Interesting about fashion and clothes. In medieval Europe, the social level of a person and his profession were determined by the color of clothing. Nobles had to wear red clothes, peasants and common people - clothes in brown and gray colors, and merchants, bankers and

– Olga Dedyukhina

Just as fashion cannot exist without outrageousness, so some facts from the history of clothing can amaze the imagination.

It turns out that our ancestors wore clothes of certain colors in accordance with their social position. How do you like the fact that one of the most important elements bra was invented by a famous writer? What do you think a bikini and an atomic bomb have in common?

The history of clothing is full of surprises. We want to bring to your attention a selection amazing facts which you probably don't know

If in our time men do not always remember who they spent the night with last week, then in the Victorian era, young people pinned the pubic hair of their lovers to their hats.

Detachable men's collars, popular in the Victorian era, were so rigid that there were cases of suffocation among gentlemen wearing such an accessory - for this they were called "paricides".

The Lacoste crocodile embroidery is considered the world's first corporate logo. It was coined by René Lacoste in 1933, who then launched the production of shirts with this logo.

Napoleon had brass buttons sewn onto the sleeves of soldiers' uniforms so they couldn't wipe their noses. And the soldiers who won the battles were rewarded by Napoleon with expensive perfumes.

Officially, the soldiers of the Russian army began to wear socks only in 2007 - before that they used footcloths - a piece of cloth wrapped around the legs.

To attract clients, prostitutes in ancient Greece wore shoes that, when walking, left the inscription “follow me” in the sand.

When a student at a Michigan high school was suspended for wearing a Korn T-shirt, the band members sent out a box full of these T-shirts for the guy to give to all his friends. Surprisingly, the police also took part in the distribution of these T-shirts.

In Europe, white has traditionally been considered the color of mourning - that all changed thanks to the wedding of Queen Victoria, who was at the ceremony in a white dress.

According to the American Psychological Association, people are more willing to give money to someone whose clothing style resembles their own.

In medieval Europe, the social level of a person and his profession were determined by the color of clothing. Nobles had to wear red clothes, peasants and common people - clothes in brown and gray colors, and merchants, bankers and petty aristocracy wore green clothes.

Louis Reard, the creator of the bikini, named his invention after the island of Bikini, where the US military conducted nuclear tests. Rear hoped that his swimsuit would produce the same "explosion" in society as an atomic bomb.

Julie Newmar, one of the most popular actresses who played Catwoman, first patented tights in 1975 with special elastic inserts that make the stomach flatter. This invention can be considered the forerunner of the well-known Spanx tights.

Writer Mark Twain is considered the inventor of the first fastening bra strap. Before he patented his invention, he described it as follows: "The advantages of the elastic strap are so obvious that they do not need to be explained at all."

The word "jeans" comes from the name of the fabric that was produced in Europe. The material "gin" was named after the sailors from the Italian city of Genoa, who wore clothes from this fabric.

According to psychological research, people appear fuller in patterned clothing because the human eye begins to glide between the lines of the patterns for longer.

Police in South Korea are patrolling the streets looking for girls in too revealing clothes - wearing miniskirts is fined or even arrested.

Just as fashion cannot exist without outrageousness, so some facts from the history of clothing can amaze the imagination.


It turns out that our ancestors wore clothes of certain colors in accordance with their social position. What do you think of the fact that one of the most important elements of a bra was invented by a famous writer? What do you think a bikini and an atomic bomb have in common?

The history of clothing is full of surprises. We want to bring to your attention a selection of amazing facts that you probably do not know.
If in our time men do not always remember who they spent the night with last week, then in Victorian era young people pinned to their hats pubic hair their loved ones.


Removable men's collars, popular in the Victorian era, were so cruel that there were cases of suffocation among gentlemen who wore such an accessory - for this they were called "paricides".


The Lacoste crocodile embroidery is considered the world's first corporate logo. It was coined by René Lacoste in 1933, who then launched the production of shirts with this logo.


Napoleon had brass buttons sewn onto the sleeves of soldiers' uniforms so they couldn't wipe their noses. And the soldiers who won the battles were rewarded by Napoleon with expensive perfumes.


Officially soldiers Russian army they began to wear socks only in 2007 - before that they used footcloths - a piece of cloth wrapped around the legs.


To attract prostitutes' clients to Ancient Greece wore shoes that, when walking, left the inscription "follow me" in the sand.


