a conversation on this topic /

Fong: / you've only met him a couple of times, and you don't know much. Hurricane Arcobaleno knows almost everything about you. It's not that you don't inspire confidence in him, and he tests you, quite the opposite. He really liked you, both externally and with your restrained character. Counts a good man and intends to help you. He treats the situation with his inherent calmness, but deeply in his soul he condemns the under-suitors. For the holiday, he will try to be sure to attend the celebration that the whole Vongola organized in your honor, but at the last moment plans will interfere with him. Deciding that he is doing terrible things by not attending his birthday, as a change, he will send you a large set of your favorite tea and a note with congratulations and wishes /

Marmont / Viper: / in short, don't give a damn about you. He was forbidden to sell you, and to beg for money, too. He tries to ignore your presence if he sees your figure on the horizon. Not to say that this is dislike or even hatred, it's just that your presence makes him neither hot nor cold. He knows about the conflict, is going to negotiate with Cavalone to find out the exact amount that is attached to him for bringing you to Dino's base. Does business in any situation, in short. Doesn't know about the holiday /

Verde: / your relationship with him didn't go well right away. You are too active and emotional for him, he is too mad for you. He sits in his laboratory, constructs something, and then he is like “I did it”. Once you even notably slapped him on the cabbage soup, so after the overthrow of Judayma, he will immediately take care of you. Hush, hush, it will make you ask for forgiveness and mercy, and in case of your refusal, it will leave you a victim for experiments and experiments /

Skull: / personally you do not know each other, and neither side is very eager to establish contacts. I heard that Hibari and Dino were rushing after you, but I stupidly ignored the existence of the second, dwelling on the first. I'm sure that you are just with each other perfect couple, and you are as formidable, strict and (censored) as it hurts. Absolutely does not want to contact you. Better to die on a springboard than from a sharply angry you ... /

Lar Milch: / soul mates - seasoned and cold-looking personality, but with a big warm heart and sensitive soul. I accepted your determination and behavior in battle, felt that if at one time I took you "under my wing" now you would have no equal. He loves to chat with you, learning the latest details straight from the headquarters, or just be around, catching your even breathing. Kavalone knows about the conflict between the Vongola cloud and the sky and has already brought up this topic more than once in conversation, realizing that this could shake your reputation, for which you were embarrassed and asked to let you figure it out yourself. You will not be able to meet on the holiday, but she will look for a meeting to congratulate you big box your favorite sweets and brass knuckles. Kind with healthy/


Byakuran Jesso: - Hello, (Name) -chan! I am very glad to see you in good health. I heard you have so many interesting things going on in Vongola. Can you share the details? / is very loyal to you, I am sure that you (censored) are suffering more, being a very capable mafioso and the owner of two types of flame, interested in you as an ally, but he knows that all the top of the Vongola are up to you, and so far does not seek to do anything. Finds you also an attractive girl with a well-functioning brain. He really loves your society, so if there are any negotiations, he always asks to send you as a diplomat. Often flirts with you, as if by the way saying compliments and presenting flowers as a gift. He knows about your birthday (though you have no idea where from) and simply could not leave without a gift. Your meeting will not take place, but he, upset and very angry, will give you velvet box with a bracelet through subordinates. He also knows about the conflict, but is silent about it, wanting to hear everything in detail from you /

Kike: - This (Name) appeared at an opportune moment in Byakuran-sama's life. Thanks to her, we will be able to seriously weaken the contacts of the alliance and again return to the topic of world domination. But why is the boss hesitating? He could have lured her to our side long ago / thinks to himself, realizing that they may not agree with his opinion / / treats you in a very gentlemanly way, so to speak, is always attentive and ready to fulfill any come. Approves the existing triangle, believing that it will primarily benefit Melfiore. However, he does not understand the boss. Or rather, no idea at all what is going on in the head of the aforementioned. I heard about your birthday from the boss when he ordered to send a gift. Decides that he is not obliged to congratulate you, especially since the day is coming to an end /

