Happy birthday to a kind person. Congratulations to a good person

It should be noted that there are many different options, in which you can issue beautiful congratulations happy Birthday. It can be, for example, congratulations in verse. True, let's be honest - not so many people are able to independently compose really beautiful poems to significant date. However, in the extreme case, what prevents, if desired, from using ready-made verses of the classics of literature or contemporaries? Knowledge of poetry will also impress a person, especially if this person is loved. But if poetry is really at odds, but nevertheless you want to send beautiful birthday greetings, you can always do it in prose. At the same time, you just need to do them sincerely, from pure heart and then there will be no problem with how to choose the right words and how to combine them in a single composition. And then everything will turn out as it should, because congratulations that come from the bottom of the heart always come out especially well and soulfully.

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.
Birthday is a special date
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone smart once came up with:
Give joy to the birthday boy.
Joy of meeting, smiles of hope,
Wishing you health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
For things to be successful.

The old legend says:
When a man was born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine for him forever.
So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house
And joy will always be in him.
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

happy birthday congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy!
So that health is strong
Yes, everything went well in business
And more often in life it's sweet
Everything happened like in a dream

Aromas of velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
The fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday be happy!

gentle, sincere words heat
Let it warm with magical breath
So that there is always happiness in the soul
And every wish came true!

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.
So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house,
And joy will always be in him.
Let everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Let be Life is going calmly,
Live without knowing the troubles.
AND good health,
And long for long years! Happy Birthday!

We wish to become
Hero of today!
Multiply and save
All important values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!

We wish to live and not grieve,
A lot of prosperity, a lot of happiness.
To love, to dream, to be loved,
Let there be bad weather!
Let there be good changes
There is enough time and energy for everything,
And remains unchanged in life
The law "I came, I saw, I conquered!"

With all our hearts, we congratulate

Not knowing failures and gloomy days.
We just want to smile
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,

We wish to live without grief,
Be strong and gain strength
Let there be many hobbies
So that you strike everyone with talent.
Do not be afraid of difficulties and boldly,
Spreading proudly shoulders, chest,
Take on the right job
And get happiness for yourself!

Smile! And be happy
Every day and every hour.
You are the real man!
This is the truth, without embellishment.
I compose words for you
Bright festive bouquet.
On my birthday I wish
Long and happy years!

We wish to become
Hero of today!
Multiply and save
All important values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!

I want breaks
For lunch, for tea, for beer,
That wages went up
Didn't fit in my wallet
To work everyday
They flew like a rocket
The weekend didn't end
Well, vacation - only in the summer!

With all our hearts, we congratulate
We wish you many happy years
Not knowing failures and gloomy days.
We just want to smile
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
And in general - to live, and not to regret!

We want to say from the bottom of our hearts -
Never change!
Stay yourself
Simplicity is in short supply!
May happiness be with you
The beauty of life shines
Live happily, calmly
Let fate give everything!
Let your passions rage
Everything will always be on the edge
Let the soul of a man be excited
Anything that warms your heart!
May the road be happy
Successful life path.
Create, earn a lot,
And don't forget to rest!

I wish you strength - strength of mind and strength of mind. Firmness in making decisions and achieving goals. Confidence in those around you and in yourself. In your health - vivacity, in work - courage

May you always succeed!
For trouble to pass
Health, joy, love and happiness
Lots of money and good luck.

I wish you more laughter in life
Never, ever be sad!
Good luck, joy, victories!
Wishing you much happiness.

I wish you happiness without a doubt!
To have a lot of toys
More strength and inspiration
Health, peace and tranquility.

I wish you happiness in your unearthly life,
Never get in trouble
Good luck, joy, luck,
More happy ones for you.

Let him talk about love today!
Let melancholy pass by.
Good health and warmth to you!
I wish you much joy.

Let everything be as you want
So that love warms your soul.
Good luck in life, easy way!
More money and love.

May all dreams come true
Never think too much
Good health for three hundred years,
More warm kind words.

May God keep your beautiful union
Never know parting
More very bright and happy days
Health, happiness, and success.

Let the tasks be easy
Never grow old in your soul!
Victory to you, new victories!
More fun gifts for you.

I want to achieve everything in life
To never offend you.
Good health in addition.
Many kind words and earthly love.

There are many things you can wish for on your birthday. But why do it, because you may want something completely different. Therefore, I just wish you the speedy fulfillment of all your desires!

Let the aroma of many flowers and a kaleidoscope of friendly smiles fill your home today, so that you truly feel the presence of the holiday on this day.

Beautiful congratulations to a good person in your own words

There are people who are drawn to, next to whom it is good and reliable. You are one (one) of them! So today, on your birthday, you are surrounded faithful friends. So let not only on holidays, but also on any other day be next to you dedicated people ready to help! On your birthday, I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart! Go through life easily, without unnecessary worries and exhausting problems. Let all worries be only joy. Happiness to you, sunny days and great luck! Happy holiday!

