How to machine wash a down coat. On what mode to wash down jackets in a washing machine? Which mode to choose

As they say, prepare the sleigh in the summer, so today we will prepare for winter in advance - we will do the washing of the down jacket. From today's article you will learn how to properly wash a down jacket in washing machine automatic or manually, so that the fluff does not go astray. What to do if the fluff rolls up after washing. Features of washing a fur collar from a down jacket
Down jacket is an irreplaceable attribute winter clothes, a symbol of comfort, coziness, practicality and warmth. The filler of this product (down) is the main component of its exceptional and irreplaceable properties. Due to its convenience, lightness and practicality, this winter clothing has become required element winter wardrobe, both adults and children.

The first mentions of this type of winter jacket in Russia were back in the Middle Ages, but fashion and interest in these products arose much later. This is not surprising, since, in contrast to sheepskin coats and sweatshirts, fashion has come to us for such modern, practical, easy-care and warm jackets.

However, despite the ease of caring for this product, the down jacket requires a delicate attitude to its natural filler in order to avoid the formation of lumps and bald patches in the lining. Read on and learn how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the fluff does not get lost, as well as some other intricacies of caring for this product.

How to wash a down jacket in the washing machine so that the fluff does not get lost

The down jacket is very light and not particularly whimsical to care for, a warm thing. It is quite possible to wash it both by the hands of the hostess (by hand) and using everyday equipment (washing machine). Another way to clean your clothes is to take them to the laundry. There they will apply a special chemical solution, which corrodes dirt, and carry out dry cleaning. but this way dangerous for the product, especially if its care must be delicate.

Having given your thing to the dry-cleaner, you must be ready to say goodbye to it forever, because there can be any reactions to the applied chemistry. In addition, chemistry is not completely removed from the cleaned things, so you still have to wear your jacket, completely saturated with a variety of chemicals. Therefore, it is up to you to give your thing to special cleaning establishments or not.

Let's consider in more detail the procedure for washing a warm product at home. There are several subtleties for carrying out the washing procedure, so as not to spoil winter thing.

To wash your winter jacket with down in the washing machine, you need to make sure that the machine supports a special soft (delicate) washing mode and whether it is possible to set a low temperature with this mode.

In addition, you need to take care of purchasing a special liquid detergent developed and recommended directly for woolen and down-filled items (necessarily liquid, and not in the form of a powder, since washing powder stains may remain on winter clothes).

It would also be good, in order to avoid the appearance of lumps of fluff, to purchase special spheres for washing or just use ordinary tennis balls (hereinafter washing assistants). If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special detergent, then for these purposes you can easily use a simple liquid soap. Some housewives use a dishwashing detergent in the form of a gel, however, due to the fact that it is poorly cleaned, smudges and streaks may remain on the jacket, and the item will have to be washed again.

How to properly wash a down jacket at home

  1. So, let's proceed directly to washing your winter jacket with down filling in the washing machine. To do this, prepare your winter item in advance: take out all unnecessary things from your pockets, unfasten all additional accessories (collar, hood, if necessary, belt, various brooches, and so on).
  2. Further in mandatory fasten the zippers and the existing fasteners on the thing to be processed (so as not to damage them), and turn the warm jacket inside out.
  3. Then we stick warm thing into the drum of the washing machine. Together with the product, we place the washing assistants in the machine (they will prevent the down lining from crumpling).
  4. Pour the detergent prepared in advance into the powder compartment and turn on the delicate mode (for yarn, silk, downy items) at an aggregate temperature of no more than 30 degrees. During this washing procedure, the washing assistants will hit the item to be washed and inhibit the formation of lumps.

The spin mode on a typewriter is quite acceptable to use, it will not ruin your jacket, but will help get rid of excess water however it should be at minimum speed. Despite the assertions of some housewives that the spin mode leads to strong crumpling of the fluff in the lining, one can object to following reason: better then break up the formed lumps than wear a jacket with the smell of musty and diaper rash, since warm jacket dries for a very long time.

