Proper water intake throughout the day. How much alcohol can you drink without harm to health

Despite the ongoing various surveys, testing and statistical calculations, there is currently no accurate data on the amount of alcohol consumed by the inhabitants of Russia. However, it is known that the level of alcohol consumption is growing every year. Alcohol consumption is unevenly distributed among the population. According to some reports, about a tenth of the population drinks half of alcoholic beverages, and about a tenth does not drink a drop. About 20% of the population drink alcohol at least 2-3 times a week. Heavy drinkers are risk group, and many of them do not even know about their belonging to this group and do not think about the possible consequences.
The purpose of this article is to give a reason to think about your own alcohol consumption, to talk about the limits of moderate alcohol consumption and advice on how to manage your cravings and reduce your alcohol consumption. Most people are able to reduce or stop their alcohol consumption without professional help.

Acceptable can be considered such use of alcohol, which, at least, is not harmful to health. It is believed that at the highest consumption for men up to three servings per day, and for women half of this norm Negative consequences rare. However, to accurately determine safe drinking limit it is forbidden.
One standard serving contains about 11-14 grams of alcohol, which is equivalent to one glass of wine (120 grams), a small bottle of beer (330 grams) or a restaurant serving (40 grams) of a strong alcoholic drink.

Regular consumption of small amounts of alcohol, according to the latest research, has positive impact on health, but the boundary between healthy, safe and harmful effects very unstable. Even moderate alcohol consumption is not recommended for expectant mothers. Even small doses of alcohol can worsen some diseases. Drinking alcohol along with medication can be fatal. Drinking alcohol very young markedly adds to the risk of developing alcohol problems in adulthood.

The recommended limits can often be felt very low by a person if many of his immediate environment exceed them regularly without visible consequences. Excessive alcohol consumption long time, however, often leads to consequences only after years have passed. While reducing alcohol consumption is always beneficial, and even temporary sobriety of a few weeks is very drinking man will benefit his body.

The visible benefits of alcohol manifest themselves directly, as tonic and invigorating, but harmful effects come later: for many already on next morning, for others years later. Drinking alcohol for a long time and exceeding the risk limits can lead to the appearance of diseases of the liver, heart, circulatory system as well as brain damage. People who consistently exceed risk limits are classified as heavy drinkers.
The weekly risk limit level is determined for an average male with 24 servings per week and for women 16 servings per week, which means about four for men and two servings for women daily. The weekly risk limit is sometimes misunderstood, as a 24-cup limit doesn't mean you can drink a whole crate of beer on a Saturday.

From a risk point of view, the form in which alcohol is consumed also matters. Problems can appear both from the average strength of beer and from dry wine. You can drink a lot of dry wine without getting drunk quickly. But then a sudden strong intoxication may occur. Repeatedly exceeding the risk limits adds an obvious reason to get physical or mental symptoms (signs) from drinking alcohol and become an alcoholic.
With a single, one-time use of alcohol, the risk limit for men is seven, and for women five servings.

Women get drunk easier than men from the same amount of alcohol, since there is more water in the body of a man, and alcohol breaks down in more liquid. The greater the weight, the greater the amount of liquid, so that lighter people get drunk on less alcohol. From quickly emptying a bottle of vodka, a 100-kilogram man will get only about one ppm of intoxication. A fifty-kilogram woman in the appropriate situation would already be two per mille intoxicated.

One ppm means the content of one gram of pure alcohol in a liter of blood. Within an hour, about a gram of alcohol is removed from every ten kilograms of weight, that is, only 0.12-0.16 ppm disappears from the blood within an hour. The speed of combustion depends, first of all, on the dimensions of the body, since the liver is in relation to the dimensions of the body.
Rapid consumption of alcoholic beverages raises the ppm count by more high value than the same measure would have been drunk for a longer time. Eating makes the absorption of alcohol 2-3 times slower compared to drinking alcohol on an empty stomach.

Starting with half a ppm, the risk of accidents increases markedly, and with intoxication at one ppm, the risk of misfortune increases already five times. Exceeding one ppm also leads to drying out of the body, lowering blood sugar levels and the appearance of signs of poisoning. Long-term and heavy alcohol consumption causes an inevitable physiological dependence, and in the hangover that follows after drinking, the question arises of eliminating symptoms.
Recurring and disruptive hangovers can be a sign alcohol problem and health risk. Severe condition hangover requires the search for treatment programs and strict adherence to them. There is only one effectively proven hangover cure: abstaining from alcohol consumption or moderate consumption.


