What to fold the New Year's gift box. Original ideas for packaging and decorating New Year's gifts with your own hands. Christmas frame for photography

New Year- a magical time for both children and adults, because everyone loves to receive gifts - regardless of age and profession. Someone prefers practical gifts, someone such that the soul rejoices, and someone likes the financial equivalent of attention. However, any New Year's gift requires colorful and vibrant packaging. Otherwise, what is the atmosphere of the holiday?

Modern styles in New Year's packaging

You can wrap a gift both in the store and at home. At the same time, it is not necessary to have special skills. This is especially true if there are a lot of presents: it is much more economical to buy a roll wrapping paper and a ribbon to decorate them beautifully for all family and friends.

At the same time, you can fully demonstrate your Creative skills and fantasy.

Red, green, gold and silver colors remain relevant for New Year's gift wrapping. But do not dwell only on them. The color can be any, if the symbols of the New Year are present in the ornament.

Look very interesting creative packaging in Eco-style from plain brown paper and even from newspapers. The main element of such a composition is decoration. It can be an unusual bow, rough burlap, linen ribbon or natural materials.

Spruce or pine branches, cones, simple twine, branches with berries can be used as decorative elements.

A cage or strip is also relevant.

The decor in the Retro style looks very unusual; it gives the gift a touch of solidity.

And here are the ideas in the Shabby chic style. Here are used pastel shades and soft shapes.

For decoration, you can use artificial materials, they can be purchased from the store for. These are artificial berries, Christmas trees, flowers and branches.

Scrapbooking materials are also useful - you can use paper cuttings and stamps with New Year's symbols.

You can decorate a gift and sign it by hanging such a tag on it.

Preparing to celebrate the New Year takes a lot of time. One of the most important issues, which needs to be solved in the pre-holiday bustle, is what to give and how to give. If many have already decided on the gift itself and even prepared it, then all that remains is beautiful packaging... In the article, we will consider how to beautifully pack a New Year's gift with your own hands. Below are a few options and ideas with a description.

Plain paper or burlap can be very stylish packaging. To wrap a gift beautifully, just wrap it in paper or burlap. You will get stylish and modern packaging... But you need to decorate the packaging decorative elements... For decoration, you can purchase scrapbooking kits and use decor from them.

You can decorate the package with a sprig of rowan or spruce, simply by tying it to a wrapped gift with jute rope or braid.

You can make a boutonniere and attach it to a wrapped gift. We make a boutonniere on a square of paper, sticking spruce branches and any decor on it.

If the wrapped gift has the shape of an elongated rectangle, then you can attach a pair of eyes and a smile to the package, tie or sew a cap and put it on the rectangle on one side.

You can decorate a gift wrapped in burlap or paper with winter mistletoe flowers. To do this, you need to cut out the flower details from red and green felt. Smear the edges of the parts with a golden outline on the fabric. Glue a flower from several red and green parts. You can make several of these flowers and place them on the package, fixing with glue. Glue a bead in the middle of each flower.

We decorate simple corrugated packages

One more stylish option how to beautifully pack a New Year's gift with your own hands - use ordinary cheap paper bags. But we will decorate them like New Year's.

To decorate the usual paper bag you can use one of the following options:

Option number 1

The package can be embroidered. To do this, glue a small piece of fabric, the size of the intended embroidery, on the inside of the bag. This will strengthen the paper and prevent it from tearing. Choose a pattern for embroidery. It can be a simple asterisk or a herringbone. Draw the outline of the pattern onto the bag. Then embroider along the contour. You can embroider with a simple line stitch only along the contour or embroider with satin stitch, filling the entire pattern.

Option number 2

You can also decorate the bag with a regular pattern. acrylic paints... To do this, choose a suitable motive, draw a sketch with a pencil and paint with acrylic paints. In this case, it is not necessary to dilute the paints with water, otherwise the paper of the bag may get wet.