Important! It is not recommended to use rinses and conditioners for washing winter clothes with down filling, as your product may change color and stains may appear on it, in addition, they will provoke a strong formation of lumps of the down lining of the product.

So, we looked at how to wash a down jacket in the washing machine so that the fluff does not get confused. But washing machines may vary. They are automatic and semi-automatic, so the features of washing in these machines are significantly different.

How to wash a down jacket in a typewriter machine

As mentioned above, washing machines can be automatic and semi-automatic. For a correct understanding of the essence of the issue, consider the basic principles of their work.

An automatic machine completely automates the washing process: it takes required amount cleaning agent, includes desired mode, automatically draws in and out water, dispenses powder, wringes out things in accordance with the speed you set. That is, you only need to turn on the washing machine, fall asleep necessary elements(clothes and cleaning agent) and select the desired mode, the machine will do the rest for you.

The semiautomatic washing machine has excellent specifics of work: you do almost everything by hand. You pour the required amount of water into the drum, pour in the powder. The machine is just starting to spin the loaded items in the centrifuge at high speed. Next, you drain the water and pour in clean water for rinsing, the rinsing procedure is repeated, then you can unload the washed items, squeeze and dry. That is, these machines are mainly adapted for manual labor housewives, not to mention the fact that there is no choice of washing mode at all, it is the same for any clothes.

In accordance with the principles of operation of washing machines, it should be noted that washing winter down clothes in a semi-automatic washing machine is prohibited, you can ruin this down product.

Therefore, washing should take place only in automatic machines using a delicate mode using special means, taking into account the recommendations described above.

How to wash a down jacket by hand at home

We have considered the method of washing your winter down clothes in the washing machine, now we will get acquainted with an equally reliable way of washing your down products manually.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the degree of pollution. If the down jacket is slightly dirty (for example, sleeves, collar, cuffs, pockets), then it is not necessary to wash it entirely, it is quite enough, after hanging it on a hanger, to clean the dirt with a brush.

The contaminated place should be moistened with warm water mixed with liquid agent(for example with liquid soap), rub with a soft brush and gently rinse, you can use the pressure of water in the shower for these purposes. You need to wash off this stain well, in order to avoid the appearance of streaks. Then let the product dry.

If the contamination is significant, and you decide to freshen up your warm thing, then the procedure is a little more complicated. It is necessary to type in the bathroom warm water, dissolve a cleaning agent (preferably liquid) in it and place your down jacket there (that is, completely place and lay it out in the bathroom). Leave the thing to lie in this water for about half an hour and wash the most contaminated areas. Then drain the water and rinse well (using a shower) the jacket from the remaining cleaning agent. Next, the jacket must be squeezed out of excess water and shaken well.

If you have sufficient opportunities to quickly dry a warm down jacket, then you can not squeeze the water out of the down jacket, but simply hang it up to dry. However, with this approach, lumps will still be.

You have learned how to properly wash a down jacket. Now, before proceeding with the main points of drying this product, consider how to wash the accessories for this down product (for example, a fur collar).

How to wash a fur collar from a down jacket

A fur collar for a down jacket is a very delicate accessory that requires special care.

It is absolutely impossible to wash a fur collar in a washing machine, you will ruin this product. There are two ways to clean this accessory: dry cleaning and wet cleaning.

Let's start with dry cleaning, for this we need flour or oat flakes ground into fine flour. We lower the fur collar into one of the listed dry mixtures, having put it well there. Next, the fur accessory must be shaken well, and the leftovers can be sucked up using a vacuum cleaner with a special narrow nozzle. This method cleaning will give your fur collar fresh look.

Wet cleaning of such a delicate accessory is used in case heavy pollution... It is necessary to collect warm water in a cup, dissolve a mild hair shampoo in it and gently wash this accessory in the prepared solution.

Important! Remember that caring for fur products requires the same delicacy as hair care. Therefore, be attentive and caring to your fur products, then they will delight you with their beauty and luxury for a long time.