It is often common for people to rate their own alcohol consumption at a minimum. This confirms the fact that the amount of alcohol sold is always greater than the amount reported by the people who bought it.
The World Health Organization has developed Ten Questions Self-Assessment for Signs of Alcohol-Related Problems. The assessment is made on the basis of the scores calculated from the test. It is in the interests of the person being tested to answer the questions correctly and honestly and calculate the scores accurately. With a total score of more than 8, it should be concluded that there are problems associated with alcohol, the likelihood of alcohol addiction and may need to see a doctor.

Questions Answers Points
1. How often do you drink beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages?
Consider also the occasion when you drink a small amount of alcohol, such as a bottle of medium-strength beer or a glass of light wine.
Once a month or less
2-4 times a month
2-3 times a week
4 times a week or more
2. How many drinks do you drink on the days you drink alcohol? 1-2 servings
3-4 servings
5-6 servings
7-9 servings
10 or more servings
3. How often do you drink six or more drinks at one time? Never
Less than once a month
Once a month
Once a week
4. How often during last year Have you ever been unable to stop drinking once you started? Never
Less than once a month
Once a month
Once a week
Daily or almost daily
5. During the past year, how often have you been unable to do what you would normally do because of drinking? Never
Less than once a month
Once a month
Once a week
Daily or almost daily
6. During the past year, how often have you had to drink beer or other alcohol the next morning after heavy drinking in order to start moving normally? Never
Less than once a month
Once a month
Once a week
Daily or almost daily
7. During the past year, how often have you felt guilty or remorseful after heavy drinking? Never
Less than once a month
Once a month
Once a week
Daily or almost daily
8. During the last year, how often has it happened that because of drinking you could not remember the events of the previous evening? Never
Less than once a month
Once a month
Once a week
Daily or almost daily
9. Have you or anyone else ever been harmed or physically injured as a result of your drinking? Not
Yes, but not last year
Yes, last year
10. Has anyone in your family, friend or doctor been concerned about your drinking and suggested that you reduce the amount of alcohol you drink? Never
Yes, but not last year
Yes, last year

An alternative to this test is to create your own two-column page with the pros and cons of current alcohol consumption. It is necessary to compare and weigh the good and bad sides. If a bad sides exceed the good, it is clear that change is needed. The habit of excessive alcohol consumption should be changed to moderate consumption.
Continuation in the next article

Alcoholism is a disease, and here the frequency of drinking assures some. But this is most likely a delusion of a personal order, and not a public myth. But the essence of this delusion is still salient features our mentality is based. Yes, now in the Russian Federation (and in the CIS countries too) it is customary to drink very often, which is why, against the background of others, it already seems to individuals that it is normal to drink only on weekends and not at all often.

Is there a safe frequency of drinking?

Clinical psychologists and psychotherapists constantly note the following pattern: the longer the alcohol addiction experience “accumulates”, the more the concepts and ideas about the frequency of alcohol consumption are distorted in the direction of increasing the so-called “normality”. The reason for the increased drinking is most often simple, people do not know how or do not want to do it differently. A simple illustration: Here is someone who, for example, is used to drinking almost every day, then he will rightly consider that taking alcoholic beverages “only twice a week” is negligible, it is “almost not drinking” at all. And if the memory is strained, some time ago, even before daily drinking became habitual, that is, the person was a light drinker, the very idea that drinking twice a week is not enough seems absurd to him!

You can easily come to this conclusion by independently analyzing your own relationship with alcohol or examples of relatives and friends. In reality different people to the question of how often you can drink, they will give completely different answers, in which, however, it is not difficult to see this pattern. Somehow, he accidentally got into a conversation with a former drunkard, now leading an almost sober lifestyle, about what turned out to be decisive for him in the question - to drink or not to drink. He told me the following story:

To enter the military department at the university, he needed to pass medical examination. To do this, it was necessary to visit several medical institutions, including obtaining a certificate from a narcological dispensary. In narcology, he was examined by a doctor, and to a typical question about how often you drink, a friend then answered: “Yes, I drink once a week.”

Although at that time I actually drank a lot more almost every day, and often got drunk specifically. Of course, he didn’t mention it then, but he didn’t want to lie in principle, so he said that he doesn’t drink often - once a week. He could not even imagine for himself that this “innocent and correct” answer would turn into at least some kind of reaction, since a single drink in seven days really seemed to him very rare and “normal” at that time, in comparison with the “real harsh reality."

