Making the last call at 11. An interesting variant in the style of Harry Potter. Original ideas for the Last Call script

Smiles on faces, white bows, bells on the uniform and ribbons with the proud inscription "Graduate" - all these are invariable attributes last call in our schools. Add to all of the above a solemn line and an interesting entertainment program and get one of the brightest and most memorable school holidays in a year. But this May day becomes especially memorable and important for graduates of grades 9 and 11. The last call for them is not just a symbolic holiday, announcing the end of another school year. This is the day when they leave the walls of their native school forever ... This farewell can be truly colorful and memorable good script to the last call, ideas for which you will find in our today's article.

Last call: script for grade 9

Let's start, perhaps, with ideas for the last call of the ninth graders. It’s hard for them to say goodbye to the school bench, because in fact they plunge into adulthood two years earlier than their peers who decide to get a complete secondary education. What should be their last call? Probably the most dynamic and bright, and one that will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, unusual and modern ideas. For example, you can hold a last call based on a popular movie or video game. Required condition have a good holiday - the script for the last call should be filled with cheerful musical numbers with the participation of high school students. It is also worth taking care of beautiful congratulatory words for teachers and parents who have been around all the difficult school years.

Last Call Script Idea #1: Graduates of the Year

The scenario is based on the awards ceremony for graduates. In this version, the last bell can also be renamed the "Golden Bell" (similar to the "Golden Gramophone") or "Farewell Festival". During the festive line-up, the hosts announce different nominations and award the winners with commemorative certificates and ribbons. The number of nominations must match the number of ninth-graders who leave the school. The names of the nominations must also correspond to the nature and distinctive features their winners. For example, the most cheerful student can be awarded the title of "Mr. Always positive", and the most active athlete - "Mr. Future Olympic Pride". As if in confirmation of the deserving of their title, each winner must demonstrate his talent with his own eyes. It could be short skit, touching congratulations, song or humorous number.

Idea #2 for Last Call Scenario: Star Factory

At the heart of this scenario for the last call is the well-known project for finding talented performers - "Star Factory". Rather, its adapted to the school theme, version. The essence of the scenario is as follows: the presenters position the ninth-graders as graduates of the school of talents. Especially for each of them, a small “dossier” is being prepared, which lists all the main achievements of the graduate over the past 9 years of study. It can be both true facts and fictitious, but it is necessary funny stories. For example, for a graduate known for his mischievous character, you can make something like the following dossier: “During the nine years of study, I managed to break windows - 3 pieces, visit the principal’s office -10 times, disrupt lessons - 4 times, etc.». Each dossier should be small, but as capacious as possible. Also, the voiced information can be duplicated on beautifully designed paper and handed to each graduate as a keepsake. In addition, graduates are awarded special ribbons with the inscription "Star Graduation of the Year". Ninth-graders, in turn, prepare numbers and congratulations, in which they demonstrate their talents and skills to all guests of the holiday.

Last Call Scenario Idea #3: Alien Visitor

On the holiday of the last call, quite by accident, an unusual guest gets. This foreigner did not come from another country or continent. He is a guest from a distant friendly galaxy, who decided to get to know the traditions and culture of earthlings closer. The task of the ninth graders is to tell the unusual guest what the last bell is and why children go to school at all. To do this, graduates show interesting scenes, sing sincere songs, read beautiful poems and dance incendiary. You can also organize an excursion into the past for an alien using a clip edited from school videos and photos of past years. At the end, when the acquaintance mission is completed and the guest is about to return home, the graduates offer him to do a joint flash mob - a bright dance that should definitely be recorded on video.

Last call: script for grade 11

The last call for eleventh graders is really sad holiday. Now the sound of the school bell for them will be just an echo years learning that evokes mild nostalgia and brings back fun memories from class life. Now the proud title of "11-A" or "11-B" will be worn by other students who will have to carry a worthy image of high school students all year. Now teachers will not read notations, control ones will cause fear, and parents will scold for bad marks. Now everything will be different and the eleventh graders, as if trying to absorb every moment of the holiday, always try to make this last call bright and interesting. Namely, they use unusual ideas for a memorable script for the last call. For example, such as we have selected for you below.

Idea #1 for Last Call Scenario: Back to USSR

Probably, if you ask any passer-by what he associates with a festive line dedicated to the last call, he will certainly mention white bows and aprons of graduates. Someone can count the school uniform of the times Soviet Union outdated, someone, on the contrary, perceives it as the best example of student clothing. Nevertheless, year after year, graduates of millions of schools across the country choose this particular form in order to hold their last call. So why not use this lucky dress code as a themed last call outfit?