When a student at a Michigan high school was suspended for wearing a Korn T-shirt, the band members sent out a box full of these T-shirts for the guy to give to all his friends. Surprisingly, the police also took part in the distribution of these T-shirts.


In Europe White color traditionally considered the color of mourning - everything changed thanks to the wedding of Queen Victoria, who was at the ceremony in a white dress.


According to the American Psychological Association, people are more willing to give money to someone whose clothing style resembles their own.


AT medieval Europe social level a person and his profession were determined by the color of clothing. Nobles had to wear red clothes, peasants and common people - clothes in brown and gray colors, and merchants, bankers and petty aristocracy wore green clothes.


Louis Reard, the creator of the bikini, named his invention after the island of Bikini, where the US military conducted nuclear tests. Rear hoped that his swimsuit would produce the same "explosion" in society as an atomic bomb.


Julie Newmar, one of the most popular actresses who played Catwoman, first patented tights in 1975 with special elastic inserts that make the stomach flatter. This invention can be considered the forerunner of the well-known Spanx tights.


Writer Mark Twain is considered the inventor of the first fastening bra strap. Before he patented his invention, he described it as follows: "The advantages of the elastic strap are so obvious that they do not need to be explained at all."


The word "jeans" comes from the name of the fabric that was produced in Europe. The material "gin" was named after the sailors from the Italian city of Genoa, who wore clothes from this fabric.


According to psychological research, in patterned clothes, people appear fuller because the human eye begins to glide between the lines of the patterns for longer.


Police South Korea patrols the streets looking for girls in too open clothes- For wearing mini-skirts, a fine or even arrest is due.


When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are.

8/7/2016, 23:55 0 comments views

Everyone knows the saying - "everything ingenious is simple." It is quite applicable to clothing, and especially to its details. After all, often, when we find some detail on a thing, simple, but functional, we think - “well, it’s necessary, and how did they come up with this.” But everything is done for a reason, so now we will try to figure out what reasons served to command some elements of clothing that are familiar to everyone.

Men who actively use in their everyday wardrobe shirts, you might notice on some models the presence of a third button on the collar. For some, it may be bewildering, but those in the know know that this is a very convenient detail - this button helps to hide a narrow tie under the collar so that it does not peek out from under it. This method of wearing a narrow tie was invented back in 1896 by the American brand Brooks Brothers. Now this part is not used by all brands, but by many: Ben Sherman, J. Crew "and others. In addition, now the preppy style and American style in clothes.

By the way, the same Brooks Brothers also came up with a shirt with a button-down collar, the corners of which were fastened with buttons to the shirt. Such now, for example, can be found in the brands "Merc" and "Nanamica".

Another interesting "shirt" fact - on some models, the loop for fastening the very last button is not located vertically, like all the previous ones, but horizontally. Do not think that this is a flaw or a design feature, in fact, everything is quite understandable - the bottom button is often unbuttoned, because something constantly affects it at the bottom of the shirt (a person moves and friction is formed, tension is formed at its location). If the loop is located horizontally, and even additionally swept with threads in several layers, then the lower button, in spite of everything, remains in place.

You don't have to be super careful to notice that polo shirts have rear end, usually longer than the front. To understand the reason, it is necessary to turn to the history of the emergence of polo. The shirt came to us from sports: the notorious René Lacoste designed it as a uniform for tennis players, but he was inspired by the silhouette of the polo players' uniform. So the back part is made longer so that the tennis player does not expose his back during the game, he can tuck in his shirt and be calm that it will not come out when he starts waving his arms. Now polo is worn not only by tennis players, but modern models also sewn with an elongated back.

Most of the ready-made jackets sold do not have buttons on the sleeves, or they play a purely decorative role. In general, buttons on the sleeves first appeared thanks to the military: according to one theory, the number of buttons could tell about the rank, and according to another version, buttons were first sewn onto the sleeves of uniforms so that soldiers would not wipe their noses and mouths with them. A more practical and functional view cuff, which is called "working", is often used on casual jackets. The sleeves, equipped with "working" cuffs, can be shortened thanks to the buttons with loops that can be unbuttoned and fastened. It is believed that for the first time such a method of shortening sleeves was used in surgery, when grabbers often performed operations in jackets and such cuffs allowed them not to dirty their sleeves.