But the doctor, as it turned out, was not satisfied with this embellished answer at all. A counterargument immediately sounded: “Why so often? Why do you regularly drink? This man did not expect such an objection to his “legend” and began to justify himself: “there is a reason for that.” Doctor: "every week a reason, I wonder what kind?" Drinking person at that time: "And meeting with friends." Narcologist: “You are a young man, don’t you yourself guess that this is not a reason at all! Is it the first time you hear that there can be no reason for drunkenness, so many people have already died from it, but you can’t find anything to talk about with friends without alcohol?

And although in the end, after the examination, the necessary certificate was obtained, the person eventually left the dispensary with a heaviness in his soul: for some reason, such a reaction of the narcologist did not leave him indifferent, an unpleasant aftertaste appeared. The former drunkard admitted immediately that after this event he did not immediately stop drinking, but real doubts about own attitude to the use of alcoholic beverages and the need for specific changes in his lifestyle at that time he had me appeared. And he finally gave up alcohol when one of his friends soon died after their entire drunken company was poisoned by some kind of surrogate, although the rest of the drinking buddies did not.

It turned out that everything is really decided by the person himself! It is also important how often you can drink, and in what quantity, relatively safe drinking of alcohol will be when it is an exception to the rule. When they drink regularly, it always seems to them that this frequency and regularity is a normal phenomenon, it’s just their norm and that’s it, but they don’t drink, but relieve stress. And to change life for the better, one might say, a simple clash with the opposite opinion, which is not expected at all, can be very useful to debunk the “norm”. And stress here actually plays a much smaller role than is usually assigned to them.

Learn how to drink in moderation

To find out how to drink in moderation, you first need to decide how much a person drinks in general. Decide on a personal safe rate of alcohol. A quick alcohol test will help you do this.

1. Do you usually drink alcohol:

2. How often do you get drunk?

3. After a wild party with alcohol in the morning.

No harm? AT recent times Beer has become a very popular drink. Very often you can see how not only older people start drinking, but teenagers 15-16 years old. But what kind of drink can actually be harmful to health, and what substances are included in it that can damage normal life? How often can you drink without worrying about what will affect a person and lead to disastrous consequences?

A little history about beer

This hissing miracle can rightly be called one of the most ancient, which appeared a long time ago. According to history, cooking for the first time took place about 8000 years ago. It is noteworthy that at this time women were engaged in manufacturing. Cooked mostly at home. Only after it began to be sold, men began to join the production business.

It is now believed that brewing is a purely male occupation, although as history has shown, initially it was not so. Most of this liquid was produced in the Middle Ages, and was famous for its excellent taste in countries such as England, the Czech Republic and Germany. That is why at present these countries have not lost the title and continue to make a delicious drink from hops.

It was also popular in Russia, but it began to gain fame much later than in other countries. As practice has shown, people who knew how to cook were held in high esteem. For manufacturing, a variety of components were chosen, so the taste itself was different.

modern beer

Since when going to any liquor store, you can notice huge selection, you need to understand what types are, and how they differ.

The benefits of foam

Few people know that beer is actually beneficial. Naturally, this happens when normal amount consumption, and not when 2-3 liters “leave” per day. And you can use it not only inside. May often be included in different formulations masks and creams. So, the benefits include:


It should be understood in advance that all positive properties from the use of a fizzy drink will be achieved only if its dosage is strictly observed. But if you increase the volume, then you can get significant deviations in the work of the body. What is worth knowing about negative reactions?

In general, we can conclude that beer, like any other drinks, foods or drugs, can bring both benefits and harms. Everything will depend on the method of application, volume, concentration, and the correct approach to this issue.

How often is it permissible to drink beer without harm to the body?

The best option it is considered such a volume, which is calculated from 10 grams of ethyl per drink. Regarding beer, this is no more than 1 liter per day. Here we must remember that this volume is the maximum, you should not drink so much every day. If we talk about drinking every day without fear for your health, then it’s worth talking about 0.5 liters of beer drink per day, given that twice a week there will be fasting days when you shouldn't drink alcohol.

The permissible norm for men is 1 liter, for women - 750 ml, subject to good health.

Although, as practice shows, it is difficult to stop at such a small volume, therefore it is easier to choose only a couple of days of the week when this drink will be consumed inside. Its external use during the cosmetic procedures not limited.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and one or another means and methods cannot be used without consulting a doctor. Be healthy!

foamy drink amber color considered the most favorite among people of different age category. A glass of beer will perfectly quench your thirst in the heat, it can be found in the refrigerator of almost every man, many people spend their evenings after a hard day's work with a bottle of intoxicating drink, not a single picnic is complete without it.