The idea of ​​the script is to transfer the graduates and guests of the line to the atmosphere of the school Soviet years. Ideally, you can rummage through school archives or on thematic sites and look for real scenario the last call of past years. By removing the ideological part from it and adapting it a little to modern youth, you can get a very interesting option. It is also important to take care of the dress code: girls must be in traditional festive uniform with bows, guys are dressed in dark suits and white shirts. On the festive line itself there should be a lot balloons and flowers. The scenario of the last call should include dances and songs of the Soviet era. And it can be like original lyrics, and songs-alterations on modern motif. At the end of the nostalgic holiday, you can bury a time capsule in which each of the graduates will put some memorabilia. It will be possible to get this capsule only after 20 years, when the whole class will gather at the reunion of graduates.

Idea No. 2 for the last call scenario: Experts lead the investigation

The original script for the last call can be written using the images of famous detectives - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. As you might guess, their appearance at the festival will be associated with the unraveling of the mysterious case of the disappearance of important attribute- School bell. Using their famous deduction method, as well as the help of graduates, the detectives conduct an exciting investigation, which leads them to the "criminal". The role of suspects can be: students of grade 10 who are in no hurry to part with their older comrades; class teacher who does not want to say goodbye to his graduation class; graduates themselves, striving to extend at least a little their last day of school. In general, there can be many options and the scenario itself is quite universal. The main thing is to find worthy performers of the main roles of Sherlock and Watson, who will be able to adequately lead the whole holiday. If there is any doubt that one of the students will cope with this task, you can always resort to the help of professionals - animators and actors of local theaters.

At the end of the investigation, the brilliant detective still figures out the kidnappers, who turn out to be the graduates themselves. Their act is explained by the reluctance to say goodbye to their beloved school. Therefore, in order to cheer up and support the eleventh graders, teachers and parents sing a beautiful and touching song in their honor.

Idea No. 3: Last call based on fairy tales

Another interesting and non-trivial option is a script for the last call, written based on well-known fairy tales. The usual similar option is chosen for graduation in kindergarten and primary school. A fairy tale plot is well suited for a small audience and helps to get through the story more easily. sad parting with your favorite teacher / first teacher. But for graduates of the 11th grade, the fairy-tale theme works just as well. Firstly, both adults and children love fairy tales. And, therefore, the last call based on fairy tales will be well received by all participants of the holiday. Secondly, the personalities of the characters and heroes are well known to everyone, so they require minimal effort to get used to the character. And thirdly, by transforming into fairy tale characters, graduates can feel like carefree children for the last time. As for the plot itself, most often at the last call, situations are played out in which negative characters who were not invited to the holiday are trying to spoil the celebration. They play dirty tricks and try to break the line, but in the end, with the help of goodies and the graduates themselves, they manage to come to an agreement with evil forces and save the holiday.

Scenario line "Last call 2015"

The author of the script is the class teacher of the MBOU "Ushakovskaya secondary school"
Art teacher Spitsina Lyudmila Ivanovna

The last call is always a touching, exciting event, not only for school graduates, but also for parents and teachers. For graduates, these are hopes, anxieties, plans for the future. For parents - the realization that their children have matured and that the usual rhythm of life is about to change, for teachers - farewell to dear people in which they invested so much mental strength how much they have invested in their own children.
The script has average level complexity of preparation and staging.
This material will help to make the school holiday bright, emotional, memorable. It is intended for class teachers of 11 classes, head teachers of educational work, to everyone who creates such holidays for schoolchildren.
Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities:
- develop horizons and Creative skills students;
- to rally a cool team, to instill faith in each graduate in their future;
-bring up respectful attitude to the traditions of the school, teachers, parents.
Conduct form: musical and literary composition.
Music about the school sounds, construction is underway. Fanfare.
Reader 1: Today is a holiday - joyful, cheerful:
A difficult, long school year is over.
The guys did not come to the lesson at school -
Hear the call for the holidays.
Reader 2.Day today is unusual
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the lesson for the last, farewell,
Graduation class is off!
Reader 1.May day plays on the line,
The breeze gently whispers in the foliage,
Seeing off their pets on the way,
The school will give them the last call!
Reader 2.There will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bguests to worry,
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of stormy applause
We welcome...
Together. GRADUATES!!!
Reader 1: And this holiday, as always, is the last
For those who are the oldest among us.
Reader 2: Applause! Marching victorious
Graduates of the 11th grade.
(music sounds graduates come out)

Presenter1: Meet at our star track- Grade 11 with their class teacher Spitsina L.I. The most important are talented, creative and hardworking graduates!
Host 2: So it has come for you - our glorious graduates - your finest hour!