Another interesting detail of the jacket sleeves that has a military past is the patches. Of course, their goal is to increase wear resistance. The soldiers often had to crawl on their elbows and these places were quickly wiped, so additional reinforcement of the fabric came in handy. The hunters intercepted this trick, modifying it somewhat for themselves - in addition to the elbows, an additional layer of fabric was sewn in the shoulder area, where the fabric was subjected to rubbing with a belt and the butt of a weapon. Subsequently, the patches on the jacket became more used as decorative elements and were relished by members of the Ivy League community. These days, patches can also be seen on other garments: on shirts, coats, cardigans, and so on.

It happens that the jacket can find an additional third pocket. It is called "ticket" and, in fact, the name speaks for itself - in the middle of the 19th century, railway tickets were carried in such a pocket, as well as tickets for sports and cultural events. In addition to tickets, in the third pocket they could store a watch on a chain and other necessary little things. Now the "ticket pocket" is used by designers more as a kind of chip, but it can also carry all kinds of necessary things. An additional pocket is used in the design of jackets by brands such as SACAI, Fashion Clinic, Eleventy, etc.

That's not all known to the world interesting facts about clothes and their details, so we will return to this section more than once.

Tailoring of wardrobe items has been of interest to people at all times. The first prototype of clothing appeared 20 millennia ago. distant ancestors modern man They made outfits not from traditional fabrics, but from animal skins. Over time, clothes began to perform not only protective function. Fashion has formed a real cultural layer, according to a dress, trousers, a headdress, one can determine the historical era, status, level of prosperity and worldview of a person.

We have collected some interesting facts about sewing for you:

  • prototype women's dress They call the clothes of the ancient Egyptians - kalaziris. He looked like simple shirt ankle length and was equipped with one or two straps. The robes of the ancient Romans and Greek women were the tunic and tunic, respectively. It is noteworthy that men also wore them. In the Middle Ages, the fashion for outfits did not change much, people could wear the same styles for decades. Since the 15th century, Spain, France and other countries have influenced trends. quick change trends and currents has already become characteristic of the XIX-XX centuries.
  • In the Indian tribes that lived in America in pre-Columbian times, only men were engaged in sewing clothes for leaders and priests. Women sewed household items of clothing.
  • One of the favorite activities of the writer N.V. Gogol was cutting dresses and sewing scarves.
  • Prototypes of modern needles were made of bone, stone, wood. The first metal needle appeared in the 14th century. Another theory is that a steel needle was used in ancient China.
  • To the invention sewing machine is related to several people, each contributed to the creation and development of the mechanical sewing machine. These are Charles Weisenthal, Elias Howe, Thomas Saint, Josef Madersperger. But the most significant were the achievements of Isaac Singer, who adapted for domestic purposes a machine taken from the designer Fells. The first sales did not bring success. Only when the model was finalized, became very reliable and maintainable (even at home), did it gain popularity in the American market, and later in the international arena.
  • The tendons, veins and intestines of animals served as ancient prototypes of threads. Later, hand spinning wheels began to be used. In the 16th century, Jürgens of Braunschweig invented the foot spinning wheel, which could be used to draw, twist, and wind thread. And in the 18th century, John White came up with a mechanism with two rollers, which allowed the hands to be freed.
  • Previously, the threads were universal, had a single thickness. Differentiation has become major step in the development of the garment industry. Today threads are assigned specific numbers. The higher the number, the thinner they are.
  • Linen is considered the most ancient fabric, and gas is the champion in lightness. And the most widespread in the world was chintz. One of the popular versions of the name synthetic fabric nylon (nylon) comes from the names of the cities of New York and London. However, it was originally called "no-run" ("no puffs"). But there were still delays. The manufacturer, in order to avoid accusations, claims, lawsuits, changed its name to nylon. Calico fabric was named after the city of Calcutta, cambric - after its creator Francois Baptiste, cashmere - after the province of Kashmir (India).
  • The first buttons appeared before our era. Initially, they were a decorative element, and from the 12th century they began to be used as a fastener. At the same time, the status of a person was determined by the number of buttons. For example, official suit King of France Francis I had more than 13.5 thousand buttons.
  • It turns out that tailoring is possible even from the web. True, a thread of special gold-spider spiders is used for this. For the first time, cobweb gloves were presented as a gift to King Louis XIV of France. They were made for the royal person by the scientists de Se Hiler. And recently, a web canvas was exhibited in one of the museums in the United States. The fabric is about 3 square meters was woven by the efforts of several dozen craftsmen who, for four years, caught the spiders living in Madagascar, extracted the threads from them, and then released them back.
  • One of the most popular areas of sewing in Russia is the creation of things from patches. This craft appeared in our country as early as the 10th century, in England they learned about it only seven centuries later. It was the patchwork that gave creative idea avant-garde artists who painted their paintings as if from separate pieces - “patchwork”.
  • Today, the traditional color of clothing for girls is pink, for boys - blue. At the beginning of the last century it was the other way around. Blue was considered delicate and graceful, while pink was considered firm and "masculine".
  • Average weight population of our planet is increasing. Therefore, clothing manufacturers create things that, in fact, have larger size. At the same time, the information on the tag remains the same. For example, in Britain, women's trousers in size 14 today are 10 centimeters wider at the waist and 7 centimeters at the hips than a product of the same size, sewn in the 70s of the last century. It is rather marketing ploy. After all, the fair sex gets moral satisfaction from the fact that things suit them. smaller, and accordingly - they are satisfied with their purchases.