In addition to popularity, beer is also characterized by high taste qualities. And besides, the drink is useful, but only with moderate use. Useful vitamins(C, group B) and elements (zinc, chromium) in the composition of beer have a beneficial effect on the human body.

But, unfortunately, many compare the amber fermentation product with the usual daily use drinks: Pepsi, Fantoy, Kvass. And they believe that you can also drink it as much as you like, and when you want.

But they are greatly mistaken. Excessive passion for beer drink is not only harmful, but also dangerous to human health. Don't forget that beer is still alcoholic drink, so it can call dangerous addiction- alcoholic. After all, many alcoholics admit that on initial stage diseases consumed beer.

Therefore, we will try to consider how often and in what quantities it is safer to “spoil” yourself with a beer drink. And what can the excess of the standard dose lead to.

Beer "within reason"

250 milliliters of beer contains a standard serving of alcohol, that is, the amount of absolute alcohol in the drink. According to WHO, no more than four such doses per day for the stronger sex and three for men are considered safe for the body. fair half. That is, men are recommended to consume no more than 1 liter of beer per day, and women - 750 milliliters. And it doesn’t matter if you drink this amount at a time or throughout the day. It is recommended to consume no more than 5 servings of low-alcohol drinks per week.

In addition to the standard, there is also a dangerous dose. According to the data World Organization health care, it is 4-6 for women, 4-8 for the stronger sex. The annual dose of alcohol should not exceed 800 standard servings.

Who is at risk?

Of course, it is impossible to equate the obtained data to absolutely everyone. Everyone decides for himself how often and in what quantity to drink a low-alcohol drink. After all, the following factors influence the degree of intoxication: weight and age indicators, health conditions, etc. Therefore, for some, one bottle may be enough.

However, there are certain categories of people who are forbidden to drink beer or need to drink it in moderation:

  • women during pregnancy (0.5 l of a low-alcohol drink is excreted from the body only after 1.5 hours, all this time alcohol will negatively affect the child and the functionality of the woman's body);
  • ex-alcoholics (people who have consumed alcohol in large quantities in the past need complete abstinence, including from a beer drink);
  • those who have a high tolerance for alcohol (such people can drink a large number of low-alcohol drink, while not getting drunk, and this is the first sign on the way to alcohol addiction);
  • those who have medical contraindications (if there are various diseases the allowable amount of alcohol is determined by the attending physician);
  • drivers of vehicles, including cyclists (the risk of accidents increases);
  • people aged (doctors recommend reducing the amount of alcohol consumed with age, as age-related changes affect the performance of the whole organism);
  • young people under the age of eighteen!

When Beer Becomes Alcoholic

Frequent and large quantities of low-alcohol beverages can be hazardous to human health. Therefore, it is very important to control the dosage of the drunk and not exceed the standard indicators, because an innocent drink can provoke addiction. After all, most alcoholics started with beer.

Therefore, there are certain signs that help determine the degree of addiction to a beer drink. In fact, they are no different from the main symptoms of addiction to other types of alcoholic beverages.

Only in rare cases, disturbing signals can be seen by the culprit himself. Mostly characteristics close people notice, who subsequently suffer and become co-dependent.

To avoid the catastrophic scale of beer addiction, it is necessary to respond to even the slightest of its manifestations.

We bring to your attention the signs that may signal an addiction to beer:

  • Regular increase in dosage drunk beer drink per day, week, month.
  • Broken self-control. When a person has decided to drink less, but he himself violates his rule.
  • Problem denial. If everyone around starts sounding the alarm and claims that a person has begun to drink a lot of beer, and dependent person denies everything, then the problem begins to develop into a catastrophe.
  • Behavioral changes. When drinking affects a person's behavior (he becomes aggressive and inadequate), then medical help is already needed.
  • Increased anxiety. When there are any obstacles to taking the next dose of beer drink, the addicted person becomes irritable and nervous.

As you can see, even such a low-alcohol drink as beer can provoke addiction. The symptoms listed above are a signal that a problem exists and needs to be addressed.

Some are helped by willpower and firmness. The support of family and friends is also important in the fight against alcoholism. But if you can’t get rid of addiction on your own, then you need to contact specialists. Today, there are a large number of methods that help get rid of addiction. But success largely depends on the desire of the patient himself.