You yourself have become, albeit not the biggest, but already stars in our school sky.
Presenter 1: Each of you for 11 school years turned from a tiny spark into bright star.
Lead 2: And among you there is not a single star similar to each other, because you are very individual and unique.
Presenter 1: Our today's holiday, albeit not fully, but still will show your skill and talent.
Presenter2: School! Attention! Solemn line"Last Call 2015" is declared open.
Presenter1: A word about the reading of the order for the school on the admission of 11th graders to state exams provided to the principal of the school Matshin V.N.
Reads the order.
Presenter2: At our celebration today there are guests of honor:
Presenter 1: Dear graduates!
How cute are you today
With a smile, great mood!
And on this day, important and solemn,
Let words of welcome sound in your honor!
The floor is given by ROO________________
Presenter2: Graduates!
Understand all your emotions, worries,
You have become adults, congratulations!
Let life, consisting of impressions,
Will give you the future and the present!
The floor for congratulations is given by the director of the Central Chemistry Institute Zherdev M.N.
Congratulation of honored guests _______________________________________________
Presenter1: I remember when you first
Here in these walls the school entered,
Your first teachers
You were escorted to first class with a smile
Presenter2: They were like second mothers to you.
They carried good, protected from evil.
Today they will accompany
Those who once met here
Leading: The word for congratulations is provided by the first teachers of our 11th grade Ledovskaya I.I.
Performance of the first teachers.

Issue 1. And if you remember that farewell day,
In the fifth grade, moving on,
We promised everyone something
And what, we don’t remember, we, friends!
Issue 2: And with such naughty
We used to be with you
And sometimes there were grievances
But insults are forgotten
- They told us then
(The class teacher comes out, says the words)
Nothing - everything is nonsense, your whole life is ahead of you, the main thing is you, hope and wait!
Dear graduate, you will always remember the years spent in it,
All those who have invested in you their knowledge, skills, a piece of their soul.
I want to say one more thing, thanks to the heart that it is given to never know peace.
And remember, in your heart, your students, all so different forever!
Issue 1: What are the birds singing about today?
What did the breeze whisper in the morning?
Issue 2: What event will happen at school?
What is our holiday?
Together: Last call!
Issue 1: What happens in the spring at school?
Something changes suddenly.
Issue 2: It's just that this childhood is leaving us forever.
And it doesn't come back.
Issue 3: And now, let's indulge in sweet, intoxicating, fabulous memories.
Where did it all begin?
Composition "Childhood"

Graduates (play hopscotch, skipping rope, ball, dolls, bicycle) fit first graders and read in pairs with first graders:
Graduate: Now it's time to say goodbye to school, but I still remember my first steps in it.
Graduate: The first call, our first class, the first school friends and the first teacher.
Graduate: We tried very hard then: we wrote beautifully in copybooks, put numbers in notebooks in a box, expressively recited poems and sang songs loudly at music lessons.
Graduate: Then everything began to spin, flew, and now 11 years have passed faster than one lesson. We are already graduates.
Graduate: We were so eager to become adults that we didn’t even notice how we became adults, and now we don’t want to say goodbye to the school desk, blackboard, textbooks and our class at all.
Graduate: So I want to shout: stop a moment! But time is relentless. We rushed him
urged, rather, rather, making a huge mistake, because childhood cannot be returned.
Graduate: Until you become adults, you need to enjoy every minute that gives us Wonderland- the country of our Childhood. On the doorstep adulthood let's try to look back at our childhood country, while it is visible in the smallest details.
we give you, first graders, our toys, our childhood toys

Cl. hand: Attention! Attention! Attention! Begins solemn ceremony initiation into a graduate of 2015. You, dear graduates, need to go through "fire", "water" and "copper pipes". Pass through the fire - pass through the trials given to us by God. The Lord tests our deeds with fire; if the basis of deeds is straw, then the deed will burn. You must always make the right foundations and take care of yourself so that you can be gold, and so that the fire does not burn you.
Water is also a type of difficulty when tears flow. Everyone goes through fire, but few go through water. But often we have to endure some kind of hardship in order to achieve more. You can also compare water with such situations when you are "overwhelmed" and you are forced to stay afloat.
Copper pipes, air initiation, you gain magical properties is a test of glory. The hardest. Humility test. The one who passed will be given even more, and the one who failed the test will slide down to the beginning. Go ahead, dear graduates, overcome all trials and difficulties, be persistent and courageous! (being tested)

"Elements" unfold in a line behind the graduates, read poetry)
1. The last call is a farewell to childhood.
The last call only rings once.
You will leave school with a huge inheritance,
That shines with knowledge from intelligent eyes.
2. Last call, how sad it is.
The last call is the crown of happiness.
You didn't come to school by chance.
And know that life is not over yet.
3. The last call is just the beginning,
For those who are sure that they know their way.
And let your childhood already resound,
You can look into your future.
Leading: The right to tie a graduate's ribbon is granted to the teaching staff of the class.

Teachers read poetry to graduates.
1. There are many roads in life
And falls in it and rewards.
But who could finish school,
He is no longer afraid of obstacles!
2. You go bolder forward,
Fearing neither winds nor bad weather,
Success in life is definitely waiting for you all,
There will be time for tears and for happiness!
3. Say goodbye to the school tomorrow
A fighter will rush you through life,
But don't forget one thing:
School is your first teacher in life!
Leading: When there are many children in the family, the mother is called a heroine. In our school family with Lyudmila Ivanovna, this is the 3rd graduation. "Medal of graduation 2015" is presented by the director of the school Matshin V.N.