Option number 3

Make a beautiful boutonniere with artificial spruce branches with decorative decoration... To do this, cut a square out of paper. small size... We will glue a boutonniere on it. Prepare twigs, small balls, bells, bows, or any other decor.

Glue twigs beautifully on a paper square so that they diverge from the center to different sides... After that, glue the prepared decor on top of the branches. Behind paper base Apply double-sided tape and attach the boutonniere to the bag in the center or near the handle.

Original types of packaging

For those who do not like traditional options and prefer interesting gifts and unusual packaging, we propose to consider the options given below.

Option number 1

Take a cut thick fabric, fleece or velvet napkin. Place the gift box in the center of the cut and tie a knot from the ends of the fabric diagonally and again diagonally. In the center of the knot, you can insert a flower or a sprig of spruce.

Option number 2

Take 2 sheets of corrugated packaging paper. Place your chosen gift in the middle. Sew star or boot paper around the gift. Cut off the excess. Thus, the gift will remain inside the stitched figure. To get a gift, you will need to break the packaging.

Packing of threads for knitting or knitwear

And here's how beautifully you can pack a New Year's gift with your own hands, using knitting threads and knitting needles. Let's describe two options.

Option number 1

Pack the gift in plain paper... You can use paper white, you can unbleached.

Tie the wrapped gift crosswise with threads in several layers.

Make a pair of pompoms out of these threads. To do this, take a ruler and wind the threads around it rather thickly, tie one side tightly with a thread, cut the other with small scissors.

Tie pom-poms to the ends of the string, from which tie a bow and attach to the middle of the gift.

You can complement the decoration with a couple of branches from an artificial Christmas tree.

Option number 2

For this option, you need to be able to knit. To wrap a gift, knit not wide scarf braids with stripes, tie around the gift, and attach a thread pompom to the knot.

Or, you can tie the packaging itself. To do this, you need to knit a rectangle of such width so that it can wrap around the gift box. The height should also be equal to the height of the gift and plus 5 centimeters.

Sew the edges of the rectangle and the bottom, place the gift in the resulting bag, connect the ends of the knitted package at the top and tie with a ribbon or braid.

We sew bags

Highly interesting option will homemade pouch for a gift. The easiest way to sew it is from felt. This material is quite simple to work with and looks like New Year's.

For the bag we need:

  • felt of different colors;
  • braid;
  • thread and needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • paper pattern of the details of the applique for the bag.

You need to think in advance what will be sewn on the bag. It can be a Christmas tree, a snowman, Santa Claus. It is not necessary to take complex applications, you can get by with a schematic Christmas tree or snowflake. Draw a pattern on paper so that the already beautiful, even contours of the details are applied to the felt. When everything is ready, let's proceed:

  1. Cut a rectangle out of the basic color felt equal to the intended width and height of the bag.
  2. Cut out all the details of the applique.
  3. On the front of the cut out pouch, sew the applique by hand or machine.
  4. Fold the bag in half and sew the edges.
  5. At the top of the bag, attach a loop of felt or tape.
  6. Pass the lace through the loop.
  7. Put the gift in a bag and tie the string.

The bag can be sewn like a regular rectangle, or it can be made in the form of a boot. You can also knit a similar bag with knitting needles.

If you wish, you can decorate the sewn or knitted bag with a small boutonniere made of artificial spruce twigs.

DIY gift boxes

One of the most convenient and presentable gift wrapping methods is boxes. Let's see how to beautifully pack a New Year's gift using handmade boxes.

Boxes can be made from dense colorful paper... Below are several options for Christmas boxes with schemes.

To make a box, take beautiful cardboard... You can use plain cardboard of any shade or pattern.

After that, any box can be decorated with a ribbon bow, boutonniere, an asterisk, a thread pom-pom or any decorative element.

The New Year is already very close, which means that you have already bought or are choosing gifts for your relatives with might and main. In any case, it's time to talk about how to beautifully pack a New Year's gift with your own hands. New Year is the most magical holiday per year, therefore packaging for New Year's gifts the appropriate one is needed.