Zakuro: / he just doesn't care. Absolutely all the same. He was tired of the daily portion of noodles about the fact that soon you will join their ranks, betray Vongola (censored) - blah blah. - Once someone spread the rumor that you are generally the boss's bride and just went on a mission, then the keeper of the hurricane I still laughed, and the rumors about the fact that you have all kinds of flame in general, and fell in love with you only because of your strength, got angry somehow. I decided that no stupid woman could be stronger than him (or at least the boss). He doesn't want to hear about the triangle, or about you, or even more about his birthday /

Bluebell: - Hey! (Name)! Is she ignoring me on purpose, or has she really become deaf? Damn it, we didn't chat, but she's leaving! / runs after you, intending to tell absolutely everything that happened to her / / even if you don't really feel sorry for her, the girl reaches out to you, believing that you are similar to many. I am sure that sooner or later you will understand that you will be better in Melfiore and will go over to their side, taking on responsibilities right hand keepers of the rain. I immediately grabbed myself into a friend, recognizing your physical and moral potential. She really likes your company, but she cannot humanly say about it so that you would be pleased. Male sides I hated the triangle, you even envied you a little. For the holiday I prepared a set of decorations for your clothes different styles, however, it will be terribly upset to learn that today you will not be able to meet at all /

Daisy: / in each other's company you don't often stay, and you don't know much about this frightened boy, so you are in no hurry to judge. He, in turn, know only your name about you, will treat you like someone precious stone - with genuine admiration and care. I am sure that you are very strong in battle, therefore you are not eager to be your opponent. Observing you from a distance, agrees that you are very beautiful and charming, and listening to your speeches, that you are pleasant to talk to and it is easy to keep a conversation with you. Thinks that you are much better than any of the guardians, and he would be happy to replace you with any of the above. Unfortunately, he does not know about your birthday, but he would have given you (albeit wilted and strange looking) a bouquet of wildflowers. But from pure heart and with the best intentions /

Torikabuto: / It is not surprising that he has a slight dislike for your existence in general. Even though you never spoke to him, and even saw him in person a couple of times, the fact that you are from Vongola already says a lot to the illusionist. His enigmatic persona is aware of events in several others. parallel worldswhere you died for your family, and killed for your family, and even arranged an attempt on the life of Melfiore's boss, Byakuran. Therefore, in this world, he is more careful with you, absolutely does not trust you. From this we can conclude that he does not know about any birthday or some quarrel. Just don't care /

Gost: / in his world you did not even manage to meet, not that to get to know / make friends (censored) -bla-bla.- In short, there is no opinion about you, and it’s good, because it’s very, very unpredictable personality. Yes, and dangerous. / chuckles meaningfully //

Gamma: / since with Aria and Yuni you have always been in good relationship, a man purely theoretically could not form a bad opinion of you. I always respected you and cared for you like a father, thanks to the fact that now you often visit the young boss JiglioNero, and she loves you immensely. He found out about his birthday from the boss, because you were in a panic, trying to think of what you could give this - useful, pleasant, and beautiful, desirable. It was his idea that the brooch was, and the girl was delighted with such a proposal. Will give you a luxurious bouquet of white roses - a symbol of purity, true female beauty... I heard about the conflict from subordinates, but reprimanded them for this disrespectful attitude to your person /

Irie Shoiche: - H-greetings, (Name) -san. I was not informed that you will come in, sorry for the mess / twisting with a sharp pain in the stomach, the young man babbles, trying not to look into your eyes / / relationship at the level of boss-subordinate, even if your roles are not. In fact, he respects you for the strength, determination and stamina of character, which he sometimes lacks so much. You can also find here a slight fall in love, although you are not familiar enough to make his feelings grow into something more. She finds you very beautiful and is not at all surprised that the conflict between the two families flares up for you. He finds out about your holiday at the very last moment and is unlikely to be able to congratulate you in words /

Spanner: / Unfortunately, you didn't manage to get to know each other personally. But he heard a lot from other staff members about your person, though I'm not exactly sure if these are reliable rumors. This information does not bother him much, and he prefers to do something more interesting for himself /

If it's not difficult, write a few words) -

Mars (Aries, Scorpio) - striving for leadership, enthusiasm, courage,
decisiveness, inability to pretend, rejection of gossip and intrigue, self-confidence,
intolerance, carelessness, straightforwardness, stubbornness, impulsiveness,
excitability, irascibility, submission to passions