Salute sounds in your honor (From both sides, parents release firecrackers)

Cl. hand: My dears! Here comes the last call! Eleven times you stood on this line, seeing off graduates from school, and today, looking at the stairs of classes, you remember what you were like on each of the steps!
Moderator: The floor is given class teacher 11 grade song performance
(to the tune of "Snow")

Like a flock of white doves
Upward childhood will be carried away
But let it be in the stream of days
Will return to you in my thoughts
And let all troubles take away
Your dove is white-winged
You continue your flight
May he be happy!
Reciprocal musical congratulations class teacher.

Issue 1: Dear, our beloved mothers and fathers! So we finished school. Everyone says they have matured a lot. But for you, we are still small, helpless, and you worry, worry about how we will behave in a new life. Be calm, folks! We won't hurt you. Neither you nor our teachers will have to blush for us!
Issue 2: Eleven years at school we studied -
Learned and seen a lot here
But it is unlikely that we would have achieved such victories,
Whenever our parents help us.
Issue 3: They may not have solved the problems
Perhaps in algebra and chemistry are weak,
But with all our hearts we were protected
From failure, from laziness, from the blues.
Issue 4: And now they look excitedly
On matured, grown up guys
And we have our parental word
At a solemn moment, they want to say.
Vedas: On behalf of all parents of the 11th grade, the floor is given by Chaplygina I.V. and Denisova N.V.

Rod.1: Dear our children! We, your parents, are probably more worried than you today, because today you are saying goodbye not only to school, but also flying out of the warm parental nest. What lies ahead for you? What dangers lie in wait for you, what obstacles will you meet on your way? Or will it be a dizzying success?
We want you to overcome all obstacles with honor, while remaining decent and generous people.
Rod.2: Dear teachers! You are always in your work,
In the chores you are children's and dreams.
All your efforts and cares
Our children will embody in their affairs. Thank you very much!
Moderator: Dear graduates!
Everyone is in a lot of excitement today.
Today everyone wants to congratulate you!
And really asks to come here on stage
Our youngest is first class!!!
I invite to us here the smallest residents of our school - first-graders.

Sounds music "Bells"
Once we were given a microphone -
Let him not shut up.
We will miss you.
But our hour will come.
3. We, friends, give the word
That we won't let you down.
What good kids!
Well, where else can you find them?
5. Everyone loves to study and listen to mom,
And they eat porridge without leaving a single gram.
And there are among them who, imagine, do not smoke,
Who cleans the class and is often on duty.
You didn't forget about the form:
Rivets shine on jeans
Lipstick, rings have become the norm -
All suitors are looking at you.
I don't resent you
Even though I'm not big now
I will grow up and I will
Called "Alumnus"
2. You were an example for us,
Maybe even a lighthouse.
Personally, I will be proud
The one who knew you.
4. We envy you sometimes,
that you finished studying
But we feel a little sorry for you -
That sort of thing won't happen again.
More often you come to us
We will always be glad to see you.
And your last call at school
Never forget.
But cry in this bright hour
No, we won't let you
For you, for you and only for you
Now we will arrange something.
(First graders sing a song to the tune of “WWW”.)
1. Well, you finished school, which institute should you go to?
Patience, good luck, luck on your way!
Chorus: Pass the exam well! Get the highest score! (2 times)
2. And we envy you very much! We have come to accompany you
There is no urine to study, we have another 10 years to plow!
Chorus: To take the exam, get the highest score!
(Give bells to graduates.)
Today's line will also be the last for many ninth graders.
We invite 9th grade graduates to present the Ribbon. The right to tie ribbons is granted to the teaching staff of the classes.

1. The day has come to say goodbye to school
And the ninth year ended.
And from here the fun path
Our childhood will be gone forever.
2. Leaving, take with you on the road
The most cherished dream
About relatives mental anxiety,
Warmth, care, kindness.
3. We want to make a promise to you
Do not forget this moment, this hour.
Our school at the time of parting
Everyone will say: "Thank you!" - now.
4. For meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -
We couldn't live without it.
Our school: goodbye to you
Today we say "Thank you!"
Words of parting words and congratulations are given to the director of the Children's School of Art U-Yun-Fu I.V.
Leading: Dear graduates, now you have the opportunity to congratulate your teachers!
Giving flowers to teachers
Dear eleventh graders, accept the congratulations of those who brought you to the first line, 2005 graduates.

Leading: And now, by tradition, the floor is given to graduates of the school.
Alumni speech
Graduate: Today we say goodbye to school. And from now on, we ask you to consider the 10th grade as the head of the children's life in our school! Please take a seat in class 11.
Graduate 1: 10th grade, to hand over the school space to your hands, are you ready?
10th grade (in chorus). READY!
It's not worse to be small!
Should be better!
And you will always be faithful to the school!
2. Swear to protect her, praise her everywhere!
In the region, in the region and throughout the country!
3. And so that you become full-fledged owners of the school, we solemnly hand over to you this school treasury, which stores our memories and wishes for our entire school.