Next, the fur product must be dried, but you cannot squeeze it out, it must dry completely on its own. Drying should be done in a well-ventilated dark place, avoid direct contact with sun rays, as your collar can simply burn out under the influence of the sun.

After the fur collar is dry, it must be combed with a comb with infrequent teeth, and using next principle: if the fur is long, then it is necessary to comb it from roots to ends, if the fur is short, then, on the contrary, from tips to roots.

It is absolutely impossible to bleach your fur collar using bleaches and chlorine. You can sprinkle your collar with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide to make it a little lighter. Also, to add extra shine to the fur collar, you can rinse it in water with diluted vinegar after washing (the solution must be weak). Then dry and comb the collar.

How to properly dry your jacket

Drying a warm down jacket has some peculiarities.

First, dry the product in a well-ventilated place. It is forbidden to get direct sunlight on the thing. However, if on fresh air already cool, then the down jacket can dry for a long time. Therefore, when all the water is from the glass down jacket, it can be moved closer to the heating devices to speed up this procedure. Under no circumstances should you put your jacket on the heaters and radiators themselves, you will irrevocably ruin your jacket. Note that a winter jacket should not dry for more than three days, otherwise it will “curl up”, that is, it will acquire an unpleasant smell of mustiness and diaper rash, which will be almost impossible to get rid of without re-washing the product.

Secondly, it is better to dry the product by hanging it on a hanger beforehand so that it dries evenly. However, if the down jacket has a very thin, sparse down lining, then it can be dried by laying it out on the grill for full blowing, and placed in a well-ventilated place. It is not recommended to lay the down jacket on a blanket or other surface for drying, as this will limit the complete drying of the product.

Thirdly, you need to constantly shake your down jacket. To avoid the formation of a large number of lumps, arm yourself with a plastic flytrap (or just some kind of stick) and constantly beat your product with it. In this case, large lumps of fluff simply cannot form on your product.

Ironing is not required after the garment has dried. However, if there is a need for smoothing, then for these purposes it is best to use a steamer or steam generator, if there are none, then steaming the product can be done using a regular kettle (the principle of operation is the same for all these devices). Ironing is also possible, however, you should use the delicate ironing mode, and gauze, rolled several times and placed directly on top of the product, then this will protect your warm thing from unwanted incidents and irrevocable damage to the product.

Washed the down jacket, the fluff rolled off what to do?

In case you have used all of the above tips for washing a down jacket, but lumps remain, then you need to carry out the following procedures.

First, try to manually break the lumps of the resulting fluff, painstakingly sorting out the product centimeter by centimeter, Special attention to give places near the seams, pockets, collar, cuffs and the bottom of the product.

Secondly, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a special narrow nozzle. In the on mode, they need to be carefully driven from the inside (inside of the jacket), paying attention to the delicate places indicated above. The vacuum cleaner will help break up the resulting lumps of fluff, and the remains will have to be broken up manually

After the procedures for getting rid of lumps of down, it is necessary to distribute the down evenly over the entire lining, otherwise your down jacket will lose its insulating properties and will not retain heat. Therefore, its further exploitation will not bring you pleasure.

Important! If you have not been able to completely break all the lumps of fluff on your jacket, you can wash it again and repair the defects that have arisen.

So, today you learned how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the fluff does not get lost, manual washing methods, a method for cleaning fur accessories, the nuances of drying warm products, as well as methods of getting rid of lumps of fluff. By following these simple tips, you can save appearance your jacket and give it a fresh and clean state.

How to wash a down jacket at home: video

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Ecology of Life: Home. How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not get lost, and in general, is it possible to wash a down jacket down in a washing machine and how to wash it?

A down jacket is one of the most common types of outerwear in our time. It has very good thermal insulation, is comfortable and practical to wear, and is also affordable. But like any other thing to stay in good condition, it requires timely care and washing.

Down laundry details

But how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not get lost, and in general is it possible to wash a down jacket down in a washing machine and how to wash it? We will answer these and other questions in this article and analyze all the details of washing down clothes.