Simple packaging methods

Let's start with the most simple options how to decorate and pack a gift with your own hands. The easiest one: buy wrapping paper New Year theme and ribbons or threads. Wrap the boxes with paper and tie beautiful bows or make woolen pom-poms. If there is no suitable wrapper: make prints in the form of trees, snowflakes, etc.

By the way, printing is easy to do at home with your own hands without money. You need to take a large potato, cut it in half and cut a figure on the cut of one of the halves necessary form... Then just dip the figure in paint the desired color and print. Or in glue, the print of which must then be sprinkled with sparkles.

Packaging for children

Let's not forget that new year is family celebration... Therefore, those who have children should definitely wrap a gift for a child in a special way.

In addition, you can involve children in decorating gifts. Of course, there is no need to show gifts to each other. Well, if you are preparing a gift from Santa Claus, then, of course, it is better to pack it separately. But the joint packing of "family" gifts can be made small family tradition... For children, you can print different New Year's figures: They will surely like to cut and paste or decorate them. In general, we look at a few photos of ideas on how you can easily pack gifts with children.

In addition to paper figures, you can use as an option plastic plate, felt, ribbons and buttons. Make, for example, a snowman's face - it turns out original.

Or cut into strips different sizes, decorate them to your taste and glue them in the form of a Christmas tree.

A box decorated with a double paper herringbone looks no worse.

Or you can make an interesting cardboard Christmas tree: you just need to cut out a cardboard isosceles triangle, which is glued over with threads.

In addition, you can use tubes to decorate the box: make snowflakes out of them or, again, Christmas trees. In addition to them, you can decorate the box with some kind of flat toy.

Or create jewelry out of fabric: Christmas balls etc.

True hostesses can pre-bake cookies, which are then used in gift wrapping.

In addition, you can wrap the box in plain paper and paint it with contrasting markers.

Plus, your kids will love the idea of ​​decorating the box in a Santa Claus or Santa style.

Original packaging

For those who have a lot of time good mood and an irresistible desire to create masterpieces. You can safely start creating original packaging. And let our collection serve as an inspiration. A spectacular box will turn out if you do not just tie a ribbon over the wrapping paper, but add spruce twigs, snowflakes and dried oranges to it.

Or use twigs with glued foam balls, which are pasted over with sparkles.

Cinnamon sticks. In addition, you can not only tie jewelry to the ribbon, but also glue them side by side. So you can tie cinnamon sticks in a bow, and glue next to artificial fruit and a bird.

Ordinary Christmas tree balls also look beautiful. Moreover, they can be fixed in different ways: strung on the main ribbon, tied to it with contrasting threads, or simply glued to the box.

You can work hard and create a difficult bow, but unusual composition using different ribbons and fabrics. In the center, again, glue the Christmas decoration.

Jewelry does not have to be bought in the store, you can make them yourself. Use paper, tape, etc.

Or make a beautiful snowflake from ordinary clothespins, paint it in suitable color and decorate her box.

You will get a magical package if you put a transparent lace bag made of fabric or paper over the wrapping paper.

In addition, colored feathers can be placed under the transparent wrapper - an unusual package comes out.

An equally magical gift will turn out if you use a grid in addition to ribbons.

Or here is such an original idea: a "fir" gift. Just cut small twigs and carefully glue the whole box with them, wrap this beauty with ribbon on top and tie a bow.

A masterpiece is also obtained from a simple twine: tightly wrap a gift with it and tie a couple of balls with a spruce twig. In my opinion, the result is brilliant.

You can beautifully pack a gift in paper with yours printed on it. family photos... It turns out not just beautiful christmas box, and a gift that carries a particle of your family happiness, warmth and just good memories.

If there is nowhere to print a photo poster of this format, you can simply glue small photographs or even print photographs and cut cards out of them.