4. A sheet of light and dark paper (so as not to forget that learning is light, and ignorance is darkness).
5. Balloons (to remember that there is always a place in life ... for a holiday).
1. A set of colors (to remember: the brightness of life is in your hands; what you color is what you get).
2. Diary (as a reminder that no matter how much the rope twists, there will still be an end, well, in terms of regular interaction between the family and the school)
3. Spare box of chalk (to keep in mind that the teacher may also need
your help and support)
4. Boot covers (to keep our school house clean) and a Pemolux bank (for violators)
5. This postcard (but simply because it is beautiful).
1. And, finally, the calendar, where February 6 is marked - the day of the Evening of the meeting with the graduates (so as not to forget that we will be back)
Good luck! We'll meet in six months to see if we made a mistake in entrusting the school to you.
(Graduates read out and hand over to the representative of the 10th grade.)

Presenter 1: Answer word given to 10th graders.
(Response word of the 10th grade.)
1. We understand you, we will do everything ironically!
Listened to you, everything is reasonable, useful!
- On the way - we collected the road, we knitted knots for you.
- We give you memorable knots,
Yes, not simple, but with a hint and a sentence.
- We put the chalk so that they don’t forget the school, but remember it kindly.
- Rusk, since bread is the head of everything,
Strengthen Silushka, and satisfy your hunger on the road.
- We give a medal - a chocolate bar so that the road is not bitter,
So that things argue on the exam.
- And so that the teeth do not become dull on the stone of knowledge, so that they become white and healthy -
The orbit lies in a bundle, your breath will freshen.
- You accept our bundle, and keep it as a keepsake.
He will be a reminder of what he was, yours school house.
- May this wonderful day be remembered forever.
We say goodbye to you. Good luck, success, friends!
Cake - will sweeten the bitterness of parting!

Class hands Dear graduates, in your school life there were different moments: difficulties, failures, that from the relatives of the black cloud (heavy music sounds, dance-raven)

- And ahead - dark, dark, and ahead - an ambush.
- And ahead ... But anyway - you need to continue to study!
Were you taught to be birds? Birds soaring over the sea
Birds with magical faces - pure, tall and proud.
- A flying carpet across the blue sky: fluffy wings, a beautiful pattern.
- If you want higher, if you want faster - command, do not be afraid,
Fly and look!
- And how many of you are still ahead! What are you afraid of on the free path?
Think rain, think snow!
- Thunderstorm for a minute, and the sun for a century!
- Let it be a warm ray and a clear spark in silence
- Let the graduates be remembered for a long time! (Dance group chases away the "crow")

Sounds like fabulous music
In every house, there is a guardian angel, meet your School Guardian Angels, they protected you, followed your successes and failures, successes, your victories.
On the tunes they go along the line with balls.

They take graduates by the hands, graduates stand on their "stars", take balloons with ribbons of wishes from them.

Angels: The ball is a symbol of childhood, with which you are parting today ...
The ball is your deepest dream...
Make a wish and may it come true...
So release your dreams, so release your hopes...
And may they come true!

Traditionally, the last bell at the school is organized by the eleventh-graders themselves - it is they who choose the form of the celebration, the storyline of the entertainer, prepare the main concert numbers and congratulations to the teachers.

The success of this holiday largely depends on how accurately the chosen plot fits into the specific school situation of specific graduates. Other people's brilliant jokes and the script will remain strangers if they do not overlap with the traditions and relationships that have developed at the school.

And one more secret: the chosen scenario should be liked, first of all, by graduates, and then the Last Bell will sound like magical music for everyone!

Most best option- take as a basis the idea you like or finished script and fill it with your content by changing, omitting or adding something. We offer a choice of several ideas for the last call scenario.

1. Original ideas for the Last Call script.

Life in our country is constantly changing, and we are changing with it. Many modern graduates, savvy in television and media shows, want something unusual or stylized as a certain program or movie as a plot for their last call holiday.

It is no coincidence that awarding them various nominations, prizes, etc. has become a very popular form of congratulating teachers. So, by analogy with the annual Golden Gramophone award, the plot of congratulating teachers . It is also very dynamic, modern and unobtrusive, all the moments traditional for the last call are inscribed in such a plot as "A movie is being shot" - you can see it in the document:

Of course, the classic presentation with beautiful touching verses and dedication songs to each teacher, this is a wonderful and proven way to hold such events, but if the release is active, artistic and creative, they will feel cramped within this framework. How Alternative option can be taken as a basis for KVN-ki entertainer and concert numbers as a gift, as in "Journey to hot-air balloon' by adjusting it to your liking.

In the "Journey to the Island" scenario, the theme of adventure is revealed in a more traditional way. And graduates who are "obsessed" with IT technologies will most likely like the idea of ​​​​holding the Last Call in computer style, as an example, we advise you to look at the script "Supersite School".

(to download - click the file)

It is better to decide which plot to choose by majority vote, because it may turn out that the idea associated with, for example, any of the popular shows on television will win: "Minute of Glory", "Dom-2", "Star Factory" or a parody show. If it is interesting for graduates, why not, because in any story you can include traditional greetings for kids, and words of gratitude to teachers and parents, and touching words farewell.