8/3/2016, 2:37 0 comments views

One of distinguishing features clothes in Casual style- this is functionality, which sometimes designers pay great attention to and try to make even small details practical. However, often some elements of clothing perform only a decorative role and it happens that decorative element causes bewilderment - why, and how much beauty from it and what is the author's idea. It's funny, but seemingly completely stupid and useless elements of clothing can have an explanation and even their own history of appearance. As an example, let's take a few fun facts about some well-known details of clothing.

a strong position in fashion trends occupy hats with pom-poms. Once associated with children's fashion, now people wear them. different ages and pompoms can have the most different kind(their furs, wool, large, small, double, on the top, on the sides or on the laces, etc.). To some, they still seem funny, to others - a funny and cute detail. But initially the pompom, like many things in our wardrobe, has “roots” from the military sphere. In the 18th and 19th centuries, they were used in the Russian army as a distinctive sign of the military: for example, a simple soldier had a pom-pom painted in one color, and a junior officer had two. And in France, military sailors wore red pompoms on their headdresses, since the ships had low ceilings and a soft round element at the top protected the head from impact. By the way, in France it is believed that if you touch a sailor's beret, then you will be lucky.

But the most interesting episode in the history of pompoms is in the 60s of the XX century. colorful hats actively worn with pom-poms football fans. By the color of the hat and pompom, it was possible to determine which football club the fan's heart belongs to. Also, hats with a fluffy ball on top were preferred by athletes who prefer winter sports. A rich modern assortment of such hats allows you to wear them not only with clothes in sports style, but also with more stringent things.

Some things in our wardrobe have become so ordinary that we do not pay attention to some of their features. For example, on additional pocket on jeans, which is located on the right, above the large front pocket. But almost every model of jeans from many brands has it. The pocket is usually very small, cramped, not roomy and therefore not very practical. It is known that the first, in 1873, posted it on denim pants famous brand"Levi's", but it is not known exactly for what. There are several different versions on this score: for a pocket watch with a chain, for the iconic and very common lighters of the Zippo and Cricket brands in those days, for carrying coins, a condom, or for cowboys to have a place to carry caps, for gold diggers - hide the extracted golden sand, and the workers keep the nails. There is a criminal version that this pocket was used as a “drugs packet”. Be that as it may, now this pocket is rarely used by anyone for practical purposes, although it is quite possible to place a flash drive or the same condom there.

Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who would like to iron trousers. And all because of the arrows, which are a mandatory and integral element of them. It's funny, but it happened quite by accident. The fact is that when at the end of the 19th century in Europe, clothes were sewn in large quantities in factories and sent in the same large quantities to other countries, in order to save space, things were pressed before loading. As a result of such transportation, the buyer got trousers with hard, very difficult to straighten folds. It was easier to accept this defect than to fix it, which people did. And over time, these folds somehow imperceptibly took root and even became fashionable.

Many of the decorative details, while not serving a practical function now, are based on the original source. Take, for example, youth modern backpacks. It is not uncommon to see models, more often fabric, with an inverted leather square with two horizontal holes in the center, resembling a rosette. Previously, such "sockets" were used in hiking backpacks to free your hands. There were several of them, and a rope was threaded through those same holes, on which some kind of load was fixed. This element has migrated to city backpacks only as a decorative one and sometimes it is stylized as a “piglet”.

That's all for now, but we will definitely find interesting and cognitive facts about things. And we welcome ideas in the comments. If any elements and details of clothing cause you questions - write, we will figure it out together!