By the way, a few words about cards: you can make beautiful mini postcards from the same paper that the box is wrapped in.

Or, using neutral wrapping paper for the box, you can work on an unusual New Year's card.

Another option for "warm" packaging: an old sweater.

In general, of course, as they say, the main thing is not a gift, and even more so not its packaging, you can decorate the box to a minimum.

Or make a bag of regular wallpaper, or even wrap the box in regular newspaper and just give a gift from the heart, I don't think that such a box will cause negative emotions in someone.

Remember, the main thing is not a gift, but attention. Happy New Year and Happy New Year to you!

Give each other nice presents- excellent new year tradition... It is important not only to choose a surprise that you like to a loved one, but also to package it effectively. How to do this, and what to use as a decoration? We found budget, but very creative solutions that will delight and surprise anyone.

Colored threads, textiles, buttons

Today it is fashionable to use for gift wrapping simple materials, which can be found in almost every home. For example, pieces of fabric, remnants of wallpaper, multicolored threads and even buttons.
Gifts wrapped in multicolored fabric... They do not even need to be decorated with something additionally. And you can make pom-poms from colored threads and hang them on a box with a gift, instead of a traditional bow. Or embroider images of stars and snowflakes on plain brown paper. Such decor can surprise friends and loved ones.

Parchment paper

Today, everything is natural and original in fashion. That is why it is important to decorate gifts in eco-style. To do this, you need the usual and parchment paper, and it is not necessary that it should be colored. It can be decorated with a pattern with New Year's motive, stickers, decals, sequins, cones, paper snowflakes, lace.

Burlap and jute

Gifts decorated with burlap or tied with a jute rope look very stylish and beautiful. You can find them in craft stores. Such packaging itself is attractive and self-sufficient, therefore it does not require additional decoration. If desired, it can be supplemented with a sprig of lavender or delicate embroidery.


To create beautiful winter mood spruce, yew or rowan branches are useful, Pine cones, dried lavender or chamomile flowers. These elements will be a great addition to the gift, make it very effective and, moreover, fragrant.

Festive mood

If there is no time for needlework, but you want to make your loved ones pleasant, then you can turn to traditional packaging. Use all kinds of holiday paper(which is sold today even in stationery stores), and complement the surprise with a bright satin ribbon... For greater solemnity, you can stop at a combination of golden and black shades, or a classic combination of white, red and green. There are no strict rules and restrictions, the main thing is that the process brings pleasant emotions the gift giver, and the packaging made the recipient of the gift happy.

The beautiful decoration of a New Year's gift is no less important than the gift itself. There is no shortage of choice in stores now gift wrapping for the New Year. But we advise you to take the time to make your own New Year's packaging. Original, exclusive packaging will make your gift special and unique. The person to whom you present your present will be doubly pleasant, because by spending time preparing a gift for him, you thereby show a special attitude towards him.

In this article, we will tell you how to make the original Christmas packaging for small gifts and sweets, how to make a New Year's box out of cardboard yourself. You will also learn how to wrap larger gifts, learn how to make New Year's wrapping paper yourself.

Packaging for small gifts and chocolates

1. New Year's packaging do it yourself (option 1)

Templates for miniature Christmas gift boxes can be downloaded from these links:

Print them on thick paper, cut them out. Make additional cuts along the dotted lines. Bend and fold the boxes. You do not need to glue them.

One more original solution for small gifts - do-it-yourself Christmas packaging from a matchbox. Paste over Matchbox colored paper or scrapbooking paper, make a New Year's applique on it.

2. New Year's gift wrapping (option 2)

Kids will love the idea of ​​making a candy-shaped Christmas wrapping for small gifts.

Beautiful congratulatory inscription can be done on New Year's packaging if you cut out every letter from some old magazine or advertising brochure. Letters should be of different sizes, colors, styles.

Templates for New Year's candy-shaped packaging with name plates can be downloaded from this website.