2. The idea of ​​the script "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and

Doctor Watson."

A very winning idea is to hold the last call in the style of any popular movie, for example, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson."

Let the main intrigue be that famous detectives are investigating what event they managed to be on. Such naive ignorance can be explained by the fact that our heroes are English and are not familiar with Russian school traditions.

Detectives appear only after the high school students, to the sound of fanfare, enter the hall and line up on the ruler. Visiting guests, as it were, break into the planned order of the holiday. It will look plausible if the school administration itself - the director, the head teachers - play along with Holmes and Watson, saying that they will deal with them later, but for now let the detectives stand on the sidelines.

It is best if the detectives stand at the opposite end of the hall from the director and head teacher: this way the event will have two “poles”. The administration will set the official tone, the guests from England will give their comments.

We advise you to make the person of the director himself the first “evidence”: Holmes says that he has data on this person. He reads them out: “A teacher by profession ..., she / he is the mother / father of school experiments. The character is balanced, persistent. Vigilant, merciless to violators of cleanliness and order, has a sharp ear and an authoritative voice. Sees all, hears all, knows all." So the assumption is born that this is the head of this institution.

As if confirming his conclusion, the director read out the order for the admission of children to the exams.

This is followed by a performance by the first-graders, which focuses on the idea of ​​growing up quickly. The detectives conclude that the assembled youth once dreamed of the same thing. The parents' lyrical speech about the transience of time gives a hint that young people have reached a certain milestone in their lives.

The performance of the eleventh-graders with a comic oath of fidelity to the precepts of their “senior comrades” is a reason to assume that those gathered in the hall are leaving their native land. In general, any concert number or a performance should encourage Holmes and Watson to think that they are graduates. And the traditional procession of first-graders with a bell makes them think that for these teenagers school bell sounds for the last time.

Well-recognized phrases from the film, well matched to the plot of the entertainer, will create an atmosphere of humor and light sadness, which, against the backdrop of the solemnity of the moment, will be a very good shade.

Holiday script Last call in the style of your favorite cartoon "In the footsteps of Bremen town musicians"you can see .

When organizing this holiday, one should not forget that in addition to the solemn and official component, the last bell at school is also a symbol of farewell to childhood, and therefore it is quite possible to “invite” the heroes of fairy tales or books beloved from childhood to the role of presenters. Here are some ideas on how this can be implemented:

3. Script Idea" The little Prince".

To have a holiday with the storyline associated with the work of Exupery, you need to think carefully musical accompaniment. It will be great if the graduates at the beginning of the holiday are met not only by their parents and teachers, but also by the characters from Exupery's fairy tale: the Rose, the Fox, the King and, of course, the Little Prince - such a reception will set a special mood from the very beginning.

Let such a last call open opening speech Prince, who will continue to lead the event in the manner and style of his hero.

Having set a course for such a reverent literary image, we suggest that you make the performance of couples engaged in ballroom dancing. After a beautiful waltz, it is appropriate to read a poem about strong friendship. Let it be a duet of the Prince and the Fox.

We advise you to anticipate the official speeches of the director and head teachers warm words about their merits, for example, from the lips of another character in the fairy tale - Rose.

But the stubborn King could well announce such numbers as the staged song of the first-graders "What they teach at school." It would be nice for graduates to receive a kind of greeting from ninth-graders, who are also faced with the problem of choosing their path - this idea can be played out in a small scene or sung about it in ditties.

4. The idea of ​​the script "The last call - farewell to childhood."

This option may also be a good idea - invite to
last call eleventh-graders of fairy-tale and cartoon characters from their childhood: Cheburashka, Thumbelina, ninja turtles, tin soldier, etc. And it is better to invite professional animators for these roles, who will take Active participation in the program and set the tone for the entire event.

It is these characters that are dear to any youthful heart, even at the entrance to the school, they will present graduates with badges in the form of bells, and then they will be taken to the assembly hall.

After the official greeting, you can arrange a small concert, just like in kindergarten. Why not? Invite high school students to remake in advance school theme different popular songs: one or two verses can be performed by each class.

cook humorous riddles about teachers, about first love or school life. For example, “In the white field, blue / Stretched lines. / And friends go under them, / Lead each other by the hand ”(alphabet and script).

An excellent entertainment moment can be a general round dance (or a round dance of those who wish, if there are more than 40 graduates). At the same time, we advise you to sing funny song from the cartoon Big secret for a small company” (“It's no secret that friends don't grow in a garden”). Also arrange a physical minute or fun starts. To do this, you need to call those who wish from the hall.

It is quite appropriate to give each class a letter with a comic inscription and wishes for excellent exams and a fun graduation. This will be a good end to the holiday.