Reborn: * likes to chat with you about the future of the Vongola *
Lambo(5 years): * roars *
Lambo(15 years old): Am I really cute?
I-Ping: * often cooks his own fried rice for you *

Tsuna: * avoids *
Gokudera: * treats like a sister *
Ryohei: * adores you, mentioning it more than once *
Khibari: * pressed against the wall * Either you are with me, or now we both will die here ...
Mukuro: * thought about something *
Yamamoto: * unique you *
Haru: Hello)
Kiyoko: You're weird, though ... Let's be friends?
Belphegor: * shi-shi-shi * What are we stubborn. * goes around you playing with your hair *
Fran: * looks askance at you *
Squallo: Wroooy! You go on a date with me and this is not discussed!
Xanxus: Trash ... * was severely beaten *
Bianchi: Want to try it? * wants to kill you *
Byakuran: ...

"FaK Mine Brain" - Whoever doesn't post comments is the last redneck!

Register_image (1906571617); - -
register_image (1005395769); - - register_image (1560832624); -

Test: Varia! Where will you go and who will you like!
... you woke up on the roof. Moon, view of the sleeping city. You looked dejectedly at the empty glass in your hand. Someone coughed behind his back. You just threw the glass on a whim.
Hey trash !!! Throwing glasses is my thing!- Someone was indignant and from the darkness, rubbing the bruised place, Zanzas himself came out. register_image (1155109527); -
Xanxus-sama!-nul- you.
Why are we afraid? I do not bite!he smirked.
And I'm not scared. It's just that you are some other ... I heard about you that you are cruel ...
... A bad and bad uncle who offends little Skualo?- the boss of Varia said mockingly, sitting down next to him.
Uh ... Sort of said.
Yes, I am like this. But with you it cannot be otherwise. And then what good will you run with a glass again.Xanxus chuckled.
Is Varia's great boss afraid of a glass?- you answered ironically. Xanxus was embarrassed. And suddenly he gave out:
But Mika knew whom to send ...Then he pulled him to his waist and kissed him roughly, passionately.

Test: On which Reborn will you fall from the bridge?
You are standing on the bridge with me. Suddenly you feel yourself falling. It turns out that someone pushed you, I have nothing to do with it.
Then you fly from the bridge into the river. You have already mentally prepared to be a cripple for the rest of your life. And so you should have fallen into the river, but this did not happen. Instead of water, you felt someone under you. It was Khibari. You sit on it and tremble with fear of course GDK, who won't tremble? About... Khibari had already prepared to arrange his favorite "kamikoros" for you, but something made him put off the tonfa. Instead of beating you, he hugged you and began to calm you down. Khibari whispered some words in your ear and kissed you.

And so, I will not torment, you are preparing dumplings, with ...
Together with Kyoya! OO
Fak, the Author quietly leaves o.o "
How else did you survive? oo
Well, you, yes, and the kitchen ... Ex ... The head of the House of Culture quickly got tired of this business ...
Although it turned out that he can be persuaded under the pretext that the Author will not return the tonfa! * O *
The dumplings were delicious but not pretty ^^ "

Test: Which country and with whom will you go?
Aftorsha took out a photo and there ...
You're flying to the Caribbean with Fran.
Aftorsha took you to the plane. At first Fran was silent and you asked:
-Why don't you take off your hat, because the senpai isn't around?
- Well, if you so want I can snayayayat - he answered.
The conversation did not go shorter.
Then you came to the hotel with beautiful view on the soft blue sea.
In the evening, watching the sunset, you were lying on the beach and Fran said:
- You have such beautiful eyes.
You blushed and thanked him. Then you splashed in the sea, ran along the beach. Fran told that Varia is very bad, Senpai has a bad character, Levi has an altar of Xanxus in the room, Lussuria is afraid when Sku washes his head. You soothed him and kissed him on the cheek, but then this kiss smoothly turned into a kiss on the lips ^^
In short, save yourself from the jealous Belphegor, dear, and move to Varia.
The moral of this fable is this: The frog and the princess are not only in fairy tales
And it doesn't matter that the country may not be the one it wanted.