Can the down jacket be washed in the washing machine

If you conduct a survey among the population, asking people this question, then there is not a small percentage of those who will answer that the down jacket is not intended for washing in a washing machine. In fact, each of you can find the answer to this question, and it will be 100% correct.

To do this, you just need to look at the tag with the icons of your down jacket, which indicates all the requirements for its washing. And, if you don't see an icon that only allows hand wash, it means that the item can be washed in the washing machine.

In most cases, the down jacket, of course, can be washed in the washing machine, but observing all necessary rules, which will prevent unpleasant consequences after washing, such as: knocked down fluff, unpleasant odor and stains all over the jacket surface.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

Before proceeding directly to washing the down jacket, you need to prepare it, because its condition after washing will depend on it.

First, check all the pockets for items. If there are any, then you need to remove them.

After that, inspect the down jacket for stains. Very often down jackets, especially light ones, get dirty in the area of ​​the collar, pockets and cuffs. If stains are present, then they must be additionally treated before washing. To do this, rub these places laundry soap or a special tool.

It is possible to wash down jackets in a washing machine only one by one, do not try to push two or more down jackets in one wash - this, in best case does not wash both things normally, but at worst spoil them.

Check the seams of the down jacket if they come out a large number of fluff, then the likelihood that the wash will ruin the thing is very high.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

After the thing is prepared, you can go directly to the washing process itself. For this you will need special tool for washing down jackets, which you can buy in retail chains or in a specialist store.

Don't try to wash your down jacket regular powder, you can ruin the thing forever.

Also very it is advisable to use special balls for washing down jackets when washing such a thing or tennis balls, which will not allow the fluff to go lumpy, however, you can read more about this on our website. The same balls are used for washing a sleeping bag in a washing machine, the filling of which is down.

Next, we need to decide on which program to wash the down jacket in a typewriter machine. If your washing machine has a special program for washing down jackets, then you will not have to think about these issues for a long time. If you did not have such a program, then do not be discouraged, since almost every washing machine has a row suitable programs in our arsenal, which will suit us too.

The most delicate program is suitable for washing a down jacket. for example: washing woolen products, silk or other delicate fabrics. Please note that washing is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. If this temperature is provided by the program, then everything is fine, but if not, then you will need to lower the washing temperature to the required one using a special function (if any).

In addition to the washing program, you will need to turn on the additional rinse function, if possible, or after the end of the washing process, start another rinse for better washing out of the detergent from the down jacket, because, as you know, the down absorbs very well detergents, and gives them very badly.

Also it is best to skip the spin function, because at high speeds, the fluff can get lost and even crawl out of the seams, which entails damage to things.

After that, you can safely put the jacket in the washing machine and start the wash. Then we just have to properly dry the down jacket.

How to dry a down jacket after washing

Now the washing of the down jacket has come to an end and we just have to dry it thoroughly, which we will now proceed to. To do this, you first need to remove the jacket from the washing machine and unfasten all buttons, zippers and other fasteners. It is also advisable to turn the pockets out so that they dry well too. The down jacket itself does not need to be turned out until the very end of drying.

After washing, the down in a down jacket usually bunches up in piles in its cells, so try to stir it up a little with your hands and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. Now you need to take a regular coat hanger and hang a jacket on them. In such an upright state, you need to dry the down jacket after washing in the washing machine. since it is in this position that water flows best and, accordingly, the down jacket will dry much faster than in a horizontal position.

While drying, regularly spread the down evenly inside the jacket so that it is correctly positioned in the cells and dries faster.

Dry the down jacket until the down is completely dry, because if the feather is not completely dry, then it can rot and begin to emit an unpleasant odor, which will lead to the thing being completely spoiled.

Some amateurs " quick results»Very often they dry a down jacket on batteries, using a hair dryer or other heating devices, not realizing that this procedure destroys down inside the jacket.

Never dry your down jacket under the influence of hot air. For better drying, ensure that the area where the down jacket is drying is ventilated and that there is good air circulation.