If a fairy-tale plot is chosen, then it is also better to spend it in a fairy-tale style, to see how this can be done, we offer in this scenario:

(to download - click on the file)

5. The idea of ​​the script "Kidnapping the school bell".

In this case, start the holiday as it should be: a hymn, reading an order on admission to exams, good parting words from teachers. Suddenly, a noise passes through the “ranks” of the school administration: the director and the head teachers are talking, looking around. Let someone with a bewildered face run into the hall and loudly announce that everything is gone - the school bell has been stolen! Hence the whole drama: how to make a call last? We strongly advise at this moment to appear dressed up in costumes of all kinds of evil spirits and unceremoniously start the dance, simultaneously pestering the graduates.

Then the leader of the mummers must demand five (or as many as there are) "excellent students" as hostages, whom he will subject to various tests: dance the macarena, fight evil spirits in a tug of war, sing a famous excerpt from the opera under karaoke (for example, "The Heart of Beauties" from "Rigoletto" by Verdi).

So that the rest of the people do not get bored, the main villain can make them compose verses: give the beginning of the lines that need to be continued into rhyme (In our class ... / "Deuce" is the best ...).

With each completed task, there are fewer and fewer “devils striped” in the hall, then their crying leader gives the school bell.

Parents can also offer their ideas or come up with a couple of surprises for graduates (for example, invite artists or animators - for the solemn part or order a buffet, bowling, field trip - after it ends).

When organizing a holiday, try to make a quality mix of obligatory official ceremonies, established traditions and entertainment moments. The heroes of the occasion, along with the awareness of the importance of what is happening, should feel the atmosphere of the holiday, attention to themselves and, in turn, be sure to have time to say their words of gratitude to teachers and parents.

\ Scenarios of school holidays

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Scenario "Last call" in grade 11

Last call progress:

Head teacher
Class leaders.
First graders.
11th grade.

Posters with inscriptions: "The last call in 11th grade", "The last call is a step into adulthood!" First-graders line up opposite the 11th grade (7 people).

Oath of first graders:

We, who take over the baton from the great 11th Grades, We swear:

  • To resort to school for the first lesson with eyes burning with curiosity. We swear!
  • With a wolfish appetite, absorb all knowledge and not digest it to the End, so that there is no brake. We swear!
  • run along school corridor only In white slippers, without damaging the corridor linoleum. We swear!
  • We vow to turn our school cafeteria into a great McDonald's by the year 2000. We swear!
  • We swear to keep the fire of love and respect for teachers and administration, which you lit 11 years ago. We swear!
  • We swear never to light from this fire at recess after school. We swear!
  • We swear with dignity to convey the high title of "Student of the 194th school" until graduation, as the great 11th bequeathed. We swear!

First grader:Oath duty officer, passed the oath ...

Eleventh grader:I took an oath!

Answer word of the 11th grade:

We give you an order that you must strictly follow:

  • Don't forget to attend school daily!
  • Do not overdo it in gaining knowledge, remember: indigestion is dangerous for health, and there are as many as 4 of them in the brain.
  • Do not break the remnants of school equipment, bequeathed by us, but revive it in every possible way in school workshops under the guidance of highly respected Vladimir Alekseevich!
  • Boys, do not direct your fiery eyes to girls, but solely to knowledge for fire safety purposes.
  • Do not forget to unobtrusively spur knowledge that slowly fits into your head.
  • Do not forget to massively not attend school during the city, regional and republican Olympiads, in order to multiply the Olympic awards,
  • Do not incinerate your native teachers with love. Remember, their health is in your hands!
  • We, the great 11th, gratefully taking on our shoulders a great responsibility for your future, we undertake to come to school:

Greetings to teachers:

To the motive "How great that we are all gathered here today!

The bell rings confidently
Persistently, measuredly,
The hour of parting draws near
Eyes already in tears.
Well, what about us, dear,
native teachers,
There is no joy in life without you
Where are we without you?
Here we grew up as uncles,
Our girls are girls.
At least get married.
And it's so nice to feel
What is in the world
The people who love us
And we will not be forgotten!
And the joys and troubles we
Lived like a moment
Although there were problems
But this is nonsense.
Grigorievna, beloved,
Although sometimes grumbling,
But we know that substitute
Your shoulder always!
Thank you for your knowledge
Patience, attention.
But the main thing is science
-You gave your passport to life.
So stay healthy forever
May God give you strength and courage,
So that in a year we are with you
Gathered here too!

Congratulations - cartoons to teachers:

  1. Administrations:
  2. Humanities teachers:

Music: Weather in the house.

What is the outlook for school today?
With whom is our director now at odds?
I think, "Oh, Lord, have mercy.
To keep me out of his eyes..."
Most importantly, the administrator
Everything else is nonsense!
After all, there is an order, which means (2 times)
Why everyone sit here until the morning!

Music: Sandpit Generals.

I started learning Russian at school,
But understand nothing.
History is my second mother,
But I don't understand her.
Literature is my mother again,
But I don't understand her
When I decided to receive a medal,
I quickly, quickly began to understand
And I want to thank you!