If you are going to give someone a bar of chocolate for the New Year, then do not be lazy to spend 15-20 minutes to turn it into a perky snowman. To do this, you just need to wrap the chocolate in White list paper and draw a snowman's face or make an applique from colored paper. A hat can be made from felt or an unnecessary glove.

Download ready template snowman wrappers for chocolates can be found at the link:

For a video instruction on how to make a Santa Claus wrapper, see. Note: at the beginning of the video you will have to wait a bit: ads.

3. How to make a gift wrapping with your own hands (option 3)

A balloon with a surprise is a very original and inexpensive way to make a gift for a child for the holiday. These balloons can be presented to all children who come to your child's birthday or for some other reason. It is even better not to donate, but to hide them in the apartment, and whoever finds which ball will receive it. It is not difficult to make a ball with a surprise; it is more difficult to choose a useful "filling" for it. Any small interesting gizmos, toys, high-quality sweets, for example: children's jewelry, wrist watch, hair clips, small cars or dolls, stickers, shells, beautiful stones, balloons, a mirror, a notebook, magnets, animal figures, cookies, sweets and much, much more. To make one ball, it will be enough to prepare 3-4 gizmos.

The surprises prepared in advance will need to be wrapped with ribbons of corrugated paper, so that in the end you get a cocoon in the shape of a ball with hidden gifts inside. The most valuable thing is best placed in the center of the ball. The process of making a ball with a surprise resembles an episode from the movie "The Diamond Hand", in which smugglers hid jewelry in plaster.

Finished ball you can decorate if you wish.

4. How to make New Year's packaging (option 4)

New Year's packaging for sweets, etc. pleasant trifle can be made from kraft paper. In this way:

If there is no craft paper, you can try to flash on sewing machine any other is enough thick paper... Or fasten the packaging with a stapler. Just remember to leave room to break the packaging.

Medium and large Christmas gift wrapping

1. Original packaging gifts. How to make a gift box with your own hands (option 1)

Krokotak.com also offers ready-made templates for New Year's gift wrapping.

And one more pretty christmas box with a snowflake. Assembly instructions at the link >>>> Template can be downloaded

2. How to pack a New Year's gift (option 2)

Another option to wrap a gift for the New Year is to wrap it in Kraft paper and then decorate it in an original way. For instructions on how to wrap a gift in paper, see.

How to decorate a New Year's gift, see below.

Using a hole punch, make confetti out of colored paper, and then glue it on a New Year's gift wrapped in paper.

Cut from colored corrugated paper thin ribbons to make a decoration for packaging.

You can decorate a New Year's gift with homemade or purchased pom-poms

paper flags

paper snowflakes (Note: how to cut beautiful snowflakes from paper, see the link >>>>)


cones, spruce twigs

Christmas decorations small size

garland of buttons

new year applique

You can wrap a New Year's gift in a regular newspaper or magazine spread, and then decorate with such an original weaving from strips of colored paper.

Or make such a bow out of strips of paper. It is very easy to make such a decoration for New Year's packaging. For instructions see or.

Interesting solution- wrap a New Year's gift first in wrapping paper of one color, then in another. After that on top layer draw one half of a New Year's picture. Cut and fold. Simple and tasteful!

3. How to wrap a gift for the New Year. How to wrap a gift in paper (option 3)

You can also make packing paper yourself from any paper using purchased or homemade stamps.

Original ideas the manufacture of children's stamps can be found on the links:

link- 1 (plasticine dies) >>>>
link- 2
link- 3 >>>>
link- 4 (dies from foam spatulas) >>>>
link- 5 (stamps from raw potatoes) >>>>
link- 6 (homemade roller die) >>>>

4. New Year's packaging. New Year's gifts (option 4)

You can wrap a New Year's gift not only in wrapping paper, but also, for example, in beautiful fabric

or a sleeve from an old, unnecessary sweater. It will turn out to be a warm, sincere gift.

5. DIY Christmas packaging. Embroidered boxes (option 5)