Drying the down jacket in the washing machine

Again, to speed up the process, the hostesses use such modern method like a tumble dryer or dry a down jacket in a washing machine with a drying function. We strongly discourage using this method, as. this process completely destroys all the thermal insulation properties of the feather and after such procedures the down jacket will not be suitable for wearing in cold weather.

What to do if down in a down jacket gets lost after washing

If such a failure happened to you, then of course, first, it is best to identify the reasons why this happened. And this could happen if the rules for washing the down jacket were violated, or you chose the wrong program for washing in the washing machine. But do not be alarmed - there is a way out.

If the fluff is very loose after washing, then the first thing to do is to try to manually distribute it over the entire surface of the jacket. If this does not work, then you will need balls for washing down jackets, with which you wash the down jacket again, following all the above tips.

If you follow all these recommendations, then you will not have to worry about the integrity of your down jacket after washing, because all our tips are tested in practice and confirmed by experts. published. If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing our consciousness, we together change the world! © econet

Each owner of a down jacket is faced with the need to clean and wash it, mainly the need for this arises in the spring after winter season... You can take it to a dry cleaner, where professionals will do all the work quickly and efficiently, using suitable cleaning agents and correct modes... But such services cost accordingly, so many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine at home, and how to do it correctly in order to preserve the quality of winter clothes.

Peculiarities home wash winter products on the down depend on several factors.

  • First, it is important to know what the item is made of. The label should indicate the composition and care conditions for the down jacket, including whether it can be washed in an automatic machine.
  • Secondly, you need to know and follow the rules of machine cleaning so as not to spoil an expensive item.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you create optimal conditions for the process, and as a result get a beautiful, fresh and good-smelling product.

Can the down jacket be washed in the washing machine

To understand whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in an automatic machine, you need to carefully look at the label or tag, which is most often sewn in the collar area. The described composition will help determine the conditions for the care of outerwear. Modern winter jackets made not only of fluff, it can have a different composition:

  • a mixture of down and bird feathers;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • woolen filling;
  • special cotton wool.

Pure down or a mixture of down and feathers makes a winter garment the warmest; it is precisely washing it at home that is very difficult. If you run the wrong mode in the washing machine, the result will be crumpled and knocked down fluff in one part of the product, stains on the surface of the fabric, or an incompletely clean item. Therefore, you need to know what conditions to observe in order to get a clean down jacket as a result, and with pleasure to wear it further.

A padding polyester or adding wool to the inside of outerwear tends to make washing easier. For them, it is enough to use the gentle or manual mode of the washing machine, and the appearance of the product will remain unchanged after the cleaning process. But a real down jacket will have to be washed with great care and care. But the task is feasible if you know the features and conditions of the process, so you can start and try.

A down jacket is one of the most common types of outerwear in our time. It has very good thermal insulation, is comfortable and practical to wear, and is also affordable. But, like any other thing, in order to stay in good condition, it requires timely care and washing.

But how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not get lost, and in general is it possible to wash a down jacket down in a washing machine and how to wash it? We will answer these and other questions in this article and analyze all the details of washing down clothes.

Can the down jacket be washed in the washing machine

If you conduct a survey among the population, asking people this question, then there is not a small percentage of those who will answer that the down jacket is not intended for washing in a washing machine. In fact, each of you can find the answer to this question, and it will be 100% correct. To do this, you just need to look at the tag with the icons of your down jacket, which indicates all the requirements for its washing. And, if you do not see an icon that only allows hand washing, then this means that the item can be washed in the washing machine.

In most cases, the down jacket, of course, washable, but observing all the necessary rules that will prevent unpleasant consequences after washing, such as: knocked down fluff, unpleasant odor and stains on the entire surface of the jacket.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

Before proceeding directly to washing the down jacket, you need to prepare it, because its condition after washing will depend on it.

First, check all the pockets for items. If there are any, then you need to remove them.

After that, inspect the down jacket for stains. Very often down jackets, especially light ones, get dirty in the area of ​​the collar, pockets and cuffs. If stains are present, then they must be additionally treated before washing.... To do this, rub these places with laundry soap or a special product.