Give flowers

3. Teachers of the physical and mathematical cycle:

Music: Help me.

You talked about integrals
So boring, so long
But still, we grasped the essence of this knowledge a long time ago.
You scared us with hydrostatics, nuclear physics,
But through scientific thorns
We broke anyway!
help me help me
Pass mathematics with physics.
And not just, oh not just
And we want to get five!

Give flowers

4. Teachers of the natural cycle:

Music: Everything is gloomy.

We can pollinate all the flowers in the meadow
And we can pour H2O into a test tube.
We can open our island in the ocean
And the stars go far, far (2 times)
Thank you teachers....

5. ACH:

This service is so dangerous and difficult in its own way,
ACHCH in the common people is called it.
Without it, unwashed windows, ugly floors,
And all breakfasts, lunches - like transcendental dreams.
And today, as a prayer, we tell you, without melting,
All great health and wonderful life!!!

6. Dedicated to the first teacher:

All our lives we will remember how, without melting a smile,
You returned us a notebook where there was no mistake,
How grieved were you when, though rarely,
You owe us a bad mark.
We were children, and sometimes, alas. did not notice
In your eyes kind eyes worries and sorrows.
We thank you for everything, for us
You are always the first
We thank you!

7. Teachers of physical education, life safety, labor:

Music: Carrier.

Only the bell rings for our favorite lesson
-And the physical education teacher is on the way,
We run out of their schools with all our might,
And try you just catch up with us:
Well, faithful girlfriend, ancient physical education,
Help me get slimmer
Make legs strong and movements accurate
Help us, Eugene!

OBJ teacher:

Someone came down the stairs
This is our Vitaly.
He drives us and drills us,
He creates patriots.

Labor teacher:

We are not joiners and we are not carpenters, yes,
But with instruments on "you",
And we are excellent workers, yes,
We will tighten the bolts for you all!
Long live Vladimir Alekseevich,
the most Vladimir Alekseevich from
all Vladimirov Alekseevich in the world!!!
We can sew and cook cool,
You taught us that easily.
And how there will be no mathematics, yes,
We will be hostesses! Thank you!

(Giving flowers)

Rhythm and vocal teachers:

Music: Smokey.

We were nothing: neither sing nor dance,
Couldn't move a hand or foot
But time passed. thanks for that
What artists have become, we are filmed even in films.
Now everyone dances and sings beautifully!
Thank you for everything you have given us
And the city knows us thanks, thanks, thanks to all of you!
We are talented, but if not for you.
Then we would have left Siberian felt boots!

(Giving flowers.)

A 11th grade student reads a poem to all teachers:

Oh, school, my cradle, has anyone loved you like me?
Your trampled flower beds, your broken door,
Your tattered cards, how will we be without them now?
How I love to read the notes written on the corners
Throw papers and notes or leave them here on the tables.
Oh, school, school, I won't forget
The rubbish that, without shaking off at the entrance
Bring to class my friends!
Yes. The story of the school comes to a close.
Chapters have been written, dreams have been examined,
Already, not relying on someone's clues,
We must solve all problems ourselves.
Not every path will be smooth
Not all trials will be easy
And life lies before us like a notebook,
In which there are no lines yet.
Time, unfortunately, is fleeting,
Year after year, ten years flew by,
And childhood has departed from us forever,
Leaving a good mark in my memory!

Parents 11 "A":

We, the parents of one of the great 11th - 11 "A", on this solemn day would like to impromptu give you a well-rehearsed song. To a song from the movie "It was in Penkovo" - "There is no hiding, no hiding in the village."

Chorus: "Moscow in May"

With our school at the hour of parting
We decided to curtsy,
But they wanted before bowing,
We all tell you the truth now!
Chorus: Learned, powerful,
In general, pedagogical
physics matyuchaya,
You are a winning school!
We know the breakup is coming
The soul aches and the heart hurts
Tears are shed, but we really want
Give thanks to you!
Chorus: Friendly, athletic
With tasur kontaktyuchaya,
full of aesthetes,
Transmitting in everything!
Mathematics children are loaded,
Lobachevsky - something is already in everyone,
But that knowledge did not fall from the sky,
There is someone to salute us here!
Chorus: Learning, deciding
Generally decorative.
Singing, modest,
Sending everyone to Moscow.
Our cool - the coolest,
Mother, father she, godfather to us and matchmaker,
We are filled with gratitude.
But we are afraid to say out of place!
Fatherly strict.
Warming the heart of all!
The versatility of children is undeniable
Polished by your work.
Grateful Masses of Parents
They will repay you with a vengeance later.

From the audience: No, let's do it now, and with a carpet!

Chorus: Smart. tenacious,
Sores are not afraid
strong, mighty,
Kindred teachers!
Give a carpet

The script of the last call in 11th grade.

Kalmaeva E. N.,
deputy director of educational work of school No. 82,
Trofimov V.F.,
PhD in Physics and Mathematics Sciences
Seversk, Tomsk region

The end of the scenario of the last call in the 11th grade.


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