Good morning! So the most important day of the year for you has come - your birthday. No matter how you prepare for it, for some reason it always comes unexpectedly, and it's great: surprises begin! There will be many congratulations warm words, tasty food and positive emotions.
Even on your birthday, someone with whom you have not communicated for one reason or another for a long time will definitely call you, and you will be damn pleased to hear the voice of this person. In general, this day is really unique for you.
Of course, it’s sad to count the numbers of your age, but no one forces you to do it today - it may well wait until tomorrow, then until the day after tomorrow, and then it will be forgotten. I wish you a happy birthday and, among other things, I wish you to think more about the good - so that there is no time to think about the bad. Our youth is a happy, impetuous moment, incomprehensible to us, but all reliably stored in the memory. Our new summers are wealth, wise time, which allows you not to make mistakes and enjoy life as we have it.
May all your days be filled with sparkling joy, positive peace, stormy impressions, new insights, exotic travels and convincing victories of wisdom. And we want to perceive all life changes as curious cruises that will surely end happily and bring only joy and successful resolution of difficulties. On this day, meeting with relatives and friends will fill your whole life with life-giving energy! Happy birthday, may your birthday bring you optimism and energy for many years to come!

Happy birthday wishes in your own words

A man only gets old when the past starts to call more joyful emotions than the real one. I wish you that thoughts about the present and the future always only please!

I want you to be swept up in a seething stream of joy and spun in a breathtaking whirlpool of happiness. A small raft to you called "Hope", which will always bring you to the shores of dreams! Happy Birthday! Everyone comes into this world to make it more beautiful. I wish you wisdom to recognize your calling, patience to follow it, love to enjoy your life to the fullest! Happy Birthday to You!

Specially for the site

The shortest birthday greetings in prose

Happy Birthday! Delightful love and stunning happiness!

Specially for the site

Wishes with DR in simple words

Give those around you your smile today - the most charming, most tender and most sincere! Share your holiday and life will become brighter, and happiness will increase many times over! Happy Birthday!

Beautiful short congratulations in your own words

Happy Birthday! I want to travel and vivid impressions, good work and peace of mind, love and happy moments, successful undertakings and the favor of fortune!

Specially for the site

Short Cool Birthday Words

Accept congratulations! I hope your personal New Year will be even better, richer and fuller! Happy Birthday!

Birthday boy, hooray! Let be solemn speeches delight the ear, gifts delight the heart, please the gaze of beauty. You are worthy of a poet's pen: a proud profile, becoming an officer, sincere generosity, exceptional honesty. Let your heart fire flare up, the name will not be lost for centuries. Birthday boy, glory!

Specially for the site

Beautiful sincere congratulations on DR in prose

Birthday - special holiday. In childhood, we wait for him with joy, impatiently, and the year lasts a long, long time, and such long-awaited name days never come. But now time begins to race faster ... With age, it seems that the years flicker like pages in a book that we quickly turn over: birthdays come more often, we get older, and sometimes it seems that we never have time to see something important on these pages called Life. I wish you on your birthday that your life is full, that nothing important is missed, and that all plans and dreams come true. Let your house be a full bowl, work is going well, and family and friends will always be ready to lend a shoulder. Be happy!

Even the sun rose today with a smile, because it knows that today is your birthday. And if the sun smiles, then you meet this day with a smile.

Congratulations on your birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
With a smile, good mood
Continue your path through life.
May your every ordinary day
IN wonderful holiday will turn
And never sadness shadow
It won't show in your eyes!

We wish you happiness and love,
So that all dreams and aspirations come true,
FROM good mood so that you are nowhere
And they never parted.
Health to you for a hundred good years,
And that's right, it's worth it!
Workers production victories,
IN family life- peace and quiet!

Love life, love inspiration
Let them not frighten you in the coming year,
Let your mood be better
And sadness will leave once and for all.
Lilac bush and blue sky,
The smile of the sun, joy, love
And the greatest happiness in life
We wish you on the path of life!

We only wish you a birthday
Grow, laugh and bloom,
So much goodness, warmth and affection,
What can not be carried away in a hundred years!
In study and in work - good luck,
And rest - easy and to your heart's content!
... And there will be money, villas, dachas
Yes, there will be power over fate !!!

When the birthday comes
You are a year older.
In the soul and joy, and fun,
And life gets harder.
But the years go by fast
And they can't be stopped
They change us a lot
And they should be treasured!

Let from this day, as if from a new page,
Everything in life changes for the better.
The dream will surely come true
Any wishes come true!
Strength will double, health will arrive,
Luck will come and luck
Every moment will be beautiful.
Good luck in everything! Happy Birthday!

Let the birthday gifts be mountains!
So that you whole year admire the gifts!
We wish you, since love is so boundless,
Friends - the most faithful, for the happiness of hope!
You will forever forget about sadness,
Anxiety and sadness that darkened life!
So that you open new facets in life,
And people, as before, have always appreciated you!

There is such a wonderful occasion
Have fun today!
Let there be joy not to count
All the best will happen!
There are jokes everywhere, laughter,
And you can, without a doubt,
Be the happiest in the world
On a wonderful birthday!

So many holidays, but still
The most beautiful - Birthday!
May he fulfill his dreams
Come with great vibes!
Will give a lot of beautiful words,
Smiles, happiness, inspiration,
And make you even happier
All my life and every moment!

Under an asterisk you were born happy
And she gifted you in full:
You can judge everyone fairly
The wisdom of actions is given to you by fate.
May this star not fade away
Life path illuminating the whole century!
We wish you happiness on your birthday
The most beautiful soul man!

We wish you success on your birthday,
Luck and happiness - from the heart!
May life be full of goodness and laughter
Emotions bright, big holidays.
Let whatever you want happen
What you dream about, everything will happen
And what are you dreaming about today?
May it come to you without fail.

No need to count the years
How many passed - all ours.
It's better to know that a full bowl
Your life will always be.
Be healthy all the time
Let bad weather be forgotten
We wish you happiness
The closest person.