Next you need turn the down jacket inside out and leave that way for the duration of the wash. Wherein fasten all buttons and zippers: nothing should hang out.

It is possible to wash down jackets in a washing machine only one by one, do not try to push two or more down jackets in one wash - this, at best, will not wash both things normally, but at worst will ruin them.

Check the seams of the down jacket, if a large amount of fluff comes out of them, then the likelihood that the wash will ruin the thing is very high.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

After the thing is prepared, you can go directly to the washing process itself. To do this, you will need a special detergent for washing down jackets, which you can buy in retail chains or in a specialized store.

Do not try to wash the down jacket with regular powder, you can ruin the thing forever.

It is also very advisable to use special balls for washing down jackets or tennis balls when washing such a thing, which will not allow the fluff to go lumpy, however, you can read more about this on our website. The same balls are used for washing a sleeping bag in a washing machine, the filling of which is down.

Next, we need to decide on which program to wash the down jacket in a typewriter machine. If your washing machine has a special program for washing down jackets, then you will not have to think about these issues for a long time. If you did not have such a program, then do not be discouraged, since almost every washing machine has a number of suitable programs in its arsenal, which will also suit us.

The most delicate program is suitable for washing a down jacket, for example: washing wool, silk or other delicate fabrics... Please note that washing is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. If this temperature is provided by the program, then everything is fine, but if not, then you will need to lower the washing temperature to the required one using a special function (if any).

In addition to the washing program, you will need enable the extra rinse function, if possible, or after the end of the washing process, run another rinse to better wash out the detergent from the down jacket, because, as you know, down absorbs detergent very well, and gives them very poorly.

It is also best to abandon the spin function, because at high speeds, the fluff can get lost and even crawl out of the seams, which entails damage to the thing.

After that, you can safely put the jacket in the washing machine and start the wash. Then we just have to properly dry the down jacket.

How to dry a down jacket after washing

Now the washing of the down jacket has come to an end and we just have to dry it thoroughly, which we will now proceed to. To do this, you first need to remove the jacket from the washing machine and unfasten all buttons, zippers and other fasteners. It is also advisable to turn the pockets out so that they dry well too. Himself the down jacket does not need to be turned out until the very end of drying.

After washing, the down in a down jacket usually bunches up in piles in its cells, so try to stir it up a little with your hands and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. Now you need to take a regular coat hanger and hang a jacket on them. In such upright and you need to dry the down jacket after washing in the washing machine, because it is in this position that water flows best and, accordingly, the down jacket will dry much faster than in a horizontal position.

While drying, regularly spread the down evenly inside the jacket so that it is correctly positioned in the cells and dries faster.

Dry the down jacket until the down is completely dry, because if the feather is not completely dry, then it can rot and begin to emit an unpleasant odor, which will lead to the thing being completely spoiled.

Some lovers of "quick results" very often dry their down jacket on batteries, with a hair dryer or other heating devices, not realizing that this procedure destroys the down inside the jacket.

Never dry your down jacket under the influence of hot air. For better drying provide room ventilation, in which the down jacket dries, and good air circulation.

Drying the down jacket in the washing machine

Again, to speed up the process, housewives use such a modern method as a drying machine or dry a down jacket in a washing machine with a drying function. We strongly discourage using this method, since this process is completely destroys all the thermal insulation properties of the feather and after such procedures, the down jacket will not be suitable for wearing in cold weather.

What to do if down in a down jacket gets lost after washing

If such a failure happened to you, then of course, first, it is best to identify the reasons why this happened. And this could happen if the rules for washing the down jacket were violated, or you chose the wrong program for washing in the washing machine. But do not be alarmed - there is a way out. If the fluff is very lost after washing, then the first thing to do is to try manually spread it over the entire surface of the jacket... If this does not work, then you will need balls for washing down jackets, with which you wash the down jacket again, following all the above tips.

Not knowing how to clean a down jacket from dirt, many take it to a dry cleaner, where professionals will carefully remove all dirt. It is wise to do this at the end of winter, before removing all warm clothes in the closet, since dry cleaning is quite expensive and takes a lot of time. But what if your down jacket gets dirty during the winter or fall? It remains to wash it by hand or in washing machine... Faced with such a situation for the first time, many do not dare to wash their down jacket on their own, but there is nothing terrible and complicated in this. One has only to take into account some of the features of a down product and familiarize yourself with the basic rules of washing.

What does a real down jacket consist of?

Everyone is accustomed to down jackets to refer to all voluminous winter jackets, regardless of what they consist of. In fact, inside a real down jacket there should be down (goose, swan, eider or duck). The tag of such a product should be marked "down". But such a mark is extremely rare. Often, down jackets are filled with down and feathers, in which case the tag will contain the inscription - "feather". It is these downy products that require special care and delicate handling during washing.

Not only down jackets require careful handling, but also outerwear filled with other heaters that are of a synthetic nature of origin:

So general rules down jacket washing will be quite relevant for owners of other insulated winter jackets.

Down jackets require special care

Basic rules for washing a down jacket

    Before you start washing your down jacket, you need to clear all pockets, valves and cuffs of small debris, parts and other things. This can be done with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

    All buttons, zippers and rivets must be fastened so that during washing they do not deform, and their parts cannot ruin the down product. Some models of down jackets are made quilted in order to more securely fix the down. Before you start washing such a jacket, it is best to stitch open the seams so that later wet fluff does not move through other cells.

    Some particularly soiled areas are best treated with a stain remover or solvent before washing the entire down garment. In this case, it is imperative to pay attention to the material from which the down jacket is sewn, so as not to accidentally spoil it or damage the integrity of the fabric.

    Before you start washing a downy product, you need to find a label on the inside of the down jacket, which indicates the recommended temperature for washing. Experience has shown that it is best to follow the instructions and take into account the temperature, as higher temperatures can significantly affect the quality of the wash and the plastic fittings of the product.

    To clean the down jacket from stubborn dirt, you can only use soft brushes and foam sponges.

    It should be noted that down belongs to materials with a fine-mesh structure, which retains water well and, accordingly, all detergents, therefore, for a better washing result, the down jacket must be rinsed several times.

    It is also worth considering that to give the material from which the down jackets are sewn, special protective properties, it is impregnated with a special solution, which is gradually washed out with each subsequent wash.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

Apart from their positive characteristics fluff also has a number of negative ones, such as:

    the ability to accumulate dust,

    crumple when wet,

    absorb water and detergents well,

    hold water and sms for a long time.

Therefore, before you start washing a down jacket in a washing machine, you must remember that:

    Only one down jacket can be loaded into the washing machine.

    Down products should be washed at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

    The down jacket should be washed only in delicate regime at low speeds.

    Before washing the down jacket, it must be turned inside out so that the feathers that tend to crawl out cannot spoil the appearance of the product. You also need to fasten all buttons, rivets and buttons.

    The spinning of the down product should take place at the lowest speed of the washing machine.

    Only special liquid synthetic detergents can be used to wash the down jacket.

The down jacket must be washed on a delicate cycle

Some models down jackets sold complete with special balls for washing, which, together with a down jacket, are placed in the drum of the washing machine. If such balls were not offered to you when buying a down jacket, then they can be replaced with the most ordinary balls for tennis. Even three or four balls in the drum of the washing machine will not let the fluff get off into lumps. The spinning process for your down item can be done with tennis balls.

Modern models of drum-type washing machines allow you to gently clean the down jacket from strong dirt. When washing a down jacket, no other things should be present in the machine drum, since fluff particles that get into the water have the ability to penetrate into the fabrics of other things, and their removal will take a lot of free time.

Why is it not recommended to use washing powder? The washing powder will not do any harm to your fluff, it is just very difficult to rinse it out of the small cells of the fluff. When using detergent, you just need to rinse the down jacket more thoroughly.

If your down jacket does not serious pollution, then it is not necessary to wash it in a washing machine, you can also resort to a more gentle method of cleaning - hand washing.